Beispiel #1
void vect_normalize (Vector v)
    float mag = vect_mag (v);

    if (mag > 0.0)
        vect_scale (v, v, 1.0/mag);
Beispiel #2
/* Return the angle between two vectors */
float vect_angle (Vector v1, Vector v2)
    float  mag1, mag2, angle, cos_theta;

    mag1 = vect_mag(v1);
    mag2 = vect_mag(v2);

    if (mag1 * mag2 == 0.0)
        angle = 0.0;
    else {
        cos_theta = vect_dot(v1,v2) / (mag1 * mag2);

        if (cos_theta <= -1.0)
            angle = 180.0;
        else if (cos_theta >= +1.0)
            angle = 0.0;
            angle = (180.0/PI) * acos(cos_theta);

    return angle;
Beispiel #3
void* swerveSyncFunc(void* args) {
	float deadZone = 0.05;
	while(true) {
		int enc_ref_l = safe_enc(swerve_enc_fl->Get());
		int enc_ref_r = enc_ref_l; //temp until control is ready
		if (driveRun) {
			if (fabs(joystick->GetRawAxis(JOY_AXIS_LX)) > deadZone || fabs(joystick->GetRawAxis(JOY_AXIS_LY)) > deadZone) {
				//use arithmetic on enc_ref in case both sticks are in use
				double rad = atan2(joystick->GetRawAxis(JOY_AXIS_LX), -joystick->GetRawAxis(JOY_AXIS_LY));
				double deg = rad * (180 / M_PI);
				if (deg < 0) {
					deg += 360;
				enc_ref_l = deg_to_enc(deg);
				enc_ref_r = deg_to_enc(deg);
			SmartDashboard::PutString("DB/String 3", std::to_string(joystick->GetRawAxis(JOY_AXIS_RX)));
			if (fabs(joystick->GetRawAxis(JOY_AXIS_RX)) > deadZone) {
				int target_l = 1000 - (joystick->GetRawAxis(JOY_AXIS_RX) * 200);
				int target_r = 1000 + (joystick->GetRawAxis(JOY_AXIS_RX) * 200);
		SmartDashboard::PutString("DB/String 2", std::to_string(enc_ref_l));
		SmartDashboard::PutString("DB/String 7", std::to_string(enc_ref_r));
		rot_from_enc(swerve_enc_fl, swerve_rot_fl, enc_ref_l);
		rot_from_enc(swerve_enc_fr, swerve_rot_fr, enc_ref_r);
		rot_from_enc(swerve_enc_bl, swerve_rot_bl, enc_ref_l);
		rot_from_enc(swerve_enc_br, swerve_rot_br, enc_ref_r);
		float mag = vect_mag(joystick->GetRawAxis(JOY_AXIS_LX), joystick->GetRawAxis(JOY_AXIS_LY));
		int target = 1000 - (mag * 100);
Beispiel #4
   Decodes a 3x4 transformation matrix into separate scale, rotation,
   translation, and shear vectors. Based on a program by Spencer W.
   Thomas (Graphics Gems II)
void mat_decode (Matrix mat, Vector scale,  Vector shear, Vector rotate,
                 Vector transl)
    int i;
    Vector row[3], temp;

    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        transl[i] = mat[3][i];

    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        row[i][X] = mat[i][0];
        row[i][Y] = mat[i][1];
        row[i][Z] = mat[i][2];

    scale[X] = vect_mag (row[0]);
    vect_normalize (row[0]);

    shear[X] = vect_dot (row[0], row[1]);
    row[1][X] = row[1][X] - shear[X]*row[0][X];
    row[1][Y] = row[1][Y] - shear[X]*row[0][Y];
    row[1][Z] = row[1][Z] - shear[X]*row[0][Z];

    scale[Y] = vect_mag (row[1]);
    vect_normalize (row[1]);

    if (scale[Y] != 0.0)
        shear[X] /= scale[Y];

    shear[Y] = vect_dot (row[0], row[2]);
    row[2][X] = row[2][X] - shear[Y]*row[0][X];
    row[2][Y] = row[2][Y] - shear[Y]*row[0][Y];
    row[2][Z] = row[2][Z] - shear[Y]*row[0][Z];

    shear[Z] = vect_dot (row[1], row[2]);
    row[2][X] = row[2][X] - shear[Z]*row[1][X];
    row[2][Y] = row[2][Y] - shear[Z]*row[1][Y];
    row[2][Z] = row[2][Z] - shear[Z]*row[1][Z];

    scale[Z] = vect_mag (row[2]);
    vect_normalize (row[2]);

    if (scale[Z] != 0.0) {
        shear[Y] /= scale[Z];
        shear[Z] /= scale[Z];

    vect_cross (temp, row[1], row[2]);
    if (vect_dot (row[0], temp) < 0.0) {
        for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            scale[i]  *= -1.0;
            row[i][X] *= -1.0;
            row[i][Y] *= -1.0;
            row[i][Z] *= -1.0;

    if (row[0][Z] < -1.0) row[0][Z] = -1.0;
    if (row[0][Z] > +1.0) row[0][Z] = +1.0;

    rotate[Y] = asin(-row[0][Z]);

    if (fabs(cos(rotate[Y])) > EPSILON) {
        rotate[X] = atan2 (row[1][Z], row[2][Z]);
        rotate[Z] = atan2 (row[0][Y], row[0][X]);
    else {
        rotate[X] = atan2 (row[1][X], row[1][Y]);
        rotate[Z] = 0.0;

    /* Convert the rotations to degrees */
    rotate[X] = (180.0/PI)*rotate[X];
    rotate[Y] = (180.0/PI)*rotate[Y];
    rotate[Z] = (180.0/PI)*rotate[Z];