BOOL ALSZOTExtRec::receiver_routine(uint32_t id, uint64_t myNumOTs) { uint64_t myStartPos = id * myNumOTs; uint64_t wd_size_bits = m_nBlockSizeBits; uint64_t internal_numOTs = std::min(myNumOTs + myStartPos, m_nOTs) - myStartPos; uint64_t lim = myStartPos + internal_numOTs; uint64_t processedOTBlocks = std::min(num_ot_blocks, ceil_divide(internal_numOTs, wd_size_bits)); uint64_t OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits; uint64_t OTwindow = num_ot_blocks * wd_size_bits; uint64_t** rndmat; bool use_mat_chan = (m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT || m_bUseMinEntCorRob); uint32_t nchans = 2; if(use_mat_chan) { nchans = 3; } channel* ot_chan = new channel(OT_BASE_CHANNEL+nchans*id, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread); channel* check_chan = new channel(OT_BASE_CHANNEL+nchans*id+1, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread); channel* mat_chan; if(use_mat_chan) { mat_chan = new channel(nchans*id+2, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread); } // A temporary part of the T matrix CBitVector T(wd_size_bits * OTsPerIteration); // The send buffer CBitVector vSnd(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration); // A temporary buffer that stores the resulting seeds from the hash buffer //TODO: Check for some maximum size CBitVector seedbuf(OTwindow * m_cCrypt->get_aes_key_bytes() * 8); uint64_t otid = myStartPos; std::queue<alsz_rcv_check_t> check_buf; std::queue<mask_block*> mask_queue; CBitVector maskbuf; maskbuf.Create(m_nBitLength * OTwindow); //these two values are only required for the min entropy correlation robustness assumption alsz_rcv_check_t check_tmp; CBitVector Ttmp(wd_size_bits * OTsPerIteration); OT_AES_KEY_CTX* tmp_base_keys; uint64_t base_ot_block_ctr = otid / (myNumOTs); //TODO only do when successfull checks if(m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT) { initRndMatrix(&rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs); } #ifdef OTTiming double totalMtxTime = 0, totalTnsTime = 0, totalHshTime = 0, totalRcvTime = 0, totalSndTime = 0, totalChkTime = 0, totalMaskTime = 0, totalEnqueueTime = 0, totalOutputSetTime = 0; timespec tempStart, tempEnd; #endif while (otid < lim) { processedOTBlocks = std::min(num_ot_blocks, ceil_divide(lim - otid, wd_size_bits)); OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits; //nSize = bits_in_bytes(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration); tmp_base_keys = m_tBaseOTKeys[base_ot_block_ctr]; //m_tBaseOTQ.pop(); #ifdef OTTiming clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart); #endif BuildMatrices(&T, &vSnd, otid, processedOTBlocks, tmp_base_keys); #ifdef OTTiming clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd); totalMtxTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart); #endif check_buf.push(EnqueueSeed(T.GetArr(), vSnd.GetArr(), otid, processedOTBlocks)); #ifdef OTTiming clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd); totalEnqueueTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart); #endif MaskBaseOTs(&T, &vSnd, otid, processedOTBlocks); #ifdef OTTiming clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd); totalMaskTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart); #endif SendMasks(&vSnd, ot_chan, otid, OTsPerIteration); //ot_chan->send_id_len(vSnd.GetArr(), nSize, otid, OTsPerIteration); #ifdef OTTiming clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd); totalSndTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart); #endif ReceiveAndFillMatrix(rndmat, mat_chan); if(!m_bUseMinEntCorRob) { T.Transpose(wd_size_bits, OTsPerIteration); #ifdef OTTiming clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd); totalTnsTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart); #endif HashValues(&T, &seedbuf, &maskbuf, otid, std::min(lim - otid, OTsPerIteration), rndmat); #ifdef OTTiming clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd); totalHshTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart); #endif } if(check_chan->data_available()) { if(m_bUseMinEntCorRob) { check_tmp = check_buf.front(); Ttmp.Copy(check_tmp.T0, 0, check_tmp.numblocks * m_nBlockSizeBytes); } ComputeOWF(&check_buf, check_chan); if(m_bUseMinEntCorRob) { ReceiveAndXORCorRobVector(&Ttmp, check_tmp.numblocks * wd_size_bits, mat_chan); Ttmp.Transpose(wd_size_bits, OTsPerIteration); HashValues(&Ttmp, &seedbuf, &maskbuf, check_tmp.otid, std::min(lim - check_tmp.otid, check_tmp.numblocks * wd_size_bits), rndmat); } #ifdef OTTiming clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd); totalChkTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd); clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart); #endif } SetOutput(&maskbuf, otid, OTsPerIteration, &mask_queue, ot_chan); otid += std::min(lim - otid, OTsPerIteration); base_ot_block_ctr++; #ifdef OTTiming clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd); totalOutputSetTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd); #endif //free(tmp_base_keys); //free(tmp_baseots); vSnd.Reset(); T.Reset(); } while(!check_buf.empty()) { if(check_chan->data_available()) { if(m_bUseMinEntCorRob) { check_tmp = check_buf.front(); Ttmp.Copy(check_tmp.T0, 0, check_tmp.numblocks * m_nBlockSizeBytes); } #ifdef OTTiming clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart); #endif ComputeOWF(&check_buf, check_chan); #ifdef OTTiming clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd); totalChkTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd); #endif if(m_bUseMinEntCorRob) { ReceiveAndXORCorRobVector(&Ttmp, check_tmp.numblocks * wd_size_bits, mat_chan); Ttmp.Transpose(wd_size_bits, OTsPerIteration); HashValues(&Ttmp, &seedbuf, &maskbuf, check_tmp.otid, std::min(lim - check_tmp.otid, check_tmp.numblocks * wd_size_bits), rndmat); } } } if(m_eSndOTFlav != Snd_R_OT) { //finevent->Wait(); #ifdef ABY_OT while(!(mask_queue.empty())) { #else while(ot_chan->is_alive() && !(mask_queue.empty())) { #endif #ifdef OTTiming clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempStart); #endif ReceiveAndUnMask(ot_chan, &mask_queue); #ifdef OTTiming clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tempEnd); totalOutputSetTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd); #endif } } ot_chan->synchronize_end(); check_chan->synchronize_end(); delete ot_chan; delete check_chan; T.delCBitVector(); vSnd.delCBitVector(); seedbuf.delCBitVector(); maskbuf.delCBitVector(); Ttmp.delCBitVector(); if(use_mat_chan) { mat_chan->synchronize_end(); delete mat_chan; } if(m_eSndOTFlav==Snd_GC_OT) { freeRndMatrix(rndmat, m_nBaseOTs); } #ifdef OTTiming std::cout << "Receiver time benchmark for performing " << internal_numOTs << " OTs on " << m_nBitLength << " bit strings" << std::endl; std::cout << "Time needed for: " << std::endl; std::cout << "\t Matrix Generation:\t" << totalMtxTime << " ms" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t Enqueuing Seeds:\t" << totalEnqueueTime << " ms" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t Base OT Masking:\t" << totalMaskTime << " ms" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t Sending Matrix:\t" << totalSndTime << " ms" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t Transposing Matrix:\t" << totalTnsTime << " ms" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t Hashing Matrix:\t" << totalHshTime << " ms" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t Receiving Values:\t" << totalRcvTime << " ms" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t Checking OWF: \t" << totalChkTime << " ms" << std::endl; std::cout << "\t Setting Output:\t" << totalOutputSetTime << " ms" << std::endl; #endif return TRUE; } void ALSZOTExtRec::ReceiveAndFillMatrix(uint64_t** rndmat, channel* mat_chan) { if(m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT) { uint8_t* rnd_seed = mat_chan->blocking_receive(); //initRndMatrix(&rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs); fillRndMatrix(rnd_seed, rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs, m_cCrypt); free(rnd_seed); } } alsz_rcv_check_t ALSZOTExtRec::EnqueueSeed(uint8_t* T0, uint8_t* T1, uint64_t otid, uint64_t numblocks) { uint64_t expseedbytelen = m_nBaseOTs * numblocks * m_nBlockSizeBytes; alsz_rcv_check_t seedstr; seedstr.otid = otid; seedstr.numblocks = numblocks; seedstr.T0 = (uint8_t*) malloc(expseedbytelen); seedstr.T1 = (uint8_t*) malloc(expseedbytelen); memcpy(seedstr.T0, T0, expseedbytelen); memcpy(seedstr.T1, T1, expseedbytelen); return seedstr; }
BOOL NNOBOTExtRec::receiver_routine(uint32_t id, uint64_t myNumOTs) { uint64_t myStartPos = id * myNumOTs; uint64_t wd_size_bits = m_nBlockSizeBits; myNumOTs = min(myNumOTs + myStartPos, m_nOTs) - myStartPos; uint64_t lim = myStartPos + myNumOTs; uint64_t processedOTBlocks = min((uint64_t) NUMOTBLOCKS, ceil_divide(myNumOTs, wd_size_bits)); uint64_t OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits; uint64_t OTwindow = NUMOTBLOCKS * wd_size_bits; uint64_t** rndmat; bool use_mat_chan = (m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT || m_bUseMinEntCorRob); uint32_t nchans = 2; if(use_mat_chan) { nchans = 3; } channel* ot_chan = new channel(nchans*id, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread); channel* check_chan = new channel(nchans*id+1, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread); channel* mat_chan; if(use_mat_chan) { mat_chan = new channel(nchans*id+2, m_cRcvThread, m_cSndThread); } //counter variables uint64_t numblocks = ceil_divide(myNumOTs, OTsPerIteration); // A temporary part of the T matrix CBitVector T(wd_size_bits * OTsPerIteration); // The send buffer CBitVector vSnd(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration); // A temporary buffer that stores the resulting seeds from the hash buffer //TODO: Check for some maximum size CBitVector seedbuf(OTwindow * m_cCrypt->get_aes_key_bytes() * 8); uint64_t otid = myStartPos; queue<nnob_rcv_check_t> check_buf; queue<mask_block*> mask_queue; CBitVector maskbuf; maskbuf.Create(m_nBitLength * OTwindow); //TODO only do when successfull checks if(m_eSndOTFlav == Snd_GC_OT) { initRndMatrix(&rndmat, m_nBitLength, m_nBaseOTs); } #ifdef OTTiming double totalMtxTime = 0, totalTnsTime = 0, totalHshTime = 0, totalRcvTime = 0, totalSndTime = 0, totalChkTime = 0, totalMaskTime = 0, totalEnqueueTime = 0; timeval tempStart, tempEnd; #endif while (otid < lim) { processedOTBlocks = min((uint64_t) NUMOTBLOCKS, ceil_divide(lim - otid, wd_size_bits)); OTsPerIteration = processedOTBlocks * wd_size_bits; //nSize = bits_in_bytes(m_nBaseOTs * OTsPerIteration); #ifdef OTTiming gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL); #endif BuildMatrices(T, vSnd, otid, processedOTBlocks); #ifdef OTTiming gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL); totalMtxTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd); gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL); #endif check_buf.push(EnqueueSeed(T.GetArr(), otid, processedOTBlocks)); #ifdef OTTiming gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL); totalEnqueueTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd); gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL); #endif MaskBaseOTs(T, vSnd, otid, processedOTBlocks); #ifdef OTTiming gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL); totalMaskTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd); gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL); #endif SendMasks(vSnd, ot_chan, otid, OTsPerIteration); //ot_chan->send_id_len(vSnd.GetArr(), nSize, otid, OTsPerIteration); #ifdef OTTiming gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL); totalSndTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd); gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL); #endif ReceiveAndFillMatrix(rndmat, mat_chan); ReceiveAndXORCorRobVector(T, OTsPerIteration, mat_chan); T.Transpose(wd_size_bits, OTsPerIteration); #ifdef OTTiming gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL); totalTnsTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd); gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL); #endif HashValues(&T, &seedbuf, &maskbuf, otid, min(lim - otid, OTsPerIteration), rndmat); #ifdef OTTiming gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL); totalHshTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd); gettimeofday(&tempStart, NULL); #endif if(check_chan->data_available()) { ComputeOWF(&check_buf, check_chan); } //if(ot_chan->data_available()) { // ReceiveAndUnMask(ot_chan); //} SetOutput(&maskbuf, otid, OTsPerIteration, &mask_queue, ot_chan); otid += min(lim - otid, OTsPerIteration); #ifdef OTTiming gettimeofday(&tempEnd, NULL); totalRcvTime += getMillies(tempStart, tempEnd); #endif vSnd.Reset(); T.Reset(); } while(!check_buf.empty()) { if(check_chan->data_available()) { ComputeOWF(&check_buf, check_chan); } } if(m_eSndOTFlav != Snd_R_OT) { //finevent->Wait(); while(ot_chan->is_alive() && !(mask_queue.empty())) ReceiveAndUnMask(ot_chan, &mask_queue); } ot_chan->synchronize_end(); check_chan->synchronize_end(); T.delCBitVector(); vSnd.delCBitVector(); seedbuf.delCBitVector(); maskbuf.delCBitVector(); if(use_mat_chan) { mat_chan->synchronize_end(); } if(m_eSndOTFlav==Snd_GC_OT) { freeRndMatrix(rndmat, m_nBaseOTs); } #ifdef OTTiming cout << "Receiver time benchmark for performing " << myNumOTs << " OTs on " << m_nBitLength << " bit strings" << endl; cout << "Time needed for: " << endl; cout << "\t Matrix Generation:\t" << totalMtxTime << " ms" << endl; cout << "\t Enqueuing Seeds:\t" << totalEnqueueTime << " ms" << endl; cout << "\t Base OT Masking:\t" << totalMaskTime << " ms" << endl; cout << "\t Sending Matrix:\t" << totalSndTime << " ms" << endl; cout << "\t Transposing Matrix:\t" << totalTnsTime << " ms" << endl; cout << "\t Hashing Matrix:\t" << totalHshTime << " ms" << endl; cout << "\t Receiving Values:\t" << totalRcvTime << " ms" << endl; #endif return TRUE; }