static void dialog_rename(void *arg)
    dialog *d = static_cast<dialog *>(arg);
    w_saves *saves_w = static_cast<w_saves *>(d->get_widget_by_id(iDIALOG_SAVES_W));
    QuickSave sel = saves_w->selected_save();

    dialog rd;
    vertical_placer *placer = new vertical_placer;
    horizontal_placer* name_placer = new horizontal_placer;
    w_text_entry *rename_w = new w_save_name(&rd, utf8_to_mac_roman(;
    name_placer->dual_add(rename_w->label("Name: "), rd);
    name_placer->dual_add(rename_w, rd);
    placer->add(name_placer, true);
    placer->add(new w_spacer(), true);

    horizontal_placer* button_placer = new horizontal_placer;
    w_button* accept_w = new w_button("RENAME", dialog_ok, &rd);
    button_placer->dual_add(accept_w, rd);
    w_button* cancel_w = new w_button("CANCEL", dialog_cancel, &rd);
    button_placer->dual_add(cancel_w, rd);
    placer->add(button_placer, true);
    if ( == 0) { = mac_roman_to_utf8(rename_w->get_text());
BuildCatalogKeyUTF8(ExtendedVCB *volume, HFSCatalogNodeID parentID, const unsigned char *name, u_int32_t nameLength,
		    CatalogKey *key, u_int32_t *textEncoding)
	OSErr err = 0;

    if ( name == NULL)
        nameLength = 0;
    else if (nameLength == kUndefinedStrLen)
        nameLength = strlen((const char *)name);

	if ( volume->vcbSigWord == kHFSPlusSigWord ) {
		size_t unicodeBytes = 0;

		key->hfsPlus.keyLength = kHFSPlusCatalogKeyMinimumLength;	// initial key length (4 + 2)
		key->hfsPlus.parentID = parentID;			// set parent ID
		key->hfsPlus.nodeName.length = 0;			// null CName length
		if ( nameLength > 0 ) {
			err = utf8_decodestr(name, nameLength, key->hfsPlus.nodeName.unicode,
				&unicodeBytes, sizeof(key->hfsPlus.nodeName.unicode), ':', UTF_DECOMPOSED);
			key->hfsPlus.nodeName.length = unicodeBytes / sizeof(UniChar);
			key->hfsPlus.keyLength += unicodeBytes;

		if (textEncoding && (*textEncoding != kTextEncodingMacUnicode))
			*textEncoding = hfs_pickencoding(key->hfsPlus.nodeName.unicode,
	else {
		key->hfs.keyLength		= kHFSCatalogKeyMinimumLength;	// initial key length (1 + 4 + 1)
		key->hfs.reserved		= 0;				// clear unused byte
		key->hfs.parentID		= parentID;			// set parent ID
		key->hfs.nodeName[0]	= 0;				// null CName length
		if ( nameLength > 0 ) {
			err = utf8_to_hfs(volume, nameLength, name, &key->hfs.nodeName[0]);
			 * Retry with MacRoman in case that's how it was exported.
			 * When textEncoding != NULL we know that this is a create
			 * or rename call and can skip the retry (ugly but it works).
			if (err && (textEncoding == NULL))
				err = utf8_to_mac_roman(nameLength, name, &key->hfs.nodeName[0]);
			key->hfs.keyLength += key->hfs.nodeName[0];		// add CName size to key length
		if (textEncoding)
			*textEncoding = 0;

	if (err) {
		if (err == ENAMETOOLONG)
			err = bdNamErr;	/* name is too long */
			err = paramErr;	/* name has invalid characters */

	return err;
void w_saves::draw_item(QuickSaves::iterator it, SDL_Surface* s, int16 x, int16 y, uint16 width, bool selected) const
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << it->save_time;
    SDL_Surface *image = QuickSaveImageCache::instance()->get(oss.str());
    SDL_Rect r = {x + 3, y + 3, PREVIEW_WIDTH, PREVIEW_HEIGHT};
    SDL_BlitSurface(image, NULL, s, &r);
    x += PREVIEW_WIDTH + 12;
    width -= PREVIEW_WIDTH + 12;
    uint32 color;
    if (selected)
        color = get_theme_color(ITEM_WIDGET, ACTIVE_STATE);
        color = get_theme_color(ITEM_WIDGET, DEFAULT_STATE);
    set_drawing_clip_rectangle(0, x, static_cast<short>(s->h), x + width);
    y += font->get_ascent();
    if (it->name.length())
        draw_text(s, utf8_to_mac_roman(it->name).c_str(), x, y, color, font, style);
        y += font->get_ascent() + 1;
    draw_text(s, it->formatted_time.c_str(), x, y, color, font, style);
    y += font->get_ascent() + 1;
    draw_text(s, utf8_to_mac_roman(it->level_name).c_str(), x, y, color, font, style);
    y += font->get_ascent() + 1;
    std::string game_time = it->formatted_ticks;
    if (it->players > 1)
        game_time += " (Cooperative Play)";
    draw_text(s, game_time.c_str(), x, y, color, font, style);
    set_drawing_clip_rectangle(SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MIN, SHRT_MAX, SHRT_MAX);
static void dialog_export(void *arg)
    dialog *d = static_cast<dialog *>(arg);
    w_saves *saves_w = static_cast<w_saves *>(d->get_widget_by_id(iDIALOG_SAVES_W));
    QuickSave sel = saves_w->selected_save();
    std::string name =;
    if (!name.length())
        name = sel.level_name;
    FileSpecifier dstFile;
    dstFile += "unused.sgaA";
    char prompt[256];
    if (dstFile.WriteDialog(_typecode_savegame, getcstr(prompt, strPROMPTS, _save_replay_prompt), utf8_to_mac_roman(name).c_str())) {
        int error = dstFile.GetError();
        if (error)
            alert_user(infoError, strERRORS, fileError, error);