int64 PlainFile::tell() { ASSERT(valid()); return m_position; }
inline bool invalid(const node_id& val) { return !valid(val); }
double wald_method::run(const snp_row &row1, const snp_row &row2, float *output) { arma::mat n0 = arma::zeros<arma::mat>( 3, 3 ); arma::mat n1 = arma::zeros<arma::mat>( 3, 3 ); for(int i = 0; i < row1.size( ); i++) { unsigned char snp1 = row1[ i ]; unsigned char snp2 = row2[ i ]; if( snp1 == 3 || snp2 == 3 || m_missing[ i ] == 1 ) { continue; } unsigned int pheno = m_pheno[ i ]; if( pheno == 0 ) { n0( snp1, snp2 ) += 1; } else if( pheno == 1 ) { n1( snp1, snp2 ) += 1; } } arma::mat eta( 3, 3 ); double num_samples = 0.0; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if( n0( i, j ) < METHOD_SMALLEST_CELL_SIZE_BINOMIAL || n1( i, j ) < METHOD_SMALLEST_CELL_SIZE_BINOMIAL ) { continue; } eta( i, j ) = log( n1( i, j ) / n0( i, j ) ); num_samples += n1( i, j ) + n0( i, j ); } } /* Find valid parameters and estimate beta */ int num_valid = 0; arma::uvec valid( 4 ); m_beta = arma::zeros<arma::vec>( 4 ); int i_map[] = { 1, 1, 2, 2 }; int j_map[] = { 1, 2, 1, 2 }; for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int c_i = i_map[ i ]; int c_j = j_map[ i ]; if( n0( 0, 0 ) >= METHOD_SMALLEST_CELL_SIZE_NORMAL && n0( 0, c_j ) >= METHOD_SMALLEST_CELL_SIZE_NORMAL && n0( c_i, 0 ) >= METHOD_SMALLEST_CELL_SIZE_NORMAL && n0( c_i, c_j) >= METHOD_SMALLEST_CELL_SIZE_NORMAL && n1( 0, 0 ) >= METHOD_SMALLEST_CELL_SIZE_NORMAL && n1( 0, c_j ) >= METHOD_SMALLEST_CELL_SIZE_NORMAL && n1( c_i, 0 ) >= METHOD_SMALLEST_CELL_SIZE_NORMAL && n1( c_i, c_j) >= METHOD_SMALLEST_CELL_SIZE_NORMAL ) { valid[ num_valid ] = i; m_beta[ num_valid ] = eta( 0, 0 ) - eta( 0, c_j ) - eta( c_i, 0 ) + eta( c_i, c_j ); num_valid++; } } set_num_ok_samples( (size_t)num_samples ); if( num_valid <= 0 ) { return -9; } valid.resize( num_valid ); m_beta.resize( num_valid ); /* Construct covariance matrix */ m_C = arma::zeros<arma::mat>( num_valid, num_valid ); for(int iv = 0; iv < num_valid; iv++) { int i = valid[ iv ]; int c_i = i_map[ i ]; int c_j = j_map[ i ]; for(int jv = 0; jv < num_valid; jv++) { int j = valid[ jv ]; int o_i = i_map[ j ]; int o_j = j_map[ j ]; int same_row = c_i == o_i; int same_col = c_j == o_j; int in_cell = i == j; m_C( iv, jv ) = 1.0 / n0( 0, 0 ) + same_col / n0( 0, c_j ) + same_row / n0( c_i, 0 ) + in_cell / n0( c_i, c_j ); m_C( iv, jv ) += 1.0 / n1( 0, 0 ) + same_col / n1( 0, c_j ) + same_row / n1( c_i, 0 ) + in_cell / n1( c_i, c_j ); } } arma::mat Cinv( num_valid, num_valid ); if( !inv( Cinv, m_C ) ) { return -9; } /* Test if b != 0 with Wald test */ double chi = dot( m_beta, Cinv * m_beta ); output[ 0 ] = chi; output[ 1 ] = 1.0 - chi_square_cdf( chi, num_valid ); output[ 2 ] = valid.n_elem; return output[ 1 ]; }
void move::execute(bool& success, bool& complete) { if(!valid()) { success = false; //Setting complete to true signifies to side_actions to delete the planned action. complete = true; return; } if(get_source_hex() == get_dest_hex()) { //zero-hex move, used by attack subclass success = complete = true; return; } LOG_WB << "Executing: " << shared_from_this() << "\n"; // Copy the current route to ensure it remains valid throughout the animation. const std::vector<map_location> steps = route_->steps; set_arrow_brightness(ARROW_BRIGHTNESS_HIGHLIGHTED); hide_fake_unit(); size_t num_steps; bool interrupted; try { events::mouse_handler& mouse_handler = resources::controller->get_mouse_handler_base(); num_steps = mouse_handler.move_unit_along_route(steps, interrupted); } catch (return_to_play_side_exception&) { set_arrow_brightness(ARROW_BRIGHTNESS_STANDARD); throw; // we rely on the caller to delete this action } const map_location & final_location = steps[num_steps]; unit_map::const_iterator unit_it = resources::units->find(final_location); if ( num_steps == 0 ) { LOG_WB << "Move execution resulted in zero movement.\n"; success = false; complete = true; } else if ( unit_it == resources::units->end() || unit_it->id() != unit_id_ ) { WRN_WB << "Unit disappeared from map during move execution." << std::endl; success = false; complete = true; } else { complete = num_steps + 1 == steps.size(); success = complete && !interrupted; if ( !success ) { if ( complete ) { LOG_WB << "Move completed, but interrupted on final hex. Halting.\n"; //reset to a single-hex path, just in case *this is a wb::attack route_->steps = std::vector<map_location>(1, final_location); arrow_.reset(); } else { LOG_WB << "Move finished at (" << final_location << ") instead of at (" << get_dest_hex() << "). Setting new path.\n"; route_->steps = std::vector<map_location>(steps.begin() + num_steps, steps.end()); //FIXME: probably better to use the new calculate_new_route() instead of the above: //calculate_new_route(final_location, steps.back()); // Of course, "better" would need to be verified. arrow_->set_path(route_->steps); } } } if(!complete) { set_arrow_brightness(ARROW_BRIGHTNESS_STANDARD); show_fake_unit(); } }
bool PlainFile::truncate(int64 size) { assert(valid()); return ftruncate(m_fd, size) == 0; }
simple_file::simple_file(const std::wstring& aPath, const std::wstring& aMode) : iFile(new handle(_wfopen(aPath.c_str(), aMode.c_str()))), iError(valid() ? 0 : errno) { }
void ItemLineEdit::setItemNumber(const QString& pNumber) { XSqlQuery item; bool found = FALSE; _parsed = TRUE; if (pNumber == text()) return; if (!pNumber.isEmpty()) { if (_useValidationQuery) { item.prepare(_validationSql); item.bindValue(":item_number", pNumber); item.exec(); if (item.first()) found = TRUE; } else if (_useQuery) { item.prepare(_sql); item.exec(); found = (item.findFirst("item_number", pNumber) != -1); } else if (pNumber != QString::Null()) { QString pre( "SELECT DISTINCT item_id, item_number, item_descrip1, item_descrip2," " uom_name, item_type, item_config, item_upccode"); QStringList clauses; clauses = _extraClauses; clauses << "(item_number=:item_number OR item_upccode=:item_number)"; item.prepare(buildItemLineEditQuery(pre, clauses, QString::null, _type)); item.bindValue(":item_number", pNumber); item.exec(); if (item.size() > 1) { ParameterList params; params.append("search", pNumber); params.append("searchNumber"); params.append("searchUpc"); sSearch(params); return; } else found = item.first(); } } if (found) { _itemNumber = pNumber; _uom = item.value("uom_name").toString(); _itemType = item.value("item_type").toString(); _configured = item.value("item_config").toBool(); _id = item.value("item_id").toInt(); _upc = item.value("item_upccode").toInt(); _valid = TRUE; setText(item.value("item_number").toString()); emit aliasChanged(""); emit typeChanged(_itemType); emit descrip1Changed(item.value("item_descrip1").toString()); emit descrip2Changed(item.value("item_descrip2").toString()); emit uomChanged(item.value("uom_name").toString()); emit configured(item.value("item_config").toBool()); emit upcChanged(item.value("item_upccode").toString()); emit valid(TRUE); } else { _itemNumber = ""; _uom = ""; _itemType = ""; _id = -1; _valid = FALSE; _upc = ""; setText(""); emit aliasChanged(""); emit typeChanged(""); emit descrip1Changed(""); emit descrip2Changed(""); emit uomChanged(""); emit configured(FALSE); emit upcChanged(""); emit valid(FALSE); } }
void WoLineEdit::silentSetId(const int pId) { if (pId != -1) { XSqlQuery wo; wo.prepare(_query + _idClause + (_extraClause.isEmpty() || !_strict ? "" : " AND " + _extraClause) + QString(";")); wo.bindValue(":id", pId); wo.exec(); if (wo.first()) { if (_completer) static_cast<QSqlQueryModel* >(_completer->model())->setQuery(QSqlQuery()); _id = pId; _valid = TRUE; setText(wo.value("number").toString()); _qtyOrdered = wo.value("wo_qtyord").toDouble(); _qtyReceived = wo.value("wo_qtyrcv").toDouble(); _method = wo.value("method").toString(); _currentWarehouseid = (wo.value("warehous_id").isNull()) ? -1 : wo.value("warehous_id").toInt(); emit newId(_id); emit newItemid(wo.value("item_id").toInt()); emit warehouseChanged(wo.value("warehous_code").toString()); emit itemNumberChanged(wo.value("item_number").toString()); emit uomChanged(wo.value("uom_name").toString()); emit itemDescrip1Changed(wo.value("item_descrip1").toString()); emit itemDescrip2Changed(wo.value("item_descrip2").toString()); emit startDateChanged(wo.value("wo_startdate").toDate()); emit dueDateChanged(wo.value("wo_duedate").toDate()); emit qtyOrderedChanged(wo.value("wo_qtyord").toDouble()); emit qtyReceivedChanged(wo.value("wo_qtyrcv").toDouble()); emit qtyBalanceChanged(wo.value("balance").toDouble()); emit statusChanged(wo.value("wo_status").toString()); emit methodChanged(wo.value("wo_method").toString()); emit valid(TRUE); } } else { _id = -1; _valid = FALSE; _currentWarehouseid = -1; XLineEdit::clear(); emit newId(-1); emit newItemid(-1); emit warehouseChanged(""); emit itemNumberChanged(""); emit uomChanged(""); emit itemDescrip1Changed(""); emit itemDescrip2Changed(""); emit startDateChanged(QDate()); emit dueDateChanged(QDate()); emit qtyOrderedChanged(0); emit qtyReceivedChanged(0); emit qtyBalanceChanged(0); emit statusChanged(""); emit methodChanged(""); emit valid(FALSE); _qtyOrdered = 0; _qtyReceived = 0; } _parsed = TRUE; emit parsed(); }
void WomatlCluster::setId(int pWomatlid) { _source = WoMaterial; _sourceId = pWomatlid; if (pWomatlid == -1) sPopulateInfo(-1); else { bool qual = FALSE; QString sql( "SELECT list.womatl_id AS womatlid, item_number, " " wo_id, uom_name, item_descrip1, item_descrip2," " ABS(list.womatl_qtyreq) AS _qtyreq, " " ABS(list.womatl_qtyiss) AS _qtyiss," " (list.womatl_qtyfxd) AS qtyfxd," " (list.womatl_qtyper) AS qtyper," " (list.womatl_scrap * 100) AS scrap," " (abs(list.womatl_qtyreq)) AS qtyreq, " " (abs(list.womatl_qtyiss)) AS qtyiss, " " (list.womatl_qtywipscrap) AS qtywipscrap " "FROM womatl AS list, womatl AS target, wo, itemsite, item, uom " "WHERE ( (list.womatl_wo_id=wo_id)" " AND (target.womatl_wo_id=wo_id)" " AND (list.womatl_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)" " AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)" " AND (list.womatl_uom_id=uom_id)" " AND (target.womatl_id=:womatl_id)" " AND (list.womatl_issuemethod IN (" ); if (_type & Push) { sql += "'S'"; qual = TRUE; } if (_type & Pull) { if (qual) sql += ","; else qual = TRUE; sql += "'L'"; } if (_type & Mixed) { if (qual) sql += ","; sql += "'M'"; } sql += ")) );"; XSqlQuery query; query.prepare(sql); query.bindValue(":womatl_id", pWomatlid); query.exec(); if (query.first()) { _womatl.prepare(sql); _womatl.bindValue(":womatl_id", pWomatlid); _womatl.exec(); emit newId(pWomatlid); _valid = TRUE; _id = pWomatlid; _itemNumber->populate(query); _itemNumber->setId(pWomatlid); } else { _valid = FALSE; _woid = -1; _id = -1; emit newId(-1); emit valid(FALSE); _itemNumber->clear(); } } }
void WoLineEdit::setId(int pId) { bool found = FALSE; if (pId != -1) { XSqlQuery wo; if (_useQuery) { wo.prepare(_sql); wo.exec(); found = (wo.findFirst("wo_id", pId) != -1); } else { wo.prepare( "SELECT formatWONumber(wo_id) AS wonumber," " warehous_code, item_id, item_number, uom_name," " item_descrip1, item_descrip2," " wo_qtyord, wo_qtyrcv, wo_status," " wo_duedate," " wo_startdate," " formatQtyPer(wo_qtyord) AS ordered," " formatQtyPer(wo_qtyrcv) AS received, " " formatQtyPer(noNeg(wo_qtyord - wo_qtyrcv)) AS balance " "FROM wo, itemsite, item, warehous, uom " "WHERE ((wo_itemsite_id=itemsite_id)" " AND (itemsite_item_id=item_id)" " AND (item_inv_uom_id=uom_id)" " AND (itemsite_warehous_id=warehous_id)" " AND (wo_id=:wo_id));" ); wo.bindValue(":wo_id", pId); wo.exec(); found = (wo.first()); } if (found) { _id = pId; _valid = TRUE; setText(wo.value("wonumber").toString()); emit newId(_id); emit newItemid(wo.value("item_id").toInt()); emit warehouseChanged(wo.value("warehous_code").toString()); emit itemNumberChanged(wo.value("item_number").toString()); emit uomChanged(wo.value("uom_name").toString()); emit itemDescrip1Changed(wo.value("item_descrip1").toString()); emit itemDescrip2Changed(wo.value("item_descrip2").toString()); emit startDateChanged(wo.value("wo_startdate").toDate()); emit dueDateChanged(wo.value("wo_duedate").toDate()); emit qtyOrderedChanged(wo.value("ordered").toString()); emit qtyReceivedChanged(wo.value("received").toString()); emit qtyBalanceChanged(wo.value("balance").toString()); emit statusChanged(wo.value("wo_status").toString()); emit valid(TRUE); _qtyOrdered = wo.value("wo_qtyord").toDouble(); _qtyReceived = wo.value("wo_qtyrcv").toDouble(); _parsed = TRUE; return; } } _id = -1; _valid = FALSE; setText(""); emit newId(-1); emit newItemid(-1); emit warehouseChanged(""); emit itemNumberChanged(""); emit uomChanged(""); emit itemDescrip1Changed(""); emit itemDescrip2Changed(""); emit startDateChanged(QDate()); emit dueDateChanged(QDate()); emit qtyOrderedChanged(""); emit qtyReceivedChanged(""); emit qtyBalanceChanged(""); emit statusChanged(""); emit valid(FALSE); _qtyOrdered = 0; _qtyReceived = 0; _parsed = TRUE; }
void OrderLineEdit::sParse() { bool oldvalid = _valid; if (! _parsed) { QString stripped = text().trimmed().toUpper(); if (stripped.length() == 0) { _parsed = true; setId(-1); } else { QString oldExtraClause = _extraClause; XSqlQuery countQ; countQ.prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM orderhead WHERE (TRUE) " + _numClause + (_extraClause.isEmpty() || !_strict ? "" : " AND " + _extraClause) + QString(";")); countQ.bindValue(":number", text()); countQ.exec(); if (countQ.first()) { int result = countQ.value("count").toInt(); if (result <= 0) { _id = -1; XLineEdit::clear(); } else if (result == 1) { XSqlQuery numQ; numQ.prepare(_query + _numClause + (_extraClause.isEmpty() || !_strict ? "" : " AND " + _extraClause) + QString(";")); numQ.bindValue(":number", text()); numQ.exec(); if (numQ.first()) { _valid = true; setId(numQ.value("id").toInt(), numQ.value("name").toString()); _description = numQ.value("description").toString(); _from = numQ.value("orderhead_from").toString(); _to = numQ.value("orderhead_to").toString(); } else if (numQ.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError) QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("A System Error Occurred at %1::%2.") .arg(__FILE__) .arg(__LINE__), numQ.lastError().databaseText()); } else { _extraClause += "AND (orderhead_number=" + text() + ")"; sEllipses(); _extraClause += "AND (orderhead_type='" + type() + "')"; } } else if (countQ.lastError().type() != QSqlError::NoError) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("A System Error Occurred at %1::%2.") .arg(__FILE__) .arg(__LINE__), countQ.lastError().databaseText()); } _extraClause = oldExtraClause; } } _parsed = true; if (_valid != oldvalid) emit valid(_valid); emit parsed(); emit numberChanged(text(), _name); }
void RecursiveDirectoryIterator::next() { do { DirectoryIterator::next(); } while (valid() && DirectoryIterator::isdot()); }
int PlainFile::getc() { ASSERT(valid()); return File::getc(); }
bool PlainFile::truncate(int64 size) { ASSERT(valid()); return ftruncate(m_fd, size) == 0; }
void pending_chain_state::get_undo_state( const chain_interface_ptr& undo_state_arg )const { auto undo_state = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<pending_chain_state>( undo_state_arg ); chain_interface_ptr prev_state = _prev_state.lock(); FC_ASSERT( prev_state ); for( const auto& item : properties ) { auto prev_value = prev_state->get_property( (chain_property_enum)item.first ); undo_state->set_property( (chain_property_enum)item.first, prev_value ); } for( const auto& item : assets ) { auto prev_value = prev_state->get_asset_record( item.first ); if( !!prev_value ) undo_state->store_asset_record( *prev_value ); else undo_state->store_asset_record( item.second.make_null() ); } for( const auto& item : slates ) { auto prev_value = prev_state->get_delegate_slate( item.first ); if( prev_value ) undo_state->store_delegate_slate( item.first, *prev_value ); else undo_state->store_delegate_slate( item.first, delegate_slate() ); } for( const auto& item : accounts ) { auto prev_value = prev_state->get_account_record( item.first ); if( !!prev_value ) undo_state->store_account_record( *prev_value ); else undo_state->store_account_record( item.second.make_null() ); } #if 0 for( const auto& item : proposals ) { auto prev_value = prev_state->get_proposal_record( item.first ); if( !!prev_value ) undo_state->store_proposal_record( *prev_value ); else undo_state->store_proposal_record( item.second.make_null() ); } for( const auto& item : proposal_votes ) { auto prev_value = prev_state->get_proposal_vote( item.first ); if( !!prev_value ) undo_state->store_proposal_vote( *prev_value ); else { undo_state->store_proposal_vote( item.second.make_null() ); } } #endif for( const auto& item : balances ) { auto prev_value = prev_state->get_balance_record( item.first ); if( !!prev_value ) undo_state->store_balance_record( *prev_value ); else undo_state->store_balance_record( item.second.make_null() ); } for( const auto& item : transactions ) { auto prev_value = prev_state->get_transaction( item.first ); if( !!prev_value ) undo_state->store_transaction( item.first, *prev_value ); else undo_state->store_transaction( item.first, transaction_record() ); } for( const auto& item : bids ) { auto prev_value = prev_state->get_bid_record( item.first ); if( prev_value.valid() ) undo_state->store_bid_record( item.first, *prev_value ); else undo_state->store_bid_record( item.first, order_record() ); } for( const auto& item : asks ) { auto prev_value = prev_state->get_ask_record( item.first ); if( prev_value.valid() ) undo_state->store_ask_record( item.first, *prev_value ); else undo_state->store_ask_record( item.first, order_record() ); } for( const auto& item : shorts ) { auto prev_value = prev_state->get_short_record( item.first ); if( prev_value.valid() ) undo_state->store_short_record( item.first, *prev_value ); else undo_state->store_short_record( item.first, order_record() ); } for( const auto& item : collateral ) { auto prev_value = prev_state->get_collateral_record( item.first ); if( prev_value.valid() ) undo_state->store_collateral_record( item.first, *prev_value ); else undo_state->store_collateral_record( item.first, collateral_record() ); } for( const auto& item : slots ) { auto prev_value = prev_state->get_slot_record( item.first ); if( prev_value ) undo_state->store_slot_record( *prev_value ); else { slot_record invalid_slot_record; invalid_slot_record.start_time = item.first; invalid_slot_record.block_produced = true; invalid_slot_record.block_id = block_id_type(); undo_state->store_slot_record( invalid_slot_record ); } } for( const auto& item : market_statuses ) { auto prev_value = prev_state->get_market_status( item.first.first, item.first.second ); if( prev_value ) undo_state->store_market_status( *prev_value ); else { undo_state->store_market_status( market_status() ); } } for( const auto& item : feeds ) { auto prev_value = prev_state->get_feed( item.first ); if( prev_value ) undo_state->set_feed( *prev_value ); else undo_state->set_feed( feed_record{item.first} ); } for( const auto& item : burns ) { undo_state->store_burn_record( burn_record( item.first ) ); } const auto dirty_markets = prev_state->get_dirty_markets(); undo_state->set_dirty_markets(dirty_markets); /* NOTE: Recent operations are currently not rewound on undo */ }
req::ptr<File> PhpStreamWrapper::open(const String& filename, const String& mode, int options, const req::ptr<StreamContext>& context) { if (strncasecmp(filename.c_str(), "php://", 6)) { return nullptr; } const char *req = filename.c_str() + sizeof("php://") - 1; if (!strcasecmp(req, "stdin")) { return req::make<PlainFile>(dup(STDIN_FILENO), true, s_php); } if (!strcasecmp(req, "stdout")) { return req::make<PlainFile>(dup(STDOUT_FILENO), true, s_php); } if (!strcasecmp(req, "stderr")) { return req::make<PlainFile>(dup(STDERR_FILENO), true, s_php); } if (!strncasecmp(req, "fd/", sizeof("fd/") - 1)) { return openFD(req + sizeof("fd/") - 1); } if (!strncasecmp(req, "filter/", sizeof("filter/") - 1)) { return phpStreamOpenFilter(req + sizeof("filter") - 1, mode, options, context); } if (!strncasecmp(req, "temp", sizeof("temp") - 1)) { auto file = req::make<TempFile>(true, s_php, s_temp); if (!file->valid()) { raise_warning("Unable to create temporary file"); return nullptr; } return file; } if (!strcasecmp(req, "memory")) { auto file = req::make<TempFile>(true, s_php, s_memory); if (!file->valid()) { raise_warning("Unable to create temporary file"); return nullptr; } file->getData()->m_mode = [mode] { if (mode.empty()) { return "w+b"; } for (auto c : mode.slice()) { switch (c) { case '+': case 'w': case 'a': case 'x': case 'c': return "w+b"; default: break; } } return "rb"; }(); return file; } if (!strcasecmp(req, "input")) { auto raw_post = g_context->getRawPostData(); return req::make<MemFile>( raw_post.c_str(), raw_post.size(), s_php, s_input); } if (!strcasecmp(req, "output")) { return req::make<OutputFile>(filename); } return nullptr; }
void decimate_inplace(MutableTriangleTopology& mesh, RawField<TV,VertexId> X, const T distance, const T max_angle, const int min_vertices, const T boundary_distance) { if (mesh.n_vertices() <= min_vertices) return; const T area = sqr(distance); const T sign_sqr_min_cos = sign_sqr(max_angle > .99*pi ? -1 : cos(max_angle)); // Finds the best edge to collapse v along. Returns (q(e),dst(e)). const auto best_collapse = [&mesh,X](const VertexId v) { Quadric q = compute_quadric(mesh,X,v); // Find the best edge, ignoring normal constraints T min_q = inf; HalfedgeId min_e; for (const auto e : mesh.outgoing(v)) { const T qx = q(X[mesh.dst(e)]); if (min_q > qx) { min_q = qx; min_e = e; } } return tuple(min_q,mesh.dst(min_e)); }; // Initialize quadrics and heap Heap heap(mesh.n_vertices_); for (const auto v : mesh.vertices()) { const auto qe = best_collapse(v); if (qe.x <= area) heap.inv_heap[v] = heap.heap.append(tuple(v,qe.x,qe.y)); } heap.make(); // Update the quadric information for a vertex const auto update = [&heap,best_collapse,area](const VertexId v) { const auto qe = best_collapse(v); if (qe.x <= area) heap.set(v,qe.x,qe.y); else heap.erase(v); }; // Repeatedly collapse the best vertex while (heap.size()) { const auto v = heap.pop(); // Do these vertices still exist? if (mesh.valid(v.x) && mesh.valid(v.y)) { const auto e = mesh.halfedge(v.x,v.y); // Is the collapse invalid? if (e.valid() && mesh.is_collapse_safe(e)) { const auto vs = mesh.src(e), vd = mesh.dst(e); const auto xs = X[vs], xd = X[vd]; // Are we moving a boundary vertex too far from its two boundary lines? { const auto b = mesh.halfedge(vs); if (mesh.is_boundary(b)) { const auto x0 = X[mesh.dst(b)], x1 = X[mesh.src(mesh.prev(b))]; if ( line_point_distance(simplex(xs,x0),xd) > boundary_distance || line_point_distance(simplex(xs,x1),xd) > boundary_distance) goto bad; } } // Do the normals change too much? if (sign_sqr_min_cos > -1) for (const auto ee : mesh.outgoing(vs)) if (e!=ee && !mesh.is_boundary(ee)) { const auto v2 = mesh.opposite(ee); if (v2 != vd) { const auto x1 = X[mesh.dst(ee)], x2 = X[v2]; const auto n0 = cross(x2-x1,xs-x1), n1 = cross(x2-x1,xd-x1); if (sign_sqr(dot(n0,n1)) < sign_sqr_min_cos*sqr_magnitude(n0)*sqr_magnitude(n1)) goto bad; } } // Collapse vs onto vd, then update the heap mesh.unsafe_collapse(e); if (mesh.n_vertices() <= min_vertices) break; update(vd); for (const auto e : mesh.outgoing(vd)) update(mesh.dst(e)); } } bad:; } }
/** Applies this axis' parameters to the graph * */ void ScaleDetails::apply() { if (m_modified && valid()) { //as the classes are separate now this may cause a problem as ideally i'd get this from the axis tab, //but at the moment there's nothing to cause a problem as the only other cases that are used are Date //and Time and Mantid doesn't support them in data yet i've been told ScaleDraw::ScaleType type = m_graph->axisType(m_mappedaxis); double start = 0.0, end = 0.0, step = 0.0, breakLeft = -DBL_MAX, breakRight = DBL_MAX; if (type == ScaleDraw::Date) { ScaleDraw *sclDraw = dynamic_cast<ScaleDraw *>(m_graph->plotWidget()->axisScaleDraw(m_mappedaxis)); QDateTime origin = sclDraw->dateTimeOrigin(); start = (double)origin.secsTo(m_dteStartDateTime->dateTime()); end = (double)origin.secsTo(m_dteEndDateTime->dateTime()); } else if (type == ScaleDraw::Time) { ScaleDraw *sclDraw = dynamic_cast<ScaleDraw *>(m_graph->plotWidget()->axisScaleDraw(m_mappedaxis)); QTime origin = sclDraw->dateTimeOrigin().time(); start = (double)origin.msecsTo(m_timStartTime->time()); end = (double)origin.msecsTo(m_timEndTime->time()); } else { start = m_dspnStart->value(); end = m_dspnEnd->value(); } if (m_radStep->isChecked()) { step = m_dspnStep->value(); if (type == ScaleDraw::Time) { switch (m_cmbUnit->currentIndex()) { case 0: break; case 1: step *= 1e3; break; case 2: step *= 6e4; break; case 3: step *= 36e5; break; } } else if (type == ScaleDraw::Date) { switch (m_cmbUnit->currentIndex()) { case 0: step *= 86400; break; case 1: step *= 604800; break; } } } if (m_grpAxesBreaks->isChecked()) { breakLeft = qMin(m_dspnBreakStart->value(), m_dspnBreakEnd->value()); breakRight = qMax(m_dspnBreakStart->value(), m_dspnBreakEnd->value()); } m_graph->setScale(m_mappedaxis, start, end, step, m_spnMajorValue->value(), m_cmbMinorValue->currentText().toInt(), m_cmbScaleType->currentIndex(), m_chkInvert->isChecked(), breakLeft, breakRight, m_spnBreakPosition->value(), m_dspnStepBeforeBreak->value(),m_dspnStepAfterBreak->value(), m_cmbMinorTicksBeforeBreak->currentText().toInt(), m_cmbMinorTicksAfterBreak->currentText().toInt(), m_chkLog10AfterBreak->isChecked(), m_spnBreakWidth->value(), m_chkBreakDecoration->isChecked(), m_dspnN->value()); m_graph->changeIntensity(true); m_graph->notifyChanges(); m_modified = false; } }
/** Get the value of the second key of a node. * @param i is a node in a search tree * @return the value of the second key at i */ keytyp Ssets2k::key2(index i) { assert(valid(i)); return dmin(i) + dkey(i); }
std::string user::token() const { if (valid()) { return data->token; } return ""; }
void ItemLineEdit::silentSetId(const int pId) { XSqlQuery item; bool found = FALSE; _parsed = TRUE; if (_useValidationQuery) { item.prepare(_validationSql); item.bindValue(":item_id", pId); item.exec(); if (item.first()) found = TRUE; } else if (_useQuery) { item.prepare(_sql); item.exec(); found = (item.findFirst("item_id", pId) != -1); } else if (pId != -1) { QString pre( "SELECT DISTINCT item_number, item_descrip1, item_descrip2," " uom_name, item_type, item_config, item_upccode"); QStringList clauses; clauses = _extraClauses; clauses << "(item_id=:item_id)"; item.prepare(buildItemLineEditQuery(pre, clauses, QString::null, _type)); item.bindValue(":item_id", pId); item.exec(); found = item.first(); } if (found) { if (completer()) { disconnect(this, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(sHandleCompleter())); static_cast<QSqlQueryModel* >(completer()->model())->setQuery(QSqlQuery()); } _itemNumber = item.value("item_number").toString(); _uom = item.value("uom_name").toString(); _itemType = item.value("item_type").toString(); _configured = item.value("item_config").toBool(); _upc = item.value("item_upccode").toString(); _id = pId; _valid = TRUE; setText(item.value("item_number").toString()); emit aliasChanged(""); emit typeChanged(_itemType); emit descrip1Changed(item.value("item_descrip1").toString()); emit descrip2Changed(item.value("item_descrip2").toString()); emit uomChanged(item.value("uom_name").toString()); emit configured(item.value("item_config").toBool()); emit upcChanged(item.value("item_upccode").toString()); emit valid(TRUE); if (completer()) connect(this, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SLOT(sHandleCompleter())); } else { _itemNumber = ""; _uom = ""; _itemType = ""; _id = -1; _upc = ""; _valid = FALSE; setText(""); emit aliasChanged(""); emit typeChanged(""); emit descrip1Changed(""); emit descrip2Changed(""); emit uomChanged(""); emit configured(FALSE); emit upcChanged(""); emit valid(FALSE); } }
std::string user::name() const { if (valid()) { return data->name; } return ""; }
int64 PlainFile::tell() { assert(valid()); return m_position; }
void user::unlink_session(std::shared_ptr<session> s) { if (s && valid()) { const std::string &r_name = s->remote_name(); data->live.erase(r_name); } }
inline bool dispatch_message_valid(const header& hdr) { return valid(hdr.dest_node) && nonzero(hdr.dest_actor) && nonzero(hdr.payload_len); }
void user::log(const std::string &msg) { if (valid()) { data->log += "\n" + msg + "\n"; } }
void VendorLineEdit::setId(int pId) { if (pId != -1) { QString sql( "SELECT vend_number, vend_name," " vend_address1, vend_address2, vend_address3," " vend_city, vend_state, vend_zip, vend_country " "FROM vend " "WHERE ( (vend_id=:vend_id)" ); if (_type == __activeVendors) sql += " AND (vend_active) "; sql += ");"; XSqlQuery vend; vend.prepare(sql); vend.bindValue(":vend_id", pId); vend.exec(); if (vend.first()) { _id = pId; _valid = TRUE; setText(vend.value("vend_number").toString()); _parsed = TRUE; if (_mapper->model() && _mapper->model()->data(_mapper->model()->index(_mapper->currentIndex(),_mapper->mappedSection(this))).toString() != text()) _mapper->model()->setData(_mapper->model()->index(_mapper->currentIndex(),_mapper->mappedSection(this)), text()); emit nameChanged(vend.value("vend_name").toString()); emit address1Changed(vend.value("vend_address1").toString()); emit address2Changed(vend.value("vend_address2").toString()); emit address3Changed(vend.value("vend_address3").toString()); emit cityChanged(vend.value("vend_city").toString()); emit stateChanged(vend.value("vend_state").toString()); emit zipCodeChanged(vend.value("vend_zip").toString()); emit countryChanged(vend.value("vend_country").toString()); emit newId(_id); emit valid(TRUE); return; } } _id = -1; _valid = FALSE; setText(""); emit nameChanged(""); emit address1Changed(""); emit address2Changed(""); emit address3Changed(""); emit cityChanged(""); emit stateChanged(""); emit zipCodeChanged(""); emit countryChanged(""); emit newId(-1); emit valid(FALSE); _parsed = TRUE; }
ProxyData::operator bool() const { return valid(); }
int PlainFile::getc() { assert(valid()); return File::getc(); }
void wallet_db::repair_records( const fc::sha512& password ) { try { FC_ASSERT( is_open() ); vector<generic_wallet_record> records; for( auto iter = my->_records.begin(); iter.valid(); ++iter ) records.push_back( iter.value() ); // Repair account_data.is_my_account and key_data.account_address for( generic_wallet_record& record : records ) { try { if( wallet_record_type_enum( record.type ) == account_record_type ) { wallet_account_record account_record =<wallet_account_record>(); store_account( account_record ); } } catch( ... ) { } } // Repair key_data.public_key when I have the private key and // repair key_data.account_address and account_data.is_my_account for( generic_wallet_record& record : records ) { try { if( wallet_record_type_enum( record.type ) == key_record_type ) { wallet_key_record key_record =<wallet_key_record>(); if( key_record.has_private_key() ) { const private_key_type private_key = key_record.decrypt_private_key( password ); const public_key_type public_key = private_key.get_public_key(); if( key_record.public_key != public_key ) { const address key_address = key_record.get_address(); keys.erase( key_address ); btc_to_bts_address.erase( key_address ); btc_to_bts_address.erase( address( pts_address( key_record.public_key, false, 0 ) ) ); btc_to_bts_address.erase( address( pts_address( key_record.public_key, true, 0 ) ) ); btc_to_bts_address.erase( address( pts_address( key_record.public_key, false, 56 ) ) ); btc_to_bts_address.erase( address( pts_address( key_record.public_key, true, 56 ) ) ); key_record.public_key = public_key; my->load_key_record( key_record ); } } store_key( key_record ); } } catch( ... ) { } } // Repair transaction_data.record_id for( generic_wallet_record& record : records ) { try { if( wallet_record_type_enum( record.type ) == transaction_record_type ) { wallet_transaction_record transaction_record =<wallet_transaction_record>(); if( != signed_transaction().id() ) { const transaction_id_type record_id = transaction_record.trx.permanent_id(); if( transaction_record.record_id != record_id ) { transactions.erase( transaction_record.record_id ); id_to_transaction_record_index.erase( transaction_record.record_id ); transaction_record.record_id = record_id; my->load_transaction_record( transaction_record ); } } store_transaction( transaction_record ); } } catch( ... ) { } } } FC_CAPTURE_AND_RETHROW() }