int triangleEvaluateHalfSpace(const Triangle3DSetup &tri, VecRef xShuffle, VecRef yShuffle)
	Vec DX12 = vec(tri.dx1);
	Vec DX23 = vec(tri.dx2);
	Vec DX31 = vec(tri.dx3);

	Vec DY12 = vec(tri.dy1);
	Vec DY23 = vec(tri.dy2);
	Vec DY31 = vec(tri.dy3);

	TriangleSetup s;
	triangleCalculateConstants(tri, s);

	Vec C1 = vec(s.c1);
	Vec C2 = vec(s.c2);
	Vec C3 = vec(s.c3);

	const Vec Zero = vec(0);
	const Vec p = vecCmpGT(vecSub(vecMadd(DX12, yShuffle, C1), vecMul(DY12, xShuffle)), Zero);
	const Vec q = vecCmpGT(vecSub(vecMadd(DX23, yShuffle, C2), vecMul(DY23, xShuffle)), Zero);
	const Vec r = vecCmpGT(vecSub(vecMadd(DX31, yShuffle, C3), vecMul(DY31, xShuffle)), Zero);

#ifndef PLATFORM_PS3
	const int a = vecMaskToInt(p);
	const int b = vecMaskToInt(q);
	const int c = vecMaskToInt(r);

	if(!a || !b || !c)
		return FullyOutside;
	else if(a == 0xf && b == 0xf && c == 0xf)
		return FullyCovered;
		return PartiallyInside;
	vec_uint4 ones = (vec_uint4){0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff};
	vec_uint4 zeros = (vec_uint4){0, 0, 0, 0};

	if(vec_all_eq((vec_uint4)p, zeros) || vec_all_eq((vec_uint4)q, zeros) || vec_all_eq((vec_uint4)r, zeros))
		return FullyOutside;
	else if(vec_all_eq((vec_uint4)p, ones) && vec_all_eq((vec_uint4)q, ones) && vec_all_eq((vec_uint4)r, ones))
		return FullyCovered;
		return PartiallyInside;
static void triangleDrawTileFast(float *tilebuffer, const Triangle3DSetup &t, int x, int y)
	const Vec denom = vecRcp(vec(t.dx1 * t.dy2 - t.dy1 * t.dx2));

	const Vec DY2 = vec(t.dy2);
	const Vec DY3 = vec(t.dy3);
	const Vec DX2 = vec(t.dx2);
	const Vec DX3 = vec(t.dx3);

	const Vec X3  = vec(t.x3);
	const Vec Y3  = vec(t.y3);
	const Vec Z1  = vec(t.z1);
	const Vec Z2  = vec(t.z2);
	const Vec Z3  = vec(t.z3);

	const Vec One  = vec(1);
	const Vec Step = vec(0, 1, 2, 3);

	for(int iy = 0; iy < tileHeight; iy++)
		Vec yp = vec(float(y + iy));

		float fx = (float)x;
		const Vec ypos = vecSub(yp, Y3);
		const Vec dxypos2 = vecMul(DX2, ypos);
		const Vec dxypos3 = vecMul(DX3, ypos);
		for(int ix = 0; ix < tileWidth; ix += 4, fx += 4)
			void * ptr  = &tilebuffer[ix + iy * tileWidth];

			const Vec xp    = vecAdd(vec(fx), Step);

			// Calculate barycentric coordinates and depth
			const Vec xpos = vecSub(xp, X3);

			const Vec dyxpos2 = vecMul(DY2, xpos);
			const Vec dyxpos3 = vecMul(DY3, xpos);

			const Vec delta2 = vecSub(dyxpos2, dxypos2);
			const Vec delta3 = vecSub(dyxpos3, dxypos3);

			const Vec t1 = vecMul(delta2, denom);
			const Vec t2 = vecMul(delta3, denom);
			const Vec t3 = vecSub(vecSub(One, t1), t2);

			const Vec tz1 = vecMul(Z1, t1);
			const Vec tz2 = vecMul(Z2, t2);
			const Vec tz3 = vecMul(Z3, t3);

			const Vec z  = vecAdd(tz1, vecAdd(tz2, tz3));

			// Depth compare
			const Vec Value			= vecLoadAligned(ptr);
			const Vec DepthCompare	= vecCmpGE(Value, z);
			const Vec Result		= vecSel(Value, z, DepthCompare);

			vecStoreAligned(ptr, Result);
Beispiel #3
void GLColor(const float r, const float g, const float b)
    // when the light is enable
    Vec3f v,V;
    vecInit( V, r,g,b );
    vecMul( v, 0.05f, V);
    glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT, ((float*)(&v))  );
    vecMul( v, 1.f, V);
    glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, ((float*)(&v))  );
    vecMul( v, 0.1f, V);
    glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, ((float*)(&v))  );

    // when the light is disable
    glColor3f( r,g,b);
Beispiel #4
double calcRange(GEOLOCATE_REC *g, double look, double yaw);
	Calculates the slant range, at the given look and yaw angle,
	from the given satellite's position to the earth's surface.
double calcRange(GEOLOCATE_REC *g,double look,double yaw)
	vector rvec;
	vector sarPos=g->stVec.pos;
	double ans1,ans2;
	double re2,rp2;
	double a,b,c,d;

	rvec.x= sin(yaw);
/* Unit vector rvec points to target.  Rotate into earth centered vector:*/
/* calculate range to intercept the earth (modeled as an ellipsoid).   */
	a=(rvec.x*rvec.x+rvec.y*rvec.y)/re2 + rvec.z*rvec.z/rp2;
	b=2.0*((sarPos.x*rvec.x + sarPos.y*rvec.y)/re2 + sarPos.z*rvec.z/rp2);
	c=(sarPos.x*sarPos.x+sarPos.y*sarPos.y)/re2 + sarPos.z*sarPos.z/rp2 - 1.0;
/*  quadradic nearer range point (the first Earth intersection).*/
	if (d<0) return -1.0; /* Path does not intersect earth. */
	ans1=(-b + sqrt(d))/(2.0*a);
	ans2=(-b - sqrt(d))/(2.0*a);
	if (ans1<ans2)
		return ans1;
		return ans2;
int triangleClipToPlane(Vec *src, Vec *dst, int size, Vec plane)
	int idx = 0;

	Vec current = *src;

	for(int i = 1; i < size + 1; i++)
		Vec next = src[i % size];

		Vec distNext	= vecDot(plane, next);
		Vec distCurrent = vecDot(plane, current);
		Vec delta       = vecSub(distCurrent, distNext);

		bool goingInNext  = vecGetElem(distNext, 0) > 0;
		bool crossingEdge = goingInNext != vecGetElem(distCurrent, 0) > 0;

			// output interpolated vertex
			Vec ratio = vecMul(distCurrent, vecRcp(delta));
			dst[idx]  = vecAdd(current, vecMul(vecSub(next, current), ratio));

			// output vertex as-is
			dst[idx] = next;

		current = next;

	return idx;
void PhysicsWorld::ResolveCollisions()
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < collidedObjectsCnt; i++)
		CollisionInfo &inf = collidedObjects[i];

		// Just push the contact out by the velocity so we never
		// end up in a state where the two objects are still intersecting
		Transform *t = entGetTransform(inf.obj->ent);
		inf.obj->position = t->GetPosition();
		inf.obj->position = vecSub(inf.obj->position, inf.obj->velocity);

		inf.obj->velocity = vecReflect(inf.obj->velocity, inf.normal);
		inf.obj->velocity = vecMul(inf.obj->velocity, vec(1, 1, 0, 0));

		inf.obj->position = vecAdd(inf.obj->position, inf.obj->velocity);

	collidedObjectsCnt = 0;
Beispiel #7
static void
get_target_position(stateVector *st, double look, double yaw,
                    double sr, vector *targPos)
  vector relPos = vecNew(sin(yaw), -sin(look)*cos(yaw), -cos(look)*cos(yaw));

  // relPos unit vector points from s/c to targPos.
  // Rotate into earth axes
  vector look_matrix[3];
  look_matrix[2] = st->pos;
  vector v = st->vel;

  // scale relPos so it reaches from s/c to targPos 
void triangleVertexShading(JmJob *data)
	VertexJob v;
	dmaBlockGet(&v, (uintptr_t)data->p1, sizeof(VertexJob), DmaTag);

	Vec halfSizeAdd = vec(0.5f * sw,  0.5f * sh, 0, 1);
	Vec halfSizeMul = vec(0.5f * sw, -0.5f * sh, 1, 0);
	Vec zero = vec(0);

	Mat transform;
	matMul(&transform, v.projection,;

		unsigned int k = interlockedExchangeAdd(v.counter, VerticesAtATime);
		if(k >= v.end) break;

		unsigned int end = std::min(k + VerticesAtATime, v.end);
		unsigned int num = end - k;
		unsigned int numtris = num / 3;
		Triangle3D vertexShadingTris[TriangleAtATime];
		dmaBlockGet(vertexShadingTris, (uintptr_t)&v.input[k], numtris * sizeof(Triangle3D), DmaTag);

		for(unsigned int u = 0; u < numtris; u++)
			const Triangle3D &tri = vertexShadingTris[u];

			Triangle3D triOut[5];
			Vec vtx[8];
			int numTrisOut = 1;

				// We can't do the backface culling using a determinant of a 2x2 matrix
				// in screen space because then we would have 'holes' in the output data
				// therefor it happens here, in wordspace.

				Vec e1 = vecSub(tri.p3, tri.p1);
				Vec e2 = vecSub(tri.p2, tri.p1);
				Vec n = vecCross(e1, e2);
				Vec a = vecDot(v.camerapos, n);

				if(vecGetElem(a, VecComponent::X) > 0) continue;

			// perspective project
			matMulVec(&triOut[0].p1, transform, tri.p1);
			matMulVec(&triOut[0].p2, transform, tri.p2);
			matMulVec(&triOut[0].p3, transform, tri.p3);

			// cull against znear
			Vec m1 = vecCmpLE(vecSplat<VecComponent::Z>(triOut[0].p1), zero);
			Vec m2 = vecCmpLE(vecSplat<VecComponent::Z>(triOut[0].p2), zero);
			Vec m3 = vecCmpLE(vecSplat<VecComponent::Z>(triOut[0].p3), zero);

			Vec c2 = vecAnd(vecAnd(m1, m2), m3);
			vec_uint4 ones = (vec_uint4){0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff,0xffffffff};
			if(vec_all_eq((vec_uint4)c2, ones)) continue;
			int result = vecMaskToInt(c2);
			if(result == 15) continue; // discard, all behind nearz

#if 1
			// clip triangles that intersect znear
			static const int NumVerticesInATriangle = 3;
			int numVertsOut = triangleClipToPlane(
				vec(0, 0, 1, 0)

			// Very simple triangulation routine
			numTrisOut = 0;
			for(int i = 2; i < numVertsOut; i++)
				triOut[numTrisOut].p1 = vtx[0];
				triOut[numTrisOut].p2 = vtx[i];
				triOut[numTrisOut].p3 = vtx[i - 1];

			for(int i = 0; i < numTrisOut; i++)
				// perspective divide
				triOut[i].p1 = vecMul(triOut[i].p1, vecRcp(vecSplat<VecComponent::W>(triOut[i].p1)));
				triOut[i].p2 = vecMul(triOut[i].p2, vecRcp(vecSplat<VecComponent::W>(triOut[i].p2)));
				triOut[i].p3 = vecMul(triOut[i].p3, vecRcp(vecSplat<VecComponent::W>(triOut[i].p3)));

				// transform to screen space
				Vec r1 = vecMadd(triOut[i].p1, halfSizeMul, halfSizeAdd);
				Vec r2 = vecMadd(triOut[i].p2, halfSizeMul, halfSizeAdd);
				Vec r3 = vecMadd(triOut[i].p3, halfSizeMul, halfSizeAdd);

				Triangle3DSetup &r = setup[s][sidx];
				Triangle3DSetup r;
				memcpy(&r.x1, &r1, sizeof(float) * 3);
				memcpy(&r.x2, &r2, sizeof(float) * 3);
				memcpy(&r.x3, &r3, sizeof(float) * 3);

				// deltas
				r.dx1 = r.x1 - r.x2;
				r.dx2 = r.x2 - r.x3;
				r.dx3 = r.x3 - r.x1;

				r.dy1 = r.y1 - r.y2;
				r.dy2 = r.y2 - r.y3;
				r.dy3 = r.y3 - r.y1;

				if(sidx >= MaxSetupBuffered)
					dmaWaitAll(1 << DmaListTag);

					unsigned int l = interlockedExchangeAdd(v.outputCnt, sidx);

					for(unsigned int u = 0; u < sidx; u++)
						setuplist[u].notify = 0;
						setuplist[u].reserved = 0;
						setuplist[u].size = sizeof(Triangle3DSetup);
						setuplist[u].eal = (uintptr_t)&v.output[u + l];

					cellDmaListPut(setup[s], 0, setuplist, sizeof(setuplist), DmaListTag, 0, 0);
					sidx = 0;
					s ^= 1;
				unsigned int l = interlockedExchangeAdd(v.outputCnt, 1);
				if(l >= MaxTrianglesDrawn) { interlockedExchangeSub(v.outputCnt, 1); break; }
				else dmaBlockPut(&r, (uintptr_t)&v.output[l], sizeof(Triangle3DSetup), DmaTag);

	if(sidx > 0)
		dmaWaitAll(1 << DmaListTag);
		unsigned int l = interlockedExchangeAdd(v.outputCnt, sidx);

		for(unsigned int u = 0; u < sidx; u++)
			setuplist[u].notify = 0;
			setuplist[u].reserved = 0;
			setuplist[u].size = sizeof(Triangle3DSetup);
			setuplist[u].eal = (uintptr_t)&v.output[u + l];
		cellDmaListPut(setup[s], 0, setuplist, sidx * sizeof(CellDmaListElement), DmaListTag + 1, 0, 0);
		dmaWaitAll(1 << (DmaListTag + 1));
Beispiel #9
int main()
    setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
    setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

    /*!< At this stage the microcontroller clock setting is already configured, 
      this is done through SystemInit() function which is called from startup
      file (startup_stm32f30x.s) before to branch to application main.
      To reconfigure the default setting of SystemInit() function, refer to
      system_stm32f30x.c file

    /* SysTick end of count event each 10ms */
    SysTick_Config(RCC_Clocks.HCLK_Frequency / 100);

    /* initialise USART1 debug output (TX on pin PA9 and RX on pin PA10) */


    printf("Initialising USB\n");
    printf("Initialising USB HID\n");
    /* Initialise LEDs */
    //printf("Initialising LEDs\n");
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {

    /* Initialise gyro */
    //printf("Initialising gyroscope\n");

    /* Initialise compass */
    //printf("Initialising compass\n");


    int C = 0, noAccelCount = 0;

    while (1) {
        float *acc = accs[C&1],
              *prevAcc = accs[(C&1)^1],
              *vel = vels[C&1],
              *prevVel = vels[(C&1)^1],
              *pos = poss[C&1],
              *prevPos = poss[(C&1)^1],
              *angRate = angRates[C&1],
              *prevAngRate = angRates[(C&1)^1],
              *ang = angs[C&1],
              *prevAng = angs[(C&1)^1],
              *mag = mags[C&1],
              *prevmag = mags[(C&1)^1];

        /* Wait for data ready */

#if 0
        Compass_ReadAccAvg(acc, 10);
        vecMul(axes, acc);
        //printf("X: %9.3f Y: %9.3f Z: %9.3f\n", acc[0], acc[1], acc[2]);
        float grav = acc[2];
        acc[2] = 0;
        if (noAccelCount++ > 50) {
            for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
                vel[i] = 0;
                prevVel[i] = 0;
            noAccelCount = 0;

        if (vecLen(acc) > 50.f) {
            for (i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
                vel[i] += prevAcc[i] + (acc[i]-prevAcc[i])/2.f;
                pos[i] += prevVel[i] + (vel[i]-prevVel[i])/2.f;
            noAccelCount = 0;

        C += 1;
        if (((C) & 0x7F) == 0) {
            printf("%9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f %9.3f\n", vel[0], vel[1], pos[0], pos[1], grav);
            //printf("%3.1f%% %d %5.1f %6.3f\n", (float) timeReadI2C*100.f / totalTime, C, (float) C*100.f / (totalTime), grav);

        Compass_ReadMagAvg(mag, 2);
        vecMul(axes, mag);
        float compassAngle = atan2f(mag[1], mag[0]) * 180.f / PI;
        if (compassAngle > 180.f) compassAngle -= 360.f;

        Gyro_ReadAngRateAvg(mag, 2);
        printf("%6.3f:%6.3f,%6.3f,%6.3f\n", compassAngle, mag[0], mag[1], mag[2]);

#if 0
        Gyro_ReadAngRateAvg(angRate, 2);
        angRate[0] *= 180.f / PI;
        angRate[1] *= 180.f / PI;
        angRate[2] *= 180.f / PI;
        float s[3] = {sin(angRate[0]), sin(angRate[1]), sin(angRate[2])};
        float c[3] = {cos(angRate[0]), cos(angRate[1]), cos(angRate[2])};
        float gyroMat[3][3] = {
            {c[0]*c[1], c[0]*s[1], -s[1]},
            {c[0]*s[1]*s[2]-s[0]*c[2], c[0]*c[2]+s[0]*s[1]*s[2], c[1]*s[2]},
            {c[0]*s[1]*c[2]+s[0]*s[2], -c[0]*s[2]+s[0]*s[1]*c[2], c[1]*c[2]}};
        float gyroWorldMat[3][3];
        vecMulMatTrans(gyroWorldMat, axes, gyroMat);
        *ang = gyroWorldMat[2][0];
        *ang += gyroWorldMat[2][1];
        *ang += gyroWorldMat[2][2];
        *ang /= 300.f;
        static const float ANGALPHA = 0.0f;
        *ang += ANGALPHA*(compassAngle - *ang);
        float rotObsVec[3];
        memcpy(rotObsVec, axes[0], sizeof(rotObsVec));
        vecMul(gyroMat, rotObsVec);
        vecMul(axes, rotObsVec);
        rotObsVec[2] = 0.f;
        float angDelta = acos(rotObsVec[0]);

        if (((++C) & 0x7) == 0) {
            printf("%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f\n", rotObsVec[0], rotObsVec[1], rotObsVec[2], angDelta);

#if 0
        float angRate[3];
      /* Read Gyro Angular data */

      printf("X: %f Y: %f Z: %f\n", angRate[0], angRate[1], angRate[2]);

        float MagBuffer[3] = {0.0f}, AccBuffer[3] = {0.0f};
        float fNormAcc,fSinRoll,fCosRoll,fSinPitch,fCosPitch = 0.0f, RollAng = 0.0f, PitchAng = 0.0f;
        float fTiltedX,fTiltedY = 0.0f;

        AccBuffer[i] /= 100.0f;
      fNormAcc = sqrt((AccBuffer[0]*AccBuffer[0])+(AccBuffer[1]*AccBuffer[1])+(AccBuffer[2]*AccBuffer[2]));
      fSinRoll = -AccBuffer[1]/fNormAcc;
      fCosRoll = sqrt(1.0-(fSinRoll * fSinRoll));
      fSinPitch = AccBuffer[0]/fNormAcc;
      fCosPitch = sqrt(1.0-(fSinPitch * fSinPitch));
     if ( fSinRoll >0)
       if (fCosRoll>0)
         RollAng = acos(fCosRoll)*180/PI;
         RollAng = acos(fCosRoll)*180/PI + 180;
       if (fCosRoll>0)
         RollAng = acos(fCosRoll)*180/PI + 360;
         RollAng = acos(fCosRoll)*180/PI + 180;
      if ( fSinPitch >0)
       if (fCosPitch>0)
            PitchAng = acos(fCosPitch)*180/PI;
          PitchAng = acos(fCosPitch)*180/PI + 180;
       if (fCosPitch>0)
            PitchAng = acos(fCosPitch)*180/PI + 360;
          PitchAng = acos(fCosPitch)*180/PI + 180;

      if (RollAng >=360)
        RollAng = RollAng - 360;
      if (PitchAng >=360)
        PitchAng = PitchAng - 360;
      fTiltedX = MagBuffer[0]*fCosPitch+MagBuffer[2]*fSinPitch;
      fTiltedY = MagBuffer[0]*fSinRoll*fSinPitch+MagBuffer[1]*fCosRoll-MagBuffer[1]*fSinRoll*fCosPitch;
      HeadingValue = (float) ((atan2f((float)fTiltedY,(float)fTiltedX))*180)/PI;
        printf("Compass heading: %f\n", HeadingValue);

    return 1;
Beispiel #10
int getDoppler(GEOLOCATE_REC *g,double look,double yaw,
               double *fd, double *fdot,
               vector *out_targPos,vector *out_relVel)
	vector relPos, /*Vector from spacecraft to targPos.*/
		sarPos, /*Position of spacecraft*/
		targPos, /*Position of target point.*/
		relVel, /*Relative velocity vector.*/
		sarVel, /*Velocity of spacecraft*/
		targVel, /*Velocity of targPos*/
		sarAcc, /*Accelleration of spacecraft*/
		targAcc, /*Accelleration of targPos*/
		relAcc; /*Relative sarAccelleration*/
	double range,angVel=g->angularVelocity;
	relPos.x= sin(yaw);
/*c   relPos unit vector points from s/c to targPos.  Rotate into earth axes:*/
/*c   scale relPos so it reaches from s/c to targPos */
	range = calcRange(g,look,yaw);
c  Now we have all three vectors in earth centered coordinates:
c     sarPos = sar satellite position
c     relPos = range vector from sar to targPos
c     targPos = target position
c   calculate velocity vectors targVel and relVel.
	targVel.x= -angVel*targPos.y;
	targVel.y= angVel*targPos.x;
	targVel.z= 0.0;
c  Calcuate accelerations of sar and targPos sarAcc,targAcc
c  */
/*c     sar sarAcceleration toward earth center, via
   orbital considerations (accelleration is straight down,
   at      -GxMe / h**2) */
	vecMul(g->look_matrix,sarAcc,&sarAcc);/* !put in e.c. coordinates
c   calculate sarAcceleration of targPos on earth surface:*/
c   calculate doppler parameters
	if (out_targPos)
	if (out_relVel)
	if (fd)
	if (fdot)

        /* success */
        return 0;
Beispiel #11
int main()
    setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
    setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

    /*!< At this stage the microcontroller clock setting is already configured,
      this is done through SystemInit() function which is called from startup
      file (startup_stm32f30x.s) before to branch to application main.
      To reconfigure the default setting of SystemInit() function, refer to
      system_stm32f30x.c file

    /* SysTick end of count event each 10ms */
    SysTick_Config(RCC_Clocks.HCLK_Frequency / 100);

    /* initialise USART1 debug output (TX on pin PA9 and RX on pin PA10) */


    /* Initialise LEDs */
    //printf("Initialising LEDs\n");
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {

    /* Initialise gyro */
    //printf("Initialising gyroscope\n");

    /* Initialise compass */
    //printf("Initialising compass\n");

    // perform calibration

    while (1) {
        float angRate[3], mag[3];

        // read average compass values
        Compass_ReadMagAvg(mag, 2);
        // rotate the compass values so that they are aligned with Earth
        vecMul(axes, mag);
        // calculate the heading through inverse tan of the Y/X magnetic strength
        float compassAngle = atan2f(mag[1], mag[0]) * 180.f / PI;
        // fix heading to be in range -180 to 180
        if (compassAngle > 180.f) compassAngle -= 360.f;
        // read average gyro values
        Gyro_ReadAngRateAvg(angRate, 2);
        // print out everything
        printf("c%6.3f\ng%6.3f\n", compassAngle, angRate[2]-zeroAngRate[2]);


    return 1;
bool PhysicsWorld::Intersects(const StaticPhysicsEntity &s, const DynamicPhysicsEntity &d, Vec &outNormal, Vec &outDir)
	float dmin = 0, radiusSquared;

	Vec min, max, center, scale;

	min = vec(-1, -1, -1, 0);
	max = vec(1, 1, 1, 0);
	scale = vec(1, 1, 1, 0);

	Mat m, sc;

	center = entGetTransform(d.ent)->GetPosition();

	// scale the unit vector and take the largest component
	// as the radius for the sphere; as long as we don't do
	// silly rotations we should be ok
	matMulVec(&scale, sc, scale);
	radiusSquared = vecMax(scale);
	radiusSquared *= radiusSquared;

	// we don't have an inv matrix of anything so instead
	// we transform everything to worldspace and do the 
	// calculations there

	// rot + scale
	matMulVec(&min, m, min);
	matMulVec(&max, m, max);

	// pos
	Vec p = entGetTransform(s.ent)->GetPosition();
	min = vecAdd(min, p);
	max = vecAdd(max, p);

	// the actual intersection test (don't test w)
	for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		float C = vecGetElem(center, i);

		float Bmin = vecGetElem(min, i);
		float Bmax = vecGetElem(max, i);

		if(C < Bmin)		dmin += square(C - Bmin);
		else if(C > Bmax)	dmin += square(C - Bmax);

	if(dmin <= radiusSquared)
		Ray r;
		r.o = center;
		r.d = vecSub(p, center);
		r.d = vecNormalize(r.d);

		float dist;
		bool hit = RayBoxIntersection(r, min, max, dist, outNormal);
		outDir = vecMul(r.d, vec(dist));

		return hit;

	return false;
static void triangleDrawTile(float *tilebuffer, const Triangle3DSetup &t, const TriangleSetup &s, int x, int y)
	const Vec denom = vecRcp(vec(t.dx1 * t.dy2 - t.dy1 * t.dx2));

	const Vec DY1 = vec(t.dy1);
	const Vec DY2 = vec(t.dy2);
	const Vec DY3 = vec(t.dy3);
	const Vec DX2 = vec(t.dx2);
	const Vec DX3 = vec(t.dx3);

	const Vec X3  = vec(t.x3);
	const Vec Y3  = vec(t.y3);
	const Vec Z1  = vec(t.z1);
	const Vec Z2  = vec(t.z2);
	const Vec Z3  = vec(t.z3);

	const Vec Step = vec(0, 1, 2, 3);
	const Vec Zero = vec(0);
	const Vec One  = vec(1);
	const Vec Four = vec(4);

	float c1 = s.c1;
	float c2 = s.c2;
	float c3 = s.c3;

	for(int iy = 0; iy < tileHeight; iy++)
		Vec v = vec(0, 1, 2, 3);

		Vec C1 = vec(c1);
		Vec C2 = vec(c2);
		Vec C3 = vec(c3);

		const Vec yp = vec((float)(iy + y));
		const Vec ypos = vecSub(yp, Y3);
		const Vec dxypos2 = vecMul(DX2, ypos);
		const Vec dxypos3 = vecMul(DX3, ypos);

		float fx = (float)x;
		for(int ix = 0; ix < tileWidth; ix += 4)
			void * ptr = &tilebuffer[ix + iy * tileWidth];

			const Vec xp = vecAdd(vec(fx), Step);

			// Evaluate half-space equation & generate write-mask
			const Vec CX1 = vecSub(C1, vecMul(v, DY1));
			const Vec CX2 = vecSub(C2, vecMul(v, DY2));
			const Vec CX3 = vecSub(C3, vecMul(v, DY3));

			const Vec Mask1 = vecCmpGT(CX1, Zero);
			const Vec Mask2 = vecCmpGT(CX2, Zero);
			const Vec Mask3 = vecCmpGT(CX3, Zero);

			const Vec WriteMask = vecAnd(Mask1, vecAnd(Mask2, Mask3));

			// Calculate depth based on barycentric coordinates
			const Vec xpos = vecSub(xp, X3);

			const Vec dyxpos2 = vecMul(DY2, xpos);
			const Vec dyxpos3 = vecMul(DY3, xpos);

			const Vec delta2 = vecSub(dyxpos2, dxypos2);
			const Vec delta3 = vecSub(dyxpos3, dxypos3);

			const Vec t1 = vecMul(delta2, denom);
			const Vec t2 = vecMul(delta3, denom);
			const Vec t3 = vecSub(vecSub(One, t1), t2);

			const Vec tz1 = vecMul(Z1, t1);
			const Vec tz2 = vecMul(Z2, t2);
			const Vec tz3 = vecMul(Z3, t3);

			const Vec z  = vecAdd(tz1, vecAdd(tz2, tz3));

			// Depth compare
			const Vec Value			= vecLoadAligned(ptr);
			const Vec DepthCompare	= vecCmpGE(Value, z);
			const Vec Compare		= vecAnd(WriteMask, DepthCompare);
			const Vec Result		= vecSel(Value, z, Compare);

			vecStoreAligned(ptr, Result);
			v = vecAdd(v, Four);
			fx += 4;

		c1 += t.dx1;
		c2 += t.dx2;
		c3 += t.dx3;