Beispiel #1
int moto_ray_intersect_plane(MotoRay *self,
        MotoIntersection *intersection,
        float point[3], float normal[3])
    float dif[3];
    vector3_dif(dif, point, self->pos);
    float numer = vector3_dot(normal, dif);
    float denom = vector3_dot(normal, self->dir);

    if(fabs(denom) < MICRO) /* parallel */
        return 0;

    float t = numer/denom;

    if(t < MICRO)
        return 0;

    intersection->hits[0].dist = t;
    intersection->hits[0].is_entering = 1;

    vector3_copy(intersection->hits[0].point, self->pos);
    point3_move(intersection->hits[0].point, self->dir, t);
    vector3_copy(intersection->hits[0].normal, normal);

    intersection->hits_num = 1;

    return 1;
Beispiel #2
vector2 v3tov2(vector3 vec)
  return (vector2) { .x = vec.x, .y = vec.y };

vector2 doProjectPoint(projector tr, vector3 p)
  transformer_matrix tm = { .matrix = {{ 0.0f }} };
  for (int i = 0; i<2; ++i) {
    float t = vector3_dot(vector3_norm(
                          vector3_cross(tr.axis[0], tr.axis[1]));
    float k = sqrtf(1.0f - sqr(t))/t;
    for(int j = 0; j<3; ++j) {
      tm.matrix[i][j] = vector3_dot(axis[j], tr.axis[i]);
      tm.matrix[i][j] += sqrtf(1.0f - sqr(tm.matrix[i][j])) * k *
        vector3_dot(axis[j], vector3_cross(tr.axis[0], tr.axis[1]));
    tm.matrix[i][3] = 0;
  return v3tov2(doTransformMatrix(tm, vector3_sub(p, tr.base)));
Beispiel #3
int moto_ray_intersect_sphere_2_check(MotoRay *self,
        float origin[3], float square_radius)
    float dst[3];
    vector3_dif(dst, self->pos, origin);

    float B = vector3_dot(dst, self->dir);
    float C = vector3_dot(dst, dst) - square_radius;
    float D = B*B - C;

    if(D > MICRO)
        float sqrtD = sqrt(D);
        if((sqrtD - B) > MICRO)
            return 1;

        if((-sqrtD - B) > MICRO)
            return 1;
    else if(D >= 0 && D < MICRO)
        if(-B < MICRO)
            return 1;

    return 0;
Beispiel #4
int moto_ray_intersect_cylinder_dist(MotoRay *self,
        float *dist, float a[3], float b[3], float radius)
    const float z[3] = {0, 0, 1};
    float c[3], tmp;
    vector3_dif(c, a, b);

    float height = vector3_length(c);
    c[0] /= height;
    c[1] /= height;
    c[2] /= height;

    float cross[3];
    vector3_cross(cross, c, z);

    float cos0 = vector3_dot(c, z);
    float sin0 = acos(cos0);

    float m[16], im[16], t[16], tmpm[16];

    matrix44_rotate_from_axis_sincos(m, sin0, cos0, cross[0], cross[1], cross[2]);
    matrix44_translate(t, a[0], b[0], c[0]);
    matrix44_mult(tmpm, t, m);

    matrix44_inverse(im, tmpm, m, tmp);

    MotoRay r;
    moto_ray_set_transformed(&r, self, im);


    *dist = 1;
    return 1;
Beispiel #5
/// \brief Returns the point at which \p line intersects \p plane, or an undefined value if there is no intersection.
inline DoubleVector3 line_intersect_plane(const DoubleLine& line, const Plane3& plane)
  return line.origin + vector3_scaled(
    -plane3_distance_to_point(plane, line.origin)
    / vector3_dot(line.direction, plane.normal())
Beispiel #6
/// \brief Keep the value of \p infinity as small as possible to improve precision in Winding_Clip.
void Winding_createInfinite(FixedWinding& winding, const Plane3& plane, double infinity)
  double max = -infinity;
  int x = -1;
  for (int i=0 ; i<3; i++)
    double d = fabs(plane.normal()[i]);
    if (d > max)
      x = i;
      max = d;
  if(x == -1)
    globalErrorStream() << "invalid plane\n";
  DoubleVector3 vup = g_vector3_identity;  
  switch (x)
  case 0:
  case 1:
    vup[2] = 1;
  case 2:
    vup[0] = 1;

  vector3_add(vup, vector3_scaled(plane.normal(), -vector3_dot(vup, plane.normal())));
  DoubleVector3 org = vector3_scaled(plane.normal(), plane.dist());
  DoubleVector3 vright = vector3_cross(vup, plane.normal());
  vector3_scale(vup, infinity);
  vector3_scale(vright, infinity);

  // project a really big  axis aligned box onto the plane
  DoubleLine r1, r2, r3, r4;
  r1.origin = vector3_added(vector3_subtracted(org, vright), vup);
  r1.direction = vector3_normalised(vright);
  winding.push_back(FixedWindingVertex(r1.origin, r1, c_brush_maxFaces));
  r2.origin = vector3_added(vector3_added(org, vright), vup);
  r2.direction = vector3_normalised(vector3_negated(vup));
  winding.push_back(FixedWindingVertex(r2.origin, r2, c_brush_maxFaces));
  r3.origin = vector3_subtracted(vector3_added(org, vright), vup);
  r3.direction = vector3_normalised(vector3_negated(vright));
  winding.push_back(FixedWindingVertex(r3.origin, r3, c_brush_maxFaces));
  r4.origin = vector3_subtracted(vector3_subtracted(org, vright), vup);
  r4.direction = vector3_normalised(vup);
  winding.push_back(FixedWindingVertex(r4.origin, r4, c_brush_maxFaces));
Beispiel #7
int moto_ray_intersect_sphere_2_dist(MotoRay *self,
        float *dist, float origin[3], float square_radius)
    float dst[3], dd[2];
    vector3_dif(dst, self->pos, origin);

    float B = vector3_dot(dst, self->dir);
    float C = vector3_dot(dst, dst) - square_radius;
    float D = B*B - C;

    if(D > MICRO)
        float sqrtD = sqrt(D);
        int num = 0;

        dd[0] = sqrtD - B;
        if(dd[0] > MICRO)
            *dist = dd[0];

        dd[1] = -sqrtD - B;
        if(dd[1] > MICRO)
            *dist = dd[1];

        if( ! num)
            return 0;
        if(num == 2)
            *dist = min(dd[0], dd[1]);
        return 1;
    else if(D >= 0 && D < MICRO)
        *dist = -B;
        if(*dist < MICRO)
            return 1;

    return 0;
Beispiel #8
/* TODO: Needs to be optimized? */
int moto_ray_intersect_triangle(MotoRay *self,
        MotoIntersection *intersection,
        float A[3], float B[3], float C[3])
    float tmp;
    float normal[3], v1[3], v2[3];
    vector3_dif(v1, B, A);
    vector3_dif(v2, C, A);

    vector3_cross(normal, v1, v2);
    vector3_normalize(normal, tmp);

    if( ! moto_ray_intersect_plane(self, intersection, A, normal))
        return 0;

    float n1[3], n2[3], n3[3], oA[3], oB[3], oC[3];
    vector3_dif(oA, A, self->pos);
    vector3_dif(oB, B, self->pos);
    vector3_dif(oC, C, self->pos);

    if(vector3_dot(self->dir, normal) < 0) /* faceforward */
        vector3_cross(n1, oC, oA);
        vector3_normalize(n1, tmp);
        if(vector3_dot(n1, self->dir) > 0)
            return 0;

        vector3_cross(n2, oB, oC);
        vector3_normalize(n2, tmp);
        if(vector3_dot(n2, self->dir) > 0)
            return 0;

        vector3_cross(n3, oA, oB);
        vector3_normalize(n3, tmp);
        if(vector3_dot(n3, self->dir) > 0)
            return 0;
        vector3_cross(n1, oA, oC);
        vector3_normalize(n1, tmp);
        if(vector3_dot(n1, self->dir) > 0)
            return 0;

        vector3_cross(n2, oC, oB);
        vector3_normalize(n2, tmp);
        if(vector3_dot(n2, self->dir) > 0)
            return 0;

        vector3_cross(n3, oB, oA);
        vector3_normalize(n3, tmp);
        if(vector3_dot(n3, self->dir) > 0)
            return 0;

    return 1;
Beispiel #9
INLINE_MODE vector3* vector3_reflect(vector3 *dest, const vector3 *incoming, const vector3 *normal)
	v3float dp;
	dp = 2*vector3_dot(normal, incoming);

	dest->x = incoming->x - dp*normal->x;
	dest->y = incoming->y - dp*normal->y;
	dest->z = incoming->z - dp*normal->z;
	return dest;
Beispiel #10
int moto_ray_intersect_plane_check(MotoRay *self,
        float point[3], float normal[3])
    float dif[3];
    vector3_dif(dif, point, self->pos);
    float numer = vector3_dot(normal, dif);
    float denom = vector3_dot(normal, self->dir);

    if(fabs(denom) < MICRO) /* parallel */
        return 0;

    if(numer/denom < MICRO)
        return 0;

    return 1;
Beispiel #11
matrix33_multiply(const vector3 lhs, const matrix33 &rhs)
  const detail::internal_mat3 *right = reinterpret_cast<const detail::internal_mat3*>(&rhs);
  std::array<float, 3> vec_data;

  for(int i = 0; i < 9; i += 4)
    const vector3 dot_vector = vector3_init(right->data[i + 0], right->data[i + 3], right->data[i + 6]); / 3) = vector3_dot(lhs, dot_vector);

  return vector3_init_with_array(vec_data);
Beispiel #12
void vector3_test()
	vector3 zero = {0,0,0};
	vector3 one = {1,1,1};
	vector3 y = {0,1,0};
	vector3 half = {0.5,0.5,0.5};
	vector3 a;
	vector3_invert(&a, &one);
	vector3_subtract(&a, &one, &a);
	vector3_add(&a, &a, &one);
	vector3_multiply(&a, &one, 0.5);
	vector3_divide(&a, &a, 2);
	vector3_reflect(&a, &one, &y);
	vector3_scalar_sub(&a, &zero, -0.5);
	vector3_scalar_add(&a, &a, 0.5);
	vector3_cross(&a, &one, &y);
	printf("%.2f %.2f\n", 
		   vector3_dot(&half, &y), vector3_angle(&half, &y));
	printf("%.2f %.2f\n", 
		   vector3_distance(&one, &y), vector3_distancesq(&one, &y));
	vector3_copy(&a, &one);
	printf("%.2f %.2f\n", 
		   vector3_length(&one), vector3_length(vector3_normalize(&a)) );
Beispiel #13
matrix33_multiply(const matrix33 &lhs, const matrix33 &rhs)
  const detail::internal_mat3 *left = reinterpret_cast<const detail::internal_mat3*>(&lhs);
  const detail::internal_mat3 *right = reinterpret_cast<const detail::internal_mat3*>(&rhs);

  matrix33 return_mat; 
  detail::internal_mat3 *internal_mat = reinterpret_cast<detail::internal_mat3*>(&return_mat);

  for(uint32_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
    //[0,1,2,3] x [0,4,8,12]
    const uint32_t row = i / 3;
    const uint32_t col = i % 3;

    const vector3 left_vec = vector3_init(left->data[row + 0], left->data[row + 1], left->data[row + 2]);
    const vector3 right_vec = vector3_init(right->data[col + 0], right->data[col + 3], right->data[col + 6]);

    internal_mat->data[i] = vector3_dot(left_vec, right_vec);

  return return_mat;
Beispiel #14
INLINE_MODE v3float vector3_angle(const vector3 *a, const vector3 *b) 
	return acos(vector3_dot(a,b) / vector3_length(a) / vector3_length(b));
Beispiel #15
double testDot1(const Vector3& a, const Vector3& b)
  return vector3_dot(a, b);
Beispiel #16
inline double plane3_distance_to_point(const Plane3& plane, const Vector3& point)
  return vector3_dot(point, plane.normal()) - plane.dist();
Beispiel #17
int moto_ray_intersect_sphere_2(MotoRay *self,
        MotoIntersection *intersection,
        float origin[3], float square_radius)
    float tmp, dst[3];
    vector3_dif(dst, self->pos, origin);

    float B = vector3_dot(dst, self->dir);
    float C = vector3_dot(dst, dst) - square_radius;
    float D = B*B - C;

    if(D > MICRO)
        float sqrtD = sqrt(D);

        intersection->hits_num = 0;

        intersection->hits[0].dist = sqrtD - B;
        if(intersection->hits[0].dist > MICRO)
            vector3_copy(intersection->hits[0].point, self->pos);
            point3_move(intersection->hits[0].point, self->dir, intersection->hits[0].dist);
            vector3_dif(intersection->hits[0].normal, intersection->hits[0].point, origin);
            vector3_normalize(intersection->hits[0].normal, tmp);

            intersection->hits[0].is_entering = \
                (vector3_dot(intersection->hits[0].normal, self->dir) < 0);


        intersection->hits[intersection->hits_num].dist = -sqrtD - B;
        if(intersection->hits[intersection->hits_num].dist > MICRO)
            vector3_copy(intersection->hits[intersection->hits_num].point, self->pos);
            point3_move(intersection->hits[intersection->hits_num].point, self->dir,
                    intersection->hits[intersection->hits_num].point, origin);
            vector3_normalize(intersection->hits[intersection->hits_num].normal, tmp);

            intersection->hits[intersection->hits_num].is_entering = \
                (vector3_dot(intersection->hits[intersection->hits_num].normal, self->dir) < 0);


        return intersection->hits_num > 0;
    else if(D >= 0 && D < MICRO)
        intersection->hits_num = 0;
        intersection->hits[0].dist = -B;
        if(-B < MICRO)
            vector3_copy(intersection->hits[0].point, self->pos);
            point3_move(intersection->hits[0].point, self->dir,
            vector3_dif(intersection->hits[0].normal, intersection->hits[0].point, origin);
            vector3_normalize(intersection->hits[0].normal, tmp);

            intersection->hits[0].is_entering = 0;

            intersection->hits_num = 1;

        return intersection->hits_num > 0;

    return 0;