Beispiel #1
t_point		cylinder_inter(t_line line, t_list *list)
	t_point		n_line;
	double		a;
	double		b;
	double		c;
	double		delta;
	t_point		p1;
	t_point		p2;
	double		t1;
	double		t2;

	n_line = vector_minus(line.pos, list->pos);
	a = line.ori.x * line.ori.x + line.ori.y * line.ori.y;
	b = 2 * n_line.x * line.ori.x + 2 * n_line.y * line.ori.y;
	c = n_line.x * n_line.x + n_line.y * n_line.y \
		- list->radius * list->radius;
	delta = b * b - 4 * a * c;
	if (delta < 0)
		return (line.pos);
	t1 = (-b + sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a);
	t2 = (-b - sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a);
	p1 = vector_add_mult(line.pos, t1, line.ori);
	p2 = vector_add_mult(line.pos, t2, line.ori);
	return (closer_point(line.pos, p1, p2));
Beispiel #2
 * Calculate light color
color lightColor(const intersection *inter, const ray *srcRay) {
	vec3 v = vector_normalized(vector_float_mul(-1.0f, srcRay->dir));
	color cD = BLACK, refCoef = reflectCoef(inter->mat.reflect_coef, inter->normal, srcRay->dir);
	// For each light calculate and sum color
	for (int k = 0; k < num_lights; ++k) {
		vec3 l = vector_minus(lights[k].position, inter->position);
		float normL = vector_norm(l);
		l = vector_normalized(l);
		// Look for object between light source and current intersection
		ray objectRay; // Ray from object to light
		ray_init(&objectRay, inter->position, l, EPSILON, normL, 0);
		float interFound = 0.0f;
		for (int i = 0; i < object_count; ++i) {
			interFound += interDist(&objectRay, &(scene[i]));
		if (!interFound) {
			vec3 h = vector_normalized(vector_add(l, v));
			float sc_nl = clamp(vector_dot(inter->normal, l), 0.0f, 1.0f);
			float sc_hn = clamp(vector_dot(h, inter->normal), 0.0f, 1.0f);
			cD = vector_add(cD,
									(vector_add(vector_float_mul(1 / M_PI, inter->mat.kd),
											(vector_float_mul(pow(sc_hn, inter->mat.shininess), vector_float_mul(((inter->mat.shininess + 8) / (8 * M_PI)), refCoef))))))));
	return cD;
Beispiel #3
camera init_camera(point3 position, point3 at, vec3 up, float fov, float aspect) {
	camera cam;
	cam.fov = fov;
	cam.aspect = aspect;
	cam.position = position;

	cam.zdir = vector_normalized(vector_minus(at, position));
	cam.xdir = vector_normalized(vector_cross(up, cam.zdir));
	cam.ydir = vector_normalized(vector_cross(cam.zdir, cam.xdir)); = vector_float_mul(1.f / tanf((cam.fov * M_PI / 180.f) * 0.5f), cam.zdir);
	return cam;
Beispiel #4
float interDistSphere(const ray *r, const object *obj) {
	vec3 ominusc = vector_minus(r->orig, obj->center);
	float a = vector_dot(r->dir, r->dir);
	float b = 2.0f * vector_dot(r->dir, ominusc);
	float c = (vector_dot(ominusc, ominusc) - obj->radius * obj->radius);
	float delta = b * b - 4.0f * a * c;
	if (delta > 0.0f) {
		float sqrtDelta = sqrt(delta);
		float t0 = (-b - sqrtDelta) / (2.0f * a), t1 = (-b + sqrtDelta) / (2.0f * a);
		return t0 > t1 ? t1 : t0;
	return -1.0f;
Beispiel #5
 * Calculate the intersection between a ray and an object
int intersect(ray *r, const object *obj, intersection *inter) {
	float dist = interDist(r, obj);
	if (dist != 0.0f) {
		switch (obj->type) {
		case CYLINDER:
		case PLANE:
			inter->normal = obj->normal;
		case SPHERE:
			inter->normal = vector_normalized(vector_minus(ray_at(*r, dist), obj->center));
		inter->position = ray_at(*r, dist);
		inter->mat = obj->mat;
		return 1; // Intersection found
	return 0;
Beispiel #6
vec3 vector_reflect(vec3 v, vec3 n) {
	return vector_minus(v, vector_float_mul(2.f * vector_dot(n, v), n));