QString KstPSD::propertyString() const { return i18n("Spectrum: %1").arg(vTag()); }
void selectZmm(const TString conf="zmm.conf", // input file const TString outputDir=".", // output directory const Bool_t doScaleCorr=0, // apply energy scale corrections const Bool_t doPU=0 ) { gBenchmark->Start("selectZmm"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Settings //============================================================================================================== const Double_t MASS_LOW = 40; const Double_t MASS_HIGH = 200; const Double_t PT_CUT = 22; const Double_t ETA_CUT = 2.4; const Double_t MUON_MASS = 0.105658369; const Int_t BOSON_ID = 23; const Int_t LEPTON_ID = 13; // load trigger menu const baconhep::TTrigger triggerMenu("../../BaconAna/DataFormats/data/HLT_50nsGRun"); // load pileup reweighting file TFile *f_rw = TFile::Open("../Tools/puWeights_76x.root", "read"); TH1D *h_rw = (TH1D*) f_rw->Get("puWeights"); TH1D *h_rw_up = (TH1D*) f_rw->Get("puWeightsUp"); TH1D *h_rw_down = (TH1D*) f_rw->Get("puWeightsDown"); if (h_rw==NULL) cout<<"WARNING h_rw == NULL"<<endl; if (h_rw_up==NULL) cout<<"WARNING h_rw == NULL"<<endl; if (h_rw_down==NULL) cout<<"WARNING h_rw == NULL"<<endl; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main analysis code //============================================================================================================== enum { eMuMu2HLT=1, eMuMu1HLT1L1, eMuMu1HLT, eMuMuNoSel, eMuSta, eMuTrk }; // event category enum vector<TString> snamev; // sample name (for output files) vector<CSample*> samplev; // data/MC samples // // parse .conf file // confParse(conf, snamev, samplev); const Bool_t hasData = (samplev[0]->fnamev.size()>0); // Create output directory gSystem->mkdir(outputDir,kTRUE); const TString ntupDir = outputDir + TString("/ntuples"); gSystem->mkdir(ntupDir,kTRUE); // // Declare output ntuple variables // UInt_t runNum, lumiSec, evtNum; UInt_t matchGen; UInt_t category; UInt_t npv, npu; UInt_t id_1, id_2; Double_t x_1, x_2, xPDF_1, xPDF_2; Double_t scalePDF, weightPDF; TLorentzVector *genV=0; Float_t genVPt, genVPhi, genVy, genVMass; Float_t genWeight, PUWeight; Float_t scale1fb,scale1fbUp,scale1fbDown; Float_t met, metPhi, sumEt, u1, u2; Float_t tkMet, tkMetPhi, tkSumEt, tkU1, tkU2; Float_t mvaMet, mvaMetPhi, mvaSumEt, mvaU1, mvaU2; Float_t puppiMet, puppiMetPhi, puppiSumEt, puppiU1, puppiU2; Int_t q1, q2; TLorentzVector *dilep=0, *lep1=0, *lep2=0; ///// muon specific ///// Float_t trkIso1, emIso1, hadIso1, trkIso2, emIso2, hadIso2; Float_t pfChIso1, pfGamIso1, pfNeuIso1, pfCombIso1, pfChIso2, pfGamIso2, pfNeuIso2, pfCombIso2; Float_t d01, dz1, d02, dz2; Float_t muNchi21, muNchi22; UInt_t nPixHits1, nTkLayers1, nPixHits2, nTkLayers2; UInt_t nValidHits1, nMatch1, nValidHits2, nMatch2; UInt_t typeBits1, typeBits2; TLorentzVector *sta1=0, *sta2=0; // Data structures to store info from TTrees baconhep::TEventInfo *info = new baconhep::TEventInfo(); baconhep::TGenEventInfo *gen = new baconhep::TGenEventInfo(); TClonesArray *genPartArr = new TClonesArray("baconhep::TGenParticle"); TClonesArray *muonArr = new TClonesArray("baconhep::TMuon"); TClonesArray *vertexArr = new TClonesArray("baconhep::TVertex"); TFile *infile=0; TTree *eventTree=0; // // loop over samples // for(UInt_t isam=0; isam<samplev.size(); isam++) { // Assume data sample is first sample in .conf file // If sample is empty (i.e. contains no ntuple files), skip to next sample Bool_t isData=kFALSE; if(isam==0 && !hasData) continue; else if (isam==0) isData=kTRUE; // Assume signal sample is given name "zmm" - flag to store GEN Z kinematics Bool_t isSignal = (snamev[isam].CompareTo("zmm",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0); // flag to reject Z->mm events when selecting at wrong-flavor background events Bool_t isWrongFlavor = (snamev[isam].CompareTo("zxx",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0); CSample* samp = samplev[isam]; // // Set up output ntuple // TString outfilename = ntupDir + TString("/") + snamev[isam] + TString("_select.root"); if(isam!=0 && !doScaleCorr) outfilename = ntupDir + TString("/") + snamev[isam] + TString("_select.raw.root"); TFile *outFile = new TFile(outfilename,"RECREATE"); TTree *outTree = new TTree("Events","Events"); outTree->Branch("runNum", &runNum, "runNum/i"); // event run number outTree->Branch("lumiSec", &lumiSec, "lumiSec/i"); // event lumi section outTree->Branch("evtNum", &evtNum, "evtNum/i"); // event number outTree->Branch("matchGen", &matchGen, "matchGen/i"); // event has both leptons matched to MC Z->ll outTree->Branch("category", &category, "category/i"); // dilepton category outTree->Branch("id_1", &id_1, "id_1/i"); // PDF info -- parton ID for parton 1 outTree->Branch("id_2", &id_2, "id_2/i"); // PDF info -- parton ID for parton 2 outTree->Branch("x_1", &x_1, "x_1/d"); // PDF info -- x for parton 1 outTree->Branch("x_2", &x_2, "x_2/d"); // PDF info -- x for parton 2 outTree->Branch("xPDF_1", &xPDF_1, "xPDF_1/d"); // PDF info -- x*F for parton 1 outTree->Branch("xPDF_2", &xPDF_2, "xPDF_2/d"); // PDF info -- x*F for parton 2 outTree->Branch("scalePDF", &scalePDF, "scalePDF/d"); // PDF info -- energy scale of parton interaction outTree->Branch("weightPDF", &weightPDF, "weightPDF/d"); // PDF info -- PDF weight outTree->Branch("npv", &npv, "npv/i"); // number of primary vertices outTree->Branch("npu", &npu, "npu/i"); // number of in-time PU events (MC) outTree->Branch("genV", "TLorentzVector", &genV); // GEN boson 4-vector (signal MC) outTree->Branch("genVPt", &genVPt, "genVPt/F"); // GEN boson pT (signal MC) outTree->Branch("genVPhi", &genVPhi, "genVPhi/F"); // GEN boson phi (signal MC) outTree->Branch("genVy", &genVy, "genVy/F"); // GEN boson rapidity (signal MC) outTree->Branch("genVMass", &genVMass, "genVMass/F"); // GEN boson mass (signal MC) outTree->Branch("genWeight", &genWeight, "genWeight/F"); outTree->Branch("PUWeight", &PUWeight, "PUWeight/F"); outTree->Branch("scale1fb", &scale1fb, "scale1fb/F"); // event weight per 1/fb (MC) outTree->Branch("scale1fbUp", &scale1fbUp, "scale1fbUp/F"); // event weight per 1/fb (MC) outTree->Branch("scale1fbDown", &scale1fbDown, "scale1fbDown/F"); // event weight per 1/fb (MC) outTree->Branch("met", &met, "met/F"); // MET outTree->Branch("metPhi", &metPhi, "metPhi/F"); // phi(MET) outTree->Branch("sumEt", &sumEt, "sumEt/F"); // Sum ET outTree->Branch("u1", &u1, "u1/F"); // parallel component of recoil outTree->Branch("u2", &u2, "u2/F"); // perpendicular component of recoil outTree->Branch("tkMet", &tkMet, "tkMet/F"); // MET (track MET) outTree->Branch("tkMetPhi", &tkMetPhi, "tkMetPhi/F"); // phi(MET) (track MET) outTree->Branch("tkSumEt", &tkSumEt, "tkSumEt/F"); // Sum ET (track MET) outTree->Branch("tkU1", &tkU1, "tkU1/F"); // parallel component of recoil (track MET) outTree->Branch("tkU2", &tkU2, "tkU2/F"); // perpendicular component of recoil (track MET) outTree->Branch("mvaMet", &mvaMet, "mvaMet/F"); // MVA MET outTree->Branch("mvaMetPhi", &mvaMetPhi, "mvaMetPhi/F"); // phi(MVA MET) outTree->Branch("mvaSumEt", &mvaSumEt, "mvaSumEt/F"); // Sum ET (mva MET) outTree->Branch("mvaU1", &mvaU1, "mvaU1/F"); // parallel component of recoil (mva MET) outTree->Branch("mvaU2", &mvaU2, "mvaU2/F"); // perpendicular component of recoil (mva MET) outTree->Branch("puppiMet", &puppiMet, "puppiMet/F"); // Puppi MET outTree->Branch("puppiMetPhi", &puppiMetPhi,"puppiMetPhi/F"); // phi(Puppi MET) outTree->Branch("puppiSumEt", &puppiSumEt, "puppiSumEt/F"); // Sum ET (Puppi MET) outTree->Branch("puppiU1", &puppiU1, "puppiU1/F"); // parallel component of recoil (Puppi MET) outTree->Branch("puppiU2", &puppiU2, "puppiU2/F"); // perpendicular component of recoil (Puppi MET) outTree->Branch("q1", &q1, "q1/I"); // charge of tag lepton outTree->Branch("q2", &q2, "q2/I"); // charge of probe lepton outTree->Branch("dilep", "TLorentzVector", &dilep); // di-lepton 4-vector outTree->Branch("lep1", "TLorentzVector", &lep1); // tag lepton 4-vector outTree->Branch("lep2", "TLorentzVector", &lep2); // probe lepton 4-vector ///// muon specific ///// outTree->Branch("trkIso1", &trkIso1, "trkIso1/F"); // track isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("trkIso2", &trkIso2, "trkIso2/F"); // track isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("emIso1", &emIso1, "emIso1/F"); // ECAL isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("emIso2", &emIso2, "emIso2/F"); // ECAL isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("hadIso1", &hadIso1, "hadIso1/F"); // HCAL isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("hadIso2", &hadIso2, "hadIso2/F"); // HCAL isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("pfChIso1", &pfChIso1, "pfChIso1/F"); // PF charged hadron isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("pfChIso2", &pfChIso2, "pfChIso2/F"); // PF charged hadron isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("pfGamIso1", &pfGamIso1, "pfGamIso1/F"); // PF photon isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("pfGamIso2", &pfGamIso2, "pfGamIso2/F"); // PF photon isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("pfNeuIso1", &pfNeuIso1, "pfNeuIso1/F"); // PF neutral hadron isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("pfNeuIso2", &pfNeuIso2, "pfNeuIso2/F"); // PF neutral hadron isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("pfCombIso1", &pfCombIso1, "pfCombIso1/F"); // PF combined isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("pfCombIso2", &pfCombIso2, "pfCombIso2/F"); // PF combined isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("d01", &d01, "d01/F"); // transverse impact parameter of tag lepton outTree->Branch("d02", &d02, "d02/F"); // transverse impact parameter of probe lepton outTree->Branch("dz1", &dz1, "dz1/F"); // longitudinal impact parameter of tag lepton outTree->Branch("dz2", &dz2, "dz2/F"); // longitudinal impact parameter of probe lepton outTree->Branch("muNchi21", &muNchi21, "muNchi21/F"); // muon fit normalized chi^2 of tag lepton outTree->Branch("muNchi22", &muNchi22, "muNchi22/F"); // muon fit normalized chi^2 of probe lepton outTree->Branch("nPixHits1", &nPixHits1, "nPixHits1/i"); // number of pixel hits of tag muon outTree->Branch("nPixHits2", &nPixHits2, "nPixHits2/i"); // number of pixel hits of probe muon outTree->Branch("nTkLayers1", &nTkLayers1, "nTkLayers1/i"); // number of tracker layers of tag muon outTree->Branch("nTkLayers2", &nTkLayers2, "nTkLayers2/i"); // number of tracker layers of probe muon outTree->Branch("nMatch1", &nMatch1, "nMatch1/i"); // number of matched segments of tag muon outTree->Branch("nMatch2", &nMatch2, "nMatch2/i"); // number of matched segments of probe muon outTree->Branch("nValidHits1", &nValidHits1, "nValidHits1/i"); // number of valid muon hits of tag muon outTree->Branch("nValidHits2", &nValidHits2, "nValidHits2/i"); // number of valid muon hits of probe muon outTree->Branch("typeBits1", &typeBits1, "typeBits1/i"); // muon type of tag muon outTree->Branch("typeBits2", &typeBits2, "typeBits2/i"); // muon type of probe muon outTree->Branch("sta1", "TLorentzVector", &sta1); // tag standalone muon 4-vector outTree->Branch("sta2", "TLorentzVector", &sta2); // probe standalone muon 4-vector // // loop through files // const UInt_t nfiles = samp->fnamev.size(); for(UInt_t ifile=0; ifile<nfiles; ifile++) { // Read input file and get the TTrees cout << "Processing " << samp->fnamev[ifile] << " [xsec = " << samp->xsecv[ifile] << " pb] ... "; cout.flush(); infile = TFile::Open(samp->fnamev[ifile]); assert(infile); if (samp->fnamev[ifile] == "/dev/null") { cout <<"-> Ignoring null input "<<endl; continue; } Bool_t hasJSON = kFALSE; baconhep::RunLumiRangeMap rlrm; if(samp->jsonv[ifile].CompareTo("NONE")!=0) { hasJSON = kTRUE; rlrm.addJSONFile(samp->jsonv[ifile].Data()); } eventTree = (TTree*)infile->Get("Events"); assert(eventTree); eventTree->SetBranchAddress("Info", &info); TBranch *infoBr = eventTree->GetBranch("Info"); eventTree->SetBranchAddress("Muon", &muonArr); TBranch *muonBr = eventTree->GetBranch("Muon"); eventTree->SetBranchAddress("PV", &vertexArr); TBranch *vertexBr = eventTree->GetBranch("PV"); Bool_t hasGen = eventTree->GetBranchStatus("GenEvtInfo"); TBranch *genBr=0, *genPartBr=0; if(hasGen) { eventTree->SetBranchAddress("GenEvtInfo", &gen); genBr = eventTree->GetBranch("GenEvtInfo"); eventTree->SetBranchAddress("GenParticle",&genPartArr); genPartBr = eventTree->GetBranch("GenParticle"); } // Compute MC event weight per 1/fb const Double_t xsec = samp->xsecv[ifile]; Double_t totalWeight=0; Double_t totalWeightUp=0; Double_t totalWeightDown=0; Double_t puWeight=0; Double_t puWeightUp=0; Double_t puWeightDown=0; if (hasGen) { for(UInt_t ientry=0; ientry<eventTree->GetEntries(); ientry++) { infoBr->GetEntry(ientry); genBr->GetEntry(ientry); puWeight = doPU ? h_rw->GetBinContent(h_rw->FindBin(info->nPUmean)) : 1.; puWeightUp = doPU ? h_rw_up->GetBinContent(h_rw_up->FindBin(info->nPUmean)) : 1.; puWeightDown = doPU ? h_rw_down->GetBinContent(h_rw_down->FindBin(info->nPUmean)) : 1.; totalWeight+=gen->weight*puWeight; totalWeightUp+=gen->weight*puWeightUp; totalWeightDown+=gen->weight*puWeightDown; } } else if (not isData){ for(UInt_t ientry=0; ientry<eventTree->GetEntries(); ientry++) { puWeight = doPU ? h_rw->GetBinContent(h_rw->FindBin(info->nPUmean)) : 1.; puWeightUp = doPU ? h_rw_up->GetBinContent(h_rw_up->FindBin(info->nPUmean)) : 1.; puWeightDown = doPU ? h_rw_down->GetBinContent(h_rw_down->FindBin(info->nPUmean)) : 1.; totalWeight+= 1.0*puWeight; totalWeightUp+= 1.0*puWeightUp; totalWeightDown+= 1.0*puWeightDown; } } // // loop over events // Double_t nsel=0, nselvar=0; for(UInt_t ientry=0; ientry<eventTree->GetEntries(); ientry++) { infoBr->GetEntry(ientry); if(ientry%1000000==0) cout << "Processing event " << ientry << ". " << (double)ientry/(double)eventTree->GetEntries()*100 << " percent done with this file." << endl; Double_t weight=1; Double_t weightUp=1; Double_t weightDown=1; if(xsec>0 && totalWeight>0) weight = xsec/totalWeight; if(xsec>0 && totalWeightUp>0) weightUp = xsec/totalWeightUp; if(xsec>0 && totalWeightDown>0) weightDown = xsec/totalWeightDown; if(hasGen) { genPartArr->Clear(); genBr->GetEntry(ientry); genPartBr->GetEntry(ientry); puWeight = doPU ? h_rw->GetBinContent(h_rw->FindBin(info->nPUmean)) : 1.; puWeightUp = doPU ? h_rw_up->GetBinContent(h_rw_up->FindBin(info->nPUmean)) : 1.; puWeightDown = doPU ? h_rw_down->GetBinContent(h_rw_down->FindBin(info->nPUmean)) : 1.; weight*=gen->weight*puWeight; weightUp*=gen->weight*puWeightUp; weightDown*=gen->weight*puWeightDown; } // veto z -> xx decays for signal and z -> mm for bacground samples (needed for inclusive DYToLL sample) if (isWrongFlavor && hasGen && fabs(toolbox::flavor(genPartArr, BOSON_ID))==LEPTON_ID) continue; else if (isSignal && hasGen && fabs(toolbox::flavor(genPartArr, BOSON_ID))!=LEPTON_ID) continue; // check for certified lumi (if applicable) baconhep::RunLumiRangeMap::RunLumiPairType rl(info->runNum, info->lumiSec); if(hasJSON && !rlrm.hasRunLumi(rl)) continue; // trigger requirement if (!isMuonTrigger(triggerMenu, info->triggerBits)) continue; // good vertex requirement if(!(info->hasGoodPV)) continue; muonArr->Clear(); muonBr->GetEntry(ientry); TLorentzVector vTag(0,0,0,0); TLorentzVector vTagSta(0,0,0,0); Double_t tagPt=0; Double_t Pt1=0; Double_t Pt2=0; Int_t itag=-1; for(Int_t i1=0; i1<muonArr->GetEntriesFast(); i1++) { const baconhep::TMuon *tag = (baconhep::TMuon*)((*muonArr)[i1]); // apply scale and resolution corrections to MC Double_t tagpt_corr = tag->pt; if(doScaleCorr && snamev[isam].CompareTo("data",TString::kIgnoreCase)!=0) tagpt_corr = gRandom->Gaus(tag->pt*getMuScaleCorr(tag->eta,0),getMuResCorr(tag->eta,0)); if(tagpt_corr < PT_CUT) continue; // lepton pT cut if(fabs(tag->eta) > ETA_CUT) continue; // lepton |eta| cut if(!passMuonID(tag)) continue; // lepton selection double Mu_Pt=0; if(doScaleCorr) { Mu_Pt=gRandom->Gaus(tag->pt*getMuScaleCorr(tag->eta,0),getMuResCorr(tag->eta,0)); } else { Mu_Pt=tag->pt; } if(Mu_Pt>Pt1) { Pt2=Pt1; Pt1=Mu_Pt; } else if(Mu_Pt>Pt2&&Mu_Pt<Pt1) { Pt2=Mu_Pt; } if(!isMuonTriggerObj(triggerMenu, tag->hltMatchBits, kFALSE)) continue; if(Mu_Pt<tagPt) continue; tagPt=Mu_Pt; itag=i1; // apply scale and resolution corrections to MC if(doScaleCorr && snamev[isam].CompareTo("data",TString::kIgnoreCase)!=0) { vTag.SetPtEtaPhiM(tagpt_corr,tag->eta,tag->phi,MUON_MASS); vTagSta.SetPtEtaPhiM(gRandom->Gaus(tag->staPt*getMuScaleCorr(tag->eta,0),getMuResCorr(tag->eta,0)),tag->staEta,tag->staPhi,MUON_MASS); } else { vTag.SetPtEtaPhiM(tag->pt,tag->eta,tag->phi,MUON_MASS); vTagSta.SetPtEtaPhiM(tag->staPt,tag->staEta,tag->staPhi,MUON_MASS); } trkIso1 = tag->trkIso; emIso1 = tag->ecalIso; hadIso1 = tag->hcalIso; pfChIso1 = tag->chHadIso; pfGamIso1 = tag->gammaIso; pfNeuIso1 = tag->neuHadIso; pfCombIso1 = tag->chHadIso + TMath::Max(tag->neuHadIso + tag->gammaIso - 0.5*(tag->puIso),Double_t(0)); d01 = tag->d0; dz1 = tag->dz; muNchi21 = tag->muNchi2; nPixHits1 = tag->nPixHits; nTkLayers1 = tag->nTkLayers; nMatch1 = tag->nMatchStn; nValidHits1 = tag->nValidHits; typeBits1 = tag->typeBits; q1 = tag->q; } if(tagPt<Pt2) continue; TLorentzVector vProbe(0,0,0,0); TLorentzVector vProbeSta(0,0,0,0); Double_t probePt=0; Int_t passID=false; UInt_t icat=0; for(Int_t i2=0; i2<muonArr->GetEntriesFast(); i2++) { if(itag==i2) continue; const baconhep::TMuon *probe = (baconhep::TMuon*)((*muonArr)[i2]); // apply scale and resolution corrections to MC Double_t probept_corr = probe->pt; if(doScaleCorr && snamev[isam].CompareTo("data",TString::kIgnoreCase)!=0) probept_corr = gRandom->Gaus(probe->pt*getMuScaleCorr(probe->eta,0),getMuResCorr(probe->eta,0)); if(probept_corr < PT_CUT) continue; // lepton pT cut if(fabs(probe->eta) > ETA_CUT) continue; // lepton |eta| cut double Mu_Pt=probept_corr; if(passID&&passMuonID(probe)&&Mu_Pt<probePt) continue; if(passID&&!passMuonID(probe)) continue; if(!passID&&!passMuonID(probe)&&Mu_Pt<probePt) continue; if(!passID&&passMuonID(probe)) passID=true; probePt=Mu_Pt; // apply scale and resolution corrections to MC if(doScaleCorr && snamev[isam].CompareTo("data",TString::kIgnoreCase)!=0) { vProbe.SetPtEtaPhiM(probept_corr,probe->eta,probe->phi,MUON_MASS); if(probe->typeBits & baconhep::EMuType::kStandalone) vProbeSta.SetPtEtaPhiM(gRandom->Gaus(probe->staPt*getMuScaleCorr(probe->eta,0),getMuResCorr(probe->eta,0)),probe->staEta,probe->staPhi,MUON_MASS); } else { vProbe.SetPtEtaPhiM(probe->pt,probe->eta,probe->phi,MUON_MASS); if(probe->typeBits & baconhep::EMuType::kStandalone) vProbeSta.SetPtEtaPhiM(probe->staPt,probe->staEta,probe->staPhi,MUON_MASS); } trkIso2 = probe->trkIso; emIso2 = probe->ecalIso; hadIso2 = probe->hcalIso; pfChIso2 = probe->chHadIso; pfGamIso2 = probe->gammaIso; pfNeuIso2 = probe->neuHadIso; pfCombIso2 = probe->chHadIso + TMath::Max(probe->neuHadIso + probe->gammaIso - 0.5*(probe->puIso),Double_t(0)); d02 = probe->d0; dz2 = probe->dz; muNchi22 = probe->muNchi2; nPixHits2 = probe->nPixHits; nTkLayers2 = probe->nTkLayers; nMatch2 = probe->nMatchStn; nValidHits2 = probe->nValidHits; typeBits2 = probe->typeBits; q2 = probe->q; // determine event category if(passMuonID(probe)) { if(isMuonTriggerObj(triggerMenu, probe->hltMatchBits, kFALSE)) { icat=eMuMu2HLT; } else if(isMuonTriggerObj(triggerMenu, probe->hltMatchBits, kTRUE)) { icat=eMuMu1HLT1L1; } else { icat=eMuMu1HLT; } } else if(probe->typeBits & baconhep::EMuType::kGlobal) { icat=eMuMuNoSel; } else if(probe->typeBits & baconhep::EMuType::kStandalone) { icat=eMuSta; } else if(probe->nTkLayers>=6 && probe->nPixHits>=1) { icat=eMuTrk; } } if(q1 == q2) continue; // opposite charge requirement // mass window TLorentzVector vDilep = vTag + vProbe; if((vDilep.M()<MASS_LOW) || (vDilep.M()>MASS_HIGH)) continue; if(icat==0) continue; /******** We have a Z candidate! HURRAY! ********/ nsel+=weight; nselvar+=weight*weight; // Perform matching of dileptons to GEN leptons from Z decay Int_t glepq1=-99; Int_t glepq2=-99; TLorentzVector *gvec=new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0); TLorentzVector *glep1=new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0); TLorentzVector *glep2=new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0); TLorentzVector *gph=new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0); Bool_t hasGenMatch = kFALSE; if(isSignal && hasGen) { toolbox::fillGen(genPartArr, BOSON_ID, gvec, glep1, glep2,&glepq1,&glepq2,1); Bool_t match1 = ( ((glep1) && toolbox::deltaR(vTag.Eta(), vTag.Phi(), glep1->Eta(), glep1->Phi())<0.5) || ((glep2) && toolbox::deltaR(vTag.Eta(), vTag.Phi(), glep2->Eta(), glep2->Phi())<0.5) ); Bool_t match2 = ( ((glep1) && toolbox::deltaR(vProbe.Eta(), vProbe.Phi(), glep1->Eta(), glep1->Phi())<0.5) || ((glep2) && toolbox::deltaR(vProbe.Eta(), vProbe.Phi(), glep2->Eta(), glep2->Phi())<0.5) ); if(match1 && match2) { hasGenMatch = kTRUE; if (gvec!=0) { genV=new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0); genV->SetPtEtaPhiM(gvec->Pt(), gvec->Eta(), gvec->Phi(), gvec->M()); genVPt = gvec->Pt(); genVPhi = gvec->Phi(); genVy = gvec->Rapidity(); genVMass = gvec->M(); } else { TLorentzVector tvec=*glep1+*glep2; genV=new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0); genV->SetPtEtaPhiM(tvec.Pt(), tvec.Eta(), tvec.Phi(), tvec.M()); genVPt = tvec.Pt(); genVPhi = tvec.Phi(); genVy = tvec.Rapidity(); genVMass = tvec.M(); } delete gvec; delete glep1; delete glep2; glep1=0; glep2=0; gvec=0; } else { genV = new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0); genVPt = -999; genVPhi = -999; genVy = -999; genVMass = -999; } } if (hasGen) { id_1 = gen->id_1; id_2 = gen->id_2; x_1 = gen->x_1; x_2 = gen->x_2; xPDF_1 = gen->xPDF_1; xPDF_2 = gen->xPDF_2; scalePDF = gen->scalePDF; weightPDF = gen->weight; } else { id_1 = -999; id_2 = -999; x_1 = -999; x_2 = -999; xPDF_1 = -999; xPDF_2 = -999; scalePDF = -999; weightPDF = -999; } // // Fill tree // runNum = info->runNum; lumiSec = info->lumiSec; evtNum = info->evtNum; if (hasGenMatch) matchGen=1; else matchGen=0; category = icat; vertexArr->Clear(); vertexBr->GetEntry(ientry); npv = vertexArr->GetEntries(); npu = info->nPUmean; genWeight= hasGen ? gen->weight: 1.; PUWeight = puWeight; scale1fb = weight; scale1fbUp = weightUp; scale1fbDown = weightDown; met = info->pfMETC; metPhi = info->pfMETCphi; sumEt = 0; tkMet = info->trkMET; tkMetPhi = info->trkMETphi; tkSumEt = 0; mvaMet = info->mvaMET; mvaMetPhi = info->mvaMETphi; mvaSumEt = 0; TVector2 vZPt((vDilep.Pt())*cos(vDilep.Phi()),(vDilep.Pt())*sin(vDilep.Phi())); puppiMet = info->puppET; puppiMetPhi = info->puppETphi; puppiSumEt = 0; lep1 = &vTag; lep2 = &vProbe; dilep = &vDilep; sta1 = &vTagSta; sta2 = &vProbeSta; TVector2 vMet((info->pfMETC)*cos(info->pfMETCphi), (info->pfMETC)*sin(info->pfMETCphi)); TVector2 vU = -1.0*(vMet+vZPt); u1 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vU.Px()) + (vDilep.Py())*(vU.Py()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u1 = (pT . u)/|pT| u2 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vU.Py()) - (vDilep.Py())*(vU.Px()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u2 = (pT x u)/|pT| TVector2 vTkMet((info->trkMET)*cos(info->trkMETphi), (info->trkMET)*sin(info->trkMETphi)); TVector2 vTkU = -1.0*(vTkMet+vZPt); tkU1 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vTkU.Px()) + (vDilep.Py())*(vTkU.Py()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u1 = (pT . u)/|pT| tkU2 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vTkU.Py()) - (vDilep.Py())*(vTkU.Px()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u2 = (pT x u)/|pT| TVector2 vMvaMet((info->mvaMET)*cos(info->mvaMETphi), (info->mvaMET)*sin(info->mvaMETphi)); TVector2 vMvaU = -1.0*(vMvaMet+vZPt); mvaU1 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vMvaU.Px()) + (vDilep.Py())*(vMvaU.Py()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u1 = (pT . u)/|pT| mvaU2 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vMvaU.Py()) - (vDilep.Py())*(vMvaU.Px()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u2 = (pT x u)/|pT| TVector2 vPuppiMet((info->puppET)*cos(info->puppETphi), (info->puppET)*sin(info->puppETphi)); TVector2 vPuppiU = -1.0*(vPuppiMet+vZPt); puppiU1 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vPuppiU.Px()) + (vDilep.Py())*(vPuppiU.Py()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u1 = (pT . u)/|pT| puppiU2 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vPuppiU.Py()) - (vDilep.Py())*(vPuppiU.Px()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u2 = (pT x u)/|pT| outTree->Fill(); delete genV; genV=0, dilep=0, lep1=0, lep2=0, sta1=0, sta2=0; } delete infile; infile=0, eventTree=0; cout << nsel << " +/- " << sqrt(nselvar); if(!isData) cout << " per 1/fb"; cout << endl; } outFile->Write(); outFile->Close(); } delete h_rw; delete h_rw_up; delete h_rw_down; delete f_rw; delete info; delete gen; delete genPartArr; delete muonArr; delete vertexArr; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Output //============================================================================================================== cout << "*" << endl; cout << "* SUMMARY" << endl; cout << "*--------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << " Z -> mu mu" << endl; cout << " Mass window: [" << MASS_LOW << ", " << MASS_HIGH << "]" << endl; cout << " pT > " << PT_CUT << endl; cout << " |eta| < " << ETA_CUT << endl; cout << endl; cout << endl; cout << " <> Output saved in " << outputDir << "/" << endl; cout << endl; gBenchmark->Show("selectZmm"); }
QString KstHistogram::propertyString() const { return i18n("Histogram: %1").arg(vTag()); }
void selectZee(const TString conf="zee.conf", // input file const TString outputDir=".", // output directory const Bool_t doScaleCorr=0 // apply energy scale corrections? ) { gBenchmark->Start("selectZee"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Settings //============================================================================================================== const Double_t MASS_LOW = 40; const Double_t MASS_HIGH = 200; const Double_t PT_CUT = 22; const Double_t ETA_CUT = 2.5; const Double_t ELE_MASS = 0.000511; const Double_t ECAL_GAP_LOW = 1.4442; const Double_t ECAL_GAP_HIGH = 1.566; const Double_t escaleNbins = 2; const Double_t escaleEta[] = { 1.4442, 2.5 }; const Double_t escaleCorr[] = { 0.992, 1.009 }; const Int_t BOSON_ID = 23; const Int_t LEPTON_ID = 11; // load trigger menu const baconhep::TTrigger triggerMenu("../../BaconAna/DataFormats/data/HLT_50nsGRun"); // load pileup reweighting file TFile *f_rw = TFile::Open("../Tools/pileup_rw_76X.root", "read"); // for systematics we need 3 TH1D *h_rw = (TH1D*) f_rw->Get("h_rw_golden"); TH1D *h_rw_up = (TH1D*) f_rw->Get("h_rw_up_golden"); TH1D *h_rw_down = (TH1D*) f_rw->Get("h_rw_down_golden"); if (h_rw==NULL) cout<<"WARNIG h_rw == NULL"<<endl; if (h_rw_up==NULL) cout<<"WARNIG h_rw == NULL"<<endl; if (h_rw_down==NULL) cout<<"WARNIG h_rw == NULL"<<endl; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main analysis code //============================================================================================================== enum { eEleEle2HLT=1, eEleEle1HLT1L1, eEleEle1HLT, eEleEleNoSel, eEleSC }; // event category enum vector<TString> snamev; // sample name (for output files) vector<CSample*> samplev; // data/MC samples // // parse .conf file // confParse(conf, snamev, samplev); const Bool_t hasData = (samplev[0]->fnamev.size()>0); // Create output directory gSystem->mkdir(outputDir,kTRUE); const TString ntupDir = outputDir + TString("/ntuples"); gSystem->mkdir(ntupDir,kTRUE); // // Declare output ntuple variables // UInt_t runNum, lumiSec, evtNum; UInt_t matchGen; UInt_t category; UInt_t npv, npu; UInt_t id_1, id_2; Double_t x_1, x_2, xPDF_1, xPDF_2; Double_t scalePDF, weightPDF; TLorentzVector *genV=0; Float_t genVPt, genVPhi, genVy, genVMass; Float_t genWeight, PUWeight; Float_t scale1fb,scale1fbUp,scale1fbDown; Float_t met, metPhi, sumEt, u1, u2; Float_t tkMet, tkMetPhi, tkSumEt, tkU1, tkU2; Float_t mvaMet, mvaMetPhi, mvaSumEt, mvaU1, mvaU2; Float_t puppiMet, puppiMetPhi, puppiSumEt, puppiU1, puppiU2; Int_t q1, q2; TLorentzVector *dilep=0, *lep1=0, *lep2=0; ///// electron specific ///// Float_t trkIso1, emIso1, hadIso1, trkIso2, emIso2, hadIso2; Float_t pfChIso1, pfGamIso1, pfNeuIso1, pfCombIso1, pfChIso2, pfGamIso2, pfNeuIso2, pfCombIso2; Float_t sigieie1, hovere1, eoverp1, fbrem1, ecalE1, sigieie2, hovere2, eoverp2, fbrem2, ecalE2; Float_t dphi1, deta1, dphi2, deta2; Float_t d01, dz1, d02, dz2; UInt_t isConv1, nexphits1, typeBits1, isConv2, nexphits2, typeBits2; TLorentzVector *sc1=0, *sc2=0; // Data structures to store info from TTrees baconhep::TEventInfo *info = new baconhep::TEventInfo(); baconhep::TGenEventInfo *gen = new baconhep::TGenEventInfo(); TClonesArray *genPartArr = new TClonesArray("baconhep::TGenParticle"); TClonesArray *electronArr = new TClonesArray("baconhep::TElectron"); TClonesArray *scArr = new TClonesArray("baconhep::TPhoton"); TClonesArray *vertexArr = new TClonesArray("baconhep::TVertex"); TFile *infile=0; TTree *eventTree=0; // // loop over samples // for(UInt_t isam=0; isam<samplev.size(); isam++) { // Assume data sample is first sample in .conf file // If sample is empty (i.e. contains no ntuple files), skip to next sample Bool_t isData=kFALSE; if(isam==0 && !hasData) continue; else if (isam==0) isData=kTRUE; // Assume signal sample is given name "zee" - flag to store GEN Z kinematics Bool_t isSignal = (snamev[isam].CompareTo("zee",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0); // flag to reject Z->ee events when selecting at wrong-flavor background events Bool_t isWrongFlavor = (snamev[isam].CompareTo("zxx",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0); CSample* samp = samplev[isam]; // // Set up output ntuple // TString outfilename = ntupDir + TString("/") + snamev[isam] + TString("_select.root"); if(isam!=0 && !doScaleCorr) outfilename = ntupDir + TString("/") + snamev[isam] + TString("_select.raw.root"); TFile *outFile = new TFile(outfilename,"RECREATE"); TTree *outTree = new TTree("Events","Events"); outTree->Branch("runNum", &runNum, "runNum/i"); // event run number outTree->Branch("lumiSec", &lumiSec, "lumiSec/i"); // event lumi section outTree->Branch("evtNum", &evtNum, "evtNum/i"); // event number outTree->Branch("matchGen", &matchGen, "matchGen/i"); // event has both leptons matched to MC Z->ll outTree->Branch("category", &category, "category/i"); // dilepton category outTree->Branch("id_1", &id_1, "id_1/i"); // PDF info -- parton ID for parton 1 outTree->Branch("id_2", &id_2, "id_2/i"); // PDF info -- parton ID for parton 2 outTree->Branch("x_1", &x_1, "x_1/d"); // PDF info -- x for parton 1 outTree->Branch("x_2", &x_2, "x_2/d"); // PDF info -- x for parton 2 outTree->Branch("xPDF_1", &xPDF_1, "xPDF_1/d"); // PDF info -- x*F for parton 1 outTree->Branch("xPDF_2", &xPDF_2, "xPDF_2/d"); // PDF info -- x*F for parton 2 outTree->Branch("scalePDF", &scalePDF, "scalePDF/d"); // PDF info -- energy scale of parton interaction outTree->Branch("weightPDF", &weightPDF, "weightPDF/d"); // PDF info -- PDF weight outTree->Branch("npv", &npv, "npv/i"); // number of primary vertices outTree->Branch("npu", &npu, "npu/i"); // number of in-time PU events (MC) outTree->Branch("genV", "TLorentzVector", &genV); // GEN boson 4-vector outTree->Branch("genVPt", &genVPt, "genVPt/F"); // GEN boson pT (signal MC) outTree->Branch("genVPhi", &genVPhi, "genVPhi/F"); // GEN boson phi (signal MC) outTree->Branch("genVy", &genVy, "genVy/F"); // GEN boson rapidity (signal MC) outTree->Branch("genVMass", &genVMass, "genVMass/F"); // GEN boson mass (signal MC) outTree->Branch("genWeight", &genWeight, "genWeight/F"); outTree->Branch("PUWeight", &PUWeight, "PUWeight/F"); outTree->Branch("scale1fb", &scale1fb, "scale1fb/F"); // event weight per 1/fb (MC) outTree->Branch("scale1fbUp", &scale1fbUp, "scale1fbUp/F"); // event weight per 1/fb (MC) outTree->Branch("scale1fbDown", &scale1fbDown, "scale1fbDown/F"); // event weight per 1/fb (MC) outTree->Branch("met", &met, "met/F"); // MET outTree->Branch("metPhi", &metPhi, "metPhi/F"); // phi(MET) outTree->Branch("sumEt", &sumEt, "sumEt/F"); // Sum ET outTree->Branch("u1", &u1, "u1/F"); // parallel component of recoil outTree->Branch("u2", &u2, "u2/F"); // perpendicular component of recoil outTree->Branch("tkMet", &tkMet, "tkMet/F"); // MET (track MET) outTree->Branch("tkMetPhi", &tkMetPhi, "tkMetPhi/F"); // phi(MET) (track MET) outTree->Branch("tkSumEt", &tkSumEt, "tkSumEt/F"); // Sum ET (track MET) outTree->Branch("tkU1", &tkU1, "tkU1/F"); // parallel component of recoil (track MET) outTree->Branch("tkU2", &tkU2, "tkU2/F"); // perpendicular component of recoil (track MET) outTree->Branch("mvaMet", &mvaMet, "mvaMet/F"); // MVA MET outTree->Branch("mvaMetPhi", &mvaMetPhi, "mvaMetPhi/F"); // phi(MVA MET) outTree->Branch("mvaSumEt", &mvaSumEt, "mvaSumEt/F"); // Sum ET (mva MET) outTree->Branch("mvaU1", &mvaU1, "mvaU1/F"); // parallel component of recoil (mva MET) outTree->Branch("mvaU2", &mvaU2, "mvaU2/F"); // perpendicular component of recoil (mva MET) outTree->Branch("puppiMet", &puppiMet, "puppiMet/F"); // Puppi MET outTree->Branch("puppiMetPhi", &puppiMetPhi,"puppiMetPhi/F"); // phi(Puppi MET) outTree->Branch("puppiSumEt", &puppiSumEt, "puppiSumEt/F"); // Sum ET (Puppi MET) outTree->Branch("puppiU1", &puppiU1, "puppiU1/F"); // parallel component of recoil (Puppi MET) outTree->Branch("puppiU2", &puppiU2, "puppiU2/F"); // perpendicular component of recoil (Puppi MET) outTree->Branch("q1", &q1, "q1/I"); // charge of tag lepton outTree->Branch("q2", &q2, "q2/I"); // charge of probe lepton outTree->Branch("dilep", "TLorentzVector", &dilep); // di-lepton 4-vector outTree->Branch("lep1", "TLorentzVector", &lep1); // tag lepton 4-vector outTree->Branch("lep2", "TLorentzVector", &lep2); // probe lepton 4-vector ///// electron specific ///// outTree->Branch("trkIso1", &trkIso1, "trkIso1/F"); // track isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("trkIso2", &trkIso2, "trkIso2/F"); // track isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("emIso1", &emIso1, "emIso1/F"); // ECAL isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("emIso2", &emIso2, "emIso2/F"); // ECAL isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("hadIso1", &hadIso1, "hadIso1/F"); // HCAL isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("hadIso2", &hadIso2, "hadIso2/F"); // HCAL isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("pfChIso1", &pfChIso1, "pfChIso1/F"); // PF charged hadron isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("pfChIso2", &pfChIso2, "pfChIso2/F"); // PF charged hadron isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("pfGamIso1", &pfGamIso1, "pfGamIso1/F"); // PF photon isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("pfGamIso2", &pfGamIso2, "pfGamIso2/F"); // PF photon isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("pfNeuIso1", &pfNeuIso1, "pfNeuIso1/F"); // PF neutral hadron isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("pfNeuIso2", &pfNeuIso2, "pfNeuIso2/F"); // PF neutral hadron isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("pfCombIso1", &pfCombIso1, "pfCombIso1/F"); // PF combine isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("pfCombIso2", &pfCombIso2, "pfCombIso2/F"); // PF combined isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("sigieie1", &sigieie1, "sigieie1/F"); // sigma-ieta-ieta of tag outTree->Branch("sigieie2", &sigieie2, "sigieie2/F"); // sigma-ieta-ieta of probe outTree->Branch("hovere1", &hovere1, "hovere1/F"); // H/E of tag outTree->Branch("hovere2", &hovere2, "hovere2/F"); // H/E of probe outTree->Branch("eoverp1", &eoverp1, "eoverp1/F"); // E/p of tag outTree->Branch("eoverp2", &eoverp2, "eoverp2/F"); // E/p of probe outTree->Branch("fbrem1", &fbrem1, "fbrem1/F"); // brem fraction of tag outTree->Branch("fbrem2", &fbrem2, "fbrem2/F"); // brem fraction of probe outTree->Branch("dphi1", &dphi1, "dphi1/F"); // GSF track - ECAL dphi of tag outTree->Branch("dphi2", &dphi2, "dphi2/F"); // GSF track - ECAL dphi of probe outTree->Branch("deta1", &deta1, "deta1/F"); // GSF track - ECAL deta of tag outTree->Branch("deta2", &deta2, "deta2/F"); // GSF track - ECAL deta of probe outTree->Branch("ecalE1", &ecalE1, "ecalE1/F"); // ECAL energy of tag outTree->Branch("ecalE2", &ecalE2, "ecalE2/F"); // ECAL energy of probe outTree->Branch("d01", &d01, "d01/F"); // transverse impact parameter of tag outTree->Branch("d02", &d02, "d02/F"); // transverse impact parameter of probe outTree->Branch("dz1", &dz1, "dz1/F"); // longitudinal impact parameter of tag outTree->Branch("dz2", &dz2, "dz2/F"); // longitudinal impact parameter of probe outTree->Branch("isConv1", &isConv1, "isConv1/i"); // conversion filter flag of tag lepton outTree->Branch("isConv2", &isConv2, "isConv2/i"); // conversion filter flag of probe lepton outTree->Branch("nexphits1", &nexphits1, "nexphits1/i"); // number of missing expected inner hits of tag lepton outTree->Branch("nexphits2", &nexphits2, "nexphits2/i"); // number of missing expected inner hits of probe lepton outTree->Branch("typeBits1", &typeBits1, "typeBits1/i"); // electron type of tag lepton outTree->Branch("typeBits2", &typeBits2, "typeBits2/i"); // electron type of probe lepton outTree->Branch("sc1", "TLorentzVector", &sc1); // tag supercluster 4-vector outTree->Branch("sc2", "TLorentzVector", &sc2); // probe supercluster 4-vector // // loop through files // const UInt_t nfiles = samp->fnamev.size(); for(UInt_t ifile=0; ifile<nfiles; ifile++) { // Read input file and get the TTrees cout << "Processing " << samp->fnamev[ifile] << " [xsec = " << samp->xsecv[ifile] << " pb] ... " << endl; cout.flush(); infile = TFile::Open(samp->fnamev[ifile]); assert(infile); Bool_t hasJSON = kFALSE; baconhep::RunLumiRangeMap rlrm; if(samp->jsonv[ifile].CompareTo("NONE")!=0) { hasJSON = kTRUE; rlrm.addJSONFile(samp->jsonv[ifile].Data()); } eventTree = (TTree*)infile->Get("Events"); assert(eventTree); eventTree->SetBranchAddress("Info", &info); TBranch *infoBr = eventTree->GetBranch("Info"); eventTree->SetBranchAddress("Electron", &electronArr); TBranch *electronBr = eventTree->GetBranch("Electron"); eventTree->SetBranchAddress("Photon", &scArr); TBranch *scBr = eventTree->GetBranch("Photon"); eventTree->SetBranchAddress("PV", &vertexArr); TBranch *vertexBr = eventTree->GetBranch("PV"); Bool_t hasGen = eventTree->GetBranchStatus("GenEvtInfo"); TBranch *genBr=0, *genPartBr=0; if(hasGen) { eventTree->SetBranchAddress("GenEvtInfo", &gen); genBr = eventTree->GetBranch("GenEvtInfo"); eventTree->SetBranchAddress("GenParticle",&genPartArr); genPartBr = eventTree->GetBranch("GenParticle"); } // Compute MC event weight per 1/fb const Double_t xsec = samp->xsecv[ifile]; Double_t totalWeight=0; Double_t totalWeightUp=0; Double_t totalWeightDown=0; Double_t puWeight=0; Double_t puWeightUp=0; Double_t puWeightDown=0; if (hasGen) { for(UInt_t ientry=0; ientry<eventTree->GetEntries(); ientry++) { infoBr->GetEntry(ientry); genBr->GetEntry(ientry); puWeight = h_rw->GetBinContent(h_rw->FindBin(info->nPUmean)); puWeightUp = h_rw_up->GetBinContent(h_rw_up->FindBin(info->nPUmean)); puWeightDown = h_rw_down->GetBinContent(h_rw_down->FindBin(info->nPUmean)); totalWeight+=gen->weight*puWeight; totalWeightUp+=gen->weight*puWeightUp; totalWeightDown+=gen->weight*puWeightDown; } } else if (not isData){ for(UInt_t ientry=0; ientry<eventTree->GetEntries(); ientry++) { puWeight = h_rw->GetBinContent(h_rw->FindBin(info->nPUmean)); puWeightUp = h_rw_up->GetBinContent(h_rw_up->FindBin(info->nPUmean)); puWeightDown = h_rw_down->GetBinContent(h_rw_down->FindBin(info->nPUmean)); totalWeight+= 1.0*puWeight; totalWeightUp+= 1.0*puWeightUp; totalWeightDown+= 1.0*puWeightDown; } } // // loop over events // Double_t nsel=0, nselvar=0; for(UInt_t ientry=0; ientry<eventTree->GetEntries(); ientry++) { infoBr->GetEntry(ientry); if(ientry%1000000==0) cout << "Processing event " << ientry << ". " << (double)ientry/(double)eventTree->GetEntries()*100 << " percent done with this file." << endl; Double_t weight=1; Double_t weightUp=1; Double_t weightDown=1; if(xsec>0 && totalWeight>0) weight = xsec/totalWeight; if(xsec>0 && totalWeightUp>0) weightUp = xsec/totalWeightUp; if(xsec>0 && totalWeightDown>0) weightDown = xsec/totalWeightDown; if(hasGen) { genPartArr->Clear(); genBr->GetEntry(ientry); genPartBr->GetEntry(ientry); puWeight = h_rw->GetBinContent(h_rw->FindBin(info->nPUmean)); puWeightUp = h_rw_up->GetBinContent(h_rw_up->FindBin(info->nPUmean)); puWeightDown = h_rw_down->GetBinContent(h_rw_down->FindBin(info->nPUmean)); weight*=gen->weight*puWeight; weightUp*=gen->weight*puWeightUp; weightDown*=gen->weight*puWeightDown; } // veto z -> xx decays for signal and z -> ee for bacground samples (needed for inclusive DYToLL sample) if (isWrongFlavor && hasGen && fabs(toolbox::flavor(genPartArr, BOSON_ID))==LEPTON_ID) continue; else if (isSignal && hasGen && fabs(toolbox::flavor(genPartArr, BOSON_ID))!=LEPTON_ID) continue; // check for certified lumi (if applicable) baconhep::RunLumiRangeMap::RunLumiPairType rl(info->runNum, info->lumiSec); if(hasJSON && !rlrm.hasRunLumi(rl)) continue; // trigger requirement if (!isEleTrigger(triggerMenu, info->triggerBits, isData)) continue; // good vertex requirement if(!(info->hasGoodPV)) continue; electronArr->Clear(); electronBr->GetEntry(ientry); scArr->Clear(); scBr->GetEntry(ientry); TLorentzVector vTag(0,0,0,0); TLorentzVector vTagSC(0,0,0,0); Double_t tagPt=0; Double_t Pt1=0; Double_t Pt2=0; Int_t itag=-1; Int_t tagscID=-1; for(Int_t i1=0; i1<electronArr->GetEntriesFast(); i1++) { const baconhep::TElectron *tag = (baconhep::TElectron*)((*electronArr)[i1]); // check ECAL gap if(fabs(tag->scEta)>=ECAL_GAP_LOW && fabs(tag->scEta)<=ECAL_GAP_HIGH) continue; // apply scale and resolution corrections to MC Double_t tagscEt_corr = tag->scEt; if(doScaleCorr && snamev[isam].CompareTo("data",TString::kIgnoreCase)!=0) tagscEt_corr = gRandom->Gaus(tag->scEt*getEleScaleCorr(tag->scEta,0),getEleResCorr(tag->scEta,0)); if(tagscEt_corr < PT_CUT) continue; // lepton pT cut if(fabs(tag->scEta) > ETA_CUT) continue; // lepton |eta| cut if(!passEleID(tag,info->rhoIso)) continue; // lepton selection double El_Pt=0; if(doScaleCorr) { El_Pt=gRandom->Gaus(tag->pt*getEleScaleCorr(tag->scEta,0),getEleResCorr(tag->scEta,0)); } else { El_Pt=tag->pt; } if(El_Pt>Pt1) { Pt2=Pt1; Pt1=El_Pt; } else if(El_Pt>Pt2&&El_Pt<Pt1) { Pt2=El_Pt; } if(!isEleTriggerObj(triggerMenu, tag->hltMatchBits, kFALSE, isData)) continue; if(El_Pt<tagPt) continue; tagPt=El_Pt; itag=i1; tagscID=tag->scID; // apply scale and resolution corrections to MC if(doScaleCorr && snamev[isam].CompareTo("data",TString::kIgnoreCase)!=0) { vTag.SetPtEtaPhiM(El_Pt, tag->eta, tag->phi, ELE_MASS); vTagSC.SetPtEtaPhiM(tagscEt_corr, tag->scEta, tag->scPhi, ELE_MASS); } else { vTag.SetPtEtaPhiM(tag->pt, tag->eta, tag->phi, ELE_MASS); vTagSC.SetPtEtaPhiM(tag->scEt, tag->scEta, tag->scPhi, ELE_MASS); } trkIso1 = tag->trkIso; emIso1 = tag->ecalIso; hadIso1 = tag->hcalIso; pfChIso1 = tag->chHadIso; pfGamIso1 = tag->gammaIso; pfNeuIso1 = tag->neuHadIso; pfCombIso1 = tag->chHadIso + TMath::Max(tag->neuHadIso + tag->gammaIso - (info->rhoIso)*getEffAreaEl(tag->scEta), 0.); sigieie1 = tag->sieie; hovere1 = tag->hovere; eoverp1 = tag->eoverp; fbrem1 = tag->fbrem; dphi1 = tag->dPhiIn; deta1 = tag->dEtaIn; ecalE1 = tag->ecalEnergy; d01 = tag->d0; dz1 = tag->dz; isConv1 = tag->isConv; nexphits1 = tag->nMissingHits; typeBits1 = tag->typeBits; q1 = tag->q; } if(tagPt<Pt2) continue; TLorentzVector vProbe(0,0,0,0); TLorentzVector vProbeSC(0,0,0,0); Double_t probePt=0; Int_t iprobe=-1; Int_t passID=false; UInt_t icat=0; const baconhep::TElectron *eleProbe=0; for(Int_t j=0; j<scArr->GetEntriesFast(); j++) { const baconhep::TPhoton *scProbe = (baconhep::TPhoton*)((*scArr)[j]); if(scProbe->scID == tagscID) continue; // check ECAL gap if(fabs(scProbe->eta)>=ECAL_GAP_LOW && fabs(scProbe->eta)<=ECAL_GAP_HIGH) continue; // apply scale and resolution corrections to MC Double_t scProbept_corr = scProbe->pt; if(doScaleCorr && snamev[isam].CompareTo("data",TString::kIgnoreCase)!=0) scProbept_corr = gRandom->Gaus(scProbe->pt*getEleScaleCorr(scProbe->eta,0),getEleResCorr(scProbe->eta,0)); if(scProbept_corr < PT_CUT) continue; // Supercluster ET cut ("pt" = corrected by PV position) if(fabs(scProbe->eta) > ETA_CUT) continue; // Supercluster |eta| cuts for(Int_t i2=0; i2<electronArr->GetEntriesFast(); i2++) { if(itag==i2) continue; const baconhep::TElectron *ele = (baconhep::TElectron*)((*electronArr)[i2]); if(!(ele->typeBits & baconhep::EEleType::kEcalDriven)) continue; if(scProbe->scID==ele->scID) { eleProbe = ele; iprobe = i2; break; } } double El_Pt=0; if(doScaleCorr&&eleProbe) { El_Pt=gRandom->Gaus(eleProbe->pt*getEleScaleCorr(scProbe->eta,0),getEleResCorr(scProbe->eta,0)); } else if(!doScaleCorr&&eleProbe) { El_Pt=eleProbe->pt; } else { El_Pt=scProbept_corr; } if(passID&&eleProbe&&passEleID(eleProbe,info->rhoIso)&&El_Pt<probePt) continue; if(passID&&eleProbe&&!passEleID(eleProbe,info->rhoIso)) continue; if(passID&&!eleProbe) continue; if(!passID&&eleProbe&&!passEleID(eleProbe,info->rhoIso)&&El_Pt<probePt) continue; if(!passID&&!eleProbe&&El_Pt<probePt) continue; if(!passID&&eleProbe&&passEleID(eleProbe,info->rhoIso)) passID=true; probePt=El_Pt; // apply scale and resolution corrections to MC if(doScaleCorr && snamev[isam].CompareTo("data",TString::kIgnoreCase)!=0) { vProbe.SetPtEtaPhiM((eleProbe) ? gRandom->Gaus(eleProbe->pt*getEleScaleCorr(scProbe->eta,0),getEleResCorr(scProbe->eta,0)) : scProbept_corr, (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->eta : scProbe->eta, (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->phi : scProbe->phi, ELE_MASS); vProbeSC.SetPtEtaPhiM((eleProbe) ? gRandom->Gaus(eleProbe->scEt*getEleScaleCorr(scProbe->eta,0),getEleResCorr(scProbe->eta,0)) : gRandom->Gaus(scProbe->pt*getEleScaleCorr(scProbe->eta,0),getEleResCorr(scProbe->eta,0)), scProbe->eta, scProbe->phi, ELE_MASS); } else { vProbe.SetPtEtaPhiM((eleProbe) ? eleProbe->pt : scProbe->pt, (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->eta : scProbe->eta, (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->phi : scProbe->phi, ELE_MASS); vProbeSC.SetPtEtaPhiM((eleProbe) ? eleProbe->scEt : scProbe->pt, scProbe->eta, scProbe->phi, ELE_MASS); } trkIso2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->trkIso : -1; emIso2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->ecalIso : -1; hadIso2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->hcalIso : -1; pfChIso2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->chHadIso : -1; pfGamIso2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->gammaIso : -1; pfNeuIso2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->neuHadIso : -1; pfCombIso2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->chHadIso + TMath::Max(eleProbe->neuHadIso + eleProbe->gammaIso - (info->rhoIso)*getEffAreaEl(eleProbe->scEta), 0.) : -1; sigieie2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->sieie : scProbe->sieie; hovere2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->hovere : scProbe->hovere; eoverp2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->eoverp : -1; fbrem2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->fbrem : -1; dphi2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->dPhiIn : -999; deta2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->dEtaIn : -999; ecalE2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->ecalEnergy : -999; d02 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->d0 : -999; dz2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->dz : -999; isConv2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->isConv : 0; nexphits2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->nMissingHits : 0; typeBits2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->typeBits : 0; q2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->q : -q1; // determine event category if(eleProbe) { if(passEleID(eleProbe,info->rhoIso)) { if(isEleTriggerObj(triggerMenu, eleProbe->hltMatchBits, kFALSE, isData)) { icat=eEleEle2HLT; } else if(isEleTriggerObj(triggerMenu, eleProbe->hltMatchBits, kTRUE, isData)) { icat=eEleEle1HLT1L1; } else { icat=eEleEle1HLT; } } else { icat=eEleEleNoSel; } } else { icat=eEleSC; } } if(q1 == q2) continue; // opposite charge requirement // mass window TLorentzVector vDilep = vTag + vProbe; if((vDilep.M()<MASS_LOW) || (vDilep.M()>MASS_HIGH)) continue; if(icat==0) continue; //******** We have a Z candidate! HURRAY! ******** nsel+=weight; nselvar+=weight*weight; // Perform matching of dileptons to GEN leptons from Z decay Int_t glepq1=-99; Int_t glepq2=-99; TLorentzVector *gvec=new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0); TLorentzVector *glep1=new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0); TLorentzVector *glep2=new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0); TLorentzVector *gph=new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0); Bool_t hasGenMatch = kFALSE; if(isSignal && hasGen) { toolbox::fillGen(genPartArr, BOSON_ID, gvec, glep1, glep2,&glepq1,&glepq2,1); Bool_t match1 = ( ((glep1) && toolbox::deltaR(vTag.Eta(), vTag.Phi(), glep1->Eta(), glep1->Phi())<0.3) || ((glep2) && toolbox::deltaR(vTag.Eta(), vTag.Phi(), glep2->Eta(), glep2->Phi())<0.3) ); Bool_t match2 = ( ((glep1) && toolbox::deltaR(vProbe.Eta(), vProbe.Phi(), glep1->Eta(), glep1->Phi())<0.3) || ((glep2) && toolbox::deltaR(vProbe.Eta(), vProbe.Phi(), glep2->Eta(), glep2->Phi())<0.3) ); if(match1 && match2) { hasGenMatch = kTRUE; if (gvec!=0) { genV=new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0); genV->SetPtEtaPhiM(gvec->Pt(), gvec->Eta(), gvec->Phi(), gvec->M()); genVPt = gvec->Pt(); genVPhi = gvec->Phi(); genVy = gvec->Rapidity(); genVMass = gvec->M(); } else { TLorentzVector tvec=*glep1+*glep2; genV=new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0); genV->SetPtEtaPhiM(tvec.Pt(), tvec.Eta(), tvec.Phi(), tvec.M()); genVPt = tvec.Pt(); genVPhi = tvec.Phi(); genVy = tvec.Rapidity(); genVMass = tvec.M(); } delete gvec; delete glep1; delete glep2; glep1=0; glep2=0; gvec=0; } else { genV = new TLorentzVector(0,0,0,0); genVPt = -999; genVPhi = -999; genVy = -999; genVMass = -999; } } if (hasGen) { id_1 = gen->id_1; id_2 = gen->id_2; x_1 = gen->x_1; x_2 = gen->x_2; xPDF_1 = gen->xPDF_1; xPDF_2 = gen->xPDF_2; scalePDF = gen->scalePDF; weightPDF = gen->weight; } else { id_1 = -999; id_2 = -999; x_1 = -999; x_2 = -999; xPDF_1 = -999; xPDF_2 = -999; scalePDF = -999; weightPDF = -999; } // // Fill tree // runNum = info->runNum; lumiSec = info->lumiSec; evtNum = info->evtNum; if (hasGenMatch) matchGen=1; else matchGen=0; category = icat; vertexArr->Clear(); vertexBr->GetEntry(ientry); npv = vertexArr->GetEntries(); npu = info->nPUmean; genWeight= hasGen ? gen->weight: 1.; PUWeight = puWeight; scale1fb = weight; scale1fbUp = weightUp; scale1fbDown = weightDown; met = info->pfMETC; metPhi = info->pfMETCphi; sumEt = 0; tkMet = info->trkMET; tkMetPhi = info->trkMETphi; tkSumEt = 0; mvaMet = info->mvaMET; mvaMetPhi = info->mvaMETphi; mvaSumEt = 0; TVector2 vZPt((vDilep.Pt())*cos(vDilep.Phi()),(vDilep.Pt())*sin(vDilep.Phi())); puppiMet = info->puppET; puppiMetPhi = info->puppETphi; puppiSumEt = 0; lep1 = &vTag; lep2 = &vProbe; dilep = &vDilep; sc1 = &vTagSC; sc2 = &vProbeSC; TVector2 vMet((info->pfMETC)*cos(info->pfMETCphi), (info->pfMETC)*sin(info->pfMETCphi)); TVector2 vU = -1.0*(vMet+vZPt); u1 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vU.Px()) + (vDilep.Py())*(vU.Py()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u1 = (pT . u)/|pT| u2 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vU.Py()) - (vDilep.Py())*(vU.Px()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u2 = (pT x u)/|pT| TVector2 vTkMet((info->trkMET)*cos(info->trkMETphi), (info->trkMET)*sin(info->trkMETphi)); TVector2 vTkU = -1.0*(vTkMet+vZPt); tkU1 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vTkU.Px()) + (vDilep.Py())*(vTkU.Py()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u1 = (pT . u)/|pT| tkU2 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vTkU.Py()) - (vDilep.Py())*(vTkU.Px()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u2 = (pT x u)/|pT| TVector2 vMvaMet((info->mvaMET)*cos(info->mvaMETphi), (info->mvaMET)*sin(info->mvaMETphi)); TVector2 vMvaU = -1.0*(vMvaMet+vZPt); mvaU1 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vMvaU.Px()) + (vDilep.Py())*(vMvaU.Py()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u1 = (pT . u)/|pT| mvaU2 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vMvaU.Py()) - (vDilep.Py())*(vMvaU.Px()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u2 = (pT x u)/|pT| TVector2 vPuppiMet((info->puppET)*cos(info->puppETphi), (info->puppET)*sin(info->puppETphi)); TVector2 vPuppiU = -1.0*(vPuppiMet+vZPt); puppiU1 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vPuppiU.Px()) + (vDilep.Py())*(vPuppiU.Py()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u1 = (pT . u)/|pT| puppiU2 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vPuppiU.Py()) - (vDilep.Py())*(vPuppiU.Px()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u2 = (pT x u)/|pT| outTree->Fill(); delete genV; genV=0, dilep=0, lep1=0, lep2=0, sc1=0, sc2=0; } delete infile; infile=0, eventTree=0; cout << nsel << " +/- " << sqrt(nselvar); if(!isData) cout << " per 1/fb"; cout << endl; } outFile->Write(); outFile->Close(); } delete h_rw; delete f_rw; delete info; delete gen; delete genPartArr; delete electronArr; delete scArr; delete vertexArr; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Output //============================================================================================================== cout << "*" << endl; cout << "* SUMMARY" << endl; cout << "*--------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << " Z -> e e" << endl; cout << " Mass window: [" << MASS_LOW << ", " << MASS_HIGH << "]" << endl; cout << " pT > " << PT_CUT << endl; cout << " |eta| < " << ETA_CUT << endl; cout << endl; cout << endl; cout << " <> Output saved in " << outputDir << "/" << endl; cout << endl; gBenchmark->Show("selectZee"); }
void selectZee(const TString conf, // input file const TString outputDir, // output directory const Bool_t doScaleCorr // apply energy scale corrections? ) { gBenchmark->Start("selectZee"); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Settings //============================================================================================================== const Double_t MASS_LOW = 40; const Double_t MASS_HIGH = 200; const Double_t PT_CUT = 20; const Double_t ETA_CUT = 2.5; const Double_t ELE_MASS = 0.000511; const Double_t ECAL_GAP_LOW = 1.4442; const Double_t ECAL_GAP_HIGH = 1.566; const Double_t escaleNbins = 6; const Double_t escaleEta[] = { 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, 1.4442, 2, 2.5 }; const Double_t escaleCorr[] = { 1.00284, 1.00479, 1.00734, 1.00851, 1.00001, 0.982898 }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main analysis code //============================================================================================================== enum { eEleEle2HLT=1, eEleEle1HLT, eEleEleNoSel, eEleSC }; // event category enum vector<TString> snamev; // sample name (for output files) vector<CSample*> samplev; // data/MC samples // // parse .conf file // confParse(conf, snamev, samplev); const Bool_t hasData = (samplev[0]->fnamev.size()>0); // Create output directory gSystem->mkdir(outputDir,kTRUE); const TString ntupDir = outputDir + TString("/ntuples"); gSystem->mkdir(ntupDir,kTRUE); // // Declare output ntuple variables // UInt_t runNum, lumiSec, evtNum; UInt_t matchGen; UInt_t category; UInt_t npv, npu; Float_t genVPt, genVPhi, genVy, genVMass; Float_t scale1fb; Float_t met, metPhi, sumEt, u1, u2; Int_t q1, q2; LorentzVector *dilep=0, *lep1=0, *lep2=0; ///// electron specific ///// Float_t trkIso1, emIso1, hadIso1, trkIso2, emIso2, hadIso2; Float_t pfChIso1, pfGamIso1, pfNeuIso1, pfCombIso1, pfChIso2, pfGamIso2, pfNeuIso2, pfCombIso2; Float_t sigieie1, hovere1, eoverp1, fbrem1, ecalE1, sigieie2, hovere2, eoverp2, fbrem2, ecalE2; Float_t dphi1, deta1, dphi2, deta2; Float_t d01, dz1, d02, dz2; UInt_t isConv1, nexphits1, typeBits1, isConv2, nexphits2, typeBits2; LorentzVector *sc1=0, *sc2=0; // Data structures to store info from TTrees mithep::TEventInfo *info = new mithep::TEventInfo(); mithep::TGenInfo *gen = new mithep::TGenInfo(); TClonesArray *electronArr = new TClonesArray("mithep::TElectron"); TClonesArray *scArr = new TClonesArray("mithep::TPhoton"); TClonesArray *pvArr = new TClonesArray("mithep::TVertex"); TFile *infile=0; TTree *eventTree=0; // // loop over samples // for(UInt_t isam=0; isam<samplev.size(); isam++) { // Assume data sample is first sample in .conf file // If sample is empty (i.e. contains no ntuple files), skip to next sample if(isam==0 && !hasData) continue; // Assume signal sample is given name "zee" // If it's the signal sample, toggle flag to store GEN W kinematics Bool_t isSignal = (snamev[isam].CompareTo("zee",TString::kIgnoreCase)==0); CSample* samp = samplev[isam]; // // Set up output ntuple // TString outfilename = ntupDir + TString("/") + snamev[isam] + TString("_select.root"); if(isam==0 && !doScaleCorr) outfilename = ntupDir + TString("/") + snamev[isam] + TString("_select.raw.root"); TFile *outFile = new TFile(outfilename,"RECREATE"); TTree *outTree = new TTree("Events","Events"); outTree->Branch("runNum", &runNum, "runNum/i"); // event run number outTree->Branch("lumiSec", &lumiSec, "lumiSec/i"); // event lumi section outTree->Branch("evtNum", &evtNum, "evtNum/i"); // event number outTree->Branch("matchGen", &matchGen, "matchGen/i"); // event has both leptons matched to MC Z->ll outTree->Branch("category", &category, "category/i"); // dilepton category outTree->Branch("npv", &npv, "npv/i"); // number of primary vertices outTree->Branch("npu", &npu, "npu/i"); // number of in-time PU events (MC) outTree->Branch("genVPt", &genVPt, "genVPt/F"); // GEN boson pT (signal MC) outTree->Branch("genVPhi", &genVPhi, "genVPhi/F"); // GEN boson phi (signal MC) outTree->Branch("genVy", &genVy, "genVy/F"); // GEN boson rapidity (signal MC) outTree->Branch("genVMass", &genVMass, "genVMass/F"); // GEN boson mass (signal MC) outTree->Branch("scale1fb", &scale1fb, "scale1fb/F"); // event weight per 1/fb (MC) outTree->Branch("met", &met, "met/F"); // MET outTree->Branch("metPhi", &metPhi, "metPhi/F"); // phi(MET) outTree->Branch("sumEt", &sumEt, "sumEt/F"); // Sum ET outTree->Branch("u1", &u1, "u1/F"); // parallel component of recoil outTree->Branch("u2", &u2, "u2/F"); // perpendicular component of recoil outTree->Branch("q1", &q1, "q1/I"); // charge of tag lepton outTree->Branch("q2", &q2, "q2/I"); // charge of probe lepton outTree->Branch("dilep", "ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<double> >", &dilep); // dilepton 4-vector outTree->Branch("lep1", "ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<double> >", &lep1); // tag lepton 4-vector outTree->Branch("lep2", "ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<double> >", &lep2); // probe lepton 4-vector ///// electron specific ///// outTree->Branch("trkIso1", &trkIso1, "trkIso1/F"); // track isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("trkIso2", &trkIso2, "trkIso2/F"); // track isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("emIso1", &emIso1, "emIso1/F"); // ECAL isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("emIso2", &emIso2, "emIso2/F"); // ECAL isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("hadIso1", &hadIso1, "hadIso1/F"); // HCAL isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("hadIso2", &hadIso2, "hadIso2/F"); // HCAL isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("pfChIso1", &pfChIso1, "pfChIso1/F"); // PF charged hadron isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("pfChIso2", &pfChIso2, "pfChIso2/F"); // PF charged hadron isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("pfGamIso1", &pfGamIso1, "pfGamIso1/F"); // PF photon isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("pfGamIso2", &pfGamIso2, "pfGamIso2/F"); // PF photon isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("pfNeuIso1", &pfNeuIso1, "pfNeuIso1/F"); // PF neutral hadron isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("pfNeuIso2", &pfNeuIso2, "pfNeuIso2/F"); // PF neutral hadron isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("pfCombIso1", &pfCombIso1, "pfCombIso1/F"); // PF combine isolation of tag lepton outTree->Branch("pfCombIso2", &pfCombIso2, "pfCombIso2/F"); // PF combined isolation of probe lepton outTree->Branch("sigieie1", &sigieie1, "sigieie1/F"); // sigma-ieta-ieta of tag outTree->Branch("sigieie2", &sigieie2, "sigieie2/F"); // sigma-ieta-ieta of probe outTree->Branch("hovere1", &hovere1, "hovere1/F"); // H/E of tag outTree->Branch("hovere2", &hovere2, "hovere2/F"); // H/E of probe outTree->Branch("eoverp1", &eoverp1, "eoverp1/F"); // E/p of tag outTree->Branch("eoverp2", &eoverp2, "eoverp2/F"); // E/p of probe outTree->Branch("fbrem1", &fbrem1, "fbrem1/F"); // brem fraction of tag outTree->Branch("fbrem2", &fbrem2, "fbrem2/F"); // brem fraction of probe outTree->Branch("dphi1", &dphi1, "dphi1/F"); // GSF track - ECAL dphi of tag outTree->Branch("dphi2", &dphi2, "dphi2/F"); // GSF track - ECAL dphi of probe outTree->Branch("deta1", &deta1, "deta1/F"); // GSF track - ECAL deta of tag outTree->Branch("deta2", &deta2, "deta2/F"); // GSF track - ECAL deta of probe outTree->Branch("ecalE1", &ecalE1, "ecalE1/F"); // ECAL energy of tag outTree->Branch("ecalE2", &ecalE2, "ecalE2/F"); // ECAL energy of probe outTree->Branch("d01", &d01, "d01/F"); // transverse impact parameter of tag outTree->Branch("d02", &d02, "d02/F"); // transverse impact parameter of probe outTree->Branch("dz1", &dz1, "dz1/F"); // longitudinal impact parameter of tag outTree->Branch("dz2", &dz2, "dz2/F"); // longitudinal impact parameter of probe outTree->Branch("isConv1", &isConv1, "isConv1/i"); // conversion filter flag of tag lepton outTree->Branch("isConv2", &isConv2, "isConv2/i"); // conversion filter flag of probe lepton outTree->Branch("nexphits1", &nexphits1, "nexphits1/i"); // number of missing expected inner hits of tag lepton outTree->Branch("nexphits2", &nexphits2, "nexphits2/i"); // number of missing expected inner hits of probe lepton outTree->Branch("typeBits1", &typeBits1, "typeBits1/i"); // electron type of tag lepton outTree->Branch("typeBits2", &typeBits2, "typeBits2/i"); // electron type of probe lepton outTree->Branch("sc1", "ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<double> >", &sc1); // tag Supercluster 4-vector outTree->Branch("sc2", "ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D<double> >", &sc2); // probe Supercluster 4-vector // // loop through files // const UInt_t nfiles = samp->fnamev.size(); for(UInt_t ifile=0; ifile<nfiles; ifile++) { // Read input file and get the TTrees cout << "Processing " << samp->fnamev[ifile] << " [xsec = " << samp->xsecv[ifile] << " pb] ... "; cout.flush(); infile = new TFile(samp->fnamev[ifile]); assert(infile); Bool_t hasJSON = kFALSE; mithep::RunLumiRangeMap rlrm; if(samp->jsonv[ifile].CompareTo("NONE")!=0) { hasJSON = kTRUE; rlrm.AddJSONFile(samp->jsonv[ifile].Data()); } eventTree = (TTree*)infile->Get("Events"); assert(eventTree); eventTree->SetBranchAddress("Info", &info); TBranch *infoBr = eventTree->GetBranch("Info"); eventTree->SetBranchAddress("Electron", &electronArr); TBranch *electronBr = eventTree->GetBranch("Electron"); eventTree->SetBranchAddress("Photon", &scArr); TBranch *scBr = eventTree->GetBranch("Photon"); eventTree->SetBranchAddress("PV", &pvArr); TBranch *pvBr = eventTree->GetBranch("PV"); Bool_t hasGen = eventTree->GetBranchStatus("Gen"); TBranch *genBr=0; if(hasGen) { eventTree->SetBranchAddress("Gen", &gen); genBr = eventTree->GetBranch("Gen"); } // Compute MC event weight per 1/fb Double_t weight = 1; const Double_t xsec = samp->xsecv[ifile]; if(xsec>0) weight = 1000.*xsec/(Double_t)eventTree->GetEntries(); // // loop over events // Double_t nsel=0, nselvar=0; for(UInt_t ientry=0; ientry<eventTree->GetEntries(); ientry++) { infoBr->GetEntry(ientry); if(genBr) genBr->GetEntry(ientry); // check for certified lumi (if applicable) mithep::RunLumiRangeMap::RunLumiPairType rl(info->runNum, info->lumiSec); if(hasJSON && !rlrm.HasRunLumi(rl)) continue; // trigger requirement ULong64_t trigger = kHLT_Ele22_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL; ULong64_t trigObj = kHLT_Ele22_CaloIdL_CaloIsoVL_EleObj; if(!(info->triggerBits & trigger)) continue; // good vertex requirement if(!(info->hasGoodPV)) continue; pvArr->Clear(); pvBr->GetEntry(ientry); // // SELECTION PROCEDURE: // (1) Find a good electron matched to trigger -> this will be the "tag" // (2) Pair the tag with Supercluster probes which form a tag+probe mass inside // the Z window and divide candidates into exclusive categories as follows: // (a) if probe SC is part of a good electron matched to trigger -> EleEle2HLT category // (b) if probe SC is part of a good electron not matched to trigger -> EleEle1HLT category // (c) if probe SC is part of an electron failing selection cuts -> EleEleNoSel category // (d) if probe SC is not part of an ECAL driven electron -> EleSC category // electronArr->Clear(); electronBr->GetEntry(ientry); scArr->Clear(); scBr->GetEntry(ientry); for(Int_t i1=0; i1<electronArr->GetEntriesFast(); i1++) { const mithep::TElectron *tag = (mithep::TElectron*)((*electronArr)[i1]); // check ECAL gap if(fabs(tag->scEta)>=ECAL_GAP_LOW && fabs(tag->scEta)<=ECAL_GAP_HIGH) continue; Double_t escale1=1; if(doScaleCorr && isam==0) { for(UInt_t ieta=0; ieta<escaleNbins; ieta++) { if(fabs(tag->scEta)<escaleEta[ieta]) { escale1 = escaleCorr[ieta]; break; } } } if(escale1*(tag->scEt) < PT_CUT) continue; // lepton pT cut if(fabs(tag->scEta) > ETA_CUT) continue; // lepton |eta| cut if(!passEleID(tag,info->rhoLowEta)) continue; // lepton selection if(!(tag->hltMatchBits & trigObj)) continue; // check trigger matching LorentzVector vTag(escale1*(tag->pt), tag->eta, tag->phi, ELE_MASS); LorentzVector vTagSC(escale1*(tag->scEt), tag->scEta, tag->scPhi, ELE_MASS); for(Int_t j=0; j<scArr->GetEntriesFast(); j++) { const mithep::TPhoton *scProbe = (mithep::TPhoton*)((*scArr)[j]); if(scProbe->scID == tag->scID) continue; // check ECAL gap if(fabs(scProbe->scEta)>=ECAL_GAP_LOW && fabs(scProbe->scEta)<=ECAL_GAP_HIGH) continue; Double_t escale2=1; if(doScaleCorr && isam==0) { for(UInt_t ieta=0; ieta<escaleNbins; ieta++) { if(fabs(scProbe->scEta)<escaleEta[ieta]) { escale2 = escaleCorr[ieta]; break; } } } if(escale2*(scProbe->pt) < PT_CUT) continue; // Supercluster ET cut ("pt" = corrected by PV position) if(fabs(scProbe->scEta) > ETA_CUT) continue; // Supercluster |eta| cuts const mithep::TElectron *eleProbe=0; Int_t iprobe=-1; for(Int_t i2=0; i2<electronArr->GetEntriesFast(); i2++) { if(i1==i2) continue; const mithep::TElectron *ele = (mithep::TElectron*)((*electronArr)[i2]); if(!(ele->typeBits & kEcalDriven)) continue; if(scProbe->scID==ele->scID) { eleProbe = ele; iprobe = i2; break; } } LorentzVector vProbe((eleProbe) ? escale2*(eleProbe->pt) : escale2*(scProbe->pt), (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->eta : scProbe->eta, (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->phi : scProbe->phi, ELE_MASS); LorentzVector vProbeSC((eleProbe) ? escale2*(eleProbe->scEt) : escale2*(scProbe->pt), scProbe->scEta, scProbe->scPhi, ELE_MASS); // mass window LorentzVector vDilep = vTag + vProbe; if((vDilep.M()<MASS_LOW) || (vDilep.M()>MASS_HIGH)) continue; // determine event category UInt_t icat=0; if(eleProbe) { if(passEleID(eleProbe,info->rhoLowEta)) { if(eleProbe->hltMatchBits & trigObj) { if(i1>iprobe) continue; // make sure we don't double count EleEle2HLT category icat=eEleEle2HLT; } else { icat=eEleEle1HLT; } } else { icat=eEleEleNoSel; } } else { icat=eEleSC; } if(icat==0) continue; /******** We have a Z candidate! HURRAY! ********/ nsel+=weight; nselvar+=weight*weight; // Perform matching of dileptons to GEN leptons from Z decay Bool_t hasGenMatch = kFALSE; if(isSignal) { Bool_t match1 = ( (abs(gen->id_1)==EGenType::kElectron) && ((toolbox::deltaR(tag->eta, tag->phi, gen->eta_1, gen->phi_1) < 0.5)) ) || ( (abs(gen->id_2)==EGenType::kElectron) && ((toolbox::deltaR(tag->eta, tag->phi, gen->eta_2, gen->phi_2) < 0.5)) ); Bool_t match2 = ( (abs(gen->id_1)==EGenType::kElectron) && ((toolbox::deltaR(vProbe.Eta(), vProbe.Phi(), gen->eta_1, gen->phi_1) < 0.5)) ) || ( (abs(gen->id_2)==EGenType::kElectron) && ((toolbox::deltaR(vProbe.Eta(), vProbe.Phi(), gen->eta_2, gen->phi_2) < 0.5)) ); if(match1 && match2) hasGenMatch = kTRUE; }; // // Fill tree // runNum = info->runNum; lumiSec = info->lumiSec; evtNum = info->evtNum; matchGen = hasGenMatch ? 1 : 0; category = icat; npv = pvArr->GetEntriesFast(); npu = info->nPU; genVPt = (hasGen) ? gen->vpt : 0; genVPhi = (hasGen) ? gen->vphi : 0; genVy = (hasGen) ? gen->vy : 0; genVMass = (hasGen) ? gen->vmass : 0; scale1fb = weight; met = info->pfMET; metPhi = info->pfMETphi; sumEt = info->pfSumET; lep1 = &vTag; q1 = tag->q; lep2 = &vProbe; q2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->q : -(tag->q); dilep = &vDilep; TVector2 vZPt((vDilep.Pt())*cos(vDilep.Phi()),(vDilep.Pt())*sin(vDilep.Phi())); TVector2 vMet((info->pfMET)*cos(info->pfMETphi), (info->pfMET)*sin(info->pfMETphi)); TVector2 vU = -1.0*(vMet+vZPt); u1 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vU.Px()) + (vDilep.Py())*(vU.Py()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u1 = (pT . u)/|pT| u2 = ((vDilep.Px())*(vU.Py()) - (vDilep.Py())*(vU.Px()))/(vDilep.Pt()); // u2 = (pT x u)/|pT| ///// electron specific ///// sc1 = &vTagSC; trkIso1 = tag->trkIso03; emIso1 = tag->emIso03; hadIso1 = tag->hadIso03; pfChIso1 = tag->pfChIso03; pfGamIso1 = tag->pfGamIso03; pfNeuIso1 = tag->pfNeuIso03; pfCombIso1 = tag->pfChIso03 + TMath::Max(tag->pfNeuIso03 + tag->pfGamIso03 - (info->rhoLowEta)*getEffArea(tag->scEta), 0.); sigieie1 = tag->sigiEtaiEta; hovere1 = tag->HoverE; eoverp1 = tag->EoverP; fbrem1 = tag->fBrem; dphi1 = tag->deltaPhiIn; deta1 = tag->deltaEtaIn; ecalE1 = tag->ecalE; d01 = tag->d0; dz1 = tag->dz; isConv1 = tag->isConv; nexphits1 = tag->nExpHitsInner; typeBits1 = tag->typeBits; sc2 = &vProbeSC; trkIso2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->trkIso03 : -1; emIso2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->emIso03 : -1; hadIso2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->hadIso03 : -1; pfChIso2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->pfChIso03 : -1; pfGamIso2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->pfGamIso03 : -1; pfNeuIso2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->pfNeuIso03 : -1; pfCombIso2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->pfChIso03 + TMath::Max(eleProbe->pfNeuIso03 + eleProbe->pfGamIso03 - (info->rhoLowEta)*getEffArea(eleProbe->scEta), 0.) : -1; sigieie2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->sigiEtaiEta : scProbe->sigiEtaiEta; hovere2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->HoverE : scProbe->HoverE; eoverp2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->EoverP : -1; fbrem2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->fBrem : -1; dphi2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->deltaPhiIn : -999; deta2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->deltaEtaIn : -999; ecalE2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->ecalE : -999; d02 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->d0 : -999; dz2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->dz : -999; isConv2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->isConv : 0; nexphits2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->nExpHitsInner : 0; typeBits2 = (eleProbe) ? eleProbe->typeBits : 0; outTree->Fill(); } } } delete infile; infile=0, eventTree=0; cout << nsel << " +/- " << sqrt(nselvar); if(isam!=0) cout << " per 1/fb"; cout << endl; } outFile->Write(); outFile->Close(); } delete info; delete gen; delete electronArr; delete scArr; delete pvArr; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Output //============================================================================================================== cout << "*" << endl; cout << "* SUMMARY" << endl; cout << "*--------------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << " Z -> e e" << endl; cout << " Mass window: [" << MASS_LOW << ", " << MASS_HIGH << "]" << endl; cout << " pT > " << PT_CUT << endl; cout << " |eta| < " << ETA_CUT << endl; if(doScaleCorr) cout << " *** Scale corrections applied ***" << endl; cout << endl; cout << endl; cout << " <> Output saved in " << outputDir << "/" << endl; cout << endl; gBenchmark->Show("selectZee"); }