Beispiel #1
static void ao_vdivs(vec *c, vec v, double n)
    vDSP_vsdivD(, 1, &n, c->co, 1, 3);
    c->x = v.x / n;
    c->y = v.y / n;
    c->z = v.z / n;
void AVFEqualizerBand::SetupHighShelfFilter(double omega, double bw, double gain) {
    double egm = gain - 1.0;
    double egp = gain + 1.0;
    double alpha = tan(bw / 2.0);
    double delta = 2.0 * sqrt(gain) * alpha;
    double cosF = cos(omega);

    mCoefficients[IND_A0] = (egp + egm * cosF + delta) * gain;
    mCoefficients[IND_A1] = (egm + egp * cosF) * -2.0 * gain;
    mCoefficients[IND_A2] = (egp + egm * cosF - delta) * gain;
    double b0 = egp - egm * cosF + delta;
    mCoefficients[IND_B1] = (egm - egp * cosF) * 2.0;
    mCoefficients[IND_B2] = egp - egm * cosF - delta;

    // pre-scale coefficients
    vDSP_vsdivD(mCoefficients, 1, &b0, mCoefficients, 1, 5);
 * vDSP_deq22:
 * The biquadratic filter equation for the nth sample is:
 * D[n] = S[n] * a0 + S[n-1] * a1 + S[n-2] * a2 - D[n-1] * b1 - D[n-2] * b2
 * vDSP_deq22 stuffs all coefficients in vector B and uses:
 * for p in [0,2]:
 *     A(n-p)i * B(p) -> A(n)*B[0] + A(n-1)*B[1] + A(n-2)*B[2]
 * for p in [3,4]:
 *     C(n-p+2)k * B(p) -> C(n-1)*B[3] + C(n-2)*B[4]
 * where A and C are vectors of at least size N+2
 * so B[0..2] is a0 to a2 respectively and B[3..4] is b1 and b2 respectively
 * The formulae used to calculate the coefficients are taken from GStreamer so
 * we can match the behavior of the GStreamer pipeline (and they work well enough)
 * though modified for SIMD operations using vDSP_deq22.
 * Note that the GStreamer coefficient names (a0-a2,b0-b2) are swapped from other
 * examples, but the use is the same.
void AVFEqualizerBand::SetupPeakFilter(double omega, double bw, double gain) {
    double cosF = cos(omega);
    double alpha =  tan(bw / 2.0);
    double alpha1 = alpha * gain;
    double alpha2 = alpha / gain;

    // set up peak filter coefficients
    mCoefficients[IND_A0] = 1.0 + alpha1;
    mCoefficients[IND_A1] = -2.0 * cosF;
    mCoefficients[IND_A2] = 1.0 - alpha1;
    double b0 = 1.0 + alpha2;
    mCoefficients[IND_B1] = -2.0 * cosF;
    mCoefficients[IND_B2] = 1.0 - alpha2;

    // pre-scale coefficients
    vDSP_vsdivD(mCoefficients, 1, &b0, mCoefficients, 1, 5);
Beispiel #4
int xtract_autocorrelation_fft(const double *data, const int N, const void *argv, double *result)

    double *rfft = NULL;
    int n        = 0;
    int M        = 0;
#ifndef USE_OOURA
    DSPDoubleSplitComplex *fft = NULL;
    double M_double = 0.0;

    M = N << 1;

    /* Zero pad the input vector */
    rfft = (double *)calloc(M, sizeof(double));
    memcpy(rfft, data, N * sizeof(double));

#ifdef USE_OOURA
    rdft(M, 1, rfft, ooura_data_autocorrelation_fft.ooura_ip, 

    for(n = 2; n < M; ++n)
        rfft[n*2] = XTRACT_SQ(rfft[n*2]) + XTRACT_SQ(rfft[n*2+1]);
        rfft[n*2+1] = 0.0;

    rfft[0] = XTRACT_SQ(rfft[0]);
    rfft[1] = XTRACT_SQ(rfft[1]);

    rdft(M, -1, rfft, ooura_data_autocorrelation_fft.ooura_ip,

    /* vDSP has its own autocorrelation function, but it doesn't fit the 
     * LibXtract model, e.g. we can't guarantee it's going to use
     * an FFT for all values of N */
    fft = &vdsp_data_autocorrelation_fft.fft;
    vDSP_ctozD((DSPDoubleComplex *)data, 2, fft, 1, N);
    vDSP_fft_zripD(vdsp_data_autocorrelation_fft.setup, fft, 1, 
            vdsp_data_autocorrelation_fft.log2N, FFT_FORWARD);

    for(n = 0; n < N; ++n)
        fft->realp[n] = XTRACT_SQ(fft->realp[n]) + XTRACT_SQ(fft->imagp[n]);
        fft->imagp[n] = 0.0;

    vDSP_fft_zripD(vdsp_data_autocorrelation_fft.setup, fft, 1, 
            vdsp_data_autocorrelation_fft.log2N, FFT_INVERSE);

    /* Normalisation factor */
    M = M * N;

#ifdef USE_OOURA
    for(n = 0; n < N; n++)
        result[n] = rfft[n] / (double)M;
    M_double = (double)M;
    vDSP_ztocD(fft, 1, (DOUBLE_COMPLEX *)result, 2, N);
    vDSP_vsdivD(result, 1, &M_double, result, 1, N);

    return XTRACT_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #5
/* Q:        problem data, 1-dim array of length n*n
 * wneg:     slope of negative part, 1-dim array of length n
 * wpos:     slope of positive part, 1-dim array of length n
 * sigma:    initial penalty parameter
 * maxIter:  max number of iterations
 * d:        initial feasible vector d, 1-dim array of length n
 * iter_arr, obj_arr and time_arr are output variables, CURRENTLY NOT USED!!! */
int CDlogdet_nonsmooth(int n, double* Q, double* wneg, double* wpos, double sigma,
    int maxIter, double* d, double* Vinit,
    int* iter_arr, double* obj_arr, double* time_arr)
  int         iter         = 0;
  int         k            = 0;
  double      Vkk          = 0;
  double      dk           = 0;
  double      dchange      = 0;
  clock_t     iterTimer    = 0;
  double      GRAD_TOL     = 3E-2;
  double      MIN_TAU      = 1E-5;
  double      TERM_PROG    = 1E-4;
  double      relgrad      = 1E17;
  double      tmpScalar1   = 0;
  double      VERYSMALLNUM = 1E-9;
  double      obj          = 0;
  double      prevobj      = 1E17;
  double      nrmW         = 0;
  double      TAU_UPDATE   = 0.8;
  int         nsq          = n*n;
  vDSP_Length tmpPosition  = 0;

  double* V = NULL;
  double* vk = NULL;
  double* tmpVec1 = NULL;
  double* tmpVec2 = NULL;
  double* tmpVec3 = NULL;
  double* tmpVec4 = NULL;
  double* tmpVec5 = NULL;
  double* tmpVec6 = NULL;
  double* subg = NULL;

  V       = (double*) malloc(nsq*sizeof(double));
  vk      = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double));
  subg    = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double));
  tmpVec1 = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double));
  tmpVec2 = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double));
  tmpVec3 = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double));
  tmpVec4 = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double));
  tmpVec5 = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double));
  tmpVec6 = (double*) malloc(n*sizeof(double));

  char UPLO = 'L';
  int LDA = n;
  int INFO = 0;

    PRINT("Entering CDlogdet_nonsmooth: n=%d, sigma=%f, maxIter=%d\n",n,sigma,maxIter);

  iterTimer = clock();

  /*Compute V = inv(Q+d), only stores the lower triangular part*/
  if (NULL==Vinit)
    cblas_dcopy(nsq, Q, 1, V, 1);
    cblas_daxpy(n, 1, d, 1, V, n+1);

    UPLO = 'L';
    LDA = n;
    INFO = 0;
    dpotrf_(&UPLO, &n, V, &LDA, &INFO);
    dpotri_(&UPLO, &n, V, &LDA, &INFO);
    cblas_dcopy(nsq, Vinit, 1, V, 1);


  nrmW = MAX(cblas_dnrm2(n, wneg, 1), cblas_dnrm2(n, wpos, 1));
  vDSP_vmaxD(tmpVec1, 1, tmpVec2, 1, tmpVec3, 1, n);
    /*Compute sub-gradient*/
    /*tmpVec1 <= wneg*/
    cblas_dcopy(n, wneg, 1, tmpVec1, 1);

    /*tmpVec1 <= wneg-sigma*diag(V)*/
    cblas_daxpy(n, -sigma, V, n+1, tmpVec1,1);

    /*tmpVec2 <= wpos*/
    cblas_dcopy(n, wpos, 1, tmpVec2, 1);
    /*tmpVec2 <= wpos-sigma*diag(V)*/
    cblas_daxpy(n, -sigma, V, n+1, tmpVec2,1);

    /*tmpVec3 <= max(0,wneg-sigma*diag(V)) */
    tmpScalar1 = 0;

    /*tmpVec4 <= -min(0,wpos-sigma*diag(V))*/
    tmpScalar1 = 0;

    /*tmpVec3 <= max(0,wneg-sigma*diag(V)) + min(0,wpos-sigma*diag(V))*/

    /*If d<0, use wneg-sigma*diag(V)*/
    /*tmpVec4_i = 1 <==> d_i < -VERYSMALLNUM */
    /*tmpVec4 <= (-d)*/
    tmpScalar1 = 1;
    vDSP_vlimD(tmpVec4,1, &VERYSMALLNUM, &tmpScalar1,tmpVec4,1,n);
    tmpScalar1 = 1;
    vDSP_vsaddD(tmpVec4,1,&tmpScalar1, tmpVec4, 1, n);
    tmpScalar1 = 2;
    vDSP_vsdivD(tmpVec4,1,&tmpScalar1, tmpVec4, 1, n);

    /*tmpVec5[i] = 1 <==> d_i > VERYSMALLNUM*/
    tmpScalar1 = 1;
    vDSP_vlimD(tmpVec5, 1, &VERYSMALLNUM, &tmpScalar1, tmpVec5, 1, n);
    tmpScalar1 = 1;
    vDSP_vsaddD(tmpVec5, 1, &tmpScalar1, tmpVec5, 1, n);
    tmpScalar1 = 2;
    vDSP_vsdivD(tmpVec5,1,&tmpScalar1, tmpVec5, 1, n);

    /*tmpVec6[i] = 1 <==> abs(d_i) < VERYSMALLNUM*/
    vDSP_vaddD(tmpVec4, 1, tmpVec5, 1, tmpVec6, 1, n);
    tmpScalar1 = -1;
    vDSP_vsaddD(tmpVec6,1, &tmpScalar1, tmpVec6, 1, n);

    /*Multiply, Multiply, Multiply, then add */
    vDSP_vmmaD(tmpVec1, 1, tmpVec4, 1, tmpVec2, 1, tmpVec5, 1, subg,1, n);

    vDSP_vmaD(tmpVec3, 1, tmpVec6, 1, subg, 1, subg, 1, n);

    /*Choose the index with largest abs(subg)*/

    /*k is the selected index*/
    k = (int) tmpPosition;
    Vkk = V[k*n+k];
    dk  = d[k];
    if (1-dk*Vkk<=0 || (sigma*Vkk/(1-dk*Vkk)>wpos[k]) )
      dchange = sigma/wpos[k] - 1/Vkk;
    else if(sigma*Vkk/(1-dk*Vkk)<wneg[k])
      dchange = sigma/wneg[k] - 1/Vkk;
      dchange = -dk;
    d[k] += dchange;

    cblas_dcopy(k+1, &V[k], n, vk, 1);
    cblas_dcopy(n-k-1, &V[k*n+k+1], 1, &vk[k+1], 1);

    tmpScalar1 = -(dchange/(1+dchange*Vkk));
    cblas_dsyr(CblasColMajor, CblasLower, n, tmpScalar1, vk, 1, V, n);

    iter ++;

    relgrad = cblas_dnrm2(n,subg,1)/nrmW;

    vDSP_vmaxD(tmpVec1, 1, tmpVec2, 1, tmpVec3, 1, n);

    if (relgrad<GRAD_TOL)
      sigma = MAX(MIN_TAU, sigma*TAU_UPDATE);
      if (PRINTLEVEL)
        PRINT("Iter = %5d, sig=%1.2e(#) , obj = %1.5e, relgrad = %1.3f\n",
            iter, sigma, obj, relgrad);
    else if (iter==1 || iter%n==0)
      if (PRINTLEVEL)
        PRINT("Iter = %5d, sig=%1.2e    , obj = %1.5e, relgrad = %1.3f, t=%0.3f\n",
            iter, sigma, obj, relgrad,((double)(clock()-iterTimer))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

    if (iter%n==0)
      if (obj<prevobj && ABS(prevobj-obj)<TERM_PROG*ABS(obj))
          PRINT("Terminate due to small progress.\n");
        prevobj = obj;

  return 0;