Beispiel #1
 *	void Matrix4f::Rotation(float f_angle, const Vector3f &r_v_axis)
 *		- creates matrix for rotation arround axis given by r_v_axis,
 *		  f_angle is angle in radians
void Matrix4f::Rotation(float f_angle, const Vector3f &r_v_axis)
	// formula for rotation matrix around arbitrary axis:
	// R = uuT + cos(f_angle) * (I - uuT) + sin(f_angle)S

	float f_cos = float(cos(f_angle));
	Vector3f v_u_o_m_cos(r_v_axis * (1 - f_cos));
	for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++ i) {
        for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++ j)
            f[i][j] = r_v_axis[i] * v_u_o_m_cos[j] + ((i == j)? f_cos : 0);
		f[i][3] = 0;
		f[3][i] = 0;
	f[3][3] = 1;
	// R = uu^T * (1 - cos(f_angle)) + cos(f_angle) * I + ...

	Vector3f v_s(r_v_axis * float(sin(f_angle)));
	f[1][0] -= v_s.z;
	f[0][1] += v_s.z;
	f[2][0] += v_s.y;
	f[0][2] -= v_s.y;
	f[2][1] -= v_s.x;
	f[1][2] += v_s.x;
	// ...  + sin(f_angle)S
void LWRController::pubStatus()
    ros::Publisher pub_js = mNode.advertise<sensor_msgs::JointState>("/joint_states", 1);
    ros::Publisher pub_force_vis = mNode.advertise<visualization_msgs::Marker>("force_visual", 1);
    ros::Publisher pub_force = mNode.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("force", 1);
    ros::Publisher pub_ptool = mNode.advertise<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped>("pose_tool", 1);
    std::string joint_names;
    mNode.getParam("joint_names", joint_names);

    while (is_running) {
        boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mFriClient.mMutex);
        mFriClient.mCondSend.timed_wait(lock, boost::posix_time::milliseconds(150));
        // TODO: Should check for condition=true; measure runtime here!
        if (mFriClient.mSendStatus) {
            mFriClient.mSendStatus = false;

            // ==== JOINT STATES
            sensor_msgs::JointState js;
            js.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
            for (uint i=0; i<7; i++) {
                char name[256];
                sprintf(name, joint_names.c_str(), i);
      [i] = std::string(name);
                js.position[i] = mFriClient.mMeasuredJoint[i];

            // ==== Cartesian Pose
            float *pval = mFriClient.mMeasuredCart;
            geometry_msgs::PoseStamped p_cart;
            mFriClient.pose_kuka2ros(pval, p_cart.pose, NULL, 1);
            p_cart.header.frame_id = "/calib_lwr_arm_base_link";

            // ==== ESTIMATED FORCES
            // Looks like this pose is in the Base frame, and the z-axis is negated compared to ROS
            if (mFriClient.mForcesFrame > 0) {
                geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pF_base, pF_hand;
                pF_base.pose.position.x = mFriClient.mForces[0];
                pF_base.pose.position.y = mFriClient.mForces[1];
                pF_base.pose.position.z = mFriClient.mForces[2];
                // TODO: Quaternion!
                pF_base.pose.orientation.w = 1;
                pF_base.pose.orientation.x = 0;
                pF_base.pose.orientation.y = 0;
                pF_base.pose.orientation.z = 0;

                pF_base.header.stamp = ros::Time();
                if (mFriClient.mForcesFrame == 1) {
                    //pF_base.pose.position.z *= -1.0;
                    pF_base.header.frame_id = "/calib_lwr_arm_base_link";
                if (mFriClient.mForcesFrame == 2) {
                    pF_base.header.frame_id = "/lwr_arm_7_link";
                try {
                    mTF.transformPose("/lwr_arm_7_link", pF_base, pF_hand);

                    Eigen::Vector3d vF(pF_hand.pose.position.x, pF_hand.pose.position.y, pF_hand.pose.position.z);
                    Eigen::Vector3d v_s(0,0,0.1);
                    Eigen::Vector3d v_e = v_s + 0.1*vF;

                    visualization_msgs::Marker marker;
                    marker.header.frame_id = "/lwr_arm_7_link";
                    marker.header.stamp = ros::Time();
                    marker.ns = "my_namespace";
           = 0;
                    marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::ARROW;
                    marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
                    marker.points[0].x = v_s[0];
                    marker.points[0].y = v_s[1];
                    marker.points[0].z = v_s[2];
                    marker.points[1].x = v_e[0];
                    marker.points[1].y = v_e[1];
                    marker.points[1].z = v_e[2];
                    marker.scale.x = 0.01;
                    marker.scale.y = 0.02;
                    marker.scale.z = 0.02;
                    marker.color.a = 1.0;
                    marker.color.r = 1.0;
                    marker.color.g = 0.0;
                    marker.color.b = 1.0;
                } catch (...) {
                    ROS_ERROR_STREAM("pubStatus: Failed to transform pose");

    ROS_INFO_STREAM("LWRController::pubStatus: Exit");
Beispiel #3
void exportTerrain::printPolygonData(const MFnMesh &theMesh,const bool phy)
    MStatus status;   
    MPointArray   vertices;
    MIntArray     perPolyVertices, numVerticesPerPoly;
    MVector	  tNorm;
    MVectorArray  perVertexNormals, normals;
    MItMeshPolygon itPoly( theMesh.object() );
    long numPolygons = theMesh.numPolygons();
    long numVertices = theMesh.numVertices();

    fout << "Vertices: " << endl;
    fout << "Number of Vertices: " << numVertices << endl;
    fout << vertices << endl;

    fout << "Number of polygons: " << numPolygons << endl;
    fout << "Polygon Connection List:" << endl;
    fout << "["; 
    for(int i = 0; i < numPolygons - 1; ++i){
	fout << i << ": ";
	status = theMesh.getPolygonVertices(i, perPolyVertices);
	fout << perPolyVertices;
	fout << ", " << endl;
    //last is a special case
    fout << numPolygons -1 << ": ";
    status = theMesh.getPolygonVertices(numPolygons -1, perPolyVertices);
    fout << perPolyVertices;
    fout << "]" << endl;

    //Per Vertex Normals
    for(i=0; i < numVertices; ++i){
	theMesh.getVertexNormal( i, tNorm);
    fout << "Per Vertex Normals: \n";
    fout << perVertexNormals << endl;

/*    //per vertex per polygon Normals
      //Not supported by the Reaper graphic engine
    fout << "Normals" << endl;
    i = 0;
    fout << "[ ";
    while (!itPoly.isDone() ){
	fout << i << ": " << normals << endl;
    fout << " ]" << endl;

    if( !phy ){
	   //Texture coordinate information

    MIntArray ids;
    int index;
    MFloatArray Us, Vs;

    MFloatArray u_s(numVertices),v_s(numVertices);
    MIntArray numuvs(numVertices,0);    
    //Now the tactic is:
    //Iterate over all polygons, and for each vertex read out the UV out of the list
    //Insert that in two float arrays, and keep track of how many uvs 
    //that have been inserted. At last divd the us and vs by the number you 
    //already go there

    //Shared uvs will look strange, but it is the average uvs that is shown
    //Make sure to model using no shared uvs

    for(i = 0;i<numPolygons;++i){
        MIntArray polyVertices;
        for(int j = 0;j<polyVertices.length();++j){
                int uv_id;
                u_s[polyVertices[j]] += Us[uv_id];
                v_s[polyVertices[j]] += Vs[uv_id];

    for(int k = 0;k<numVertices;++k){
            u_s[k] /= numuvs[k];
            v_s[k] /= numuvs[k];

    fout << "Texture Coordinates: \n";
    fout << "[" ;
    for(index = 0;index < (u_s.length() - 1); ++index){
	fout << index << ": [" << u_s[index] << ", " <<
	    v_s[index] << "]," << endl;
	//last is a special case
	fout << index << ": [" << u_s[index] << ", " <<
	    v_s[index] << "]";
    fout << "]" << endl;

	//Color data, for coloring. Make sure
	MItMeshVertex vertexIt(theMesh.object());
	MColor color;
	std::vector<MColor> colorArray;
	while (!vertexIt.isDone() ){
	fout << "PerVertexColors: \n";
	fout << "[" ;
	for(index = 0;index < colorArray.size()-1; ++index){
	    fout << index << ": " << colorArray[index] << "," << endl;
    //last is a special case
	fout << index << ": " << colorArray[index];
    fout << "]" << endl;