Beispiel #1
  * Returns the sub-solar latitude/longitude in universal coordinates (0-360
  * positive east, ocentric)
  * @param lat Sub-solar latitude
  * @param lon Sub-solar longitude
  void Spice::SubSolarPoint (double &lat, double &lon) {

    if (p_et == -DBL_MAX) {
      std::string msg = "You must call SetEphemerisTime first";
      throw iException::Message(iException::Programmer,msg,_FILEINFO_);

    SpiceDouble uuB[3],dist;
    unorm_c (p_uB,uuB,&dist);

    SpiceDouble a = p_radii[0];
    SpiceDouble b = p_radii[1];
    SpiceDouble c = p_radii[2];

    SpiceDouble originB[3];
    originB[0] = originB[1] = originB[2] = 0.0;

    SpiceBoolean found;
    SpiceDouble subB[3];
    surfpt_c (originB,uuB,a,b,c,subB,&found);

    SpiceDouble mylon,mylat;
    reclat_c (subB,&a,&mylon,&mylat);
    lat = mylat * 180.0 / Isis::PI;
    lon = mylon * 180.0 / Isis::PI;
    if (lon < 0.0) lon += 360.0;

Beispiel #2
  * Returns the sub-spacecraft latitude/longitude in universal coordinates
  * (0-360 positive east, ocentric)
  * @param lat Sub-spacecraft latitude
  * @param lon Sub-spacecraft longitude
  void Spice::SubSpacecraftPoint (double &lat, double &lon) {

    if (p_et == -DBL_MAX) {
      std::string msg = "You must call SetEphemerisTime first";
      throw iException::Message(iException::Programmer,msg,_FILEINFO_);

    SpiceDouble usB[3],dist;
    std::vector<double> vsB = p_bodyRotation->ReferenceVector(p_instrumentPosition->Coordinate());
    SpiceDouble sB[3];
    sB[0] = vsB[0];
    sB[1] = vsB[1];
    sB[2] = vsB[2];
    unorm_c (sB,usB,&dist);

    SpiceDouble a = p_radii[0];
    SpiceDouble b = p_radii[1];
    SpiceDouble c = p_radii[2];

    SpiceDouble originB[3];
    originB[0] = originB[1] = originB[2] = 0.0;

    SpiceBoolean found;
    SpiceDouble subB[3];
    surfpt_c (originB,usB,a,b,c,subB,&found);

    SpiceDouble mylon,mylat;
    reclat_c (subB,&a,&mylon,&mylat);
    lat = mylat * 180.0 / Isis::PI;
    lon = mylon * 180.0 / Isis::PI;
    if (lon < 0.0) lon += 360.0;

Beispiel #3
  /** Compute undistorted focal plane coordinate from ground position using current Spice from SetImage call
   * This method will compute the undistorted focal plane coordinate for 
   * a ground position, using the current Spice settings (time and kernels) 
   * without resetting the current point values for lat/lon/radius/x/y.
   * @param lat planetocentric latitude in degrees
   * @param lon planetocentric longitude in degrees 
   * @param radius local radius in m 
   * @return conversion was successful
  bool CameraGroundMap::GetXY(const double lat, const double lon, const double radius,
                              std::vector<double> &lookJ) {

    // Check for Sky images
    if ( p_camera->IsSky() ) {
      return false;

    // Should a check be added to make sure SetImage has been called???
    // Compute the look vector in body-fixed coordinates
    double pB[3]; // Point on surface
    latrec_c( radius/1000.0, lon*Isis::PI/180.0, lat*Isis::PI/180.0, pB);

    // Get spacecraft vector in body-fixed coordinates
    SpiceRotation *bodyRot = p_camera->BodyRotation();
    std::vector<double> sB = bodyRot->ReferenceVector(p_camera->InstrumentPosition()->Coordinate());
    std::vector<double> lookB(3);
    for (int ic=0; ic<3; ic++)   lookB[ic] = pB[ic] - sB[ic];

    // Check for point on back of planet by checking to see if surface point is viewable (test emission angle)
    // During iterations, we may not want to do the back of planet test???
    double upsB[3],upB[3],dist;
    vminus_c ( (SpiceDouble *) &lookB[0], upsB);
    unorm_c (upsB, upsB, &dist);
    unorm_c (pB, upB, &dist);
    double angle = vdot_c(upB, upsB);
    double emission;
    if (angle > 1) {
      emission = 0;
    else if (angle < -1) {
      emission = 180.;
    else {
      emission = acos (angle) * 180.0 / Isis::PI;
    if (fabs(emission) > 90.) return false;

    // Get the look vector in the camera frame and the instrument rotation
    lookJ = p_camera->BodyRotation()->J2000Vector( lookB );
    return true;
Beispiel #4
 * Computes and returns emission angle in degrees given the observer position.
 * Emission Angle: The angle between the surface normal vector at the
 * intersection point and a vector from the intersection point to the
 * spacecraft. The emission angle varies from 0 degrees when the spacecraft is
 * viewing the sub-spacecraft point (nadir viewing) to 90 degrees when the
 * intercept is tangent to the surface of the target body. Thus, higher values
 * of emission angle indicate more oblique viewing of the target.
 * @param sB: Spacecraft position in body-fixed coordinates
 * @return Emmision angle in decimal degrees
double PlaneShape::emissionAngle(const std::vector<double> & sB) {

    SpiceDouble pB[3];   // surface intersection in body-fixed coordinates
    SpiceDouble psB[3];  // vector from spacecraft to surface intersection
    SpiceDouble upsB[3]; // unit vector from spacecraft to surface intersection
    SpiceDouble dist;    // vector magnitude

    // Get vector from center of body to surface point
    pB[0] = surfaceIntersection()->GetX().kilometers();
    pB[1] = surfaceIntersection()->GetY().kilometers();
    pB[2] = surfaceIntersection()->GetZ().kilometers();

    // Get vector from surface intersect point to observer and normalize it
    vsub_c((ConstSpiceDouble *) &sB[0], pB, psB);
    unorm_c(psB, upsB, &dist);

    // temporary normal vector
    SpiceDouble n[3];
    n[0] = 0.0;
    n[1] = 0.0;
    n[2] = 1.0;

    // flip normal if observer is "below" the plane, assuming that the target
    // body north pole defines the "up" direction
    if (sB[2] < 0.0)
        n[2] = -n[2];

    // dot product of surface normal and observer-surface intersection vector
    double angle = vdot_c(n, upsB);

    if (angle > 1.0)
        return 0.0;

    if (angle < -1.0)
        return 180.0;

    return acos(angle) * RAD2DEG;
Beispiel #5
 * Computes and returns incidence angle in degrees given the sun position.
 * Incidence Angle: The incidence angle provides a measure of the lighting
 * condition at the surface intersection point. The angle between the surface
 * normal vector at the intersection point and a vector from the intersection
 * point to the sun. The incidence angle varies from 0 degrees when the
 * intersection point coincides with the sub-solar point to 90 degrees when
 * the intersection point is at the terminator (i.e., in the shadowed or dark
 * portion of the target body). Thus, higher values of incidence angles
 * indicate the existence of a greater number of surface shadows.
 * @param uB: Sun position in body-fixed coordinates
 * @return Incidence angle in decimal degrees
double PlaneShape::incidenceAngle(const std::vector<double> &uB) {

    SpiceDouble pB[3];   // surface intersection in body-fixed coordinates
    SpiceDouble puB[3];  // vector from sun to surface intersection
    SpiceDouble upuB[3]; // unit vector from sun to surface intersection
    SpiceDouble dist;    // vector magnitude

    // Get vector from center of body to surface point
    pB[0] = surfaceIntersection()->GetX().kilometers();
    pB[1] = surfaceIntersection()->GetY().kilometers();
    pB[2] = surfaceIntersection()->GetZ().kilometers();

    // Get vector from surface intersect point to sun and normalize it
    vsub_c((SpiceDouble *) &uB[0], pB, puB);
    unorm_c(puB, upuB, &dist);

    // temporary normal vector
    SpiceDouble n[3];
    n[0] = 0.0;
    n[1] = 0.0;
    n[2] = 1.0;

    // flip normal if sun is "below" the plane, assuming that the target
    // body north pole defines the "up" direction
    if (uB[2] < 0.0)
        n[2] = -n[2];

    double angle = vdot_c((SpiceDouble *) &n[0], upuB);

    if (angle > 1.0)
        return 0.0;

    if(angle < -1.0)
        return 180.0;

    return acos(angle) * RAD2DEG;
Beispiel #6
   void dvhat_c ( ConstSpiceDouble s1  [6],
                  SpiceDouble      sout[6] )



   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
   s1        I     State to be normalized.
   sout      O     Unit vector s1 / |s1|, and its time derivative.


   s1       This is any double precision state. If the position
            component of the state is the zero vector, this routine
            will detect it and will not attempt to divide by zero.


   sout     sout is a state containing the unit vector pointing in
            the direction of position component of s1 and the
            derivative of the unit vector with respect to time.

            sout may overwrite s1.




   Error free.

   1) If s1 represents the zero vector, then the position
      component of sout will also be the zero vector.  The
      velocity component will be the velocity component
      of s1.




   Let s1 be a state vector with position and velocity components p
   and v respectively.  From these components one can compute the
   unit vector parallel to p, call it u and the derivative of u
   with respect to time, du.  This pair (u,du) is the state returned
   by this routine in sout.


   Any numerical results shown for this example may differ between
   platforms as the results depend on the SPICE kernels used as input
   and the machine specific arithmetic implementation.
   Suppose that 'state' gives the apparent state of a body with
   respect to an observer.  This routine can be used to compute the
   instantaneous angular rate of the object across the sky as seen
   from the observers vantage.

      #include "SpiceUsr.h"
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <math.h>

      int main()

         SpiceDouble       et;
         SpiceDouble       ltime;
         SpiceDouble       omega;
         SpiceDouble       state  [6];
         SpiceDouble       ustate [6];

         SpiceChar       * epoch  = "Jan 1 2009";
         SpiceChar       * target = "MOON";
         SpiceChar       * frame  = "J2000";
         SpiceChar       * abcorr = "LT+S";
         SpiceChar       * obsrvr = "EARTH BARYCENTER";

         Load SPK, PCK, and LSK kernels, use a meta kernel for convenience.
         furnsh_c ( "" );

         Define an arbitrary epoch, convert the epoch to ephemeris time.
         str2et_c ( epoch, &et );

         Calculate the state of the moon with respect to the earth-moon
         barycenter in J2000, corrected for light time and stellar aberration
         at ET.

         spkezr_c ( target, et, frame, abcorr, obsrvr, state, &ltime );

         Calculate the unit vector of STATE and the derivative of the
         unit vector.
         dvhat_c ( state, ustate );

         Calculate the instantaneous angular velocity from the magnitude of the
         derivative of the unit vector.

            v = r x omega

             ||omega|| = ||v||  for  r . v = 0

             ||omega|| = ||v||  for  ||r|| = 1
         omega = vnorm_c( &ustate[3] );

         printf( "Instantaneous angular velocity, rad/sec %.10g\n", omega );
         return 0;

   The program outputs:
      Instantaneous angular velocity, rad/sec 2.48106658e-06






     W.L. Taber      (JPL)
     E.D. Wright     (JPL)


   -CSPICE Version 1.0.1, 06-MAY-2010  (EDW)

      Reordered header sections to proper NAIF convention.
      Minor edit to code comments eliminating typo.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 07-JUL-1999  (EDW)


   State of a unit vector parallel to a state vector


{ /* Begin dvhat_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceDouble       length;
   SpiceDouble       posin [3];
   SpiceDouble       posout[3];
   SpiceDouble       velin [3];
   SpiceDouble       velout[3];

   We'll do this the obvious way for now.  Unpack the input vector
   into two working vectors.
   posin[0] = s1[0];
   posin[1] = s1[1];
   posin[2] = s1[2];
   velin[0] = s1[3];
   velin[1] = s1[4];
   velin[2] = s1[5];

   Get the position portion of the output state and the length of
   the input position.
   unorm_c ( posin, posout, &length );

   if ( length == 0. )

      If the length of the input position is zero, just copy
      the input velocity to the output velocity.
      vequ_c ( velin, velout );


      Otherwise the derivative of the unit vector is just the
      component of the input velocity perpendicular to the input
      position, scaled by the reciprocal of the length of the
      input position.
      vperp_c ( velin    , posout, velout );
      vscl_c  ( 1./length, velout, velout );


   Pack everything and return.  Hazar!
   sout[0] = posout[0];
   sout[1] = posout[1];
   sout[2] = posout[2];
   sout[3] = velout[0];
   sout[4] = velout[1];
   sout[5] = velout[2];

} /* End dvhat_c */
Beispiel #7
   void npedln_c ( SpiceDouble         a,
                   SpiceDouble         b,
                   SpiceDouble         c,
                   ConstSpiceDouble    linept[3],
                   ConstSpiceDouble    linedr[3],
                   SpiceDouble         pnear[3],
                   SpiceDouble       * dist      ) 


   Variable  I/O  Description 
   --------  ---  -------------------------------------------------- 
   a          I   Length of ellipsoid's semi-axis in the x direction 
   b          I   Length of ellipsoid's semi-axis in the y direction 
   c          I   Length of ellipsoid's semi-axis in the z direction 
   linept     I   Point on line 
   linedr     I   Direction vector of line 
   pnear      O   Nearest point on ellipsoid to line 
   dist       O   Distance of ellipsoid from line 
   c              are the lengths of the semi-axes of a triaxial 
                  ellipsoid which is centered at the origin and 
                  oriented so that its axes lie on the x-, y- and 
                  z- coordinate axes.  a, b, and c are the lengths of 
                  the semi-axes that point in the x, y, and z 
                  directions respectively. 
   linedr         are, respectively, a point and a direction vector 
                  that define a line.  The line is the set of vectors 
                     linept   +   t * linedr 
                  where t is any real number. 
   pnear          is the point on the ellipsoid that is closest to 
                  the line, if the line doesn't intersect the 
                  If the line intersects the ellipsoid, pnear will 
                  be a point of intersection.  If linept is outside 
                  of the ellipsoid, pnear will be the closest point 
                  of intersection.  If linept is inside the 
                  ellipsoid, pnear will not necessarily be the 
                  closest point of intersection. 
   dist           is the distance of the line from the ellipsoid. 
                  This is the minimum distance between any point on 
                  the line and any point on the ellipsoid. 
                  If the line intersects the ellipsoid, dist is zero. 
   If this routine detects an error, the output arguments nearp and 
   dist are not modified. 
   1)  If the length of any semi-axis of the ellipsoid is 
       non-positive, the error SPICE(INVALIDAXISLENGTH) is signaled. 
   2)  If the line's direction vector is the zero vector, the error 
       SPICE(ZEROVECTOR) is signaled. 
   3)  If the length of any semi-axis of the ellipsoid is zero after 
       the semi-axis lengths are scaled by the reciprocal of the 
       magnitude of the longest semi-axis and then squared, the error 
       SPICE(DEGENERATECASE) is signaled. 
   4)  If the input ellipsoid is extremely flat or needle-shaped 
       and has its shortest axis close to perpendicular to the input 
       line, numerical problems could cause this routine's algorithm 
       to fail, in which case the error SPICE(DEGENERATECASE) is 
   For any ellipsoid and line, if the line does not intersect the 
   ellipsoid, there is a unique point on the ellipsoid that is 
   closest to the line.  Therefore, the distance dist between 
   ellipsoid and line is well-defined.  The unique line segment of 
   length dist that connects the line and ellipsoid is normal to 
   both of these objects at its endpoints. 
   If the line intersects the ellipsoid, the distance between the 
   line and ellipsoid is zero. 
   1)   We can find the distance between an instrument optic axis ray 
        and the surface of a body modelled as a tri-axial ellipsoid 
        using this routine.  If the instrument position and pointing 
        unit vector in body-fixed coordinates are 
           linept = ( 1.0e6,  2.0e6,  3.0e6 ) 
           linedr = ( -4.472091234e-1 
                      -4.472091234e-3  ) 
        and the body semi-axes lengths are 
           a = 7.0e5 
           b = 7.0e5 
           c = 6.0e5, 
        then the call to npedln_c 
           npedln_c ( a, b, c, linept, linedr, pnear, &dist ); 
        yields a value for pnear, the nearest point on the body to 
        the optic axis ray, of 

           (  -.16333110792340931E+04,
               .59999183350006724E+06  )
        and a value for dist, the distance to the ray, of 

        (These results were obtained on a PC-Linux system under gcc.)

        In some cases, it may not be clear that the closest point 
        on the line containing an instrument boresight ray is on 
        the boresight ray itself; the point may lie on the ray 
        having the same vertex as the boresight ray and pointing in 
        the opposite direction.  To rule out this possibility, we 
        can make the following test: 
           Find the difference vector between the closest point 
           on the ellipsoid to the line containing the boresight 
           ray and the boresight ray's vertex.  Find the 
           angular separation between this difference vector 
           and the boresight ray.  If the angular separation 
           does not exceed pi/2, we have the nominal geometry. 
           Otherwise, we have an error. 
           vsub_c ( pnear,  linept,  diff );
           sep = vsep_c ( diff, linedr );

           if (  sep <= halfpi_c()  )  
              [ perform normal processing ] 
              [ handle error case ] 

   N.J. Bachman   (JPL) 
   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 01-JUN-2010 (NJB)
       Added touchd_ calls to tests for squared, scaled axis length
       underflow. This forces rounding to zero in certain cases where
       it otherwise might not occur due to use of extended registers.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.1, 06-DEC-2002 (NJB)

       Outputs shown in header example have been corrected to 
       be consistent with those produced by this routine.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 03-SEP-1999 (NJB)

   distance between line and ellipsoid 
   distance between line of sight and body 
   nearest point on ellipsoid to line 

{ /* Begin npedln_c */

   Local variables
   SpiceBoolean            found  [2];
   SpiceBoolean            ifound;
   SpiceBoolean            xfound;

   SpiceDouble             oppdir [3];
   SpiceDouble             mag;
   SpiceDouble             normal [3];
   SpiceDouble             prjpt  [3];
   SpiceDouble             prjnpt [3];
   SpiceDouble             pt     [2][3];
   SpiceDouble             scale;
   SpiceDouble             scla;
   SpiceDouble             scla2;
   SpiceDouble             sclb;
   SpiceDouble             sclb2;
   SpiceDouble             sclc;
   SpiceDouble             sclc2;
   SpiceDouble             sclpt  [3];
   SpiceDouble             udir   [3];

   SpiceEllipse            cand;
   SpiceEllipse            prjel;
   SpiceInt                i;

   SpicePlane              candpl;
   SpicePlane              prjpl;

   Static variables

   Participate in error tracing.

   chkin_c ( "npedln_c" );

   The algorithm used in this routine has two parts.  The first
   part handles the case where the input line and ellipsoid
   intersect.  Our procedure is simple in that case; we just
   call surfpt_c twice, passing it first one ray determined by the
   input line, then a ray pointing in the opposite direction.
   The second part of the algorithm handles the case where surfpt_c
   doesn't find an intersection.

   Finding the nearest point on the ellipsoid to the line, when the
   two do not intersect, is a matter of following four steps:

   1)  Find the points on the ellipsoid where the surface normal
       is normal to the line's direction.  This set of points is
       an ellipse centered at the origin.  The point we seek MUST
       lie on this `candidate' ellipse.

   2)  Project the candidate ellipse onto a plane that is normal
       to the line's direction.  This projection preserves
       distance from the line; the nearest point to the line on
       this new ellipse is the projection of the nearest point to
       the line on the candidate ellipse, and these two points are
       exactly the same distance from the line.  If computed using
       infinite-precision arithmetic, this projection would be
       guaranteed to be non-degenerate as long as the input
       ellipsoid were non-degenerate.  This can be verified by
       taking the inner product of the scaled normal to the candidate
       ellipse plane and the line's unitized direction vector
       (these vectors are called normal and udir in the code below);
       the inner product is strictly greater than 1 if the ellipsoid
       is non-degenerate.

   3)  The nearest point on the line to the projected ellipse will
       be contained in the plane onto which the projection is done;
       we find this point and then find the nearest point to it on
       the projected ellipse.  The distance between these two points
       is the distance between the line and the ellipsoid.

   4)  Finally, we find the point on the candidate ellipse that was
       projected to the nearest point to the line on the projected
       ellipse that was found in step 3.  This is the nearest point
       on the ellipsoid to the line.

                    Glossary of Geometric Variables

          c           Input ellipsoid's semi-axis lengths.

          point       Point of intersection of line and ellipsoid
                      if the intersection is non-empty.

          candpl      Plane containing candidate ellipse.

          normal      Normal vector to the candidate plane candpl.

          cand        Candidate ellipse.

          linedr,     Point and direction vector on input line.

          udir        Unitized line direction vector.

          prjpl       Projection plane; the candidate ellipse is
                      projected onto this plane to yield prjel.

          prjel       Projection of the candidate ellipse cand onto
                      the projection plane prjel.

          prjpt       Projection of line point.

          prjnpt      Nearest point on projected ellipse to
                      projection of line point.

          pnear       Nearest point on ellipsoid to line.

   We need a valid normal vector.
   unorm_c ( linedr, udir, &mag );

   if ( mag == 0. )
      setmsg_c( "Line direction vector is the zero vector. " );
      sigerr_c( "SPICE(ZEROVECTOR)"                          );
      chkout_c( "npedln_c"                                   );

   if (         ( a <= 0. )            
          ||    ( b <= 0. )            
          ||    ( c <= 0. )   )    
      setmsg_c  ( "Semi-axis lengths: a = #,  b = #,  c = #."  );
      errdp_c   ( "#", a                                       );
      errdp_c   ( "#", b                                       );
      errdp_c   ( "#", c                                       );
      sigerr_c  ( "SPICE(INVALIDAXISLENGTH)"                   );
      chkout_c  ( "npedln_c"                                   );

   Scale the semi-axes lengths for better numerical behavior.
   If squaring any one of the scaled lengths causes it to
   underflow to zero, we cannot continue the computation. Otherwise,
   scale the viewing point too.

   scale  =  maxd_c ( 3, a, b, c );

   scla   =  a / scale;
   sclb   =  b / scale;
   sclc   =  c / scale;

   scla2  =  scla*scla;
   sclb2  =  sclb*sclb;
   sclc2  =  sclc*sclc;

   if (       ( (SpiceDouble)touchd_(&scla2)   ==   0. )
         ||   ( (SpiceDouble)touchd_(&sclb2)   ==   0. )
         ||   ( (SpiceDouble)touchd_(&sclc2)   ==   0. )   )    
      setmsg_c ( "Semi-axis too small:  a = #, b = #, c = #. " );
      errdp_c  ( "#", a                                        );
      errdp_c  ( "#", b                                        );
      errdp_c  ( "#", c                                        );
      sigerr_c ( "SPICE(DEGENERATECASE)"                       );
      chkout_c ( "npedln_c"                                    );

   Scale linept.
   sclpt[0]  =  linept[0] / scale;
   sclpt[1]  =  linept[1] / scale;
   sclpt[2]  =  linept[2] / scale;
   Hand off the intersection case to surfpt_c.  surfpt_c determines
   whether rays intersect a body, so we treat the line as a pair
   of rays.

   vminus_c ( udir, oppdir );

   surfpt_c ( sclpt, udir,   scla, sclb, sclc, pt[0], &(found[0]) );
   surfpt_c ( sclpt, oppdir, scla, sclb, sclc, pt[1], &(found[1]) );

   for ( i = 0;  i < 2;  i++ )
      if ( found[i] ) 
         *dist  =  0.0;

         vequ_c   ( pt[i],  pnear         );
         vscl_c   ( scale,  pnear,  pnear );
         chkout_c ( "npedln_c"            );

   Getting here means the line doesn't intersect the ellipsoid.

   Find the candidate ellipse CAND.  NORMAL is a normal vector to
   the plane containing the candidate ellipse.   Mathematically the
   ellipse must exist, since it's the intersection of an ellipsoid
   centered at the origin and a plane containing the origin.  Only
   numerical problems can prevent the intersection from being found.

   normal[0]  =  udir[0] / scla2;
   normal[1]  =  udir[1] / sclb2;
   normal[2]  =  udir[2] / sclc2;

   nvc2pl_c ( normal, 0., &candpl );

   inedpl_c ( scla, sclb, sclc, &candpl, &cand, &xfound );

   if ( !xfound ) 
      setmsg_c ( "Candidate ellipse could not be found."  );
      sigerr_c ( "SPICE(DEGENERATECASE)"                  );
      chkout_c ( "npedln_c"                               );
   Project the candidate ellipse onto a plane orthogonal to the
   line.  We'll call the plane prjpl and the projected ellipse prjel.
   nvc2pl_c ( udir,   0.,     &prjpl );
   pjelpl_c ( &cand,  &prjpl, &prjel );
   Find the point on the line lying in the projection plane, and
   then find the near point PRJNPT on the projected ellipse.  Here
   PRJPT is the point on the line lying in the projection plane.
   The distance between PRJPT and PRJNPT is DIST.

   vprjp_c  ( sclpt,   &prjpl,  prjpt         );
   npelpt_c ( prjpt,   &prjel,  prjnpt,  dist );
   Find the near point pnear on the ellipsoid by taking the inverse
   orthogonal projection of prjnpt; this is the point on the
   candidate ellipse that projects to prjnpt.  Note that the
   output dist was computed in step 3 and needs only to be re-scaled.

   The inverse projection of pnear ought to exist, but may not
   be calculable due to numerical problems (this can only happen
   when the input ellipsoid is extremely flat or needle-shaped).
   vprjpi_c ( prjnpt, &prjpl, &candpl, pnear, &ifound );
   if ( !ifound )
      setmsg_c ( "Inverse projection could not be found."  );
      sigerr_c ( "SPICE(DEGENERATECASE)"                   );
      chkout_c ( "npedln_c"                                );
   Undo the scaling.
   vscl_c ( scale,  pnear,  pnear );

   *dist *= scale;
   chkout_c ( "npedln_c" );

} /* End npedln_c */