Beispiel #1
int main() {
    udpsock s1 = udplisten(iplocal(NULL, 5555, 0));
    udpsock s2 = udplisten(iplocal(NULL, 5556, 0));

    ipaddr addr = ipremote("", 5556, 0, -1);

    while(1) {
        udpsend(s1, addr, "ABC", 3);
        assert(errno == 0);
        char buf[3];
        size_t sz = udprecv(s2, &addr, buf, sizeof(buf), now() + 100);
        if(errno == ETIMEDOUT)
        assert(errno == 0);
        assert(sz == 3);

    while(1) {
        udpsend(s2, addr, "DEF", 3);
        assert(errno == 0);

        char buf[3];
        size_t sz = udprecv(s1, &addr, buf, sizeof(buf), now() + 100);
        if(errno == ETIMEDOUT)
        assert(errno == 0);
        assert(sz == 3);

    return 0;
Beispiel #2
// listenbootp
// PURPOSE: Listens for bootp response, returns status after one packet
//          received.
// PARAMS:  (IN)  u32 xid     - xid from the bootp request we sent.
//          (OUT) u32 *ciaddr - Clients (our) IP address.
//          (OUT) u32 *siaddr - Servers IP address.
// RETURNS: int - 0 for failure, 1 for success.
static int
listenbootp(u32 xid,
            u32 *ciaddr,
            u32 *siaddr,
	    u32 *giaddr,
	    u32 *smask,
	    char *bootfile)
   u8 packet[MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
   u16 size = MAX_PACKET_SIZE;
   u8 *bootppacket = packet + UDPIP_HEADER_SIZE;
   u32 rxid;
   u32 iaddr;
   u32 time = get_time_timer() + NET_TIMEOUT;
   u32 client_iaddr;
   u32 server_iaddr;
   //scratch variables for parse_options_dhcp; we don't care about these
   u8 msg_type;
   u32 sid;

      u8 bootp_type;

      if (time < get_time_timer())
         // We timed out receiving reply
         // We can't rely on the udplisten timeout because we could
         // theoretically receive a steady supply of miscellaneous packets
         // so it will never time out.
         return 0;

      if(udplisten(packet, &size, &iaddr, 1))

         bootp_type = *bootppacket;
         bootppacket += 4;

         rxid = (*(bootppacket++) << 24);
         rxid |= (*(bootppacket++) << 16);
         rxid |= (*(bootppacket++) << 8);
         rxid |= *(bootppacket++);
         bootppacket += sizeof(u32) * 2;

         if(rxid == xid && bootp_type == BOOTP_REPLY)
            client_iaddr = *bootppacket++ << 24;
            client_iaddr |= *bootppacket++ << 16;
            client_iaddr |= *bootppacket++ << 8;
            client_iaddr |= *bootppacket++;

            server_iaddr = *bootppacket++ << 24;
            server_iaddr |= *bootppacket++ << 16;
            server_iaddr |= *bootppacket++ << 8;
            server_iaddr |= *bootppacket++;


   //skip the relay agent ip field
   bootppacket += sizeof(u32);
   //skip the hardware address field
   bootppacket += 16;
   //skip the servername field
   bootppacket += 64;
   //skip the bootfile field
   itc_strcpy(bootfile, (char *)bootppacket);
   DEBUG_3("Bootfile: %s\r\n", bootfile);
   bootppacket += 128;
   //skip the magic cookie
   bootppacket += sizeof(u32);

   parse_options_dhcp(bootppacket, giaddr, smask, &sid, &msg_type);

   *ciaddr = client_iaddr;
   *siaddr = server_iaddr;

   return 1;