Beispiel #1
  : Display()
  , manual_object_( NULL )
  , loaded_( false )
  , resolution_( 0.0f )
  , width_( 0 )
  , height_( 0 )
  connect(this, SIGNAL( mapUpdated() ), this, SLOT( showMap() ));
  topic_property_ = new RosTopicProperty( "Topic", "",
                                          QString::fromStdString( ros::message_traits::datatype<nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid>() ),
                                          "nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid topic to subscribe to.",
                                          this, SLOT( updateTopic() ));

  alpha_property_ = new FloatProperty( "Alpha", 0.7,
                                       "Amount of transparency to apply to the map.",
                                       this, SLOT( updateAlpha() ));
  alpha_property_->setMin( 0 );
  alpha_property_->setMax( 1 );

  color_scheme_property_ = new EnumProperty( "Color Scheme", "map", "How to color the occupancy values.",
                                             this, SLOT( updatePalette() ));
  // Option values here must correspond to indices in palette_textures_ array in onInitialize() below.
  color_scheme_property_->addOption( "map", 0 );
  color_scheme_property_->addOption( "costmap", 1 );

  draw_under_property_ = new Property( "Draw Behind", false,
                                       "Rendering option, controls whether or not the map is always"
                                       " drawn behind everything else.",
                                       this, SLOT( updateDrawUnder() ));

  resolution_property_ = new FloatProperty( "Resolution", 0,
                                            "Resolution of the map. (not editable)", this );
  resolution_property_->setReadOnly( true );

  width_property_ = new IntProperty( "Width", 0,
                                     "Width of the map, in meters. (not editable)", this );
  width_property_->setReadOnly( true );
  height_property_ = new IntProperty( "Height", 0,
                                      "Height of the map, in meters. (not editable)", this );
  height_property_->setReadOnly( true );

  position_property_ = new VectorProperty( "Position", Ogre::Vector3::ZERO,
                                           "Position of the bottom left corner of the map, in meters. (not editable)",
                                           this );
  position_property_->setReadOnly( true );

  orientation_property_ = new QuaternionProperty( "Orientation", Ogre::Quaternion::IDENTITY,
                                                  "Orientation of the map. (not editable)",
                                                  this );
  orientation_property_->setReadOnly( true );
    : Display(), map_id_(0), scene_id_(0), dirty_(false),
      received_msg_(false), loader_(0) {

  static unsigned int map_ids = 0;
  map_id_ = map_ids++; //  global counter of map ids

  topic_property_ = new RosTopicProperty(
      "Topic", "", QString::fromStdString(
      "nav_msgs::Odometry topic to subscribe to.", this, SLOT(updateTopic()));

  alpha_property_ = new FloatProperty(
      "Alpha", 0.7, "Amount of transparency to apply to the map.", this,
  alpha_ = alpha_property_->getValue().toFloat();

  draw_under_property_ =
      new Property("Draw Behind", false,
                   "Rendering option, controls whether or not the map is always"
                   " drawn behind everything else.",
                   this, SLOT(updateDrawUnder()));
  draw_under_ = draw_under_property_->getValue().toBool();

  //  output, resolution of the map in meters/pixel
  resolution_property_ = new FloatProperty(
      "Resolution", 0, "Resolution of the map. (Read only)", this);

  //  properties for map
  object_uri_property_ = new StringProperty(
      "Object URI", "{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg",
      "URL from which to retrieve map tiles.", this, SLOT(updateObjectURI()));
  object_uri_ = object_uri_property_->getStdString();

  zoom_property_ = new IntProperty("Zoom", 16, "Zoom level (0 - 19 usually)",
                                   this, SLOT(updateZoom()));
  zoom_ = zoom_property_->getInt();

  blocks_property_ =
      new IntProperty("Blocks", 3, "Number of adjacent blocks (6 max)", this,

  //  updating one triggers reload