Beispiel #1
 * Called by glUniformMatrix*() functions.
 * Note: cols=2, rows=4  ==>  array[2] of vec4
extern "C" void
_mesa_uniform_matrix(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_shader_program *shProg,
		     GLuint cols, GLuint rows,
                     GLint location, GLsizei count,
                     GLboolean transpose,
                     const GLvoid *values, enum glsl_base_type basicType)
   unsigned offset;
   unsigned vectors;
   unsigned components;
   unsigned elements;
   int size_mul;
   struct gl_uniform_storage *const uni =
      validate_uniform_parameters(ctx, shProg, location, count,
                                  &offset, "glUniformMatrix");
   if (uni == NULL)

   if (!uni->type->is_matrix()) {
      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
		  "glUniformMatrix(non-matrix uniform)");

   assert(basicType == GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT || basicType == GLSL_TYPE_DOUBLE);
   size_mul = basicType == GLSL_TYPE_DOUBLE ? 2 : 1;

   vectors = uni->type->matrix_columns;
   components = uni->type->vector_elements;

   /* Verify that the types are compatible.  This is greatly simplified for
    * matrices because they can only have a float base type.
   if (vectors != cols || components != rows) {
      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
		  "glUniformMatrix(matrix size mismatch)");

   /* GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if `transpose' is not GL_FALSE.
   if (transpose) {
      if (ctx->API == API_OPENGLES2 && ctx->Version < 30) {
	 _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_VALUE,
		     "glUniformMatrix(matrix transpose is not GL_FALSE)");

   /* Section 2.11.7 (Uniform Variables) of the OpenGL 4.2 Core Profile spec
    * says:
    *     "If any of the following conditions occur, an INVALID_OPERATION
    *     error is generated by the Uniform* commands, and no uniform values
    *     are changed:
    *     ...
    *     - if the uniform declared in the shader is not of type boolean and
    *       the type indicated in the name of the Uniform* command used does
    *       not match the type of the uniform"
    * There are no Boolean matrix types, so we do not need to allow
    * GLSL_TYPE_BOOL here (as _mesa_uniform does).
   if (uni->type->base_type != basicType) {
      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
                  "glUniformMatrix%ux%u(\"%s\"@%d is %s, not %s)",
                  cols, rows, uni->name, location,

   if (unlikely(ctx->_Shader->Flags & GLSL_UNIFORMS)) {
      log_uniform(values, uni->type->base_type, components, vectors, count,
		  bool(transpose), shProg, location, uni);

   /* Page 82 (page 96 of the PDF) of the OpenGL 2.1 spec says:
    *     "When loading N elements starting at an arbitrary position k in a
    *     uniform declared as an array, elements k through k + N - 1 in the
    *     array will be replaced with the new values. Values for any array
    *     element that exceeds the highest array element index used, as
    *     reported by GetActiveUniform, will be ignored by the GL."
    * Clamp 'count' to a valid value.  Note that for non-arrays a count > 1
    * will have already generated an error.
   if (uni->array_elements != 0) {
      count = MIN2(count, (int) (uni->array_elements - offset));


   /* Store the data in the "actual type" backing storage for the uniform.
   elements = components * vectors;

   if (!transpose) {
      memcpy(&uni->storage[elements * offset], values,
	     sizeof(uni->storage[0]) * elements * count * size_mul);
   } else if (basicType == GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT) {
      /* Copy and transpose the matrix.
      const float *src = (const float *)values;
      float *dst = &uni->storage[elements * offset].f;

      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	 for (unsigned r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
	    for (unsigned c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
	       dst[(c * components) + r] = src[c + (r * vectors)];

	 dst += elements;
	 src += elements;
   } else {
      assert(basicType == GLSL_TYPE_DOUBLE);
      const double *src = (const double *)values;
      double *dst = (double *)&uni->storage[elements * offset].f;

      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	 for (unsigned r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
	    for (unsigned c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
	       dst[(c * components) + r] = src[c + (r * vectors)];

	 dst += elements;
	 src += elements;

   uni->initialized = true;

   _mesa_propagate_uniforms_to_driver_storage(uni, offset, count);
Beispiel #2
 * Called via glUniform*() functions.
extern "C" void
_mesa_uniform(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_shader_program *shProg,
	      GLint location, GLsizei count,
              const GLvoid *values,
              enum glsl_base_type basicType,
              unsigned src_components)
   unsigned offset;
   int size_mul = basicType == GLSL_TYPE_DOUBLE ? 2 : 1;

   struct gl_uniform_storage *const uni =
      validate_uniform_parameters(ctx, shProg, location, count,
                                  &offset, "glUniform");
   if (uni == NULL)

   if (uni->type->is_matrix()) {
      /* Can't set matrix uniforms (like mat4) with glUniform */
      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
                  "glUniform%u(uniform \"%s\"@%d is matrix)",
                  src_components, uni->name, location);

   /* Verify that the types are compatible.
   const unsigned components = uni->type->is_sampler()
      ? 1 : uni->type->vector_elements;

   if (components != src_components) {
      /* glUniformN() must match float/vecN type */
      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
                  "glUniform%u(\"%s\"@%u has %u components, not %u)",
                  src_components, uni->name, location,
                  components, src_components);

   bool match;
   switch (uni->type->base_type) {
      match = (basicType != GLSL_TYPE_DOUBLE);
      match = (basicType == GLSL_TYPE_INT);
      match = (basicType == GLSL_TYPE_INT && _mesa_is_desktop_gl(ctx));
      match = (basicType == uni->type->base_type);

   if (!match) {
      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
                  "glUniform%u(\"%s\"@%d is %s, not %s)",
                  src_components, uni->name, location,

   if (unlikely(ctx->_Shader->Flags & GLSL_UNIFORMS)) {
      log_uniform(values, basicType, components, 1, count,
		  false, shProg, location, uni);

   /* Page 100 (page 116 of the PDF) of the OpenGL 3.0 spec says:
    *     "Setting a sampler's value to i selects texture image unit number
    *     i. The values of i range from zero to the implementation- dependent
    *     maximum supported number of texture image units."
    * In addition, table 2.3, "Summary of GL errors," on page 17 (page 33 of
    * the PDF) says:
    *     "Error         Description                    Offending command
    *                                                   ignored?
    *     ...
    *     INVALID_VALUE  Numeric argument out of range  Yes"
    * Based on that, when an invalid sampler is specified, we generate a
    * GL_INVALID_VALUE error and ignore the command.
   if (uni->type->is_sampler()) {
      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	 const unsigned texUnit = ((unsigned *) values)[i];

         /* check that the sampler (tex unit index) is legal */
         if (texUnit >= ctx->Const.MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits) {
            _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_VALUE,
                        "glUniform1i(invalid sampler/tex unit index for "
			"uniform %d)",

   if (uni->type->is_image()) {
      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
         const int unit = ((GLint *) values)[i];

         /* check that the image unit is legal */
         if (unit < 0 || unit >= (int)ctx->Const.MaxImageUnits) {
            _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_VALUE,
                        "glUniform1i(invalid image unit index for uniform %d)",

   /* Page 82 (page 96 of the PDF) of the OpenGL 2.1 spec says:
    *     "When loading N elements starting at an arbitrary position k in a
    *     uniform declared as an array, elements k through k + N - 1 in the
    *     array will be replaced with the new values. Values for any array
    *     element that exceeds the highest array element index used, as
    *     reported by GetActiveUniform, will be ignored by the GL."
    * Clamp 'count' to a valid value.  Note that for non-arrays a count > 1
    * will have already generated an error.
   if (uni->array_elements != 0) {
      count = MIN2(count, (int) (uni->array_elements - offset));


   /* Store the data in the "actual type" backing storage for the uniform.
   if (!uni->type->is_boolean()) {
      memcpy(&uni->storage[size_mul * components * offset], values,
	     sizeof(uni->storage[0]) * components * count * size_mul);
   } else {
      const union gl_constant_value *src =
	 (const union gl_constant_value *) values;
      union gl_constant_value *dst = &uni->storage[components * offset];
      const unsigned elems = components * count;

      for (unsigned i = 0; i < elems; i++) {
	 if (basicType == GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT) {
            dst[i].i = src[i].f != 0.0f ? ctx->Const.UniformBooleanTrue : 0;
	 } else {
            dst[i].i = src[i].i != 0    ? ctx->Const.UniformBooleanTrue : 0;

   uni->initialized = true;

   _mesa_propagate_uniforms_to_driver_storage(uni, offset, count);

   /* If the uniform is a sampler, do the extra magic necessary to propagate
    * the changes through.
   if (uni->type->is_sampler()) {
      bool flushed = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < MESA_SHADER_STAGES; i++) {
	 struct gl_shader *const sh = shProg->_LinkedShaders[i];

	 /* If the shader stage doesn't use the sampler uniform, skip this.
	 if (sh == NULL || !uni->sampler[i].active)

         for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
            sh->SamplerUnits[uni->sampler[i].index + offset + j] =
               ((unsigned *) values)[j];

	 struct gl_program *const prog = sh->Program;

	 assert(sizeof(prog->SamplerUnits) == sizeof(sh->SamplerUnits));

	 /* Determine if any of the samplers used by this shader stage have
	  * been modified.
	 bool changed = false;
	 for (unsigned j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE(prog->SamplerUnits); j++) {
	    if ((sh->active_samplers & (1U << j)) != 0
		&& (prog->SamplerUnits[j] != sh->SamplerUnits[j])) {
	       changed = true;

	 if (changed) {
	    if (!flushed) {
	       flushed = true;


	    _mesa_update_shader_textures_used(shProg, prog);
            if (ctx->Driver.SamplerUniformChange)
	       ctx->Driver.SamplerUniformChange(ctx, prog->Target, prog);

   /* If the uniform is an image, update the mapping from image
    * uniforms to image units present in the shader data structure.
   if (uni->type->is_image()) {
      for (int i = 0; i < MESA_SHADER_STAGES; i++) {
	 if (uni->image[i].active) {
            struct gl_shader *sh = shProg->_LinkedShaders[i];

            for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)
               sh->ImageUnits[uni->image[i].index + offset + j] =
                  ((GLint *) values)[j];

      ctx->NewDriverState |= ctx->DriverFlags.NewImageUnits;
Beispiel #3
 * Called via glGetUniform[fiui]v() to get the current value of a uniform.
extern "C" void
_mesa_get_uniform(struct gl_context *ctx, GLuint program, GLint location,
		  GLsizei bufSize, enum glsl_base_type returnType,
		  GLvoid *paramsOut)
   struct gl_shader_program *shProg =
      _mesa_lookup_shader_program_err(ctx, program, "glGetUniformfv");
   unsigned offset;

   struct gl_uniform_storage *const uni =
      validate_uniform_parameters(ctx, shProg, location, 1,
                                  &offset, "glGetUniform");
   if (uni == NULL) {
      /* For glGetUniform, page 264 (page 278 of the PDF) of the OpenGL 2.1
       * spec says:
       *     "The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program has not been
       *     linked successfully, or if location is not a valid location for
       *     program."
       * For glUniform, page 82 (page 96 of the PDF) of the OpenGL 2.1 spec
       * says:
       *     "If the value of location is -1, the Uniform* commands will
       *     silently ignore the data passed in, and the current uniform
       *     values will not be changed."
       * Allowing -1 for the location parameter of glUniform allows
       * applications to avoid error paths in the case that, for example, some
       * uniform variable is removed by the compiler / linker after
       * optimization.  In this case, the new value of the uniform is dropped
       * on the floor.  For the case of glGetUniform, there is nothing
       * sensible to do for a location of -1.
       * If the location was -1, validate_unfirom_parameters will return NULL
       * without raising an error.  Raise the error here.
      if (location == -1) {
         _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "glGetUniform(location=%d)",

   if ((uni->type->base_type == GLSL_TYPE_DOUBLE &&
        returnType != GLSL_TYPE_DOUBLE) ||
       (uni->type->base_type != GLSL_TYPE_DOUBLE &&
        returnType == GLSL_TYPE_DOUBLE)) {
	 _mesa_error( ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
	             "glGetnUniform*vARB(incompatible uniform types)");

      unsigned elements = (uni->type->is_sampler())
	 ? 1 : uni->type->components();
      const int dmul = uni->type->base_type == GLSL_TYPE_DOUBLE ? 2 : 1;

      /* Calculate the source base address *BEFORE* modifying elements to
       * account for the size of the user's buffer.
      const union gl_constant_value *const src =
	 &uni->storage[offset * elements * dmul];

      assert(returnType == GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT || returnType == GLSL_TYPE_INT ||
             returnType == GLSL_TYPE_UINT || returnType == GLSL_TYPE_DOUBLE);

      /* doubles have a different size than the other 3 types */
      unsigned bytes = sizeof(src[0]) * elements * dmul;
      if (bufSize < 0 || bytes > (unsigned) bufSize) {
	 _mesa_error( ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
	             "glGetnUniform*vARB(out of bounds: bufSize is %d,"
	             " but %u bytes are required)", bufSize, bytes );

      /* If the return type and the uniform's native type are "compatible,"
       * just memcpy the data.  If the types are not compatible, perform a
       * slower convert-and-copy process.
      if (returnType == uni->type->base_type
	  || ((returnType == GLSL_TYPE_INT
	       || returnType == GLSL_TYPE_UINT)
	      (uni->type->base_type == GLSL_TYPE_INT
	       || uni->type->base_type == GLSL_TYPE_UINT
               || uni->type->base_type == GLSL_TYPE_SAMPLER
               || uni->type->base_type == GLSL_TYPE_IMAGE))) {
	 memcpy(paramsOut, src, bytes);
      } else {
	 union gl_constant_value *const dst =
	    (union gl_constant_value *) paramsOut;

	 /* This code could be optimized by putting the loop inside the switch
	  * statements.  However, this is not expected to be
	  * performance-critical code.
	 for (unsigned i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
	    switch (returnType) {
	    case GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT:
	       switch (uni->type->base_type) {
	       case GLSL_TYPE_UINT:
		  dst[i].f = (float) src[i].u;
	       case GLSL_TYPE_INT:
	       case GLSL_TYPE_SAMPLER:
               case GLSL_TYPE_IMAGE:
		  dst[i].f = (float) src[i].i;
	       case GLSL_TYPE_BOOL:
		  dst[i].f = src[i].i ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
		  assert(!"Should not get here.");

	    case GLSL_TYPE_INT:
	    case GLSL_TYPE_UINT:
	       switch (uni->type->base_type) {
	       case GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT:
		  /* While the GL 3.2 core spec doesn't explicitly
		   * state how conversion of float uniforms to integer
		   * values works, in section 6.2 "State Tables" on
		   * page 267 it says:
		   *     "Unless otherwise specified, when floating
		   *      point state is returned as integer values or
		   *      integer state is returned as floating-point
		   *      values it is converted in the fashion
		   *      described in section 6.1.2"
		   * That section, on page 248, says:
		   *     "If GetIntegerv or GetInteger64v are called,
		   *      a floating-point value is rounded to the
		   *      nearest integer..."
		  dst[i].i = IROUND(src[i].f);
	       case GLSL_TYPE_BOOL:
		  dst[i].i = src[i].i ? 1 : 0;
		  assert(!"Should not get here.");

	       assert(!"Should not get here.");
Beispiel #4
 * Called by glUniformMatrix*() functions.
 * Note: cols=2, rows=4  ==>  array[2] of vec4
extern "C" void
_mesa_uniform_matrix(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_shader_program *shProg,
		     GLuint cols, GLuint rows,
                     GLint location, GLsizei count,
                     GLboolean transpose, const GLfloat *values)
   unsigned loc, offset;
   unsigned vectors;
   unsigned components;
   unsigned elements;
   struct gl_uniform_storage *uni;


   if (!validate_uniform_parameters(ctx, shProg, location, count,
				    &loc, &offset, "glUniformMatrix", false))

   uni = &shProg->UniformStorage[loc];
   if (!uni->type->is_matrix()) {
      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
		  "glUniformMatrix(non-matrix uniform)");

   vectors = uni->type->matrix_columns;
   components = uni->type->vector_elements;

   /* Verify that the types are compatible.  This is greatly simplified for
    * matrices because they can only have a float base type.
   if (vectors != cols || components != rows) {
      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION,
		  "glUniformMatrix(matrix size mismatch)");

   if (ctx->Shader.Flags & GLSL_UNIFORMS) {
      log_uniform(values, GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT, components, vectors, count,
		  bool(transpose), shProg, location, uni);

   /* Page 82 (page 96 of the PDF) of the OpenGL 2.1 spec says:
    *     "When loading N elements starting at an arbitrary position k in a
    *     uniform declared as an array, elements k through k + N - 1 in the
    *     array will be replaced with the new values. Values for any array
    *     element that exceeds the highest array element index used, as
    *     reported by GetActiveUniform, will be ignored by the GL."
    * Clamp 'count' to a valid value.  Note that for non-arrays a count > 1
    * will have already generated an error.
   if (uni->array_elements != 0) {
      if (offset >= uni->array_elements)

      count = MIN2(count, (uni->array_elements - offset));


   /* Store the data in the "actual type" backing storage for the uniform.
   elements = components * vectors;

   if (!transpose) {
      memcpy(&uni->storage[elements * offset], values,
	     sizeof(uni->storage[0]) * elements * count);
   } else {
      /* Copy and transpose the matrix.
      const float *src = values;
      float *dst = &uni->storage[elements * offset].f;

      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	 for (unsigned r = 0; r < rows; r++) {
	    for (unsigned c = 0; c < cols; c++) {
	       dst[(c * components) + r] = src[c + (r * vectors)];

	 dst += elements;
	 src += elements;

   uni->initialized = true;

   _mesa_propagate_uniforms_to_driver_storage(uni, offset, count);
Beispiel #5
 * Called via glUniform*() functions.
extern "C" void
_mesa_uniform(struct gl_context *ctx, struct gl_shader_program *shProg,
	      GLint location, GLsizei count,
              const GLvoid *values, GLenum type)
   unsigned loc, offset;
   unsigned components;
   unsigned src_components;
   enum glsl_base_type basicType;
   struct gl_uniform_storage *uni;


   if (!validate_uniform_parameters(ctx, shProg, location, count,
				    &loc, &offset, "glUniform", false))

   uni = &shProg->UniformStorage[loc];

   /* Verify that the types are compatible.
   switch (type) {
   case GL_FLOAT:
      basicType = GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT;
      src_components = 1;
   case GL_FLOAT_VEC2:
      basicType = GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT;
      src_components = 2;
   case GL_FLOAT_VEC3:
      basicType = GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT;
      src_components = 3;
   case GL_FLOAT_VEC4:
      basicType = GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT;
      src_components = 4;
      basicType = GLSL_TYPE_UINT;
      src_components = 1;
      basicType = GLSL_TYPE_UINT;
      src_components = 2;
      basicType = GLSL_TYPE_UINT;
      src_components = 3;
      basicType = GLSL_TYPE_UINT;
      src_components = 4;
   case GL_INT:
      basicType = GLSL_TYPE_INT;
      src_components = 1;
   case GL_INT_VEC2:
      basicType = GLSL_TYPE_INT;
      src_components = 2;
   case GL_INT_VEC3:
      basicType = GLSL_TYPE_INT;
      src_components = 3;
   case GL_INT_VEC4:
      basicType = GLSL_TYPE_INT;
      src_components = 4;
   case GL_BOOL:
   case GL_BOOL_VEC2:
   case GL_BOOL_VEC3:
   case GL_BOOL_VEC4:
   case GL_FLOAT_MAT2:
   case GL_FLOAT_MAT2x3:
   case GL_FLOAT_MAT2x4:
   case GL_FLOAT_MAT3x2:
   case GL_FLOAT_MAT3:
   case GL_FLOAT_MAT3x4:
   case GL_FLOAT_MAT4x2:
   case GL_FLOAT_MAT4x3:
   case GL_FLOAT_MAT4:
      _mesa_problem(NULL, "Invalid type in %s", __func__);

   if (uni->type->is_sampler()) {
      components = 1;
   } else {
      components = uni->type->vector_elements;

   bool match;
   switch (uni->type->base_type) {
      match = true;
      match = (basicType == GLSL_TYPE_INT);
      match = (basicType == uni->type->base_type);

   if (uni->type->is_matrix() || components != src_components || !match) {
      _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_OPERATION, "glUniform(type mismatch)");

   if (ctx->Shader.Flags & GLSL_UNIFORMS) {
      log_uniform(values, basicType, components, 1, count,
		  false, shProg, location, uni);

   /* Page 100 (page 116 of the PDF) of the OpenGL 3.0 spec says:
    *     "Setting a sampler's value to i selects texture image unit number
    *     i. The values of i range from zero to the implementation- dependent
    *     maximum supported number of texture image units."
    * In addition, table 2.3, "Summary of GL errors," on page 17 (page 33 of
    * the PDF) says:
    *     "Error         Description                    Offending command
    *                                                   ignored?
    *     ...
    *     INVALID_VALUE  Numeric argument out of range  Yes"
    * Based on that, when an invalid sampler is specified, we generate a
    * GL_INVALID_VALUE error and ignore the command.
   if (uni->type->is_sampler()) {
      int i;

      for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	 const unsigned texUnit = ((unsigned *) values)[i];

         /* check that the sampler (tex unit index) is legal */
         if (texUnit >= ctx->Const.MaxCombinedTextureImageUnits) {
            _mesa_error(ctx, GL_INVALID_VALUE,
                        "glUniform1i(invalid sampler/tex unit index for "
			"uniform %d)",

   /* Page 82 (page 96 of the PDF) of the OpenGL 2.1 spec says:
    *     "When loading N elements starting at an arbitrary position k in a
    *     uniform declared as an array, elements k through k + N - 1 in the
    *     array will be replaced with the new values. Values for any array
    *     element that exceeds the highest array element index used, as
    *     reported by GetActiveUniform, will be ignored by the GL."
    * Clamp 'count' to a valid value.  Note that for non-arrays a count > 1
    * will have already generated an error.
   if (uni->array_elements != 0) {
      if (offset >= uni->array_elements)

      count = MIN2(count, (uni->array_elements - offset));


   /* Store the data in the "actual type" backing storage for the uniform.
   if (!uni->type->is_boolean()) {
      memcpy(&uni->storage[components * offset], values,
	     sizeof(uni->storage[0]) * components * count);
   } else {
      const union gl_constant_value *src =
	 (const union gl_constant_value *) values;
      union gl_constant_value *dst = &uni->storage[components * offset];
      const unsigned elems = components * count;
      unsigned i;

      for (i = 0; i < elems; i++) {
	 if (basicType == GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT) {
	    dst[i].i = src[i].f != 0.0f ? 1 : 0;
	 } else {
	    dst[i].i = src[i].i != 0    ? 1 : 0;

   uni->initialized = true;

   _mesa_propagate_uniforms_to_driver_storage(uni, offset, count);

   /* If the uniform is a sampler, do the extra magic necessary to propagate
    * the changes through.
   if (uni->type->is_sampler()) {
      int i;

      for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
	 shProg->SamplerUnits[uni->sampler + offset + i] =
	    ((unsigned *) values)[i];

      bool flushed = false;
      for (i = 0; i < MESA_SHADER_TYPES; i++) {
	 struct gl_program *prog;

	 if (shProg->_LinkedShaders[i] == NULL)

	 prog = shProg->_LinkedShaders[i]->Program;

	 /* If the shader stage doesn't use any samplers, don't bother
	  * checking if any samplers have changed.
	 if (prog->SamplersUsed == 0)

	 assert(sizeof(prog->SamplerUnits) == sizeof(shProg->SamplerUnits));

	 /* Determine if any of the samplers used by this shader stage have
	  * been modified.
	 bool changed = false;
	 for (unsigned j = 0; j < Elements(prog->SamplerUnits); j++) {
	    if ((prog->SamplersUsed & (1U << j)) != 0
		&& (prog->SamplerUnits[j] != shProg->SamplerUnits[j])) {
	       changed = true;

	 if (changed) {
	    if (!flushed) {
	       flushed = true;


	    (void) ctx->Driver.ProgramStringNotify(ctx, prog->Target, prog);
Beispiel #6
 * Called via glGetUniform[fiui]v() to get the current value of a uniform.
extern "C" void
_mesa_get_uniform(struct gl_context *ctx, GLuint program, GLint location,
		  GLsizei bufSize, enum glsl_base_type returnType,
		  GLvoid *paramsOut)
   struct gl_shader_program *shProg =
      _mesa_lookup_shader_program_err(ctx, program, "glGetUniformfv");
   struct gl_uniform_storage *uni;
   unsigned loc, offset;

   if (!validate_uniform_parameters(ctx, shProg, location, 1,
				    &loc, &offset, "glGetUniform", true))

   uni = &shProg->UniformStorage[loc];

      unsigned elements = (uni->type->is_sampler())
	 ? 1 : uni->type->components();

      /* Calculate the source base address *BEFORE* modifying elements to
       * account for the size of the user's buffer.
      const union gl_constant_value *const src =
	 &uni->storage[offset * elements];

      unsigned bytes = sizeof(uni->storage[0]) * elements;
      if (bytes > (unsigned) bufSize) {
	 elements = bufSize / sizeof(uni->storage[0]);
	 bytes = bufSize;

      /* If the return type and the uniform's native type are "compatible,"
       * just memcpy the data.  If the types are not compatible, perform a
       * slower convert-and-copy process.
      if (returnType == uni->type->base_type
	  || ((returnType == GLSL_TYPE_INT
	       || returnType == GLSL_TYPE_UINT
	       || returnType == GLSL_TYPE_SAMPLER)
	      (uni->type->base_type == GLSL_TYPE_INT
	       || uni->type->base_type == GLSL_TYPE_UINT
	       || uni->type->base_type == GLSL_TYPE_SAMPLER))) {
	 memcpy(paramsOut, src, bytes);
      } else {
	 union gl_constant_value *const dst =
	    (union gl_constant_value *) paramsOut;

	 /* This code could be optimized by putting the loop inside the switch
	  * statements.  However, this is not expected to be
	  * performance-critical code.
	 for (unsigned i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
	    switch (returnType) {
	    case GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT:
	       switch (uni->type->base_type) {
	       case GLSL_TYPE_UINT:
		  dst[i].f = (float) src[i].u;
	       case GLSL_TYPE_INT:
	       case GLSL_TYPE_SAMPLER:
		  dst[i].f = (float) src[i].i;
	       case GLSL_TYPE_BOOL:
		  dst[i].f = src[i].i ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
		  assert(!"Should not get here.");

	    case GLSL_TYPE_INT:
	    case GLSL_TYPE_UINT:
	       switch (uni->type->base_type) {
	       case GLSL_TYPE_FLOAT:
		  /* While the GL 3.2 core spec doesn't explicitly
		   * state how conversion of float uniforms to integer
		   * values works, in section 6.2 "State Tables" on
		   * page 267 it says:
		   *     "Unless otherwise specified, when floating
		   *      point state is returned as integer values or
		   *      integer state is returned as floating-point
		   *      values it is converted in the fashion
		   *      described in section 6.1.2"
		   * That section, on page 248, says:
		   *     "If GetIntegerv or GetInteger64v are called,
		   *      a floating-point value is rounded to the
		   *      nearest integer..."
		  dst[i].i = IROUND(src[i].f);
	       case GLSL_TYPE_BOOL:
		  dst[i].i = src[i].i ? 1 : 0;
		  assert(!"Should not get here.");

	       assert(!"Should not get here.");