Beispiel #1
void FEDebuggerInfo::Draw()
	const float kWidthInterval	= CoordinateInfo::sWidth / kGridWidth;
	const float kLengthInterval	= CoordinateInfo::sLength / kGridLength;
	for(int i = 0; i < kGridWidth - 1; ++i)
		Vec2 vPos1(-CoordinateInfo::sLength / 2.f,  -CoordinateInfo::sWidth / 2.f + kWidthInterval * (i + 1));
		Vec2 vPos2( CoordinateInfo::sLength / 2.f,  -CoordinateInfo::sWidth / 2.f + kWidthInterval * (i + 1));
		Vec2 vScreenPos1 = CoordinateInfo::WorldToScreen(vPos1);
		Vec2 vScreenPos2 = CoordinateInfo::WorldToScreen(vPos2);
		g_poSROU->DrawLine(vScreenPos1.x, vScreenPos1.y, vScreenPos2.x, vScreenPos2.y, D_Color(128, 128, 128), 1.f);
	for(int i = 0; i < kGridLength - 1; ++i)
		Vec2 vPos1(-CoordinateInfo::sLength / 2.f + kLengthInterval * (i + 1),  CoordinateInfo::sWidth / 2.f);
		Vec2 vPos2(-CoordinateInfo::sLength / 2.f + kLengthInterval * (i + 1), -CoordinateInfo::sWidth / 2.f);
		Vec2 vScreenPos1 = CoordinateInfo::WorldToScreen(vPos1);
		Vec2 vScreenPos2 = CoordinateInfo::WorldToScreen(vPos2);
		g_poSROU->DrawLine(vScreenPos1.x, vScreenPos1.y, vScreenPos2.x, vScreenPos2.y, D_Color(128, 128, 128), 1.f);

	if(m_SelectedPosition >= 0)
		s32 realPos = m_SelectedPosition;
			s32 column	= (kGridLength - 1) - m_SelectedPosition / kGridWidth;
			s32 row		= (kGridWidth - 1) - m_SelectedPosition % kGridWidth;
			realPos = column * kGridWidth + row;

		Vec2 indicatorPos(CoordinateInfo::sLength / 2.f - (realPos / kGridWidth + 1) * kLengthInterval, 
						  CoordinateInfo::sWidth / 2.f - (realPos % kGridWidth) * kWidthInterval);
		Vec2 indicatorScreenPos = CoordinateInfo::WorldToScreen(indicatorPos);
		Char indicator[4];
		_itoa(m_SelectedPosition, indicator, 10);

		D_Color clr = Math::Blend(D_Color(128, 128, 128), D_Color(255, 255, 255), Math::Clamp(m_Turn / kOneTurnTime, 0.f, 1.f));
			kLengthInterval * CoordinateInfo::GetPixelPerMeter(), 
			kWidthInterval  * CoordinateInfo::GetPixelPerMeter(),
			5.f * CoordinateInfo::GetPixelPerMeter(),
			indicator, NULL, clr);
	// Since the modelviewmatrix is updated in the update, and flowgraph is updated in the preupdate, we need this postupdate
	virtual void OnPostUpdate(float fDeltaTime)
		int invMouseY = gEnv->pRenderer->GetHeight() - m_mouseY;

		Vec3 vPos0(0,0,0);
		gEnv->pRenderer->UnProjectFromScreen((float)m_mouseX, (float)invMouseY, 0, &vPos0.x, &vPos0.y, &vPos0.z);

		Vec3 vPos1(0,0,0);
		gEnv->pRenderer->UnProjectFromScreen((float)m_mouseX, (float)invMouseY, 1, &vPos1.x, &vPos1.y, &vPos1.z);

		Vec3 vDir = vPos1 - vPos0;
		ray_hit hit;
		const unsigned int flags = rwi_stop_at_pierceable|rwi_colltype_any;

		IPhysicalEntity** pSkipEnts = NULL;
		int numSkipped = 0;

		int containerId = GetPortInt(&m_actInfo, EIP_EntitiesToIgnore);
		if(containerId != 0)
			IFlowSystemContainerPtr container = gEnv->pFlowSystem->GetContainer(containerId);
			numSkipped = container->GetItemCount();
			pSkipEnts = new IPhysicalEntity*[numSkipped];
			for (int i = 0; i < numSkipped; i++)
				EntityId id;
				pSkipEnts[i] = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity(id)->GetPhysics();

		if (gEnv->pPhysicalWorld && gEnv->pPhysicalWorld->RayWorldIntersection(vPos0, vDir *  gEnv->p3DEngine->GetMaxViewDistance(), m_rayTypeFilter, flags, &hit, 1, pSkipEnts, numSkipped))
			ActivateOutput(&m_actInfo, EOP_HitPos,;
			ActivateOutput(&m_actInfo, EOP_HitNormal, hit.n);

				if(IEntity *pEntity = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntityFromPhysics(hit.pCollider))
					ActivateOutput(&m_actInfo, EOP_EntityId, pEntity->GetId());

			delete [] pSkipEnts;