Beispiel #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  Node root;
  double t1, t2;

  lace_parseParams(&argc, argv);
  uts_parseParams(argc, argv);

  uts_initRoot(&root, type);
  lace_init(_lace_workers, _lace_dqsize);
  lace_startup(32*1024*1024, 0, 0);

  printf("Initialized Lace with %d workers, dqsize=%d\n", _lace_workers, _lace_dqsize);


  t1 = uts_wctime();
  Result r = CALL(parTreeSearch, 0, &root);
  t2 = uts_wctime();

  maxTreeDepth = r.maxdepth;
  nNodes  = r.size;
  nLeaves = r.leaves;

  uts_showStats(GET_NUM_THREADS, 0, t2-t1, nNodes, nLeaves, maxTreeDepth);

  printf("Time: %f\n", t2-t1);


  return 0;
Beispiel #2
void showStats() {
  int i, j;
  counter_t tnodes = 0, tleaves = 0, trel = 0, tacq = 0, tsteal = 0, tfail= 0;
  counter_t mdepth = 0, mheight = 0;
  double twork = 0.0, tsearch = 0.0, tidle = 0.0, tovh = 0.0;
  double max_times[SS_NSTATES];
  double min_times[SS_NSTATES];
  double elapsedSecs;
  int num_workers;
  StealStack *stealStack;

  stealStack = malloc(sizeof(StealStack)*ss_get_num_threads());
  if (!stealStack)
    ss_error("showStats(): out of memory\n", 10);

  /* Gather the stats and return if I'm not the one that has them */
  if (!ss_gather_stats(stealStack, &num_workers))

  for (i = 0; i < SS_NSTATES; i++) {
    max_times[i] = 0.0;
    min_times[i] = stealStack[0].time[i];

  elapsedSecs = stealStack[0].walltime;

  // combine measurements from all threads
  for (i = 0; i < num_workers; i++) {
    tnodes  += stealStack[i].nNodes;
    tleaves += stealStack[i].nLeaves;
    trel    += stealStack[i].nRelease;
    tacq    += stealStack[i].nAcquire;
    tsteal  += stealStack[i].nSteal;
    tfail   += stealStack[i].nFail;
    twork   += stealStack[i].time[SS_WORK];
    tsearch += stealStack[i].time[SS_SEARCH];
    tidle   += stealStack[i].time[SS_IDLE];
    tovh    += stealStack[i].time[SS_OVH];
    mdepth   = max(mdepth, stealStack[i].maxStackDepth);
    mheight  = max(mheight, stealStack[i].maxTreeDepth);

    for (j = 0; j < SS_NSTATES; j++) {
      if (max_times[j] < stealStack[i].time[j])
        max_times[j] = stealStack[i].time[j];
      if (min_times[j] > stealStack[i].time[j])
        min_times[j] = stealStack[i].time[j];
  if (trel != tacq + tsteal) {
    printf("*** error! total released != total acquired + total stolen\n");

  uts_showStats(ss_get_num_threads(), chunkSize, elapsedSecs, tnodes, tleaves, mheight);

  if (verbose > 1) {
    printf("Total chunks released = %d, of which %d reacquired and %d stolen\n",
           trel, tacq, tsteal);
    printf("Failed steals = %d, Max queue size = %d\n", tfail, mdepth);
    printf("Avg time per thread: Work = %.6f, Overhead = %6f, Search = %.6f, Idle = %.6f.\n", (twork / ss_get_num_threads()),
           (tovh / ss_get_num_threads()), (tsearch / ss_get_num_threads()), (tidle / ss_get_num_threads()));
    printf("Min time per thread: Work = %.6f, Overhead = %6f, Search = %.6f, Idle = %.6f.\n", min_times[SS_WORK], min_times[SS_OVH],
           min_times[SS_SEARCH], min_times[SS_IDLE]);
    printf("Max time per thread: Work = %.6f, Overhead = %6f, Search = %.6f, Idle = %.6f.\n\n", max_times[SS_WORK], max_times[SS_OVH],
           max_times[SS_SEARCH], max_times[SS_IDLE]);

  // per thread execution info
  if (verbose > 2) {
    for (i = 0; i < num_workers; i++) {
      printf("** Thread %d\n", i);
      printf("  # nodes explored    = %d\n", stealStack[i].nNodes);
      printf("  # chunks released   = %d\n", stealStack[i].nRelease);
      printf("  # chunks reacquired = %d\n", stealStack[i].nAcquire);
      printf("  # chunks stolen     = %d\n", stealStack[i].nSteal);
      printf("  # failed steals     = %d\n", stealStack[i].nFail);
      printf("  maximum stack depth = %d\n", stealStack[i].maxStackDepth);
      printf("  work time           = %.6f secs (%d sessions)\n",
             stealStack[i].time[SS_WORK], stealStack[i].entries[SS_WORK]);
      printf("  overhead time       = %.6f secs (%d sessions)\n",
             stealStack[i].time[SS_OVH], stealStack[i].entries[SS_OVH]);
      printf("  search time         = %.6f secs (%d sessions)\n",
             stealStack[i].time[SS_SEARCH], stealStack[i].entries[SS_SEARCH]);
      printf("  idle time           = %.6f secs (%d sessions)\n",
             stealStack[i].time[SS_IDLE], stealStack[i].entries[SS_IDLE]);

#ifdef TRACE
  ss_printTrace(stealStack, num_workers);
Beispiel #3
// display search statistics
void showStats(double elapsedSecs) {
  int i;
  int tnodes = 0, tleaves = 0, trel = 0, tacq = 0, tsteal = 0, tfail= 0;
  int mdepth = 0, mheight = 0;
  double twork = 0.0, tsearch = 0.0, tidle = 0.0, tovh = 0.0, tcbovh = 0.0;

//   // combine measurements from all threads
//   for (i = 0; i < GET_NUM_THREADS; i++) {
//     tnodes  += stealStack[i]->nNodes;
//     tleaves += stealStack[i]->nLeaves;
//     trel    += stealStack[i]->nRelease;
//     tacq    += stealStack[i]->nAcquire;
//     tsteal  += stealStack[i]->nSteal;
//     tfail   += stealStack[i]->nFail;
//     twork   += stealStack[i]->time[SS_WORK];
//     tsearch += stealStack[i]->time[SS_SEARCH];
//     tidle   += stealStack[i]->time[SS_IDLE];
//     tovh    += stealStack[i]->time[SS_OVH];
//     tcbovh  += stealStack[i]->time[SS_CBOVH];
//     mdepth   = max(mdepth, stealStack[i]->maxStackDepth);
//     mheight  = max(mheight, stealStack[i]->maxTreeDepth);
//   }
//   if (trel != tacq + tsteal) {
//     printf("*** error! total released != total acquired + total stolen\n");
//   }
  uts_showStats(GET_NUM_THREADS, chunkSize, elapsedSecs, n_nodes, n_leaves, mheight);
//   if (verbose > 1) {
//     if (doSteal) {
//       printf("Total chunks released = %d, of which %d reacquired and %d stolen\n",
//           trel, tacq, tsteal);
//       printf("Failed steal operations = %d, ", tfail);
//     }
//     printf("Max stealStack size = %d\n", mdepth);
//     printf("Avg time per thread: Work = %.6f, Search = %.6f, Idle = %.6f\n", (twork / GET_NUM_THREADS),
//         (tsearch / GET_NUM_THREADS), (tidle / GET_NUM_THREADS));
//     printf("                     Overhead = %6f, CB_Overhead = %6f\n\n", (tovh / GET_NUM_THREADS),
//         (tcbovh/GET_NUM_THREADS));
//   }
//   // per thread execution info
//   if (verbose > 2) {
//     for (i = 0; i < GET_NUM_THREADS; i++) {
//       printf("** Thread %d\n", i);
//       printf("  # nodes explored    = %d\n", stealStack[i]->nNodes);
//       printf("  # chunks released   = %d\n", stealStack[i]->nRelease);
//       printf("  # chunks reacquired = %d\n", stealStack[i]->nAcquire);
//       printf("  # chunks stolen     = %d\n", stealStack[i]->nSteal);
//       printf("  # failed steals     = %d\n", stealStack[i]->nFail);
//       printf("  maximum stack depth = %d\n", stealStack[i]->maxStackDepth);
//       printf("  work time           = %.6f secs (%d sessions)\n",
//              stealStack[i]->time[SS_WORK], stealStack[i]->entries[SS_WORK]);
//       printf("  overhead time       = %.6f secs (%d sessions)\n",
//              stealStack[i]->time[SS_OVH], stealStack[i]->entries[SS_OVH]);
//       printf("  search time         = %.6f secs (%d sessions)\n",
//              stealStack[i]->time[SS_SEARCH], stealStack[i]->entries[SS_SEARCH]);
//       printf("  idle time           = %.6f secs (%d sessions)\n",
//              stealStack[i]->time[SS_IDLE], stealStack[i]->entries[SS_IDLE]);
//       printf("  wakeups             = %d, false wakeups = %d (%.2f%%)",
//              stealStack[i]->wakeups, stealStack[i]->falseWakeups,
//              (stealStack[i]->wakeups == 0) ? 0.00 : ((((double)stealStack[i]->falseWakeups)/stealStack[i]->wakeups)*100.0));
//       printf("\n");
//     }
//   }
//   #ifdef TRACE
//     printSessionRecords();
//   #endif
//   // tree statistics output to stat.txt, if requested
// #ifdef UTS_STAT
//   if (stats) {
//     FILE *fp;
//     char * tmpstr;
//     char strBuf[5000];
//     int  ind = 0;
//     fp = fopen("stat.txt", "a+w");
//     fprintf(fp, "\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
//     ind = uts_paramsToStr(strBuf, ind);
//     ind = impl_paramsToStr(strBuf, ind);
//     //showParametersStr(strBuf);
//     fprintf(fp, "%s\n", strBuf);
//     fprintf(fp, "\nTotal nodes = %d\n", totalNodes); 
//     fprintf(fp, "Max depth   = %d\n\n", maxHeight); 
//     fprintf(fp, "Tseng ImbMeasure(overall)\n max:\t\t%lf \n avg:\t\t%lf \n devMaxAvg:\t %lf\n normDevMaxAvg: %lf\t\t\n\n", 
//             imb_max/totalNodes, imb_avg/totalNodes, imb_devmaxavg/totalNodes, 
//             imb_normdevmaxavg/totalNodes);
//     switch (unbType){
//     case 0: tmpstr = "(min imb weighted by size)"; break;
//     case 1: tmpstr = "(min imb not weighted by size)"; break;
//     case 2: tmpstr = "(max imb not weighted by size)"; break;
//     default: tmpstr = "(?unknown measure)"; break;
//     }
//     fprintf(fp, "ImbMeasure:\t%s\n Overall:\t %lf\n Max:\t\t%lf\n Min:\t\t%lf\n\n", 
//             tmpstr, treeImb, minImb, maxImb);
//     showHist(fp);
//     fprintf(fp, "\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n");
//     fclose(fp);
//   }
// #endif