static jint NativeConverter_encode(JNIEnv* env, jclass, jlong address,
        jcharArray source, jint sourceEnd, jbyteArray target, jint targetEnd,
        jintArray data, jboolean flush) {

    UConverter* cnv = toUConverter(address);
    if (cnv == NULL) {
        maybeThrowIcuException(env, "toUConverter", U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR);
    ScopedCharArrayRO uSource(env, source);
    if (uSource.get() == NULL) {
        maybeThrowIcuException(env, "uSource", U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR);
    ScopedByteArrayRW uTarget(env, target);
    if (uTarget.get() == NULL) {
        maybeThrowIcuException(env, "uTarget", U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR);
    ScopedIntArrayRW myData(env, data);
    if (myData.get() == NULL) {
        maybeThrowIcuException(env, "myData", U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR);

    // Do the conversion.
    jint* sourceOffset = &myData[0];
    jint* targetOffset = &myData[1];
    const jchar* mySource = uSource.get() + *sourceOffset;
    const UChar* mySourceLimit= uSource.get() + sourceEnd;
    char* cTarget = reinterpret_cast<char*>(uTarget.get() + *targetOffset);
    const char* cTargetLimit = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(uTarget.get() + targetEnd);
    UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    ucnv_fromUnicode(cnv , &cTarget, cTargetLimit, &mySource, mySourceLimit, NULL, (UBool) flush, &errorCode);
    *sourceOffset = (mySource - uSource.get()) - *sourceOffset;
    *targetOffset = (reinterpret_cast<jbyte*>(cTarget) - uTarget.get());

    // If there was an error, count the problematic characters.
    if (errorCode == U_ILLEGAL_CHAR_FOUND || errorCode == U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND ||
        errorCode == U_TRUNCATED_CHAR_FOUND) {
        int8_t invalidUCharCount = 32;
        UChar invalidUChars[32];
        UErrorCode minorErrorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        ucnv_getInvalidUChars(cnv, invalidUChars, &invalidUCharCount, &minorErrorCode);
        if (U_SUCCESS(minorErrorCode)) {
            myData[2] = invalidUCharCount;

    // Managed code handles some cases; throw all other errors.
    if (shouldCodecThrow(flush, errorCode)) {
        maybeThrowIcuException(env, "ucnv_fromUnicode", errorCode);
    return errorCode;
CF_PRIVATE CFIndex __CFStringEncodingICUToBytes(const char *icuName, uint32_t flags, const UniChar *characters, CFIndex numChars, CFIndex *usedCharLen, uint8_t *bytes, CFIndex maxByteLen, CFIndex *usedByteLen) {
    UConverter *converter;
    UErrorCode errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    const UTF16Char *source = characters;
    const UTF16Char *sourceLimit = source + numChars;
    char *destination = (char *)bytes;
    const char *destinationLimit = destination + maxByteLen;
    bool flush = ((0 == (flags & kCFStringEncodingPartialInput)) ? true : false);
    CFIndex status;

    if (NULL == (converter = __CFStringEncodingConverterCreateICUConverter(icuName, flags, false))) return kCFStringEncodingConverterUnavailable;

    if (0 == maxByteLen) {
        char buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
        CFIndex totalLength = 0;

        while ((source < sourceLimit) && (U_ZERO_ERROR == errorCode)) {
            destination = buffer;
            destinationLimit = destination + MAX_BUFFER_SIZE;

            ucnv_fromUnicode(converter, &destination, destinationLimit, (const UChar **)&source, (const UChar *)sourceLimit, NULL, flush, &errorCode);

            totalLength += (destination - buffer);

            if (U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR == errorCode) errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;

        if (NULL != usedByteLen) *usedByteLen = totalLength;
    } else {
        ucnv_fromUnicode(converter, &destination, destinationLimit, (const UChar **)&source, (const UChar *)sourceLimit, NULL, flush, &errorCode);

#if HAS_ICU_BUG_6024743
/* Another critical ICU design issue. Similar to conversion error, source pointer returned from U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR is already beyond the last valid character position. It renders the returned value from source entirely unusable. We have to manually back up until succeeding <rdar://problem/7183045> Intrestingly, this issue doesn't apply to ucnv_toUnicode. The asynmmetric nature makes this more dangerous */
        if (U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR == errorCode) {
            const uint8_t *bitmap = CFUniCharGetBitmapPtrForPlane(kCFUniCharNonBaseCharacterSet, 0);
            const uint8_t *nonBase;
            UTF32Char character;

            do {
                // Since the output buffer is filled, we can assume no invalid chars (including stray surrogates)
                do {
                    sourceLimit = (source - 1);
                    character = *sourceLimit;
                    nonBase = bitmap;

                    if (CFUniCharIsSurrogateLowCharacter(character)) {
                        character = CFUniCharGetLongCharacterForSurrogatePair(*sourceLimit, character);
                        nonBase = CFUniCharGetBitmapPtrForPlane(kCFUniCharNonBaseCharacterSet, (character >> 16) & 0x000F);
                        character &= 0xFFFF;
                } while ((sourceLimit > characters) && CFUniCharIsMemberOfBitmap(character, nonBase));

                if (sourceLimit > characters) {
                    source = characters;
                    destination = (char *)bytes;
                    errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;


                    ucnv_fromUnicode(converter, &destination, destinationLimit, (const UChar **)&source, (const UChar *)sourceLimit, NULL, flush, &errorCode);
            } while (U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR == errorCode);

            errorCode = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR;
        if (NULL != usedByteLen) *usedByteLen = destination - (const char *)bytes;

    status = ((U_ZERO_ERROR == errorCode) ? kCFStringEncodingConversionSuccess : ((U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR == errorCode) ? kCFStringEncodingInsufficientOutputBufferLength : kCFStringEncodingInvalidInputStream));

    if (NULL != usedCharLen) {
#if HAS_ICU_BUG_6024743
/* ICU has a serious behavioral inconsistency issue that the source pointer returned from ucnv_fromUnicode() is after illegal input. We have to keep track of any changes in this area in order to prevent future binary compatiibility issues */
	if (kCFStringEncodingInvalidInputStream == status) {
	    UTF16Char errorBuffer[MAX_ERROR_BUFFER_LEN];
	    int8_t errorLength = MAX_ERROR_BUFFER_LEN;

	    errorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;

	    ucnv_getInvalidUChars(converter, (UChar *)errorBuffer, &errorLength, &errorCode);

	    if (U_ZERO_ERROR == errorCode) {
		source -= errorLength;
	    } else {
		// Gah, something is terribly wrong. Reset everything
		source = characters; // 0 length
		if (NULL != usedByteLen) *usedByteLen = 0;
	*usedCharLen = source - characters;

    status |= __CFStringEncodingConverterReleaseICUConverter(converter, flags, status);

    return status;