T_CString_toUpperCase(char* str)
    char* origPtr = str;

    if (str) {
            *str = (char)uprv_toupper(*str);
        while (*(str++));

    return origPtr;
Beispiel #2

// The following must at least allow for rg key value (6) plus terminator (1).
#define ULOC_RG_BUFLEN 8

U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
ulocimp_getRegionForSupplementalData(const char *localeID, UBool inferRegion,
                                     char *region, int32_t regionCapacity, UErrorCode* status) {
    if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
        return 0;
    char rgBuf[ULOC_RG_BUFLEN];
    UErrorCode rgStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    // First check for rg keyword value
    int32_t rgLen = uloc_getKeywordValue(localeID, "rg", rgBuf, ULOC_RG_BUFLEN, &rgStatus);
    if (U_FAILURE(rgStatus) || rgLen != 6) {
        rgLen = 0;
    } else {
        // rgBuf guaranteed to be zero terminated here, with text len 6
        char *rgPtr = rgBuf;
        for (; *rgPtr!= 0; rgPtr++) {
            *rgPtr = uprv_toupper(*rgPtr);
        rgLen = (uprv_strcmp(rgBuf+2, "ZZZZ") == 0)? 2: 0;

    if (rgLen == 0) {
        // No valid rg keyword value, try for unicode_region_subtag
        rgLen = uloc_getCountry(localeID, rgBuf, ULOC_RG_BUFLEN, status);
        if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
            rgLen = 0;
        } else if (rgLen == 0 && inferRegion) {
            // no unicode_region_subtag but inferRegion TRUE, try likely subtags
            char locBuf[ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY];
            rgStatus = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            (void)uloc_addLikelySubtags(localeID, locBuf, ULOC_FULLNAME_CAPACITY, &rgStatus);
            if (U_SUCCESS(rgStatus)) {
                rgLen = uloc_getCountry(locBuf, rgBuf, ULOC_RG_BUFLEN, status);
                if (U_FAILURE(*status)) {
                    rgLen = 0;

    rgBuf[rgLen] = 0;
    uprv_strncpy(region, rgBuf, regionCapacity);
    return u_terminateChars(region, regionCapacity, rgLen, status);
Beispiel #3
int32_t ucol_sit_dumpSpecs(CollatorSpec *s, char *destination, int32_t capacity, UErrorCode *status)
    int32_t i = 0, j = 0;
    int32_t len = 0;
    char optName;
    if(U_SUCCESS(*status)) {
        for(i = 0; i < UCOL_SIT_ITEMS_COUNT; i++) {
            if(s->entries[i].start) {
                if(len) {
                    if(len < capacity) {
                        uprv_strcat(destination, "_");
                optName = *(s->entries[i].start);
                if(optName == languageArg || optName == regionArg || optName == variantArg || optName == keywordArg) {
                    for(j = 0; j < s->entries[i].len; j++) {
                        if(len + j < capacity) {
                            destination[len+j] = uprv_toupper(*(s->entries[i].start+j));
                    len += s->entries[i].len;
                } else {
                    len += s->entries[i].len;
                    if(len < capacity) {
                        uprv_strncat(destination,s->entries[i].start, s->entries[i].len);
        return len;
    } else {
        return 0;
Beispiel #4
static void TestAPI(void)
    int32_t intValue=0;
    char src[30]="HELLO THERE", dest[30];
    static const char *const abc="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", *const ABC="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
    const char *temp;
    int32_t i;

    log_verbose("Testing uprv_tolower() and uprv_toupper()\n");
    for(i=0; i<=26; ++i) {
    if(0!=strcmp(abc, dest)) {
        log_err("uprv_tolower(abc) failed\n");

    for(i=0; i<=26; ++i) {
    if(0!=strcmp(abc, dest)) {
        log_err("uprv_tolower(ABC) failed\n");

    for(i=0; i<=26; ++i) {
    if(0!=strcmp(ABC, dest)) {
        log_err("uprv_toupper(abc) failed\n");

    for(i=0; i<=26; ++i) {
    if(0!=strcmp(ABC, dest)) {
        log_err("uprv_toupper(ABC) failed\n");

    log_verbose("Testing the API in cstring\n");
    if(uprv_strcmp(src, "hello there") != 0){
        log_err("FAIL: *** T_CString_toLowerCase() failed. Expected: \"hello there\", Got: \"%s\"\n", src);
    if(uprv_strcmp(src, "HELLO THERE") != 0){
        log_err("FAIL: *** T_CString_toUpperCase() failed. Expected: \"HELLO THERE\", Got: \"%s\"\n", src);
    intValue=T_CString_stringToInteger("34556", 10);
    if(intValue != 34556){
        log_err("FAIL: ****T_CString_stringToInteger(\"34556\", 10) failed. Expected: 34556, Got: %d\n", intValue);
    intValue=T_CString_stringToInteger("100", 16);
    if(intValue != 256){
        log_err("FAIL: ****T_CString_stringToInteger(\"100\", 16) failed. Expected: 256, Got: %d\n", intValue);
    i = T_CString_integerToString(src, 34556, 10);
    if(uprv_strcmp(src, "34556") != 0 || i != 5){
        log_err("FAIL: ****integerToString(src, 34566, 10); failed. Expected: \"34556\", Got: %s\n", src);
    i = T_CString_integerToString(src, 431, 16);
    if(uprv_stricmp(src, "1AF") != 0 || i != 3){
        log_err("FAIL: ****integerToString(src, 431, 16); failed. Expected: \"1AF\", Got: %s\n", src);
    i = T_CString_int64ToString(src, U_INT64_MAX, 10);
    if(uprv_strcmp(src,  "9223372036854775807") != 0 || i != 19){
        log_err("FAIL: ****integerToString(src, 9223372036854775807, 10); failed. Got: %s\n", src);
    i = T_CString_int64ToString(src, U_INT64_MAX, 16);
    if(uprv_stricmp(src, "7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF") != 0 || i != 16){
        log_err("FAIL: ****integerToString(src, 7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 16); failed. Got: %s\n", src);

    uprv_strcpy(src, "this is lower case");
    if(T_CString_stricmp(src, "THIS is lower CASE") != 0){
        log_err("FAIL: *****T_CString_stricmp() failed.");
    if((intValue=T_CString_stricmp(NULL, "first string is null") )!= -1){
        log_err("FAIL: T_CString_stricmp() where the first string is null failed. Expected: -1, returned %d\n", intValue);
    if((intValue=T_CString_stricmp("second string is null", NULL)) != 1){
        log_err("FAIL: T_CString_stricmp() where the second string is null failed. Expected: 1, returned %d\n", intValue);
    if((intValue=T_CString_stricmp(NULL, NULL)) != 0){
        log_err("FAIL: T_CString_stricmp(NULL, NULL) failed.  Expected:  0, returned %d\n", intValue);
    if((intValue=T_CString_stricmp("", "")) != 0){
        log_err("FAIL: T_CString_stricmp(\"\", \"\") failed.  Expected:  0, returned %d\n", intValue);
    if((intValue=T_CString_stricmp("", "abc")) != -1){
        log_err("FAIL: T_CString_stricmp(\"\", \"abc\") failed.  Expected: -1, returned %d\n", intValue);
    if((intValue=T_CString_stricmp("abc", "")) != 1){
        log_err("FAIL: T_CString_stricmp(\"abc\", \"\") failed.  Expected: 1, returned %d\n", intValue);

    if(uprv_strcmp(temp, "strdup") !=0 ){
        log_err("FAIL: uprv_strdup() failed. Expected: \"strdup\", Got: %s\n", temp);
    uprv_free((char *)temp);
    uprv_strcpy(src, "this is lower case");
    if(T_CString_strnicmp(src, "THIS", 4 ) != 0){
        log_err("FAIL: *****T_CString_strnicmp() failed.");
    if((intValue=T_CString_strnicmp(NULL, "first string is null", 10) )!= -1){
        log_err("FAIL: T_CString_strnicmp() where the first string is null failed. Expected: -1, returned %d\n", intValue);
    if((intValue=T_CString_strnicmp("second string is null", NULL, 10)) != 1){
        log_err("FAIL: T_CString_strnicmp() where the second string is null failed. Expected: 1, returned %d\n", intValue);
    if((intValue=T_CString_strnicmp(NULL, NULL, 10)) != 0){
        log_err("FAIL: T_CString_strnicmp(NULL, NULL, 10) failed.  Expected:  0, returned %d\n", intValue);
    if((intValue=T_CString_strnicmp("", "", 10)) != 0){
        log_err("FAIL: T_CString_strnicmp(\"\", \"\") failed.  Expected:  0, returned %d\n", intValue);
    if((intValue=T_CString_strnicmp("", "abc", 10)) != -1){
        log_err("FAIL: T_CString_stricmp(\"\", \"abc\", 10) failed.  Expected: -1, returned %d\n", intValue);
    if((intValue=T_CString_strnicmp("abc", "", 10)) != 1){
        log_err("FAIL: T_CString_strnicmp(\"abc\", \"\", 10) failed.  Expected: 1, returned %d\n", intValue);