Beispiel #1
 forceinline int
 ComplementView<View>::glbMin(void) const {
   LubRanges<View> ub(x);
   RangesCompl<LubRanges<View> > ubc(ub);
   if (ubc()) {
     return ubc.min();
   } else {
     return BndSet::MIN_OF_EMPTY;
Beispiel #2
 forceinline int
 ComplementView<View>::glbMax(void) const {
   LubRanges<View> ub(x);
   RangesCompl<LubRanges<View> > ubc(ub);
   if (ubc()) {
     while (ubc()) ++ubc;
     return ubc.max();
   } else {
     return BndSet::MAX_OF_EMPTY;
Beispiel #3
     * Probably should be pushed back into ContField? 
    void IncNavierStokes::SetRadiationBoundaryForcing(int fieldid)
        int  i,n;
        Array<OneD, const SpatialDomains::BoundaryConditionShPtr > BndConds;
        Array<OneD, MultiRegions::ExpListSharedPtr>                BndExp;
        BndConds = m_fields[fieldid]->GetBndConditions();
        BndExp   = m_fields[fieldid]->GetBndCondExpansions();
        StdRegions::StdExpansionSharedPtr elmt;
        StdRegions::StdExpansionSharedPtr Bc;
        int cnt;
        int elmtid,nq,offset, boundary;
        Array<OneD, NekDouble> Bvals, U;
        int cnt1 = 0;
        for(cnt = n = 0; n < BndConds.num_elements(); ++n)
            std::string type = BndConds[n]->GetUserDefined(); 
            if((BndConds[n]->GetBoundaryConditionType() == SpatialDomains::eRobin)&&(boost::iequals(type,"Radiation")))
                for(i = 0; i < BndExp[n]->GetExpSize(); ++i,cnt++)
                    elmtid = m_fieldsBCToElmtID[fieldid][cnt];
                    elmt   = m_fields[fieldid]->GetExp(elmtid);
                    offset = m_fields[fieldid]->GetPhys_Offset(elmtid);
                    U = m_fields[fieldid]->UpdatePhys() + offset;
                    Bc = BndExp[n]->GetExp(i);
                    boundary = m_fieldsBCToTraceID[fieldid][cnt];
                    // Get edge values and put into ubc
                    nq = Bc->GetTotPoints();
                    Array<OneD, NekDouble> ubc(nq);
                    Vmath::Vmul(nq,&m_fieldsRadiationFactor[fieldid][cnt1 + 

                    Bvals = BndExp[n]->UpdateCoeffs()+BndExp[n]->GetCoeff_Offset(i);

                cnt1 += BndExp[n]->GetTotPoints();
                cnt += BndExp[n]->GetExpSize();
void TestPoissonIPDG3D::Run()
  umLOG(1, "TestPoissonIPDG3D::Run()\n");

  // Initialize solver and construct grid and metric

#if (0)
  // check the mesh
  umLOG(1, "\n*** Exiting after writing mesh\n\n");

  // sparse operators
  CSd A("OP"), M("MM");

  // build 3D IPDG Poisson matrix (assuming all Dirichlet)
  PoissonIPDG3D(A, M);

  if (0) {
    // NBN: experiment with diagonal strength
    int Nz=0;
    for (int j=0; j<A.n; ++j) {
      for (int p = A.P[j]; p<A.P[j+1]; ++p) {
        if (A.I[p] == j) {
          A.X[p] += A.X[p]; // augment A(i,j)

  if (0) {
    umLOG(1, "Dumping file Afull.dat for Matlab\n");
    umLOG(1, "A(%d,%d), nnz = %d\n", A.m,A.n, A.P[A.n]);
    FILE* fp=fopen("Afull.dat", "w");
    umLOG(1, "exiting.\n");

  // iterative solver
  CS_PCG it_sol;

    // Note: operator A is symmetric, with only its 
    // lower triangule stored.  We use this symmetry 
    // to accelerate operator A*x

    int flag=sp_SYMMETRIC; flag|=sp_LOWER; flag|=sp_TRIANGULAR;


    // drop tolerance for cholinc
    double droptol=1e-4;

    // Note: ownership of A is transfered to solver object
    it_sol.cholinc(A, droptol);

  } catch(...) {
    umLOG(1, "\nCaught exception from symbolic chol.\n");

  DVec exact("exact"), f("f"), rhs("rhs"), u("u");
  double t1=0.0,t2=0.0;

  // set up boundary condition 
  DVec xbc = Fx(mapB), ybc = Fy(mapB), zbc = Fz(mapB);
  DVec ubc(Nfp*Nfaces*K);
  ubc(mapB) = sin(pi*xbc) * sin(pi*ybc) * sin(pi*zbc);

  // form right hand side contribution from boundary condition
  DMat Abc = PoissonIPDGbc3D(ubc);

  // evaluate forcing function
  exact = sin(pi*x).dm(sin(pi*y).dm(sin(pi*z)));
  f = (-3.0*SQ(pi)) * exact;

  // set up right hand side for variational Poisson equation
  rhs = M*(-f) + (DVec&)(Abc);

  // solve using pcg iterative solver
  t1 =;
  u  = it_sol.solve(rhs, 1e-9, 30);
  t2 =;

  // compute nodal error
  r = (u-exact);
  m_maxAbsError = r.max_val_abs();

  umLOG(1, "  solve -- done. (%0.4lf sec)\n\n", t2-t1);
  umLOG(1, "  max error = %g\n\n", m_maxAbsError);

#if (0)
  // plot solution and error
  subplot(1,3,2); PlotContour3D(2*N, u, linspace(-1, 1, 10)); title('numerical solution');
  subplot(1,3,3); PlotContour3D(2*N, log10(eps+abs(u-exact)), linspace(-4, 0, 10)); 
  title('numerical error');

  umLOG(1, "TestPoissonIPDG3D::Run() complete\n");
  umLOG(1, "total time = %0.4lf sec\n\n", wt2-wt1);
DVec& NDG2D::PoissonIPDGbc2D
(DVec& ubc, //[in]
 DVec& qbc  //[in]
  // function [OP] = PoissonIPDGbc2D()
  // Purpose: Set up the discrete Poisson matrix directly
  //          using LDG. The operator is set up in the weak form

  // build DG derivative matrices
  int max_OP = (K*Np*Np*(1+Nfaces));

  // initialize parameters
  DVec faceR("faceR"), faceS("faceS");
  DMat V1D("V1D"), Dx("Dx"),Dy("Dy"), Dn1("Dn1"), mmE_Fm1("mmE(:,Fm1)");
  IVec Fm("Fm"), Fm1("Fm1"), fidM("fidM");
  double lnx=0.0,lny=0.0,lsJ=0.0,hinv=0.0,gtau=0.0;
  int i=0,k1=0,f1=0,id=0;
  IVec i1_Nfp = Range(1,Nfp);
  double N1N1 = double((N+1)*(N+1));

  // build local face matrices
  DMat massEdge[4]; // = zeros(Np,Np,Nfaces);
  for (i=1; i<=Nfaces; ++i) {

  // face mass matrix 1
  Fm = Fmask(All,1); faceR = r(Fm); 
  V1D = Vandermonde1D(N, faceR);
  massEdge[1](Fm,Fm) = inv(V1D*trans(V1D));

  // face mass matrix 2
  Fm = Fmask(All,2); faceR = r(Fm); 
  V1D = Vandermonde1D(N, faceR);
  massEdge[2](Fm,Fm) = inv(V1D*trans(V1D));

  // face mass matrix 3
  Fm = Fmask(All,3); faceS = s(Fm); 
  V1D = Vandermonde1D(N, faceS); 
  massEdge[3](Fm,Fm) = inv(V1D*trans(V1D));
  // build DG right hand side
  DVec* pBC = new DVec(Np*K, "bc", OBJ_temp); 
  DVec& bc = (*pBC);  // reference, for syntax

  umMSG(1, "\n ==> {OP} assembly [bc]: ");
  for (k1=1; k1<=K; ++k1)
    if (! (k1%100)) { umMSG(1, "%d, ",k1); }

    // rows1 = outer(Range((k1-1)*Np+1,k1*Np), Ones(NGauss));

    // Build element-to-element parts of operator
    for (f1=1; f1<=Nfaces; ++f1)
      if (BCType(k1,f1))
        ////////////////////////added by Kevin ///////////////////////////////
        Fm1 = Fmask(All,f1); 
        fidM  = (k1-1)*Nfp*Nfaces + (f1-1)*Nfp + i1_Nfp;
        id = 1+(f1-1)*Nfp + (k1-1)*Nfp*Nfaces;

        lnx = nx(id); lny = ny(id); 
        lsJ = sJ(id); hinv = Fscale(id);

        Dx = rx(1,k1)*Dr + sx(1,k1)*Ds;  
        Dy = ry(1,k1)*Dr + sy(1,k1)*Ds;
        Dn1 = lnx*Dx + lny*Dy;

      //mmE = lsJ*massEdge(:,:,f1);
      //bc(All,k1) += (gtau*mmE(All,Fm1) - Dn1'*mmE(All,Fm1))*ubc(fidM);

        mmE_Fm1 = massEdge[f1](All,Fm1);  mmE_Fm1 *= lsJ;

        gtau = 10*N1N1*hinv; // set penalty scaling
        //bc(All,k1) += (gtau*mmE_Fm1 - trans(Dn1)*mmE_Fm1) * ubc(fidM);

	  case BC_Dirichlet: 
            bc(Np*(k1-1)+Range(1,Np)) += (gtau*mmE_Fm1 - trans(Dn1)*mmE_Fm1)*ubc(fidM);  
          case BC_Neuman:
            bc(Np*(k1-1)+Range(1,Np)) += mmE_Fm1*qbc(fidM);
	  std::cout<<"warning: boundary condition is incorrect"<<std::endl;
  return bc;