void launch_rocket(int x, int y)
    int i, r, xx, yy, xxx, yyy;
    /* The first five failures gives 49.419 % chances of 5 success
     * TODO: some stress could be added by 3,2,1,0 and animation of rocket with sound...
    r = rand() % MAX_TECH_LEVEL;
    if (r > tech_level || rand() % 100 > (rockets_launched * 15 + 25)) {
        /* the launch failed */
        rockets_launched_success = 0;
        xx = ((rand() % 40) - 20) + x;
        yy = ((rand() % 40) - 20) + y;
        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            xxx = ((rand() % 20) - 10) + xx;
            yyy = ((rand() % 20) - 10) + yy;
            if (xxx > 0 && xxx < (WORLD_SIDE_LEN - 4)
                && yyy > 0 && yyy < (WORLD_SIDE_LEN - 4)) {
                /* don't crash on it's own area */
                if (xxx >= x && xxx < (x + 4) && yyy >= y && yyy < (y + 4))
                fire_area(xxx, yyy);
                /* make a sound perhaps */
    } else {
        /* TODO: Maybe should generate some pollution ? */
        if (rockets_launched_success > 5) {
            if (people_pool || housed_population)
        } else {
// called when the window is brought to the foreground (appears)
static void handle_window_update(Window* window){
// creates all layers in this window and allocates heap memory
static void initialise_ui(void) {
  s_window = window_create();
  s_res_image_action_icon_reset = gbitmap_create_with_resource(RESOURCE_ID_IMAGE_ACTION_ICON_RESET);
  s_res_image_action_icon_play_pause = gbitmap_create_with_resource(RESOURCE_ID_IMAGE_ACTION_ICON_PLAY_PAUSE);
  s_res_image_action_icon_play = gbitmap_create_with_resource(RESOURCE_ID_IMAGE_ACTION_ICON_PLAY);
  s_res_image_action_icon_pause = gbitmap_create_with_resource(RESOURCE_ID_IMAGE_ACTION_ICON_PAUSE);
  s_res_image_action_icon_increment = gbitmap_create_with_resource(RESOURCE_ID_IMAGE_ACTION_ICON_INCREMENT);
  s_res_image_action_icon_finish = gbitmap_create_with_resource(RESOURCE_ID_IMAGE_ACTION_ICON_FINISH);
  s_res_distFont = fonts_get_system_font(FONT_KEY_LECO_26_BOLD_NUMBERS_AM_PM );
  s_res_timerFont_large = fonts_get_system_font(FONT_KEY_LECO_36_BOLD_NUMBERS); 
  s_res_timerFont_small = fonts_get_system_font(FONT_KEY_LECO_28_LIGHT_NUMBERS);
  s_res_timeFont = fonts_get_system_font(FONT_KEY_GOTHIC_24_BOLD);
  s_res_statFont = fonts_get_system_font(FONT_KEY_LECO_20_BOLD_NUMBERS );
  // s_actionbarlayer_1
  s_actionbarlayer_1 = action_bar_layer_create();
  action_bar_layer_add_to_window(s_actionbarlayer_1, s_window);
  action_bar_layer_set_icon(s_actionbarlayer_1, BUTTON_ID_SELECT, s_res_image_action_icon_play_pause);
  action_bar_layer_set_click_config_provider(s_actionbarlayer_1, click_config_provider);
  layer_add_child(window_get_root_layer(s_window), (Layer *)s_actionbarlayer_1);
  // s_bitmaplayer_bar_1_bar bar 1
  s_bitmaplayer_bar_1 = bitmap_layer_create(GRect(s_barPos_x, s_barPos_y, s_barWidth, s_barHeight));
  layer_add_child(window_get_root_layer(s_window), (Layer *)s_bitmaplayer_bar_1);
  // s_bitmaplayer_titlebox_1
  s_bitmaplayer_titlebox_1 = bitmap_layer_create(GRect(s_boxPos_x1, s_boxPos_y, s_boxWidth_lap, s_titleHeight));
  layer_add_child(window_get_root_layer(s_window), (Layer *)s_bitmaplayer_titlebox_1);
  // s_bitmaplayer_titlebox_2
  s_bitmaplayer_titlebox_2 = bitmap_layer_create(GRect(s_boxPos_x2, s_boxPos_y, s_boxWidth_dist, s_titleHeight));
  layer_add_child(window_get_root_layer(s_window), (Layer *)s_bitmaplayer_titlebox_2);

  // s_bitmaplayer_unitbox_1
  s_bitmaplayer_unitbox_1 = bitmap_layer_create(GRect(s_boxPos_x1, s_unitPos_y, s_boxWidth_lap, s_unitboxHeight));
  layer_add_child(window_get_root_layer(s_window), (Layer *)s_bitmaplayer_unitbox_1);
  // s_bitmaplayer_unitbox_2
  s_bitmaplayer_unitbox_2 = bitmap_layer_create(GRect(s_boxPos_x2, s_unitPos_y, s_boxWidth_dist, s_unitboxHeight));
  layer_add_child(window_get_root_layer(s_window), (Layer *)s_bitmaplayer_unitbox_2);

  // s_textlayer_laps_num
  s_textlayer_laps_num = text_layer_create(GRect(s_digitPos_x1, s_digitPos_y, s_boxWidth_lap, s_digitHeight));
  text_layer_set_background_color(s_textlayer_laps_num, GColorClear);
  text_layer_set_text_alignment(s_textlayer_laps_num, GTextAlignmentCenter);
  text_layer_set_font(s_textlayer_laps_num, s_res_distFont);
  layer_add_child(window_get_root_layer(s_window), (Layer *)s_textlayer_laps_num);
  // s_textlayer_laps_title
  s_textlayer_laps_title = text_layer_create(GRect(s_boxPos_x1, s_boxPos_y, s_boxWidth_lap, s_titleHeight));
  text_layer_set_background_color(s_textlayer_laps_title, GColorClear);
  text_layer_set_text(s_textlayer_laps_title, "Laps");
  text_layer_set_text_alignment(s_textlayer_laps_title, GTextAlignmentCenter);
  layer_add_child(window_get_root_layer(s_window), (Layer *)s_textlayer_laps_title);
  // s_textlayer_dist_unit
  s_textlayer_dist_unit = text_layer_create(GRect(s_boxPos_x2, s_unitPos_y-2, s_boxWidth_dist, s_unitboxHeight));
  text_layer_set_background_color(s_textlayer_dist_unit, GColorClear);
  text_layer_set_text_alignment(s_textlayer_dist_unit, GTextAlignmentCenter);
  layer_add_child(window_get_root_layer(s_window), (Layer *)s_textlayer_dist_unit);
  // s_textlayer_dist_num
  s_textlayer_dist_num = text_layer_create(GRect(s_digitPos_x2, s_digitPos_y, s_boxWidth_dist+4, s_digitHeight));
  text_layer_set_background_color(s_textlayer_dist_num, GColorClear);
  text_layer_set_text_alignment(s_textlayer_dist_num, GTextAlignmentCenter);
  text_layer_set_font(s_textlayer_dist_num, s_res_distFont);
  layer_add_child(window_get_root_layer(s_window), (Layer *)s_textlayer_dist_num);
  // s_textlayer_dist_title
  s_textlayer_dist_title = text_layer_create(GRect(s_boxPos_x2, s_boxPos_y, s_boxWidth_dist+2, s_titleHeight));
  text_layer_set_background_color(s_textlayer_dist_title, GColorClear);
  text_layer_set_text(s_textlayer_dist_title, "Distance");
  text_layer_set_text_alignment(s_textlayer_dist_title, GTextAlignmentCenter);
  layer_add_child(window_get_root_layer(s_window), (Layer *)s_textlayer_dist_title);
  // s_textlayer_time
  s_textlayer_time = text_layer_create(GRect(0, -8, 114, 50));
  text_layer_set_background_color(s_textlayer_time, GColorClear);
  text_layer_set_text_alignment(s_textlayer_time, GTextAlignmentCenter);
  text_layer_set_font(s_textlayer_time, s_res_timeFont);
  layer_add_child(window_get_root_layer(s_window), (Layer *)s_textlayer_time);
  // s_textlayer_timer
  s_textlayer_timer = text_layer_create(GRect(0, 8, 114, 50));
  text_layer_set_background_color(s_textlayer_timer, GColorClear);
  text_layer_set_text_alignment(s_textlayer_timer, GTextAlignmentCenter);
  text_layer_set_font(s_textlayer_timer, s_res_timerFont_large);
  layer_add_child(window_get_root_layer(s_window), (Layer *)s_textlayer_timer);
  // s_textlayer_stats
  s_textlayer_stats = text_layer_create(GRect(s_statsPos_x, s_statsPos_y, s_statsWidth, s_statsHeight));
  text_layer_set_background_color(s_textlayer_stats, GColorClear);
  text_layer_set_text_alignment(s_textlayer_stats, GTextAlignmentCenter);
  text_layer_set_font(s_textlayer_stats, s_res_statFont);
  layer_add_child(window_get_root_layer(s_window), (Layer *)s_textlayer_stats);
  // update screen text and color scheme
Beispiel #4
/* The "guts" of main loop is here. */
execute_timestep (void)
    static int next_time_step = 0;
    int engine_updated = 0;
    int real_quit_flag = 0;

    if (market_cb_flag == 0 && help_flag == 0 
	&& port_cb_flag == 0 && prefs_flag == 0)

	if ((real_time < next_time_step || pause_flag || mt_flag)
	    && save_flag == 0 && load_flag == 0)
	    if ((let_one_through == 0) || mt_flag)
		lc_usleep (1);
		return 0;
		let_one_through = 0;

	if (slow_flag)
	    next_time_step = real_time + (SLOW_TIME_FOR_YEAR
					  * 1000 / NUMOF_DAYS_IN_YEAR);
	else if (fast_flag)
	    next_time_step = real_time + (FAST_TIME_FOR_YEAR
					  * 1000 / NUMOF_DAYS_IN_YEAR);
	else if (med_flag)
	    next_time_step = real_time + (MED_TIME_FOR_YEAR
					  * 1000 / NUMOF_DAYS_IN_YEAR);

	do_time_step ();

	if (--prof_countdown <= 0)
	    real_quit_flag = 1;

	update_main_screen (0);

	/* XXX: Shouldn't the rest be handled in update_main_screen()? */
	/* GCS: No, I don't think so.  These remaining items are 
		outside of the main screen */

	print_stats ();

	if (market_cb_flag)
	    draw_market_cb ();
	else if (port_cb_flag)	/* else- can't have both */
	    draw_port_cb ();
    else /* if game is "stalled" */
	if (market_cb_flag != 0 && market_cb_drawn_flag == 0)
	    draw_market_cb ();
	if (port_cb_flag != 0 && port_cb_drawn_flag == 0)
	    draw_port_cb ();
#if defined (SVGALIB)
	mouse_update ();

#if defined (NETWORK_ENABLE)
    if (network_flag != 0) {
	do_network_screen ();
	network_flag = 0;
	let_one_through = 1;	/* if we are paused we need */
    }			        /* this to redraw the screen */

    if (prefs_flag != 0 && prefs_drawn_flag == 0) {
	do_prefs_screen ();
	let_one_through = 1;	/* if we are paused we need */
    }			        /* this to redraw the screen */

    if (load_flag != 0) {
#if defined (WIN32)
	DisableWindowsMenuItems ();
	if (help_flag == 0)	/* block loading when in help */
	    do_load_city ();
	load_flag = 0;
	let_one_through = 1;	/* if we are paused we need */
    }			        /* this to redraw the screen */

    else if (save_flag != 0) {
#if defined (WIN32)
	DisableWindowsMenuItems ();
	if (help_flag == 0)
	    do_save_city ();
	save_flag = 0;
	let_one_through = 1;

    else if (quit_flag != 0) {
#if defined (WIN32)
	DisableWindowsMenuItems ();
	if (yn_dial_box (_("Quit The Game?")
			 ,_("Do you really want to quit?")
			 ,_("If you want to save the game select NO.")
			 ,""     /* GCS: This can't be translated!. */
			 ) != 0)
	    real_quit_flag = 1;
	    quit_flag = 0;

    if (help_flag != 0)
	lc_usleep (1);

    if (make_dir_ok_flag)
	make_savedir ();	/* sorry a bit crude :( */
    return real_quit_flag;
void do_rocket_pad(int x, int y)
       // to add 1 to % of ready to fire.
       // int_1 is the stored jobs
       // int_2 is the stored goods
       // int_3 is the stored steel
       // int_4 is the count which gets to ROCKET_PAD_LAUNCH to fire.
       // int_5 unused
       // MP_ANIM is the time of the next animation frame, when waiting for launch. since 1.91
    if (MP_TYPE(x, y) == CST_ROCKET_FLOWN)
        return;                 /* The rocket has been launched. */

    /* get some jobs */
    if (MP_INFO(x, y).int_1 < ROCKET_PAD_JOBS_STORE) {
        if (get_jobs(x, y, ROCKET_PAD_JOBS + 10) != 0)
            MP_INFO(x, y).int_1 += ROCKET_PAD_JOBS;
    /* get goods */
    if (MP_INFO(x, y).int_2 < ROCKET_PAD_GOODS_STORE) {
        if (get_goods(x, y, ROCKET_PAD_GOODS + 10) != 0)
            MP_INFO(x, y).int_2 += ROCKET_PAD_GOODS;
        else if (get_goods(x, y, ROCKET_PAD_GOODS / 10) != 0)
            MP_INFO(x, y).int_2 += ROCKET_PAD_GOODS / 5;
        else if (get_goods(x, y, ROCKET_PAD_GOODS / 50) != 0)
            MP_INFO(x, y).int_2 += ROCKET_PAD_GOODS / 20;
    /* get steel */
    if (MP_INFO(x, y).int_3 < ROCKET_PAD_STEEL_STORE) {
        if (get_steel(x, y, ROCKET_PAD_STEEL + 10) != 0)
            MP_INFO(x, y).int_3 += ROCKET_PAD_STEEL + 10;
        else if (get_steel(x, y, ROCKET_PAD_STEEL / 5) != 0)
            MP_INFO(x, y).int_3 += ROCKET_PAD_STEEL / 5;
        else if (get_steel(x, y, ROCKET_PAD_STEEL / 20) != 0)
            MP_INFO(x, y).int_3 += ROCKET_PAD_STEEL / 20;
    MP_INFO(x, y).int_4++;
    /* now build the rocket.  Unlike uni's need a full store to make +1% */
    if (MP_TYPE(x, y) < CST_ROCKET_5
        && MP_INFO(x, y).int_1 >= ROCKET_PAD_JOBS_STORE
        && MP_INFO(x, y).int_2 >= ROCKET_PAD_GOODS_STORE && MP_INFO(x, y).int_3 >= ROCKET_PAD_STEEL_STORE) {
        MP_INFO(x, y).int_1 -= ROCKET_PAD_JOBS_STORE;
        MP_INFO(x, y).int_2 -= ROCKET_PAD_GOODS_STORE;
        MP_INFO(x, y).int_3 -= ROCKET_PAD_STEEL_STORE;
        MP_INFO(x, y).int_4++;
        goods_used += ROCKET_PAD_GOODS_STORE;

    rocket_pad_cost += ROCKET_PAD_RUNNING_COST;
    /* animate and return if already said no to launch */
    if (MP_TYPE(x, y) >= CST_ROCKET_5 && MP_INFO(x, y).int_4 >= (100 * ROCKET_PAD_LAUNCH) / 100) {
        if (real_time >= MP_ANIM(x, y)) {
            MP_ANIM(x, y) = real_time + ROCKET_ANIMATION_SPEED;
            switch (MP_TYPE(x, y)) {
            case (CST_ROCKET_5):
                MP_TYPE(x, y) = CST_ROCKET_6;
            case (CST_ROCKET_6):
                MP_TYPE(x, y) = CST_ROCKET_7;
            case (CST_ROCKET_7):
                MP_TYPE(x, y) = CST_ROCKET_5;
    /* now choose a graphic */
    if (MP_INFO(x, y).int_4 < (25 * ROCKET_PAD_LAUNCH) / 100)
        MP_TYPE(x, y) = CST_ROCKET_1;
    else if (MP_INFO(x, y).int_4 < (60 * ROCKET_PAD_LAUNCH) / 100)
        MP_TYPE(x, y) = CST_ROCKET_2;
    else if (MP_INFO(x, y).int_4 < (90 * ROCKET_PAD_LAUNCH) / 100)
        MP_TYPE(x, y) = CST_ROCKET_3;
    else if (MP_INFO(x, y).int_4 < (100 * ROCKET_PAD_LAUNCH) / 100)
        MP_TYPE(x, y) = CST_ROCKET_4;
    else if (MP_INFO(x, y).int_4 >= (100 * ROCKET_PAD_LAUNCH) / 100) {
        MP_TYPE(x, y) = CST_ROCKET_5;
        if (ask_launch_rocket_now(x, y)) {
            /* ? FIXME ? AL1: in NG 1.1 it seems we are never here ?
             * ? ask_launch_rocket_now  manages everything and call launch_rocket ?
            launch_rocket(x, y);