Beispiel #1
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void tzn::beg()


	tzdb = tz_load_db();

	if( tzdb )
		int    tzh =  65535;
		int    tzm =  65535;
		time_t ct  =  time(NULL);
		tm     lt  = *localtime(&ct);
		tzo        =  lt.tm_gmtoff;
#if  0
		strfmtdt(tzz, sizeof(tzz), "%z", &lt);
		strfmtdt(tzZ, sizeof(tzZ), "%Z", &lt);

		if( *tzz )
			sscanf(tzz, "%3d%2d", &tzh, &tzm);
			tzo =  tzh*3600 + tzm*60; // # of seconds offset from utc

		DEBUGLOGP("tzz=*%s*, tzZ=*%s*, tzh=%d, tzm=%d, tzo=%d\n", tzz, tzZ, tzh, tzm, tzo);

static void
cc_timezone_map_init (CcTimezoneMap *self)
  CcTimezoneMapPrivate *priv;
  GError *err = NULL;

  priv = self->priv = TIMEZONE_MAP_PRIVATE (self);

  priv->orig_background = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (DATADIR "/bg.png",

  if (!priv->orig_background)
      g_warning ("Could not load background image: %s",
                 (err) ? err->message : "Unknown error");
      g_clear_error (&err);

  priv->orig_color_map = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file (DATADIR "/cc.png",
  if (!priv->orig_color_map)
      g_warning ("Could not load background image: %s",
                 (err) ? err->message : "Unknown error");
      g_clear_error (&err);

  priv->tzdb = tz_load_db ();

  g_signal_connect (self, "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK (button_press_event),
static void
load_regions_model (GtkListStore *regions, GtkListStore *cities)
  struct get_region_data data;
  TzDB *db;
  GHashTable *table;

  db = tz_load_db ();
  table = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL);

  data.table = table;
  data.region_store = regions;
  data.city_store = cities;

  g_ptr_array_foreach (db->locations, (GFunc) get_regions, &data);

  g_hash_table_destroy (table);

  tz_db_free (db);

  /* sort the models */
  gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id (GTK_TREE_SORTABLE (regions),
static void
load_regions_model (GtkListStore *cities)
  TzDB *db;

  db = tz_load_db ();
  g_ptr_array_foreach (db->locations, (GFunc) load_cities, cities);
  tz_db_free (db);
Beispiel #5
static void
cc_timezone_map_init (CcTimezoneMap *self)
  CcTimezoneMapPrivate *priv;
  GError *err = NULL;

  priv = self->priv = TIMEZONE_MAP_PRIVATE (self);

  priv->orig_background = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_resource (DATETIME_RESOURCE_PATH "/bg.png",

  if (!priv->orig_background)
      g_warning ("Could not load background image: %s",
                 (err) ? err->message : "Unknown error");
      g_clear_error (&err);

  priv->orig_background_dim = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_resource (DATETIME_RESOURCE_PATH "/bg_dim.png",

  if (!priv->orig_background_dim)
      g_warning ("Could not load background image: %s",
                 (err) ? err->message : "Unknown error");
      g_clear_error (&err);

  priv->orig_color_map = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_resource (DATETIME_RESOURCE_PATH "/cc.png",
  if (!priv->orig_color_map)
      g_warning ("Could not load background image: %s",
                 (err) ? err->message : "Unknown error");
      g_clear_error (&err);

  priv->pin = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_resource (DATETIME_RESOURCE_PATH "/pin.png",
  if (!priv->pin)
      g_warning ("Could not load pin icon: %s",
                 (err) ? err->message : "Unknown error");
      g_clear_error (&err);

  priv->tzdb = tz_load_db ();

/* gente addition */
  g_signal_connect (self, "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK (button_press_event),
ETzMap *
e_tz_map_new (GstTool *tool)
	ETzMap *tzmap;
	GPtrArray *locs;
	TzLocation *tzl;
	GtkWidget *location_combo;
	int i;

	tzmap = g_new0 (ETzMap, 1);
	tzmap->tool = GST_TOOL (tool);
	tzmap->tzdb = tz_load_db ();
	if (!tzmap->tzdb)
		g_error ("Unable to load system timezone database.");
	tzmap->map = e_map_new ();
	if (!tzmap->map)
		g_error ("Unable to create map widget.");

	gtk_widget_set_events (GTK_WIDGET (tzmap->map), gtk_widget_get_events (GTK_WIDGET (tzmap->map)) | 
	locs = tz_get_locations (tzmap->tzdb);

	for (i = 0; i < locs->len; i++)
		tzl = g_ptr_array_index (locs, i);
		e_map_add_point (tzmap->map, NULL, tzl->longitude, tzl->latitude,

	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (tzmap->map), "map-event",
			  G_CALLBACK (map), tzmap);
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (tzmap->map), "unmap-event",
			  G_CALLBACK (unmap), tzmap);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT (tzmap->map), "motion-notify-event",
			 G_CALLBACK (motion), (gpointer) tzmap);
	g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(tzmap->map), "button-press-event",
			 G_CALLBACK (button_pressed), (gpointer) tzmap);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT (tzmap->map), "enter-notify-event",
	                 G_CALLBACK (in_map), (gpointer) tzmap);
        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT (tzmap->map), "leave-notify-event",
	                 G_CALLBACK (out_map), (gpointer) tzmap);
	location_combo = gst_dialog_get_widget (tzmap->tool->main_dialog, "location_combo");
	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (location_combo), "changed",
	                 G_CALLBACK (update_map), (gpointer) tzmap);
	return tzmap;