Beispiel #1
int run_association_test(shared_options_data_t* shared_options_data, assoc_options_data_t* options_data) {
    list_t *output_list = (list_t*) malloc (sizeof(list_t));
    list_init("output", shared_options_data->num_threads, INT_MAX, output_list);

    int ret_code = 0;
    vcf_file_t *vcf_file = vcf_open(shared_options_data->vcf_filename, shared_options_data->max_batches);
    if (!vcf_file) {
        LOG_FATAL("VCF file does not exist!\n");
    ped_file_t *ped_file = ped_open(shared_options_data->ped_filename);
    if (!ped_file) {
        LOG_FATAL("PED file does not exist!\n");
    LOG_INFO("About to read PED file...\n");
    // Read PED file before doing any processing
    ret_code = ped_read(ped_file);
    if (ret_code != 0) {
        LOG_FATAL_F("Can't read PED file: %s\n", ped_file->filename);

    // Try to create the directory where the output files will be stored
    ret_code = create_directory(shared_options_data->output_directory);
    if (ret_code != 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
        LOG_FATAL_F("Can't create output directory: %s\n", shared_options_data->output_directory);
    LOG_INFO("About to perform basic association test...\n");

#pragma omp parallel sections private(ret_code)
#pragma omp section
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Level %d: number of threads in the team - %d\n", 0, omp_get_num_threads());
            double start = omp_get_wtime();

            ret_code = vcf_read(vcf_file, 0,
                                (shared_options_data->batch_bytes > 0) ? shared_options_data->batch_bytes : shared_options_data->batch_lines,
                                shared_options_data->batch_bytes <= 0);

            double stop = omp_get_wtime();
            double total = stop - start;

            if (ret_code) {
                LOG_FATAL_F("Error %d while reading the file %s\n", ret_code, vcf_file->filename);

            LOG_INFO_F("[%dR] Time elapsed = %f s\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total);
            LOG_INFO_F("[%dR] Time elapsed = %e ms\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total*1000);


#pragma omp section
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Level %d: number of threads in the team - %d\n", 10, omp_get_num_threads());
            // Enable nested parallelism
            volatile int initialization_done = 0;
            // Pedigree information
            individual_t **individuals = NULL;
            khash_t(ids) *sample_ids = NULL;
            // Create chain of filters for the VCF file
            filter_t **filters = NULL;
            int num_filters = 0;
            if (shared_options_data->chain != NULL) {
                filters = sort_filter_chain(shared_options_data->chain, &num_filters);
            FILE *passed_file = NULL, *failed_file = NULL;
            get_filtering_output_files(shared_options_data, &passed_file, &failed_file);
            double start = omp_get_wtime();

            double *factorial_logarithms = NULL;
            int i = 0;
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(shared_options_data->num_threads) shared(initialization_done, factorial_logarithms, filters, individuals)
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Level %d: number of threads in the team - %d\n", 11, omp_get_num_threads()); 

            char *text_begin, *text_end;
            vcf_reader_status *status;
            while(text_begin = fetch_vcf_text_batch(vcf_file)) {
                text_end = text_begin + strlen(text_begin);
                if (text_begin == text_end) { // EOF
# pragma omp critical
                    status = vcf_reader_status_new(shared_options_data->batch_lines, i);
                if (shared_options_data->batch_bytes > 0) {
                    ret_code = run_vcf_parser(text_begin, text_end, 0, vcf_file, status);
                } else if (shared_options_data->batch_lines > 0) {
                    ret_code = run_vcf_parser(text_begin, text_end, shared_options_data->batch_lines, vcf_file, status);
                // Initialize structures needed for association tests and write headers of output files
                if (!initialization_done && vcf_file->samples_names->size > 0) {
# pragma omp critical
                    // Guarantee that just one thread performs this operation
                    if (!initialization_done) {
                        // Create map to associate the position of individuals in the list of samples defined in the VCF file
                        sample_ids = associate_samples_and_positions(vcf_file);
                        // Sort individuals in PED as defined in the VCF file
                        individuals = sort_individuals(vcf_file, ped_file);
                        printf("num samples = %zu\n", get_num_vcf_samples(file));
                        printf("pos = { ");
                        for (int j = 0; j < get_num_vcf_samples(file); j++) {
                            printf("%s ", individuals[j]->id);
                        // Add headers associated to the defined filters
                        vcf_header_entry_t **filter_headers = get_filters_as_vcf_headers(filters, num_filters);
                        for (int j = 0; j < num_filters; j++) {
                            add_vcf_header_entry(filter_headers[j], vcf_file);
                        // Write file format, header entries and delimiter
                        if (passed_file != NULL) { write_vcf_header(vcf_file, passed_file); }
                        if (failed_file != NULL) { write_vcf_header(vcf_file, failed_file); }
                        LOG_DEBUG("VCF header written\n");
                        if (options_data->task == FISHER) {
                            factorial_logarithms = init_logarithm_array(get_num_vcf_samples(vcf_file) * 10);
                        initialization_done = 1;
                // If it has not been initialized it means that header is not fully read
                if (!initialization_done) {
                vcf_batch_t *batch = fetch_vcf_batch(vcf_file);
                if (i % 100 == 0) {
                    LOG_INFO_F("Batch %d reached by thread %d - %zu/%zu records \n", 
                            i, omp_get_thread_num(),
                            batch->records->size, batch->records->capacity);

                // Launch association test over records that passed the filters
                array_list_t *failed_records = NULL;
                int num_variables = ped_file? get_num_variables(ped_file): 0;
                array_list_t *passed_records = filter_records(filters, num_filters, individuals, sample_ids, num_variables, batch->records, &failed_records);
                if (passed_records->size > 0) {
                    assoc_test(options_data->task, (vcf_record_t**) passed_records->items, passed_records->size, 
                                individuals, get_num_vcf_samples(vcf_file), factorial_logarithms, output_list);
                // Write records that passed and failed filters to separate files, and free them
                write_filtering_output_files(passed_records, failed_records, passed_file, failed_file);
                free_filtered_records(passed_records, failed_records, batch->records);
                // Free batch and its contents

            double stop = omp_get_wtime();
            double total = stop - start;

            LOG_INFO_F("[%d] Time elapsed = %f s\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total);
            LOG_INFO_F("[%d] Time elapsed = %e ms\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total*1000);

            // Free resources
            for (int i = 0; i < num_filters; i++) {
                filter_t *filter = filters[i];
            if (sample_ids) { kh_destroy(ids, sample_ids); }
            if (individuals) { free(individuals); }

            // Decrease list writers count
            for (int i = 0; i < shared_options_data->num_threads; i++) {

#pragma omp section
            // Thread that writes the results to the output file
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Level %d: number of threads in the team - %d\n", 20, omp_get_num_threads());
            double start = omp_get_wtime();
            // Get the file descriptor
            char *path;
            FILE *fd = get_assoc_output_file(options_data->task, shared_options_data, &path);
            LOG_INFO_F("Association test output filename = %s\n", path);
            // Write data: header + one line per variant
            write_output_header(options_data->task, fd);
            write_output_body(options_data->task, output_list, fd);
            // Sort resulting file
            char *cmd = calloc (40 + strlen(path) * 4, sizeof(char));
            sprintf(cmd, "sort -k1,1h -k2,2n %s > %s.tmp && mv %s.tmp %s", path, path, path, path);
            int sort_ret = system(cmd);
            if (sort_ret) {
                LOG_WARN("Association results could not be sorted by chromosome and position, will be shown unsorted\n");
            double stop = omp_get_wtime();
            double total = stop - start;

            LOG_INFO_F("[%dW] Time elapsed = %f s\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total);
            LOG_INFO_F("[%dW] Time elapsed = %e ms\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total*1000);
    ped_close(ped_file, 1,1);
    return ret_code;
Beispiel #2
int run_merge(shared_options_data_t *shared_options_data, merge_options_data_t *options_data) {
    if (options_data->num_files == 1) {
        LOG_INFO("Just one VCF file specified, no need to merge");
        return 0;
    list_t *read_list[options_data->num_files];
    memset(read_list, 0, options_data->num_files * sizeof(list_t*));
    list_t *output_header_list = (list_t*) malloc (sizeof(list_t));
    list_init("headers", shared_options_data->num_threads, INT_MAX, output_header_list);
    list_t *output_list = (list_t*) malloc (sizeof(list_t));
    list_init("output", shared_options_data->num_threads, shared_options_data->max_batches * shared_options_data->batch_lines, output_list);
    list_t *merge_tokens = (list_t*) malloc (sizeof(list_t));
    list_init("tokens", 1, INT_MAX, merge_tokens);
    int ret_code = 0;
    double start, stop, total;
    vcf_file_t *files[options_data->num_files];
    memset(files, 0, options_data->num_files * sizeof(vcf_file_t*));
    // Initialize variables related to the different files
    for (int i = 0; i < options_data->num_files; i++) {
        files[i] = vcf_open(options_data->input_files[i], shared_options_data->max_batches);
        if (!files[i]) {
            LOG_FATAL_F("VCF file %s does not exist!\n", options_data->input_files[i]);
        read_list[i] = (list_t*) malloc(sizeof(list_t));
        list_init("text", 1, shared_options_data->max_batches, read_list[i]);
    ret_code = create_directory(shared_options_data->output_directory);
    if (ret_code != 0 && errno != EEXIST) {
        LOG_FATAL_F("Can't create output directory: %s\n", shared_options_data->output_directory);

    chromosome_order = get_chromosome_order(shared_options_data->host_url, shared_options_data->species,
                                            shared_options_data->version, &num_chromosomes);
    printf("Number of threads = %d\n", shared_options_data->num_threads);
#pragma omp parallel sections private(start, stop, total)
#pragma omp section
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Thread %d reads the VCF file\n", omp_get_thread_num());
            // Reading
            start = omp_get_wtime();

            ret_code = vcf_multiread_batches(read_list, shared_options_data->batch_lines, files, options_data->num_files);

            stop = omp_get_wtime();
            total = stop - start;

            if (ret_code) {
                LOG_ERROR_F("Error %d while reading VCF files\n", ret_code);

            LOG_INFO_F("[%dR] Time elapsed = %f s\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total);
            LOG_INFO_F("[%dR] Time elapsed = %e ms\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total*1000);
#pragma omp section
            // Enable nested parallelism
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Thread %d processes data\n", omp_get_thread_num());
            int num_eof_found = 0;
            int eof_found[options_data->num_files];
            memset(eof_found, 0, options_data->num_files * sizeof(int));
            list_item_t *items[options_data->num_files];
            memset(items, 0, options_data->num_files * sizeof(list_item_t*));
            char *texts[options_data->num_files];
            memset(texts, 0, options_data->num_files * sizeof(char*));
            khash_t(pos) *positions_read = kh_init(pos);
            long max_position_merged = LONG_MAX;
            char *max_chromosome_merged = NULL;
            int header_merged = 0;
            int token = 0;
            double start_parsing, start_insertion, total_parsing = 0, total_insertion = 0;
            start = omp_get_wtime();

            while (num_eof_found < options_data->num_files) {
                /* Process:
                 * - N threads getting batches of VCF records and inserting them in a data structure. The common minimum 
                 * position of each group of batches will also be stored.
                 * - If the data structure reaches certain size or the end of a chromosome, merge positions prior to the 
                 * last minimum registered.
                // Getting text elements in a critical region guarantees that each thread gets variants in positions in the same range
                for (int i = 0; i < options_data->num_files; i++) {
                    if (eof_found[i]) {
                    items[i] = list_remove_item(read_list[i]);
                    if (items[i] == NULL || !strcmp(items[i]->data_p, "")) {
                        LOG_INFO_F("[%d] EOF found in file %s\n", omp_get_thread_num(), options_data->input_files[i]);
                        eof_found[i] = 1;
                        if(items[i] != NULL && !strcmp(items[i]->data_p, "")) {
                            LOG_DEBUG_F("[%d] Text batch freed\n", omp_get_thread_num());
                        } else {
                            LOG_DEBUG_F("[%d] No need to free text batch\n", omp_get_thread_num());
                    assert(items[i]->data_p != NULL);
                    texts[i] = items[i]->data_p;
//                     printf("[%d] text batch from file %d\tcontents = '%s'\n", omp_get_thread_num(), i, texts[i]);
                for (int i = 0; i < options_data->num_files; i++) {
                    if (eof_found[i]) {
                    start_parsing = omp_get_wtime();
                    char *text_begin = texts[i];
                    char *text_end = text_begin + strlen(text_begin);
                    assert(text_end != NULL);
//                     printf("batch = '%.*s'\n", text_end - text_begin, text_begin);
                    // Get VCF batches from text batches
                    vcf_reader_status *status = vcf_reader_status_new(shared_options_data->batch_lines, 0);
                    ret_code = run_vcf_parser(text_begin, text_end, shared_options_data->batch_lines, files[i], status);
                    if (ret_code) {
                        // TODO stop?
                        LOG_ERROR_F("Error %d while reading the file %s\n", ret_code, files[i]->filename);

//                     printf("batches = %d\n", files[i]->record_batches->length);
                    vcf_batch_t *batch = fetch_vcf_batch_non_blocking(files[i]);
                    if (!batch) {
                    total_parsing += omp_get_wtime() - start_parsing;
                    start_insertion = omp_get_wtime();
                    // Insert records into hashtable
                    for (int j = 0; j < batch->records->size; j++) {
                        vcf_record_t *record = vcf_record_copy(array_list_get(j, batch->records));
                        vcf_record_file_link *link = vcf_record_file_link_new(record, files[i]);
                        char key[64];
                        compose_key_value(record->chromosome, record->position, key);
                        int ret = insert_position_read(key, link, positions_read);
                    total_insertion += omp_get_wtime() - start_insertion;
                    // Update minimum position being a maximum of these batches
                    vcf_record_t *current_record = (vcf_record_t*) array_list_get(batch->records->size - 1, batch->records);
                    calculate_merge_interval(current_record, &max_chromosome_merged, &max_position_merged, chromosome_order, num_chromosomes);
                    // Free batch and its contents
                if (num_eof_found == options_data->num_files) {
                    max_chromosome_merged = chromosome_order[num_chromosomes-1];
                    max_position_merged = LONG_MAX;
                // Merge headers, if not previously done
                if (!header_merged) {
                    merge_vcf_headers(files, options_data->num_files, options_data, output_header_list);
                    header_merged = 1;
                    // Decrease list writers count
                    for (int i = 0; i < shared_options_data->num_threads; i++) {
                // If the data structure reaches certain size or the end of a chromosome, 
                // merge positions prior to the last minimum registered
                if (num_eof_found < options_data->num_files && kh_size(positions_read) > TREE_LIMIT) {
                    LOG_INFO_F("Merging until position %s:%ld\n", max_chromosome_merged, max_position_merged);
                    token = merge_interval(positions_read, max_chromosome_merged, max_position_merged, chromosome_order, num_chromosomes,
                                   	   	   files, shared_options_data, options_data, output_list);
                // When reaching EOF for all files, merge the remaining entries
                else if (num_eof_found == options_data->num_files && kh_size(positions_read) > 0) {
                    LOG_INFO_F("Merging remaining positions (last = %s:%ld)\n", chromosome_order[num_chromosomes - 1], LONG_MAX);
                    token = merge_remaining_interval(positions_read, files, shared_options_data, options_data, output_list);
                if (token) {
                	int *token_ptr = malloc (sizeof(int)); *token_ptr = token;
                    list_item_t *item = list_item_new(1, 0, token_ptr);
                    list_insert_item(item, merge_tokens);

                // Set variables ready for next iteration of the algorithm
                if (max_chromosome_merged) {
            	token = 0;
                max_chromosome_merged = NULL;
                max_position_merged = LONG_MAX;
            kh_destroy(pos, positions_read);
            stop = omp_get_wtime();

            total = stop - start;

            LOG_INFO_F("[%d] Time elapsed = %f s\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total);
            LOG_INFO_F("[%d] Time elapsed = %e ms\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total*1000);

            LOG_DEBUG_F("** Time in parsing = %f s\n", total_parsing);
            LOG_DEBUG_F("** Time in insertion = %f s\n", total_insertion);
//             for (int i = 0; i < shared_options_data->num_threads; i++) {
//                 printf("[%d] Time in searching = %f s\n", i, total_search[i]);
//                 printf("[%d] Time in merging = %f s\n", i, total_merge[i]);
//             }
            // Decrease list writers count
            for (int i = 0; i < shared_options_data->num_threads; i++) {
#pragma omp section
            LOG_DEBUG_F("Thread %d writes the output\n", omp_get_thread_num());
            start = omp_get_wtime();

            // Create file streams for results
            char aux_filename[32]; memset(aux_filename, 0, 32 * sizeof(char));
            sprintf(aux_filename, "merge_from_%d_files.vcf", options_data->num_files);
            char *merge_filename;
            FILE *merge_fd = get_output_file(shared_options_data, aux_filename, &merge_filename);
            LOG_INFO_F("Output filename = %s\n", merge_filename);
            list_item_t *item1 = NULL, *item2 = NULL;
            vcf_header_entry_t *entry;
            vcf_record_t *record;
            int *num_records;
            // Write headers
            while ((item1 = list_remove_item(output_header_list)) != NULL) {
                entry = item1->data_p;
                write_vcf_header_entry(entry, merge_fd);
            // Write delimiter
            array_list_t *sample_names = merge_vcf_sample_names(files, options_data->num_files);
            write_vcf_delimiter_from_samples((char**) sample_names->items, sample_names->size, merge_fd);
            // Write records
            // When a token is present, it means a set of batches has been merged. The token contains the number of records merged.
            // In this case, the records must be sorted by chromosome and position, and written afterwards.
            while ((item1 = list_remove_item(merge_tokens)) != NULL) {
                num_records = item1->data_p;
                vcf_record_t *records[*num_records];
                for (int i = 0; i < *num_records; i++) {
                    item2 = list_remove_item(output_list);
                    if (!item2) {

                    records[i] = item2->data_p;

                // Sort records
                qsort(records, *num_records, sizeof(vcf_record_t*), record_cmp);

                // Write and free sorted records
                for (int i = 0; i < *num_records; i++) {
                    record = records[i];
                    write_vcf_record(record, merge_fd);

            // Close file
            if (merge_fd != NULL) { fclose(merge_fd); }
            stop = omp_get_wtime();

            total = stop - start;

            LOG_INFO_F("[%dW] Time elapsed = %f s\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total);
            LOG_INFO_F("[%dW] Time elapsed = %e ms\n", omp_get_thread_num(), total*1000);

    // Free variables related to the different files
    for (int i = 0; i < options_data->num_files; i++) {
        if(files[i]) { vcf_close(files[i]); }
        if(read_list[i]) { free(read_list[i]); }
    return ret_code;