SgAsmElfSection::dump(FILE *f, const char *prefix, ssize_t idx) const
    char p[4096];
    if (idx>=0) {
        sprintf(p, "%sElfSection[%zd].", prefix, idx);
    } else {
        sprintf(p, "%sElfSection.", prefix);
    int w = std::max(1, DUMP_FIELD_WIDTH-(int)strlen(p));
    SgAsmGenericSection::dump(f, p, -1);
    if (get_section_entry())
        get_section_entry()->dump(f, p, -1);
    if (get_segment_entry())
        get_segment_entry()->dump(f, p, -1);

    if (p_linked_section) {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = [%d] \"%s\"\n", p, w, "linked_to",
                p_linked_section->get_id(), p_linked_section->get_name()->get_string(true).c_str());
    } else {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = NULL\n",    p, w, "linked_to");

    if (variantT() == V_SgAsmElfSection) //unless a base class
        hexdump(f, 0, std::string(p)+"data at ", p_data);
Beispiel #2
/* Print some debugging info */
SgAsmGenericSection::dump(FILE *f, const char *prefix, ssize_t idx) const
    char p[4096];
    if (idx>=0) {
        sprintf(p, "%sSection[%zd].", prefix, idx);
    } else {
        sprintf(p, "%sSection.", prefix);
    const int w = std::max(1, DUMP_FIELD_WIDTH-(int)strlen(p));

    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = \"%s\"",                      p, w, "name",        p_name->get_string(true).c_str());
    if (!p_short_name.empty())
        fprintf(f, " (%s)", p_short_name.c_str());
    fprintf(f, "\n");
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %d\n",                          p, w, "id",          p_id);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08"PRIx64" (%"PRIu64") bytes into file\n", p, w, "offset", p_offset, p_offset);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08"PRIx64" (%"PRIu64") bytes\n",           p, w, "size", get_size(), get_size());
    if (0==get_file_alignment()) {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = not specified\n", p, w, "file_alignment");
    } else {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08"PRIx64" (%"PRIu64") %s\n", p, w, "file_alignment", 
                get_file_alignment(), get_file_alignment(),
                0==get_offset()%get_file_alignment()?"satisfied":"NOT SATISFIED");
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %s\n",                          p, w, "synthesized", p_synthesized?"yes":"no");
    if (p_header) {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = \"%s\"\n",                  p, w, "header",      p_header->get_name()->get_string(true).c_str());
    } else {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = not associated\n",          p, w, "header");
    std::string purpose = stringifySgAsmGenericSectionSectionPurpose(p_purpose);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %s\n", p, w, "purpose", purpose.c_str());

    if (is_mapped()) {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = rva=0x%08"PRIx64", size=%"PRIu64" bytes\n", p, w, "mapped",  p_mapped_preferred_rva, p_mapped_size);
        if (0==get_mapped_alignment()) {
            fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = not specified\n", p, w, "mapped_alignment");
        } else {
            fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08"PRIx64" (%"PRIu64") %s\n", p, w, "mapped_alignment", 
                    get_mapped_alignment(), get_mapped_alignment(),
                    0==get_mapped_preferred_rva()%get_mapped_alignment()?"satisfied":"NOT SATISFIED");
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %c%c%c\n", p, w, "permissions",
                get_mapped_rperm()?'r':'-', get_mapped_wperm()?'w':'-', get_mapped_xperm()?'x':'-');
    } else {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = <not mapped>\n",    p, w, "mapped");

    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %s\n", p, w, "contains_code", get_contains_code()?"true":"false");
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08"PRIx64" (%"PRIu64") \n", p, w, "mapped_actual_va", p_mapped_actual_va, p_mapped_actual_va);

    // DQ (8/31/2008): Output the contents if this not derived from (there is likely a 
    // better implementation if the hexdump function was a virtual member function).
    if (variantT() == V_SgAsmGenericSection) {
        hexdump(f, 0, std::string(p)+"data at ", p_data);
Beispiel #3
/** Print some debugging info */
SgAsmElfSegmentTable::dump(FILE *f, const char *prefix, ssize_t idx) const
    char p[4096];
    if (idx>=0) {
        sprintf(p, "%sSegmentTable[%zd].", prefix, idx);
    } else {
        sprintf(p, "%sSegmentTable.", prefix);

    SgAsmGenericSection::dump(f, p, -1);

    if (variantT() == V_SgAsmElfSegmentTable) //unless a base class
        hexdump(f, 0, std::string(p)+"data at ", p_data);
/* Print some debugging info */
SgAsmPEStringSection::dump(FILE *f, const char *prefix, ssize_t idx) const
    char p[4096];
    if (idx>=0) {
        sprintf(p, "%sPEStringSection[%zd].", prefix, idx);
    } else {
        sprintf(p, "%sPEStringSection.", prefix);

    SgAsmPESection::dump(f, p, -1);

    get_strtab()->dump(f, p, -1);

    if (variantT() == V_SgAsmPEStringSection) //unless a base class
        hexdump(f, 0, std::string(p)+"data at ", p_data);
Beispiel #5
/** Print some debugging info */
SgAsmElfFileHeader::dump(FILE *f, const char *prefix, ssize_t idx) const
    char p[4096];
    if (idx>=0) {
        sprintf(p, "%sElfFileHeader[%zd].", prefix, idx);
    } else {
        sprintf(p, "%sElfFileHeader.", prefix);
    int w = std::max(1, DUMP_FIELD_WIDTH-(int)strlen(p));

    SgAsmGenericHeader::dump(f, p, -1);
    const char *class_s = 1==p_e_ident_file_class ? " (32-bit)" :
                          2==p_e_ident_file_class ? " (64-bit)" : "";
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %u%s\n",                           p, w, "e_ident_file_class",     p_e_ident_file_class, class_s);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %u\n",                             p, w, "e_ident_file_version",   p_e_ident_file_version);
    for (size_t i=0; i < p_e_ident_padding.size(); i++)
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = [%" PRIuPTR "] %u\n",                   p, w, "e_ident_padding",     i, p_e_ident_padding[i]);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %lu\n",                            p, w, "e_type",                 p_e_type);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %lu\n",                            p, w, "e_machine",              p_e_machine);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08lx\n",                        p, w, "e_flags",                p_e_flags);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08lx (%lu) bytes\n",            p, w, "e_ehsize",               p_e_ehsize, p_e_ehsize);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08lx (%lu) bytes\n",            p, w, "phextrasz",              p_phextrasz, p_phextrasz);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %lu\n",                            p, w, "e_phnum",                p_e_phnum);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08lx (%lu) bytes\n",            p, w, "shextrasz",              p_shextrasz, p_shextrasz);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %lu\n",                            p, w, "e_shnum",                p_e_shnum);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %lu\n",                            p, w, "e_shstrndx",             p_e_shstrndx);
    if (p_section_table) {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = [%d] \"%s\"\n",                p, w, "section_table",
                p_section_table->get_id(), p_section_table->get_name()->get_string(true).c_str());
    } else {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = none\n",                       p, w, "section_table");
    if (p_segment_table) {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = [%d] \"%s\"\n",                p, w, "segment_table",
                p_segment_table->get_id(), p_segment_table->get_name()->get_string(true).c_str());
    } else {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = none\n",                       p, w, "segment_table");

    if (variantT() == V_SgAsmElfFileHeader) //unless a base class
        hexdump(f, 0, std::string(p)+"data at ", p_data);
Beispiel #6
/** Print some debugging info */
SgAsmElfSymbolSection::dump(FILE *f, const char *prefix, ssize_t idx) const
    char p[4096];
    if (idx>=0) {
        sprintf(p, "%sElfSymbolSection[%zd].", prefix, idx);
    } else {
        sprintf(p, "%sElfSymbolSection.", prefix);
    const int w = std::max(1, DUMP_FIELD_WIDTH-(int)strlen(p));

    SgAsmElfSection::dump(f, p, -1);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %s\n", p, w, "is_dynamic", p_is_dynamic ? "yes" : "no");
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %zu symbols\n", p, w, "ElfSymbol.size", p_symbols->get_symbols().size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < p_symbols->get_symbols().size(); i++) {
        SgAsmGenericSection *section = get_file()->get_section_by_id(p_symbols->get_symbols()[i]->get_st_shndx());
        p_symbols->get_symbols()[i]->dump(f, p, i, section);

    if (variantT() == V_SgAsmElfSymbolSection) //unless a base class
        hexdump(f, 0, std::string(p)+"data at ", p_data);
/* Print some debugging info */
SgAsmCoffSymbolTable::dump(FILE *f, const char *prefix, ssize_t idx) const
    char p[4096];
    if (idx>=0) {
        sprintf(p, "%sCOFFSymtab[%zd].", prefix, idx);
    } else {
        sprintf(p, "%sCOFFSymtab.", prefix);

    const int w = std::max(1, DUMP_FIELD_WIDTH-(int)strlen(p));

    SgAsmGenericSection::dump(f, p, -1);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %zu symbols\n", p, w, "size", p_symbols->get_symbols().size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < p_symbols->get_symbols().size(); i++) {
        p_symbols->get_symbols()[i]->dump(f, p, i);

    if (variantT() == V_SgAsmCoffSymbolTable) //unless a base class
        hexdump(f, 0, std::string(p)+"data at ", p_data);
Beispiel #8
/* Print some debugging information */
SgAsmPEFileHeader::dump(FILE *f, const char *prefix, ssize_t idx) const
    char p[4096];
    if (idx>=0) {
        sprintf(p, "%sPEFileHeader[%zd].", prefix, idx);
    } else {
        sprintf(p, "%sPEFileHeader.", prefix);

    int w = std::max(1, DUMP_FIELD_WIDTH-(int)strlen(p));
    time_t t = p_e_time;
    char time_str[128];
    struct tm *tm = localtime(&t);
    if (tm) {
        strftime(time_str, sizeof time_str, "%c", tm);
    } else {
        strcpy(time_str, "INVALID");

    SgAsmGenericHeader::dump(f, p, -1);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%04x (%u)\n",               p, w, "e_cpu_type",          p_e_cpu_type, p_e_cpu_type);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %u\n",                        p, w, "e_nsections",         p_e_nsections);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %u (%s)\n",                   p, w, "e_time",              p_e_time, time_str);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08"PRIx64" (%"PRIu64")\n", p, w, "e_coff_symtab",       p_e_coff_symtab, p_e_coff_symtab);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %u\n",                        p, w, "e_coff_nsyms",        p_e_coff_nsyms);
    if (p_coff_symtab) {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = [%d] \"%s\"\n",           p, w, "coff_symtab",
                p_coff_symtab->get_id(), p_coff_symtab->get_name()->get_string(true).c_str());
    } else {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = none\n",                  p, w, "coff_symtab");
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08"PRIx64" (%"PRIu64")\n", p, w, "e_nt_hdr_size",       p_e_nt_hdr_size, p_e_nt_hdr_size);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%04x (%u)\n",               p, w, "e_flags",             p_e_flags, p_e_flags);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%04x %s\n",                 p, w, "e_opt_magic",         p_e_opt_magic,
            0x10b == p_e_opt_magic ? "PE32" : (0x20b == p_e_opt_magic ? "PE32+" : "other"));
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %u.%u\n",                     p, w, "linker_vers",         p_e_lmajor, p_e_lminor);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08x (%u) bytes\n",         p, w, "e_code_size",         p_e_code_size, p_e_code_size);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08x (%u) bytes\n",         p, w, "e_data_size",         p_e_data_size, p_e_data_size);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08x (%u) bytes\n",         p, w, "e_bss_size",          p_e_bss_size, p_e_bss_size);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %s\n",                        p, w, "e_code_rva",          p_e_code_rva.to_string().c_str());
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %s\n",                        p, w, "e_data_rva",          p_e_data_rva.to_string().c_str());
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08x (%u)\n",               p, w, "e_section_align",     p_e_section_align, p_e_section_align);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08x (%u)\n",               p, w, "e_file_align",        p_e_file_align, p_e_file_align);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %u.%u\n",                     p, w, "os_vers",             p_e_os_major, p_e_os_minor);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %u.%u\n",                     p, w, "user_vers",           p_e_user_major, p_e_user_minor);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %u.%u\n",                     p, w, "subsys_vers",         p_e_subsys_major, p_e_subsys_minor);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %u\n",                        p, w, "e_reserved9",         p_e_reserved9);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08x (%u)\n",               p, w, "e_image_size",        p_e_image_size, p_e_image_size);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08x (%u)\n",               p, w, "e_header_size",       p_e_header_size, p_e_header_size);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08x (%u)\n",               p, w, "e_file_checksum",     p_e_file_checksum, p_e_file_checksum);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %u\n",                        p, w, "e_subsystem",         p_e_subsystem);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%04x (%u)\n",               p, w, "e_dll_flags",         p_e_dll_flags, p_e_dll_flags);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08x (%u)\n",               p, w, "e_stack_reserve_size",
            p_e_stack_reserve_size, p_e_stack_reserve_size);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08x (%u)\n",               p, w, "e_stack_commit_size", p_e_stack_commit_size, p_e_stack_commit_size);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08x (%u)\n",               p, w, "e_heap_reserve_size", p_e_heap_reserve_size, p_e_heap_reserve_size);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08x (%u)\n",               p, w, "e_heap_commit_size",  p_e_heap_commit_size, p_e_heap_commit_size);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = 0x%08x (%u)\n",               p, w, "e_loader_flags",      p_e_loader_flags, p_e_loader_flags);
    fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = %u\n",                        p, w, "e_num_rvasize_pairs", p_e_num_rvasize_pairs);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < p_rvasize_pairs->get_pairs().size(); i++) {
        char p2[256];
        int nprint __attribute__((unused)) = snprintf(p2, sizeof p2, "%s.pair[%d].", p, i);
        assert((size_t)nprint<sizeof p2);
        w = std::max(1, DUMP_FIELD_WIDTH-(int)strlen(p2));
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = rva %s,\tsize 0x%08"PRIx64" (%"PRIu64")\n", p2, w, "..",
                p_rvasize_pairs->get_pairs()[i]->get_e_size(), p_rvasize_pairs->get_pairs()[i]->get_e_size());
    if (p_section_table) {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = [%d] \"%s\"\n", p, w, "section_table",
                p_section_table->get_id(), p_section_table->get_name()->get_string(true).c_str());
    } else {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = none\n", p, w, "section_table");

    if (variantT() == V_SgAsmPEFileHeader) //unless a base class
        hexdump(f, 0, std::string(p)+"data at ", p_data);

    /* Show the simulated loader memory map */
    const MemoryMap *map = get_loader_map();
    if (map) {
        map->dump(f, (std::string(p)+"loader_map: ").c_str());
    } else {
        fprintf(f, "%s%-*s = not defined\n", p, w, "loader_map");