void test()
    VAEntrypoint entrypoints[5];
    int num_entrypoints,slice_entrypoint;
    VAConfigAttrib attrib[2];
    VAConfigID config_id;
    unsigned int fourcc, luma_stride, chroma_u_stride, chroma_v_stride, luma_offset, chroma_u_offset;
    unsigned int chroma_v_offset, buffer_name;
    unsigned int *p_buffer;
    int i, ret;
    char c;
    int frame_width=640,  frame_height=480;
    VASurfaceID surface_id;
    VAImage image_id;
    unsigned char *usrbuf;

    usrbuf = (unsigned char*)malloc(frame_width * frame_height * 2);
    ASSERT ( usrbuf != NULL);

    VASurfaceAttribExternalBuffers  vaSurfaceExternBuf;
    VASurfaceAttrib attrib_list[2];

    va_status = vaQueryConfigEntrypoints(va_dpy, VAProfileH264Baseline, entrypoints, &num_entrypoints);
    ASSERT( VA_STATUS_SUCCESS == va_status );

    for	(slice_entrypoint = 0; slice_entrypoint < num_entrypoints; slice_entrypoint++) {
        if (entrypoints[slice_entrypoint] == VAEntrypointEncSlice)
    if (slice_entrypoint == num_entrypoints) {
        /* not find Slice entry point */
        status("VAEntrypointEncSlice doesn't support, exit.\n");

    /* find out the format for the render target, and rate control mode */
    attrib[0].type = VAConfigAttribRTFormat;
    attrib[1].type = VAConfigAttribRateControl;
    va_status = vaGetConfigAttributes(va_dpy, VAProfileH264Baseline, VAEntrypointEncSlice, &attrib[0], 2);
    ASSERT( VA_STATUS_SUCCESS == va_status );

    if ((attrib[0].value & VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420) == 0) {
        /* not find desired YUV420 RT format */
        status("VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420 doesn't support, exit\n");
    if ((attrib[1].value & VA_RC_VBR) == 0) {
        /* Can't find matched RC mode */
        status("VBR mode doesn't found, exit\n");

    attrib[0].value = VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420; /* set to desired RT format */
    attrib[1].value = VA_RC_VBR; /* set to desired RC mode */

    va_status = vaCreateConfig(va_dpy, VAProfileH264Baseline, VAEntrypointEncSlice, &attrib[0], 2, &config_id);
    ASSERT( VA_STATUS_SUCCESS == va_status );

    attrib_list[1].type = (VASurfaceAttribType)VASurfaceAttribExternalBufferDescriptor;
    attrib_list[0].type = (VASurfaceAttribType)VASurfaceAttribMemoryType;
    va_status = vaGetSurfaceAttributes(va_dpy, config_id, attrib_list, 2);
    ASSERT( VA_STATUS_SUCCESS == va_status );

    if (attrib_list[0].flags != VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
        status("supported memory type:\n");
        if (attrib_list[0].value.value.i & VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_VA)
        if (attrib_list[0].value.value.i & VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_V4L2)
        if (attrib_list[0].value.value.i & VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_USER_PTR)
        if (attrib_list[0].value.value.i & VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_ANDROID_GRALLOC)
        if (attrib_list[0].value.value.i &  VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_ANDROID_ION)
        if (attrib_list[0].value.value.i & VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_KERNEL_DRM)

    if ((attrib_list[1].flags != VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_NOT_SUPPORTED) &&
            (attrib_list[0].value.value.i & VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_USER_PTR)) {
        status("vaCreateSurfaces from external usr pointer\n");

        vaSurfaceExternBuf.buffers = (unsigned long*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
        vaSurfaceExternBuf.buffers[0] = usrbuf;
        vaSurfaceExternBuf.num_buffers = 1;
        vaSurfaceExternBuf.width = frame_width;
        vaSurfaceExternBuf.height = frame_height;
        vaSurfaceExternBuf.pitches[0] = vaSurfaceExternBuf.pitches[1] = vaSurfaceExternBuf.pitches[2] = frame_width;
        //vaSurfaceExternBuf.flags = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_ANDROID_GRALLOC;
        vaSurfaceExternBuf.pixel_format = VA_FOURCC_NV12;
        //vaSurfaceExternBuf.pitches[0] = attribute_tpi->luma_stride;

        attrib_list[1].flags = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_SETTABLE;
        attrib_list[1].value.type = VAGenericValueTypePointer;
        attrib_list[1].value.value.p = (void *)&vaSurfaceExternBuf;

        attrib_list[0].flags = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_SETTABLE;
        attrib_list[0].value.type = VAGenericValueTypeInteger;
        attrib_list[0].value.value.i = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_USER_PTR;

        va_status = vaCreateSurfaces(va_dpy, VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420, frame_width, frame_height, &surface_id, 1, attrib_list, 2);
        ASSERT( VA_STATUS_SUCCESS == va_status );

        va_status = vaDeriveImage(va_dpy, surface_id, &image_id);
        ASSERT( VA_STATUS_SUCCESS == va_status );

        va_status = vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, image_id.buf, (void**)&p_buffer);
        ASSERT( VA_STATUS_SUCCESS == va_status );

        memset(p_buffer, 0x80, image_id.width * image_id.height);

        va_status = vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, image_id.buf);
        ASSERT( VA_STATUS_SUCCESS == va_status );

        va_status = vaDestroyImage(va_dpy, image_id.image_id);
        ASSERT( VA_STATUS_SUCCESS == va_status );

        va_status = vaDestroySurfaces(va_dpy, &surface_id, 1);
        ASSERT( VA_STATUS_SUCCESS == va_status );


    va_status = vaDestroyConfig(va_dpy, config_id);
    ASSERT( VA_STATUS_SUCCESS == va_status );


Beispiel #2
ImageRawPtr VaapiImageRaw::create(const DisplayPtr& display, const ImagePtr& image, VideoDataMemoryType memoryType)
    ImageRawPtr raw;
    RealeaseCallback release;
    uintptr_t handle;
    VAStatus status;
    VAImagePtr& vaImage = image->m_image;
        void* data;
        status = vaMapBuffer(display->getID(), vaImage->buf, &data);
        release = vaUnmapBuffer;
        handle = (uintptr_t)data;
    } else {
        VABufferInfo bufferInfo;
        if (memoryType == VIDEO_DATA_MEMORY_TYPE_DRM_NAME)
            bufferInfo.mem_type = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_KERNEL_DRM;
        else if (memoryType == VIDEO_DATA_MEMORY_TYPE_DMA_BUF)
            bufferInfo.mem_type = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_DRM_PRIME;

        status = vaAcquireBufferHandle(display->getID(), vaImage->buf, &bufferInfo);
        release = vaReleaseBufferHandle;
        handle = (uintptr_t)bufferInfo.handle;
    if (!checkVaapiStatus(status, "VaapiImageRaw::create()"))
        return raw;
    raw.reset(new VaapiImageRaw(display, image, memoryType, handle, release));
    return raw;
/* Maps VA buffer */
vaapi_map_buffer (VADisplay dpy, VABufferID buf_id)
  VAStatus status;
  gpointer data = NULL;

  status = vaMapBuffer (dpy, buf_id, &data);
  if (!vaapi_check_status (status, "vaMapBuffer()"))
    return NULL;
  return data;
Beispiel #4
static void *alloc_buffer(struct vaapi_context *vactx, int type, unsigned int size, uint32_t *buf_id)
    void *data = NULL;

    *buf_id = 0;
    if (vaCreateBuffer(vactx->display, vactx->context_id,
                       type, size, 1, NULL, buf_id) == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS)
        vaMapBuffer(vactx->display, *buf_id, &data);

    return data;
Beispiel #5
void VAApiWriter::draw( VASurfaceID _id, int _field )
	if ( _id != VA_INVALID_SURFACE && _field > -1 )
		if ( id != _id || _field == field )
			vaSyncSurface( VADisp, _id );
		id = _id;
		field = _field;
	if ( id == VA_INVALID_SURFACE )

	bool associated = false;

	if ( !osd_list.isEmpty() )
		QRect bounds;
		const qreal scaleW = ( qreal )W / outW, scaleH = ( qreal )H / outH;
		bool mustRepaint = Functions::mustRepaintOSD( osd_list, osd_checksums, &scaleW, &scaleH, &bounds );
		if ( !mustRepaint )
			mustRepaint = vaImgSize != bounds.size();
		bool canAssociate = !mustRepaint;
		if ( mustRepaint )
			if ( vaImgSize != bounds.size() )
				vaImgSize = QSize();
				if ( vaCreateImage( VADisp, rgbImgFmt, bounds.width(), bounds.height(), &vaImg ) == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS )
					if ( vaCreateSubpicture( VADisp, vaImg.image_id, &vaSubpicID ) == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS )
						vaImgSize = bounds.size();
			if ( vaSubpicID )
				quint8 *buff;
				if ( vaMapBuffer( VADisp, vaImg.buf, ( void ** )&buff ) == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS )
					QImage osdImg( buff += vaImg.offsets[ 0 ], vaImg.pitches[ 0 ] >> 2, bounds.height(), QImage::Format_ARGB32 );
					osdImg.fill( 0 );
					QPainter p( &osdImg );
					p.translate( -bounds.topLeft() );
					Functions::paintOSD( osd_list, scaleW, scaleH, p, &osd_checksums );
					vaUnmapBuffer( VADisp, vaImg.buf );
					canAssociate = true;
Beispiel #6
/* Maps VA buffer */
void *vaapiMapBuffer(VADisplay dpy, VABufferID bufId)
    VAStatus status;
    void *data = NULL;

    status = vaMapBuffer(dpy, bufId, &data);

    if (!checkVaapiStatus(status, "vaMapBuffer()")) {
        ERROR("fail to map bufId = %x", bufId);
        return NULL;

    return data;
Beispiel #7
quint8 *VAApiWriter::getImage( VAImage &image, VASurfaceID surfaceID, VAImageFormat *img_fmt ) const
	if ( vaCreateImage( VADisp, img_fmt, outW, outH, &image ) == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS )
		quint8 *data;
			vaSyncSurface( VADisp, surfaceID ) == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS &&
			vaGetImage( VADisp, surfaceID, 0, 0, outW, outH, image.image_id ) == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS &&
			vaMapBuffer( VADisp, image.buf, ( void ** )&data ) == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS
		) return data;
		vaDestroyImage( VADisp, image.image_id );
	return NULL;
Beispiel #8
VaapiImageRaw *VaapiImage::map(VideoDataMemoryType memoryType)
    uint32_t i;
    void *data;
    VAStatus status;

    if (m_isMapped) {
        return &m_rawImage;

    m_rawImage.format = m_image->format.fourcc;
    m_rawImage.width = m_image->width;
    m_rawImage.height = m_image->height;
    m_rawImage.numPlanes = m_image->num_planes;
    m_rawImage.size = m_image->data_size;
    for (i = 0; i < m_image->num_planes; i++) {
        m_rawImage.strides[i] = m_image->pitches[i];

        status = vaMapBuffer(m_display->getID(), m_image->buf, &data);
        if (!checkVaapiStatus(status, "vaMapBuffer()"))
            return NULL;
        for (i = 0; i < m_image->num_planes; i++) {
            m_rawImage.handles[i] = (intptr_t) data + m_image->offsets[i];
    } else {
        VABufferInfo bufferInfo;
        if (memoryType == VIDEO_DATA_MEMORY_TYPE_DRM_NAME)
            bufferInfo.mem_type = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_KERNEL_DRM;
        else if (memoryType == VIDEO_DATA_MEMORY_TYPE_DMA_BUF)
            bufferInfo.mem_type = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_DRM_PRIME;

        status = vaAcquireBufferHandle(m_display->getID(), m_image->buf, &bufferInfo);
        if (!checkVaapiStatus(status, "vaAcquireBufferHandle()"))
            return NULL;

       for (i = 0; i < m_image->num_planes; i++) {
           m_rawImage.handles[i] = (intptr_t) bufferInfo.handle;
    m_rawImage.memoryType = memoryType;
    m_isMapped = true;

    return &m_rawImage;
Beispiel #9
static void *alloc_buffer(VAAPIContext *vaapi, int type, unsigned int size, VABufferID *buf_id)
    VAStatus status;
    void *data = NULL;

    *buf_id = 0;
    status = vaCreateBuffer(vaapi->display, vaapi->context_id,
                            type, size, 1, NULL, buf_id);
    if (!vaapi_check_status(status, "vaCreateBuffer()"))
        return NULL;

    status = vaMapBuffer(vaapi->display, *buf_id, &data);
    if (!vaapi_check_status(status, "vaMapBuffer()"))
        return NULL;

    return data;
Encode_Status VideoEncoderH263::renderSliceParams(EncodeTask *task) {

    VAStatus vaStatus = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    uint32_t sliceHeight;
    uint32_t sliceHeightInMB;


    sliceHeight = mComParams.resolution.height;
    sliceHeight += 15;
    sliceHeight &= (~15);
    sliceHeightInMB = sliceHeight / 16;

    vaStatus = vaCreateBuffer(
            mVADisplay, mVAContext,
            1, NULL, &mSliceParamBuf);

    VAEncSliceParameterBuffer *sliceParams;
    vaStatus = vaMapBuffer(mVADisplay, mSliceParamBuf, (void **)&sliceParams);

    // starting MB row number for this slice
    sliceParams->start_row_number = 0;
    // slice height measured in MB
    sliceParams->slice_height = sliceHeightInMB;
    sliceParams->slice_flags.bits.is_intra = (task->type == FTYPE_I)?1:0;
    sliceParams->slice_flags.bits.disable_deblocking_filter_idc = 0;

    LOG_V("======h263 slice params======\n");
    LOG_I("start_row_number = %d\n", (int) sliceParams->start_row_number);
    LOG_I("slice_height_in_mb = %d\n", (int) sliceParams->slice_height);
    LOG_I("slice.is_intra = %d\n", (int) sliceParams->slice_flags.bits.is_intra);

    vaStatus = vaUnmapBuffer(mVADisplay, mSliceParamBuf);

    vaStatus = vaRenderPicture(mVADisplay, mVAContext, &mSliceParamBuf, 1);

    return ENCODE_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #11
_gst_vaapi_image_map(GstVaapiImage *image, GstVaapiImageRaw *raw_image)
    GstVaapiImagePrivate * const priv = image->priv;
    GstVaapiDisplay *display;
    void *image_data;
    VAStatus status;
    guint i;

    if (_gst_vaapi_image_is_mapped(image))
        return TRUE;

    display = GST_VAAPI_OBJECT_DISPLAY(image);
    if (!display)
        return FALSE;

    status = vaMapBuffer(
    if (!vaapi_check_status(status, "vaMapBuffer()"))
        return FALSE;

    image->priv->image_data = image_data;

    if (raw_image) {
        const VAImage * const va_image = &priv->image;
        raw_image->format     = priv->format;
        raw_image->width      = va_image->width;
        raw_image->height     = va_image->height;
        raw_image->num_planes = va_image->num_planes;
        for (i = 0; i < raw_image->num_planes; i++) {
            raw_image->pixels[i] = (guchar *)image_data + va_image->offsets[i];
            raw_image->stride[i] = va_image->pitches[i];
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #12
static int bind_image(VAImage *va_image, Image *image)
    VAAPIContext * const vaapi = vaapi_get_context();
    VAImageFormat * const va_format = &va_image->format;
    VAStatus status;
    void *va_image_data;
    unsigned int i;

    if (va_image->num_planes > MAX_IMAGE_PLANES)
        return -1;

    status = vaMapBuffer(vaapi->display, va_image->buf, &va_image_data);
    if (!vaapi_check_status(status, "vaMapBuffer()"))
        return -1;

    memset(image, 0, sizeof(*image));
    image->format = va_format->fourcc;
    if (is_vaapi_rgb_format(va_format)) {
        image->format = image_rgba_format(
            va_format->byte_order == VA_MSB_FIRST,
        if (!image->format)
            return -1;

    image->width      = va_image->width;
    image->height     = va_image->height;
    image->num_planes = va_image->num_planes;
    for (i = 0; i < va_image->num_planes; i++) {
        image->pixels[i]  = (uint8_t *)va_image_data + va_image->offsets[i];
        image->pitches[i] = va_image->pitches[i];
    return 0;
Beispiel #13
void* SurfaceInteropVAAPI::mapToHost(const VideoFormat &format, void *handle, int plane)
    VAImage image;
    static const unsigned int fcc[] = { VA_FOURCC_NV12, VA_FOURCC_YV12, VA_FOURCC_IYUV, 0};
    va_new_image(m_surface->vadisplay(), fcc, &image, m_surface->width(), m_surface->height());
    if (image.image_id == VA_INVALID_ID)
        return NULL;
    void *p_base;
    VA_ENSURE(vaGetImage(m_surface->vadisplay(), m_surface->get(), 0, 0, m_surface->width(), m_surface->height(), image.image_id), NULL);
    VA_ENSURE(vaMapBuffer(m_surface->vadisplay(), image.buf, &p_base), NULL); //TODO: destroy image before return
    VideoFormat::PixelFormat pixfmt = pixelFormatFromVA(image.format.fourcc);
    bool swap_uv = image.format.fourcc != VA_FOURCC_NV12;
    if (pixfmt == VideoFormat::Format_Invalid) {
        qWarning("unsupported vaapi pixel format: %#x", image.format.fourcc);
        VA_ENSURE(vaDestroyImage(m_surface->vadisplay(), image.image_id), NULL);
        return NULL;
    const VideoFormat fmt(pixfmt);
    uint8_t *src[3];
    int pitch[3];
    for (int i = 0; i < fmt.planeCount(); ++i) {
        src[i] = (uint8_t*)p_base + image.offsets[i];
        pitch[i] = image.pitches[i];
    VideoFrame frame = VideoFrame::fromGPU(fmt, frame_width, frame_height, m_surface->height(), src, pitch, true, swap_uv);
    if (format != fmt)
        frame = frame.to(format);
    VAWARN(vaUnmapBuffer(m_surface->vadisplay(), image.buf));
    VAWARN(vaDestroyImage(m_surface->vadisplay(), image.image_id));
    image.image_id = VA_INVALID_ID;
    VideoFrame *f = reinterpret_cast<VideoFrame*>(handle);
    *f = frame;
    return f;
Beispiel #14
	static bool map(VABufferID id, T *&buf) {
		return id != VA_INVALID_ID && vaMapBuffer(VaApi::glx(), id, (void**)&buf) == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
mfxStatus vaapiFrameAllocator::LockFrame(mfxMemId mid, mfxFrameData *ptr)
    mfxStatus mfx_res = MFX_ERR_NONE;
    VAStatus  va_res  = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    vaapiMemId* vaapi_mid = (vaapiMemId*)mid;
    mfxU8* pBuffer = 0;

    if (!vaapi_mid || !(vaapi_mid->m_surface)) return MFX_ERR_INVALID_HANDLE;

    if (MFX_FOURCC_P8 == vaapi_mid->m_fourcc)   // bitstream processing
        VACodedBufferSegment *coded_buffer_segment;
        va_res =  vaMapBuffer(m_dpy, *(vaapi_mid->m_surface), (void **)(&coded_buffer_segment));
        mfx_res = va_to_mfx_status(va_res);
        ptr->Y = (mfxU8*)coded_buffer_segment->buf; // !!! bug
    else   // Image processing
        va_res = vaDeriveImage(m_dpy, *(vaapi_mid->m_surface), &(vaapi_mid->m_image));
        mfx_res = va_to_mfx_status(va_res);

        if (MFX_ERR_NONE == mfx_res)
            va_res = vaMapBuffer(m_dpy, vaapi_mid->m_image.buf, (void **) &pBuffer);
            mfx_res = va_to_mfx_status(va_res);
        if (MFX_ERR_NONE == mfx_res)
            switch (vaapi_mid->m_image.format.fourcc)
            case VA_FOURCC_NV12:
                if (vaapi_mid->m_fourcc == MFX_FOURCC_NV12)
                    ptr->Pitch = (mfxU16)vaapi_mid->m_image.pitches[0];
                    ptr->Y = pBuffer + vaapi_mid->m_image.offsets[0];
                    ptr->U = pBuffer + vaapi_mid->m_image.offsets[1];
                    ptr->V = ptr->U + 1;
                else mfx_res = MFX_ERR_LOCK_MEMORY;
            case VA_FOURCC_YV12:
                if (vaapi_mid->m_fourcc == MFX_FOURCC_YV12)
                    ptr->Pitch = (mfxU16)vaapi_mid->m_image.pitches[0];
                    ptr->Y = pBuffer + vaapi_mid->m_image.offsets[0];
                    ptr->V = pBuffer + vaapi_mid->m_image.offsets[1];
                    ptr->U = pBuffer + vaapi_mid->m_image.offsets[2];
                else mfx_res = MFX_ERR_LOCK_MEMORY;
            case VA_FOURCC_YUY2:
                if (vaapi_mid->m_fourcc == MFX_FOURCC_YUY2)
                    ptr->Pitch = (mfxU16)vaapi_mid->m_image.pitches[0];
                    ptr->Y = pBuffer + vaapi_mid->m_image.offsets[0];
                    ptr->U = ptr->Y + 1;
                    ptr->V = ptr->Y + 3;
                else mfx_res = MFX_ERR_LOCK_MEMORY;
            case VA_FOURCC_ARGB:
                if (vaapi_mid->m_fourcc == MFX_FOURCC_RGB4)
                    ptr->Pitch = (mfxU16)vaapi_mid->m_image.pitches[0];
                    ptr->B = pBuffer + vaapi_mid->m_image.offsets[0];
                    ptr->G = ptr->B + 1;
                    ptr->R = ptr->B + 2;
                    ptr->A = ptr->B + 3;
                else mfx_res = MFX_ERR_LOCK_MEMORY;
                mfx_res = MFX_ERR_LOCK_MEMORY;
    return mfx_res;
Beispiel #16
bool VAAPIContext::CopySurfaceToFrame(VideoFrame *frame, const void *buf)
    MythXLocker locker(m_display->m_x_disp);

    if (!m_deriveSupport && m_image.image_id == VA_INVALID_ID)

    if (!frame || !buf || (m_dispType != kVADisplayX11) ||
        (!m_deriveSupport && m_image.image_id == VA_INVALID_ID))
        return false;

    const vaapi_surface *surf = (vaapi_surface*)buf;

    va_status = vaSyncSurface(m_ctx.display, surf->m_id);

    if (m_deriveSupport)
        va_status = vaDeriveImage(m_ctx.display, surf->m_id, &m_image);
        va_status = vaGetImage(m_ctx.display, surf->m_id, 0, 0,
                               m_size.width(), m_size.height(),

    if (ok)
        VideoFrame src;
        void* source = NULL;

        if (vaMapBuffer(m_ctx.display, m_image.buf, &source))
            return false;

        if (m_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12)
            init(&src, FMT_NV12, (unsigned char*)source, m_image.width,
                 m_image.height, m_image.data_size, NULL,
                 NULL, frame->aspect, frame->frame_rate);
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                src.pitches[i] = m_image.pitches[i];
                src.offsets[i] = m_image.offsets[i];
            // Our VideoFrame YV12 format, is really YUV420P/IYUV
            bool swap = m_image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12;
            init(&src, FMT_YV12, (unsigned char*)source, m_image.width,
                 m_image.height, m_image.data_size, NULL,
                 NULL, frame->aspect, frame->frame_rate);
            src.pitches[0] = m_image.pitches[0];
            src.pitches[1] = m_image.pitches[swap ? 2 : 1];
            src.pitches[2] = m_image.pitches[swap ? 1 : 2];
            src.offsets[0] = m_image.offsets[0];
            src.offsets[1] = m_image.offsets[swap ? 2 : 1];
            src.offsets[2] = m_image.offsets[swap ? 1 : 2];
        m_copy->copy(frame, &src);

        if (vaUnmapBuffer(m_ctx.display, m_image.buf))
            return false;

        if (m_deriveSupport)
            vaDestroyImage(m_ctx.display, m_image.image_id );
            m_image.image_id = VA_INVALID_ID;
        return true;

    LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, LOC + "Failed to get image");
    return false;
Beispiel #17
static int vaapi_encode_output(AVCodecContext *avctx,
                               VAAPIEncodePicture *pic, AVPacket *pkt)
    VAAPIEncodeContext *ctx = avctx->priv_data;
    VACodedBufferSegment *buf_list, *buf;
    VAStatus vas;
    int err;

    err = vaapi_encode_wait(avctx, pic);
    if (err < 0)
        return err;

    buf_list = NULL;
    vas = vaMapBuffer(ctx->hwctx->display, pic->output_buffer,
    if (vas != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to map output buffers: "
               "%d (%s).\n", vas, vaErrorStr(vas));
        err = AVERROR(EIO);
        goto fail;

    for (buf = buf_list; buf; buf = buf->next) {
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Output buffer: %u bytes "
               "(status %08x).\n", buf->size, buf->status);

        err = av_new_packet(pkt, buf->size);
        if (err < 0)
            goto fail;

        memcpy(pkt->data, buf->buf, buf->size);

    if (pic->type == PICTURE_TYPE_IDR)
        pkt->flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY;

    pkt->pts = pic->pts;

    vas = vaUnmapBuffer(ctx->hwctx->display, pic->output_buffer);
    if (vas != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to unmap output buffers: "
               "%d (%s).\n", vas, vaErrorStr(vas));
        err = AVERROR(EIO);
        goto fail;

    vaDestroyBuffer(ctx->hwctx->display, pic->output_buffer);
    pic->output_buffer = VA_INVALID_ID;

    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Output read for pic %"PRId64"/%"PRId64".\n",
           pic->display_order, pic->encode_order);
    return 0;

    if (pic->output_buffer != VA_INVALID_ID) {
        vaUnmapBuffer(ctx->hwctx->display, pic->output_buffer);
        vaDestroyBuffer(ctx->hwctx->display, pic->output_buffer);
        pic->output_buffer = VA_INVALID_ID;
    return err;
Beispiel #18
static int Extract( vlc_va_t *va, picture_t *p_picture, uint8_t *data )
    vlc_va_sys_t *sys = va->sys;
    VASurfaceID surface = (VASurfaceID)(uintptr_t)data;
    VAImage image;
    int ret = VLC_EGENERIC;

#if VA_CHECK_VERSION(0,31,0)
    if (vaSyncSurface(sys->hw_ctx.display, surface))
    if (vaSyncSurface(sys->hw_ctx.display, sys->hw_ctx.context_id, surface))
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    if (!sys->do_derive || vaDeriveImage(sys->hw_ctx.display, surface, &image))
    {   /* Fallback if image derivation is not supported */
        if (vaCreateImage(sys->hw_ctx.display, &sys->format, sys->width,
                          sys->height, &image))
            return VLC_EGENERIC;
        if (vaGetImage(sys->hw_ctx.display, surface, 0, 0, sys->width,
                       sys->height, image.image_id))
            goto error;

    void *p_base;
    if (vaMapBuffer(sys->hw_ctx.display, image.buf, &p_base))
        goto error;

    const unsigned i_fourcc = sys->format.fourcc;
    if( i_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12 ||
        i_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_IYUV )
        bool b_swap_uv = i_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_IYUV;
        uint8_t *pp_plane[3];
        size_t  pi_pitch[3];

        for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
            const int i_src_plane = (b_swap_uv && i != 0) ?  (3 - i) : i;
            pp_plane[i] = (uint8_t*)p_base + image.offsets[i_src_plane];
            pi_pitch[i] = image.pitches[i_src_plane];
        CopyFromYv12( p_picture, pp_plane, pi_pitch, sys->width, sys->height,
                      &sys->image_cache );
        assert( i_fourcc == VA_FOURCC_NV12 );
        uint8_t *pp_plane[2];
        size_t  pi_pitch[2];

        for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            pp_plane[i] = (uint8_t*)p_base + image.offsets[i];
            pi_pitch[i] = image.pitches[i];
        CopyFromNv12( p_picture, pp_plane, pi_pitch, sys->width, sys->height,
                      &sys->image_cache );

    vaUnmapBuffer(sys->hw_ctx.display, image.buf);
    ret = VLC_SUCCESS;
    vaDestroyImage(sys->hw_ctx.display, image.image_id);
    return ret;
Beispiel #19
VideoFrame VideoDecoderVAAPI::frame()
    if (!d.frame->opaque || !d.frame->data[0])
        return VideoFrame();
    VASurfaceID surface_id = (VASurfaceID)(uintptr_t)d.frame->data[3];
    VAStatus status = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    if (display() == GLX || (copyMode() == ZeroCopy && display() == X11)) {
        surface_ptr p;
        std::list<surface_ptr>::iterator it = d.surfaces_used.begin();
        for (; it != d.surfaces_used.end() && !p; ++it) {
            if((*it)->get() == surface_id) {
                p = *it;
        if (!p) {
            for (it = d.surfaces_free.begin(); it != d.surfaces_free.end() && !p; ++it) {
                if((*it)->get() == surface_id) {
                    p = *it;
        if (!p) {
            qWarning("VAAPI - Unable to find surface");
            return VideoFrame();

        VideoFrame f(d.width, d.height, VideoFormat::Format_RGB32); //p->width()
        f.setBytesPerLine(d.width*4); //used by gl to compute texture size
        f.setMetaData("surface_interop", QVariant::fromValue(d.surface_interop));
        return f;
#if VA_CHECK_VERSION(0,31,0)
    if ((status = vaSyncSurface(d.display->get(), surface_id)) != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        qWarning("vaSyncSurface(VADisplay:%p, VASurfaceID:%#x) == %#x", d.display->get(), surface_id, status);
    if (vaSyncSurface(d.display->get(), d.context_id, surface_id)) {
        qWarning("vaSyncSurface(VADisplay:%#x, VAContextID:%#x, VASurfaceID:%#x) == %#x", d.display, d.context_id, surface_id, status);
        return VideoFrame();

    if (!d.disable_derive && d.supports_derive) {
         * http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/OAywENyq88L319OcRnHI
         * vaDeriveImage is faster than vaGetImage. But VAImage is uncached memory and copying from it would be terribly slow
         * TODO: copy from USWC, see vlc and https://github.com/OpenELEC/OpenELEC.tv/pull/2937.diff
         * https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/increasing-memory-throughput-with-intel-streaming-simd-extensions-4-intel-sse4-streaming-load
        VA_ENSURE_TRUE(vaDeriveImage(d.display->get(), surface_id, &d.image), VideoFrame());
    } else {
        VA_ENSURE_TRUE(vaGetImage(d.display->get(), surface_id, 0, 0, d.width, d.height, d.image.image_id), VideoFrame());

    void *p_base;
    VA_ENSURE_TRUE(vaMapBuffer(d.display->get(), d.image.buf, &p_base), VideoFrame());

    VideoFormat::PixelFormat pixfmt = VideoFormat::Format_Invalid;
    bool swap_uv = false;
    switch (d.image.format.fourcc) {
    case VA_FOURCC_YV12:
        swap_uv |= d.disable_derive || !d.supports_derive;
        pixfmt = VideoFormat::Format_YUV420P;
    case VA_FOURCC_IYUV:
        swap_uv = true;
        pixfmt = VideoFormat::Format_YUV420P;
    case VA_FOURCC_NV12:
        pixfmt = VideoFormat::Format_NV12;
    if (pixfmt == VideoFormat::Format_Invalid) {
        qWarning("unsupported vaapi pixel format: %#x", d.image.format.fourcc);
        return VideoFrame();
    const VideoFormat fmt(pixfmt);
    uint8_t *src[3];
    int pitch[3];
    for (int i = 0; i < fmt.planeCount(); ++i) {
        src[i] = (uint8_t*)p_base + d.image.offsets[i];
        pitch[i] = d.image.pitches[i];
    VideoFrame frame(copyToFrame(fmt, d.surface_height, src, pitch, swap_uv));
    VAWARN(vaUnmapBuffer(d.display->get(), d.image.buf));
    if (!d.disable_derive && d.supports_derive) {
        vaDestroyImage(d.display->get(), d.image.image_id);
        d.image.image_id = VA_INVALID_ID;
    return frame;

void VideoDecoderVAAPI::setDisplayPriority(const QStringList &priority)
    int idx = staticMetaObject.indexOfEnumerator("DisplayType");
    const QMetaEnum me = staticMetaObject.enumerator(idx);
    foreach (const QString& disp, priority) {
Beispiel #20
static int deint_vaapi_filter_frame(AVFilterLink *inlink, AVFrame *input_frame)
    AVFilterContext   *avctx = inlink->dst;
    AVFilterLink    *outlink = avctx->outputs[0];
    DeintVAAPIContext *ctx = avctx->priv;
    AVFrame *output_frame = NULL;
    VASurfaceID input_surface, output_surface;
    VASurfaceID backward_references[MAX_REFERENCES];
    VASurfaceID forward_references[MAX_REFERENCES];
    VAProcPipelineParameterBuffer params;
    VAProcFilterParameterBufferDeinterlacing *filter_params;
    VARectangle input_region;
    VABufferID params_id;
    VAStatus vas;
    void *filter_params_addr = NULL;
    int err, i, field, current_frame_index;

    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Filter input: %s, %ux%u (%"PRId64").\n",
           input_frame->width, input_frame->height, input_frame->pts);

    if (ctx->queue_count < ctx->queue_depth) {
        ctx->frame_queue[ctx->queue_count++] = input_frame;
        if (ctx->queue_count < ctx->queue_depth) {
            // Need more reference surfaces before we can continue.
            return 0;
    } else {
        for (i = 0; i + 1 < ctx->queue_count; i++)
            ctx->frame_queue[i] = ctx->frame_queue[i + 1];
        ctx->frame_queue[i] = input_frame;

    current_frame_index = ctx->pipeline_caps.num_forward_references;

    input_frame = ctx->frame_queue[current_frame_index];
    input_surface = (VASurfaceID)(uintptr_t)input_frame->data[3];
    for (i = 0; i < ctx->pipeline_caps.num_forward_references; i++)
        forward_references[i] = (VASurfaceID)(uintptr_t)
            ctx->frame_queue[current_frame_index - i - 1]->data[3];
    for (i = 0; i < ctx->pipeline_caps.num_backward_references; i++)
        backward_references[i] = (VASurfaceID)(uintptr_t)
            ctx->frame_queue[current_frame_index + i + 1]->data[3];

    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Using surface %#x for "
           "deinterlace input.\n", input_surface);
    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Backward references:");
    for (i = 0; i < ctx->pipeline_caps.num_backward_references; i++)
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, " %#x", backward_references[i]);
    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "\n");
    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Forward  references:");
    for (i = 0; i < ctx->pipeline_caps.num_forward_references; i++)
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, " %#x", forward_references[i]);
    av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "\n");

    for (field = 0; field < ctx->field_rate; field++) {
        output_frame = ff_get_video_buffer(outlink, ctx->output_width,
        if (!output_frame) {
            err = AVERROR(ENOMEM);
            goto fail;

        output_surface = (VASurfaceID)(uintptr_t)output_frame->data[3];
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Using surface %#x for "
               "deinterlace output.\n", output_surface);

        memset(&params, 0, sizeof(params));

        input_region = (VARectangle) {
            .x      = 0,
            .y      = 0,
            .width  = input_frame->width,
            .height = input_frame->height,

        params.surface = input_surface;
        params.surface_region = &input_region;
        params.surface_color_standard =

        params.output_region = NULL;
        params.output_background_color = 0xff000000;
        params.output_color_standard = params.surface_color_standard;

        params.pipeline_flags = 0;
        params.filter_flags   = VA_FRAME_PICTURE;

        if (!ctx->auto_enable || input_frame->interlaced_frame) {
            vas = vaMapBuffer(ctx->hwctx->display, ctx->filter_buffer,
            if (vas != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to map filter parameter "
                       "buffer: %d (%s).\n", vas, vaErrorStr(vas));
                err = AVERROR(EIO);
                goto fail;
            filter_params = filter_params_addr;
            filter_params->flags = 0;
            if (input_frame->top_field_first) {
                filter_params->flags |= field ? VA_DEINTERLACING_BOTTOM_FIELD : 0;
            } else {
                filter_params->flags |= VA_DEINTERLACING_BOTTOM_FIELD_FIRST;
                filter_params->flags |= field ? 0 : VA_DEINTERLACING_BOTTOM_FIELD;
            filter_params_addr = NULL;
            vas = vaUnmapBuffer(ctx->hwctx->display, ctx->filter_buffer);
            if (vas != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS)
                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to unmap filter parameter "
                       "buffer: %d (%s).\n", vas, vaErrorStr(vas));

            params.filters     = &ctx->filter_buffer;
            params.num_filters = 1;

            params.forward_references = forward_references;
            params.num_forward_references =
            params.backward_references = backward_references;
            params.num_backward_references =

        } else {
            params.filters     = NULL;
            params.num_filters = 0;

        vas = vaBeginPicture(ctx->hwctx->display,
                             ctx->va_context, output_surface);
        if (vas != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to attach new picture: "
                   "%d (%s).\n", vas, vaErrorStr(vas));
            err = AVERROR(EIO);
            goto fail;

        vas = vaCreateBuffer(ctx->hwctx->display, ctx->va_context,
                             sizeof(params), 1, &params, &params_id);
        if (vas != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create parameter buffer: "
                   "%d (%s).\n", vas, vaErrorStr(vas));
            err = AVERROR(EIO);
            goto fail_after_begin;
        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Pipeline parameter buffer is %#x.\n",

        vas = vaRenderPicture(ctx->hwctx->display, ctx->va_context,
                              &params_id, 1);
        if (vas != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to render parameter buffer: "
                   "%d (%s).\n", vas, vaErrorStr(vas));
            err = AVERROR(EIO);
            goto fail_after_begin;

        vas = vaEndPicture(ctx->hwctx->display, ctx->va_context);
        if (vas != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to start picture processing: "
                   "%d (%s).\n", vas, vaErrorStr(vas));
            err = AVERROR(EIO);
            goto fail_after_render;

        if (ctx->hwctx->driver_quirks &
            vas = vaDestroyBuffer(ctx->hwctx->display, params_id);
            if (vas != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
                av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to free parameter buffer: "
                       "%d (%s).\n", vas, vaErrorStr(vas));
                // And ignore.

        err = av_frame_copy_props(output_frame, input_frame);
        if (err < 0)
            goto fail;

        if (ctx->field_rate == 2) {
            if (field == 0)
                output_frame->pts = 2 * input_frame->pts;
                output_frame->pts = input_frame->pts +
                    ctx->frame_queue[current_frame_index + 1]->pts;
        output_frame->interlaced_frame = 0;

        av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Filter output: %s, %ux%u (%"PRId64").\n",
               output_frame->width, output_frame->height, output_frame->pts);

        err = ff_filter_frame(outlink, output_frame);
        if (err < 0)

    return err;

    vaRenderPicture(ctx->hwctx->display, ctx->va_context, &params_id, 1);
    vaEndPicture(ctx->hwctx->display, ctx->va_context);
    if (filter_params_addr)
        vaUnmapBuffer(ctx->hwctx->display, ctx->filter_buffer);
    return err;

static av_cold int deint_vaapi_init(AVFilterContext *avctx)
    DeintVAAPIContext *ctx = avctx->priv;

    ctx->va_config     = VA_INVALID_ID;
    ctx->va_context    = VA_INVALID_ID;
    ctx->filter_buffer = VA_INVALID_ID;
    ctx->valid_ids = 1;

    return 0;
Beispiel #21
static int vaapi_map_frame(AVHWFramesContext *hwfc,
                           AVFrame *dst, const AVFrame *src, int flags)
    AVVAAPIDeviceContext *hwctx = hwfc->device_ctx->hwctx;
    VAAPIFramesContext *ctx = hwfc->internal->priv;
    VASurfaceID surface_id;
    VAImageFormat *image_format;
    VAAPISurfaceMap *map;
    VAStatus vas;
    void *address = NULL;
    int err, i;

    surface_id = (VASurfaceID)(uintptr_t)src->data[3];
    av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "Map surface %#x.\n", surface_id);

    if (!ctx->derive_works && (flags & VAAPI_MAP_DIRECT)) {
        // Requested direct mapping but it is not possible.
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);
    if (dst->format == AV_PIX_FMT_NONE)
        dst->format = hwfc->sw_format;
    if (dst->format != hwfc->sw_format && (flags & VAAPI_MAP_DIRECT)) {
        // Requested direct mapping but the formats do not match.
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);

    err = vaapi_get_image_format(hwfc->device_ctx, dst->format, &image_format);
    if (err < 0) {
        // Requested format is not a valid output format.
        return AVERROR(EINVAL);

    map = av_malloc(sizeof(VAAPISurfaceMap));
    if (!map)
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

    map->source         = src;
    map->flags          = flags;
    map->image.image_id = VA_INVALID_ID;

    vas = vaSyncSurface(hwctx->display, surface_id);
    if (vas != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to sync surface "
               "%#x: %d (%s).\n", surface_id, vas, vaErrorStr(vas));
        err = AVERROR(EIO);
        goto fail;

    // The memory which we map using derive need not be connected to the CPU
    // in a way conducive to fast access.  On Gen7-Gen9 Intel graphics, the
    // memory is mappable but not cached, so normal memcpy()-like access is
    // very slow to read it (but writing is ok).  It is possible to read much
    // faster with a copy routine which is aware of the limitation, but we
    // assume for now that the user is not aware of that and would therefore
    // prefer not to be given direct-mapped memory if they request read access.
    if (ctx->derive_works &&
        ((flags & VAAPI_MAP_DIRECT) || !(flags & VAAPI_MAP_READ))) {
        vas = vaDeriveImage(hwctx->display, surface_id, &map->image);
        if (vas != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to derive image from "
                   "surface %#x: %d (%s).\n",
                   surface_id, vas, vaErrorStr(vas));
            err = AVERROR(EIO);
            goto fail;
        if (map->image.format.fourcc != image_format->fourcc) {
            av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Derive image of surface %#x "
                   "is in wrong format: expected %#08x, got %#08x.\n",
                   surface_id, image_format->fourcc, map->image.format.fourcc);
            err = AVERROR(EIO);
            goto fail;
        map->flags |= VAAPI_MAP_DIRECT;
    } else {
        vas = vaCreateImage(hwctx->display, image_format,
                            hwfc->width, hwfc->height, &map->image);
        if (vas != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to create image for "
                   "surface %#x: %d (%s).\n",
                   surface_id, vas, vaErrorStr(vas));
            err = AVERROR(EIO);
            goto fail;
        if (flags & VAAPI_MAP_READ) {
            vas = vaGetImage(hwctx->display, surface_id, 0, 0,
                             hwfc->width, hwfc->height, map->image.image_id);
            if (vas != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
                av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to read image from "
                       "surface %#x: %d (%s).\n",
                       surface_id, vas, vaErrorStr(vas));
                err = AVERROR(EIO);
                goto fail;

    vas = vaMapBuffer(hwctx->display, map->image.buf, &address);
    if (vas != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        av_log(hwfc, AV_LOG_ERROR, "Failed to map image from surface "
               "%#x: %d (%s).\n", surface_id, vas, vaErrorStr(vas));
        err = AVERROR(EIO);
        goto fail;

    dst->width  = src->width;
    dst->height = src->height;

    for (i = 0; i < map->image.num_planes; i++) {
        dst->data[i] = (uint8_t*)address + map->image.offsets[i];
        dst->linesize[i] = map->image.pitches[i];
    if (
#ifdef VA_FOURCC_YV16
        map->image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV16 ||
        map->image.format.fourcc == VA_FOURCC_YV12) {
        // Chroma planes are YVU rather than YUV, so swap them.
        FFSWAP(uint8_t*, dst->data[1], dst->data[2]);
Beispiel #22
qint64 VAApiWriter::write( const QByteArray &data )
	VideoFrame *videoFrame = ( VideoFrame * )data.data();
	const VASurfaceID curr_id = ( unsigned long )videoFrame->data[ 3 ];
	const int field = FFCommon::getField( videoFrame, deinterlace, 0, VA_TOP_FIELD, VA_BOTTOM_FIELD );
#ifdef HAVE_VPP
	if ( use_vpp )
		const bool do_vpp_deint = field != 0 && vpp_deint != VA_INVALID_ID;
		bool vpp_ok = false;

		if ( !do_vpp_deint )
			forward_reference = VA_INVALID_SURFACE;
			vpp_second = false;

		if ( do_vpp_deint && forward_reference == VA_INVALID_SURFACE )
			forward_reference = curr_id;
		if ( !vpp_second && forward_reference == curr_id )
			return data.size();

		if ( do_vpp_deint && !vpp_second )
			VAProcFilterParameterBufferDeinterlacing *deint_params = NULL;
			if ( vaMapBuffer( VADisp, vpp_deint, ( void ** )&deint_params ) == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS )
				deint_params->flags = field == VA_TOP_FIELD ? VPP_TFF : VPP_BFF;
				vaUnmapBuffer( VADisp, vpp_deint );

		VABufferID pipeline_buf;
		if ( vaCreateBuffer( VADisp, context_vpp, VAProcPipelineParameterBufferType, sizeof( VAProcPipelineParameterBuffer ), 1, NULL, &pipeline_buf ) == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS )
			VAProcPipelineParameterBuffer *pipeline_param = NULL;
			if ( vaMapBuffer( VADisp, pipeline_buf, ( void ** )&pipeline_param ) == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS )
				memset( pipeline_param, 0, sizeof *pipeline_param );
				pipeline_param->surface = curr_id;
				pipeline_param->output_background_color = 0xFF000000;
				if ( do_vpp_deint )
					pipeline_param->num_filters = 1;
					pipeline_param->filters = &vpp_deint;
					pipeline_param->num_forward_references = 1;
					pipeline_param->forward_references = &forward_reference;
				vaUnmapBuffer( VADisp, pipeline_buf );
				if ( vaBeginPicture( VADisp, context_vpp, id_vpp ) == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS )
					vpp_ok = vaRenderPicture( VADisp, context_vpp, &pipeline_buf, 1 ) == VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
					vaEndPicture( VADisp, context_vpp );
			if ( !vpp_ok )
				vaDestroyBuffer( VADisp, pipeline_buf );

		if ( vpp_second )
			forward_reference = curr_id;
		if ( do_vpp_deint )
			vpp_second = !vpp_second;

		if ( ( ok = vpp_ok ) )
			draw( id_vpp, do_vpp_deint ? 0 : field );
		draw( curr_id, field );
	paused = false;
	return data.size();
Beispiel #23
OMX_ERRORTYPE OMXVideoDecoderVP9HWR::ProcessorInit(void)
    unsigned int i = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < MAX_NATIVE_BUFFER_COUNT; i++) {
        extMIDs[i] = (vaapiMemId*)malloc(sizeof(vaapiMemId));
        extMIDs[i]->m_usrAddr = NULL;
        extMIDs[i]->m_surface = new VASurfaceID;


    if (RAWDATA_MODE == mWorkingMode) {
        OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE paramPortDefinitionInput;


        extNativeBufferSize = INTERNAL_MAX_FRAME_WIDTH *
                              INTERNAL_MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT * 1.5;
        extActualBufferStride = INTERNAL_MAX_FRAME_WIDTH;
        extActualBufferHeightStride = INTERNAL_MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT;

        for (i = 0; i < OUTPORT_ACTUAL_BUFFER_COUNT; i++ ) {
            extMIDs[i]->m_usrAddr = (unsigned char*)malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) *
            extMIDs[i]->m_render_done = true;
            extMIDs[i]->m_released = true;
        extMappedNativeBufferCount = OUTPORT_ACTUAL_BUFFER_COUNT;
        return OMX_ErrorNone;

    if (mOMXBufferHeaderTypePtrNum > MAX_NATIVE_BUFFER_COUNT) {
        LOGE("Actual OMX outport buffer header type num (%d) > MAX_NATIVE_BUFFER_COUNT (%d)",
              mOMXBufferHeaderTypePtrNum, MAX_NATIVE_BUFFER_COUNT);
        return OMX_ErrorOverflow;

    OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE paramPortDefinitionInput;


    int surfaceWidth = mGraphicBufferParam.graphicBufferWidth;
    int surfaceHeight = mGraphicBufferParam.graphicBufferHeight;
    int surfaceStride = mGraphicBufferParam.graphicBufferStride;
    extNativeBufferSize = mGraphicBufferParam.graphicBufferStride *
                          mGraphicBufferParam.graphicBufferHeight * 1.5;
    extActualBufferStride = surfaceStride;
    extActualBufferHeightStride = surfaceHeight;

    for (i = 0; i < mOMXBufferHeaderTypePtrNum; i++) {
        OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *buf_hdr = mOMXBufferHeaderTypePtrArray[i];

        extMIDs[i]->m_key = (unsigned int)(buf_hdr->pBuffer);
        extMIDs[i]->m_render_done = false;
        extMIDs[i]->m_released = true;

        VAStatus va_res;
        unsigned int buffer;
        VASurfaceAttrib attribs[2];
        VASurfaceAttribExternalBuffers* surfExtBuf = new VASurfaceAttribExternalBuffers;
        int32_t format = VA_RT_FORMAT_YUV420;

        surfExtBuf->buffers= (unsigned long *)&buffer;
        surfExtBuf->num_buffers = 1;
        surfExtBuf->pixel_format = VA_FOURCC_NV12;
        surfExtBuf->width = surfaceWidth;
        surfExtBuf->height = surfaceHeight;
        surfExtBuf->data_size = surfaceStride * surfaceHeight * 1.5;
        surfExtBuf->num_planes = 2;
        surfExtBuf->pitches[0] = surfaceStride;
        surfExtBuf->pitches[1] = surfaceStride;
        surfExtBuf->pitches[2] = 0;
        surfExtBuf->pitches[3] = 0;
        surfExtBuf->offsets[0] = 0;
        surfExtBuf->offsets[1] = surfaceStride * surfaceHeight;
        surfExtBuf->offsets[2] = 0;
        surfExtBuf->offsets[3] = 0;

        surfExtBuf->buffers[0] = (unsigned int)buf_hdr->pBuffer;

        attribs[0].type = (VASurfaceAttribType)VASurfaceAttribMemoryType;
        attribs[0].flags = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_SETTABLE;
        attribs[0].value.type = VAGenericValueTypeInteger;
        attribs[0].value.value.i = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_MEM_TYPE_ANDROID_GRALLOC;

        attribs[1].type = (VASurfaceAttribType)VASurfaceAttribExternalBufferDescriptor;
        attribs[1].flags = VA_SURFACE_ATTRIB_SETTABLE;
        attribs[1].value.type = VAGenericValueTypePointer;
        attribs[1].value.value.p = (void *)surfExtBuf;

        va_res = vaCreateSurfaces(mVADisplay,

        if (va_res != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            LOGE("Failed to create vaSurface!");
            return OMX_ErrorUndefined;

        delete surfExtBuf;

        VAImage image;
        unsigned char* usrptr;

        va_res = vaDeriveImage(mVADisplay, *(extMIDs[i]->m_surface), &image);
        if (VA_STATUS_SUCCESS == va_res) {
            va_res = vaMapBuffer(mVADisplay, image.buf, (void **) &usrptr);
            if (VA_STATUS_SUCCESS == va_res) {
                extMIDs[i]->m_usrAddr = usrptr;
                vaUnmapBuffer(mVADisplay, image.buf);
            vaDestroyImage(mVADisplay, image.image_id);
    return OMX_ErrorNone;
Beispiel #24
static int Extract( vlc_va_t *p_external, picture_t *p_picture, AVFrame *p_ff )
    vlc_va_vaapi_t *p_va = vlc_va_vaapi_Get(p_external);

    VASurfaceID i_surface_id = (VASurfaceID)(uintptr_t)p_ff->data[3];

#if VA_CHECK_VERSION(0,31,0)
    if( vaSyncSurface( p_va->p_display, i_surface_id ) )
    if( vaSyncSurface( p_va->p_display, p_va->i_context_id, i_surface_id ) )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

        if(vaDeriveImage(p_va->p_display, i_surface_id, &(p_va->image)) != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS)
            return VLC_EGENERIC;
        if( vaGetImage( p_va->p_display, i_surface_id,
                        0, 0, p_va->i_surface_width, p_va->i_surface_height,
                        p_va->image.image_id) )
            return VLC_EGENERIC;

    void *p_base;
    if( vaMapBuffer( p_va->p_display, p_va->image.buf, &p_base ) )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

    const uint32_t i_fourcc = p_va->image.format.fourcc;
    if( i_fourcc == VA_FOURCC('Y','V','1','2') ||
        i_fourcc == VA_FOURCC('I','4','2','0') )
        bool b_swap_uv = i_fourcc == VA_FOURCC('I','4','2','0');
        uint8_t *pp_plane[3];
        size_t  pi_pitch[3];

        for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
            const int i_src_plane = (b_swap_uv && i != 0) ?  (3 - i) : i;
            pp_plane[i] = (uint8_t*)p_base + p_va->image.offsets[i_src_plane];
            pi_pitch[i] = p_va->image.pitches[i_src_plane];
        CopyFromYv12( p_picture, pp_plane, pi_pitch,
                      &p_va->image_cache );
        assert( i_fourcc == VA_FOURCC('N','V','1','2') );
        uint8_t *pp_plane[2];
        size_t  pi_pitch[2];

        for( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
            pp_plane[i] = (uint8_t*)p_base + p_va->image.offsets[i];
            pi_pitch[i] = p_va->image.pitches[i];
        CopyFromNv12( p_picture, pp_plane, pi_pitch,
                      &p_va->image_cache );

    if( vaUnmapBuffer( p_va->p_display, p_va->image.buf ) )
        return VLC_EGENERIC;

        vaDestroyImage( p_va->p_display, p_va->image.image_id );
        p_va->image.image_id = VA_INVALID_ID;

    return VLC_SUCCESS;
Beispiel #25
static void nv12_to_rgba(const VAImage vaImage, rfbClient *client, int ch_x, int ch_y, int ch_w, int ch_h)
    DebugLog(("%s: converting region (%d, %d)-(%d, %d) from NV12->RGBA\n", __FUNCTION__, ch_x, ch_y, ch_w, ch_h));

    VAStatus va_status;
    uint8_t *nv12_buf;
    va_status = vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, vaImage.buf, (void **)&nv12_buf);
    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaMapBuffer(DecodedData)");

    /* adjust x, y, width, height of the affected area so
     * x, y, width and height are always even.
    if (ch_x % 2) { --ch_x; ++ch_w; }
    if (ch_y % 2) { --ch_y; ++ch_h; }
    if ((ch_x + ch_w) % 2) { ++ch_w; }
    if ((ch_y + ch_h) % 2) { ++ch_h; }

    /* point nv12_buf and dst to upper left corner of changed area */
    uint8_t *nv12_y  = &nv12_buf[vaImage.offsets[0] + vaImage.pitches[0] * ch_y + ch_x];
    uint8_t *nv12_uv = &nv12_buf[vaImage.offsets[1] + vaImage.pitches[1] * (ch_y / 2) + ch_x];
    uint32_t *dst    = &((uint32_t*)client->frameBuffer)[client->width * ch_y + ch_x];

    /* TODO: optimize R, G, B calculation. Possible ways to do this:
     *       - use lookup tables
     *       - convert from floating point to integer arithmetic
     *       - use MMX/SSE to vectorize calculations
     *       - use GPU (VA VPP, shader...)
    int src_x, src_y;
    for (src_y = 0; src_y < ch_h; src_y += 2) {
        for (src_x = 0; src_x < ch_w; src_x += 2) {
            uint8_t nv_u = nv12_uv[src_x];
            uint8_t nv_v = nv12_uv[src_x + 1];
            uint8_t nv_y[4] = { nv12_y[                     src_x], nv12_y[                     src_x + 1],
                                nv12_y[vaImage.pitches[0] + src_x], nv12_y[vaImage.pitches[0] + src_x + 1] };

        int i;
            for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
                double R = 1.164 * (nv_y[i] - 16)                        + 1.596 * (nv_v - 128);
                double G = 1.164 * (nv_y[i] - 16) - 0.391 * (nv_u - 128) - 0.813 * (nv_v - 128);
                double B = 1.164 * (nv_y[i] - 16) + 2.018 * (nv_u - 128);

                /* clamp R, G, B values. For some Y, U, V combinations,
                 * the results of the above calculations fall outside of
                 * the range 0-255.
                if (R < 0.0) R = 0.0;
                if (G < 0.0) G = 0.0;
                if (B < 0.0) B = 0.0;
                if (R > 255.0) R = 255.0;
                if (G > 255.0) G = 255.0;
                if (B > 255.0) B = 255.0;

                dst[client->width * (i / 2) + src_x + (i % 2)] = 0
                               | ((unsigned int)(R + 0.5) << client->format.redShift)
                               | ((unsigned int)(G + 0.5) << client->format.greenShift)
                               | ((unsigned int)(B + 0.5) << client->format.blueShift);

        nv12_y  += 2 * vaImage.pitches[0];
        nv12_uv += vaImage.pitches[1];
        dst     += 2 * client->width;

    va_status = vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, vaImage.buf);
    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaUnmapBuffer(DecodedData)");
Beispiel #26
static void h264_decode_frame(int f_width, int f_height, char *framedata, int framesize, int slice_type)
    VAStatus va_status;

    DebugLog(("%s: called for frame of %d bytes (%dx%d) slice_type=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, framesize, width, height, slice_type));

    /* Initialize decode pipeline if necessary */
    if ( (f_width > cur_width) || (f_height > cur_height) ) {
        if (va_dpy != NULL)
        cur_width = f_width;
        cur_height = f_height;

        h264_init_decoder(f_width, f_height);
        rfbClientLog("%s: decoder initialized\n", __FUNCTION__);

    /* Decode frame */
    static VAPictureH264 va_picture_h264, va_old_picture_h264;

    /* The server should always send an I-frame when a new client connects
     * or when the resolution of the framebuffer changes, but we check
     * just in case.
    if ( (slice_type != SLICE_TYPE_I) && (num_frames == 0) ) {
        rfbClientLog("First frame is not an I frame !!! Skipping!!!\n");

    DebugLog(("%s: frame_id=%d va_surface_id[%d]=0x%x field_order_count=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, frame_id, sid, va_surface_id[sid], field_order_count));

    va_picture_h264.picture_id = va_surface_id[sid];
    va_picture_h264.frame_idx  = frame_id;
    va_picture_h264.flags = 0;
    va_picture_h264.BottomFieldOrderCnt = field_order_count;
    va_picture_h264.TopFieldOrderCnt = field_order_count;

    /* Set up picture parameter buffer */
    if (va_pic_param_buf_id[sid] == VA_INVALID_ID) {
        va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy, va_context_id, VAPictureParameterBufferType, sizeof(VAPictureParameterBufferH264), 1, NULL, &va_pic_param_buf_id[sid]);
        CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaCreateBuffer(PicParam)");

    VAPictureParameterBufferH264 *pic_param_buf = NULL;
    va_status = vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, va_pic_param_buf_id[sid], (void **)&pic_param_buf);
    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaMapBuffer(PicParam)");

    SetVAPictureParameterBufferH264(pic_param_buf, f_width, f_height);
    memcpy(&pic_param_buf->CurrPic, &va_picture_h264, sizeof(VAPictureH264));

    if (slice_type == SLICE_TYPE_P) {
        memcpy(&pic_param_buf->ReferenceFrames[0], &va_old_picture_h264, sizeof(VAPictureH264));
        pic_param_buf->ReferenceFrames[0].flags = 0;
    else if (slice_type != SLICE_TYPE_I) {
        rfbClientLog("Frame type %d not supported!!!\n");
    pic_param_buf->frame_num = frame_id;

    va_status = vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, va_pic_param_buf_id[sid]);
    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaUnmapBuffer(PicParam)");

    /* Set up IQ matrix buffer */
    if (va_mat_param_buf_id[sid] == VA_INVALID_ID) {
        va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy, va_context_id, VAIQMatrixBufferType, sizeof(VAIQMatrixBufferH264), 1, NULL, &va_mat_param_buf_id[sid]);
        CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaCreateBuffer(IQMatrix)");

    VAIQMatrixBufferH264 *iq_matrix_buf = NULL;
    va_status = vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, va_mat_param_buf_id[sid], (void **)&iq_matrix_buf);
    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaMapBuffer(IQMatrix)");

    static const unsigned char m_MatrixBufferH264[]= {
        /* ScalingList4x4[6][16] */
        /* ScalingList8x8[2][64] */

    memcpy(iq_matrix_buf, m_MatrixBufferH264, 224);
    va_status = vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, va_mat_param_buf_id[sid]);
    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaUnmapBuffer(IQMatrix)");

    VABufferID buffer_ids[2];
    buffer_ids[0] = va_pic_param_buf_id[sid];
    buffer_ids[1] = va_mat_param_buf_id[sid];

    va_status = vaRenderPicture(va_dpy, va_context_id, buffer_ids, 2);
    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaRenderPicture");

    /* Set up slice parameter buffer */
    if (va_sp_param_buf_id[sid] == VA_INVALID_ID) {
        va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy, va_context_id, VASliceParameterBufferType, sizeof(VASliceParameterBufferH264), 1, NULL, &va_sp_param_buf_id[sid]);
        CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaCreateBuffer(SliceParam)");

    VASliceParameterBufferH264 *slice_param_buf = NULL;
    va_status = vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, va_sp_param_buf_id[sid], (void **)&slice_param_buf);
    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaMapBuffer(SliceParam)");

    static int t2_first = 1;
    if (slice_type == SLICE_TYPE_I) {
        SetVASliceParameterBufferH264_Intra(slice_param_buf, t2_first);
        t2_first = 0;
    } else {
        memcpy(&slice_param_buf->RefPicList0[0], &va_old_picture_h264, sizeof(VAPictureH264));
        slice_param_buf->RefPicList0[0].flags = 0;
    slice_param_buf->slice_data_bit_offset = 0;
    slice_param_buf->slice_data_size = framesize;

    va_status = vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, va_sp_param_buf_id[sid]);
    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaUnmapBuffer(SliceParam)");

    /* Set up slice data buffer and copy H.264 encoded data */
    if (va_d_param_buf_id[sid] == VA_INVALID_ID) {
        /* TODO use estimation matching framebuffer dimensions instead of this large value */
        va_status = vaCreateBuffer(va_dpy, va_context_id, VASliceDataBufferType, 4177920, 1, NULL, &va_d_param_buf_id[sid]); /* 1080p size */
        CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaCreateBuffer(SliceData)");

    char *slice_data_buf;
    va_status = vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, va_d_param_buf_id[sid], (void **)&slice_data_buf);
    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaMapBuffer(SliceData)");
    memcpy(slice_data_buf, framedata, framesize);

    va_status = vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, va_d_param_buf_id[sid]);
    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaUnmapBuffer(SliceData)");

    buffer_ids[0] = va_sp_param_buf_id[sid];
    buffer_ids[1] = va_d_param_buf_id[sid];

    va_status = vaRenderPicture(va_dpy, va_context_id, buffer_ids, 2);
    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaRenderPicture");

    va_status = vaEndPicture(va_dpy, va_context_id);
    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaEndPicture");

    /* Prepare next one... */
    int sid_new = (sid + 1) % SURFACE_NUM;
    DebugLog(("%s: new Surface ID = %d\n", __FUNCTION__, sid_new));
    va_status = vaBeginPicture(va_dpy, va_context_id, va_surface_id[sid_new]);
    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaBeginPicture");

    /* Get decoded data */
    va_status = vaSyncSurface(va_dpy, va_surface_id[sid]);
    CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaSyncSurface");

    curr_surface = va_surface_id[sid];

    sid = sid_new;

    field_order_count += 2;
    if (frame_id > 15) {
        frame_id = 0;


    memcpy(&va_old_picture_h264, &va_picture_h264, sizeof(VAPictureH264));
Beispiel #27
VideoFrame VideoDecoderVAAPI::frame()
    if (!d.frame->opaque || !d.frame->data[0])
        return VideoFrame();
    VASurfaceID surface_id = (VASurfaceID)(uintptr_t)d.frame->data[3];
    VAStatus status = VA_STATUS_SUCCESS;
    if (display() == GLX) {
        d.surface_interop->setSurface((va_surface_t*)d.frame->opaque, d.surface_width, d.surface_height);
        VideoFrame f(d.surface_width, d.surface_height, VideoFormat::Format_RGB32);
        f.setBytesPerLine(d.surface_width*4); //used by gl to compute texture size
        return f;
#if VA_CHECK_VERSION(0,31,0)
    if ((status = vaSyncSurface(d.display, surface_id)) != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        qWarning("vaSyncSurface(VADisplay:%p, VASurfaceID:%#x) == %#x", d.display, surface_id, status);
    if (vaSyncSurface(d.display, d.context_id, surface_id)) {
        qWarning("vaSyncSurface(VADisplay:%#x, VAContextID:%#x, VASurfaceID:%#x) == %#x", d.display, d.context_id, surface_id, status);
        return VideoFrame();

    if (!d.disable_derive && d.supports_derive) {
         * http://web.archiveorange.com/archive/v/OAywENyq88L319OcRnHI
         * vaDeriveImage is faster than vaGetImage. But VAImage is uncached memory and copying from it would be terribly slow
         * TODO: copy from USWC, see vlc and https://github.com/OpenELEC/OpenELEC.tv/pull/2937.diff
         * https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/increasing-memory-throughput-with-intel-streaming-simd-extensions-4-intel-sse4-streaming-load
        status = vaDeriveImage(d.display, surface_id, &d.image);
        if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            qWarning("vaDeriveImage(VADisplay:%p, VASurfaceID:%#x, VAImage*:%p) == %#x", d.display, surface_id, &d.image, status);
            return VideoFrame();
    } else {
        status = vaGetImage(d.display, surface_id, 0, 0, d.surface_width, d.surface_height, d.image.image_id);
        if (status != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            qWarning("vaGetImage(VADisplay:%p, VASurfaceID:%#x, 0,0, %d, %d, VAImageID:%#x) == %#x", d.display, surface_id, d.surface_width, d.surface_height, d.image.image_id, status);
            return VideoFrame();

    void *p_base;
    if ((status = vaMapBuffer(d.display, d.image.buf, &p_base)) != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        qWarning("vaMapBuffer(VADisplay:%p, VABufferID:%#x, pBuf:%p) == %#x", d.display, d.image.buf, &p_base, status);
        return VideoFrame();

    VideoFormat::PixelFormat pixfmt = VideoFormat::Format_Invalid;
    bool swap_uv = false;
    switch (d.image.format.fourcc) {
    case VA_FOURCC_YV12:
        swap_uv |= d.disable_derive || !d.supports_derive;
        pixfmt = VideoFormat::Format_YUV420P;
    case VA_FOURCC_IYUV:
        swap_uv = true;
        pixfmt = VideoFormat::Format_YUV420P;
    case VA_FOURCC_NV12:
        pixfmt = VideoFormat::Format_NV12;
    if (pixfmt == VideoFormat::Format_Invalid) {
        qWarning("unsupported vaapi pixel format: %#x", d.image.format.fourcc);
        return VideoFrame();
    const VideoFormat fmt(pixfmt);
    uint8_t *src[3];
    int pitch[3];
    for (int i = 0; i < fmt.planeCount(); ++i) {
        src[i] = (uint8_t*)p_base + d.image.offsets[i];
        pitch[i] = d.image.pitches[i];
    if (swap_uv) {
        std::swap(src[1], src[2]);
        std::swap(pitch[1], pitch[2]);
    VideoFrame frame;
    if (d.copy_uswc && d.gpu_mem.isReady()) {
        int yuv_size = 0;
        if (pixfmt == VideoFormat::Format_NV12)
            yuv_size = pitch[0]*d.surface_height*3/2;
            yuv_size = pitch[0]*d.surface_height + pitch[1]*d.surface_height/2 + pitch[2]*d.surface_height/2;
        // additional 15 bytes to ensure 16 bytes aligned
        QByteArray buf(15 + yuv_size, 0);
        const int offset_16 = (16 - ((uintptr_t)buf.data() & 0x0f)) & 0x0f;
        // plane 1, 2... is aligned?
        uchar* plane_ptr = (uchar*)buf.data() + offset_16;
        QVector<uchar*> dst(fmt.planeCount(), 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < dst.size(); ++i) {
            dst[i] = plane_ptr;
            // TODO: add VideoFormat::planeWidth/Height() ?
            const int plane_w = pitch[i];//(i == 0 || pixfmt == VideoFormat::Format_NV12) ? d.surface_width : fmt.chromaWidth(d.surface_width);
            const int plane_h = i == 0 ? d.surface_height : fmt.chromaHeight(d.surface_height);
            plane_ptr += pitch[i] * plane_h;
            d.gpu_mem.copyFrame(src[i], dst[i], plane_w, plane_h, pitch[i]);
        frame = VideoFrame(buf, d.width, d.height, fmt);
    } else {
        frame = VideoFrame(d.width, d.height, fmt);
        // TODO: why clone is faster()?
        frame = frame.clone();

    if ((status = vaUnmapBuffer(d.display, d.image.buf)) != VA_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        qWarning("vaUnmapBuffer(VADisplay:%p, VABufferID:%#x) == %#x", d.display, d.image.buf, status);
        return VideoFrame();

    if (!d.disable_derive && d.supports_derive) {
        vaDestroyImage(d.display, d.image.image_id);
        d.image.image_id = VA_INVALID_ID;
    return frame;

struct display_names_t {
    VideoDecoderVAAPI::DisplayType display;
    QString name;
static const display_names_t display_names[] = {
    { VideoDecoderVAAPI::GLX, "GLX" },
    { VideoDecoderVAAPI::X11, "X11" },
    { VideoDecoderVAAPI::DRM, "DRM" }

static VideoDecoderVAAPI::DisplayType displayFromName(QString name) {
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(display_names)/sizeof(display_names[0]); ++i) {
        if (name.toUpper().contains(display_names[i].name.toUpper())) {
            return display_names[i].display;
    return VideoDecoderVAAPI::X11;

static QString displayToName(VideoDecoderVAAPI::DisplayType t) {
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(display_names)/sizeof(display_names[0]); ++i) {
        if (t == display_names[i].display) {
            return display_names[i].name;
    return QString();

void VideoDecoderVAAPI::setDisplayPriority(const QStringList &priority)
    foreach (QString disp, priority) {
vdpVideoSurfaceGetBitsYCbCr(VdpVideoSurface surface, VdpYCbCrFormat destination_ycbcr_format,
                            void *const *destination_data, uint32_t const *destination_pitches)
    VdpStatus err_code;
    if (!destination_data || !destination_pitches)
    VdpVideoSurfaceData *srcSurfData = handle_acquire(surface, HANDLETYPE_VIDEO_SURFACE);
    if (NULL == srcSurfData)
    VdpDeviceData *deviceData = srcSurfData->deviceData;
    VADisplay va_dpy = deviceData->va_dpy;

    if (deviceData->va_available) {
        VAImage q;
        vaDeriveImage(va_dpy, srcSurfData->va_surf, &q);
        if (VA_FOURCC('N', 'V', '1', '2') == q.format.fourcc &&
            VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_NV12 == destination_ycbcr_format)
            uint8_t *img_data;
            vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, q.buf, (void **)&img_data);
            if (destination_pitches[0] == q.pitches[0] &&
                destination_pitches[1] == q.pitches[1])
                const uint32_t sz = (uint32_t)q.width * (uint32_t)q.height;
                memcpy(destination_data[0], img_data + q.offsets[0], sz);
                memcpy(destination_data[1], img_data + q.offsets[1], sz / 2);
            } else {
                uint8_t *src = img_data + q.offsets[0];
                uint8_t *dst = destination_data[0];
                for (unsigned int y = 0; y < q.height; y ++) {  // Y plane
                    memcpy (dst, src, q.width);
                    src += q.pitches[0];
                    dst += destination_pitches[0];
                src = img_data + q.offsets[1];
                dst = destination_data[1];
                for (unsigned int y = 0; y < q.height / 2; y ++) {  // UV plane
                    memcpy(dst, src, q.width);  // q.width/2 samples of U and V each, hence q.width
                    src += q.pitches[1];
                    dst += destination_pitches[1];
            vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, q.buf);
        } else if (VA_FOURCC('N', 'V', '1', '2') == q.format.fourcc &&
                   VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_YV12 == destination_ycbcr_format)
            uint8_t *img_data;
            vaMapBuffer(va_dpy, q.buf, (void **)&img_data);

            // Y plane
            if (destination_pitches[0] == q.pitches[0]) {
                const uint32_t sz = (uint32_t)q.width * (uint32_t)q.height;
                memcpy(destination_data[0], img_data + q.offsets[0], sz);
            } else {
                uint8_t *src = img_data + q.offsets[0];
                uint8_t *dst = destination_data[0];
                for (unsigned int y = 0; y < q.height; y ++) {
                    memcpy (dst, src, q.width);
                    src += q.pitches[0];
                    dst += destination_pitches[0];

            // unpack mixed UV to separate planes
            for (unsigned int y = 0; y < q.height/2; y ++) {
                uint8_t *src = img_data + q.offsets[1] + y * q.pitches[1];
                uint8_t *dst_u = destination_data[1] + y * destination_pitches[1];
                uint8_t *dst_v = destination_data[2] + y * destination_pitches[2];

                for (unsigned int x = 0; x < q.width/2; x++) {
                    *dst_v++ = *src++;
                    *dst_u++ = *src++;

            vaUnmapBuffer(va_dpy, q.buf);
        } else {
            const char *c = (const char *)&q.format.fourcc;
            traceError("error (%s): not implemented conversion VA FOURCC %c%c%c%c -> %s\n",
                       __func__, *c, *(c+1), *(c+2), *(c+3),
            vaDestroyImage(va_dpy, q.image_id);
            err_code = VDP_STATUS_INVALID_Y_CB_CR_FORMAT;
            goto quit;
        vaDestroyImage(va_dpy, q.image_id);
    } else {
        // software fallback
        traceError("error (%s): not implemented software fallback\n", __func__);
        err_code = VDP_STATUS_ERROR;
        goto quit;

    GLenum gl_error = glGetError();
    if (GL_NO_ERROR != gl_error) {
        traceError("error (%s): gl error %d\n", __func__, gl_error);
        err_code = VDP_STATUS_ERROR;
        goto quit;

    err_code = VDP_STATUS_OK;
    return err_code;