struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_StackFrameInfo *netscape_jsdebug_JSStackFrameInfo_getCaller0(struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSStackFrameInfo * self)
    JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframeCur;
    JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframeCaller;
    struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSThreadState* threadState;
    JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate;

    if( ! context || ! controller )
        return NULL;

    jsdframeCur = (JSDStackFrameInfo*) unhand(self)->_nativePtr;
    if( ! jsdframeCur )
        return NULL;

    threadState = (struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSThreadState*) unhand(self)->threadState;
    if( ! threadState )
        return NULL;

    jsdthreadstate = (JSDThreadState*) unhand(threadState)->nativeThreadState;
    if( ! jsdthreadstate )
        return NULL;

    jsdframeCaller = JSD_GetCallingStackFrame(context, jsdthreadstate, jsdframeCur);
    if( ! jsdframeCaller )
        return NULL;

    return (struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_StackFrameInfo*)
                _constructJSStackFrameInfo( 0, jsdframeCaller, threadState );
struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_SourceLocation *netscape_jsdebug_JSPC_getSourceLocation(struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSPC * self)
    JSDScript* jsdscript;
    struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_Script* script;
    struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSPC* newPCOb;
    int line;
    int newpc;
    int pc;
    ExecEnv* ee = EE();

    if( ! context || ! controller || ! ee )
        return NULL;

    script = unhand(self)->script;

    if( ! script )
        return NULL;

    jsdscript = (JSDScript*) unhand(script)->_nativePtr;
    if( ! jsdscript )
        return NULL;
    pc = unhand(self)->pc;

    line = JSD_GetClosestLine(context, jsdscript, pc);
    newpc = JSD_GetClosestPC(context, jsdscript, line);

    newPCOb = _constructJSPC(ee, script, newpc );
    if( ! newPCOb )
        return NULL;

    return (struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_SourceLocation *)
        execute_java_constructor( ee, "netscape/jsdebug/JSSourceLocation", 0, 
                                  newPCOb, line );
struct Hjava_lang_String *netscape_jsdebug_DebugController_executeScriptInStackFrame0(struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_DebugController *self,struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSStackFrameInfo *frame,struct Hjava_lang_String *src,struct Hjava_lang_String *filename,long lineno)
    struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSThreadState* threadStateOb;
    JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate;
    JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe;
    char* filenameC;
    char* srcC;
    JSString* jsstr;
    jsval rval;
    JSBool success;
    int srclen;

    threadStateOb = (struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSThreadState*)unhand(frame)->threadState;
    jsdthreadstate = (JSDThreadState*) unhand(threadStateOb)->nativeThreadState;

    jsdframe = (JSDStackFrameInfo*) unhand(frame)->_nativePtr;

    if( ! context || ! controller || ! jsdframe )
        return NULL;

    filenameC = allocCString(filename);
    if( ! filenameC )
        return NULL;
    srcC = allocCString(src);
    if( ! srcC )
        return NULL;

    srclen = strlen(srcC);

    success = JSD_EvaluateScriptInStackFrame(context, jsdthreadstate, jsdframe, 
                                             srcC, srclen,
                                             filenameC, lineno, &rval);

    /* XXX crashing on Windows under Symantec (though I can't see why!)*/


    if( ! success )
        return NULL;

    if( JSVAL_IS_NULL(rval) || JSVAL_IS_VOID(rval) )
        return NULL;

    jsstr = JSD_ValToStringInStackFrame(context,jsdthreadstate,jsdframe,rval);
    if( ! jsstr )
        return NULL;

    /* XXXbe should use JS_GetStringChars and preserve Unicode. */
    return makeJavaString((char*)JS_GetStringBytes(jsstr), JS_GetStringLength(jsstr));
void netscape_jsdebug_DebugController_setInstructionHook0(struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_DebugController * self,struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_PC * pcOb)
    Hnetscape_jsdebug_Script* script;
    JSDScript* jsdscript;
    unsigned pc;
    ExecEnv* ee = EE();

    if( ! context || ! controller || ! ee )

    script = (Hnetscape_jsdebug_Script*)
        execute_java_dynamic_method(ee, (JHandle*)pcOb, "getScript","()Lnetscape/jsdebug/Script;");

    if( ! script )

    jsdscript = (JSDScript*) unhand(script)->_nativePtr;
    if( ! jsdscript )

    pc = (unsigned)
        execute_java_dynamic_method(ee, (JHandle*)pcOb, "getPC","()I");

    JSD_SetExecutionHook(context, jsdscript, pc, _executionHook, 0);
Beispiel #5
 * Create a classblock to represent a primitive type.
 * NOTE: We don't add it to the builtin class table, so this should be
 * called only once per primitive type.
 * See FindPrimitiveClass().
ClassClass *
createPrimitiveClass(char *name, char sig, unsigned char typecode,
    unsigned char slotsize, unsigned char elementsize)
    ClassClass *cb = allocClassClass();
    Classjava_lang_Class *ucb = unhand(cb);

    ucb->major_version = JAVA_VERSION;
    ucb->minor_version = JAVA_MINOR_VERSION;
    ucb->name = strdup(name);
    ucb->super_name = JAVAPKG "Object";
    ucb->constantpool = NULL;
    ucb->constantpool_count = 0;
    ucb->loader = NULL;
    ucb->access = ACC_FINAL | ACC_ABSTRACT | ACC_PUBLIC;

    CCSet(cb, Primitive);
    cbTypeSig(cb) = sig;
    cbTypeCode(cb) = typecode;
    cbSlotSize(cb) = slotsize;
    cbElementSize(cb) = elementsize;

    return cb;
void netscape_jsdebug_DebugController__setController(struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_DebugController * self,/*boolean*/ long on)
        context = JSD_DebuggerOn();
        if( ! context )

        _simContext = context; /* XXX HACK */

        unhand(self)->_nativeContext = (long) context;
        controller = self;
        JSD_SetScriptHook(context, _scriptHook, (void*)1 );
        JSD_SetErrorReporter(context, _errorReporter, (void*)1 );
        JSD_SetDebugBreakHook(context, _executionHook, (void*)1 );
        /* XXX stop somehow... */
        /* kill context        */
        JSD_SetDebugBreakHook(context, NULL, NULL );
        JSD_SetErrorReporter(context, NULL, NULL);
        JSD_SetScriptHook(context, NULL, NULL);
        context = 0;
        controller = 0;
static Hnetscape_jsdebug_Script*
_scriptObFromJSDScriptPtr( ExecEnv* ee, JSDScript* jsdscript )
    JHandle* tbl = (JHandle*) unhand(controller)->scriptTable;
    JHandle* key = _constructInteger(ee,(long)jsdscript);
    return (Hnetscape_jsdebug_Script*) _getHash( ee, tbl, key );
 * Decodes the given byte array into the <tt>ImageData</tt>.
 * <p>
 * Java declaration:
 * <pre>
 *     loadJPG(Ljavax/microedition/lcdui/ImageData;[BII)V
 * </pre>
 * @param imageData the ImageData to load to
 * @param imageBytes A byte array containing the encoded JPEG image data
 * @param imageOffset The start of the image data within the byte array
 * @param imageLength The length of the image data in the byte array
KNIDECL(javax_microedition_lcdui_ImageDataFactory_loadJPEG) {
    int            length = KNI_GetParameterAsInt(4);
    int            offset = KNI_GetParameterAsInt(3);
    unsigned char* srcBuffer = NULL;
    gxj_screen_buffer            image;
    java_imagedata * midpImageData = NULL;

    /* variable to hold error codes */
    gxutl_native_image_error_codes creationError = GXUTL_NATIVE_IMAGE_NO_ERROR;

    /* KNI_DeclareHandle(alphaData); */

    KNI_GetParameterAsObject(2, jpegData);
    KNI_GetParameterAsObject(1, imageData);

    midpImageData = GXAPI_GET_IMAGEDATA_PTR(imageData);

    /* assert
     * (KNI_IsNullHandle(jpegData))

    srcBuffer = (unsigned char *)JavaByteArray(jpegData);
     * JAVA_TRACE("loadJPEG jpegData length=%d  %x\n",
     *            JavaByteArray(jpegData)->length, srcBuffer);

    image.width = midpImageData->width;
    image.height = midpImageData->height;

    unhand(jbyte_array, pixelData) = midpImageData->pixelData;
    if (!KNI_IsNullHandle(pixelData)) {
        image.pixelData = (gxj_pixel_type *)JavaByteArray(pixelData);
         * JAVA_TRACE("loadJPEG pixelData length=%d\n",
         *            JavaByteArray(pixelData)->length);

    /* assert
     * (imagedata.pixelData != NULL)
    decode_jpeg((srcBuffer + offset), length, &image, &creationError);

    if (GXUTL_NATIVE_IMAGE_NO_ERROR != creationError) {
        KNI_ThrowNew(midpIllegalArgumentException, NULL);

struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_PC *netscape_jsdebug_JSStackFrameInfo_getPC(struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSStackFrameInfo * self)
    JSDScript* jsdscript;
    JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe;
    struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_Script* script;
    struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSThreadState* threadState;
    JSDThreadState* jsdthreadstate;
    int pc;
    ExecEnv* ee = EE();

    if( ! context || ! controller || ! ee )
        return NULL;

    jsdframe = (JSDStackFrameInfo*) unhand(self)->_nativePtr;
    if( ! jsdframe )
        return NULL;

    threadState = (struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSThreadState*) unhand(self)->threadState;
    if( ! threadState )
        return NULL;

    jsdthreadstate = (JSDThreadState*) unhand(threadState)->nativeThreadState;
    if( ! jsdthreadstate )
        return NULL;

    jsdscript = JSD_GetScriptForStackFrame(context, jsdthreadstate, jsdframe );
    if( ! jsdscript )
        return NULL;

    script = _scriptObFromJSDScriptPtr(ee, jsdscript);
    if( ! script )
        return NULL;

    pc = JSD_GetPCForStackFrame(context, jsdthreadstate, jsdframe);
    if( ! pc )
        return NULL;

    return (struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_PC*) _constructJSPC(ee, script, pc);
long netscape_jsdebug_JSThreadState_countStackFrames(struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSThreadState * self)
    JSDThreadState* jsdstate;
    if( ! context || ! controller )
        return 0;

    jsdstate = (JSDThreadState*) unhand(self)->nativeThreadState;

    if( ! jsdstate )
        return 0;

    return (long) JSD_GetCountOfStackFrames(context, jsdstate);
Beispiel #11
static void ThreadName( Classjava_lang_Thread* trd, char *buff, int len )
    char        *p;
    unicode     *src;

    src = unhand(trd->name)->body;
    len = obj_length(trd->name);
    p = buff;
    while( *src ) {
        if( --len < 0 ) break;
        *p++ = *src++;
    *p = '\0';
Beispiel #12
ClassClass *
createFakeArrayClass(char *name,           /* name */
		     int base_type,        /* base_type */
		     int depth,            /* array dimension */
		     ClassClass *inner_cb, /* base type if T_CLASS */
		     struct Hjava_lang_ClassLoader *loader)
    ClassClass *cb = allocClassClass();
    Classjava_lang_Class *ucb = unhand(cb);
    cp_item_type *constant_pool = 
		  (sizeof(cp_item_type) + sizeof(unsigned char)));
    unsigned char *type_table = (unsigned char *)
        (constant_pool + CONSTANT_POOL_ARRAY_LENGTH);
    sysAssert(name[0] == SIGNATURE_ARRAY);
    ucb->major_version = JAVA_VERSION;
    ucb->minor_version = JAVA_MINOR_VERSION;
    ucb->name = strdup(name);
    ucb->super_name = JAVAPKG "Object";
    ucb->constantpool = constant_pool;
    ucb->constantpool_count = CONSTANT_POOL_ARRAY_LENGTH;
    ucb->loader = loader;

    constant_pool[CONSTANT_POOL_TYPE_TABLE_INDEX].type = type_table;
    constant_pool[CONSTANT_POOL_ARRAY_DEPTH_INDEX].i = depth;     
    constant_pool[CONSTANT_POOL_ARRAY_TYPE_INDEX].i = base_type;
    if (base_type == T_CLASS) {
	/* Initialize the appropriate fields of the constant pool */
	constant_pool[CONSTANT_POOL_ARRAY_CLASS_INDEX].clazz = inner_cb;
	/* The class is public iff its base class is public */
	ucb->access = ACC_FINAL | ACC_ABSTRACT | (cbAccess(inner_cb) & ACC_PUBLIC);
    } else {
	/* Set the class field to something innocuous */
    return cb;
struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSStackFrameInfo*
_constructJSStackFrameInfo( ExecEnv* ee, JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe, 
                            struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSThreadState* threadState )
    struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSStackFrameInfo* frame;

    frame = (struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSStackFrameInfo*)
        execute_java_constructor( ee, "netscape/jsdebug/JSStackFrameInfo", 0, 
                                  threadState );
    if( ! frame )
        return NULL;

    /* XXX fill in additional fields */
    unhand(frame)->_nativePtr = (long) jsdframe;

    return frame;
struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSPC *netscape_jsdebug_Script_getClosestPC(struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_Script * self,long line)
    unsigned pc;
    JSDScript* jsdscript;

    if( ! context || ! controller )
        return 0;

    jsdscript = (JSDScript*) unhand(self)->_nativePtr;
    if( ! jsdscript )
        return 0;

    pc = JSD_GetClosestPC(context, jsdscript, line);

    if( -1 == pc )
        return 0;
    return _constructJSPC( 0, self, pc);
_errorReporter( JSDContext*     jsdc, 
                JSContext*      cx,
                const char*     message, 
                JSErrorReport*  report,
                void*           callerdata )
    JHandle* reporter;
    JHandle* msg         = NULL;
    JHandle* filename    = NULL;
    int      lineno      = 0;
    JHandle* linebuf     = NULL;
    int      tokenOffset = 0;
    ExecEnv* ee = EE();

    if( ! context || ! controller || ! ee )

    reporter = (JHandle*) unhand(controller)->errorReporter;
    if( ! reporter )

    if( message )
        msg = (JHandle*) makeJavaString((char*)message, strlen(message));
    if( report && report->filename )
        filename = (JHandle*) makeJavaString((char*)report->filename, strlen(report->filename));
    if( report && report->linebuf )
        linebuf = (JHandle*) makeJavaString((char*)report->linebuf, strlen(report->linebuf));
    if( report )
        lineno = report->lineno;
    if( report && report->linebuf && report->tokenptr )
        tokenOffset = report->tokenptr - report->linebuf;

    return (int) 
                ee, reporter, "reportError",
                tokenOffset );
struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_StackFrameInfo *netscape_jsdebug_JSThreadState_getCurrentFrame(struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSThreadState * self)
    JSDThreadState* jsdstate;
    JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe;
    if( ! context || ! controller )
        return NULL;

    jsdstate = (JSDThreadState*) unhand(self)->nativeThreadState;

    if( ! jsdstate )
        return NULL;

    jsdframe = JSD_GetStackFrame(context, jsdstate);
    if( ! jsdframe )
        return NULL;

    return (struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_StackFrameInfo*)
                _constructJSStackFrameInfo( 0, jsdframe, self );
_scriptHook( JSDContext* jsdc, 
             JSDScript*  jsdscript,
             JSBool      creating,
             void*       callerdata )
    Hnetscape_jsdebug_Script* script;
    ExecEnv* ee = EE();

    if( ! context || ! controller || ! ee )

    if( creating )
        char* url      = (char*)JSD_GetScriptFilename       (jsdc, jsdscript);
        JSString* function =    JSD_GetScriptFunctionId     (jsdc, jsdscript);
        int base       =        JSD_GetScriptBaseLineNumber (jsdc, jsdscript);
        int extent     =        JSD_GetScriptLineExtent     (jsdc, jsdscript);

        if( ! url )
            /* url = ""; */

        /* create Java Object for Script */
        script = (Hnetscape_jsdebug_Script*)
                execute_java_constructor(ee, "netscape/jsdebug/Script", 0, "()");

        if( ! script )

        /* set the members */
        unhand(script)->_url = makeJavaString(url,strlen(url));
        unhand(script)->_function = function ? makeJavaString(function,strlen(function)) : 0;
        unhand(script)->_baseLineNumber = base;
        unhand(script)->_lineExtent = extent;
        unhand(script)->_nativePtr = (long)jsdscript;

        /* add it to the hash table */
        _putHash( ee, (JHandle*) unhand(controller)->scriptTable,
                  _constructInteger(ee, (long)jsdscript), (JHandle*)script );

        /* call the hook */
        if( unhand(controller)->scriptHook )
            execute_java_dynamic_method( ee,(JHandle*)unhand(controller)->scriptHook,
                                         script );
        JHandle* tbl = (JHandle*) unhand(controller)->scriptTable;
        JHandle* key = _constructInteger(ee,(long)jsdscript);

        /* find Java Object for Script    */
        script = (Hnetscape_jsdebug_Script*) _getHash( ee, tbl, key );

        if( ! script )

        /* remove it from the hash table  */
        _removeHash( ee, tbl, key );

        /* call the hook */
        if( unhand(controller)->scriptHook )
            execute_java_dynamic_method( ee,(JHandle*)unhand(controller)->scriptHook,
                                         script );
        /* set the Script as invalid */
        execute_java_dynamic_method( ee,(JHandle*)script,
                                     "()V" );
Beispiel #18
demo_InputFile_open(struct Hdemo_InputFile *this)
    int		fd;
    char	buf[MAXPATHLEN];

     * we need to convert JAVA path string into a C string and
     * then change it to a system dependent path string.
     * note that "unhand" gets the data portion of the handle to
     * the C representation of the JAVA class InputFile.
    javaString2CString(unhand(this)->path, buf, sizeof(buf));

     * now we actually call the system dependent routines to implement
     * the method.  note that we could throw an exception via
     * SignalError() instead of returning a boolean.
    fd = open(buf, O_RDONLY);
    if (fd < 0)

     * on success we store the system fd into the class variable for
     * future calls to this library.
Beispiel #19
createInternalClass1(unsigned char *ptr, unsigned char *end_ptr, 
		     ClassClass *cb, struct Hjava_lang_ClassLoader *loader, 
		     char *name, char **detail)
    struct CICcontext context_block;
    struct CICcontext *context = &context_block;
    struct Classjava_lang_Class *ucb = unhand(cb);

    /* Set up the context */
    context->ptr = ptr;
    context->end_ptr = end_ptr;
    context->cb = cb;
    context->detail = detail;

    if (setjmp(context->jump_buffer)) {
	/* We've gotten an error of some sort */
        /* See comments below about zeroing these two fields before
	 * freeing the temporary buffer.
        cbConstantPool(cb) = NULL;
        cbFields(cb) = NULL;
	/* Zero out the method out so that freeClass will not try
	   to free the clinit method */
	cbMethodsCount(cb) = 0;

	return FALSE;

    context->in_clinit = 0;
    context->pass1.mallocs = 0;
    context->malloc_size = 0;
    context->clinit_size = 0;

    /* The first pass allows us to uncover any class format errors
       and find out the size of the buffer needed. */
    context->pass = 1;
    createInternalClass0(context, cb, loader, name);

    /* We must set the following two fields to zero before we free
     * the temporary buffers, because markClassClass may scan a
     * partially constructed class block in the second pass.
     * If these two fields are set to zero, markClassClass will
     * not scan the constant pool and field blocks, which may
     * point to freed memory.
    cbConstantPool(cb) = NULL;
    cbFields(cb) = NULL;
    /* Zero out the method out so that freeClass will not try
       to free the clinit method */
    cbMethodsCount(cb) = 0;

    context->ptr = ptr;   /* rewind the raw class data */

    context->pass2.malloc_buffer = sysCalloc(1, context->malloc_size);
    if (context->pass2.malloc_buffer == 0)
        JAVA_ERROR(context, "out of memory");

    if (context->clinit_size) {
        context->pass2.clinit_buffer = sysCalloc(1, context->clinit_size);
	if (context->pass2.clinit_buffer == 0) {
	    JAVA_ERROR(context, "out of memory");

    context->pass2.malloc_ptr = context->pass2.malloc_buffer;
    context->pass2.clinit_ptr = context->pass2.clinit_buffer;

    /* The second pass accomplishes the real task. */
    context->pass = 2;
    createInternalClass0(context, cb, loader, name);

    /* Valid class - let's put it in the class table. */
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #20
static void
createInternalClass0(CICcontext *context, ClassClass *cb, 
		     struct Hjava_lang_ClassLoader *loader, char *name)
    int i, j;
    union cp_item_type *constant_pool;
    unsigned char *type_table;
    int attribute_count;
    unsigned fields_count;
    struct methodblock *mb;
    struct fieldblock *fb;
    struct Classjava_lang_Class *ucb = unhand(cb);
    if (get4bytes(context) != JAVA_CLASSFILE_MAGIC) 
	JAVA_ERROR(context, "Bad magic number");

    ucb->minor_version = get2bytes(context);
    ucb->major_version = get2bytes(context);
    ucb->loader = loader;
    if (ucb->major_version != JAVA_VERSION) 
	JAVA_ERROR(context, "Bad major version number");

    constant_pool = ucb->constantpool;
    type_table = constant_pool[CONSTANT_POOL_TYPE_TABLE_INDEX].type;

    ucb->access = get2bytes(context) & ACC_WRITTEN_FLAGS;

	/* Work around javac bug */
	if (ucb->access & ACC_INTERFACE) {
		ucb->access |= ACC_ABSTRACT;

    /* Get the name of the class */
    i = get2bytes(context);	/* index in constant pool of class */
    ucb->name = getAscizFromClass(context, i);
    if (name != NULL && strcmp(ucb->name, name) != 0)
	JAVA_ERROR(context, "Wrong name");
    constant_pool[i].clazz = cb;

    if (loader) { 
	/* We don't trust a classloader to do the right thing. . . */
	ClassClass **pcb, **end_pcb;
	char *name = ucb->name;
	if (name == NULL || !IsLegalClassname(name, FALSE)) {
	    JAVA_ERROR(context, "Bad name");
	for (pcb = binclasses, end_pcb = pcb + nbinclasses; 
	         pcb < end_pcb; pcb++) { 
	    ClassClass *cb = *pcb;
	    if ((cbLoader(cb) == loader) && (strcmp(name, cbName(cb)) == 0))
	if (pcb < end_pcb)
	    /* There's already a class with the same name and loader */
	    JAVA_ERROR(context, "Duplicate name");

    /* Get the super class name. */
    i = get2bytes(context);	/* index in constant pool of class */
    if (i > 0) {
	ucb->super_name = getAscizFromClass(context, i);
	if (!IsLegalClassname(ucb->super_name, FALSE)) { 
	    JAVA_ERROR(context, "Bad superclass name");


    i = ucb->implements_count = get2bytes(context);
    if (i > 0) {
	int j;
	ucb->implements = allocNBytes(context, i * sizeof(short));
	for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
	    ucb->implements[j] = get2bytes(context);

    fields_count = ucb->fields_count = get2bytes(context);
    if (fields_count > 0) 
        ucb->fields = (struct fieldblock *)
	    allocNBytes(context, ucb->fields_count * sizeof(struct fieldblock));
    for (i = fields_count, fb = ucb->fields; --i >= 0; fb++) {
	fieldclass(fb) = cb;
	fb->access = get2bytes(context) & ACC_WRITTEN_FLAGS;
	fb->name = getAsciz(context);
	fb->signature = getAsciz(context);
	attribute_count = get2bytes(context);
	for (j = 0; j < (int)attribute_count; j++) {
	    char *name = getAsciz(context);
	    int length = get4bytes(context);
	    if ((fb->access & ACC_STATIC) 
		 && strcmp(name, "ConstantValue") == 0) {
		if (length != 2) 
		    JAVA_ERROR(context, "Wrong size for VALUE attribute");
		fb->access |= ACC_VALKNOWN;
		/* we'll change this below */
		fb->u.offset = get2bytes(context); 
	    } else {
		getNbytes(context, length, NULL);
	if (fb->access & ACC_STATIC) {
	    InitializeStaticVar(fb, context);

    if ((ucb->methods_count = get2bytes(context)) > 0) 
	ucb->methods = (struct methodblock *)
	  allocNBytes(context, ucb->methods_count * sizeof(struct methodblock));
    for (i = cbMethodsCount(cb), mb = cbMethods(cb); --i >= 0; mb++) {
	fieldclass(&mb->fb) = cb;
	mb->fb.access = get2bytes(context) & ACC_WRITTEN_FLAGS;
	mb-> = getAsciz(context);
	mb->fb.signature = getAsciz(context);

	if (strcmp(mb->, "<clinit>") == 0 &&
	    strcmp(mb->fb.signature, "()V") == 0)
	    context->in_clinit = TRUE;

	mb->args_size = Signature2ArgsSize(mb->fb.signature) 
	                + ((mb->fb.access & ACC_STATIC) ? 0 : 1);
	if (mb->args_size > 255)
	    JAVA_ERROR(context, "Too many arguments");
	attribute_count = get2bytes(context);
	for (j = 0; j < attribute_count; j++) {
	    char *attr_name = getAsciz(context);
            if ((strcmp(attr_name, "Code") == 0) 
		       && ((mb->fb.access & (ACC_NATIVE | ACC_ABSTRACT))==0)) {
		ReadInCode(context, mb);
	    } else if (strcmp(attr_name, "Exceptions") == 0) {
		ReadExceptions(context, mb);
	    } else {
		int length = get4bytes(context);
		getNbytes(context, length, NULL);
	context->in_clinit = FALSE;

    /* See if there are class attributes */
    attribute_count = get2bytes(context); 
    for (j = 0; j < attribute_count; j++) {
	char *name = getAsciz(context);
	int length = get4bytes(context);
	if (strcmp(name, "SourceFile") == 0) {
	    if (length != 2) {
		JAVA_ERROR(context, "Wrong size for VALUE attribute");
	    ucb->source_name = getAsciz(context);
#ifdef JCOV
	} else if (strcmp(name, "AbsoluteSourcePath") == 0) {
	    if (length == 2) {
	    	ucb->absolute_source_name = getAsciz(context);
	    } else
		getNbytes(context, length, NULL);
	} else if (strcmp(name, "TimeStamp") == 0) {
	    unsigned high;
	    unsigned low;
	    int64_t  value;
	    Java8    t1;

	    if (length == 8) {
		high = get4bytes(context);
		low  = get4bytes(context);
	    	value = ll_add(ll_shl(uint2ll(high), 32), uint2ll(low));
	    	SET_INT64(t1, &ucb->timestamp, value);
	    } else 
	    	getNbytes(context, length, NULL);
	} else {
	    getNbytes(context, length, NULL);
Beispiel #21
   Description : Translate an array of bytes into a class
   Maintainer  : Byung-Sun Yang <*****@*****.**>
   Notes: I'm not sure this implementation fully satisfies JVM specification.
   The loading is too complex.....

struct Hjava_lang_Class*
java_lang_ClassLoader_defineClass0(struct Hjava_lang_ClassLoader* this, struct Hjava_lang_String* name, HArrayOfByte* data, jint offset, jint length)
    Hjava_lang_Class* clazz;
    classFile hand;
    hand.base = &unhand(data)->body[offset];
    hand.buf = hand.base;
    hand.size = length;
    clazz = (Hjava_lang_Class*)newObject(ClassClass);
    clazz = readClass(clazz, &hand, this);

    processClass(clazz, CSTATE_PREPARED);
    return clazz;

 * Resolve classes reference by this class.
Beispiel #22
#include ""
#include "runtime/support.h"
#include "runtime/errors.h"
#include "runtime/exception.h"

 * Is named item a file?
java_io_File_isFile0(struct Hjava_io_File* this)
	struct stat buf;
	char str[MAXPATHLEN];
	int r;

	javaString2CString(unhand(this)->path, str, sizeof(str));

	r = stat(str, &buf);
	if (r == 0 && S_ISREG(buf.st_mode)) {
		return (1);
	else {
		return (0);

 * Is named item a directory?
java_io_File_isDirectory0(struct Hjava_io_File* this)
Beispiel #23
#define	GET_STREAM(THIS)	(*(z_stream**)&unhand(this)->strm)

java_util_zip_Inflater_setDictionary(struct Hjava_util_zip_Inflater* this, HArrayOfByte* buf, jint from, jint len)
	int r;
	z_stream* dstream;

	// This function must be synchronized.

	_lockMutex( (Hjava_lang_Object*)this );

	dstream = GET_STREAM(this);
	r = inflateSetDictionary (dstream, &unhand(buf)->body[from], len);
	if (r < 0) {
		SignalError(0, "java.lang.Error", dstream->msg ? dstream->msg : "unknown error");

	_unlockMutex( (Hjava_lang_Object*)this );

java_util_zip_Inflater_inflate(struct Hjava_util_zip_Inflater* this, HArrayOfByte* buf, jint off, jint len)
	int r;
	int ilen;
	z_stream* dstream;
	jint   ret_val;
void netscape_jsdebug_JSSourceTextProvider_refreshSourceTextVector(struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSSourceTextProvider * self)

    JHandle* vec;
    JHandle* itemOb;
    JSDSourceText* iterp = 0;
    JSDSourceText* item;
    const char* url;
    struct Hjava_lang_String* urlOb;
    ExecEnv* ee = EE();

    if( ! context || ! controller || ! ee )

    /* create new vector */
    vec = (JHandle*) execute_java_constructor(ee, "netscape/util/Vector", 0, "()");
    if( ! vec )

    /* lock the native subsystem */

    /* iterate through the native items */
    while( 0 != (item = JSD_IterateSources(context, &iterp)) )
        int urlStrLen;
        int status = JSD_GetSourceStatus(context,item);

        /* try to find Java object */
        url = JSD_GetSourceURL(context, item);
        if( ! url || 0 == (urlStrLen = strlen(url)) ) /* ignoring those with no url */

        urlOb = makeJavaString((char*)url,urlStrLen);
        if( ! urlOb )

        itemOb = (JHandle*)
            execute_java_dynamic_method( ee, (JHandle*)self, "findSourceTextItem0",
                      urlOb );
        if( ! itemOb )
            /* if not found then generate new item */
            struct Hjava_lang_String* textOb;
            const char* str;
            int length;

            if( ! JSD_GetSourceText(context, item, &str, &length ) )
                str = "";
                length = 0;
            textOb = makeJavaString((char*)str, length);

            itemOb = (JHandle*)
                execute_java_constructor(ee, "netscape/jsdebug/SourceTextItem",0,  
                     urlOb, textOb, status );
        else if( JSD_IsSourceDirty(context, item) && 
                 JSD_SOURCE_CLEARED != status )
            /* if found and dirty then update */
            struct Hjava_lang_String* textOb;
            const char* str;
            int length;

            if( ! JSD_GetSourceText(context, item, &str, &length ) )
                str = "";
                length = 0;
            textOb = makeJavaString((char*)str, length);
            execute_java_dynamic_method(ee, itemOb, "setText", 
                                        "(Ljava/lang/String;)V", textOb);
            execute_java_dynamic_method(ee, itemOb, "setStatus", 
                                        "(I)V", status );
            execute_java_dynamic_method(ee, itemOb, "setDirty", "(Z)V", 1 );

        /* we have our copy; clear the native cached text */
        if( JSD_SOURCE_INITED  != status && 
            JSD_SOURCE_PARTIAL != status &&
            JSD_SOURCE_CLEARED != status )
            JSD_ClearSourceText(context, item);

        /* set the item clean */
        JSD_SetSourceDirty(context, item, FALSE );

        /* add the item to the vector */
        if( itemOb )
            execute_java_dynamic_method(ee, vec, "addElement", 
                                        "(Ljava/lang/Object;)V", itemOb );
    /* unlock the native subsystem */

    /* set main vector to our new vector */

    unhand(self)->_sourceTextVector = (struct Hnetscape_util_Vector*) vec;
Beispiel #25
 * Performs data transfer to the device. This method must be called within
 * <tt>synchronize</tt> block with the Slot object.
 * <p>Java declaration:
 * <pre>
 * public native static int exchangeAPDU0(Handle h, Slot slot,
                                          byte[] request, byte[] response) 
                            throws IOException;
 * </pre>
 * @param h Connection handle. Can be null for internal purposes
 * @param slot Slot object. Unused when <tt>h</tt> is not null. 
 * Must be provided if <tt>h</tt> is null.
 * @param request Buffer with request data
 * @param response Buffer for response data
 * @return Length of response data
 * @exception NullPointerException if any parameter is null
 * @exception IllegalArgumentException if request does not contain proper APDU
 * @exception InterruptedIOException if the connection handle is suddenly closed
 * in the middle of exchange or the card was removed and inserted again
 * @exception IOException if any I/O troubles occured
Java_com_sun_midp_io_j2me_apdu_APDUManager_exchangeAPDU0() {
    jint retcode = -1;
    MidpReentryData* info;
    void *context = NULL;
    JSR177_STATUSCODE status_code;
    JSR177_CARD_MOVEMENT movements;
    jsize tx_length, rx_length, rx_length_max;
    jbyte *tx_buffer, *rx_buffer;
    jbyte *cur;
    jbyte case_2[5];
    int Lc, Le;
    int cla, channel;
    ConnectionHandle *h;
    CardSlot *card_slot;
    char *err_msg;
    jbyte getResponseAPDU[5];
    info = (MidpReentryData*)SNI_GetReentryData(NULL);

    // If the Handle object is provided we get a Slot object from it
    KNI_GetParameterAsObject(1, connection_handle);
    if (!KNI_IsNullHandle(connection_handle)) {
        h = unhand(ConnectionHandle,(connection_handle));
        card_slot = h->cardSlot;
        if (card_slot == NULL) {
            KNI_ThrowNew(midpNullPointerException, "Slot object is null");
            goto end;
    } else {
        h = NULL;
        KNI_GetParameterAsObject(2, slot_handle);
        if (KNI_IsNullHandle(slot_handle)) {
            KNI_ThrowNew(midpNullPointerException, "Handle and slot are null");
            goto end;
        card_slot = unhand(CardSlot,(slot_handle));
    KNI_GetParameterAsObject(3, request_handle);
    if (KNI_IsNullHandle(request_handle)) {
        KNI_ThrowNew(midpNullPointerException, "Request APDU is null");
        goto end;
    tx_length = KNI_GetArrayLength(request_handle);
    tx_buffer = SNI_GetRawArrayPointer(request_handle);
    KNI_GetParameterAsObject(4, response_handle);
    if (KNI_IsNullHandle(response_handle)) {
        KNI_ThrowNew(midpNullPointerException, "Response buffer is null");
        goto end;
    rx_length_max = KNI_GetArrayLength(response_handle);
    rx_buffer = SNI_GetRawArrayPointer(response_handle);
    if (h != NULL && 
            (!h->opened || h->cardSessionId != card_slot->cardSessionId)) {
        char *msg = "Connection closed";
        if (!card_slot->locked) {
            KNI_ThrowNew(midpIOException, msg);
            goto end;
        } else {
            KNI_ThrowNew(midpInterruptedIOException, msg);
            goto unlock_end;

    if (!card_slot->powered) {
        char *msg = "Card not powered up";
        if (!card_slot->locked) {
            KNI_ThrowNew(midpIOException, msg);
            goto end;
        } else {
            KNI_ThrowNew(midpInterruptedIOException, msg);
            goto unlock_end;
    if (tx_length < 4) { // invalid APDU: too short
        KNI_ThrowNew(midpIllegalArgumentException, "Invalid APDU");
        goto end;
    // trying to guess the case
    if (tx_length == 4) { // case 1
        Lc = Le = 0;
    } else {
        Lc = (tx_buffer[4]&0xFF);
        if (tx_length == 5) { // case 2
            Le = Lc;
            Lc = 0;
            if (Le == 0) {
                Le = 256;
        } else if (tx_length == 5 + Lc) { // case 3
            Le = 0;
        } else { // case 4
            if (5 + Lc >= tx_length) { // invalid APDU: bad Lc field
                goto invalid_apdu;
            Le = tx_buffer[5 + Lc] & 0xFF;
            if (Le == 0) {
                Le = 256;
    // if APDU of case 4 has Lc=0 then we transform it to case 2
    if (tx_length > 5 && Lc == 0) {
        memcpy(case_2, tx_buffer, 4);
        case_2[4] = tx_buffer[5];
        tx_buffer = case_2;
        tx_length = 5;
    // trimming APDU
    if (tx_length > 5 + Lc + 1) {
        tx_length = 5 + Lc + 1;

    cla = tx_buffer[0] & 0xf8; // mask channel and secure bit
    channel = cla != 0 && (cla < 0x80 || cla > 0xA0) ? 0 : tx_buffer[0] & 3;
    // locked slot means that we are in the middle of an exchange, 
    // otherwise we should start a data transfer
    if (!card_slot->locked) {
        card_slot->received = 0;
        cur = rx_buffer;
    } else {
        cur = rx_buffer + card_slot->received;
    do { // infinite loop
        int sw1, sw2;

        rx_length = rx_length_max - (jint)(cur - rx_buffer);
        if (rx_length < Le + 2) { 
            err_msg = "Too long response";
            goto err_mess;
        if (info == NULL || info->status == SIGNAL_LOCK) {
            if (!card_slot->locked) {
                status_code = jsr177_lock();
                if (status_code == JSR177_STATUSCODE_WOULD_BLOCK) {
                    midp_thread_wait(CARD_READER_DATA_SIGNAL, SIGNAL_LOCK, NULL);
                    goto end;
                if (status_code != JSR177_STATUSCODE_OK) {
                    goto err;
                card_slot->locked = KNI_TRUE;

// Since this line slot is locked
                status_code = jsr177_select_slot(card_slot->slot);
                if (status_code != JSR177_STATUSCODE_OK) {
                    goto err;
            status_code = 
                jsr177_xfer_data_start(tx_buffer, tx_length, 
                    cur, &rx_length, &context);
        } else {
            context = info->pResult;
            status_code = 
                jsr177_xfer_data_finish(tx_buffer, tx_length, 
                    cur, &rx_length, context);
        if (jsr177_card_movement_events(&movements) == JSR177_STATUSCODE_OK) {
            if ((movements & JSR177_CARD_MOVEMENT_MASK) != 0) {
                err_msg = "Card changed";
                if (jsr177_get_error((jbyte*)gKNIBuffer, KNI_BUFFER_SIZE)) {
                    err_msg = gKNIBuffer;
                card_slot->powered = KNI_FALSE;
                goto interrupted;
        if (status_code == JSR177_STATUSCODE_WOULD_BLOCK) {
            midp_thread_wait(CARD_READER_DATA_SIGNAL, SIGNAL_XFER, context);
            card_slot->received = (jint)(cur - rx_buffer);
            goto end;
        if (status_code != JSR177_STATUSCODE_OK) {
            if (jsr177_get_error((jbyte*)gKNIBuffer, KNI_BUFFER_SIZE)) {
                err_msg = gKNIBuffer;
            } else {
                err_msg = "exchangeAPDU0()";
            KNI_ThrowNew(midpIOException, err_msg);
            if (card_slot->locked) {
                status_code = jsr177_unlock(); // ignore status_code
                card_slot->locked = KNI_FALSE;
                                               SIGNAL_LOCK, SIGNAL_LOCK);
            goto end;
        if (rx_length < 2) {
            err_msg = "Response error";
            goto err_mess;
        if (h != NULL && 
                (!h->opened || h->cardSessionId != card_slot->cardSessionId)) {
            err_msg = "Handle invalid or closed";
            KNI_ThrowNew(midpInterruptedIOException, err_msg);
            goto unlock_end;
        sw1 = cur[rx_length - 2] & 0xFF;
        sw2 = cur[rx_length - 1] & 0xFF;
        if (sw1 == 0x6C && sw2 != 0x00 && Le != 0) {
            tx_buffer[tx_length - 1] = sw2;
            Le = sw2;
            info = NULL;
        cur += rx_length;
        if (Le == 0 || (sw1 != 0x61 &&
            (channel != 0 || !card_slot->SIMPresent ||
             (sw1 != 0x62 && sw1 != 0x63 &&
              sw1 != 0x9E && sw1 != 0x9F)))) {
        cur -= 2; // delete last SW1/SW2 from buffer
        Le = sw1 == 0x62 || sw1 == 0x63 ? 0 : sw2;
        memset(getResponseAPDU, 0, sizeof getResponseAPDU);
        tx_buffer = getResponseAPDU;
        tx_buffer[0] = channel;
        tx_buffer[1] = 0xC0;
        tx_buffer[4] = Le;
        if (Le == 0) {
            Le = 256;
        tx_length = 5;
        info = NULL;
    } while(1);
    retcode = (jint)(cur - rx_buffer);

    card_slot->locked = KNI_FALSE;
    status_code = jsr177_unlock(); 
    if (status_code != JSR177_STATUSCODE_OK) {
        goto err;

_executionHook( JSDContext*     jsdc, 
                JSDThreadState* jsdstate,
                unsigned         type,
                void*           callerdata )
    Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSThreadState* threadState;
    Hnetscape_jsdebug_Script* script;
    JHandle* pcOb;
    JSDStackFrameInfo* jsdframe;
    JSDScript*  jsdscript;
    int pc;
    JHandle* tblScript;
    JHandle* keyScript;
    ExecEnv* ee = EE();

    if( ! context || ! controller || ! ee )

    /* get the JSDStackFrameInfo */
    jsdframe = JSD_GetStackFrame(jsdc, jsdstate);
    if( ! jsdframe )

    /* get the JSDScript */
    jsdscript = JSD_GetScriptForStackFrame(jsdc, jsdstate, jsdframe);
    if( ! jsdscript )

    /* find Java Object for Script    */
    tblScript = (JHandle*) unhand(controller)->scriptTable;
    keyScript = _constructInteger(ee, (long)jsdscript);
    script = (Hnetscape_jsdebug_Script*) _getHash( ee, tblScript, keyScript );
    if( ! script )

    /* generate a JSPC */
    pc = JSD_GetPCForStackFrame(jsdc, jsdstate, jsdframe);

    pcOb = (JHandle*)
        _constructJSPC(ee, script, pc);
    if( ! pcOb )

    /* build a JSThreadState */
    threadState = (struct Hnetscape_jsdebug_JSThreadState*)
            execute_java_constructor( ee, "netscape/jsdebug/JSThreadState",0,"()");
    if( ! threadState )

    /* populate the ThreadState */
    /* XXX FILL IN THE REST... */
    unhand(threadState)->valid           = 1; /* correct value for true? */
    unhand(threadState)->currentFramePtr = (long) jsdframe;
    unhand(threadState)->nativeThreadState = (long) jsdstate;
    unhand(threadState)->continueState = netscape_jsdebug_JSThreadState_DEBUG_STATE_RUN;

    /* XXX FILL IN THE REST... */

    /* find and call the appropriate Hook */
    if( JSD_HOOK_INTERRUPTED == type )
        JHandle* hook;

        /* clear the JSD level hook (must reset on next sendInterrupt0()*/

        hook = (JHandle*) unhand(controller)->interruptHook;
        if( ! hook )
            return JSD_HOOK_RETURN_HOOK_ERROR;

        /* call the hook */
            ee, hook, "aboutToExecute",
            threadState, pcOb );
    else if( JSD_HOOK_DEBUG_REQUESTED == type )
        JHandle* hook;

        hook = (JHandle*) unhand(controller)->debugBreakHook;
        if( ! hook )
            return JSD_HOOK_RETURN_HOOK_ERROR;

        /* call the hook */
            ee, hook, "aboutToExecute",
            threadState, pcOb );
    else if( JSD_HOOK_BREAKPOINT == type )
        JHandle* hook;

        hook = (JHandle*)
                        pcOb );
        if( ! hook )
            return JSD_HOOK_RETURN_HOOK_ERROR;

        /* call the hook */
            ee, hook, "aboutToExecute",
            threadState );

    if( netscape_jsdebug_JSThreadState_DEBUG_STATE_THROW == 
        unhand(threadState)->continueState )
        return JSD_HOOK_RETURN_ABORT;

Beispiel #27
 * Performs reset of the card in the slot. This method must be called within
 * <tt>synchronize</tt> block with the Slot object.
 * <p>Java declaration:
 * <pre>
 * public native static byte[] reset0(Slot cardSlot) throws IOException;
 * </pre>
 * @param cardSlot Slot object
 * @return byte array with ATR
 * @exception NullPointerException if parameter is null
 * @exception IOException if any i/o troubles occured
Java_com_sun_midp_io_j2me_apdu_APDUManager_reset0() {
    MidpReentryData* info;
    void *context = NULL;
    JSR177_STATUSCODE status_code;
    CardSlot *card_slot;
    jsize atr_length;
    char *err_msg;
    // IMPL_NOTE: I assumed that maximum length of ATR is 256 bytes
    jbyte atr_buffer[256]; 
    info = (MidpReentryData*)SNI_GetReentryData(NULL);
    KNI_GetParameterAsObject(1, slot_handle);
    if (!KNI_IsNullHandle(slot_handle)) {
        card_slot = unhand(CardSlot,(slot_handle));
    } else {
        KNI_ThrowNew(midpNullPointerException, "Slot object is null");
        goto end;
    atr_length = sizeof atr_buffer;
    if (info == NULL || info->status == SIGNAL_LOCK) {
        if (!card_slot->locked) {
            status_code = jsr177_lock();
            if (status_code == JSR177_STATUSCODE_WOULD_BLOCK) {
                midp_thread_wait(CARD_READER_DATA_SIGNAL, SIGNAL_LOCK, NULL);
                goto end;
            if (status_code != JSR177_STATUSCODE_OK) {
                goto err;
            card_slot->locked = KNI_TRUE;
// Since this line slot is locked
            status_code = jsr177_select_slot(card_slot->slot);
            if (status_code != JSR177_STATUSCODE_OK) {
                goto err;
        status_code = jsr177_reset_start(atr_buffer, &atr_length, &context);
    } else {
        context = info->pResult;
        status_code = 
            jsr177_reset_finish(atr_buffer, &atr_length, context);
    if (status_code == JSR177_STATUSCODE_WOULD_BLOCK) {
        midp_thread_wait(CARD_READER_DATA_SIGNAL, SIGNAL_RESET, context);
        goto end;

    if (status_code != JSR177_STATUSCODE_OK) {
        if (jsr177_get_error((jbyte*)gKNIBuffer, KNI_BUFFER_SIZE)) {
            err_msg = gKNIBuffer;
        } else {
            err_msg = "reset0()";
        KNI_ThrowNew(midpIOException, err_msg);
        if (card_slot->locked) {
            status_code = jsr177_unlock(); // ignore status_code
            card_slot->locked = KNI_FALSE;
            midp_thread_signal(CARD_READER_DATA_SIGNAL, SIGNAL_LOCK, SIGNAL_LOCK);
        goto end;
    status_code = jsr177_is_sat(card_slot->slot, &card_slot->SIMPresent);
    if (status_code != JSR177_STATUSCODE_OK) {
        goto err;
    card_slot->powered = KNI_TRUE;
    card_slot->locked = KNI_FALSE;
    status_code = jsr177_unlock();
    if (status_code != JSR177_STATUSCODE_OK) {
        goto err;
    SNI_NewArray(SNI_BYTE_ARRAY, atr_length, atr_handle);
    memcpy(JavaByteArray(atr_handle), atr_buffer, atr_length);