static autoCepstrum Spectrum_to_Cepstrum2 (Spectrum me) {
	try {
		autoNUMfft_Table fftTable;
		// originalNumberOfSamplesProbablyOdd irrelevant
		if (my x1 != 0.0) {
			Melder_throw (U"A Fourier-transformable Spectrum must have a first frequency of 0 Hz, not ", my x1, U" Hz.");
		long numberOfSamples = 2 * my nx - 2;
		autoCepstrum thee = Cepstrum_create (0.5 / my dx, my nx);
		// my dx = 1 / (dT * N) = 1 / (duration of sound)
		thy dx = 1 / (my dx * numberOfSamples); // Cepstrum is on [-T/2, T/2] !
		NUMfft_Table_init (&fftTable, numberOfSamples);
		autoNUMvector<double> fftbuf (1, numberOfSamples);

		fftbuf[1] = my v_getValueAtSample (1, 0, 2);
		for (long i = 2; i < my nx; i++) {
			fftbuf [i + i - 2] = my v_getValueAtSample (i, 0, 2);
			fftbuf [i + i - 1] = 0.0;
		fftbuf [numberOfSamples] = my v_getValueAtSample (my nx, 0, 2);
		NUMfft_backward (&fftTable, fftbuf.peek());
		for (long i = 1; i <= my nx; i++) {
			double val = fftbuf[i] / numberOfSamples; // scaling 1/n because ifft(fft(1))= n;
			thy z[1][i] = val * val; // power cepstrum
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not converted to Cepstrum.");
Beispiel #2
void Spectrum_drawInside (Spectrum me, Graphics g, double fmin, double fmax, double minimum, double maximum) {
	int autoscaling = minimum >= maximum;

	if (fmax <= fmin) { fmin = my xmin; fmax = my xmax; }
	long ifmin, ifmax;
	if (! Matrix_getWindowSamplesX (me, fmin, fmax, & ifmin, & ifmax)) return;

	autoNUMvector <double> yWC (ifmin, ifmax);

	 * First pass: compute power density.
	if (autoscaling) maximum = -1e30;
	for (long ifreq = ifmin; ifreq <= ifmax; ifreq ++) {
		double y = my v_getValueAtSample (ifreq, 0, 2);
		if (autoscaling && y > maximum) maximum = y;
		yWC [ifreq] = y;
	if (autoscaling) minimum = maximum - 60;   /* Default dynamic range is 60 dB. */

	 * Second pass: clip.
	for (long ifreq = ifmin; ifreq <= ifmax; ifreq ++) {
		if (yWC [ifreq] < minimum) yWC [ifreq] = minimum;
		else if (yWC [ifreq] > maximum) yWC [ifreq] = maximum;

	Graphics_setWindow (g, fmin, fmax, minimum, maximum);
	Graphics_function (g, yWC.peek(), ifmin, ifmax, Matrix_columnToX (me, ifmin), Matrix_columnToX (me, ifmax));
Cepstrum Spectrum_to_Cepstrum_hillenbrand (Spectrum me) {
	try {
		autoNUMfft_Table fftTable;
		// originalNumberOfSamplesProbablyOdd irrelevant
		if (my x1 != 0.0) {
			Melder_throw ("A Fourier-transformable Spectrum must have a first frequency of 0 Hz, not ", my x1, L" Hz.");
		long numberOfSamples = my nx - 1;
		autoCepstrum thee = Cepstrum_create (0.5 / my dx, my nx);
		NUMfft_Table_init (&fftTable, my nx);
		autoNUMvector<double> amp (1, my nx);
		for (long i = 1; i <= my nx; i++) {
			amp [i] = my v_getValueAtSample (i, 0, 2);
		NUMfft_forward (&fftTable, amp.peek());
		for (long i = 1; i <= my nx; i++) {
			double val = amp[i] / numberOfSamples;// scaling 1/n because ifft(fft(1))= n;
			thy z[1][i] = val * val; // power cepstrum
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": not converted to Sound.");
long Sampled_countDefinedSamples (Sampled me, long ilevel, int unit) {
	long numberOfDefinedSamples = 0;
	for (long isamp = 1; isamp <= my nx; isamp ++) {
		double value = my v_getValueAtSample (isamp, ilevel, unit);
		if (value == NUMundefined) continue;
		numberOfDefinedSamples += 1;
	return numberOfDefinedSamples;
void BandFilterSpectrogram_drawSpectrumAtNearestTimeSlice (BandFilterSpectrogram me, Graphics g, double time, double fmin, double fmax, double dBmin, double dBmax, int garnish) {
	if (time < my xmin || time > my xmax) {
	if (fmin == 0 && fmax == 0) { // autoscaling
		fmin = my ymin; fmax = my ymax;
	if (fmax <= fmin) {
		fmin = my ymin; fmax = my ymax;
	long icol = Matrix_xToNearestColumn (me, time);
	icol = icol < 1 ? 1 : (icol > my nx ? my nx : icol);
	autoNUMvector<double> spectrum (1, my ny);
	for (long i = 1; i <= my ny; i++) {
		spectrum[i] = my v_getValueAtSample (icol, i, 1); // dB's
	long iymin, iymax;
	if (Matrix_getWindowSamplesY (me, fmin, fmax, &iymin, &iymax) < 2) { // too few values
	if (dBmin == dBmax) { // autoscaling
		dBmin = spectrum[iymin]; dBmax = dBmin;
		for (long i = iymin + 1; i <= iymax; i++) {
			if (spectrum[i] < dBmin) {
				dBmin = spectrum[i];
			} else if (spectrum[i] > dBmax) {
				dBmax = spectrum[i];
		if (dBmin == dBmax) { 
			dBmin -= 1; dBmax += 1;
	Graphics_setWindow (g, fmin, fmax, dBmin, dBmax);
	Graphics_setInner (g);

	double x1 = my y1 + (iymin -1) * my dy, y1 = spectrum[iymin];
	for (long i = iymin + 1; i <= iymax - 1; i++) {
		double x2 = my y1 + (i -1) * my dy, y2 = spectrum[i];
		double xo1, yo1, xo2, yo2;
		if (NUMclipLineWithinRectangle (x1, y1, x2, y2, fmin, dBmin, fmax, dBmax, &xo1, &yo1, &xo2, &yo2)) {
			Graphics_line (g, xo1, yo1, xo2, yo2);
		x1 = x2; y1 = y2;
	Graphics_unsetInner (g);

	if (garnish) {
		Graphics_drawInnerBox (g);
		Graphics_marksBottom (g, 2, 1, 1, 0);
		Graphics_marksLeft (g, 2, 1, 1, 0);
		Graphics_textLeft (g, 1, U"Power (dB)");
		Graphics_textBottom (g, 1, Melder_cat (U"Frequency (", my v_getFrequencyUnit (), U")"));
Beispiel #6
// Hillenbrand subtracts dB values and if the result is negative it is made zero
static void PowerCepstrum_subtractTiltLine_inline2 (PowerCepstrum me, double slope, double intercept, int lineType) {
	for (long j = 1; j <= my nx; j++) {
		double q = my x1 + (j - 1) * my dx;
		q = j == 1 ? 0.5 * my dx : q; // approximation
		double xq = lineType == 2 ? log(q) : q;
		double db_background = slope * xq + intercept;
		double db_cepstrum = my v_getValueAtSample (j, 1, 0);
		double diff = exp ((db_cepstrum - db_background) * NUMln10 / 10) - 1e-30;
		my z[1][j] = diff;
Beispiel #7
/* Fit line y = ax+b (lineType ==1) or y = a log(x) + b (lineType == 2) on interval [qmin,qmax]
 * method == 1 : Least squares fit
 * method == 2 : Theil's partial robust fit
void PowerCepstrum_fitTiltLine (PowerCepstrum me, double qmin, double qmax, double *p_a, double *p_intercept, int lineType, int method) {
	try {
		double a, intercept;
		if (qmax <= qmin) {
			qmin = my xmin; qmax = my xmax;

		long imin, imax;
		if (! Matrix_getWindowSamplesX (me, qmin, qmax, & imin, & imax)) {
		imin = (lineType == 2 && imin == 1) ? 2 : imin; // log(0) is undefined!
		long numberOfPoints = imax - imin + 1;
		if (numberOfPoints < 2) {
			Melder_throw (U"Not enough points for fit.");
		autoNUMvector<double> y (1, numberOfPoints);
		autoNUMvector<double> x (1, numberOfPoints);
		for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfPoints; i++) {
			long isamp = imin + i - 1;
			x[i] = my x1 + (isamp - 1) * my dx;
			if (lineType == 2) {
				x[i] = log (x[i]);
			y[i] = my v_getValueAtSample (isamp, 1, 0);
		if (method == 3) { // try local maxima first
			autoNUMvector<double> ym (1, numberOfPoints / 2 + 1);
			autoNUMvector<double> xm (1, numberOfPoints / 2 + 1);
			long numberOfLocalPeaks = 0;
			// forget y[1] if y[2]<y[1] and y[n] if y[n-1]<y[n] !
			for (long i = 2; i <= numberOfPoints; i++) {
				if (y[i - 1] <= y[i] && y[i] > y[i + 1]) {
					ym[++numberOfLocalPeaks] = y[i];
					xm[numberOfLocalPeaks] = x[i];
			if (numberOfLocalPeaks > numberOfPoints / 10) {
				for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfLocalPeaks; i++) {
					x[i] = xm[i]; y[i] = ym[i];
				numberOfPoints = numberOfLocalPeaks;
			method = 2; // robust fit of peaks
		// fit a straight line through (x,y)'s
		NUMlineFit (x.peek(), y.peek(), numberOfPoints, & a, & intercept, method);
		if (p_intercept) { *p_intercept = intercept; }
		if (p_a) { *p_a = a; }
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": couldn't fit a line.");
Beispiel #8
double * Sampled_getSortedValues (Sampled me, long ilevel, int unit, long *return_numberOfValues) {
	long isamp, numberOfDefinedSamples = 0;
	autoNUMvector <double> values (1, my nx);
	for (isamp = 1; isamp <= my nx; isamp ++) {
		double value = my v_getValueAtSample (isamp, ilevel, unit);
		if (value == NUMundefined) continue;
		values [++ numberOfDefinedSamples] = value;
	if (numberOfDefinedSamples) NUMsort_d (numberOfDefinedSamples, values.peek());
	if (return_numberOfValues) *return_numberOfValues = numberOfDefinedSamples;
	return values.transfer();
autoSound BandFilterSpectrogram_as_Sound (BandFilterSpectrogram me, int unit) {
	try {
		autoSound thee = Sound_create (my ny, my xmin, my xmax, my nx, my dx, my x1);
		for (long i = 1; i <= my ny; i ++) {
			for (long j = 1; j <= my nx; j ++)
				thy z[i][j] = my v_getValueAtSample (j, i, unit);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": no Sound created.");
double Sampled_getValueAtX (Sampled me, double x, long ilevel, int unit, int interpolate) {
	if (x < my xmin || x > my xmax) return NUMundefined;
	if (interpolate) {
		double ireal = Sampled_xToIndex (me, x);
		long ileft = floor (ireal), inear, ifar;
		double phase = ireal - ileft;
		if (phase < 0.5) {
			inear = ileft, ifar = ileft + 1;
		} else {
			ifar = ileft, inear = ileft + 1;
			phase = 1.0 - phase;
		if (inear < 1 || inear > my nx) return NUMundefined;   // x out of range?
		double fnear = my v_getValueAtSample (inear, ilevel, unit);
		if (fnear == NUMundefined) return NUMundefined;   // function value not defined?
		if (ifar < 1 || ifar > my nx) return fnear;   // at edge? Extrapolate
		double ffar = my v_getValueAtSample (ifar, ilevel, unit);
		if (ffar == NUMundefined) return fnear;   // neighbour undefined? Extrapolate
		return fnear + phase * (ffar - fnear);   // interpolate
	return Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, Sampled_xToNearestIndex (me, x), ilevel, unit);
Matrix BandFilterSpectrogram_to_Matrix (BandFilterSpectrogram me, int to_dB) {
	try {
		int units = to_dB ? 1 : 0;
		autoMatrix thee = Matrix_create (my xmin, my xmax, my nx, my dx, my x1, my ymin, my ymax, my ny, my dy, my y1);
		for (long i = 1; i <= my ny; i++) {
			for (long j = 1; j <= my nx; j++) {
				thy z[i][j] = my v_getValueAtSample (j, i, units);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not converted to Matrix.");
Beispiel #12
void PowerCepstrum_getMaximumAndQuefrency (PowerCepstrum me, double pitchFloor, double pitchCeiling, int interpolation, double *p_peakdB, double *p_quefrency) {
	double peakdB, quefrency;
	autoPowerCepstrum thee = Data_copy (me);
	double lowestQuefrency = 1.0 / pitchCeiling, highestQuefrency = 1.0 / pitchFloor;
	for (long i = 1; i <= my nx; i ++) {
		thy z[1][i] = my v_getValueAtSample (i, 1, 0); // 10 log val^2
	Vector_getMaximumAndX ((Vector) thee.get(), lowestQuefrency, highestQuefrency, 1, interpolation, & peakdB, & quefrency);   // FIXME cast
	if (p_peakdB) {
		*p_peakdB = peakdB;
	if (p_quefrency) {
		*p_quefrency = quefrency;
Beispiel #13
static void _Cepstrum_draw (Cepstrum me, Graphics g, double qmin, double qmax, double minimum, double maximum, int power, int garnish) {
	int autoscaling = minimum >= maximum;

	Graphics_setInner (g);

	if (qmax <= qmin) {
		qmin = my xmin; qmax = my xmax;

	long imin, imax;
	if (! Matrix_getWindowSamplesX (me, qmin, qmax, & imin, & imax)) {
	autoNUMvector<double> y (imin, imax);

	for (long i = imin; i <= imax; i++) {
		y[i] = my v_getValueAtSample (i, (power ? 1 : 0), 0);

	if (autoscaling) {
		NUMvector_extrema (y.peek(), imin, imax, & minimum, & maximum);
	} else {
		for (long i = imin; i <= imax; i ++) {
			if (y[i] > maximum) {
				y[i] = maximum;
			} else if (y[i] < minimum) {
				y[i] = minimum;
	Graphics_setWindow (g, qmin, qmax, minimum, maximum);
	Graphics_function (g, y.peek(), imin, imax, Matrix_columnToX (me, imin), Matrix_columnToX (me, imax));

	Graphics_unsetInner (g);

	if (garnish) {
		Graphics_drawInnerBox (g);
		Graphics_textBottom (g, true, U"Quefrency (s)");
		Graphics_marksBottom (g, 2, true, true, false);
		Graphics_textLeft (g, true, power ? U"Amplitude (dB)" : U"Amplitude");
		Graphics_marksLeft (g, 2, true, true, false);
Beispiel #14
static void Cepstrum_getZ (Cepstrum me, long imin, long imax, double peakdB, double slope, double intercept, int lineType, double *z) {
	long ndata = imax - imin + 1;
	autoNUMvector<double> dabs (1, ndata);
	for (long i = imin; i <= imax; i ++) {
		double q = my x1 + (i - 1) * my dx;
		q = ( i == 1 ? 0.5 * my dx : q );   // approximation
		double xq = ( lineType == 2 ? log (q) : q );
		double db_background = slope * xq + intercept;
		double db_cepstrum = my v_getValueAtSample (i, 1, 0);
		double diff = exp ((db_cepstrum - db_background) * NUMln10 / 10.0) - 1e-30;
		//double diff = fabs (db_cepstrum - db_background);
		dabs [i - imin + 1] = diff;
	double q50 = NUMquantile (ndata, dabs.peek(), 0.5);
	double peak = exp (peakdB * NUMln10 / 10.0) - 1e-30;
	if (z) {
		*z = peak / q50;
/* Precondition: 1. CC object has been created but individual frames not yet initialized
 *               2. Domains and number of frames conform
 * Steps:
 * 1. transform power-spectra to dB-spectra
 * 2. cosine transform of dB-spectrum
void BandFilterSpectrogram_into_CC (BandFilterSpectrogram me, CC thee, long numberOfCoefficients) {
	autoNUMmatrix<double> cosinesTable (NUMcosinesTable (my ny), 1, 1);
	autoNUMvector<double> x (1, my ny);
	autoNUMvector<double> y (1, my ny);
	numberOfCoefficients = numberOfCoefficients > my ny - 1 ? my ny - 1 : numberOfCoefficients;
	Melder_assert (numberOfCoefficients > 0);
	// 20130220 new interpretation of maximumNumberOfCoefficients necessary for inverse transform 
	for (long frame = 1; frame <= my nx; frame++) {
		CC_Frame ccframe = (CC_Frame) & thy frame[frame];
		for (long i = 1; i <= my ny; i++) {
			x[i] = my v_getValueAtSample (frame, i, 1); // z[i][frame];
		NUMcosineTransform (x.peek(), y.peek(), my ny, cosinesTable.peek());
		CC_Frame_init (ccframe, numberOfCoefficients);
		for (long i = 1; i <= numberOfCoefficients; i++) {
			ccframe -> c[i] = y[i + 1];
		ccframe -> c0 = y[1];
Beispiel #16
void Spectrum_drawLogFreq (Spectrum me, Graphics g, double fmin, double fmax, double minimum, double maximum, int garnish) {
	int autoscaling = minimum >= maximum;
	if (fmax <= fmin) { fmin = my xmin; fmax = my xmax; }
	long ifmin, ifmax;
	if (! Matrix_getWindowSamplesX (me, fmin, fmax, & ifmin, & ifmax)) return;
if(ifmin==1)ifmin=2;  /* BUG */
	autoNUMvector <double> xWC (ifmin, ifmax);
	autoNUMvector <double> yWC (ifmin, ifmax);

	 * First pass: compute power density.
	if (autoscaling) maximum = -1e6;
	for (long ifreq = ifmin; ifreq <= ifmax; ifreq ++) {
		xWC [ifreq] = log10 (my x1 + (ifreq - 1) * my dx);
		yWC [ifreq] = my v_getValueAtSample (ifreq, 0, 2);
		if (autoscaling && yWC [ifreq] > maximum) maximum = yWC [ifreq];
	if (autoscaling) minimum = maximum - 60;   /* Default dynamic range is 60 dB. */

	 * Second pass: clip.
	for (long ifreq = ifmin; ifreq <= ifmax; ifreq ++) {
		if (yWC [ifreq] < minimum) yWC [ifreq] = minimum;
		else if (yWC [ifreq] > maximum) yWC [ifreq] = maximum;

	Graphics_setInner (g);
	Graphics_setWindow (g, log10 (fmin), log10 (fmax), minimum, maximum);
	Graphics_polyline (g, ifmax - ifmin + 1, & xWC [ifmin], & yWC [ifmin]);
	Graphics_unsetInner (g);
	if (garnish) {
		Graphics_drawInnerBox (g);
		Graphics_textBottom (g, 1, L"Frequency (Hz)");
		Graphics_marksBottomLogarithmic (g, 3, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
		Graphics_textLeft (g, 1, L"Sound pressure level (dB/Hz)");
		Graphics_marksLeftEvery (g, 1.0, 20.0, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
Beispiel #17
double PowerCepstrum_getRNR (PowerCepstrum me, double pitchFloor, double pitchCeiling, double f0fractionalWidth) {
	double rnr = NUMundefined;
	double qmin = 1.0 / pitchCeiling, qmax = 1.0 / pitchFloor, peakdB, qpeak;
	PowerCepstrum_getMaximumAndQuefrency (me, pitchFloor, pitchCeiling, 2, &peakdB, &qpeak);
	long imin, imax;
	if (! Matrix_getWindowSamplesX (me, qmin, qmax, & imin, & imax)) {
		return rnr;
	long ndata = imax - imin + 1;
	if (ndata < 2) {
		return rnr;
	// how many peaks in interval ?
	long npeaks = 2;
	while (qpeak > 0 && qpeak * npeaks <= qmax) { npeaks++; }
	double sum = 0, sumr = 0;
	for (long i = imin; i <= imax; i++) {
		double val = my v_getValueAtSample (i, 0, 0);
		double qx = my x1 + (i - 1) * my dx;
		sum += val;
		// is qx within an interval around a multiple of the peak's q ?
		for (long j = 1; j <= npeaks; j ++) {
			double f0c = 1.0 / (j * qpeak);
			double f0clow = f0c * (1.0 - f0fractionalWidth);
			double f0chigh = f0c * (1.0 + f0fractionalWidth);
			double qclow =  1.0 / f0chigh;
			double qchigh = ( f0fractionalWidth >= 1 ? qmax : 1.0 / f0clow );
			if (qx >= qclow && qx <= qchigh) {   // yes in rahmonic interval
				sumr += val;
	rnr = sumr >= sum ? 1000000 : sumr / (sum - sumr);
	return rnr;
double Sampled_getQuantile (Sampled me, double xmin, double xmax, double quantile, long ilevel, int unit) {
	try {
		autoNUMvector <double> values (1, my nx);
		Function_unidirectionalAutowindow (me, & xmin, & xmax);
		if (! Function_intersectRangeWithDomain (me, & xmin, & xmax)) return NUMundefined;
		long imin, imax, numberOfDefinedSamples = 0;
		Sampled_getWindowSamples (me, xmin, xmax, & imin, & imax);
		for (long i = imin; i <= imax; i ++) {
			double value = my v_getValueAtSample (i, ilevel, unit);
			if (NUMdefined (value)) {
				values [++ numberOfDefinedSamples] = value;
		double result = NUMundefined;
		if (numberOfDefinedSamples >= 1) {
			NUMsort_d (numberOfDefinedSamples, values.peek());
			result = NUMquantile (numberOfDefinedSamples, values.peek(), quantile);
		return result;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": quantile not computed.");
void Sampled_getMaximumAndX (Sampled me, double xmin, double xmax, long ilevel, int unit, int interpolate,
	double *return_maximum, double *return_xOfMaximum)
	long imin, imax, i;
	double maximum = -1e301, xOfMaximum = 0.0;
	if (xmin == NUMundefined || xmax == NUMundefined) {
		maximum = xOfMaximum = NUMundefined;
		goto end;
	Function_unidirectionalAutowindow (me, & xmin, & xmax);
	if (! Function_intersectRangeWithDomain (me, & xmin, & xmax)) {
		maximum = xOfMaximum = NUMundefined;   // requested range and logical domain do not intersect
		goto end;
	if (! Sampled_getWindowSamples (me, xmin, xmax, & imin, & imax)) {
		 * No sample centres between tmin and tmax.
		 * Try to return the greater of the values at these two points.
		double fleft = Sampled_getValueAtX (me, xmin, ilevel, unit, interpolate);
		double fright = Sampled_getValueAtX (me, xmax, ilevel, unit, interpolate);
		if (NUMdefined (fleft) && fleft > maximum) maximum = fleft, xOfMaximum = xmin;
		if (NUMdefined (fright) && fright > maximum) maximum = fright, xOfMaximum = xmax;
	} else {
		for (i = imin; i <= imax; i ++) {
			double fmid = my v_getValueAtSample (i, ilevel, unit);
			if (fmid == NUMundefined) continue;
			if (interpolate == FALSE) {
				if (fmid > maximum) maximum = fmid, xOfMaximum = i;
			} else {
				 * Try an interpolation, possibly even taking into account a sample just outside the selection.
				double fleft = i <= 1 ? NUMundefined : my v_getValueAtSample (i - 1, ilevel, unit);
				double fright = i >= my nx ? NUMundefined : my v_getValueAtSample (i + 1, ilevel, unit);
				if (fleft == NUMundefined || fright == NUMundefined) {
					if (fmid > maximum) maximum = fmid, xOfMaximum = i;
				} else if (fmid > fleft && fmid >= fright) {
					double y [4], i_real, localMaximum;
					y [1] = fleft, y [2] = fmid, y [3] = fright;
					localMaximum = NUMimproveMaximum (y, 3, 2, NUM_PEAK_INTERPOLATE_PARABOLIC, & i_real);
					if (localMaximum > maximum)
						maximum = localMaximum, xOfMaximum = i_real + i - 2;
		xOfMaximum = my x1 + (xOfMaximum - 1) * my dx;   /* From index plus phase to time. */
		/* Check boundary values. */
		if (interpolate) {
			double fleft = Sampled_getValueAtX (me, xmin, ilevel, unit, TRUE);
			double fright = Sampled_getValueAtX (me, xmax, ilevel, unit, TRUE);
			if (NUMdefined (fleft) && fleft > maximum) maximum = fleft, xOfMaximum = xmin;
			if (NUMdefined (fright) && fright > maximum) maximum = fright, xOfMaximum = xmax;
		if (xOfMaximum < xmin) xOfMaximum = xmin;
		if (xOfMaximum > xmax) xOfMaximum = xmax;
	if (maximum == -1e301) maximum = xOfMaximum = NUMundefined;
	if (return_maximum) *return_maximum = maximum;
	if (return_xOfMaximum) *return_xOfMaximum = xOfMaximum;
double Sampled_getValueAtSample (Sampled me, long isamp, long ilevel, int unit) {
	if (isamp < 1 || isamp > my nx) return NUMundefined;
	return my v_getValueAtSample (isamp, ilevel, unit);
Beispiel #21
void PowerCepstrum_drawTiltLine (PowerCepstrum me, Graphics g, double qmin, double qmax, double dBminimum, double dBmaximum, double qstart, double qend, int lineType, int method) {

	Graphics_setInner (g);

	if (qmax <= qmin) {
		qmin = my xmin; qmax = my xmax;

	if (dBminimum >= dBmaximum) { // autoscaling
		long imin, imax;
		if (! Matrix_getWindowSamplesX (me, qmin, qmax, & imin, & imax)) {
		long numberOfPoints = imax - imin + 1;
		dBminimum = dBmaximum = my v_getValueAtSample (imin, 1, 0);
		for (long i = 2; i <= numberOfPoints; i++) {
			long isamp = imin + i - 1;
			double y = my v_getValueAtSample (isamp, 1, 0);
			dBmaximum = y > dBmaximum ? y : dBmaximum;
			dBminimum = y < dBminimum ? y : dBminimum;

	Graphics_setWindow (g, qmin, qmax, dBminimum, dBmaximum);
	qend = qend == 0 ? my xmax : qend;
	if (qend <= qstart) {
		qend = my xmax; qstart = my xmin;
	qstart = qstart < my xmin ? my xmin : qstart;
	qend = qend > my xmax ? my xmax : qend;

	double a, intercept;
	PowerCepstrum_fitTiltLine (me, qstart, qend, &a, &intercept, lineType, method);
	 * Don't draw part outside window
	double lineWidth =  Graphics_inqLineWidth (g);
	Graphics_setLineWidth (g, 2);
	if (lineType == 2) {
		long n = 500;
		double dq = (qend - qstart) / (n + 1);
		double q1 = qstart;
		if (qstart <= 0) {
			qstart = 0.1 * dq; // some small offset to avoid log(0)
		autoNUMvector<double> y (1, n);
		for (long i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
			double q = q1 + (i - 1) * dq;
			y[i] = a * log (q) + intercept;
		Graphics_function (g, y.peek(), 1, n, qstart, qend);
	} else {
		double y1 = a * qstart + intercept, y2 = a * qend + intercept;
		if (y1 >= dBminimum && y2 >= dBminimum) {
			Graphics_line (g, qstart, y1, qend, y2);
		} else if (y1 < dBminimum) {
			qstart = (dBminimum - intercept) / a;
			Graphics_line (g, qstart, dBminimum, qend, y2);
		} else if (y2 < dBminimum) {
			qend = (dBminimum - intercept) / a;
			Graphics_line (g, qstart, y1, qend, dBminimum);
		} else {
			// don't draw anything below lower limit?
	Graphics_setLineWidth (g, lineWidth);
	Graphics_unsetInner (g);
static void Sampled_getSum2AndDefinitionRange
	(Sampled me, double xmin, double xmax, long ilevel, int unit, double mean, int interpolate, double *return_sum2, double *return_definitionRange)
		This function computes the area under the linearly interpolated squared difference curve between xmin and xmax.
		Outside [x1-dx/2, xN+dx/2], the curve is undefined and neither times nor values are counted.
		In [x1-dx/2,x1] and [xN,xN+dx/2], the curve is linearly extrapolated.
	long imin, imax, isamp;
	double sum2 = 0.0, definitionRange = 0.0;
	Function_unidirectionalAutowindow (me, & xmin, & xmax);
	if (Function_intersectRangeWithDomain (me, & xmin, & xmax)) {
		if (interpolate) {
			if (Sampled_getWindowSamples (me, xmin, xmax, & imin, & imax)) {
				double leftEdge = my x1 - 0.5 * my dx, rightEdge = leftEdge + my nx * my dx;
				for (isamp = imin; isamp <= imax; isamp ++) {
					double value = my v_getValueAtSample (isamp, ilevel, unit);   // a fast way to integrate a linearly interpolated curve; works everywhere except at the edges
					if (NUMdefined (value)) {
						value -= mean;
						value *= value;
						definitionRange += 1.0;
						sum2 += value;
				 * Corrections within the first and last sampling intervals.
				if (xmin > leftEdge) {   // otherwise, constant extrapolation over 0.5 sample is OK
					double phase = (my x1 + (imin - 1) * my dx - xmin) / my dx;   // this fraction of sampling interval is still to be determined
					double rightValue = Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, imin, ilevel, unit);
					double leftValue = Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, imin - 1, ilevel, unit);
					if (NUMdefined (rightValue)) {
						rightValue -= mean;
						rightValue *= rightValue;
						definitionRange -= 0.5;   // delete constant extrapolation over 0.5 sample
						sum2 -= 0.5 * rightValue;
						if (NUMdefined (leftValue)) {
							leftValue -= mean;
							leftValue *= leftValue;
							definitionRange += phase;   // add current fraction
							sum2 += phase * (rightValue + 0.5 * phase * (leftValue - rightValue));   // interpolate to outside sample
						} else {
							if (phase > 0.5) phase = 0.5;
							definitionRange += phase;   // add current fraction, but never more than 0.5
							sum2 += phase * rightValue;
					} else if (NUMdefined (leftValue) && phase > 0.5) {
						leftValue -= mean;
						leftValue *= leftValue;
						definitionRange += phase - 0.5;
						sum2 += (phase - 0.5) * leftValue;
				if (xmax < rightEdge) {   // otherwise, constant extrapolation is OK
					double phase = (xmax - (my x1 + (imax - 1) * my dx)) / my dx;   // this fraction of sampling interval is still to be determined
					double leftValue = Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, imax, ilevel, unit);
					double rightValue = Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, imax + 1, ilevel, unit);
					if (NUMdefined (leftValue)) {
						leftValue -= mean;
						leftValue *= leftValue;
						definitionRange -= 0.5;   // delete constant extrapolation over 0.5 sample
						sum2 -= 0.5 * leftValue;
						if (NUMdefined (rightValue)) {
							rightValue -= mean;
							rightValue *= rightValue;
							definitionRange += phase;   // add current fraction
							sum2 += phase * (leftValue + 0.5 * phase * (rightValue - leftValue));   // interpolate to outside sample
						} else {
							if (phase > 0.5) phase = 0.5;
							definitionRange += phase;   // add current fraction, but never more than 0.5
							sum2 += phase * leftValue;
					} else if (NUMdefined (rightValue) && phase > 0.5) {
						rightValue -= mean;
						rightValue *= rightValue;
						definitionRange += phase - 0.5;
						sum2 += (phase - 0.5) * rightValue;
			} else {   // no sample centres between xmin and xmax
				 * Try to return the mean of the interpolated values at these two points.
				 * Thus, a small (xmin, xmax) range gives the same value as the (xmin+xmax)/2 point.
				double leftValue = Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, imax, ilevel, unit);
				double rightValue = Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, imin, ilevel, unit);
				double phase1 = (xmin - (my x1 + (imax - 1) * my dx)) / my dx;
				double phase2 = (xmax - (my x1 + (imax - 1) * my dx)) / my dx;
				if (imin == imax + 1) {   // not too far from sample definition region
					if (NUMdefined (leftValue)) {
						leftValue -= mean;
						leftValue *= leftValue;
						if (NUMdefined (rightValue)) {
							rightValue -= mean;
							rightValue *= rightValue;
							definitionRange += phase2 - phase1;
							sum2 += (phase2 - phase1) * (leftValue + 0.5 * (phase1 + phase2) * (rightValue - leftValue));
						} else if (phase1 < 0.5) {
							if (phase2 > 0.5) phase2 = 0.5;
							definitionRange += phase2 - phase1;
							sum2 += (phase2 - phase1) * leftValue;
					} else if (NUMdefined (rightValue) && phase2 > 0.5) {
						rightValue -= mean;
						rightValue *= rightValue;
						if (phase1 < 0.5) phase1 = 0.5;
						definitionRange += phase2 - phase1;
						sum2 += (phase2 - phase1) * rightValue;
		} else {   // no interpolation
			double rimin = Sampled_xToIndex (me, xmin), rimax = Sampled_xToIndex (me, xmax);
			if (rimax >= 0.5 && rimin < my nx + 0.5) {
				imin = rimin < 0.5 ? 0 : (long) floor (rimin + 0.5);
				imax = rimax >= my nx + 0.5 ? my nx + 1 : (long) floor (rimax + 0.5);
				for (isamp = imin + 1; isamp < imax; isamp ++) {
					double value = my v_getValueAtSample (isamp, ilevel, unit);
					if (NUMdefined (value)) {
						value -= mean;
						value *= value;
						definitionRange += 1.0;
						sum2 += value;
				if (imin == imax) {
					double value = my v_getValueAtSample (imin, ilevel, unit);
					if (NUMdefined (value)) {
						double phase = rimax - rimin;
						value -= mean;
						value *= value;
						definitionRange += phase;
						sum2 += phase * value;
				} else {
					if (imin >= 1) {
						double value = my v_getValueAtSample (imin, ilevel, unit);
						if (NUMdefined (value)) {
							double phase = imin - rimin + 0.5;
							value -= mean;
							value *= value;
							definitionRange += phase;
							sum2 += phase * value;
					if (imax <= my nx) {
						double value = my v_getValueAtSample (imax, ilevel, unit);
						if (NUMdefined (value)) {
							double phase = rimax - imax + 0.5;
							value -= mean;
							value *= value;
							definitionRange += phase;
							sum2 += phase * value;
	if (return_sum2) *return_sum2 = sum2;
	if (return_definitionRange) *return_definitionRange = definitionRange;