Beispiel #1
/* Do an invariant conversion of char* -> UChar*, with escape parsing */
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
u_unescape(const char* src, UChar* dest, int32_t destCapacity) {
    const char* segment = src;
    int32_t i = 0;
    char c;

    while ((c = *src) != 0) {
        /* '\\' intentionally written as compiler-specific
         * character constant to correspond to compiler-specific
         * char* constants. */
        if (c == '\\') {
            int32_t lenParsed = 0;
            UChar32 c32;
            if (src != segment) {
                if (dest != NULL) {
                    _appendUChars(dest + i, destCapacity - i,
                                  segment, src - segment);
                i += src - segment;
            ++src; /* advance past '\\' */
            c32 = u_unescapeAt(_charPtr_charAt, &lenParsed, uprv_strlen(src), (void*) src);
            if (lenParsed == 0) {
                goto err;
            src += lenParsed; /* advance past escape seq. */
            if (dest != NULL && UTF_CHAR_LENGTH(c32) <= (destCapacity - i)) {
                UTF_APPEND_CHAR_UNSAFE(dest, i, c32);
            } else {
                i += UTF_CHAR_LENGTH(c32);
            segment = src;
        } else {
    if (src != segment) {
        if (dest != NULL) {
            _appendUChars(dest + i, destCapacity - i,
                          segment, src - segment);
        i += src - segment;
    if (dest != NULL && i < destCapacity) {
        dest[i] = 0;
    return i;

    if (dest != NULL && destCapacity > 0) {
        *dest = 0;
    return 0;
Beispiel #2
/* Read a UChar from a UFILE and process escape sequences */
U_CAPI UChar32 U_EXPORT2 /* U_CAPI ... U_EXPORT2 added by Peter Kirk 17 Nov 2001 */
u_fgetcx(UFILE        *f)
    int32_t length;
    int32_t offset;
    UChar32 c32;
    UChar c16;

    /* Fill the buffer if it is empty */
    if (f->fUCPos >= f->fUCLimit) {

    /* Get the next character in the buffer */
    if (f->fUCPos < f->fUCLimit) {
        c16 = *(f->fUCPos)++;
    } else {
        c16 = U_EOF;

    /* If it isn't a backslash, return it */
    if (c16 != 0x005C /*'\\'*/) {
        return c16;

    /* Determine the amount of data in the buffer */
    length = (int32_t)(f->fUCLimit - f->fUCPos);

    /* The longest escape sequence is \Uhhhhhhhh; make sure
    we have at least that many characters */
    if (length < 10) {
        /* fill the buffer */
        length = (int32_t)(f->fUCLimit - f->fUCPos);

    /* Process the escape */
    offset = 0;
    c32 = u_unescapeAt(_charAt, &offset, length, (void*)f);

    /* Update the current buffer position */
    f->fUCPos += offset;

    return c32;
Beispiel #3
/* getc and escape it */
U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
ucbuf_getcx32(UCHARBUF* buf,UErrorCode* error) {
    int32_t length;
    int32_t offset;
    UChar32 c32,c1,c2;
    if(error==NULL || U_FAILURE(*error)){
        return FALSE;
    /* Fill the buffer if it is empty */
    if (buf->currentPos >=buf->bufLimit-2) {

    /* Get the next character in the buffer */
    if (buf->currentPos < buf->bufLimit) {
        c1 = *(buf->currentPos)++;
    } else {
        c1 = U_EOF;

    c2 = *(buf->currentPos);

    /* If it isn't a backslash, return it */
    if (c1 != 0x005C) {
        return c1;

    /* Determine the amount of data in the buffer */
    length = (int32_t)(buf->bufLimit - buf->currentPos);

    /* The longest escape sequence is \Uhhhhhhhh; make sure
       we have at least that many characters */
    if (length < 10) {

        /* fill the buffer */
        length = (int32_t)(buf->bufLimit - buf->buffer);

    /* Process the escape */
    offset = 0;
    c32 = u_unescapeAt(_charAt, &offset, length, (void*)buf);

    /* check if u_unescapeAt unescaped and converted
     * to c32 or not
        if(buf->showWarning) {
            char context[CONTEXT_LEN+1];
            int32_t len = CONTEXT_LEN;
            if(length < len) {
                len = length; 
            context[len]= 0 ; /* null terminate the buffer */
            u_UCharsToChars( buf->currentPos, context, len);
            fprintf(stderr,"Bad escape: [%c%s]...\n", (int)c1, context);
        return c1;
    }else if(c32!=c2 || (c32==0x0075 && c2==0x0075 && c1==0x005C) /* for \u0075 c2=0x0075 and c32==0x0075*/){
        /* Update the current buffer position */
        buf->currentPos += offset;
        /* unescaping failed so we just return
         * c1 and not consume the buffer
         * this is useful for rules with escapes
         * in resouce bundles
         * eg: \' \\ \"
        return c1;

    return c32;
Beispiel #4
/* Parse a single escape sequence.  Although this method deals in
 * UChars, it does not use C++ or UnicodeString.  This allows it to
 * be used from C contexts. */
u_unescapeAt(UNESCAPE_CHAR_AT charAt,
             int32_t* offset,
             int32_t length,
             void* context) {

    int32_t start = *offset;
    UChar c;
    UChar32 result = 0;
    int8_t n = 0;
    int8_t minDig = 0;
    int8_t maxDig = 0;
    int8_t bitsPerDigit = 4;
    int8_t dig;
    int32_t i;
    UBool braces = FALSE;

    /* Check that offset is in range */
    if (*offset < 0 || *offset >= length) {
        goto err;

    /* Fetch first UChar after '\\' */
    c = charAt((*offset)++, context);

    /* Convert hexadecimal and octal escapes */
    switch (c) {
        case 0x0075 /*'u'*/:
            minDig = maxDig = 4;
        case 0x0055 /*'U'*/:
            minDig = maxDig = 8;
        case 0x0078 /*'x'*/:
            minDig = 1;
            if (*offset < length && charAt(*offset, context) == 0x7B /*{*/) {
                braces = TRUE;
                maxDig = 8;
            } else {
                maxDig = 2;
            dig = _digit8(c);
            if (dig >= 0) {
                minDig = 1;
                maxDig = 3;
                n = 1; /* Already have first octal digit */
                bitsPerDigit = 3;
                result = dig;
    if (minDig != 0) {
        while (*offset < length && n < maxDig) {
            c = charAt(*offset, context);
            dig = (int8_t) ((bitsPerDigit == 3) ? _digit8(c) : _digit16(c));
            if (dig < 0) {
            result = (result << bitsPerDigit) | dig;
        if (n < minDig) {
            goto err;
        if (braces) {
            if (c != 0x7D /*}*/) {
                goto err;
        if (result < 0 || result >= 0x110000) {
            goto err;
        /* If an escape sequence specifies a lead surrogate, see if
         * there is a trail surrogate after it, either as an escape or
         * as a literal.  If so, join them up into a supplementary.
        if (*offset < length && U16_IS_LEAD(result)) {
            int32_t ahead = *offset + 1;
            c = charAt(*offset, context);
            if (c == 0x5C /*'\\'*/ && ahead < length) {
                c = (UChar) u_unescapeAt(charAt, &ahead, length, context);
            if (U16_IS_TRAIL(c)) {
                *offset = ahead;
                result = U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY(result, c);
        return result;

    /* Convert C-style escapes in table */
    for (i = 0; i < UNESCAPE_MAP_LENGTH; i += 2) {
        if (c == UNESCAPE_MAP[i]) {
            return UNESCAPE_MAP[i + 1];
        } else if (c < UNESCAPE_MAP[i]) {

    /* Map \cX to control-X: X & 0x1F */
    if (c == 0x0063 /*'c'*/ && *offset < length) {
        c = charAt((*offset)++, context);
        if (UTF_IS_FIRST_SURROGATE(c) && *offset < length) {
            UChar c2 = charAt(*offset, context);
            if (UTF_IS_SECOND_SURROGATE(c2)) {
                c = (UChar) UTF16_GET_PAIR_VALUE(c, c2); /* [sic] */
        return 0x1F & c;

    /* If no special forms are recognized, then consider
     * the backslash to generically escape the next character.
     * Deal with surrogate pairs. */
    if (UTF_IS_FIRST_SURROGATE(c) && *offset < length) {
        UChar c2 = charAt(*offset, context);
        if (UTF_IS_SECOND_SURROGATE(c2)) {
            return UTF16_GET_PAIR_VALUE(c, c2);
    return c;

    /* Invalid escape sequence */
    *offset = start; /* Reset to initial value */
    return (UChar32) 0xFFFFFFFF;