Beispiel #1
Status XvMCSetSubpicturePalette(Display *dpy, XvMCSubpicture *subpicture, unsigned char *palette)
   XvMCSubpicturePrivate *subpicture_priv;
   XvMCContextPrivate *context_priv;
   struct pipe_context *pipe;
   struct pipe_box dst_box = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1};


   if (!subpicture)
      return XvMCBadSubpicture;

   subpicture_priv = subpicture->privData;
   context_priv = subpicture_priv->context->privData;
   pipe = context_priv->pipe;

   dst_box.width = subpicture->num_palette_entries;

   upload_sampler(pipe, subpicture_priv->palette, &dst_box, palette, 0, 0, 0);

   XVMC_MSG(XVMC_TRACE, "[XvMC] Palette of Subpicture %p set.\n", subpicture);

   return Success;
Beispiel #2
Status XvMCCompositeSubpicture(Display *dpy, XvMCSubpicture *subpicture, XvImage *image,
                               short srcx, short srcy, unsigned short width, unsigned short height,
                               short dstx, short dsty)
   XvMCSubpicturePrivate *subpicture_priv;
   XvMCContextPrivate *context_priv;
   struct pipe_context *pipe;
   struct pipe_box dst_box = {dstx, dsty, 0, width, height, 1};
   unsigned src_stride;

   XVMC_MSG(XVMC_TRACE, "[XvMC] Compositing subpicture %p.\n", subpicture);


   if (!subpicture)
      return XvMCBadSubpicture;


   if (subpicture->xvimage_id != image->id)
      return BadMatch;

   /* No planar support for now */
   if (image->num_planes != 1)
      return BadMatch;

   subpicture_priv = subpicture->privData;
   context_priv = subpicture_priv->context->privData;
   pipe = context_priv->pipe;

   /* clipping should be done by upload_sampler and regardles what the documentation
   says image->pitches[0] doesn't seems to be in bytes, so don't use it */
   src_stride = image->width * util_format_get_blocksize(subpicture_priv->sampler->texture->format);
   upload_sampler(pipe, subpicture_priv->sampler, &dst_box, image->data, src_stride, srcx, srcy);

   XVMC_MSG(XVMC_TRACE, "[XvMC] Subpicture %p composited.\n", subpicture);

   return Success;
Beispiel #3
static VAStatus
vlVaPutSubpictures(vlVaSurface *surf, vlVaDriver *drv,
                   struct pipe_surface *surf_draw, struct u_rect *dirty_area,
                   struct u_rect *src_rect, struct u_rect *dst_rect)
   vlVaSubpicture *sub;
   int i;

   if (!(surf-> || surf->subpics.size))
      return VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;

   for (i = 0; i < surf->subpics.size/sizeof(vlVaSubpicture *); i++) {
      struct pipe_blend_state blend;
      void *blend_state;
      vlVaBuffer *buf;
      struct pipe_box box;
      struct u_rect *s, *d, sr, dr, c;
      int sw, sh, dw, dh;

      sub = ((vlVaSubpicture **)surf->[i];
      if (!sub)

      buf = handle_table_get(drv->htab, sub->image->buf);
      if (!buf)

      box.x = 0;
      box.y = 0;
      box.z = 0;
      box.width = sub->dst_rect.x1 - sub->dst_rect.x0;
      box.height = sub->dst_rect.y1 - sub->dst_rect.y0;
      box.depth = 1;

      s = &sub->src_rect;
      d = &sub->dst_rect;
      sw = s->x1 - s->x0;
      sh = s->y1 - s->y0;
      dw = d->x1 - d->x0;
      dh = d->y1 - d->y0;
      c.x0 = MAX2(d->x0, s->x0);
      c.y0 = MAX2(d->y0, s->y0);
      c.x1 = MIN2(d->x0 + dw, src_rect->x1);
      c.y1 = MIN2(d->y0 + dh, src_rect->y1);
      sr.x0 = s->x0 + (c.x0 - d->x0)*(sw/(float)dw);
      sr.y0 = s->y0 + (c.y0 - d->y0)*(sh/(float)dh);
      sr.x1 = s->x0 + (c.x1 - d->x0)*(sw/(float)dw);
      sr.y1 = s->y0 + (c.y1 - d->y0)*(sh/(float)dh);

      s = src_rect;
      d = dst_rect;
      sw = s->x1 - s->x0;
      sh = s->y1 - s->y0;
      dw = d->x1 - d->x0;
      dh = d->y1 - d->y0;
      dr.x0 = d->x0 + c.x0*(dw/(float)sw);
      dr.y0 = d->y0 + c.y0*(dh/(float)sh);
      dr.x1 = d->x0 + c.x1*(dw/(float)sw);
      dr.y1 = d->y0 + c.y1*(dh/(float)sh);

      memset(&blend, 0, sizeof(blend));
      blend.independent_blend_enable = 0;
      blend.rt[0].blend_enable = 1;
      blend.rt[0].rgb_src_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA;
      blend.rt[0].rgb_dst_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_INV_SRC_ALPHA;
      blend.rt[0].alpha_src_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_ZERO;
      blend.rt[0].alpha_dst_factor = PIPE_BLENDFACTOR_ZERO;
      blend.rt[0].rgb_func = PIPE_BLEND_ADD;
      blend.rt[0].alpha_func = PIPE_BLEND_ADD;
      blend.rt[0].colormask = PIPE_MASK_RGBA;
      blend.logicop_enable = 0;
      blend.logicop_func = PIPE_LOGICOP_CLEAR;
      blend.dither = 0;
      blend_state = drv->pipe->create_blend_state(drv->pipe, &blend);

      vl_compositor_set_layer_blend(&drv->cstate, 0, blend_state, false);
      upload_sampler(drv->pipe, sub->sampler, &box, buf->data,
                     sub->image->pitches[0], 0, 0);
      vl_compositor_set_rgba_layer(&drv->cstate, &drv->compositor, 0, sub->sampler,
                                   &sr, NULL, NULL);
      vl_compositor_set_layer_dst_area(&drv->cstate, 0, &dr);
      vl_compositor_render(&drv->cstate, &drv->compositor, surf_draw, dirty_area, false);
      drv->pipe->delete_blend_state(drv->pipe, blend_state);
