Beispiel #1
/// More inherited virtual funcs: request comes in for mesh stats
void EndoMesh::innerHandleRequestMeshStats( const Eref& e,
		const SrcFinfo2< unsigned int, vector< double > >* meshStatsFinfo
	vector< double > ret( vGetEntireVolume() / parent_->getNumEntries(), 1);
	meshStatsFinfo->send( e, 1, ret );
Beispiel #2
/// More inherited virtual funcs: request comes in for mesh stats
void CylMesh::innerHandleRequestMeshStats( const Eref& e,
		const SrcFinfo2< unsigned int, vector< double > >* meshStatsFinfo
	vector< double > ret( vGetEntireVolume() / numEntries_ ,1 );
	meshStatsFinfo->send( e, 1, ret );
Beispiel #3
bool CubeMesh::vSetVolumeNotRates( double vol ) 
	// Leave x0,y0.z0 and nx,ny,nz the same. Do NOT update any rates.
	double oldvol = vGetEntireVolume();
	double linscale = pow( vol / oldvol , 1.0 / 3.0 );
	x1_ *= linscale;
	y1_ *= linscale;
	z1_ *= linscale;
	dx_ *= linscale;
	dy_ *= linscale;
	dz_ *= linscale;

	return true;
Beispiel #4
bool CylMesh::vSetVolumeNotRates( double volume )
	double oldVol = vGetEntireVolume();
	double linScale = pow( volume/oldVol, 1.0 / 3.0 );
	x1_ *= linScale;
	y1_ *= linScale;
	z1_ *= linScale;
	r0_ *= linScale;
	r1_ *= linScale;
	totLen_ *= linScale;
	// Have to scale this so numEntries remains the same.
	diffLength_ = totLen_ / numEntries_; 
	return true;
Beispiel #5
double ChemCompt::getEntireVolume( const Eref& e ) const
	return vGetEntireVolume();