Beispiel #1
Square::Square(	vect3d &pCenter, 
			    vect3d &pNormal,
				vect3d &pHeadVec, 
				float nWidth, 
				float nHeight,
				float fReflR, float fRefrR, float fRefrK, float fEmitR)
	:PrimaryObject(fReflR, fRefrR, fRefrK, fEmitR)
	vecCopy(_vCenter, pCenter);
	vecCopy(_vNormal, pNormal);	
	vecCopy(_vWidthVec, pHeadVec);	

	_nWidth = nWidth;
	_nHeight = nHeight;

	vecScale(_vWidthVec, nHeight/2, _v2WidthVec);

	vect3d v2HeightVec;
	cross_product(_vWidthVec, _vNormal, v2HeightVec);
	vecScale(v2HeightVec, nWidth/2, _v2HeightVec);

	a = _vNormal[0]; b = _vNormal[1]; c = _vNormal[2];
	d = (-1) * (a * _vCenter[0] + b * _vCenter[1] + c * _vCenter[2]);

Beispiel #2
Camera::Camera(vect3d &pCtrPos, vect3d &pUpVec, vect3d &pViewVec, float fNtoF, float fPlaneRatio)
	: _fN2F(fNtoF), _fPlaneRatio(fPlaneRatio), _pSampler(NULL)
	assert((fNtoF > 0) && (fPlaneRatio > 0));	

	//	viewing direction
	_dir[0] = pViewVec[0];
	_dir[1] = pViewVec[1];
	_dir[2] = pViewVec[2];

	//	Center point of the view plane
	_ctrPos[0] = pCtrPos[0];
	_ctrPos[1] = pCtrPos[1];
	_ctrPos[2] = pCtrPos[2];

	//	Up vec of the view plane, with vec-len as 1/2 of view plane height
	_upVec[0] = pUpVec[0];
	_upVec[1] = pUpVec[1];
	_upVec[2] = pUpVec[2];
	vecScale(_upVec, WinHeight * _fPlaneRatio * 0.5, _upVec);

	//	right vec of the view plane, with vec-len as 1/2 of view plane width
	cross_product(_dir, _upVec, _rightVec);
	vecScale(_rightVec, WinWidth * _fPlaneRatio * 0.5, _rightVec);

	//	default: no multi-sampling
	_nMultiSamplingCount = 1;
Beispiel #3
void PerpCamera::genViewRaysByRow(unsigned nRowCount, PixelIntegrator *pBuf)
	// TODO: the following code piece is redundant... 

	assert(pBuf && nRowCount < WinHeight && _pSampler);
	for(unsigned i = 0; i < WinWidth; i ++)	//	loop for an entire row
		//	to fine the current primary ray starting point
		vect3d nCurrCtr;
		//	right vec first
		vect3d rightVec;
		point2point(rightVec, _rightVec, rightVec);
		vecScale(rightVec, (i - WinWidth/2.f) * ViewPlaneRatio / vecLen(_rightVec), rightVec);

		//	up vec second
		vect3d upVec;
		point2point(upVec, _upVec, upVec);
		vecScale(upVec, (nRowCount - WinHeight/2.f) * ViewPlaneRatio/ vecLen(_upVec), upVec);
		point2point(_ctrPos, rightVec, nCurrCtr);
		point2point(nCurrCtr, upVec, nCurrCtr);
		//	since we reuse the vector, we have to clear it before next use
		(pBuf + i)->getRays().clear();

		for(unsigned j = 0; j < _nMultiSamplingCount; j ++)
			vect3d startPoint;

			//	Get current sampling start point
			float fdx = 0, fdy = 0;
			_pSampler->getNextSample(&fdx, &fdy);
			assert( (fdx >= -1 && fdx <= 1) && 
					(fdy >= -1 && fdy <= 1) );

			vect3d vDeltaXVec;
			vecScale(_rightVec, ViewPlaneRatio * fSamplingDeltaFactor * fdx, vDeltaXVec);

			vect3d vDeltaYVec;
			vecScale(_upVec, ViewPlaneRatio * fSamplingDeltaFactor * fdy, vDeltaYVec);

			point2point(nCurrCtr, vDeltaXVec, startPoint);			
			point2point(startPoint, vDeltaYVec, startPoint);			

			//	put into PixelIntegrator
			vect3d viewDir;
			points2vec(_eyePos, startPoint, viewDir);
			Ray ray(startPoint, viewDir);
			ray.fDeltaX = fdx * fSamplingDeltaFactor;
			ray.fDeltaY = fdy * fSamplingDeltaFactor;
			(pBuf + i)->addRay(ray);		
Beispiel #4
void updateAppendage(Scene* scene, int sceneIndex, cl_float3 p, cl_float3 q,
		cl_float3 w, float A, float B, int countA, int countB) {
	cl_float3 U;
	cl_float3 V;
	cl_float3 W;

	cl_float3 j;
	cl_float3 d;

	V = q;
	vecSub(V, p);

	float D = vecLength(V);
	float inverseD = 1.0f / D;
	vecScale(V, inverseD);

	W = w;
	vecCross(U, V, W);

	float A2 = A*A;

	float y = 0.5f * inverseD * (A2 - B * B + D * D);
	double square = A2 - y*y;
	if (square < 0.0f)
		throw std::runtime_error("Unable to construct appendage");
	float x = sqrtf(square);

	j = p;
	vecScaledAdd(j, x, U);
	vecScaledAdd(j, y, V);

	d = j;
	vecSub(d, p);
	vecScale(d, 1.0f / float(countA));
	for (int i = 0; i <= countA; i++) {
		Sphere* sphere = &(scene->spheres[sceneIndex + i]);
		sphere->center = p;
		vecScaledAdd(sphere->center, float(i), d);
		vecScale(sphere->center, 0.1f);

	d = j;
	vecSub(d, q);
	vecScale(d, 1.0f / float(countB));
	for (int i = 0; i <= countA; i++) {
		Sphere* sphere = &(scene->spheres[sceneIndex + i + countA + 1]);
		sphere->center = q;
		vecScaledAdd(sphere->center, float(i), d);
		vecScale(sphere->center, 0.1f);
Beispiel #5
bool Sphere::isHit(	Ray &ray, vect3d &pNormal, float *pt, vect3d *pTexColor)
		return false;

	float t, len;
	len = len2Line(ray, &t);	
	if(len > _fRad)
		return false;

	if( len <= _fRad)	
		float d = sqrt(_fRad * _fRad - len * len);		
		float r = d / vecLen(ray.direction_vec);

			t += r;
			t -= r;

	*pt = t;

	//	calc normal
	vect3d pPoint, vec;
	point2point(pPoint, ray.start_point, pPoint);
	point2point(vec, ray.direction_vec, vec);	vecScale(vec, t, vec);
	point2point(pPoint, vec, pPoint);

	points2vec(_ctr, pPoint, pNormal);

	//	Texture
	if(_tex != NULL && pTexColor != NULL)
		float x = pPoint[0] - _ctr[0];
		float y = pPoint[1] - _ctr[1];
		float z = pPoint[2] - _ctr[2];

		float a = atan2f( x, z );
		float b = acosf( y / _fRad );

		float u = a / (2 * PI)	;
		float v = b / (1 * PI);
		_tex->getTexAt( (u + 0.5) * _tex->nWidth, (v) * _tex->nHeight, *pTexColor);

	return true;

Beispiel #6
	void setVelocity (vec targetVel) {
#if printDebug
		DEBUG(("Velocity Targeting Info\n"));
		printVec("Target Vel (m)", targetVel);
		vec temp;
		mathVecSubtract(temp, targetVel, stateVel(myState), 3);
		float magnitude = mathVecMagnitude(temp, 3);
		if (magnitude < 0.02f) {
		vecScale(temp, 4.2f);
		magnitude = fabs(mathVecMagnitude(temp, 3));
		if (magnitude > 0.11f) vecScale(temp, 0.11f / magnitude);
Beispiel #7
PerpCamera::PerpCamera(float fEye2Near, vect3d &pCtrPos, vect3d &pUpVec, vect3d &pViewVec, float fNtoF, float fPlaneRatio)
	: Camera(pCtrPos, pUpVec, pViewVec, fNtoF, fPlaneRatio)
	assert(fEye2Near > 0);
	vect3d vInverseVec;
	vecScale(_dir, -fEye2Near, vInverseVec);
	point2point(_ctrPos, vInverseVec, _eyePos);
    i32 CreateRect2D(Resources::CMesh* pMesh, const IInputLayout* pIL, const SRect2DOptions& Opts)
        Vec3 vecScale( 100 ); 
        Vec2 vecWidth( 0, 100 );
        Vec2 vecHeight( 0, 100 );

        IndexBufferPtr pIB = pMesh->CreateIndexBuffer();
        VertexBufferPtr pVB = pMesh->CreateVertexBuffer();

        pVB->SetVertexCount( 4 );
        pVB->SetInputLayout( pIL );
        pVB->SetTopologyType( TopologyTypes::TRIANGLE_LIST );
        pVB->SetUsage( Opts.eUsage );

        pIB->SetIndexCount( 6 );
        pIB->SetUsage( BufferUsages::STATIC );

        CVertexData& VData = pVB->GetVertexData();

        if( pIL->IsPosition() )
            VData.SetPosition( 0, Vec3( 0,			0,				0 ) );
            VData.SetPosition( 1, Vec3( vecScale.x, 0,				0 ) );
            VData.SetPosition( 2, Vec3( vecScale.x, -vecScale.y,	0 ) );
            VData.SetPosition( 3, Vec3( 0,			-vecScale.y,	0) );

        if( pIL->IsColor() )
            VData.SetColor( 0, Vec4( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) );
            VData.SetColor( 1, Vec4( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) );
            VData.SetColor( 2, Vec4( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) );
            VData.SetColor( 3, Vec4( 1, 1, 1, 1 ) );

        if( pIL->IsTexCoord0() )
            VData.SetTexCoord( 0, 0, Vec2( 0, 1 ) );
            VData.SetTexCoord( 1, 0, Vec2( 1, 1 ) );
            VData.SetTexCoord( 2, 0, Vec2( 0, 1 ) );
            VData.SetTexCoord( 3, 0, Vec2( 0, 0 ) );


        CIndexData& IData = pIB->GetIndexData();

        IData.SetTriangle( 0, 0, 2, 3 );
        IData.SetTriangle( 1, 1, 2, 0 );

        return XST_OK;
Beispiel #9
	void setTargetAngVel(vec targetAngVel) {
		vec torques;
		mathVecSubtract(torques, targetAngVel, stateAngVel(myState), 3);
		vecScale(torques, floatOne / accPerNM);
#if printDebug
		DEBUG(("Angular Velocity Targeting Info\n"));
		printVec("\tTarget AngVel (rad/s)", targetAngVel);
		printVec("\tTorques (rad/s^2)", torques);
Beispiel #10
bool Triangle::isHit(Ray &ray, vect3d &pNormal, float *pt, vect3d *pTexColor)
	//	This will slow down the performance 
	//	return false;

	float u = 0, v = 0;
	if(isTriangleHit(_vertices, ray, pt, &u, &v))
		if(_bSmooth && _bHasVNorm)
			vect3d vSmoothNorm;
			point2point(_vnormal[1], vSmoothNorm, vSmoothNorm);
			vecScale(vSmoothNorm, u, vSmoothNorm);

			vect3d vnorm2;
			point2point(_vnormal[2], vnorm2, vnorm2);
			vecScale(vnorm2, v, vnorm2);

			vect3d vnorm3;
			point2point(_vnormal[0], vnorm3, vnorm3);
			vecScale(vnorm3, (1 - u - v), vnorm3);

			point2point(vSmoothNorm, vnorm2, vSmoothNorm);
			point2point(vSmoothNorm, vnorm3, pNormal);

			vecCopy(pNormal, _normal);
		return true;
	return false;
Beispiel #11
void getAvgNormal(float *retNorm, float *depthBuf, int x, int y, int width, int height, int nSampleRad)
	float tmp[3] = {0};
	unsigned nAvailableCount = 0;

	for(int j = -nSampleRad; j <= nSampleRad; j ++)
	for(int i = -nSampleRad; i <= nSampleRad; i ++)
		int currX = x + i;
		int currY = y + j;
		if( currX >=0 && currX < width &&
			currY >=0 && currY < height )
			float fd = *(depthBuf + (currX + currY * width));
			if(fd > 0)
				float currNorm[3];

				//	The sampled normal should get an average value ...
				float dz_x = dz2x(currX, currY, width, height, depthBuf);
				float dz_y = dz2y(currX, currY, width, height, depthBuf);

				float Cx = i == 0 ? 0 : 2.f / (width * currX);	
				float Cy = j == 0 ? 0 : 2.f / (height * currY);	

				float D = Cy * Cy * dz_x * dz_x + Cx * Cx * dz_y * dz_y + Cx * Cx * Cy * Cy * (1 - fd) * (1 - fd);
				if(D == 0)
				float rv_sqrtD = 1.f / sqrt(D);

				currNorm[0] = - Cy * dz_x * rv_sqrtD;
				currNorm[1] = - Cx * dz_y * rv_sqrtD;
				currNorm[2] = Cx * Cy * (1 - fd) * rv_sqrtD;

				vecAdd(tmp, currNorm, tmp);
				nAvailableCount ++;

	if(nAvailableCount > 0)
		vecScale(tmp, 1.f/nAvailableCount, tmp);
		vecCopy(retNorm, tmp);
Beispiel #12
/* take the definition of a camera and a point within the film plane of the camera and generate a RAY
   x and y both have a range of -0.5 to +0.5 */
Ray *camGenerateRay(Camera *camera, double x, double y, Ray *ray){
	Vec direction;
	Vec cameraX, cameraY;
	/* work out direction camera is pointing in */
	vecSub(&(camera->lookAt), &(camera->at), &direction);
	vecNormalise(&direction, &direction);

	/* using that and DOWN, work out the camera axes and normalise */
	vecProduct(&direction, &(camera->down), &cameraX);
	vecProduct(&direction, &cameraX, &cameraY);
	vecNormalise(&cameraX, &cameraX);
	vecNormalise(&cameraY, &cameraY);
	/* finally combine film offset and camera axes to work out film position */
	vecScale(x * camera->width, &cameraX, &cameraX);
	vecScale(y * camera->height, &cameraY, &cameraY);
	vecScale(camera->depth, &direction, &direction);
	vecAdd(&cameraX, &direction, &direction);
	vecAdd(&cameraY, &direction, &direction);
	rayInit(&(camera->at), &direction, ray);
	return ray;
Beispiel #13
static void
get_target_position(stateVector *st, double look, double yaw,
                    double sr, vector *targPos)
  vector relPos = vecNew(sin(yaw), -sin(look)*cos(yaw), -cos(look)*cos(yaw));

  // relPos unit vector points from s/c to targPos.
  // Rotate into earth axes
  vector look_matrix[3];
  look_matrix[2] = st->pos;
  vector v = st->vel;

  // scale relPos so it reaches from s/c to targPos 
Beispiel #14
void FUNC_CALL_TYPE sphi2DecartXZ(float4 dec, int32 lon, int32 lat, float rad) {

   float sinLon, cosLon;
   float sinLat, cosLat;
   float lonf = D_SPHI2RAD(lon);
   float latf = D_SPHI2RAD(lat);

#if !defined (D_USE_FSINCOS)
   deadlySinCosEx(&sinLon, &cosLon, lonf);
   deadlySinCosEx(&sinLat, &cosLat, latf);
   fSinCos(&sinLon, &cosLon, lonf);
   fSinCos(&sinLat, &cosLat, latf);

   dec[0] = sinLon * cosLat;
   dec[1] = sinLat;
   dec[2] = cosLon * cosLat;

   vecScale(dec, dec, rad);

   dec[3] = 1.0f;
Beispiel #15
void animatePositions(Scene* scene, const bool updateCam) {
	if (updateCam)

	// update sphere positions
	const float JUGGLE_X0 = -182.0f;
	const float JUGGLE_X1 = -108.0f;
	const float JUGGLE_Y0 = 88.0f;
	const float JUGGLE_H_Y = 184.0f;

	const float JUGGLE_H_VX = (JUGGLE_X0 - JUGGLE_X1) / 60.0f;
	const float JUGGLE_L_VX = (JUGGLE_X1 - JUGGLE_X0) / 30.0f;

	const float JUGGLE_H_H = JUGGLE_H_Y - JUGGLE_Y0;
	const float JUGGLE_H_VY = 4.0f * JUGGLE_H_H / 60.0f;
	const float JUGGLE_G = JUGGLE_H_VY * JUGGLE_H_VY / (2.0f * JUGGLE_H_H);

	const float JUGGLE_L_VY = 0.5f * JUGGLE_G * 30.0f;

	const float HIPS_MAX_Y = 85.0f;
	const float HIPS_MIN_Y = 81.0f;

	const float HIPS_ANGLE_MULTIPLIER = 2.0f * M_PI / 30.0f;

	double time = WallClockTime() - sceneTimeOffset;
	time -= floor(time);

	// mirrored juggling balls
	float t = 30.0f + 30.0f * float(time);
	Sphere* sphere = &(scene->spheres[1]);
	sphere->center.s[2] = 0.1f * (JUGGLE_X1 + JUGGLE_H_VX * t);
	sphere->center.s[1] = 0.1f * (JUGGLE_Y0 + (JUGGLE_H_VY - 0.5f * JUGGLE_G * t) * t);

	t -= 30.0f;
	sphere = &(scene->spheres[2]);
	sphere->center.s[2] = 0.1f * (JUGGLE_X1 + JUGGLE_H_VX * t);
	sphere->center.s[1] = 0.1f * (JUGGLE_Y0 + (JUGGLE_H_VY - 0.5f * JUGGLE_G * t) * t);

	sphere = &(scene->spheres[0]);
	sphere->center.s[2] = 0.1f * (JUGGLE_X0 + JUGGLE_L_VX * t);
	sphere->center.s[1] = 0.1f * (JUGGLE_Y0 + (JUGGLE_L_VY - 0.5f * JUGGLE_G * t) * t);

	// body (hips to chest) 3 .. 10
	float angle = HIPS_ANGLE_MULTIPLIER*t;
	float oscillation = 0.5f * (1.0f + cosf(angle));

	cl_float3 o;
	vecInit(o, 151.0f,
			HIPS_MIN_Y + (HIPS_MAX_Y - HIPS_MIN_Y) * oscillation,
	cl_float3 v;
	vecInit(v, 0.0f, 70.0f, (HIPS_MIN_Y - HIPS_MAX_Y) * sinf(angle));

	cl_float3 u;
	vecInit(u, 0.0f, v.s[2], -v.s[1]);

	cl_float3 w;
	vecInit(w, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	for (int i = 3; i <= 10; i++) {
		float fraction = float(i - 3) / 7.0f;
		sphere = &(scene->spheres[i]);
		sphere->center = o;
		vecScaledAdd(sphere->center, 32.0f * fraction, v);
		vecScale(sphere->center, 0.1f);

	// head
	sphere = &(scene->spheres[11]);
	sphere->center = o;
	vecScaledAdd(sphere->center, 70.0f, v);
	vecScale(sphere->center, 0.1f);

	// neck
	sphere = &(scene->spheres[12]);
	sphere->center = o;
	vecScaledAdd(sphere->center, 55.0f, v);
	vecScale(sphere->center, 0.1f);

	// left leg (13 .. 29)
	cl_float3 p;
	vecInit(p, 159.0f, 2.5f, -133.0f);
	cl_float3 q = o;
	vecScaledAdd(q, -9.0f, v);
	vecScaledAdd(q, -16.0f, u);
	updateAppendage(scene, 13, p, q, u, 42.58f, 34.07f, 8, 8);

	// right leg (30 .. 46)
	vecInit(p, 139.0f, 2.5f, -164.0f);
	q = o;
	vecScaledAdd(q, -9.0f, v);
	vecScaledAdd(q, 16.0f, u);
	updateAppendage(scene, 30, p, q, u, 42.58f, 34.07f, 8, 8);

	// left arm (47 .. 63)
	cl_float3 n;
	float armAngle = -0.35f * oscillation;
	vecInit(p, 69.0f + 41.0f * cosf(armAngle),
			60.0f - 41.0f * sinf(armAngle),
	q = o;
	vecScaledAdd(q, 45.0f, v);
	vecScaledAdd(q, -19.0f, u);
	n = o;
	vecScaledAdd(n, 45.41217f, v);
	vecScaledAdd(n, -19.91111f, u);
	vecSub(n, q);
	updateAppendage(scene, 47, p, q, n, 44.294f, 46.098f, 8, 8);

	// right arm (64 .. 80)
	p.s[2] = -182.0f;
	q = o;
	vecScaledAdd(q, 45.0f, v);
	vecScaledAdd(q, 19.0f, u);
	n = o;
	vecScaledAdd(n, 45.41217f, v);
	vecScaledAdd(n, 19.91111f, u);
	vecSub(n, q);
	vecScale(n, -1.0f);
	updateAppendage(scene, 64, p, q, n, 44.294f, 46.098f, 8, 8);

	// left eye (81)
	sphere = &(scene->spheres[81]);
	sphere->center = o;
	vecScaledAdd(sphere->center, 69.0f, v);
	vecScaledAdd(sphere->center, -7.0f, u);
	sphere->center.s[0] = 142.0f;
	vecScale(sphere->center, 0.1f);

	// left eye (82)
	sphere = &(scene->spheres[82]);
	sphere->center = o;
	vecScaledAdd(sphere->center, 69.0f, v);
	vecScaledAdd(sphere->center, 7.0f, u);
	sphere->center.s[0] = 142.0f;
	vecScale(sphere->center, 0.1f);

	// hair (83)
	sphere = &(scene->spheres[83]);
	sphere->center = o;
	vecScaledAdd(sphere->center, 71.0f, v);
	sphere->center.s[0] = 152.0f;
	vecScale(sphere->center, 0.1f);
Beispiel #16
Cube::Cube(		float fLen, float fWidth, float fHeight,	 
				vect3d &pCenterPos,
				vect3d &pVerticalVec,
				vect3d &pHorizonVec,				
				float fReflR, float fRefrR, float fRefrK, float fEmitR)
	:PrimaryObject(fReflR, fRefrR, fRefrK, fEmitR)
	assert( (fLen > 0) && (fWidth > 0) && (fHeight > 0) );
	///	Since there's no ObjObject in GPU, and I want to make primaryObj id the same as the 
	///	GPU primaryObj array index, I do this. This should not impact the current functional 
	///	code.
	nCurrObj --;

	_fLength = fLen;	
	_fWidth = fWidth;	
	_fHeight = fHeight;	

	vecCopy(_vCenterPos, pCenterPos);
	vecCopy(_verticalVec, pVerticalVec);
	vecCopy(_horizonVec, pHorizonVec);

	vect3d tmpVec, tmpPoint;

	//	Top square
	vecScale(_verticalVec, _fHeight / 2.0, tmpVec);
	point2point(_vCenterPos, tmpVec, tmpPoint);
	_vs[0] = new Square(tmpPoint, _verticalVec, _horizonVec, _fLength, _fWidth);
	//_vs[0]->setColor(c1,c1,c1, c1, 0.5);

	vecScale(_verticalVec, (-1)*_fHeight / 2.0, tmpVec);
	point2point(_vCenterPos, tmpVec, tmpPoint);
	vecScale(_verticalVec, -1, tmpVec);
	_vs[1] = new Square(tmpPoint, tmpVec, _horizonVec, _fLength, _fWidth);
	//_vs[1]->setColor(c1,c1,c1, c1,0.5);

	//	Left square
	vect3d vLeftNormalVec;
	cross_product(_horizonVec, _verticalVec, vLeftNormalVec);

	vecScale(vLeftNormalVec, _fLength / 2.0, tmpVec);
	point2point(_vCenterPos, tmpVec, tmpPoint);
	_vs[2] = new Square(tmpPoint, vLeftNormalVec, _horizonVec, _fHeight, _fWidth);
	//_vs[2]->setColor(c2,c2,c2, c2,0.5);

	vecScale(vLeftNormalVec, (-1)*_fLength / 2.0, tmpVec);
	point2point(_vCenterPos, tmpVec, tmpPoint);
	vecScale(vLeftNormalVec, -1, tmpVec);
	_vs[3] = new Square(tmpPoint, tmpVec, _horizonVec, _fHeight, _fWidth);
	//_vs[3]->setColor(c2,c2,c2, c2,0.5);

	//	Right square
	vecScale(_horizonVec, _fWidth / 2.0, tmpVec);
	point2point(_vCenterPos, tmpVec, tmpPoint);
	_vs[4] = new Square(tmpPoint, _horizonVec, _verticalVec, _fLength, _fHeight);
	//_vs[4]->setColor(c3,c3,c3, c3,0.5);

	vecScale(_horizonVec, (-1)*_fWidth / 2.0, tmpVec);
	point2point(_vCenterPos, tmpVec, tmpPoint);
	vecScale(_horizonVec, -1, tmpVec);
	_vs[5] = new Square(tmpPoint, tmpVec, _verticalVec, _fLength, _fHeight);
	//_vs[5]->setColor(c3,c3,c3, c3,0.5);

Beispiel #17
bool Square::isHit(Ray &ray, vect3d &pNormal, float *pt, vect3d *pTexColor)
		return false;

	//	The hit point on the plane
	vect3d op;
	points2vec(_vCenter, ray.start_point, op);

	float dn = dot_product(ray.direction_vec, _vNormal);
	if(dn == 0.f)
		return false;

	float t = - dot_product(op, _vNormal) / dn;
	//	NOTE: since it is a 0-thickness plane, we need this.
	if(t <= epsi)
		return false;

	//	Get the hit point
	vect3d vHitPoint;
	vect3d pView; vecScale(ray.direction_vec, t, pView);
	point2point(ray.start_point, pView, vHitPoint);

	vect3d vHitVec;
	points2vec(vHitPoint, _vCenter, vHitVec);

	float dx = dot_product(vHitVec, _v2HeightVec) / pow( _nWidth /2 , 2);
	float dy = dot_product(vHitVec, _v2WidthVec) / pow( _nHeight /2 , 2);
	if( fabs(dy) <= 1.f && fabs(dx) <= 1.0f )
		*pt = t;
		vecCopy(pNormal, _vNormal);

		if(_tex != NULL && pTexColor != NULL)
			float fWidInx = (-dx + 1.f) / 2.f * _nWidth;
			float fHeiInx = (dy + 1.f) / 2.f * _nHeight;

			case STRETCH:
				_tex->getTexAt( fWidInx / _nWidth * _tex->nWidth, 
								fHeiInx / _nHeight * _tex->nHeight, *pTexColor);

			case REPEAT:
				_tex->getTexAt( (unsigned)fWidInx % _tex->nWidth, 
								(unsigned)fHeiInx % _tex->nHeight, *pTexColor);

			case STRAIGHT:
				if(fWidInx < _tex->nWidth && fHeiInx < _tex->nHeight)
					_tex->getTexAt( (unsigned)fWidInx, (unsigned)fHeiInx, *pTexColor);

		return true;
	return false;
Beispiel #18
void calcAllNormals(float *normals, float *depthBuf, int width, int height, unsigned nSampleStep)

	//	Grid Points
	for(int j = 0; j < height; j += nSampleStep)
	for(int i = 0; i <  width; i += nSampleStep)
		float fd = *(depthBuf + (i + j * width));
		if(fd > 0)
			getAvgNormal(normals + 3 * (i + j * width), depthBuf, i, j, width, height, nAvgNormRad);

	if(nSampleStep == 1) 

	//	Interpolation other pixels
	for(int j = 0; j < height; j += 1)
	for(int i = 0; i <  width; i += 1)
		if( (i % nSampleStep == 0) && (j % nSampleStep == 0))

		float fd = *(depthBuf + (i + j * width));
		if(fd > 0)
			//	1. find grid
			int nGridX0 = (i / nSampleStep) * nSampleStep;
			int nGridY0 = (j / nSampleStep) * nSampleStep;

			float fDistPercX = (i - nGridX0) * 1.f / nSampleStep;
			float fDistPercY = (j - nGridY0) * 1.f / nSampleStep;
			//	2. Bi-linear Interpolation
			float NullNorm[3] = {0};
			float *currNormals[4];
			currNormals[0] = normals + 3 * (nGridX0 + nGridY0 * width);

			if((i + 1) < width && (nGridX0 + nSampleStep) < width ) 
				currNormals[1] = normals + 3 * (nGridX0 + nSampleStep + nGridY0 * width);
				currNormals[1] = NullNorm;

			if((j + 1)< height && (nGridY0 + nSampleStep) < height)
				currNormals[2] = normals + 3 * (nGridX0 + (nGridY0 + nSampleStep) * width);
				currNormals[2] = NullNorm;

			if(	(i + 1) < width && (j + 1)< height && 
				(nGridY0 + nSampleStep) < height && 
				(nGridX0 + nSampleStep) < width )
				currNormals[3] = normals + 3 * (nGridX0 + nSampleStep + (nGridY0 + nSampleStep) * width);
				currNormals[3] = NullNorm;

			float tmp[3], tmp1[3];

			float n01[3] = {0}; 
			vecScale(currNormals[0], (1 - fDistPercX), tmp);
			vecScale(currNormals[1], fDistPercX, tmp1);
			vecAdd(tmp, tmp1, n01);

			float n23[3] = {0};
			vecScale(currNormals[2], (1 - fDistPercX), tmp);
			vecScale(currNormals[3], fDistPercX, tmp1);
			vecAdd(tmp, tmp1, n23);

			float *pCurrNorm = normals + 3 * (i + j * width);
			vecScale(n01, (1 - fDistPercY), tmp);
			vecScale(n23, fDistPercY, tmp1);
			vecAdd(tmp, tmp1, pCurrNorm);
	}//	for
Beispiel #19
	void loop() {
		//Variable Initialization
        time ++;
		phase = game.getCurrentPhase();
		fuel = game.getFuelRemaining();
		myScore = game.getScore();
		otherScore = game.getOtherScore();
		dust = game.getRemainingMaterial();
		chg = game.getCharge();
		if (time < 2) {
			red = statePos(myState)[0] < floatZero;
		//Debug Console
		DEBUG(("\nDevilTech Message Screen: Fall 2012\n"));
#if printDebug
		DEBUG(("Debug Info\n"));
		DEBUG(("\tTime (s)\t%d\tPhase\t%d\tPlayer\t%s\n", time, phase, (red ? "Red" : "Blue")));
		DEBUG(("\tFuel\t%.3f\tDust\t%.3f\tChg\t%d\n", fuel, dust, chg));
		DEBUG(("\tScore\t%.2f\tOther Score\t%.2f\n", myScore, otherScore));
		DEBUG(("\tOther Message\t%u\n", otherMessage));
		printVec("\tMy Pos (m)", statePos(myState));
		printVec("\tMy Vel (m/s)", stateVel(myState));
		printVec("\tMy Att (unitvec)", stateAtt(myState));
		printVec("\tMy AngVel (rad/s)", stateAngVel(myState));
		printVec("\tOther Pos (m)", statePos(otherState));
		printVec("\tOther Vel (m/s)", stateVel(otherState));
		printVec("\tOther Att (unitvec)", stateAtt(otherState));
		printVec("\tOther AngVel (rad/s)", stateAngVel(otherState));
		vec att = {floatZero, -1.0f, floatZero};
		if (!obsCreated) {
			if (makeObs(red ? -0.17f : 0.17f, -0.63f)) obsCreated ++;
		else if (obsCreated == 1) {
			if (makeObs(red ? -0.47f : 0.47f, -0.03f)) obsCreated ++;
		else if (phase == 1) {
			vec temp = {norm((red ? -0.45f : 0.45f) - myState[0], 0.015f), 0.05f, floatZero};
		else {
			if (!game.haveObject(0)) getItem(0);
			else if (!game.haveObject(1) && !game.otherHasObject(1)) getItem(1);
            else if (!game.haveObject(2) && !game.otherHasObject(2) && !game.haveObject(1)) getItem(2);
            else {
				if (game.haveObject(1) || game.haveObject(2)) {
                vec temp = {floatZero, floatZero, floatZero};
                if (phase == 2) {
                    vec temp2 = {(red ? 0.04f : -0.04f), 0.09f, floatZero};
                    attToTarget(myState, temp2, temp);
                    vecScale(temp, 0.057f);
                    temp[2] = maintainZ();
                else {
                    if (!alreadySet) {
                        alreadySet = true;
                        top = myState[2] > floatZero;
                    if (myState[1] > -0.4f) {
                        temp[0] = norm((red ? 0.045f : -0.045f) - myState[0], 0.015f);
                        temp[1] = -0.051f;
                        temp[2] = maintainZ();
                    else if (myState[1] > -0.6f) {
						temp[0] = norm((red ? 0.045f : -0.045f) - myState[0], 0.015f);
                        temp[1] = -0.022f;
                        temp[2] = maintainZ();
                    else {
						temp[0] = norm((red ? 0.045f : -0.045f) - myState[0], 0.015f);
                        temp[1] = floatZero;
                        temp[2] = (top ? -0.055f : 0.055f);
                        DEBUG(("Top:\t%d\t%.3f\n", top, temp[2]));
Beispiel #20
int getDoppler(GEOLOCATE_REC *g,double look,double yaw,
               double *fd, double *fdot,
               vector *out_targPos,vector *out_relVel)
	vector relPos, /*Vector from spacecraft to targPos.*/
		sarPos, /*Position of spacecraft*/
		targPos, /*Position of target point.*/
		relVel, /*Relative velocity vector.*/
		sarVel, /*Velocity of spacecraft*/
		targVel, /*Velocity of targPos*/
		sarAcc, /*Accelleration of spacecraft*/
		targAcc, /*Accelleration of targPos*/
		relAcc; /*Relative sarAccelleration*/
	double range,angVel=g->angularVelocity;
	relPos.x= sin(yaw);
/*c   relPos unit vector points from s/c to targPos.  Rotate into earth axes:*/
/*c   scale relPos so it reaches from s/c to targPos */
	range = calcRange(g,look,yaw);
c  Now we have all three vectors in earth centered coordinates:
c     sarPos = sar satellite position
c     relPos = range vector from sar to targPos
c     targPos = target position
c   calculate velocity vectors targVel and relVel.
	targVel.x= -angVel*targPos.y;
	targVel.y= angVel*targPos.x;
	targVel.z= 0.0;
c  Calcuate accelerations of sar and targPos sarAcc,targAcc
c  */
/*c     sar sarAcceleration toward earth center, via
   orbital considerations (accelleration is straight down,
   at      -GxMe / h**2) */
	vecMul(g->look_matrix,sarAcc,&sarAcc);/* !put in e.c. coordinates
c   calculate sarAcceleration of targPos on earth surface:*/
c   calculate doppler parameters
	if (out_targPos)
	if (out_relVel)
	if (fd)
	if (fdot)

        /* success */
        return 0;
void ceos_read_stVecs(const char *fName, ceos_description *ceos, meta_parameters *meta)
    int i;
    double timeStart=0.0;/*Time of first state vector, relative to image start.*/
    int areInertial=1;/*Flag: are state vectors in non-rotating frame?*/
    int areInertialVelocity=0;/*Flag: have state vectors not been corrected for non-rotating frame?*/
    int areFixedVelocity=0;/*Flag: were state vectors in fixed-earth velocity; but inertial coordinates?*/
    meta_state_vectors *s;
    struct pos_data_rec ppdr;

    /*Fetch platform position data record.*/

    /*Allocate output record.*/
    meta->state_vectors = meta_state_vectors_init(ppdr.ndata);
    meta->state_vectors->vector_count = ppdr.ndata;
    s = meta->state_vectors;

    /*Determine State Vector Format.*/
    if (0==strncmp(ppdr.ref_coord,"INERTIAL",9))
        areInertial=1;/*Listed as Inertial-- believe it.*/
    if (0==strncmp(ppdr.ref_coord,"EARTH CENTERED ROT",18))
        areInertial=0;/*Listed as rotating-- believe it.*/
    else if (0==strncmp(ppdr.ref_coord,"Earth Centred Rot",17))
        areInertial = 0;
    else if (0 == strncmp(ppdr.ref_coord, "ECR", 3)) {
        areInertial = 0;
    //areInertialVelocity = 1;
    else if (0 == strncmp(ppdr.ref_coord, "EARTH FIXED REFERENCE SYSTEM",28))
      areInertial = 0;
    if (ppdr.hr_angle<=-99.0)
        areInertial=0;/*Bogus GHA-- must be fixed-earth*/

    if (ceos->facility==ASF && ceos->processor==SP2 && ceos->version <=2.50)
        /*The SCANSAR processor made very odd state vectors before 2.51*/

    /*Fill output record with inital time.*/
    if (ceos->facility==ASF && ceos->processor!=LZP)
    {/* ASF's state vectors start at the
        same time as the images themselves.*/
        timeStart = 0.0;
        s->year   = (int) ppdr.year;
        s->julDay = (int) ppdr.gmt_day;
        s->second = ppdr.gmt_sec;
    {/*Most facility's state vectors don't necessarily start
        at the same time as the image.*/
        s->year   = (int) ppdr.year;
        s->julDay = (int) ppdr.gmt_day;
        s->second = ppdr.gmt_sec;

    /*Fill ouput record with state vectors.*/
    for (i=0; i<s->vector_count; i++) {
        /*Read a state vector from the record, fixing the units.*/
        stateVector st;
        st.pos.x = ppdr.pos_vec[i][0];
        st.pos.y = ppdr.pos_vec[i][1];
        st.pos.z = ppdr.pos_vec[i][2];
        st.vel.x = ppdr.pos_vec[i][3];
        st.vel.y = ppdr.pos_vec[i][4];
        st.vel.z = ppdr.pos_vec[i][5];

        /*Correct for non-rotating frame.*/
        if (areInertial)

        /*Perform velocity fixes.*/
        if (areInertialVelocity)
        else if (areFixedVelocity)

        /*Write out resulting state vectors.*/
        s->vecs[i].vec = st;
        s->vecs[i].time = timeStart+i*ppdr.data_int;
Beispiel #22
	virtual void KeyCallBack(unsigned char key, int x, int y) {
		bool needRedisplay = true;

		switch (key) {
			case 'p': {
				// Write image to PPM file
				std::ofstream f("image.ppm", std::ofstream::trunc);
				if (!f.good()) {
					OCLTOY_LOG("Failed to open image file: image.ppm");
				} else {
					f << "P3" << std::endl;
					f << windowWidth << " " << windowHeight << std::endl;
					f << "255" << std::endl;

					for (int y = windowHeight - 1; y >= 0; --y) {
						const PixelRGBA8888 *p = &bitmap->pixels[y * windowWidth];
						for (int x = 0; x < windowWidth; ++x, p++) {
							const std::string r = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>((unsigned int)p->r);
							const std::string g = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>((unsigned int)p->g);
							const std::string b = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>((unsigned int)p->b);
							f << r << " " << g << " " << b << std::endl;
				OCLTOY_LOG("Saved framebuffer in image.ppm");

				needRedisplay = false;
			case 27: // Escape key
			case 'q':
			case 'Q':

			case ' ': // Restart rendering
				animCamera = true;
				sceneTimeOffset = WallClockTime();
				setupAnim(scene, windowWidth, windowHeight);
			case 'h':
				printHelp = (!printHelp);
			case 'a': {
				animCamera = false;
				cl_float3 dir = scene->cam.viewRight;
				vecScale(dir, -MOVE_STEP);
				camMove(scene->cam, dir);
			case 'd': {
				animCamera = false;
				cl_float3 dir = scene->cam.viewRight;
				vecScale(dir, MOVE_STEP);
				camMove(scene->cam, dir);
			case 'w': {
				animCamera = false;
				cl_float3 dir = scene->cam.viewCenter;
				vecSub(dir, scene->cam.eye);
				vecScale(dir, MOVE_STEP);
				camMove(scene->cam, dir);
			case 's': {
				animCamera = false;
				cl_float3 dir = scene->cam.viewCenter;
				vecSub(dir, scene->cam.eye);
				vecScale(dir, -MOVE_STEP);
				camMove(scene->cam, dir);
			case 'r': {
				animCamera = false;
				cl_float3 dir;
				vecInit(dir, 0.f, MOVE_STEP, 0.f);
				camMove(scene->cam, dir);
			case 'f': {
				animCamera = false;
				cl_float3 dir;
				vecInit(dir, 0.f, -MOVE_STEP, 0.f);
				camMove(scene->cam, dir);
				needRedisplay = false;

		if (needRedisplay)