int main(int argc,char **argv) { int i; //iterator pid *x,*y,*z; //structs representing 3 pid controllers imu_t *imu; fd_set net_set; double oldmag,magdiff; struct timeval timeout; int axes[4]={0,0,0,0}; int x_adjust,y_adjust,z_adjust; int sock = init_net(); register_int(); x=init_pid(3500,000,000); y=init_pid(3400,000,1000); z=init_pid(000,000,000); timeout.tv_sec=0; timeout.tv_usec=REFRESH_TIME; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { //initialize PWM modules motors[i]=init_pwm(i); } imu = init_imu(); update_imu(imu); oldmag=imu->mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Z] * RAD_TO_DEGREE; while(1) { ////printf("loop\n"); FD_ZERO(&net_set); FD_SET(sock,&net_set); if(select(sock+1,&net_set,(fd_set *) 0,(fd_set *) 0, &timeout)==1) { ////printf("reading from the socket\n"); //read from sock if(!update_axis(sock,axes)) { break; } } else { ////printf("reading from the imu\n"); //update imu update_imu(imu); timeout.tv_sec=0; timeout.tv_usec=REFRESH_TIME; magdiff=imu->mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Z] * RAD_TO_DEGREE-oldmag; if(magdiff>300) { magdiff-=360; } if(magdiff<-300) { magdiff+=360; } x_adjust = update_pid(x,0/*axes[1]*.00061*/,imu->mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_X] * RAD_TO_DEGREE); y_adjust = update_pid(y,0/*axes[2]*.00061*/,imu->mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Y] * RAD_TO_DEGREE); //printf("X axis value: %lf\n",imu->mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_X]*RAD_TO_DEGREE); //printf("Y axis value: %lf\n",imu->mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Y]*RAD_TO_DEGREE); z_adjust = update_pid(z,axes[3]*.00061,magdiff); oldmag=imu->mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Z] * RAD_TO_DEGREE; set_duty(motors[0],900000+axes[0]*16-z_adjust-y_adjust+x_adjust); set_duty(motors[1],900000+axes[0]*16+z_adjust-y_adjust-x_adjust); set_duty(motors[2],900000+axes[0]*16-z_adjust+y_adjust-x_adjust); set_duty(motors[3],900000+axes[0]*16+z_adjust+y_adjust+x_adjust); } } exit_fxn(0); }
int umain(){ robot_id = 1; copy_objects(); copy_objects(); field_state.curr_loc.x = (int)(game.coords[0].x * VPS_RATIO); field_state.curr_loc.y = (int)(game.coords[0].y * VPS_RATIO); field_state.curr_angle = (((float)game.coords[0].theta) * 180.0) / 2048; gyro_set_degrees(field_state.curr_angle); initialize(); /*for(int sextant = 0; sextant < 6; sextant++){ printf("TPX: %d, TPY: %d, LPX: %d, LPY: %d\n", get_territory_pivot_point_loc(sextant).x, get_territory_pivot_point_loc(sextant).y, lever_pivot_points[2*sextant], lever_pivot_points[2*sextant + 1]); }*/ init_pid(&field_state.circle_PID, KP_CIRCLE, KI_CIRCLE, KD_CIRCLE, &get_angle_error_circle, &update_circle_velocities); field_state.circle_PID.enabled = true; field_state.circle_PID.goal = 0; //printf("OX: %d, OY: %d, TX: %d, TY: %d, TWX: %d, TWY: %d, CA: %.2f, G: %.3f, LE: %d, RE: %d\n", field_state.curr_loc.x, field_state.curr_loc.y, field_state.target_loc.x, field_state.target_loc.y, field_state.target_loc_waypoint.x, field_state.target_loc_waypoint.y, field_state.curr_angle, gyro_get_degrees(), encoder_read(LEFT_ENCODER_PORT), encoder_read(RIGHT_ENCODER_PORT)); while(1){ update_field(); accelerate(); decelerate(); if(field_state.pid_enabled) update_pid(&field_state.circle_PID); if(get_time() > 119000){ } //printf("Sextant: %d, OX: %d, OY: %d, TX: %d, TY: %d, TWX: %d, TWY: %d, CA: %.2f, G: %.3f, LE: %d, RE: %d\n", get_current_sextant(field_state.curr_loc), field_state.curr_loc.x, field_state.curr_loc.y, field_state.target_loc.x, field_state.target_loc.y, field_state.target_loc_waypoint.x, field_state.target_loc_waypoint.y, field_state.curr_angle, gyro_get_degrees(), encoder_read(LEFT_ENCODER_PORT), encoder_read(RIGHT_ENCODER_PORT)); } return 0; }
bool navigateToTarget() { //return true if need to be called next frame if (get_time() - state_time > 2800) { determineTargetPosition(); updateSelfPosition(true); updateAngleToTarget(); state_time = get_time(); } else if (get_time() - state_time > 2500) { motor_set_vel(RIGHT_MOTOR,0); motor_set_vel(LEFT_MOTOR,0); return true; } if (get_time() - last_update_time > 100) { updateSelfPosition(false); determineTargetPosition(); updateAngleToTarget(); } if (getDistanceToTarget(target_x,target_y) < 4.0) { motor_set_vel(RIGHT_MOTOR,0); motor_set_vel(LEFT_MOTOR,0); resetPID(0); return false; } update_pid(&driver); return true; }
void main(void) { init(); PSC_Init(0x00, MAX_PWM); uart_init(UART_BAUD_SELECT_DOUBLE_SPEED(UART_BAUDRATE, F_CPU)); while(1) { /* Communicate with Big Brother :-) */ communication(); /* Sampling */ if (Flag_IT_timer0) { if ( !(timer % 100) ) { /* This led shows that program is running */ GPIO_TOGGLE(WD_LED); } if ( !(timer % 10) ) { GPIO_TOGGLE(LED); /* Read meashured speed from Timer2 */ Omega_meas = TCNT1 * 10; TCNT1 = 0; /* PID controller */ pid_output = update_pid( - Omega_meas, Omega_meas); Command = ((int32_t)pid_output * 131) >> 10; /* Update immediate vals */ instant_val.time = timer; = Omega_meas; instant_val.error = - Omega_meas; instant_val.pid_output = pid_output; instant_val.command = Command; } /* direction management : extract sign and absolute value */ if (Command > (int16_t)(0)) { direction = 0; OmegaTe = Command; } else { direction = 1; OmegaTe = (~Command) + 1; } if (OmegaTe > K_scal) { // ------------------------ V/f law -------------------------- amplitude = controlVF(OmegaTe); // ------------------ natural PWN algorithm ------------------ PWM0 = duty_cycle(theta1,amplitude); PWM1 = duty_cycle(theta2,amplitude); PWM2 = duty_cycle(theta3,amplitude); } else { PWM0 = 0; PWM1 = 0; PWM2 = 0; } // -------- load the PSCs with the new duty cycles ----------- PSC0_Load(PWM0, PWM0 + DeadTime); if (!direction) { PSC1_Load(PWM1, PWM1 + DeadTime); PSC2_Load(PWM2, PWM2 + DeadTime); } else { PSC2_Load(PWM1, PWM1 + DeadTime); PSC1_Load(PWM2, PWM2 + DeadTime); } // 3 integrators for the evolution of the angles theta1 = (K_scal * theta1 + OmegaTe) / K_scal; theta2 = theta1 + 160; theta3 = theta1 + 320; if (theta1>=MAX_THETAx4) theta1 -= MAX_THETAx4; if (theta2>=MAX_THETAx4) theta2 -= MAX_THETAx4; if (theta3>=MAX_THETAx4) theta3 -= MAX_THETAx4; Flag_IT_timer0 = 0; } }
void mainLoop() { while(1) { //pid processing and output debug msg if (get_flag(FLAG_END_ADC_CONV)) { temp_error = temp_adc[temp_lvl_real] - conv_result; if ( get_flag(FLAG_PREHEAT) && (temp_error<5) ) { //check if preheat phase completed temp_lvl_real = temp_lvl; reset_flag(FLAG_PREHEAT); } if ( get_flag(FLAG_BLINK_ON) && ((get_flag(FLAG_PREHEAT))==0) ) { //BLINK_OFF if temp stabilized if ( (temp_error>-5) && (temp_error<5) ) { LEDS_SET(temp_lvl); reset_flag(FLAG_BLINK_ON); } } //calculate error for pid temp_error = temp_adc[temp_lvl_real] - conv_result; if (temp_error > 127) temp_error=127; // for int8_t in pid else if (temp_error<-127) temp_error=-127; heat_cycles = update_pid(&pid, (int8_t)(temp_error), conv_result); reset_flag(FLAG_END_ADC_CONV); //DBG // sprintf(txbuf,"%d,%d %d %d %x\r\n",conv_result,(uint16_t)(temp_lvl), (int16_t)heat_cycles, (int16_t)((int8_t)(temp_error)), (uint16_t)(flags)); // UART_SendStr(txbuf); //send result to uart } //zero-detection time-non-critical events processiong if (get_flag(FLAG_ZERO_REACHED)) { reset_flag(FLAG_ZERO_REACHED); phase_ticks++; //leds blink if (get_flag(FLAG_BLINK_ON)) { if ( (phase_ticks & 0b011111) == 0 ) { LEDS_SET(temp_lvl); } else if ( (phase_ticks & 0b100000) == 0 ) { LEDS_SET(0); } } //long switch-pressed: pwr-off if (get_flag(FLAG_SWITCH_PRESSED)) { switch_pressed_timer++; // if ( switch_pressed_timer == 0 ) { if ( switch_pressed_timer == 0x90 ) { switch_pressed_timer=0; temp_lvl=0; temp_lvl_real=0; LEDS_SET(0); } } //if key is pressed if ( ((SWITCH_PORT->IDR & SWITCH_PIN)==0) && ((get_flag(FLAG_SWITCH_PRESSED))==0) ) { set_flag(FLAG_SWITCH_PRESSED); switch_pressed_timer=0; temp_lvl = (temp_lvl+1) % 8; LEDS_SET(temp_lvl); set_flag(FLAG_BLINK_ON); set_flag(FLAG_PREHEAT); pid.pgain=pgains[temp_lvl]; pid.igain=igains[temp_lvl]; if ((temp_lvl<7) && (temp_lvl>0)) { temp_lvl_real = temp_lvl+1; } else { reset_flag(FLAG_PREHEAT); reset_flag(FLAG_BLINK_ON); temp_lvl_real = temp_lvl; } //if key is released (pull-up) } else if ( (SWITCH_PORT->IDR & SWITCH_PIN) && get_flag(FLAG_SWITCH_PRESSED) ) { reset_flag(FLAG_SWITCH_PRESSED); } } } // end while(1) }
void PIDUpdate() { update_pid(&ForwardPID); update_pid(&RingPID); //ForwardPID.goal = target; //pause(PID_DELAY); }