void TCartesianClassifier::domainHasChanged()
{ TEnumVariable *classV = mlnew TEnumVariable("new");
  classVar = classV;

  mults = vector<int>(domain->attributes->size(), 0);
  TLimitsCounter counter(vector<int>(domain->attributes->size(), 0));
  int mult = 1;
  vector<int>::reverse_iterator li(counter.limits.rbegin());
  vector<int>::reverse_iterator mi(mults.rbegin());
  for(TVarList::reverse_iterator vi(domain->attributes->rbegin()), ve(domain->attributes->rend()); vi!=ve; vi++) {
    if ((*vi)->varType!=TValue::INTVAR)
      raiseError("invalid attribute '%s' (discrete attributes expected)", (*vi)->get_name().c_str());

    *li = (*vi)->noOfValues();
    if (!*li)
      raiseError("invalid attribute '%s' (no values)", (*vi)->get_name().c_str());

    (*(mi++)) = mult;
    mult *= *(li++);

  do {
    string val;
    TVarList::iterator vi(domain->attributes->begin());
    ITERATE(TLimitsCounter, ci, counter) {
      if (val.length())
      val += (*(vi++)).AS(TEnumVariable)->values->at(*ci);
  } while (counter.next());
Urho3D::Variant ToVariant(Variant* v)
	if (!v)
		return Urho3D::Variant::EMPTY;
	case Variant::INT:
		return Urho3D::Variant(v->Get<int>());
	case Variant::BYTE:
		return Urho3D::Variant(v->Get<byte>());
	case Variant::CHAR:
		return Urho3D::Variant(v->Get<char>());
	case Variant::FLOAT:
		return Urho3D::Variant(v->Get<float>());
		return Urho3D::Variant((void*)v->Get<ScriptInterface*>());
	case Variant::STRING:
		return Urho3D::Variant(v->Get<String>().CString());
	case Variant::VECTOR2:
		Urho3D::Vector2 ve(v->Get<Vector2f>().x,v->Get<Vector2f>().y);
		return Urho3D::Variant(ve);
	case Variant::VOIDPTR:
		return Urho3D::Variant(v->Get<void*>());
	case Variant::WORD:
		return Urho3D::Variant(v->Get<word>());
	case Variant::NONE:
		return Urho3D::Variant::EMPTY;
Beispiel #3
	void System::addUserData( const string& ac, const string& humanName,
								const string& val, int prefLvl = 1,
								bool clobber = false )
		vector<DataItem*>::iterator i, end;
		for( i = mUserData.begin( ), end = mUserData.end( ); i != end; ++i )
			if( (*i)->ac == ac )
				if( clobber )
					(*i)->dataValue = val;
		DataItem *d = new DataItem( );
		if( d == NULL )
			VpdException ve( "Out of memory." );
			throw ve;

		d->ac = ac;
		d->humanName = humanName;
		d->setValue( val, prefLvl, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		mUserData.push_back( d );
Beispiel #4
void MainWindow::on_tableViewVerbs_doubleClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
    //1. выбрать по индексу, какой глагол там был...
    //2. считать содержимое нулевого столбца (скрытого).
    //3. Открыть диалог.
    VerbEditor ve(verbsmodel->data(verbsmodel->index(index.row(),0)).toString(),&db,this);
Beispiel #5
	VpdRetriever::VpdRetriever( string envDir,
		string dbFileName ) throw( VpdException& )
		db = new VpdDbEnv( envDir, dbFileName, true );

		if( db == NULL )
			Logger logger;
			logger.log( "Out of memory, failed to build VpdEnv.", LOG_ERR );
			VpdException ve( "Out of memory, failed to build VpdEnv." );
			throw ve;
Beispiel #6
	void System::addDeviceSpecific( const string& ac, const string& humanName,
										const string& val, int lvl = 0 )
		DataItem *d = new DataItem( );
		if( d == NULL )
			VpdException ve( "Out of memory." );
			throw ve;
		d->ac = ac;
		d->humanName = humanName;
		d->setValue( val, lvl, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		mDeviceSpecific.push_back( d );
Beispiel #7
	System* VpdRetriever::getComponentTree( )
		System *root = db->fetch( );
		if (root)
			buildSubTree( root );
			Logger logger;
			logger.log( "Failed to fetch VPD DB, it may be corrupt.", LOG_ERR );
			VpdException ve( "Failed to fetch VPD DB, it may be corrupt." );
			throw ve;

		return root;
Beispiel #8
	VpdRetriever::VpdRetriever( ) throw( VpdException& )
		struct stat vpd_stat,udev_stat;
		const string vpddb = VpdRetriever::DEFAULT_DIR + VpdRetriever::DEFAULT_FILE;
		const string udev_file = VpdRetriever::DEFAULT_DIR + VpdRetriever::UDEV_NOTIFY_FILE;
		Logger logger;
		int flag = 1;

		/* Check if stat is successful for UDEV_NOTIFY_FILE. */
		if ( stat ( udev_file.c_str(), &udev_stat ) != 0 )
			logger.log( "libvpd: Unable to stat udev rule file, run.vpdupdate.", LOG_INFO );
			/* Find the modification time for default DB. */
			if ( stat ( vpddb.c_str(), &vpd_stat ) != 0 )
				logger.log( "libvpd: Unable to stat vpd.db file.", LOG_INFO );
				if ( errno == ENOENT )
					vpd_stat.st_mtime = 0;
					flag = 0;

			if ( flag && ( udev_stat.st_mtime > vpd_stat.st_mtime ) )
				 * This implies there were changes to devices on the system
				 * after the VPD db was created/modified. So
				 * run vpdupdate.
				logger.log( "libvpd: Running vpdupdate to update the default db.", LOG_INFO );
				system( "vpdupdate >/dev/null 2>&1" );
		db = new VpdDbEnv( VpdRetriever::DEFAULT_DIR,
					VpdRetriever::DEFAULT_FILE, true );

		if( db == NULL )
			Logger logger;
			logger.log( "Out of memory, failed to build VpdEnv.", LOG_ERR );
			VpdException ve( "Out of memory, failed to build VpdEnv." );
			throw ve;
Beispiel #9
	Span3d IsPtsSpan3d(const double* a, int n, double tolerance, double* deviation) {
		// returns a span3d if all points are within tolerance
		int np = n / 3;					// number of points
		if(np < 2) return Span3d();		// Invalid span3d
		Point3d sp = Point3d(&a[0]);
		Point3d ep = Point3d(&a[n-3]);
		Line line = IsPtsLine(a, n, tolerance, deviation);
		if(line.ok) return Span3d(sp, ep);	// it's a line

		*deviation = 0;					// cumulative deviation
		Point3d mp = Point3d(&a[np / 2 * 3]);	// mid point
		Plane plane(sp, mp, ep);
		if(plane.ok) {
			// plane of the arc is ok
			// calculate centre point
			Vector3d vs(mp, sp);
			Vector3d ve(mp, ep);
			Vector3d rs = vs ^ plane.normal;
			Vector3d re = ve ^ plane.normal;

			Line rsl(sp.Mid(mp), rs, false);
			Line rel(ep.Mid(mp), re, false);

			Point3d pc;
			Intof(rsl, rel, pc);
			double radius = pc.Dist(sp);

			// check other points on circle
			for(int i = 2; i < np - 1; i++) {
				Point3d p(&a[i*3]);
				double dp = fabs(plane.Dist(p));
				double dr = fabs(p.Dist(pc) - radius);
double tolerance = 10.0 * 1.0e-6;
				if(dp > tolerance || dr > tolerance) {
					return Span3d();

			return Span3d(CW, plane.normal, sp, ep, pc);

		return Span3d();
Beispiel #10
 vector<vector<int>> threeSum(vector<int>& nums) 
     //vector<int> iterator::itr;
     set< vector<int> > vec;
     int len=nums.size();
     int sum=0;
     for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
         int j=i+1;
         int k=len-1;
                 while(j<k && nums[k]==nums[k-1])
                 while(j<k && nums[j]==nums[j+1])
             else if(sum<nums[j]+nums[k])
     vector<vector<int> > ve(vec.begin(),vec.end());
     return ve;
Beispiel #11
void ProjectView::ProcessButtonMask(unsigned short mask,bool pressed) {

	if (!pressed) return ;

	FieldView::ProcessButtonMask(mask) ;

	if (mask&EPBM_R) {
		if (mask&EPBM_DOWN) {
			ViewType vt=VT_SONG;
			ViewEvent ve(VET_SWITCH_VIEW,&vt) ;
			NotifyObservers(&ve) ;
	} else {
		if (mask&EPBM_START) {
   			Player *player=Player::GetInstance() ;
			player->OnStartButton(PM_SONG,viewData_->songX_,false,viewData_->songX_) ;
	} ;
} ;
Beispiel #12
Vector_3 Plasma::getCMVel(int comp){
  int i;
  Vector_3 vi(0,0,0), ve(0,0,0);

  if(comp<0 || comp==0){  // ions
  if(comp==0)return vi/ni;
  if(comp<0 || comp==1){ // electrons
  if(comp==1)return ve/ne;
  // full center-of-mass
  return (vi*mass+ve)/(ni*mass+ne);
Beispiel #13
void		Cylinder::getMappedCoords(const Point& intersectPoint,
				double& x, double &y) const
  Point	intersect = intersectPoint;
  intersect.rotate(_rotation, true);
  Point newPoint = intersect - _absolutePosition;
  Vector vn(0, 0, -1);
  Vector ve(1, 0, 0);

  y = -newPoint._z;
  double phi = acos(- (vn * newPoint));
  double theta = (acos((newPoint * ve) / sin(phi))) / (2 * M_PI);
  vn *= ve;
  double y2;
  if (vn * newPoint > 0)
    y2 = theta;
    y2 =  1 - theta;
  x = y2;
Beispiel #14
	void VpdRetriever::buildSubTree( Component* root )
		Component* leaf;
		const vector<string> children = root->getChildren( );
		vector<string>::const_iterator i, end;

		end = children.end( );

		for( i = children.begin( ); i != end; ++i )
			const string next = *i;
			leaf = db->fetch( next );
			if( leaf == NULL )
				Logger logger;
				logger.log( "Failed to fetch requested item.", LOG_ERR );
				VpdException ve( "Failed to fetch requested item." );
				throw ve;
			buildSubTree( leaf );
			root->addLeaf( leaf );
Beispiel #15
void ProjectView::OnLoadProject() {
	ViewEvent ve(VET_QUIT_PROJECT) ;
	NotifyObservers(&ve) ;
} ;
	void TrajectoryGenerator::Set_CIRC(Pose3D StartPose, Pose3D ViaPose, Pose3D EndPose, double TotalTime , double AccelTime )
		MotionPose mPose;

		if(AccelTime >= TotalTime*0.5)
			AccelTime = TotalTime*0.5;

		int Er;
		mRobot->ComputeIK(StartPose, angleforplanning, *angleforplanning, &Er);
		mPose.StartPose = *angleforplanning;
		mRobot->ComputeIK(ViaPose, angleforplanning, *angleforplanning, &Er);
		mRobot->ComputeIK(EndPose, angleforplanning, *angleforplanning, &Er);
		mPose.EndPose = *angleforplanning;

		Pose3D SP, EP, VP;
		SP = StartPose;
		EP = EndPose;
		VP = ViaPose;

		mPose.StartPose3D = SP;
		mPose.EndPose3D = EP;
		mPose.ViaPose3D = VP;

		vecd vs(3);
		vs(0) = SP.x - VP.x;
		vs(1) = SP.y - VP.y;
		vs(2) = SP.z - VP.z;

		vecd ve(3);
		ve(0) = EP.x - VP.x;
		ve(1) = EP.y - VP.y;
		ve(2) = EP.z - VP.z;

		double p, q;
		p = ve.squaredNorm() * (vs.squaredNorm() - vs.dot(ve) ) / (2.0 * (vs.squaredNorm() * ve.squaredNorm() - vs.dot(ve) * vs.dot(ve) ));
		q = vs.squaredNorm() * (vs.dot(ve) - ve.squaredNorm() ) / (2.0 * (vs.dot(ve) * vs.dot(ve) - vs.squaredNorm() * ve.squaredNorm() ));

		vecd vc(3);
		vc = p*vs + q*ve;

		Position3D Center;
		Center.x = vc(0) + VP.x;
		Center.y = vc(1) + VP.y;
		Center.z = vc(2) + VP.z;

		mPose.CenterPosition = Center;


		timeprofile mtime;

		vecd cs(3), cv(3), ce(3);
		cs(0) = SP.x - Center.x;
		cs(1) = SP.y - Center.y;
		cs(2) = SP.z - Center.z;

		cv(0) = VP.x - Center.x;
		cv(1) = VP.y - Center.y;
		cv(2) = VP.z - Center.z;	

		ce(0) = EP.x - Center.x;
		ce(1) = EP.y - Center.y;
		ce(2) = EP.z - Center.z;
		mtime.distance1 = acos(cs.dot(cv) / ( cs.norm() * cv.norm() ) );
		mtime.distance = mtime.distance1 + acos(cv.dot(ce) / ( cv.norm() * ce.norm() ) );
		double V = mtime.distance/(TotalTime-AccelTime);
		double a = V/AccelTime;
		mtime.Method = Circular;
		mtime.ta = AccelTime;
		mtime.tc = TotalTime - 2 * AccelTime;
		mtime.td = AccelTime;
		mtime.totoaltime = TotalTime;

		mtime.a0[0] = 0.0;
		mtime.a1[0] = 0.0;
		mtime.a2[0] = 0.5*a;

		mtime.a0[1] = -0.5*a*AccelTime*AccelTime;
		mtime.a1[1] = V;
		mtime.a2[1] = 0.0;

		mtime.a0[2] = mtime.distance - 0.5*a*TotalTime*TotalTime;
		mtime.a1[2] = a*TotalTime;
		mtime.a2[2] = -0.5*a;

Beispiel #17
PClassifier TTreeSplitConstructor_ExhaustiveBinary::operator()(
                             PStringList &descriptions, PDiscDistribution &subsetSizes, float &quality, int &spentAttribute,

                             PExampleGenerator gen, const int &weightID ,
                             PDomainContingency dcont, PDistribution apriorClass,
                             const vector<bool> &candidates,

  PIntList bestMapping;
  int wins, bestAttr;
  PVariable bvar;

  if (measure->needs==TMeasureAttribute::Generator) {
    bool cse = candidates.size()==0;
    bool haveCandidates = false;
    vector<bool> myCandidates;
    vector<bool>::const_iterator ci(candidates.begin()), ce(candidates.end());
    TVarList::const_iterator vi, ve(gen->domain->attributes->end());
    for(vi = gen->domain->attributes->begin(); vi != ve; vi++) {
      bool co = (*vi)->varType == TValue::INTVAR && (!cse || (ci!=ce) && *ci);
      haveCandidates = haveCandidates || co;
    if (!haveCandidates)
      return returnNothing(descriptions, subsetSizes, quality, spentAttribute);

    PDistribution thisSubsets;
    float thisQuality;
    wins = 0;
    int thisAttr = 0;

    int N = gen->numberOfExamples();
    TSimpleRandomGenerator rgen(N);

    ci = myCandidates.begin();
    for(vi = gen->domain->attributes->begin(); vi != ve; ci++, vi++, thisAttr++) {
      if (*ci) {
        thisSubsets = NULL;
        PIntList thisMapping =
           /*throughCont ? measure->bestBinarization(thisSubsets, thisQuality, *dci, dcont->classes, apriorClass, minSubset)
                       : */measure->bestBinarization(thisSubsets, thisQuality, *vi, gen, apriorClass, weightID, minSubset);
          if (thisMapping
                && (   (!wins || (thisQuality>quality)) && ((wins=1)==1)
                    || (thisQuality==quality) && rgen.randbool(++wins))) {
            bestAttr = thisAttr;
            quality = thisQuality;
            subsetSizes = thisSubsets;
            bestMapping = thisMapping;
      /*if (thoughCont)
        dci++; */
    if (!wins)
      return returnNothing(descriptions, subsetSizes, quality, spentAttribute);

    if (quality<worstAcceptable)
      return returnNothing(descriptions, subsetSizes, spentAttribute);

    if (subsetSizes && subsetSizes->variable)
      bvar = subsetSizes->variable;
    else {
      TEnumVariable *evar = mlnew TEnumVariable("");
      bvar = evar;
  else {
    bool cse = candidates.size()==0;
    if (!cse && noCandidates(candidates))
      return returnNothing(descriptions, subsetSizes, quality, spentAttribute);

    if (!dcont || dcont->classIsOuter) {
      dcont = PDomainContingency(mlnew TDomainContingency(gen, weightID));
//      raiseWarningWho("TreeSplitConstructor_ExhaustiveBinary", "this class is not optimized for 'candidates' list and can be very slow");

    int N = gen ? gen->numberOfExamples() : -1;
    if (N<0)
      N = dcont->classes->cases;
    TSimpleRandomGenerator rgen(N);

    PDistribution classDistribution = dcont->classes;

    vector<bool>::const_iterator ci(candidates.begin()), ce(candidates.end());

    TDiscDistribution *dis0, *dis1;
    TContDistribution *con0, *con1;

    int thisAttr = 0;
    bestAttr = -1;
    wins = 0;
    quality = 0.0;
    float leftExamples, rightExamples;

    TDomainContingency::iterator dci(dcont->begin()), dce(dcont->end());
    for(; (cse || (ci!=ce)) && (dci!=dce); dci++, thisAttr++) {

      // We consider the attribute only if it is a candidate, discrete and has at least two values
      if ((cse || *(ci++)) && ((*dci)->outerVariable->varType==TValue::INTVAR) && ((*dci)->discrete->size()>=2)) {

        const TDistributionVector &distr = *(*dci)->discrete;

        if (distr.size()>16)
          raiseError("'%s' has more than 16 values, cannot exhaustively binarize", gen->domain->attributes->at(thisAttr)->get_name().c_str());

        // If the attribute is binary, we check subsetSizes and assess the quality if they are OK
        if (distr.size()==2) {
          if ((distr.front()->abs<minSubset) || (distr.back()->abs<minSubset))
            continue; // next attribute
          else {
            float thisMeas = measure->call(thisAttr, dcont, apriorClass);
            if (   ((!wins || (thisMeas>quality)) && ((wins=1)==1))
                || ((thisMeas==quality) && rgen.randbool(++wins))) {
              bestAttr = thisAttr;
              quality = thisMeas;
              leftExamples = distr.front()->abs;
              rightExamples = distr.back()->abs;
              bestMapping = mlnew TIntList(2, 0);
              bestMapping->at(1) = 1;

        vector<int> valueIndices;
        int ind = 0;
        for(TDistributionVector::const_iterator dvi(distr.begin()), dve(distr.end()); (dvi!=dve); dvi++, ind++)
          if ((*dvi)->abs>0)

        if (valueIndices.size()<2)

        PContingency cont = prepareBinaryCheat(classDistribution, *dci, bvar, dis0, dis1, con0, con1);

        // A real job: go through all splits
        int binWins = 0;
        float binQuality = -1.0;
        float binLeftExamples = -1.0, binRightExamples = -1.0;
        // Selection: each element correspons to a value of the original attribute and is 1, if the value goes right
        // The first value always goes left (and has no corresponding bit in selection.
        TBoolCount selection(valueIndices.size()-1), bestSelection(0);

        // First for discrete classes
        if (dis0) {
          do {
            *dis0 = CAST_TO_DISCDISTRIBUTION(distr[valueIndices[0]]);
            *dis1 *= 0;
            vector<int>::const_iterator ii(valueIndices.begin());
            for(TBoolCount::const_iterator bi(selection.begin()), be(selection.end()); bi!=be; bi++, ii++)
               *(*bi ? dis1 : dis0) += distr[*ii];
            cont->outerDistribution->setint(0, dis0->abs);
            cont->outerDistribution->setint(1, dis1->abs);

            if ((dis0->abs < minSubset) || (dis1->abs < minSubset))
              continue; // cannot split like that, to few examples in one of the branches

            float thisMeas = measure->operator()(cont, classDistribution, apriorClass);
            if (   ((!binWins) || (thisMeas>binQuality)) && ((binWins=1) ==1)
                || (thisMeas==binQuality) && rgen.randbool(++binWins)) {
              bestSelection = selection; 
              binQuality = thisMeas;
              binLeftExamples = dis0->abs;
              binRightExamples = dis1->abs;
          } while (selection.next());

        // And then exactly the same for continuous classes
        else {
          do {
            *con0 = CAST_TO_CONTDISTRIBUTION(distr[0]);
            *con1 = TContDistribution();
            vector<int>::const_iterator ii(valueIndices.begin());
            for(TBoolCount::const_iterator bi(selection.begin()), be(selection.end()); bi!=be; bi++, ii++)
               *(*bi ? con1 : con0) += distr[*ii];

            if ((con0->abs<minSubset) || (con1->abs<minSubset))
              continue; // cannot split like that, to few examples in one of the branches

            float thisMeas = measure->operator()(cont, classDistribution, apriorClass);
            if (   ((!binWins) || (thisMeas>binQuality)) && ((binWins=1) ==1)
                || (thisMeas==binQuality) && rgen.randbool(++binWins)) {
              bestSelection = selection; 
              binQuality = thisMeas;
              binLeftExamples = con0->abs;
              binRightExamples = con1->abs;
          } while (selection.next());

        if (       binWins
            && (   (!wins || (binQuality>quality)) && ((wins=1)==1)
                || (binQuality==quality) && rgen.randbool(++wins))) {
          bestAttr = thisAttr;
          quality = binQuality;
          leftExamples = binLeftExamples;
          rightExamples = binRightExamples;
          bestMapping = mlnew TIntList(distr.size(), -1);
          vector<int>::const_iterator ii = valueIndices.begin();
          bestMapping->at(*(ii++)) = 0;
          ITERATE(TBoolCount, bi, bestSelection)
            bestMapping->at(*(ii++)) = *bi ? 1 : 0;

    if (!wins)
      return returnNothing(descriptions, subsetSizes, quality, spentAttribute);

    subsetSizes = mlnew TDiscDistribution();
    subsetSizes->addint(0, leftExamples);
    subsetSizes->addint(1, rightExamples);

  PVariable attribute = gen->domain->attributes->at(bestAttr);

  if (attribute->noOfValues() == 2) {
    spentAttribute = bestAttr;
    descriptions = mlnew TStringList(attribute.AS(TEnumVariable)->values.getReference());
    TClassifierFromVarFD *cfv = mlnew TClassifierFromVarFD(attribute, gen->domain, bestAttr, subsetSizes);
    cfv->transformUnknowns = false;
    return cfv;

  string s0, s1;
  int ns0 = 0, ns1 = 0;
  TValue ev;
  PITERATE(TIntList, mi, bestMapping) {
    string str;
    attribute->val2str(ev, str);
    if (*mi==1) {
      s1 += string(ns1 ? ", " : "") + str;
    else if (*mi==0) {
      s0 += string(ns0 ? ", " : "") + str;

Beispiel #18
PClassifier TTreeSplitConstructor_Combined::operator()(
                             PStringList &descriptions, PDiscDistribution &subsetSizes, float &quality, int &spentAttribute,

                             PExampleGenerator gen, const int &weightID ,
                             PDomainContingency dcont, PDistribution apriorClass,
                             const vector<bool> &candidates,
                             PClassifier nodeClassifier
{ checkProperty(discreteSplitConstructor);

  vector<bool> discrete, continuous;
  bool cse = candidates.size()==0;
  vector<bool>::const_iterator ci(candidates.begin()), ce(candidates.end());
  TVarList::const_iterator vi(gen->domain->attributes->begin()), ve(gen->domain->attributes->end());

  for(; (cse || (ci!=ce)) && (vi!=ve); vi++) {
    if (cse || *(ci++))
      if ((*vi)->varType == TValue::INTVAR) {
      else if ((*vi)->varType == TValue::FLOATVAR) {

  float discQuality;
  PStringList discDescriptions;
  PDiscDistribution discSizes;
  int discSpent;
  PClassifier discSplit = discreteSplitConstructor->call(discDescriptions, discSizes, discQuality, discSpent,
                                                               gen, weightID, dcont, apriorClass, discrete, nodeClassifier);

  float contQuality;
  PStringList contDescriptions;
  PDiscDistribution contSizes;
  int contSpent;
  PClassifier contSplit = continuousSplitConstructor->call(contDescriptions, contSizes, contQuality, contSpent,
                                                                 gen, weightID, dcont, apriorClass, continuous, nodeClassifier);

  int N = gen ? gen->numberOfExamples() : -1;
  if (N<0)
    N = dcont->classes->cases;

  if (   discSplit
      && (   !contSplit
          || (discQuality>contQuality)
          || (discQuality==contQuality) && (N%2>0))) {
    quality = discQuality;
    descriptions = discDescriptions;
    subsetSizes = discSizes;
    spentAttribute = discSpent;
    return discSplit;
  else if (contSplit) {
    quality = contQuality;
    descriptions = contDescriptions;
    subsetSizes = contSizes;
    spentAttribute = contSpent;
    return contSplit;
    return returnNothing(descriptions, subsetSizes, quality, spentAttribute);
Beispiel #19
	 * unpack does exactly the opposite from pack, it will take a data buffer
	 * and load this object with the contents.  If we need more data than the
	 * size claims that we have, then we have a corrupt buffer and we will
	 * throw an exception.
	void System::unpack( const void* payload )
		u32 size = 0, netOrder;
		char* packed = (char*) payload;
		char* next = packed;;
		string item;

		if( payload == NULL )
			// Rather than throwing an exception, this will just return, if NULL is handed in
			// this far there is nothing that we can do to stop program instability other
			// than refuse to mess with it.

		// Load the size of the payload. (It is packed in network order)
		memcpy( &netOrder, next, sizeof( u32 ) );
		size = ntohl( netOrder );
		next += sizeof( u32 );

		memcpy( &netOrder, next, sizeof( u32 ) );
		mCPUCount = ntohl( netOrder );
		next += sizeof( u32 );

		mChildren = vector<string>( );
		mDeviceSpecific = vector<DataItem*>( );

		mIdNode = DataItem( next );
		next += mIdNode.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;
		mArch = DataItem( next );
		next += mArch.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;
		deviceTreeNode = DataItem( next );
		next += deviceTreeNode.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;
		mDescription = DataItem( next );
		next += mDescription.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;
		mBrand = DataItem( next );
		next += mBrand.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;
		mNodeName = DataItem( next );
		next += mNodeName.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;
		mOS = DataItem( next );
		next += mOS.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;
		mProcessorID = DataItem( next );
		next += mProcessorID.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;
		mMachineType = DataItem( next );
		next += mMachineType.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;
		mMachineModel = DataItem( next );
		next += mMachineModel.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;
		mFeatureCode = DataItem( next );
		next += mFeatureCode.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;
		mFlagField = DataItem( next );
		next += mFlagField.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;
		mRecordType = DataItem( next );
		next += mRecordType.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;
		mSerialNum1 = DataItem( next );
		next += mSerialNum1.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;
		mSerialNum2 = DataItem( next );
		next += mSerialNum2.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;
		mSUID = DataItem( next );
		next += mSUID.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;
		mKeywordVersion = DataItem( next );
		next += mKeywordVersion.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;
		mLocationCode = DataItem( next );
		next += mLocationCode.getPackedLength( );
		if( next > packed + size )
			goto lderror;

		// Now onto the vectors, these should go much the same way that the packing
		// did.
		if( next == CHILD_START )
			next += CHILD_START.length( ) + 1;
			if( next > packed + size )
				goto lderror;
			item = string( (char*)next );
			while( CHILD_END != item )
				if( item != string( "" ) )
					string child = string( (char*)next );
					mChildren.push_back( child );
					next += item.length( );
				item = string( (char*)next );
			next += CHILD_END.length( ) + 1;

		if( DEVICE_START == next )
			next += DEVICE_START.length( ) + 1;
			if( next > packed + size )
				goto lderror;
			item = string( (char*) next );
			while( DEVICE_END != item )
				DataItem* d = new DataItem( next );
				if ( d == NULL ) {
					VpdException ve( "Out of memory." );
					throw ve;
				next += d->getPackedLength( );
				if( next > packed + size )
					delete ( d );
					goto lderror;
				mDeviceSpecific.push_back( d );
				item = string( (char*)next );
			next += DEVICE_END.length( ) + 1;

		if( USER_START == next )
			next += USER_START.length( ) + 1;
			if( next > packed + size )
				goto lderror;
			item = string( (char*) next );
			while( USER_END != item )
				DataItem* d = new DataItem( next );
				if ( d == NULL ) {
					VpdException ve( "Out of memory." );
					throw ve;
				next += d->getPackedLength( );
				if( next > packed + size )
					delete ( d );
					goto lderror;
				mDeviceSpecific.push_back( d );
				item = string( (char*)next );


		string message( "Component.unpack( ): Attempting to unpack corrupt buffer." );
		Logger l;
		l.log( message, LOG_ERR );
		VpdException ve( message );
		throw ve;
Beispiel #20
			static void Test( ) {

				std::cout << std::endl << __FUNCTION__  << std::endl << std::endl;

				//VektorType v1((NUMERISCH)1,(NUMERISCH)2,(NUMERISCH)3);
				//VektorType v2((NUMERISCH)5,(NUMERISCH)7,(NUMERISCH)13);
				NUMERISCH ke[Dim] =  { 1, 2 };
				VektorType ve( ke );
				std::cout << "\t" << ve << std::endl;

				NUMERISCH k1[Dim] =  { 1, 2, 3 };
				NUMERISCH k2[Dim] =  { 5, 7, 13 };
				NUMERISCH k3[Dim] =  {-7, 8, 9 };
				NUMERISCH k4[Dim] =  { 6, 9, 16 };

				VektorType v1( k1 );
				VektorType v2( k2 );

				std::cout << "\t" << (std::string) v1 << std::endl;
				std::cout << "\t" << v1 << std::endl;
				std::cout << "+\t" << v2 << std::endl;

				VektorType x = v1+v2;
				VektorType e( k4 );
				std::cout << "=\t" << x << std::endl<< std::endl;
				assert( x == e );

				v1 = VektorType( k1 );
				v2 = VektorType( k3 );

				std::cout << "\t" << v1 << std::endl;
				std::cout << "*\t" << v2 << std::endl;
				std::cout << "=\t" << v1*v2 << std::endl << std::endl;
				assert( v1*v2 == 36 );

				VektorType c( v1 );

				assert( c.id() != v1.id() );
				assert( c == v1 );

				try {
					std::cout << typeid( NUMERISCH ).name() << " x = vektor[-1]" << std::endl; 
					NUMERISCH x = v1[-1];
					assert( ! "Fehler erwartet!" );
				catch( const Fehler& e ) {
					std::cout << "Erwarteter Fehler: " << e.what() << std::endl;

				try {
					std::cout << typeid( NUMERISCH ).name() << "vektor[-1] = 0" << std::endl; 
					v1[-1] = 0;
					assert( ! "Fehler erwartet!" );
				catch( const Fehler& e ) {
					std::cout << "Erwarteter Fehler: " << e.what() << std::endl;

				NUMERISCH f(2);
				VektorType vMul = v1 * f;
				NUMERISCH kMul[Dim] =  { v1[0] * f, v1[1] * f, v1[2] * f };
				std::cout << "\t" << v1 << std::endl;
				std::cout << "*\t" << f << std::endl;
				std::cout << "=\t" << v1*f << std::endl << std::endl;
				assert( v1*f == VektorType( kMul ) );

				VektorType vDiv = v1 * f;
				NUMERISCH kDiv[Dim] =  { v1[0] / f, v1[1] / f, v1[2] / f  };
				std::cout << "\t" << v1 << std::endl;
				std::cout << "/\t" << f << std::endl;
				std::cout << "=\t" << v1/f << std::endl << std::endl;
				assert( v1/f == VektorType( kDiv ) );

				std::cout << __FUNCTION__  << " all test done. " << std::endl << std::endl;
Beispiel #21
TEST(VectorEffects, UnknownBase) {
  VectorEffects ve(SetElem, Type::PtrToCell, Type::Int, Type::Obj);
  EXPECT_TEQ(Type::PtrToCell, ve.baseType);
Beispiel #22
    void rasterizer::draw_line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const zerging::color_rgba8 &c0, const zerging::color_rgba8 &c1)
        int w = surface_->get_width();
        int h = surface_->get_height();
        if ((x0 < 0 || x0 > w) && (y0 < 0 || y0 > h) && (x1 < 0 || x1 > w) && (y1 < 0 || y1 > h)) {
            // out of screen space...
        x0 = math::clamp<int>(x0, 0, w);
        y0 = math::clamp<int>(y0, 0, h);
        x1 = math::clamp<int>(x1, 0, w);
        y1 = math::clamp<int>(y1, 0, h);
        if (x0 == x1 && y0 == y1) {
            surface_->set_texel(x0, y0, 1, c1);
        vec2 vs((float)x0, (float)y0);
        vec2 ve((float)x1, (float)y1);
        vec2 delta = ve - vs;
        auto func = [&](bool xmajor, int vmi, int vma, int vmt) {
			float delta_flag = 0.f;
			const vec2* start;
			const vec2* end;
			const color_rgba8* cs;
			const color_rgba8* ce;
			if (xmajor) {
				delta_flag = delta.x;
			} else {
				delta_flag = delta.y;
			float diff_dir = math::abs(delta.x) > math::abs(delta.y) ? delta.x : delta.y;
			if (delta_flag < 0) {
				start = &ve;
				end = &vs;
				cs = &c1;
				ce = &c0;
				diff_dir = -diff_dir;
			} else {
				start = &vs;
				end = &ve;
				cs = &c0;
				ce = &c1;
			float fs = 0.f, fe = 0.f;
			if (xmajor) {
				fs = start->x;
				fe = end->x;
			} else {
				fs = start->y;
				fe = end->y;
			int is = (int)math::floor(fs + 0.5f);
			int ie = (int)math::floor(fe - 0.5f);
			is = math::clamp<int>(is, vmi, int(vma - 1));
			ie = math::clamp<int>(ie, vmi, int(vma));
			// set the attribute of start point
			float step = is + 0.5f - fs;
			vec2 output = *start + (*end - *start) * step / diff_dir;
			for (int i = is; i < ie; ++i) {
				float ot, dt;
				if (xmajor) {
					ot = output.y;
					dt = delta.y;
				} else {
					ot = output.x;
					dt = delta.x;
				if (ot >= vmt) {
					if (dt > 0) break;
				if (ot < 0) {
					if (dt < 0) break;
				float st_dir = step / diff_dir;
				surface_->set_texel((size_t)output.x, (size_t)output.y, 1, lerp(*cs, *ce, st_dir));
				output = *start + (*end - *start) * st_dir;
		if (math::abs(delta.x) > math::abs(delta.y)) {
			func(true, vp_left_, vp_right_, vp_bottom_);
		else {
			func(false, vp_top_, vp_bottom_, vp_right_);
Beispiel #23
TEST(VectorEffects, NonArrElem) {
  VectorEffects ve(SetElem, Type::PtrToDbl, Type::Int, Type::Obj);
  EXPECT_TEQ(Type::PtrToDbl, ve.baseType);
Beispiel #24
double Trainer::earlyStopping(Optimizer& Optimizer, ErrorFunction& errFct, Array<double>& in, Array<double>& target, size_t validatonSize) {
	ValidationError ve(&errFct, &Optimizer, 1000, double(validatonSize)/100);

	return ve.error(model.getModel(), in, target);
Beispiel #25
TEST(VectorEffects, BadArrayKey) {
  VectorEffects ve(SetElem, Type::PtrToArr, Type::Arr, Type::Int);
  EXPECT_TEQ(Type::PtrToArr, ve.baseType);
Beispiel #26
void ProjectView::OnQuit() {
	ViewEvent ve(VET_QUIT_APP) ;
	NotifyObservers(&ve) ;
} ;
Beispiel #27
	 * pack serializes this object into the provided buffer (pack will allocate the
	 * buffer) storing only the data fields (at the moment) and ignoring all the meta-
	 * data within the DataItem object.  The format for the packed object will be
	 * direct strings seperated by '\0' charaters.  If a given string field is empty
	 * then there will be consectutive '\0' characters.  Each of the vector fields will
	 * be preceeded by ::listNameStart:: and followed by ::listNameEnd:: (e.g. the
	 * children vector will be ::childrenStart::\0data\0data\0::childrenEnd::\0).
	unsigned int System::pack( void** buffer )
		u32 ret = getPackedSize( ), length;
		char* buf;

		buf = new char[ ret ];

		if( buf == NULL )
			string message( "Component.pack( ): new call failed, out of memory." );
			Logger l;
			l.log( message, LOG_ERR );
			VpdException ve( message );
			throw ve;

		memset( buf, '\0', ret );

		*buffer = (void*)buf;

		/* -----------------------------------------------------*/
		/* ------------ Load up the buffer with data -----------*/
		/* -----------------------------------------------------*/

		// The first entry in our buffer is our length in network byte order
		u32 netOrder = htonl( ret );
		memcpy( buf, &netOrder, sizeof( u32 ) );
		buf += sizeof( u32 );
		// Next is our system CPU count.
		netOrder = htonl( mCPUCount );
		memcpy( buf, &netOrder, sizeof( u32 ) );
		buf += sizeof( u32 );
		// Pack the individual data items.
		length = mIdNode.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mArch.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = deviceTreeNode.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mDescription.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mBrand.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mNodeName.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mOS.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mProcessorID.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mMachineType.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mMachineModel.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mFeatureCode.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mFlagField.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mRecordType.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mSerialNum1.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mSerialNum2.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mSUID.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mKeywordVersion.pack( buf );
		buf += length;
		length = mLocationCode.pack( buf );
		buf += length;

		// Pack the child vector.
		memcpy( buf, CHILD_START.c_str( ), CHILD_START.length( ) );
		buf += CHILD_START.length( );
		*buf = '\0';

		vector<string>::iterator child, cEnd;
		vector<DataItem*>::iterator item, dEnd;
		for( child = mChildren.begin( ), cEnd = mChildren.end( ); child != cEnd; ++child )
			const char* str = (*child).c_str( );
			int length = (*child).length( );
			memcpy( buf, str, length );
			buf+= length;
			*buf = '\0';
		memcpy( buf, CHILD_END.c_str( ), CHILD_END.length( ) );
		buf += CHILD_END.length( );
		*buf = '\0';

		// Pack the Device Specific vector
		memcpy( buf, DEVICE_START.c_str( ), DEVICE_START.length( ) );
		buf += DEVICE_START.length( );
		*buf = '\0';
		for( item = mDeviceSpecific.begin( ), dEnd = mDeviceSpecific.end( ); item != dEnd;
				   ++item )
			length = (*item)->pack( buf );
			buf+= length;
		memcpy( buf, DEVICE_END.c_str( ), DEVICE_END.length( ) );
		buf += DEVICE_END.length( );
		*buf = '\0';

		// Pack the User Data vector
		memcpy( buf, USER_START.c_str( ), USER_START.length( ) );
		buf += USER_START.length( );
		*buf = '\0';
		for( item = mUserData.begin( ), dEnd = mUserData.end( ); item != dEnd;
				   ++item )
			length = (*item)->pack( buf );
			buf+= length;
		memcpy( buf, USER_END.c_str( ), USER_END.length( ) );
		buf += USER_END.length( );
		*buf = '\0';

		return ret;
Beispiel #28
TEST(VectorEffects, NonObjProp) {
  VectorEffects ve(SetProp, Type::PtrToInt, Type::Str, Type::Dbl);
  EXPECT_TEQ(Type::PtrToInt, ve.baseType);
int main(void)
  out("starting ...\n");
  std::cout << " MaxFlow " << std::endl;

  int N; //test cases
  scanf("%d\n", &N);
  out("N %d\n",N);
  int ord = 0;
  while(N-- > 0) {
    char * buff = NULL;
    graphtp g;
    size_t n;
    int m; //nodes
    scanf("%d\n", &m);
    out("m %d\n",m);
    int counter = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
    out("size of g %d\n",g.size());

    while(counter++ < m && getline(&buff, &n, stdin) != -1 )
        out("this is buff ='%s'\n", buff);
        char * tok = strtok(buff, " \n\t");
        out("this is node ='%s'\n", tok);
        int nodefrom = atoi(tok);
        assert(nodefrom < m && "nodefrom is more than m");

        if(tok == NULL) {
            printf("Error in input file");

        tok = strtok(NULL, " \n\t");
        while(tok > 0) 
            int nodeto = atoi(tok); 
            if(nodeto < m) {
                out("red (node) tok='%s'\n", tok);
            else {
                printf("ERROR: node %d outside of range (max %d)\n", nodeto,m);

            tok = strtok(NULL, " \n\t");
            if(tok == NULL)
                printf("ERROR: capacity must be given for each link \n");

            float capacity = atof(tok);
            out("read (capacity) tok='%s'\n", tok);

            edge e;
            e.from = nodefrom;
            e.to = nodeto;
            e.flow = 0;
            e.capacity = capacity;
            e.backedge = false;
            out("inserting  %d -> %d\n", nodefrom, nodeto);

            e.to = nodefrom;
            e.from = nodeto;
            e.backedge = true;
            out("inserting  %d -> %d\n", nodeto, nodefrom);

            tok = strtok(NULL, " \n\t");
        out("size of g %d\n",g.size());

    printf("Case %d:\n", ++ord);

    MaxFlow(g, 0, g.size() - 1);


  return 0;