Beispiel #1
// USAGE [-Time-only | -Memory-only] [-RESET]
V3UsageCmd::exec(const string& option) {     
   vector<string> options;
   V3CmdExec::lexOptions(option, options);

   bool timeOnly = false, memoryOnly = false, reset = false;

   size_t n = options.size();
   for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      const string& token = options[i];
      if (v3StrNCmp("-Time-only", token, 2) == 0) {
         if (timeOnly || memoryOnly) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
         else timeOnly = true;
      else if (v3StrNCmp("-Memory-only", token, 2) == 0) {
         if (timeOnly || memoryOnly) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
         else memoryOnly = true;
      else if (v3StrNCmp("-RESET", token, 6) == 0) {
         if (reset) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
         else reset = true;
      else return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_ILLEGAL, token);
   }!memoryOnly, !timeOnly);
   if (reset) v3Usage.reset();
   return CMD_EXEC_DONE;
Beispiel #2
// BLAst NTk [-Primary]
V3BlastNtkCmd::exec(const string& option) {
   vector<string> options;
   V3CmdExec::lexOptions(option, options);

   bool primary = false;

   size_t n = options.size();
   for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      const string& token = options[i];
      if (v3StrNCmp("-Primary", token, 2) == 0) {
         if (primary) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
         else primary = true;
      else return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_ILLEGAL, token);

   V3NtkHandler* const handler = v3Handler.getCurHandler();
   if (handler) {
      if (dynamic_cast<V3BvNtk*>(handler->getNtk())) {
         if (primary) {
            V3BvBlastBv* const blastHandler = new V3BvBlastBv(handler); assert (blastHandler);
         else {
            V3BvBlastAig* const blastHandler = new V3BvBlastAig(handler); assert (blastHandler);
      else Msg(MSG_ERR) << "Current Network is Already an AIG Network !!" << endl;
   else Msg(MSG_ERR) << "Empty Ntk !!" << endl;
   return CMD_EXEC_DONE;
Beispiel #3
// HELp [<(string cmd) [-Verbose]> | -Revealed]
V3HelpCmd::exec(const string& option) {
   vector<string> options;
   V3CmdExec::lexOptions(option, options);

   bool verbose = false, revealed = false;
   string cmd = "";

   size_t n = options.size();
   for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      const string& token = options[i];
      if (v3StrNCmp("-Verbose", token, 2) == 0) {
         if (revealed) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_ILLEGAL, token);
         else if (verbose) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
         else verbose = true;
      else if (v3StrNCmp("-Revealed", token, 2) == 0) {
         if (verbose || cmd.size()) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_ILLEGAL, token);
         else if (revealed) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
         else revealed = true;
      else {
         if (revealed) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_ILLEGAL, token);
         if (cmd.size()) cmd.append(" "); cmd.append(token);

   if (revealed) v3CmdMgr->printHelps(true);  // Print All Commands
   else if (!cmd.size()) v3CmdMgr->printHelps();  // Print Commands
   else {
      V3CmdExec* e = v3CmdMgr->getCmd(cmd);
      if (e) { e->usage(verbose); return CMD_EXEC_DONE; }  // if exact match
      V3CmdExecSubSet list = v3CmdMgr->getCmdListFromPart(cmd);
      if (list.size()) {  // if partial match
         V3CmdExecSubSet::iterator it = list.begin();
         if (verbose) for (; it != list.end(); ++it) (*it)->usage();
         else for (; it != list.end(); ++it) (*it)->help();
         return CMD_EXEC_DONE;
      else return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_ILLEGAL, cmd); 
   return CMD_EXEC_DONE;
Beispiel #4
// Quit [-Force]
V3QuitCmd::exec(const string& option) {
   vector<string> options;
   V3CmdExec::lexOptions(option, options);

   if (options.size() > 1) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, options[1]);
   else if (options.size()) {
      if (v3StrNCmp("-Forced", options[0], 2) == 0) return CMD_EXEC_QUIT;
      else return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_ILLEGAL, options[0]);

   Msg(MSG_IFO) << "Are you sure to quit (Yes/No)? [No] ";
   char str[1024]; cin.getline(str, 1024);
   string ss = string(str);
   if (ss.size()) {
      size_t s = ss.find_first_not_of(' ', 0);
      if (s != string::npos)
         ss = ss.substr(s);
   if (v3StrNCmp("Yes", ss, 1) == 0) return CMD_EXEC_QUIT;
   else return CMD_EXEC_DONE;
Beispiel #5
// EXPand NTk <(unsigned cycle)> [-Initial]
V3ExpandNtkCmd::exec(const string& option) {
   vector<string> options;
   V3CmdExec::lexOptions(option, options);
   bool init = false; uint32_t cycle = 0;

   size_t n = options.size();
   for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      const string& token = options[i];
      if (v3StrNCmp("-Initial", token, 2) == 0) {
         if (init) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
         else init = true;
      else if (!cycle) {
         int temp;
         if (!v3Str2Int(token, temp)) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_ILLEGAL, token);
         if (temp <= 0) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_ILLEGAL, token);
         cycle = uint32_t(temp);
      else return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_ILLEGAL, token);

   if (!cycle) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_MISSING, "<(unsigned cycle)>");

   V3NtkHandler* const handler = v3Handler.getCurHandler();
   if (handler) {
      if (!handler->getNtk()->getModuleSize()) {
         V3NtkExpand* const expandHandler = new V3NtkExpand(handler, cycle, init); assert (expandHandler);
      else Msg(MSG_ERR) << "Currently Networks with Module Instances Cannot be Expanded !!" << endl;
   else Msg(MSG_ERR) << "Empty Ntk !!" << endl;
   return CMD_EXEC_DONE;
Beispiel #6
// SET LOgfile [| -All | -Cmd | -Error | -Warning | -Info | -Debug]
//             <(string fileName)> [| -File-only | -Both] [-APPend]
V3LogFileCmd::exec(const string& option) {
   vector<string> options;
   V3CmdExec::lexOptions(option, options);

   bool all = false, cmd = false, error = false, warning = false, info = false, debug = false;
   bool fileonly = false, both = false;
   bool append = false;
   string fileName = "";
   size_t n = options.size();

   if (n == 0) all = true;
   else {
      for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
         const string& token = options[i];
         if (v3StrNCmp("-APPend", token, 4) == 0) {
            if (append) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
            append = true;
         else if (v3StrNCmp("-All", token, 2) == 0) {
            if (all || cmd || error || warning || info || debug)
               return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
            else all = true;
         else if (v3StrNCmp("-Cmd", token, 2) == 0) {
            if (all || cmd || error || warning || info || debug) 
               return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
            else cmd = true;
         else if (v3StrNCmp("-Error", token, 2) == 0) {
            if (all || cmd || error || warning || info || debug) 
               return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
            else error = true;
         else if (v3StrNCmp("-Warning", token, 2) == 0) {
            if (all || cmd || error || warning || info || debug) 
               return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
            else warning = true;
         else if (v3StrNCmp("-Info", token, 2) == 0) {
            if (all || cmd || error || warning || info || debug) 
               return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
            else info = true;
         else if (v3StrNCmp("-Debug", token, 2) == 0) {
            if (all || cmd || error || warning || info || debug) 
               return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
            else debug = true;
         else if (v3StrNCmp("-File-only", token, 2) == 0) {
            if (fileonly || both) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
            fileonly = true;
         else if (v3StrNCmp("-Both", token, 2) == 0) {
            if (fileonly || both) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
            both = true;
         else {
            if (fileName == "") fileName = token;
            else return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);

   if (fileName == "") return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_MISSING, "<(string fileName)>");
   if (!(all || cmd || error || warning || info || debug)) all = true;
   if (!(fileonly || both)) fileonly = true;

   if (all) { 
      if (fileonly) Msg.stopAllDefault();
      else Msg.startAllDefault();
   else {
      V3MsgType type = (cmd) ? MSG_LOG : (error) ? MSG_ERR : (warning) ? MSG_WAR : (info) ? MSG_IFO : MSG_DBG;
      Msg.setOutFile(fileName, type);
      Msg.startOutFile(type, append);
      if (fileonly) Msg.stopDefault(type);
      else if (type != MSG_LOG) Msg.startDefault(type);
   return CMD_EXEC_DONE;
Beispiel #7
// MITer NTk <(unsigned ntkId1)> <(unsigned ntkId2)>
//           [-Name <(string miterNtkName)>] [| -SEC | -CEC] [-Merge]
V3MiterNtkCmd::exec(const string& option) {
   vector<string> options;
   V3CmdExec::lexOptions(option, options);

   uint32_t id1 = V3NtkUD, id2 = V3NtkUD;
   bool miterName = false, miterNameON = false;
   bool sec = false, cec = false, merge = false;
   string miterNtkName = ""; int temp;
   size_t n = options.size();
   for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      const string& token = options[i];
      if (v3StrNCmp("-Name", token, 2) == 0) {
         if (miterName) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
         else miterName = miterNameON = true;
      else if (v3StrNCmp("-SEC", token, 4) == 0) {
         if (sec || cec) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
         else sec = true;
      else if (v3StrNCmp("-CEC", token, 4) == 0) {
         if (sec || cec) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
         else cec = true;
      else if (v3StrNCmp("-Merge", token, 2) == 0) {
         if (merge) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_EXTRA, token);
         else merge = true;
      else if (miterNameON) { miterNameON = false; miterNtkName = token; }
      else if (V3NtkUD == id1) {
         if (!v3Str2Int(token, temp)) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_ILLEGAL, "(unsigned ntkId1)");
         else if (temp < 0) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_ILLEGAL, "(unsigned ntkId1)");
         id1 = (uint32_t)temp;
      else if (V3NtkUD == id2) {
         if (!v3Str2Int(token, temp)) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_ILLEGAL, "(unsigned ntkId2)");
         else if (temp < 0) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_ILLEGAL, "(unsigned ntkId2)");
         id2 = (uint32_t)temp;
      else return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_ILLEGAL, token);

   if (V3NtkUD == id1) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_MISSING, "(unsigned ntkId1)");
   if (V3NtkUD == id2) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_MISSING, "(unsigned ntkId2)");
   if (miterNameON) return V3CmdExec::errorOption(CMD_OPT_MISSING, "(string miterNtkName)");

   V3NtkHandler* const handler = v3Handler.getCurHandler();
   if (handler) {
      if (id1 >= v3Handler.getHandlerCount()) 
         Msg(MSG_ERR) << "Network with id = " << id1 << " Does NOT Exist !!" << endl;
      else if (id2 >= v3Handler.getHandlerCount()) 
         Msg(MSG_ERR) << "Network with id = " << id2 << " Does NOT Exist !!" << endl;
      else {
         V3NtkHandler* const handler1 = v3Handler.getHandler(id1); assert (handler);
         V3NtkHandler* const handler2 = v3Handler.getHandler(id2); assert (handler);
         if (!(reportIncompatibleModule(handler1, handler2) || reportIncompatibleModule(handler1, handler2))) {
            if (!cec) {
               V3NtkMiter* const miterHandler = new V3NtkMiter(handler1, handler2, merge, miterNtkName);
               assert (miterHandler); v3Handler.pushAndSetCurHandler(miterHandler);
            else {
               // Compute Name Mapping for Latches Between Two Networks
               if (handler1->getNtk()->getLatchSize() == handler2->getNtk()->getLatchSize()) {
                  V3Map<string, uint32_t>::Map nameMap; nameMap.clear();
                  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < handler2->getNtk()->getLatchSize(); ++i)
                     nameMap.insert(make_pair(handler2->getNetName(handler2->getNtk()->getLatch(i)), i));
                  if (handler2->getNtk()->getLatchSize() == nameMap.size()) {
                     V3Map<string, uint32_t>::Map::const_iterator it; V3UI32Vec latchMap;
                     latchMap.clear(); latchMap.reserve(handler1->getNtk()->getLatchSize());
                     for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nameMap.size(); ++i) {
                        it = nameMap.find(handler1->getNetName(handler1->getNtk()->getLatch(i)));
                        if ((nameMap.end() == it) || 
                            (handler1->getNtk()->getNetWidth(handler1->getNtk()->getLatch(i)) != 
                             handler2->getNtk()->getNetWidth(handler2->getNtk()->getLatch(it->second)))) break;
                        else latchMap.push_back(it->second);
                     if (handler1->getNtk()->getLatchSize() == latchMap.size()) {
                        V3NtkMiter* const miterHandler = 
                           new V3NtkMiter(handler1, handler2, latchMap, merge, miterNtkName);
                        assert (miterHandler); v3Handler.pushAndSetCurHandler(miterHandler);
                     else Msg(MSG_ERR) << "Unmapped Latch " << latchMap.size() 
                                       << " Found in Network " << id1 << " !!" << endl;
                  else Msg(MSG_ERR) << "Repeated or Missing Latch Names Exist !!" << endl;
               else Msg(MSG_ERR) << "Number of Latches in Networks NOT Matched : " << id1 << "(" 
                                 << handler1->getNtk()->getLatchSize() << ") != " << id2 << "(" 
                                 << handler2->getNtk()->getLatchSize() << ") !!" << endl;
   else Msg(MSG_ERR) << "Empty Ntk !!" << endl;
   return CMD_EXEC_DONE;