Beispiel #1
/* Clone an object. The new object is owned by the cloning player */
static dbref
clone_object(dbref player, dbref thing, const char *newname, int preserve)
  dbref clone;

  clone = new_object();

  Owner(clone) = Owner(player);
  Name(clone) = NULL;
  if (newname && *newname)
    set_name(clone, newname);
    set_name(clone, Name(thing));
  s_Pennies(clone, Pennies(thing));
  AttrCount(clone) = 0;
  List(clone) = NULL;
  Locks(clone) = NULL;
  clone_locks(player, thing, clone);
  Zone(clone) = Zone(thing);
  Parent(clone) = Parent(thing);
  Flags(clone) = clone_flag_bitmask("FLAG", Flags(thing));
  if (!preserve) {
    clear_flag_internal(clone, "WIZARD");
    clear_flag_internal(clone, "ROYALTY");
    Warnings(clone) = 0;        /* zap warnings */
    Powers(clone) = new_flag_bitmask("POWER");  /* zap powers */
  } else {
    Powers(clone) = clone_flag_bitmask("POWER", Powers(thing));
    Warnings(clone) = Warnings(thing);
    if (Wizard(clone) || Royalty(clone) || Warnings(clone) ||
        !null_flagmask("POWER", Powers(clone)))
             ("Warning: @CLONE/PRESERVE on an object with WIZ, ROY, @powers, or @warnings."));
  /* We give the clone the same modification time that its
   * other clone has, but update the creation time */
  ModTime(clone) = ModTime(thing);
  CreTime(clone) = mudtime;
  Type(clone) = Type(thing);

  Contents(clone) = Location(clone) = Next(clone) = NOTHING;
  if (IsRoom(thing))
    Exits(clone) = NOTHING;
    Home(clone) = Home(thing);
  atr_cpy(clone, thing);

  queue_event(player, "OBJECT`CREATE", "%s,%s",
              unparse_objid(clone), unparse_objid(thing));
  return clone;

Beispiel #2
/** Create an exit.
 * This function opens an exit and optionally links it.
 * \param player the enactor.
 * \param direction the name of the exit.
 * \param linkto the room to link to, as a string.
 * \param pseudo a phony location for player if a back exit is needed. This is bpass by do_open() as the source room of the back exit.
 * \return dbref of the new exit, or NOTHING.
do_real_open(dbref player, const char *direction, const char *linkto,
             dbref pseudo)
  dbref loc =
    (pseudo !=
     NOTHING) ? pseudo : (IsExit(player) ? Source(player) : (IsRoom(player) ?
                                                             player :
  dbref new_exit;
  char *flaglist, *flagname;
  char flagbuff[BUFFER_LEN];
  char *name = NULL;
  char *alias = NULL;

  if (!command_check_byname(player, "@dig")) {
    notify(player, T("Permission denied."));
    return NOTHING;
  if ((loc == NOTHING) || (!IsRoom(loc))) {
    notify(player, T("Sorry, you can only make exits out of rooms."));
    return NOTHING;
  if (Going(loc)) {
    notify(player, T("You can't make an exit in a place that's crumbling."));
    return NOTHING;
  if (!*direction) {
    notify(player, T("Open where?"));
    return NOTHING;
  } else
    if (ok_object_name
        ((char *) direction, player, NOTHING, TYPE_EXIT, &name, &alias) < 1) {
    notify(player, T("That's a strange name for an exit!"));
    if (name)
      mush_free(name, "name.newname");
    if (alias)
      mush_free(alias, "name.newname");
    return NOTHING;
  if (!Open_Anywhere(player) && !controls(player, loc)) {
    notify(player, T("Permission denied."));
  } else if (can_pay_fees(player, EXIT_COST)) {
    /* create the exit */
    new_exit = new_object();

    /* initialize everything */
    set_name(new_exit, name);
    if (alias && *alias != ALIAS_DELIMITER)
      atr_add(new_exit, "ALIAS", alias, player, 0);
    Owner(new_exit) = Owner(player);
    Zone(new_exit) = Zone(player);
    Source(new_exit) = loc;
    Type(new_exit) = TYPE_EXIT;
    Flags(new_exit) = new_flag_bitmask("FLAG");
    strcpy(flagbuff, options.exit_flags);
    flaglist = trim_space_sep(flagbuff, ' ');
    if (*flaglist != '\0') {
      while (flaglist) {
        flagname = split_token(&flaglist, ' ');
        twiddle_flag_internal("FLAG", new_exit, flagname, 0);

    mush_free(name, "name.newname");
    if (alias)
      mush_free(alias, "name.newname");

    /* link it in */
    PUSH(new_exit, Exits(loc));

    /* and we're done */
    notify_format(player, T("Opened exit %s"), unparse_dbref(new_exit));

    /* check second arg to see if we should do a link */
    if (linkto && *linkto != '\0') {
      notify(player, T("Trying to link..."));
      if ((loc = check_var_link(linkto)) == NOTHING)
        loc = parse_linkable_room(player, linkto);
      if (loc != NOTHING) {
        if (!payfor(player, LINK_COST)) {
          notify_format(player, T("You don't have enough %s to link."), MONIES);
        } else {
          /* it's ok, link it */
          Location(new_exit) = loc;
          notify_format(player, T("Linked exit #%d to #%d"), new_exit, loc);
    queue_event(player, "OBJECT`CREATE", "%s", unparse_objid(new_exit));
    return new_exit;
  if (name)
    mush_free(name, "name.newname");
  if (alias)
    mush_free(alias, "name.newname");

  return NOTHING;
Beispiel #3
/** Create a thing.
 * \verbatim
 * This is the top-level function for @create.
 * \endverbatim
 * \param player the enactor.
 * \param name name of thing to create.
 * \param cost pennies spent in creation.
 * \paran newdbref the (unparsed) dbref to give the object, or NULL to use the next free
 * \return dbref of new thing, or NOTHING.
do_create(dbref player, char *name, int cost, char *newdbref)
  dbref loc;
  dbref thing;
  char *flaglist, *flagname;
  char flagbuff[BUFFER_LEN];

  if (*name == '\0') {
    notify(player, T("Create what?"));
    return NOTHING;
  } else if (!ok_name(name, 0)) {
    notify(player, T("That's a silly name for a thing!"));
    return NOTHING;
  } else if (cost < OBJECT_COST) {
    cost = OBJECT_COST;

  if (!make_first_free_wrapper(player, newdbref)) {
    return NOTHING;

  if (can_pay_fees(player, cost)) {
    /* create the object */
    thing = new_object();

    /* initialize everything */
    set_name(thing, name);
    if (!IsExit(player))        /* Exits shouldn't have contents! */
      Location(thing) = player;
      Location(thing) = Source(player);
    Owner(thing) = Owner(player);
    Zone(thing) = Zone(player);
    s_Pennies(thing, cost);
    Type(thing) = TYPE_THING;
    Flags(thing) = new_flag_bitmask("FLAG");
    strcpy(flagbuff, options.thing_flags);
    flaglist = trim_space_sep(flagbuff, ' ');
    if (*flaglist != '\0') {
      while (flaglist) {
        flagname = split_token(&flaglist, ' ');
        twiddle_flag_internal("FLAG", thing, flagname, 0);

    /* home is here (if we can link to it) or player's home */
    if ((loc = Location(player)) != NOTHING &&
        (controls(player, loc) || Abode(loc))) {
      Home(thing) = loc;        /* home */
    } else {
      Home(thing) = Home(player);       /* home */

    /* link it in */
    if (!IsExit(player))
      PUSH(thing, Contents(player));
      PUSH(thing, Contents(Source(player)));

    /* and we're done */
    notify_format(player, T("Created: Object %s."), unparse_dbref(thing));

    queue_event(player, "OBJECT`CREATE", "%s", unparse_objid(thing));

    return thing;
  return NOTHING;
Beispiel #4
/** Create a room.
 * \verbatim
 * This is the top-level interface for @dig.
 * \endverbatim
 * \param player the enactor.
 * \param name the name of the room to create.
 * \param argv array of additional arguments to command
 *             (exit forward,exit back,newdbref)
 * \param tport if 1, teleport the player to the new room.
 * \return dbref of new room, or NOTHING.
do_dig(dbref player, const char *name, char **argv, int tport)
  dbref room;
  char *flaglist, *flagname;
  char flagbuff[BUFFER_LEN];
  char *newdbref = NULL;

  if (argv[3] && *argv[3]) {
    newdbref = argv[3];

  /* we don't need to know player's location!  hooray! */
  if (*name == '\0') {
    notify(player, T("Dig what?"));
  } else if (!ok_name(name, 0)) {
    notify(player, T("That's a silly name for a room!"));
  } else if (can_pay_fees(player, ROOM_COST)) {
    if (!make_first_free_wrapper(player, newdbref)) {
      return NOTHING;

    room = new_object();

    /* Initialize everything */
    set_name(room, name);
    Owner(room) = Owner(player);
    Zone(room) = Zone(player);
    Type(room) = TYPE_ROOM;
    Flags(room) = new_flag_bitmask("FLAG");
    strcpy(flagbuff, options.room_flags);
    flaglist = trim_space_sep(flagbuff, ' ');
    if (*flaglist != '\0') {
      while (flaglist) {
        flagname = split_token(&flaglist, ' ');
        twiddle_flag_internal("FLAG", room, flagname, 0);

    notify_format(player, T("%s created with room number %d."), name, room);
    if (argv[1] && *argv[1]) {
      char nbuff[MAX_COMMAND_LEN];
      sprintf(nbuff, "#%d", room);
      do_real_open(player, argv[1], nbuff, NOTHING);
    if (argv[2] && *argv[2]) {
      do_real_open(player, argv[2], "here", room);
    if (tport) {
      /* We need to use the full command, because we need NO_TEL
       * and Z_TEL checking */
      char roomstr[MAX_COMMAND_LEN];
      sprintf(roomstr, "#%d", room);
      do_teleport(player, "me", roomstr, 0, 0); /* if flag, move the player */
    queue_event(player, "OBJECT`CREATE", "%s", unparse_objid(room));
    return room;
  return NOTHING;
Beispiel #5
/** Rename something.
 * \verbatim
 * This implements @name.
 * \endverbatim
 * \param player the enactor.
 * \param name current name of object to rename.
 * \param newname_ new name for object.
do_name(dbref player, const char *name, char *newname_)
  dbref thing;
  char oldname[BUFFER_LEN];
  char *newname = NULL;
  char *alias = NULL;
  PE_REGS *pe_regs;

  if ((thing = match_controlled(player, name)) == NOTHING)

  /* check for bad name */
  if ((*newname_ == '\0') || strchr(newname_, '[')) {
    notify(player, T("Give it what new name?"));
  switch (Typeof(thing)) {
    switch (ok_object_name
            (newname_, player, thing, TYPE_PLAYER, &newname, &alias)) {
    case OPAE_INVALID:
    case OPAE_NULL:
      notify(player, T("You can't give a player that name or alias."));
      if (newname)
        mush_free(newname, "name.newname");
      if (alias)
        mush_free(alias, "name.newname");
    case OPAE_TOOMANY:
      notify(player, T("Too many aliases."));
      mush_free(newname, "name.newname");
    case OPAE_SUCCESS:
  case TYPE_EXIT:
    if (ok_object_name(newname_, player, thing, TYPE_EXIT, &newname, &alias) !=
        OPAE_SUCCESS) {
      notify(player, T("That is not a reasonable name."));
      if (newname)
        mush_free(newname, "name.newname");
      if (alias)
        mush_free(alias, "name.newname");
  case TYPE_THING:
  case TYPE_ROOM:
    if (!ok_name(newname_, 0)) {
      notify(player, T("That is not a reasonable name."));
    newname = mush_strdup(trim_space_sep(newname_, ' '), "name.newname");
    /* Should never occur */
    notify(player, T("I don't see that here."));

  /* Actually change it */
  mush_strncpy(oldname, Name(thing), BUFFER_LEN);

  if (IsPlayer(thing)) {
    do_log(LT_CONN, 0, 0, "Name change by %s(#%d) to %s",
           Name(thing), thing, newname);
    if (Suspect(thing) && strcmp(Name(thing), newname) != 0)
      flag_broadcast("WIZARD", 0,
                     T("Broadcast: Suspect %s changed name to %s."),
                     Name(thing), newname);
    reset_player_list(thing, Name(thing), NULL, newname, NULL);
  set_name(thing, newname);
  if (alias) {
    if (*alias == ALIAS_DELIMITER) {
      do_set_atr(thing, "ALIAS", NULL, player, 0);
    } else {
      /* New alias to set */
      do_set_atr(thing, "ALIAS", alias, player, 0);
    mush_free(alias, "name.newname");

  queue_event(player, "OBJECT`RENAME", "%s,%s,%s",
              unparse_objid(thing), newname, oldname);

  if (!AreQuiet(player, thing))
    notify(player, T("Name set."));
  pe_regs = pe_regs_create(PE_REGS_ARG, "do_name");
  pe_regs_setenv_nocopy(pe_regs, 0, oldname);
  pe_regs_setenv_nocopy(pe_regs, 1, newname);
  real_did_it(player, thing, NULL, NULL, "ONAME", NULL, "ANAME", NOTHING,
              pe_regs, NA_INTER_PRESENCE, AN_SYS);
  mush_free(newname, "name.newname");
Beispiel #6
/** Attempt to register a new player at the connect screen.
 * If registration is allowed, a new player object is created with
 * a random password which is emailed to the registering player.
 * \param name name of player to register.
 * \param email email address to send registration details.
 * \param host host from which registration is being attempted.
 * \param ip ip address from which registration is being attempted.
 * \return dbref of created player or NOTHING if creation failed.
email_register_player(DESC *d, const char *name, const char *email,
                      const char *host, const char *ip)
  char *p;
  char passwd[20];
  static char elems[] =
  int i, len;
  bool resend = 0;
  dbref player = NOTHING;
  FILE *fp;
  size_t NELEMS = sizeof(elems) - 1;
  char sbuff[260];

  if (!check_fails(ip)) {
    return NOTHING;

  if (strlen(options.sendmail_prog) == 0)
    return NOTHING;

  if (!ok_player_name(name, NOTHING, NOTHING)) {
    /* Check for re-registration request */
    player = lookup_player(name);
    if (GoodObject(player)) {
      ATTR *a;
      a = atr_get(player, "LASTLOGOUT");
      if (!a) {
        a = atr_get(player, "REGISTERED_EMAIL");
        if (a && !strcasecmp(atr_value(a), email))
          resend = 1;
    if (!resend) {
      do_log(LT_CONN, 0, 0, "Failed registration (bad name) from %s", host);
      queue_event(SYSEVENT, "SOCKET`CREATEFAIL", "%d,%s,%d,%s,%s",
                  d->descriptor, ip, mark_failed(ip), "register: bad name",
      return NOTHING;
  if (!resend) {
    /* Make sure that the email address is kind of valid. A valid
     * address must contain a @. Let the mailer sort it out beyond
     * that.  Also, to prevent someone from using the MUSH to mailbomb
     * another site, let's make sure that the site to which the user
     * wants the email sent is also allowed to use the register
     * command.  If there's an @, we check whatever's after the last @
     * (since is a valid email).
    if ((p = strrchr(email, '@'))) {
      if (!Site_Can_Register(p)) {
        if (!Deny_Silent_Site(p, AMBIGUOUS)) {
          do_log(LT_CONN, 0, 0,
                 "Failed registration (bad site in email: %s) from %s", email,
          queue_event(SYSEVENT, "SOCKET`CREATEFAIL", "%d,%s,%d,%s,%s",
                      d->descriptor, ip, mark_failed(ip),
                      "register: bad site in email", name);
        return NOTHING;
    } else {
      if (!Deny_Silent_Site(host, AMBIGUOUS)) {
        do_log(LT_CONN, 0, 0, "Failed registration (bad email: %s) from %s",
               email, host);
        queue_event(SYSEVENT, "SOCKET`CREATEFAIL", "%d,%s,%d,%s,%s",
                    d->descriptor, ip, mark_failed(ip),
                    "register: sitelocked host", name);
      return NOTHING;

    if (DBTOP_MAX && (db_top >= DBTOP_MAX + 1) && (first_free == NOTHING)) {
      /* Oops, out of db space! */
      do_log(LT_CONN, 0, 0, "Failed registration (no db space) from %s", host);
      queue_event(SYSEVENT, "SOCKET`CREATEFAIL", "%d,%s,%d,%s,%s",
                  d->descriptor, ip, count_failed(ip),
                  "register: no db space left to create!", name);
      return NOTHING;

  /* Come up with a random password of length 7-12 chars */
  len = get_random_u32(7, 12);
  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
    passwd[i] = elems[get_random_u32(0, NELEMS - 1)];
  passwd[len] = '\0';

  /* If we've made it here, we can send the email and create the
   * character. Email first, since that's more likely to go bad.
   * Some security precautions we'll take:
   *  1) We'll use sendmail -t, so we don't pass user-given values to a shell.
   *  2) We'll cross our fingers and hope nobody uses this to spam.

  snprintf(sbuff, sizeof sbuff, "%s -t", options.sendmail_prog);
  if ((fp = popen(sbuff, "w")) == NULL) {
    do_log(LT_CONN, 0, 0,
           "Failed registration of %s by %s: unable to open sendmail", name,
    queue_event(SYSEVENT, "SOCKET`CREATEFAIL", "%d,%s,%d,%s,%s,%d",
                d->descriptor, ip, count_failed(ip),
                "register: Unable to open sendmail!", name, 1);
    return NOTHING;
  fprintf(fp, "Subject: ");
  fprintf(fp, T("[%s] Registration of %s\n"), MUDNAME, name);
  fprintf(fp, "To: %s\n", email);
  fprintf(fp, "Precedence: junk\n");
  fprintf(fp, "\n");
  fprintf(fp, T("This is an automated message.\n"));
  fprintf(fp, "\n");
  fprintf(fp, T("Your requested player, %s, has been created.\n"), name);
  fprintf(fp, T("The password is %s\n"), passwd);
  fprintf(fp, "\n");
  fprintf(fp, T("To access this character, connect to %s and type:\n"),
  fprintf(fp, "\tconnect \"%s\" %s\n", name, passwd);
  fprintf(fp, "\n");
  i = pclose(fp);

  if (i != 0) {
    /* Mailer exited with an error code. Log it. */
      "When attempting to email a password to a newly registered player,\n"
      "\tthe mailer exited with error code %d.\n"
      "\t(Check /usr/include/sysexits.h if present for the meaning.)",
    queue_event(SYSEVENT, "SOCKET`CREATEFAIL", "%d,%s,%d,%s,%s,%d",
                d->descriptor, ip, count_failed(ip),
                "register: Unable to send email", name, i);
    return NOTHING;
  } else if (resend) {
    /* Reset the password */
    (void) atr_add(player, pword_attr, password_hash(passwd, NULL), GOD, 0);
    return player;
  } else {
    /* Ok, all's well, make a player */
    player = make_player(name, passwd, host, ip);
    queue_event(SYSEVENT, "PLAYER`CREATE", "%s,%s,%s,%d,%s",
                unparse_objid(player), name, "register", d->descriptor, email);
    (void) atr_add(player, "REGISTERED_EMAIL", email, GOD, 0);
    return player;