Beispiel #1
static void TestBreakIteratorRuleError() {
 *  TestBreakIteratorRuleError -   Try to create a BI from rules with syntax errors,
 *                                 check that the error is reported correctly.
    char            rules[]  = "           #  This is a rule comment on line 1\n"
                               "[:L:];     # this rule is OK.\n"
                               "abcdefg);  # Error, mismatched parens\n";
    UChar          *uRules;
    void           *freeHook = NULL;
    UErrorCode      status   = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UParseError     parseErr;
    UBreakIterator *bi;

    uRules = toUChar(rules, &freeHook);
    bi = ubrk_openRules(uRules,  -1,          /*  The rules  */
                        NULL,  -1,            /*  The text to be iterated over. */
                        &parseErr, &status);
    if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
        log_err("FAIL: construction of break iterator succeeded when it should have failed.\n");
    } else {
        if (parseErr.line != 3 || parseErr.offset != 8) {
            log_data_err("FAIL: incorrect error position reported. Got line %d, char %d, expected line 3, char 7 (Are you missing data?)\n",
                parseErr.line, parseErr.offset);
Beispiel #2
static TextBreakIterator* initializeIteratorWithRules(const char* breakRules)
    UParseError parseStatus;
    UErrorCode openStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    String rules(breakRules);
    TextBreakIterator* iterator = reinterpret_cast<TextBreakIterator*>(ubrk_openRules(rules.deprecatedCharacters(), rules.length(), 0, 0, &parseStatus, &openStatus));
    ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE(U_SUCCESS(openStatus), "ICU could not open a break iterator: %s (%d)", u_errorName(openStatus), openStatus);
    return iterator;
static TextBreakIterator* initializeIteratorWithRules(const char* breakRules)
    UParseError parseStatus;
    UErrorCode openStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    unsigned length = strlen(breakRules);
    auto upconvertedCharacters = StringView(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(breakRules), length).upconvertedCharacters();
    TextBreakIterator* iterator = reinterpret_cast<TextBreakIterator*>(ubrk_openRules(upconvertedCharacters, length, 0, 0, &parseStatus, &openStatus));
    ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE(U_SUCCESS(openStatus), "ICU could not open a break iterator: %s (%d)", u_errorName(openStatus), openStatus);
    return iterator;
Beispiel #4
*   TestsBreakIteratorStatusVals()   Test the ubrk_getRuleStatusVec() funciton
static void TestBreakIteratorStatusVec() {
    #define RULE_STRING_LENGTH 200
    UChar          rules[RULE_STRING_LENGTH];

    #define TEST_STRING_LENGTH 25
    UChar           testString[TEST_STRING_LENGTH];
    UBreakIterator *bi        = NULL;
    int32_t         pos       = 0;
    int32_t         vals[10];
    int32_t         numVals;
    UErrorCode      status    = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    u_uastrncpy(rules,  "[A-N]{100}; \n"
                             "[a-w]{200}; \n"
                             "[\\p{L}]{300}; \n"
                             "[\\p{N}]{400}; \n"
                             "[0-5]{500}; \n"
                              "!.*;\n", RULE_STRING_LENGTH);
    u_uastrncpy(testString, "ABC", TEST_STRING_LENGTH);

    bi = ubrk_openRules(rules, -1, testString, -1, NULL, &status);
    TEST_ASSERT(bi != NULL);

    /* The TEST_ASSERT above should change too... */
    if (bi != NULL) {
        pos = ubrk_next(bi);
        TEST_ASSERT(pos == 1);

        memset(vals, -1, sizeof(vals));
        numVals = ubrk_getRuleStatusVec(bi, vals, 10, &status);
        TEST_ASSERT(numVals == 2);
        TEST_ASSERT(vals[0] == 100);
        TEST_ASSERT(vals[1] == 300);
        TEST_ASSERT(vals[2] == -1);

        numVals = ubrk_getRuleStatusVec(bi, vals, 0, &status);
        TEST_ASSERT(numVals == 2);

Beispiel #5
//  Open a break iterator from char * rules.  Take care of conversion
//     of the rules and error checking.
static UBreakIterator * testOpenRules(char *rules) {
    UErrorCode      status       = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UChar          *ruleSourceU  = NULL;
    void           *strCleanUp   = NULL;
    UParseError     parseErr;
    UBreakIterator *bi;

    ruleSourceU = toUChar(rules, &strCleanUp);

    bi = ubrk_openRules(ruleSourceU,  -1,     /*  The rules  */
                        NULL,  -1,            /*  The text to be iterated over. */
                        &parseErr, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        log_data_err("FAIL: ubrk_openRules: ICU Error \"%s\" (Are you missing data?)\n", u_errorName(status));
        bi = 0;
    return bi;

static TextBreakIterator* setUpIteratorWithRules(bool& createdIterator, TextBreakIterator*& iterator,
    const char* breakRules, const UChar* string, int length)
    if (!string)
        return 0;

    if (!createdIterator) {
        UParseError parseStatus;
        UErrorCode openStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        String rules(breakRules);
        iterator = reinterpret_cast<TextBreakIterator*>(ubrk_openRules(rules.characters(), rules.length(), 0, 0, &parseStatus, &openStatus));
        createdIterator = true;
        ASSERT_WITH_MESSAGE(U_SUCCESS(openStatus), "ICU could not open a break iterator: %s (%d)", u_errorName(openStatus), openStatus);
    if (!iterator)
        return 0;

    UErrorCode setTextStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    ubrk_setText(reinterpret_cast<UBreakIterator*>(iterator), string, length, &setTextStatus);
    if (U_FAILURE(setTextStatus))
        return 0;

    return iterator;
StringCaseTest::TestCasing() {
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    LocalUBreakIteratorPointer iter;
    char cLocaleID[100];
    UnicodeString locale, input, output, optionsString, result;
    uint32_t options;
    int32_t whichCase, type;
    LocalPointer<TestDataModule> driver(TestDataModule::getTestDataModule("casing", *this, status));
    if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
        for(whichCase=0; whichCase<TEST_COUNT; ++whichCase) {
            if(whichCase==TEST_TITLE) {
            LocalPointer<TestData> casingTest(driver->createTestData(dataNames[whichCase], status));
            if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
                errln("TestCasing failed to createTestData(%s) - %s", dataNames[whichCase], u_errorName(status));
            const DataMap *myCase = NULL;
            while(casingTest->nextCase(myCase, status)) {
                input = myCase->getString("Input", status);
                output = myCase->getString("Output", status);

                if(whichCase!=TEST_FOLD) {
                    locale = myCase->getString("Locale", status);
                locale.extract(0, 0x7fffffff, cLocaleID, sizeof(cLocaleID), "");

                if(whichCase==TEST_TITLE) {
                    type = myCase->getInt("Type", status);
                    if(type>=0) {
                        iter.adoptInstead(ubrk_open((UBreakIteratorType)type, cLocaleID, NULL, 0, &status));
                    } else if(type==-2) {
                        // Open a trivial break iterator that only delivers { 0, length }
                        // or even just { 0 } as boundaries.
                        static const UChar rules[] = { 0x2e, 0x2a, 0x3b };  // ".*;"
                        UParseError parseError;
                        iter.adoptInstead(ubrk_openRules(rules, LENGTHOF(rules), NULL, 0, &parseError, &status));
                options = 0;
                if(whichCase==TEST_TITLE || whichCase==TEST_FOLD) {
                    optionsString = myCase->getString("Options", status);
                    if(optionsString.indexOf((UChar)0x54)>=0) {  // T
                    if(optionsString.indexOf((UChar)0x4c)>=0) {  // L
                    if(optionsString.indexOf((UChar)0x41)>=0) {  // A

                if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
                    dataerrln("error: TestCasing() setup failed for %s test case from casing.res: %s", dataNames[whichCase],  u_errorName(status));
                    status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
                } else {
                    LocalPointer<UMemory> iter;
                    TestCasingImpl(input, output, whichCase, iter.getAlias(), cLocaleID, options);


    // more tests for API coverage
    if(result!=UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("Stra\\u00dfe").unescape()) {
        dataerrln("UnicodeString::toTitle(NULL) failed.");
Beispiel #8
get_rules(const char *ruleFileName, UErrorCode status) 
    /*  Read in the rule source file */
    long        result;
    long        ruleFileSize;
    FILE        *file;
    OFILE       *ufile;
    UBreakIterator *return_me;

    file = fopen(ruleFileName, "rb");
    if( file == 0 ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file \"%s\"\n", ruleFileName);
    fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
    ruleFileSize = ftell(file);
    fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
    char *ruleBufferC = (char *) omalloc (ruleFileSize + 1);
    ruleBufferC[ruleFileSize] = '\0';
    result = (long)fread(ruleBufferC, 1, ruleFileSize, file);
    if (result != ruleFileSize)  {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error reading file \"%s\"\n", ruleFileName);
        exit (-1);
    /* Look for a Unicode Signature (BOM) on the rule file */
    int32_t        signatureLength;
    const char *   ruleSourceC = ruleBufferC;
    const char*    encoding = ucnv_detectUnicodeSignature(
                           ruleSourceC, ruleFileSize, &signatureLength, &status);
    /* fprintf(stderr, "DetectUnicodeSig: \"%s\"\n", encoding); */
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) 
        fprintf(stderr, "\nCan not initialize ICU.  status = %s\n",
    if(encoding!=NULL )
        ruleSourceC  += signatureLength;
        ruleFileSize -= signatureLength;
    /* fprintf(stderr, "encoding: \"%s\"\n", encoding); */

    /* Open a converter to take the rule file to UTF-16 */
    UConverter* conv;
    conv = ucnv_open(encoding, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "ucnv_open: ICU Error \"%s\"\n", u_errorName(status));

    ufile = u_finit(file, NULL, NULL);
    UChar *ruleSourceU = (UChar *) omalloc ((ruleFileSize*sizeof(UChar))+1);
    long charsRead = u_file_read(ruleSourceU, ruleFileSize, ufile);
    /* u_fprintf(u_stderr, "Chars read: \"%i\", File size: \"%i\"\n", charsRead, ruleFileSize); */
    ruleSourceU[charsRead] = 0;
    /* u_fprintf(u_stderr, "RulesourceU POST: \"%S\"\n", ruleSourceU); */

    /*  Create the break iterator from the rules */
    /*     This will compile the rules. */
    UParseError parseError;
    parseError.line = 0;
    parseError.offset = 0;
    return_me = ubrk_openRules(ruleSourceU, ruleFileSize, NULL, 0, &parseError, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "createRuleBasedBreakIterator: ICU Error \"%s\"  at line %d, column %d\n",
                u_errorName(status), (int)parseError.line, (int)parseError.offset);

    return return_me;