Beispiel #1
void ptk_clipboard_copy_name( const char* working_dir,
                                      GList* files )  //MOD added
    GtkClipboard* clip = gtk_clipboard_get( GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD );
    GtkClipboard* clip_primary = gtk_clipboard_get( GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY );
    GList *l;
    VFSFileInfo* file;
    char* file_text;
    gint fcount = 0;
    char* str;
    file_text = g_strdup( "" );
    for ( l = files; l; l = l->next )
        file = ( VFSFileInfo* ) l->data;
        str = file_text;
        if ( fcount == 0 )
            file_text = g_strdup_printf( "%s", vfs_file_info_get_name( file ) );
        else if ( fcount == 1 )
            file_text = g_strdup_printf( "%s\n%s\n", file_text, 
                                         vfs_file_info_get_name( file ) );
            file_text = g_strdup_printf( "%s%s\n", file_text, 
                                         vfs_file_info_get_name( file ) );
        g_free( str );
    gtk_clipboard_set_text( clip, file_text , -1 );
    gtk_clipboard_set_text( clip_primary, file_text , -1 );
    g_free( file_text );
Beispiel #2
void ptk_clipboard_copy_as_text( const char* working_dir,
                                      GList* files )  //MOD added
{   // aka copy path
    GtkClipboard* clip = gtk_clipboard_get( GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD );
    GtkClipboard* clip_primary = gtk_clipboard_get( GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY );
    GList *l;
    VFSFileInfo* file;
    char* file_path;
    char* file_text;
    char* str;
    char* quoted;

    file_text = g_strdup( "" );
    for ( l = files; l; l = l->next )
        file = ( VFSFileInfo* ) l->data;
        file_path = g_build_filename( working_dir,
                                      vfs_file_info_get_name( file ), NULL );
        quoted = bash_quote( file_path );
        str = file_text;
        file_text = g_strdup_printf( "%s %s", str, quoted );
        g_free( str );
        g_free( quoted );
        g_free( file_path );
    gtk_clipboard_set_text ( clip, file_text , -1 );
    gtk_clipboard_set_text ( clip_primary, file_text , -1 );
    g_free( file_text );
Beispiel #3
static gboolean filter_func( GtkTreeModel *model,
                             GtkTreeIter *iter,
                             gpointer data )
    VFSFileInfo * file;
    const char* name;
    GtkTreeView* view = ( GtkTreeView* ) data;
    gboolean show_hidden = ( gboolean ) g_object_get_qdata( G_OBJECT( view ),
                                                            dir_tree_view_data );

    if ( show_hidden )
        return TRUE;

    gtk_tree_model_get( model, iter, COL_DIR_TREE_INFO, &file, -1 );
    if ( G_LIKELY( file ) )
        name = vfs_file_info_get_name( file );
        if ( G_UNLIKELY( name && name[ 0 ] == '.' ) )
            vfs_file_info_unref( file );
            return FALSE;
        vfs_file_info_unref( file );
    return TRUE;
Beispiel #4
void ptk_file_list_file_changed( VFSDir* dir,
                                 VFSFileInfo* file,
                                 PtkFileList* list )
    GList* l;
    GtkTreeIter it;
    GtkTreePath* path;

    if( ! list->show_hidden && vfs_file_info_get_name(file)[0] == '.' )
    l = g_list_find( list->files, file );

    if( ! l )

    it.stamp = list->stamp;
    it.user_data = l;
    it.user_data2 = l->data;

    path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices( g_list_index(list->files, l->data), -1 );

    gtk_tree_model_row_changed( GTK_TREE_MODEL(list), path, &it );

    gtk_tree_path_free( path );
Beispiel #5
static void reload_mime_type( char* key, VFSDir* dir, gpointer user_data )
    GList* l;
    VFSFileInfo* file;
    char* full_path;

    if( G_UNLIKELY( ! dir || ! dir->file_list ) )
    g_mutex_lock( dir->mutex );
    for( l = dir->file_list; l; l = l->next )
        file = (VFSFileInfo*)l->data;
        full_path = g_build_filename( dir->path,
                                      vfs_file_info_get_name( file ), NULL );
        vfs_file_info_reload_mime_type( file, full_path );
        /* g_debug( "reload %s", full_path ); */
        g_free( full_path );

    for( l = dir->file_list; l; l = l->next )
        file = (VFSFileInfo*)l->data;
        g_signal_emit( dir, signals[FILE_CHANGED_SIGNAL], 0, file );
    g_mutex_unlock( dir->mutex );
Beispiel #6
gboolean ptk_file_list_find_iter(  PtkFileList* list, GtkTreeIter* it, VFSFileInfo* fi )
    GList* l;
    for( l = list->files; l; l = l->next )
        VFSFileInfo* fi2 = (VFSFileInfo*)l->data;
        if( G_UNLIKELY( fi2 == fi
            || 0 == strcmp( vfs_file_info_get_name(fi), vfs_file_info_get_name(fi2) ) ) )
            it->stamp = list->stamp;
            it->user_data = l;
            it->user_data2 = fi2;
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Beispiel #7
void ptk_clipboard_cut_or_copy_files( const char* working_dir,
                                      GList* files,
                                      gboolean copy )
    GtkClipboard * clip = gtk_clipboard_get( GDK_SELECTION_CLIPBOARD );
    GtkTargetList* target_list = gtk_target_list_new( NULL, 0 );
    GList* target;
    gint i, n_targets;
    GtkTargetEntry* targets;
    GtkTargetPair* pair;
    GList *l;
    VFSFileInfo* file;
    char* file_path;
    GList* file_list = NULL;

    gtk_target_list_add_text_targets( target_list, 0 );
    n_targets = g_list_length( target_list->list ) + 2;

    targets = g_new0( GtkTargetEntry, n_targets );
    target = target_list->list;
    for ( i = 0; target; ++i, target = g_list_next( target ) )
        pair = ( GtkTargetPair* ) target->data;
        targets[ i ].target = gdk_atom_name ( pair->target );
    targets[ i ].target = "x-special/gnome-copied-files";
    targets[ i + 1 ].target = "text/uri-list";

    gtk_target_list_unref ( target_list );

    for ( l = g_list_last( files ); l; l = l->prev )  //sfm was reverse order
        file = ( VFSFileInfo* ) l->data;
        file_path = g_build_filename( working_dir,
                                      vfs_file_info_get_name( file ), NULL );
        file_list = g_list_prepend( file_list, file_path );

    gtk_clipboard_set_with_data ( clip, targets, n_targets,
                                  NULL );

    g_free( targets );

    clipboard_file_list = file_list;
    clipboard_action = copy ? GDK_ACTION_COPY : GDK_ACTION_MOVE;
Beispiel #8
void ptk_file_list_file_created( VFSDir* dir,
                                 VFSFileInfo* file,
                                 PtkFileList* list )
    GList* l;
    GtkTreeIter it;
    GtkTreePath* path;
    VFSFileInfo* file2;

    if( ! list->show_hidden && vfs_file_info_get_name(file)[0] == '.' )

    for( l = list->files; l; l = l->next )
        file2 = (VFSFileInfo*)l->data;
        if( G_UNLIKELY( file == file2 || ptk_file_list_compare( file2, file, list ) == 0 ) )
            /* The file is already in the list */
        if( ptk_file_list_compare( file2, file, list ) > 0 )

    list->files = g_list_insert_before( list->files, l, vfs_file_info_ref( file ) );

    if( l )
        l = l->prev;
        l = g_list_last( list->files );

    it.stamp = list->stamp;
    it.user_data = l;
    it.user_data2 = file;

    path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices( g_list_index(list->files, l->data), -1 );

    gtk_tree_model_row_inserted( GTK_TREE_MODEL(list), path, &it );

    gtk_tree_path_free( path );
Beispiel #9
void ptk_file_list_file_deleted( VFSDir* dir,
                                 VFSFileInfo* file,
                                 PtkFileList* list )
    GList* l;
    GtkTreePath* path;

    /* If there is no file info, that means the dir itself was deleted. */
    if( G_UNLIKELY( ! file ) )
        /* Clear the whole list */
        path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices(0, -1);
        for( l = list->files; l; l = list->files )
            gtk_tree_model_row_deleted( GTK_TREE_MODEL(list), path );
            file = (VFSFileInfo*)l->data;
            list->files = g_list_delete_link( list->files, l );
            vfs_file_info_unref( file );
        gtk_tree_path_free( path );

    if( ! list->show_hidden && vfs_file_info_get_name(file)[0] == '.' )

    l = g_list_find( list->files, file );
    if( ! l )

    path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices( g_list_index(list->files, l->data), -1 );

    gtk_tree_model_row_deleted( GTK_TREE_MODEL(list), path );

    gtk_tree_path_free( path );

    list->files = g_list_delete_link( list->files, l );
    vfs_file_info_unref( file );
static gpointer calc_size( gpointer user_data )
    FilePropertiesDialogData * data = ( FilePropertiesDialogData* ) user_data;
    GList* l;
    char* path;
    VFSFileInfo* file;
    for ( l = data->file_list; l; l = l->next )
        if ( data->cancel )
        file = ( VFSFileInfo* ) l->data;
        path = g_build_filename( data->dir_path,
                                 vfs_file_info_get_name( file ), NULL );
        if ( path )
            calc_total_size_of_files( path, data );
            g_free( path );
    data->done = TRUE;
    return NULL;
Beispiel #11
static gboolean open_file( char* dir, GList* files, PtkFileBrowser* file_browser )
    if( files )
        ptk_open_files_with_app( dir, files, NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE );

        //sfm open selected dirs
        if ( file_browser )
            GList * l;
            gchar* full_path;
            VFSFileInfo* file;
            for ( l = files; l; l = l->next )
                file = ( VFSFileInfo* ) l->data;
                if ( G_UNLIKELY( ! file ) )

                full_path = g_build_filename( dir,
                                              vfs_file_info_get_name( file ),
                                              NULL );
                if ( G_LIKELY( full_path ) )
                    if ( g_file_test( full_path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR ) )
                        ptk_file_browser_emit_open( file_browser,
                                                            full_path, PTK_OPEN_NEW_TAB );
                    g_free( full_path );
        vfs_file_info_list_free( files );  //sfm moved free list to here
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Beispiel #12
gboolean ptk_dir_tree_view_chdir( GtkTreeView* dir_tree_view, const char* path )
    GtkTreeModel * model;
    GtkTreeIter it, parent_it;
    GtkTreePath* tree_path = NULL;
    gchar **dirs, **dir;
    gboolean found;
    VFSFileInfo* info;

    if ( !path || *path != '/' )
        return FALSE;

    dirs = g_strsplit( path + 1, "/", -1 );

    if ( !dirs )
        return FALSE;

    model = gtk_tree_view_get_model( dir_tree_view );

    if ( ! gtk_tree_model_iter_children ( model, &parent_it, NULL ) )
        g_strfreev( dirs );
        return FALSE;

    /* special case: root dir */
    if ( ! dirs[ 0 ] )
        it = parent_it;
        tree_path = gtk_tree_model_get_path ( model, &parent_it );
        goto _found;

    for ( dir = dirs; *dir; ++dir )
        if ( ! gtk_tree_model_iter_children ( model, &it, &parent_it ) )
            g_strfreev( dirs );
            return FALSE;
        found = FALSE;
            gtk_tree_model_get( model, &it, COL_DIR_TREE_INFO, &info, -1 );
            if ( !info )
            if ( 0 == strcmp( vfs_file_info_get_name( info ), *dir ) )
                tree_path = gtk_tree_model_get_path( model, &it );

                if( dir[1] ) {
                    gtk_tree_view_expand_row ( dir_tree_view, tree_path, FALSE );
                    gtk_tree_model_get_iter( model, &parent_it, tree_path );
                found = TRUE;
                vfs_file_info_unref( info );
            vfs_file_info_unref( info );
        while ( gtk_tree_model_iter_next( model, &it ) );

        if ( ! found )
            return FALSE; /* Error! */

        if ( tree_path && dir[ 1 ] )
            gtk_tree_path_free( tree_path );
            tree_path = NULL;
    g_strfreev( dirs );
    gtk_tree_selection_select_path (
        gtk_tree_view_get_selection( dir_tree_view ), tree_path );

    gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell ( dir_tree_view, tree_path, NULL, FALSE, 0.5, 0.5 );

    gtk_tree_path_free( tree_path );

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #13
gpointer thumbnail_loader_thread( VFSAsyncTask* task, VFSThumbnailLoader* loader )
    ThumbnailRequest* req;
    int i;
    gboolean load_big, need_update;

    while( G_LIKELY( ! vfs_async_task_is_cancelled(task) ))
        vfs_async_task_lock( task );
        req = (ThumbnailRequest*)g_queue_pop_head( loader->queue );
        vfs_async_task_unlock( task );
        if( G_UNLIKELY( ! req ) )
        /* g_debug("pop: %s", req->file->name); */

        /* Only we have the reference. That means, no body is using the file */
        if( req->file->n_ref == 1 )
            thumbnail_request_free( req );

        need_update = FALSE;
        for ( i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
            if ( 0 == req->n_requests[ i ] )
            load_big = ( i == LOAD_BIG_THUMBNAIL );
            if ( ! vfs_file_info_is_thumbnail_loaded( req->file, load_big ) )
                char* full_path;
                full_path = g_build_filename( loader->dir->path,
                                              vfs_file_info_get_name( req->file ),
                                              NULL );
                vfs_file_info_load_thumbnail( req->file, full_path, load_big );
                g_free( full_path );
                /*  Slow down for displaying. */

                /* g_debug( "thumbnail loaded: %s", req->file ); */
            need_update = TRUE;

        if( ! vfs_async_task_is_cancelled(task) && need_update )
            vfs_async_task_lock( task );
            g_queue_push_tail( loader->update_queue, vfs_file_info_ref(req->file) );
            if( 0 == loader->idle_handler)
                loader->idle_handler = g_idle_add_full( G_PRIORITY_LOW, (GSourceFunc) on_thumbnail_idle, loader, NULL );
            vfs_async_task_unlock( task );
        /* g_debug( "NEED_UPDATE: %d", need_update ); */
        thumbnail_request_free( req );

    if( vfs_async_task_is_cancelled(task) )
        /* g_debug( "THREAD CANCELLED!!!" ); */
        vfs_async_task_lock( task );
        if( loader->idle_handler)
            g_source_remove( loader->idle_handler );
            loader->idle_handler = 0;
        vfs_async_task_unlock( task );
        if( 0 == loader->idle_handler)
            /* g_debug( "ADD IDLE HANDLER BEFORE THREAD ENDING" ); */
            loader->idle_handler = g_idle_add_full( G_PRIORITY_LOW, (GSourceFunc) on_thumbnail_idle, loader, NULL );
    /* g_debug("THREAD ENDED!");  */
    return NULL;
on_dlg_response ( GtkDialog *dialog,
                                gint response_id,
                                gpointer user_data )
    FilePropertiesDialogData * data;
    PtkFileTask* task;
    gboolean mod_change;
    uid_t uid = -1;
    gid_t gid = -1;
    const char* owner_name;
    const char* group_name;
    int i;
    GList* l;
    GList* file_list;
    char* file_path;
    GtkWidget* ask_recursive;
    VFSFileInfo* file;
    GtkAllocation allocation;

    gtk_widget_get_allocation ( GTK_WIDGET( dialog ), &allocation );
    int width = allocation.width;
    int height = allocation.height;
    if ( width && height )
        char* str = g_strdup_printf( "%d", width );
        xset_set( "app_dlg", "s", str );
        g_free( str );
        str = g_strdup_printf( "%d", height );
        xset_set( "app_dlg", "z", str );
        g_free( str );

    data = ( FilePropertiesDialogData* ) g_object_get_data( G_OBJECT( dialog ),
                                                            "DialogData" );
    if ( data )
        if ( data->update_label_timer )
            g_source_remove( data->update_label_timer );
        data->cancel = TRUE;

        if ( data->calc_size_thread )
            g_thread_join( data->calc_size_thread );

        if ( response_id == GTK_RESPONSE_OK )
            GtkWidget* open_with;

            /* Set default action for mimetype */
            if( ( open_with = (GtkWidget*)g_object_get_data( G_OBJECT(dialog), "open_with" ) ) )
                GtkTreeModel* model = gtk_combo_box_get_model( GTK_COMBO_BOX(open_with) );
                GtkTreeIter it;

                if( model && gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter( GTK_COMBO_BOX(open_with), &it ) )
                    char* action;
                    gtk_tree_model_get( model, &it, 2, &action, -1 );
                    if( action )
                        file = ( VFSFileInfo* ) data->file_list->data;
                        VFSMimeType* mime = vfs_file_info_get_mime_type( file );
                        vfs_mime_type_set_default_action( mime, action );
                        vfs_mime_type_unref( mime );
                        g_free( action );

            /* Check if we need chown */
            owner_name = gtk_entry_get_text( data->owner );
            if ( owner_name && *owner_name &&
                 (!data->owner_name || strcmp( owner_name, data->owner_name ) ) )
                uid = uid_from_name( owner_name );
                if ( uid == -1 )
                    ptk_show_error( GTK_WINDOW( dialog ), _("Error"), _( "Invalid User" ) );
                    return ;
            group_name = gtk_entry_get_text( data->group );
            if ( group_name && *group_name &&
                 (!data->group_name || strcmp( group_name, data->group_name ) ) )
                gid = gid_from_name( group_name );
                if ( gid == -1 )
                    ptk_show_error( GTK_WINDOW( dialog ), _("Error"), _( "Invalid Group" ) );
                    return ;

            for ( i = 0; i < N_CHMOD_ACTIONS; ++i )
                if ( gtk_toggle_button_get_inconsistent( data->chmod_btns[ i ] ) )
                    data->chmod_states[ i ] = 2;  /* Don't touch this bit */
                else if ( data->chmod_states[ i ] != gtk_toggle_button_get_active( data->chmod_btns[ i ] ) )
                    mod_change = TRUE;
                    data->chmod_states[ i ] = gtk_toggle_button_get_active( data->chmod_btns[ i ] );
                else /* Don't change this bit */
                    data->chmod_states[ i ] = 2;

            if ( uid != -1 || gid != -1 || mod_change )
                file_list = NULL;
                for ( l = data->file_list; l; l = l->next )
                    file = ( VFSFileInfo* ) l->data;
                    file_path = g_build_filename( data->dir_path,
                            vfs_file_info_get_name( file ), NULL );
                    file_list = g_list_prepend( file_list, file_path );

                task = ptk_file_task_new( VFS_FILE_TASK_CHMOD_CHOWN,
                                          GTK_WINDOW(gtk_widget_get_parent( GTK_WIDGET( dialog ) )),
                                          NULL );
                ptk_file_task_set_recursive( task,
                                        GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON( data->recurse ) ) );
                for ( l = data->file_list; l; l = l->next )
                    file = ( VFSFileInfo* ) l->data;
                    if ( vfs_file_info_is_dir( file ) )
                        ask_recursive = gtk_message_dialog_new(
                                            GTK_WINDOW( data->dlg ),
                                            _( "Do you want to recursively apply these changes to all files and sub-folders?" ) );
                        ptk_file_task_set_recursive( task,
                                ( GTK_RESPONSE_YES == gtk_dialog_run( GTK_DIALOG( ask_recursive ) ) ) );
                        gtk_widget_destroy( ask_recursive );
                if ( mod_change )
                     /* If the permissions of file has been changed by the user */
                    ptk_file_task_set_chmod( task, data->chmod_states );
                /* For chown */
                ptk_file_task_set_chown( task, uid, gid );
                ptk_file_task_run( task );

                * This file list will be freed by file operation, so we don't
                * need to do this. Just set the pointer to NULL.
                data->file_list = NULL;

        g_free( data->owner_name );
        g_free( data->group_name );
         *NOTE: File operation chmod/chown will free the list when it's done,
         *and we only need to free it when there is no file operation applyed.
        g_slice_free( FilePropertiesDialogData, data );

    gtk_widget_destroy( GTK_WIDGET( dialog ) );
Beispiel #15
void ptk_file_list_file_created( VFSDir* dir,
                                 VFSFileInfo* file,
                                 PtkFileList* list )
    GList* l, *ll = NULL;
    GtkTreeIter it;
    GtkTreePath* path;
    VFSFileInfo* file2;
    if( ! list->show_hidden && vfs_file_info_get_name(file)[0] == '.' )

    gboolean is_desktop = vfs_file_info_is_desktop_entry( file ); //sfm
    gboolean is_desktop2;
    for( l = list->files; l; l = l->next )
        file2 = (VFSFileInfo*)l->data;
        if( G_UNLIKELY( file == file2 ) )
            /* The file is already in the list */
        is_desktop2 = vfs_file_info_is_desktop_entry( file2 );
        if ( is_desktop || is_desktop2 )
            // at least one is a desktop file, need to compare filenames
            if ( file->name && file2->name )
                if ( !strcmp( file->name, file2->name ) )
        else if ( ptk_file_list_compare( file2, file, list ) == 0 )
            // disp_name matches ?
            // ptk_file_list_compare may return 0 on differing display names
            // if case-insensitive - need to compare filenames
            if ( list->sort_natural && list->sort_case )
            else if ( !strcmp( file->name, file2->name ) )

        if ( !ll && ptk_file_list_compare( file2, file, list ) > 0 )
            if ( !is_desktop && !is_desktop2 )
                ll = l; // store insertion location based on disp_name

    if ( ll )
        l = ll;

    list->files = g_list_insert_before( list->files, l, vfs_file_info_ref( file ) );

    if( l )
        l = l->prev;
        l = g_list_last( list->files );

    it.stamp = list->stamp;
    it.user_data = l;
    it.user_data2 = file;

    path = gtk_tree_path_new_from_indices( g_list_index(list->files, l->data), -1 );

    gtk_tree_model_row_inserted( GTK_TREE_MODEL(list), path, &it );

    gtk_tree_path_free( path );