Beispiel #1
// frame::sender_for_compiled_frame
frame frame::sender_for_compiled_frame(RegisterMap* map) const {
  assert(map != NULL, "map must be set");

  // frame owned by optimizing compiler
  assert(_cb->frame_size() >= 0, "must have non-zero frame size");
  intptr_t* sender_sp = unextended_sp() + _cb->frame_size();
  intptr_t* unextended_sp = sender_sp;

  // On Intel the return_address is always the word on the stack
  address sender_pc = (address) *(sender_sp-1);

  // This is the saved value of EBP which may or may not really be an FP.
  // It is only an FP if the sender is an interpreter frame (or C1?).
  intptr_t** saved_fp_addr = (intptr_t**) (sender_sp - frame::sender_sp_offset);

  if (map->update_map()) {
    // Tell GC to use argument oopmaps for some runtime stubs that need it.
    // For C1, the runtime stub might not have oop maps, so set this flag
    // outside of update_register_map.
    if (_cb->oop_maps() != NULL) {
      OopMapSet::update_register_map(this, map);

    // Since the prolog does the save and restore of EBP there is no oopmap
    // for it so we must fill in its location as if there was an oopmap entry
    // since if our caller was compiled code there could be live jvm state in it.
    update_map_with_saved_link(map, saved_fp_addr);

  assert(sender_sp != sp(), "must have changed");
  return frame(sender_sp, unextended_sp, *saved_fp_addr, sender_pc);
inline bool frame::equal(frame other) const {
  bool ret =  sp() == other.sp()
              && unextended_sp() == other.unextended_sp()
              && fp() == other.fp()
              && pc() == other.pc();
  assert(!ret || ret && cb() == other.cb() && _deopt_state == other._deopt_state, "inconsistent construction");
  return ret;
Beispiel #3
bool frame::is_interpreted_frame_valid(JavaThread* thread) const {
  assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "Not an interpreted frame");
  // These are reasonable sanity checks
  if (fp() == 0 || (intptr_t(fp()) & (2*wordSize-1)) != 0) {
    return false;
  if (sp() == 0 || (intptr_t(sp()) & (2*wordSize-1)) != 0) {
    return false;

  const intptr_t interpreter_frame_initial_sp_offset = interpreter_frame_vm_local_words;
  if (fp() + interpreter_frame_initial_sp_offset < sp()) {
    return false;
  // These are hacks to keep us out of trouble.
  // The problem with these is that they mask other problems
  if (fp() <= sp()) {        // this attempts to deal with unsigned comparison above
    return false;
  // do some validation of frame elements

  // first the method

  Method* m = *interpreter_frame_method_addr();

  // validate the method we'd find in this potential sender
  if (!m->is_valid_method()) return false;

  // stack frames shouldn't be much larger than max_stack elements

  if (fp() - unextended_sp() > 1024 + m->max_stack()*Interpreter::stackElementSize) {
    return false;

  // validate bci/bcp

  address bcp = interpreter_frame_bcp();
  if (m->validate_bci_from_bcp(bcp) < 0) {
    return false;

  // validate ConstantPoolCache*
  ConstantPoolCache* cp = *interpreter_frame_cache_addr();
  if (cp == NULL || !cp->is_metaspace_object()) return false;

  // validate locals

  address locals =  (address) *interpreter_frame_locals_addr();

  if (locals > thread->stack_base() || locals < (address) fp()) return false;

  // We'd have to be pretty unlucky to be mislead at this point
  return true;
Beispiel #4
intptr_t* frame::real_fp() const {
  if (_cb != NULL) {
    // use the frame size if valid
    int size = _cb->frame_size();
    if (size > 0) {
      return unextended_sp() + size;
  // else rely on fp()
  assert(! is_compiled_frame(), "unknown compiled frame size");
  return fp();
Beispiel #5
intptr_t* frame::entry_frame_argument_at(int offset) const {
  // convert offset to index to deal with tsi
  int index = (Interpreter::expr_offset_in_bytes(offset)/wordSize);
  // Entry frame's arguments are always in relation to unextended_sp()
  return &unextended_sp()[index];
Beispiel #6
bool frame::safe_for_sender(JavaThread *thread) {

  address _SP = (address) sp();
  address _FP = (address) fp();
  address _UNEXTENDED_SP = (address) unextended_sp();
  // sp must be within the stack
  bool sp_safe = (_SP <= thread->stack_base()) &&
                 (_SP >= thread->stack_base() - thread->stack_size());

  if (!sp_safe) {
    return false;

  // unextended sp must be within the stack and above or equal sp
  bool unextended_sp_safe = (_UNEXTENDED_SP <= thread->stack_base()) &&
                            (_UNEXTENDED_SP >= _SP);

  if (!unextended_sp_safe) return false;

  // an fp must be within the stack and above (but not equal) sp
  bool fp_safe = (_FP <= thread->stack_base()) &&
                 (_FP > _SP);

  // We know sp/unextended_sp are safe only fp is questionable here

  // If the current frame is known to the code cache then we can attempt to
  // to construct the sender and do some validation of it. This goes a long way
  // toward eliminating issues when we get in frame construction code

  if (_cb != NULL ) {

    // First check if frame is complete and tester is reliable
    // Unfortunately we can only check frame complete for runtime stubs and nmethod
    // other generic buffer blobs are more problematic so we just assume they are
    // ok. adapter blobs never have a frame complete and are never ok.

    if (!_cb->is_frame_complete_at(_pc)) {
      if (_cb->is_nmethod() || _cb->is_adapter_blob() || _cb->is_runtime_stub()) {
        return false;

    // Entry frame checks
    if (is_entry_frame()) {
      // an entry frame must have a valid fp.

      if (!fp_safe) {
        return false;

      // Validate the JavaCallWrapper an entry frame must have

      address jcw = (address)entry_frame_call_wrapper();

      bool jcw_safe = (jcw <= thread->stack_base()) && ( jcw > _FP);

      return jcw_safe;


    intptr_t* younger_sp = sp();
    intptr_t* _SENDER_SP = sender_sp(); // sender is actually just _FP
    bool adjusted_stack = is_interpreted_frame();

    address   sender_pc = (address)younger_sp[I7->sp_offset_in_saved_window()] + pc_return_offset;

    // We must always be able to find a recognizable pc
    CodeBlob* sender_blob = CodeCache::find_blob_unsafe(sender_pc);
    if (sender_pc == NULL ||  sender_blob == NULL) {
      return false;

    // It should be safe to construct the sender though it might not be valid

    frame sender(_SENDER_SP, younger_sp, adjusted_stack);

    // Do we have a valid fp?
    address sender_fp = (address) sender.fp();

    // an fp must be within the stack and above (but not equal) current frame's _FP

    bool sender_fp_safe = (sender_fp <= thread->stack_base()) &&
                   (sender_fp > _FP);

    if (!sender_fp_safe) {
      return false;

    // If the potential sender is the interpreter then we can do some more checking
    if (Interpreter::contains(sender_pc)) {
      return sender.is_interpreted_frame_valid(thread);

    // Could just be some random pointer within the codeBlob
    if (!sender.cb()->code_contains(sender_pc)) {
      return false;

    // We should never be able to see an adapter if the current frame is something from code cache
    if (sender_blob->is_adapter_blob()) {
      return false;

    if( sender.is_entry_frame()) {
      // Validate the JavaCallWrapper an entry frame must have

      address jcw = (address)sender.entry_frame_call_wrapper();

      bool jcw_safe = (jcw <= thread->stack_base()) && ( jcw > sender_fp);

      return jcw_safe;

    // If the frame size is 0 something is bad because every nmethod has a non-zero frame size
    // because you must allocate window space

    if (sender_blob->frame_size() == 0) {
      assert(!sender_blob->is_nmethod(), "should count return address at least");
      return false;

    // The sender should positively be an nmethod or call_stub. On sparc we might in fact see something else.
    // The cause of this is because at a save instruction the O7 we get is a leftover from an earlier
    // window use. So if a runtime stub creates two frames (common in fastdebug/jvmg) then we see the
    // stale pc. So if the sender blob is not something we'd expect we have little choice but to declare
    // the stack unwalkable. pd_get_top_frame_for_signal_handler tries to recover from this by unwinding
    // that initial frame and retrying.

    if (!sender_blob->is_nmethod()) {
      return false;

    // Could put some more validation for the potential non-interpreted sender
    // frame we'd create by calling sender if I could think of any. Wait for next crash in forte...

    // One idea is seeing if the sender_pc we have is one that we'd expect to call to current cb

    // We've validated the potential sender that would be created

    return true;


  // Must be native-compiled frame. Since sender will try and use fp to find
  // linkages it must be safe

  if (!fp_safe) return false;

  // could try and do some more potential verification of native frame if we could think of some...

  return true;
// Return unique id for this frame. The id must have a value where we can distinguish
// identity and younger/older relationship. NULL represents an invalid (incomparable)
// frame.
inline intptr_t* frame::id(void) const { return unextended_sp(); }