Beispiel #1
void FileChecker::load(Map & map) const

	if (!Poco::File(files_info_path).exists())

	std::string content;
		ReadBufferFromFile in(files_info_path);
		WriteBufferFromString out(content);

		/// Библиотека JSON не поддерживает пробельные символы. Удаляем их. Неэффективно.
		while (!in.eof())
			char c;
			readChar(c, in);
			if (!isspace(c))
				writeChar(c, out);
	JSON json(content);

	JSON files = json["yandex"];
	for (const auto & name_value : files)
		map[unescapeForFileName(name_value.getName())] = name_value.getValue()["size"].toUInt();
Beispiel #2
    ConnectionPoolPtrs createPoolsForAddresses(const std::string & name, PoolFactory && factory)
        ConnectionPoolPtrs pools;

        for (auto it = boost::make_split_iterator(name, boost::first_finder(",")); it != decltype(it){}; ++it)
            const auto address = boost::copy_range<std::string>(*it);
            const char * address_begin = static_cast<const char*>(;
            const char * address_end = address_begin + address.size();

            const char * user_pw_end = strchr(, '@');
            const char * colon = strchr(, ':');
            if (!user_pw_end || !colon)
                throw Exception{
                    "Shard address '" + address + "' does not match to 'user[:password]@host:port#default_database' pattern",

            const bool has_pw = colon < user_pw_end;
            const char * host_end = has_pw ? strchr(user_pw_end + 1, ':') : colon;
            if (!host_end)
                throw Exception{
                    "Shard address '" + address + "' does not contain port",

            const char * has_db = strchr(, '#');
            const char * port_end = has_db ? has_db : address_end;

            const auto user = unescapeForFileName(std::string(address_begin, has_pw ? colon : user_pw_end));
            const auto password = has_pw ? unescapeForFileName(std::string(colon + 1, user_pw_end)) : std::string();
            const auto host = unescapeForFileName(std::string(user_pw_end + 1, host_end));
            const auto port = parse<UInt16>(host_end + 1, port_end - (host_end + 1));
            const auto database = has_db ? unescapeForFileName(std::string(has_db + 1, address_end))
                                         : std::string();

            pools.emplace_back(factory(host, port, user, password, database));

        return pools;
Beispiel #3
void loadMetadata(Context & context)
	String path = context.getPath() + "metadata";

	/** There may exist 'force_restore_data' file, that means,
	  *  skip safety threshold on difference of data parts while initializing tables.
	  * This file is deleted after successful loading of tables.
	  * (flag is "one-shot")
	Poco::File force_restore_data_flag_file(context.getFlagsPath() + "force_restore_data");
	bool has_force_restore_data_flag = force_restore_data_flag_file.exists();

	/// For parallel tables loading.
	ThreadPool thread_pool(SettingMaxThreads().getAutoValue());

	/// Loop over databases.
	Poco::DirectoryIterator dir_end;
	for (Poco::DirectoryIterator it(path); it != dir_end; ++it)
		if (!it->isDirectory())

		/// For '.svn', '.gitignore' directory and similar.
		if ( == '.')

		String database = unescapeForFileName(;

		/// There may exist .sql file with database creation statement.
		/// Or, if it is absent, then database with default engine is created.

		String database_attach_query;
		String database_metadata_file = it->path() + ".sql";

		if (Poco::File(database_metadata_file).exists())
			ReadBufferFromFile in(database_metadata_file, 1024);
			readStringUntilEOF(database_attach_query, in);
			database_attach_query = "ATTACH DATABASE " + backQuoteIfNeed(database);

		executeCreateQuery(database_attach_query, context, database, it->path(), thread_pool, has_force_restore_data_flag);


	if (has_force_restore_data_flag)
void loadMetadata(Context & context)
	String path = context.getPath() + "metadata";

	/// Используется для параллельной загрузки таблиц.
	ThreadPool thread_pool(SettingMaxThreads().getAutoValue());

	/// Цикл по базам данных
	Poco::DirectoryIterator dir_end;
	for (Poco::DirectoryIterator it(path); it != dir_end; ++it)
		if (!it->isDirectory())

		/// Для директории .svn
		if ( == '.')

		String database = unescapeForFileName(;

		/// Для базы данных может быть расположен .sql файл, где описан запрос на её создание.
		/// А если такого файла нет, то создаётся база данных с движком по-умолчанию.

		String database_attach_query;
		String database_metadata_file = it->path() + ".sql";

		if (Poco::File(database_metadata_file).exists())
			ReadBufferFromFile in(database_metadata_file, 1024);
			readStringUntilEOF(database_attach_query, in);
			database_attach_query = "ATTACH DATABASE " + backQuoteIfNeed(database);

		executeCreateQuery(database_attach_query, context, database, it->path(), thread_pool);
