bool Inventory::getItems(const Common::Array<Item> *&items) { bool changed = updateItems(); items = &_items; return changed; }
int rdDelItem(rdWin *w, int item) { rdItem **pi; rdItem *i; int len; assert(w); if (w->wintype != rdList || item < 0) { DPRINT("Invalid window or item for delete"); return 1; } for (pi = &w->items; *pi && item; pi = &((*pi)->next)) item--; if (item) { DPRINT("Could not find item to delete it"); return 1; /* not found */ } i = *pi; len = i->p1 - i->p0; if (rpc_delete(wilyq, w->id, i->p0, i->p1) < 0) { DPRINT("Could not delete item from list"); return 1; } *pi = i->next; free(i); updateItems(w, *pi, -len); return 0; }
SchedScene::SchedScene(task_t *task, perm_t *perm, sched_t *sched, QObject *parent) : QGraphicsScene(parent) , task_(task) , perm_(perm) , sched_(sched) , items_(task->size()) , marker(new Marker) , tRect_(NULL) { for (size_t i = 0; i < task->size(); ++i) { items_[i] = new SchedItem(this, i); items_[i]->setPos(sched->operator[](i), 0); addItem(items_[i]); items_[i]->updateData(getItemWidth(i)); } marker->setPos(0, 0); addItem(marker); tRect_ = addRect(0, 0, 0, 0); tRect_->setPen(QPen(Qt::red, 1)); tRect_->setBrush(QBrush(Qt::red, Qt::Dense5Pattern)); updateItems(); }
void App::newGame() { setCheatModeEnabled(false); setPauseEnabled(false); updateItems(); updateTileDisplay(); }
void GraphicsScene::move( QPointF offset ) { qreal minLen = shorterSceneRectSide(); QPointF normOffset(offset.x()/(minLen*mRatio), -offset.y()/(minLen*mRatio)); mOffset += normOffset; updateItems(); }
int rdChangeItem(rdWin *w, int item, char *text) { rdItem **pi; rdItem *i; int len, oldlen, newlen; char *sep = "\n"; assert(w); assert(text); newlen = strlen(text); if (w->wintype != rdList || !text || !*text) { DPRINT("changeItem() called for non-list window"); return 1; } for (pi = &w->items; *pi && item; pi = &((*pi)->next)) item--; if (item) { DPRINT("item not found"); return 1; } i = *pi; oldlen = i->p1 - i->p0; if (rpc_delete(wilyq, w->id, i->p0, i->p1) || rpc_insert(wilyq, w->id, i->p0, text) || rpc_insert(wilyq, w->id, i->p0 + newlen, sep)) { DPRINT("Updates to wily window failed"); return 1; } newlen += strlen(sep); i->p1 = i->p0 + newlen; len = newlen - oldlen; updateItems(w, i->next, len); return 0; }
void SchedScene::invalidateItems() { /*vector<cost_t> tards(jobs_.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < jobs_.size(); ++i) { const size_t job_i = (*perm_)[i]; tards[i] = std::max<cost_t>((*sched_)[job_i] - (*task_)[job_i].due, 0) * (*task_)[job_i].tweight; qreal width = 5; // FIXME if (i < jobs_.size() - 1) { const size_t next_job = (*perm_)[i + 1]; width = time2coord((*task_)[job_i].spans[next_job]); } jobs_[i]->updateData(width, weight2coord((*task_)[job_i].tweight)); } const cost_t max_tard = *std::max_element(tards.begin(), tards.end()); for (size_t i = 0; i < tards.size(); ++i) { if (true || tards[i] < 0 || std::fabs(max_tard) < 0.00001) jobs_[i]->setColor(QColor(0, 255, 255)); else { float ratio = tards[i] / max_tard; int green = std::min(static_cast<int>(255.0 * 2.0 * (1.0 - ratio)), 255); int red = std::min(static_cast<int>(255.0 * 2.0 * ratio), 255); jobs_[i]->setColor(QColor(red, green, 0)); } }*/ for (size_t i = 0; i < task_->size(); ++i) { const size_t job_i = (*perm_)[i]; qreal width = time2coord(get_processing_time(*task_, *perm_, i)); jobs_[i]->updateData(width, weight2coord((*task_)[job_i].tweight())); jobs_[i]->setColor(Qt::cyan); } for (size_t i = task_->size(); i < jobs_.size(); ++i) jobs_[i]->setColor(Qt::red); for (size_t i = subtask_begin_; i < subtask_end_; ++i) { jobs_[i]->setColor(Qt::blue); jobs_[i]->setColor(Qt::blue); } if (current.is_initialized()) jobs_[*current]->setColor(QColor(255, 0, 0)); updateItems(); }
void SelectCollection::purchaseUpdateFullGame() { if(_last_scene) { updateItems(); _last_scene->_pop_up_manager.backAction(); } }
void App::redo() { if (!m_board->canRedo()) { return; } m_board->redo(); updateItems(); updateTileDisplay(); }
//Sells an Item, returns true if successful bool itemSell(Player *p, Item *i){ if(listSearch(&p->inventory, i)){ listRemoveByValue(&p->inventory, i); p->money += i->prize*2/3; updateItems(p); return true; } return false; }
void DynamicPlaylist::checkUpdateItems() { if(!m_dirty) return; updateItems(); m_dirty = false; }
void UserMgmtWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) { if(event->oldSize() == event->size()) { event->ignore(); return; } updateItems(); event->accept(); }
void App::hint() { #ifdef DEBUGGING m_board->makeHintMove(); #else m_board->showHint(); setCheatModeEnabled(true); #endif updateItems(); }
void PsFilesListView::deleteFile() { QAction *act = qobject_cast<QAction*>(sender()); if (act) { int index = act->data().toInt(); mProject->removeFile(index); } updateItems(); }
//Sells a mineral, returns true if successful bool mineralSell(Player *p, MineralTypes m, int amount){ //Mineral is of Type Earth. We ignore if(m == 0) return true; if(p->minerals[m] >= amount){ p->minerals[m] -= amount; p->money += amount * mineralInfo[m].value; updateItems(p); return true; } return false; }
void MeshWidgetChart::init() { setFont(QFont("Sans Serif", 11, QFont::Bold)); m_action = new QAction(m_title, this); m_action->setCheckable(true); m_action->setChecked(true); m_spacing = 7; connect(m_action, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(setVisible(bool))); connect(&m_topItem, SIGNAL(updateRequired()), this, SLOT(updateItems())); }
void SchedScene::swapItems(size_t i, size_t j) { std::swap((*perm_)[i], (*perm_)[j]); items_[i]->updateData(getItemWidth(i)); items_[j]->updateData(getItemWidth(j)); updateItems(); qDebug() << "Cost: " << get_cost(*task_, *sched_); }
//Buys an Item, returns true if successful bool itemBuy(Player *p, Item *i){ //Check if Item is already owned if(listCount(&p->inventory, i) >= 1 ) return false; int newmoney = p->money - i->prize; int newspace = getFreeInvSpace(p) - i->inventorySizeTaken; if( newmoney >= 0 && newspace >= 0){ p->money = newmoney; listInsert(&p->inventory, i); updateItems(p); return true; } return false; }
void ScoresDialog::editingFinished() { // Hide lineedit m_username->hide(); m_scores_layout->removeWidget(m_username); m_scores[m_row].name = m_username->text(); m_score_labels[m_row][1]->show(); updateItems(); // Save scores QStringList values; foreach (const Score& s, m_scores) { values += QString("%1:%2:%3:%4") .arg( .arg(s.score) .arg("")) .arg(s.timer); }
void UatDialog::on_deleteToolButton_clicked() { QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui->uatTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (!uat_ || !item) return; guint row = item->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toUInt(); uat_remove_record_idx(uat_, row); updateItems(); on_uatTreeWidget_itemSelectionChanged(); uat_->changed = TRUE; }
void App::restartGame() { m_board->setUpdatesEnabled(false); while (m_board->canUndo()) { m_board->undo(); } m_board->resetRedo(); m_board->resetTimer(); setCheatModeEnabled(false); m_board->setGameOverEnabled(false); m_board->setGameStuckEnabled(false); m_board->setUpdatesEnabled(true); updateItems(); }
void App::undo() { if (!m_board->canUndo()) { return; } m_board->undo(); setCheatModeEnabled(true); // If the game is stuck (no matching tiles anymore), the player can decide // to undo some steps and try a different approach. m_board->setGameStuckEnabled(false); updateItems(); updateTileDisplay(); }
void GraphicsScene::zoom( int step, QPointF hoverPos ) { if(mRatio==0.9 && step<=0) return; QPointF normPoint = sceneCoorToNormCoor(hoverPos); qreal minLen = shorterSceneRectSide(); mRatio += 0.1 * step; if(mRatio<0.9) mRatio = 0.9; QPointF newScenePoint = QPointF( normPoint.x() * minLen * mRatio, - normPoint.y()*minLen*mRatio); QPointF tmp = (hoverPos - newScenePoint)/(minLen*mRatio); mOffset = QPointF(tmp.x(), -tmp.y()); updateItems(); doSomething(); }
bool ListUsers::v_caseMessage( af::Msg * msg) { #ifdef AFOUTPUT msg->stdOut(); #endif switch( msg->type()) { case af::Msg::TUsersList: { updateItems( msg); calcTitle(); subscribe(); break; } default: return false; } return true; }
void App::slotEndOfGame() { if (m_board->tilesLeft() > 0) { m_board->setGameStuckEnabled(true); } else { m_board->setGameOverEnabled(true); auto const timeString = i18nc("time string: hh:mm:ss", "%1:%2:%3", QString().sprintf("%02d", m_board->currentTime() / 3600), QString().sprintf("%02d", (m_board->currentTime() / 60) % 60), QString().sprintf("%02d", m_board->currentTime() % 60)); KScoreDialog::FieldInfo scoreInfo; scoreInfo[KScoreDialog::Score].setNum(score(m_board->xTiles(), m_board->yTiles(), m_board->currentTime(), m_board->gravityFlag())); scoreInfo[KScoreDialog::Time] = timeString; QPointer<KScoreDialog> scoreDialog = new KScoreDialog(KScoreDialog::Name | KScoreDialog::Time | KScoreDialog::Score, this); scoreDialog->addField(KScoreDialog::Custom1, i18n("Gravity"), QStringLiteral("gravity")); // FIXME: This is bad, because the translated words are stored in the highscores and thus switching the language makes ugly things (schwarzer) if (m_board->gravityFlag()) { scoreInfo[KScoreDialog::Custom1] = i18n("Yes"); } else { scoreInfo[KScoreDialog::Custom1] = i18n("No"); } auto const configGroup = QStringLiteral("%1x%2").arg(m_board->xTiles()).arg(m_board->yTiles()); scoreDialog->setConfigGroup(qMakePair(QByteArray(configGroup.toUtf8()), configGroup)); if (m_board->hasCheated()) { auto const message = i18n("\nYou could have been in the highscores\nif you did not use Undo or Hint.\nTry without them next time."); KMessageBox::information(this, message, i18n("End of Game")); } else { if (scoreDialog->addScore(scoreInfo) > 0) { auto const message = i18n("Congratulations!\nYou made it into the hall of fame."); scoreDialog->setComment(message); scoreDialog->exec(); } else { auto const message = i18nc("%1 - time string like hh:mm:ss", "You made it in %1", timeString); KMessageBox::information(this, message, i18n("End of Game")); } } delete scoreDialog; } updateItems(); }
App::App(QWidget * parent) : KXmlGuiWindow(parent) , m_gameTipLabel(nullptr) , m_gameTimerLabel(nullptr) , m_gameTilesLabel(nullptr) , m_gameCheatLabel(nullptr) , m_board(nullptr) { m_board = new Board(this); m_board->setObjectName(QStringLiteral("board")); setCentralWidget(m_board); setupStatusBar(); setupActions(); setupGUI(); updateItems(); updateTileDisplay(); }
int Select::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = KTToolPlugin::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: syncNodes(); break; case 1: updateItems((*reinterpret_cast< KTGraphicsScene*(*)>(_a[1]))); break; default: ; } _id -= 2; } return _id; }
bool ScoresDialog::addScore(int score) { // Add score m_row = addScore(m_default_name, score, QDateTime::currentDateTime(), QSettings().value("Board/TimerMode", Clock::Tanglet).toInt()); if (m_row == -1) { return false; } for (int c = 0; c < 5; ++c) { QFont f = m_score_labels[m_row][c]->font(); f.setWeight(QFont::Bold); m_score_labels[m_row][c]->setFont(f); } updateItems(); // Show lineedit m_scores_layout->addWidget(m_username, m_row + 1, 1); m_score_labels[m_row][1]->hide(); m_username->setText(m_default_name); m_username->show(); return true; }
void UatDialog::addRecord(bool copy_from_current) { if (!uat_) return; void *rec = g_malloc0(uat_->record_size); if (copy_from_current && uat_->copy_cb) { QTreeWidgetItem *item = ui->uatTreeWidget->currentItem(); if (!item) return; guint row = item->data(0, Qt::UserRole).toUInt(); uat_->copy_cb(rec, UAT_INDEX_PTR(uat_, row), uat_->record_size); } else { for (guint col = 0; col < uat_->ncols; col++) { uat_field_t *field = &uat_->fields[col]; switch (field->mode) { case PT_TXTMOD_ENUM: guint length; char *str; field->cb.tostr(rec, &str, &length, field->cbdata.tostr, field->fld_data); field->cb.set(rec, str, length, field->cbdata.set, field->fld_data); g_free(str); break; case PT_TXTMOD_NONE: break; default: field->cb.set(rec, "", 0, field->cbdata.set, field->fld_data); break; } } } uat_add_record(uat_, rec, TRUE); if (uat_->free_cb) { uat_->free_cb(rec); } g_free(rec); uat_->changed = TRUE; updateItems(); activateLastItem(); }
void UatDialog::setUat(epan_uat *uat) { QString title(tr("Unknown User Accessible Table")); uat_ = uat; ui->uatTreeWidget->clear(); ui->uatTreeWidget->setColumnCount(0); ui->pathLabel->clear(); ui->pathLabel->setEnabled(false); help_button_->setEnabled(false); if (uat_) { if (uat_->name) { title = uat_->name; } QString abs_path = gchar_free_to_qstring(uat_get_actual_filename(uat_, FALSE)); ui->pathLabel->setText(abs_path); ui->pathLabel->setUrl(QUrl::fromLocalFile(abs_path).toString()); ui->pathLabel->setToolTip(tr("Open ") + uat->filename); ui->pathLabel->setEnabled(true); ui->uatTreeWidget->setColumnCount(uat_->ncols); for (guint col = 0; col < uat->ncols; col++) { ui->uatTreeWidget->headerItem()->setText(col, uat_->fields[col].title); } updateItems(); if (uat_->help && strlen(uat_->help) > 0) { help_button_->setEnabled(true); } } setWindowTitle(title); }