int variationalInequality_driver(VariationalInequality* problem, 
                                 double *x, double *w, 
                                 SolverOptions* options)
  if (options == NULL)
    numerics_error("variationalInequality_driver", "null input for solver and/or global options");

  if (verbose > 0)

  /* Solver name */
  /*char * name = options->solverName;*/

  int info = -1 ;

  /* Check for trivial case */
  info = checkTrivialCase_vi(problem, x, w, options);
  if (info == 0){
    double error;
    variationalInequality_computeError(problem, x , w, options->dparam[0], options, &error);
    printf("variationalInequality_driver. error = %8.4e\n", error);
    return info;

  switch (options->solverId)
    /* Non Smooth Gauss Seidel (NSGS) */
  /* Extra Gradient algorithm */
             " ========================== Call ExtraGradient (EG) solver for VI problem ==========================\n");
    variationalInequality_ExtraGradient(problem, x , w , &info , options);
             " ========================== Call Fixed Point Projection (FPP) solver for VI problem ==========================\n");
    variationalInequality_FixedPointProjection(problem, x , w , &info , options);
             " ========================== Call Hyperplane Projection (HP) solver for VI problem ==========================\n");
    variationalInequality_HyperplaneProjection(problem, x , w , &info , options);
    variationalInequality_box_newton_QiLSA(problem, x, w, &info, options);
    vi_box_AVI_LSA(problem, x, w, &info, options);
    vi_box_path(problem, x, w, &info, options);
    fprintf(stderr, "Numerics, variationalInequality_driver failed. Unknown solver.\n");


  return info;

void variationalInequality_ExtraGradient(VariationalInequality* problem, double *x, double *w, int* info, SolverOptions* options)
  /* /\* int and double parameters *\/ */
  int* iparam = options->iparam;
  double* dparam = options->dparam;
  /* Number of contacts */
  int n = problem->size;
  /* Maximum number of iterations */
  int itermax = iparam[0];
  /* Tolerance */
  double tolerance = dparam[0];

  /*****  Fixed point iterations *****/
  int iter = 0; /* Current iteration number */
  double error = 1.; /* Current error */
  int hasNotConverged = 1;
  dparam[0] = dparam[2]; // set the tolerance for the local solver

  double * xtmp = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
  double * wtmp = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));

  double rho = 0.0, rho_k =0.0;
  int isVariable = 0;

  if (dparam[3] > 0.0)
    rho = dparam[3];
    if (verbose > 0)
      printf("----------------------------------- VI - Extra Gradient (EG) - Fixed stepsize with  rho = %14.7e \n", rho);
    /* Variable step in iterations*/
    isVariable = 1;
    rho = -dparam[3];
    if (verbose > 0)
      printf("----------------------------------- VI - Extra Gradient (EG) - Variable stepsize with starting rho = %14.7e \n", rho);


  /* Variable for Line_search */
  int success =0;
  double error_k, light_error_sum =0.0;
  int ls_iter = 0;
  int ls_itermax = 10;
  double tau=dparam[4], tauinv=dparam[5], L= dparam[6], Lmin = dparam[7];
  double a1=0.0, a2=0.0;
  double * x_k =0;
  double * w_k =0;

  if (isVariable)
    x_k = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
    w_k = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));

  if (!isVariable)
    /*   double minusrho  = -1.0*rho; */
    while ((iter < itermax) && (hasNotConverged > 0))

      /* xtmp <- x  */
      cblas_dcopy(n , x , 1 , xtmp, 1);

      /* wtmp <- F(xtmp) */
      problem->F(problem, n, xtmp,wtmp);

      /* xtmp <- xtmp - F(xtmp) */
      cblas_daxpy(n, -1.0, wtmp , 1, xtmp , 1) ;

      /* wtmp <-  ProjectionOnX(xtmp) */

      /* x <- x - wtmp */
      cblas_daxpy(n, -1.0, wtmp , 1, x , 1) ;

      /* x <-  ProjectionOnX(x) */
      cblas_dcopy(n , xtmp , 1 , x, 1);


      /* problem->F(problem,x,w); */
      /* cblas_daxpy(n, -1.0, w , 1, x , 1) ; */
      /* cblas_dcopy(n , x , 1 , xtmp, 1); */
      /* problem->ProjectionOnX(problem,xtmp,x); */

      /* **** Criterium convergence **** */
        variationalInequality_computeError(problem, x , w, tolerance, options, &error);
        cblas_dcopy(n, xtmp, 1,x , 1) ;
        cblas_daxpy(n, -1.0, x_k , 1, xtmp , 1) ;
        light_error_sum = cblas_dnrm2(n,xtmp,1);
        double norm_x= cblas_dnrm2(n,x,1);
        if (fabs(norm_x) > DBL_EPSILON)
          light_error_sum /= norm_x;

      if (options->callback)
        options->callback->collectStatsIteration(options->callback->env, n,
                                        x, w,
                                        error, NULL);

      if (verbose > 0)
        printf("----------------------------------- VI - Extra Gradient (EG) - Iteration %i rho = %14.7e \tError = %14.7e\n", iter, rho, error);
      if (error < tolerance) hasNotConverged = 0;
      *info = hasNotConverged;

  if (isVariable)
    if (iparam[1]==0)/* Armijo rule with Khotbotov ratio (default)   */
      while ((iter < itermax) && (hasNotConverged > 0))

        /* Store the error */
        error_k = error;

        /* x_k <-- x store the x at the beginning of the iteration */
        cblas_dcopy(n , x , 1 , x_k, 1);

        problem->F(problem, n, x, w_k);

        ls_iter = 0 ;
        success =0;
        rho_k=rho / tau;

        while (!success && (ls_iter < ls_itermax))
          /* if (iparam[3] && ls_iter !=0) rho_k = rho_k * tau * min(1.0,a2/(rho_k*a1)); */
          /* else */ rho_k = rho_k * tau ;

          /* x <- x_k  for the std approach*/
          if (iparam[2]==0) cblas_dcopy(n, x_k, 1, x , 1) ;

          /* x <- x - rho_k*  w_k */
          cblas_daxpy(n, -rho_k, w_k , 1, x , 1) ;

          /* xtmp <-  ProjectionOnX(x) */

          DEBUG_EXPR_WE( for (int i =0; i< 5 ; i++) { printf("xtmp[%i]=%12.8e\t",i,xtmp[i]);
          /* velocitytmp <- velocity */
          /* cblas_dcopy(n, w, 1, wtmp , 1) ; */

          /* velocity <- velocity - velocity_k   */
          cblas_daxpy(n, -1.0, w_k , 1, w , 1) ;

          /* a1 =  ||w - w_k|| */
          a1 = cblas_dnrm2(n, w, 1);
          DEBUG_PRINTF("a1 = %12.8e\n", a1);

          /* xtmp <- x */
          cblas_dcopy(n, xtmp, 1,x , 1) ;

          /* xtmp <- x - x_k   */
          cblas_daxpy(n, -1.0, x_k , 1, xtmp , 1) ;

          /* a2 =  || x - x_k || */
          a2 = cblas_dnrm2(n, xtmp, 1) ;
          DEBUG_PRINTF("a2 = %12.8e\n", a2);

          DEBUG_PRINTF("test rho_k*a1 < L * a2 = %e < %e\n", rho_k*a1 , L * a2 ) ;
          success = (rho_k*a1 < L * a2)?1:0;

          /* printf("rho_k = %12.8e\t", rho_k); */
          /* printf("a1 = %12.8e\t", a1); */
          /* printf("a2 = %12.8e\t", a2); */
          /* printf("norm x = %12.8e\t",cblas_dnrm2(n, x, 1) ); */
          /* printf("success = %i\n", success); */


        /* velocitytmp <- q  */
        /* cblas_dcopy(n , q , 1 , velocitytmp, 1); */
        /* prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, alpha, M, reaction, beta, velocitytmp); */

        problem->F(problem, n, x,wtmp);

        /* x <- x - rho_k*  wtmp */
        cblas_daxpy(n, -rho_k, wtmp , 1, x , 1) ;

        /* wtmp <-  ProjectionOnX(xtmp) */
        cblas_dcopy(n , x , 1 , xtmp, 1);
        DEBUG_EXPR_WE( for (int i =0; i< 5 ; i++)
                         printf("x[%i]=%12.8e\t",i,x[i]);    printf("w[%i]=F[%i]=%12.8e\n",i,i,w[i]);

        /* **** Criterium convergence **** */
          variationalInequality_computeError(problem, x , w, tolerance, options, &error);
          cblas_dcopy(n, xtmp, 1,x , 1) ;
          cblas_daxpy(n, -1.0, x_k , 1, xtmp , 1) ;
          light_error_sum = cblas_dnrm2(n,xtmp,1);
          double norm_x= cblas_dnrm2(n,x,1);
          if (fabs(norm_x) > DBL_EPSILON)
            light_error_sum /= norm_x;

        DEBUG_PRINTF("error = %12.8e\t error_k = %12.8e\n",error,error_k);
        /*Update rho*/
        if ((rho_k*a1 < Lmin * a2) && (error < error_k))
          rho =rho_k*tauinv;
          rho =rho_k;

        if (verbose > 0)
          printf("----------------------------------- VI - Extra Gradient (EG) - Iteration %i rho = %14.7e \tError = %14.7e\n", iter, rho, error);
        if (error < tolerance) hasNotConverged = 0;
        *info = hasNotConverged;
    }// end iparam[1]==0
void variationalInequality_FixedPointProjection(VariationalInequality* problem, double *x, double *w, int* info, SolverOptions* options)
  /* /\* int and double parameters *\/ */
  int* iparam = options->iparam;
  double* dparam = options->dparam;
  /* Number of contacts */
  int n = problem->size;
  /* Maximum number of iterations */
  int itermax = iparam[0];
  /* Tolerance */
  double tolerance = dparam[0];

  /*****  Fixed point iterations *****/
  int iter = 0; /* Current iteration number */
  double error = 1.; /* Current error */
  int hasNotConverged = 1;

  double * xtmp = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
  double * wtmp = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));

  double rho = 0.0, rho_k =0.0;
  int isVariable = 0;

  if (dparam[3] > 0.0)
    rho = dparam[3];
    if (verbose > 0)
      printf("----------------------------------- VI - Fixed Point Projection (FPP) - Fixed stepsize with  rho = %14.7e \n", rho);
    /* Variable step in iterations*/
    isVariable = 1;
    rho = -dparam[3];
    if (verbose > 0)
      printf("----------------------------------- VI - Fixed Point Projection (FPP) - Variable stepsize with starting rho = %14.7e \n", rho);

  /* Variable for Line_search */
  int success =0;
  double error_k;
  int ls_iter = 0;
  int ls_itermax = 10;
  double tau=dparam[4], tauinv=dparam[5], L= dparam[6], Lmin = dparam[7];
  DEBUG_PRINTF("tau=%g, tauinv=%g, L= %g, Lmin = %g",dparam[4], dparam[5],  dparam[6], dparam[7] ) ;
  double a1=0.0, a2=0.0;
  double * x_k = NULL;
  double * w_k = NULL;

  if (isVariable)
    x_k = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
    w_k = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));

  if (!isVariable)
    /*   double minusrho  = -1.0*rho; */
    while ((iter < itermax) && (hasNotConverged > 0))

      cblas_daxpy(n, -1.0, w , 1, x , 1) ;
      cblas_dcopy(n , x , 1 , xtmp, 1);

      /* **** Criterium convergence **** */
      variationalInequality_computeError(problem, x , w, tolerance, options, &error);

      if (options->callback)
        options->callback->collectStatsIteration(options->callback->env, n,
                                        x, w,
                                        error, NULL);

      if (verbose > 0)
        printf("----------------------------------- VI - Fixed Point Projection (FPP) - Iteration %i rho = %14.7e \tError = %14.7e\n", iter, rho, error);
      if (error < tolerance) hasNotConverged = 0;
      *info = hasNotConverged;
  else if (isVariable)
    if (iparam[1]==0) /* Armijo rule with Khotbotov ratio (default)   */
      DEBUG_PRINT("Variable step size method with Armijo rule with Khotbotov ratio (default) \n");
      while ((iter < itermax) && (hasNotConverged > 0))
        /* Store the error */
        error_k = error;

        /* x_k <-- x store the x at the beginning of the iteration */
        cblas_dcopy(n , x , 1 , x_k, 1);
        /* compute w_k =F(x_k) */

        ls_iter = 0 ;
        success =0;
        rho_k=rho / tau;

        while (!success && (ls_iter < ls_itermax))
          /* if (iparam[3] && ls_iter !=0) rho_k = rho_k * tau * min(1.0,a2/(rho_k*a1)); */
          /* else */ rho_k = rho_k * tau ;

          /* x <- x_k  for the std approach*/
          if (iparam[2]==0) cblas_dcopy(n, x_k, 1, x , 1) ;

          /* x <- x - rho_k*  w_k */
          cblas_daxpy(n, -rho_k, w_k , 1, x , 1) ;

          /* xtmp <-  ProjectionOnX(x) */

          DEBUG_EXPR_WE( for (int i =0; i< 5 ; i++) { printf("xtmp[%i]=%12.8e\t",i,xtmp[i]);
          /* velocitytmp <- velocity */
          /* cblas_dcopy(n, w, 1, wtmp , 1) ; */

          /* velocity <- velocity - velocity_k   */
          cblas_daxpy(n, -1.0, w_k , 1, w , 1) ;

          /* a1 =  ||w - w_k|| */
          a1 = cblas_dnrm2(n, w, 1);
          DEBUG_PRINTF("a1 = %12.8e\n", a1);

          /* xtmp <- x */
          cblas_dcopy(n, xtmp, 1,x , 1) ;

          /* xtmp <- x - x_k   */
          cblas_daxpy(n, -1.0, x_k , 1, xtmp , 1) ;

          /* a2 =  || x - x_k || */
          a2 = cblas_dnrm2(n, xtmp, 1) ;
          DEBUG_PRINTF("a2 = %12.8e\n", a2);

          DEBUG_PRINTF("test rho_k*a1 < L * a2 = %e < %e\n", rho_k*a1 , L * a2 ) ;
          success = (rho_k*a1 < L * a2)?1:0;

          /* printf("rho_k = %12.8e\t", rho_k); */
          /* printf("a1 = %12.8e\t", a1); */
          /* printf("a2 = %12.8e\t", a2); */
          /* printf("norm x = %12.8e\t",cblas_dnrm2(n, x, 1) ); */
          /* printf("success = %i\n", success); */


        /* problem->F(problem,x,w); */
        DEBUG_EXPR_WE( for (int i =0; i< 5 ; i++) { printf("x[%i]=%12.8e\t",i,x[i]);

        /* **** Criterium convergence **** */
        variationalInequality_computeError(problem, x , w, tolerance, options, &error);

          if ((error < error_k))
            printf("(error < error_k) is satisfied\n");
void variationalInequality_HyperplaneProjection(VariationalInequality* problem, double *x, double *w, int* info, SolverOptions* options)
  /* /\* int and double parameters *\/ */
  int* iparam = options->iparam;
  double* dparam = options->dparam;
  /* Number of contacts */
  int n = problem->size;
  /* Maximum number of iterations */
  int itermax = iparam[0];
  /* Maximum number of iterations in Line--search */
  int lsitermax = iparam[1];
  assert(lsitermax >0);
  /* Tolerance */
  double tolerance = dparam[0];

  /*****  Fixed point iterations *****/
  int iter = 0; /* Current iteration number */
  double error = 1.; /* Current error */
  int hasNotConverged = 1;
  dparam[0] = dparam[2]; // set the tolerance for the local solver

  double * xtmp = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
  double * wtmp = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
  double * xtmp2 = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
  double * xtmp3 = (double *)malloc(n * sizeof(double));

  int isVariable = 0;

  double tau = 1.0;
  double sigma = 0.99;

  if (dparam[3] > 0.0)
    tau = dparam[3];
    printf("Hyperplane Projection method. tau <=0  is not well defined\n");
    printf("Hyperplane Projection method. tau is set to 1.0\n");

  if (dparam[4] > 0.0 && dparam[4] < 1.0)
    sigma = dparam[4];
    printf("Hyperplane Projection method. 0<sigma <1  is not well defined\n");
    printf("Hyperplane Projection method. sigma is set to %6.4e\n", sigma);


  if (!isVariable)
    /*   double minusrho  = -1.0*rho; */
    while ((iter < itermax) && (hasNotConverged > 0))
      /** xtmp <-- x (x_k) */
      cblas_dcopy(n , x , 1 , xtmp, 1);



      /* xtmp (y_k)= P_X(x_k-tau F(x_k)) */
      problem->F(problem, n, xtmp, wtmp);
      cblas_daxpy(n, -tau, wtmp , 1, xtmp , 1) ;
      cblas_dcopy(n , xtmp, 1 , xtmp2, 1);
      problem->ProjectionOnX(problem, xtmp2,xtmp);

      // Armijo line search

      int stopingcriteria = 1;
      int ls_iter = -1;
      double alpha = 1.0;
      double lhs = NAN;
      double rhs;
      // xtmp3 = z_k-y_k
      cblas_dcopy(n , x , 1 , xtmp3, 1);
      cblas_daxpy(n, -1.0, xtmp, 1, xtmp3, 1);
      rhs = cblas_dnrm2(n,xtmp3, 1);
      rhs = sigma / tau * rhs * rhs;
        for (int i =0; i< n ; i++)
          printf("(y_k) xtmp[%i]=%6.4e\t",i,xtmp[i]);    printf("(x_k-y_k) xtmp3[%i]=%6.4e\n",i,xtmp3[i]);
      while (stopingcriteria && (ls_iter < lsitermax))
        ls_iter++ ;
        /* xtmp2 = alpha * y_k + (1-alpha) x_k */
        alpha = 1.0 / (pow(2.0, ls_iter));
        DEBUG_PRINTF("alpha = %6.4e\n", alpha);
        cblas_dcopy(n ,xtmp , 1 , xtmp2, 1);
        cblas_dscal(n , alpha, xtmp2, 1);
        cblas_daxpy(n, 1.0-alpha, x, 1, xtmp2, 1);

        /* wtmp =  */

        problem->F(problem, n, xtmp2,wtmp);
          for (int i =0; i< n ; i++)
            printf("(z_k) xtmp2[%i]=%6.4e\n",i,xtmp2[i]);    printf("F(z_k) wtmp[%i]=%6.4e\n",i,wtmp[i]);
        lhs = cblas_ddot(n, wtmp, 1, xtmp3, 1);

        if (lhs >= rhs)  stopingcriteria = 0;

        DEBUG_PRINTF("ls_iter= %i, lsitermax =%i, stopingcriteria  %i\n",ls_iter,lsitermax,stopingcriteria);
        DEBUG_PRINTF("Number of iteration in Armijo line search = %i\t, lhs = %6.4e\t, rhs = %6.4e\t, alpha = %6.4e\t, sigma = %6.4e\t, tau = %6.4e\n", ls_iter, lhs, rhs, alpha, sigma, tau);


      cblas_dcopy(n , x , 1 , xtmp3, 1);
      cblas_daxpy(n, -1.0, xtmp2, 1, xtmp3, 1);
      DEBUG_PRINTF("norm(x-x_k) = %6.4e\n",cblas_dnrm2(n, xtmp3, 1) );
      lhs=cblas_ddot(n, wtmp, 1, xtmp3, 1);

      double nonorm = cblas_dnrm2(n, wtmp, 1);
      double rhoequiv = lhs / (nonorm * nonorm);

      /* rhoequiv =1.0;  */
      DEBUG_PRINTF("nonorm = %6.4e\n", nonorm);
      DEBUG_PRINTF("lhs = %6.4e\n", lhs);
      DEBUG_PRINTF("rho equiv = %6.4e\n", rhoequiv);

      cblas_daxpy(n, -rhoequiv, wtmp, 1, x  , 1);

      cblas_dcopy(n , x, 1 , xtmp, 1);
      problem->ProjectionOnX(problem, xtmp,x);

      /* **** Criterium convergence **** */
      variationalInequality_computeError(problem, x , w, tolerance, options, &error);
         for (int i =0; i< n ; i++)
           printf("x[%i]=%6.4e\t",i,x[i]);    printf("w[%i]=F[%i]=%6.4e\n",i,i,w[i]);