Beispiel #1
int initKeithley(void){
    *  First we open a session to the VISA resource manager.  We are
    *  returned a handle to the resource manager session that we must
    *  use to open sessions to specific instruments.
   status = viOpenDefaultRM (&defaultRM);
   if (status < VI_SUCCESS)
      printf("Could not open a session to the VISA Resource Manager!\n");
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
	  return 1;
    *  Next we use the resource manager handle to open a session to a
    *  GPIB instrument at address 2.  A handle to this session is
    *  returned in the handle inst.
   status = viOpen (defaultRM, "GPIB::2::INSTR", VI_NULL, VI_NULL, &inst);
   if (status < VI_SUCCESS)
      printf("Could not open a session to the device simulator");
	  return 1;

   /*  Now we must enable the service request event so that VISA
    *  will receive the events.  Note: one of the parameters is 
    *  VI_QUEUE indicating that we want the events to be handled by
    *  a synchronous event queue.  The alternate mechanism for handling
    *  events is to set up an asynchronous event handling function using
    *  the VI_HNDLR option.  The events go into a queue which by default
    *  can hold 50 events.  This maximum queue size can be changed with
    *  an attribute but it must be called before the events are enabled.
   status = viEnableEvent (inst, VI_EVENT_SERVICE_REQ, VI_QUEUE, VI_NULL);
   if (status < VI_SUCCESS)
      printf("The SRQ event could not be enabled\n");
	  return 1;
    *  Now the VISA write command is used to send a request to the
    *  instrument to generate a sine wave and assert the SRQ line
    *  when it is finished.  Notice that this is specific to one 
    *  particular instrument.

	KeithWrite(":SOUR:FUNC VOLT\n");
	KeithWrite(":SOUR:VOLT:RANG 210\n");
	KeithWrite(":SOUR:VOLT:AUTO 0\n");
	//float val = KeithGetVoltage();
	//printf("Here is the data: %f\n", val);
   return 0;
Beispiel #2
 void VisaEmitter::EIO_Open(GenericBaton* data) {
   char temp[QUERY_STRING_SIZE];
   ViStatus status = -1;
   if (this->isConnected)
     _snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "Already connected %s", session);
     ErrorCodeToString(temp, status, data->errorString);
   status = viOpenDefaultRM(&defaultRM);
   if (status < VI_SUCCESS) {
     _snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "Opening RM");
     ErrorCodeToString(temp, status, data->errorString);
   status = viOpen(defaultRM, data->command, VI_NULL, this->timeoutMiliSeconds, &session);
   if (status < VI_SUCCESS) {
     _snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "Opening session %s", data->command);
     ErrorCodeToString(temp, status, data->errorString);
   status = viSetAttribute(session, VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, this->timeoutMiliSeconds);
   if (status < VI_SUCCESS) {
     _snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "Setting timeout to %d", this->timeoutMiliSeconds);
     ErrorCodeToString(temp, status, data->errorString);
   this->isConnected = true;
   // status = viSetAttribute(instr, VI_ATTR_SEND_END_EN, VI_TRUE);
   // terminate reads on a carriage return  0x0a 0x0d
   // LF (Line feed, '\n', 0x0A, 10 in decimal) 
   // Carriage return, '\r', 0x0D, 13 in decimal
   // status = viSetAttribute(session, VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR, 0x0A);
   //status = viSetAttribute(session, VI_ATTR_TERMCHAR_EN, VI_TRUE);
   if (this->assertREN) {
     viGpibControlREN(session, VI_GPIB_REN_ASSERT);
   if (this->enableSRQ)  
     m_async = uv_async_t(); = this;    
     uv_async_init(uv_default_loop(), &m_async, reinterpret_cast<uv_async_cb>(aCallback));
     isAsyncInitialized = true;
     status = viInstallHandler(session, VI_EVENT_SERVICE_REQ, callback, this->uniqueSRQhandlerIdentification);
     if (status >= VI_SUCCESS) {
       status = viEnableEvent(session, VI_EVENT_SERVICE_REQ, VI_HNDLR, VI_NULL);
     if (status < VI_SUCCESS) {
       _snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "Post AfterOpenSuccess session %s", data->command);
       ErrorCodeToString(temp, status, data->errorString);
     this->installedSRQHanlder = true;
   _snprintf_s(data->result, _countof(data->result), _TRUNCATE, "%d", session);
Beispiel #3
// ================================================================================================
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose   : Implement basic VISA functions for a MATLAB toolbox
// Parameters: passed from MATLAB mexFunction
// Returns   : {0=success, -1=failure}
// ================================================================================================
int mexVISA(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
    ViStatus Status;      // returned status from called VISA function
    char *tcmd, cmd[256]; // passed command parameter

    // ----------------------
    // Get the command string
    // ----------------------
    if(nrhs<1) mexErrMsgTxt("A string argument must be given as the first parameter.");
    tcmd = ViMexUtil_GetStringValue(prhs[0],0);
    strncpy(cmd, tcmd, 256); mxFree(tcmd); cmd[255] = 0; // copied and free tcmd as it is not free'd below

    // ******************************************
    // *****                                *****
    // *****   COMMAND LOOKUP-AND-EXECUTE   *****
    // *****                                *****
    // ******************************************

    // --------------
    // viOpen
    // --------------
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "viOpen()"))
        ViSession RMSession, Session = 0;
        ViString  Resource; ViUInt32 Timeout;

        if( (nrhs!=3) && (nrhs!=4) )
            mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of input parameters (needs to be 3 or 4)");
        if( nlhs != 2)
            mexErrMsgTxt("2 output terms were expected\n");

            Resource = ViMexUtil_GetStringValue(prhs[1], 0);
            Timeout  = (ViUInt32)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[2]);
                if(mexVISA_ResourceIsOpen(Resource, &Session))
                        Status = VI_SUCCESS;
                        mexErrMsgTxt(" Resource is already open");
                Status = viOpen(RMSession, Resource, VI_NULL, Timeout, &Session);
                if(ResourceChecking && (Status == VI_SUCCESS))
                    if(nrhs == 3)
                        mexVISA_InsertSession(Session, Resource, "no stack trace available\n");

                        ViString StackTrace = ViMexUtil_GetStringValue(prhs[3], 0);
                        mexVISA_InsertSession(Session, Resource, StackTrace);
            ViMexUtil_PutIntValue(Status, &plhs[0]);
            ViMexUtil_PutUIntValue((unsigned)Session, &plhs[1]);
            return 0;
        else mexErrMsgTxt("mexVISA: Call to viOpenDefaultRM prior to viOpen failed.");
    // ---------------
    // viClose
    // ---------------
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "viClose()"))
        ViSession Session;
        Session = (ViSession)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[1]);
        Status = viClose(Session);
        if(ResourceChecking && (Status == VI_SUCCESS))
        ViMexUtil_PutIntValue((int)Status, &plhs[0]);
        return 0;
    // ---------------
    // viWrite
    // ---------------
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "viWrite()"))
        ViSession Session;
        ViUInt32 Count, Return_Count;
        ViBuf Buffer; char *Message;

        Session = (ViSession)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[1]);
        Buffer  = (ViBuf)ViMexUtil_GetStringValue(prhs[2], ((ViUInt32 *)&Count));
        Message = (char *)mxCalloc(Count+2, sizeof(char));
        if(!Message) mexErrMsgTxt("Memory allocation error.");
        Status = viWrite(Session, Message, Count-1, &Return_Count);
        ViMexUtil_PutIntValue((int)Status, &plhs[0]);
        ViMexUtil_PutUIntValue(Return_Count, &plhs[1]);
        mxFree(Message); mxFree((char *)Buffer);
        return 0;
    // ---------------
    // viWriteBinary
    // ---------------
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "viWriteBinary()"))
        ViSession Session;
        ViUInt32 Count, Return_Count;
        ViBuf Buffer;

        Session = (ViSession)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[1]);
        Buffer  = (ViBuf)ViMexUtil_GetBinaryArray(prhs[2], ((ViUInt32 *)&Count));
        Status = viWrite(Session, Buffer, Count, &Return_Count);
        ViMexUtil_PutIntValue((int)Status, &plhs[0]);
        ViMexUtil_PutUIntValue(Return_Count, &plhs[1]);
        mxFree((char *)Buffer);
        return 0;
    // ---------------
    // viPrintf
    // ---------------
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "viPrintf()"))
        ViSession Session;
        ViUInt32 Count;
        ViBuf Buffer;

        Session = (ViSession)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[1]);
        Buffer  = (ViBuf)ViMexUtil_GetStringValue(prhs[2], ((ViUInt32 *)&Count));
        Status = viPrintf(Session,"%s",Buffer);
        ViMexUtil_PutIntValue((int)Status, &plhs[0]);
        mxFree((char *)Buffer);
        return 0;
    // --------------
    // viRead
    // --------------
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "viRead()"))
        ViSession Session;
        ViUInt32 Count, Return_Count;
        unsigned char *Buffer;

        Session = (ViSession)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[1]);
        Count   = (ViUInt32)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[2]);
        Buffer  = (unsigned char *)mxCalloc(Count+1,sizeof(char));
        if(!Buffer) mexErrMsgTxt("Memory Allocation Failed.\n");
        Status = viRead(Session, Buffer, Count, &Return_Count);
        if(Return_Count < Count) Buffer[Return_Count-1] = '\0';
        ViMexUtil_PutIntValue((int)Status, &plhs[0]);
        ViMexUtil_PutString(Buffer, &plhs[1]);
        mxFree(Buffer); // removed 6/4/04 for debug
        return 0;
    // --------------
    // viReadBinary
    // --------------
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "viReadBinary()"))
        ViSession Session;
        ViUInt32 Count, Return_Count;
        unsigned char *Buffer;

        Session = (ViSession)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[1]);
        Count   = (ViUInt32)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[2]);
        Buffer  = (unsigned char *)mxCalloc(Count+1,sizeof(char));
        if(!Buffer) mexErrMsgTxt("Memory Allocation Failed.\n");
        Status = viRead(Session, Buffer, Count, &Return_Count);
        ViMexUtil_PutIntValue((int)Status, &plhs[0]);
        ViMexUtil_PutBinaryArray(Return_Count, Buffer, &plhs[1]);
        return 0;
    // -------
    // viClear
    // -------
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "viClear()"))
        ViSession Session;

        Session = (ViSession)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[1]);
        Status = viClear(Session);
        ViMexUtil_PutIntValue((int)Status, &plhs[0]);
        return 0;
    // ---------
    // viReadSTB
    // ---------
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "viReadSTB()"))
        ViSession Session;
        ViUInt16 Status_Byte;

        Session = (ViSession)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[1]);
        Status = viReadSTB(Session, &Status_Byte);
        ViMexUtil_PutIntValue((int)Status, &plhs[0]);
        ViMexUtil_PutUIntValue((unsigned)Status_Byte, &plhs[1]);
        return 0;
    // ---------------
    // viAssertTrigger
    // ---------------
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "viAssertTrigger()"))
        ViSession Session;
        ViUInt16 Protocol;
        char *ProtocolString;

        Session = (ViSession)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[1]);
        ProtocolString = ViMexUtil_GetStringValue(prhs[2], 0);

             if(!strcmp(ProtocolString, "VI_TRIG_PROT_DEFAULT")) Protocol = VI_TRIG_PROT_DEFAULT;
        else if(!strcmp(ProtocolString, "VI_TRIG_PROT_ON"))      Protocol = VI_TRIG_PROT_ON;
        else if(!strcmp(ProtocolString, "VI_TRIG_PROT_OFF"))     Protocol = VI_TRIG_PROT_OFF;
        else if(!strcmp(ProtocolString, "VI_TRIG_PROT_SYNC"))    Protocol = VI_TRIG_PROT_SYNC;  
            mexErrMsgTxt("Unrecognized protocol definition");
        Status = viAssertTrigger(Session, Protocol);
        ViMexUtil_PutIntValue((int)Status, &plhs[0]);
        return 0;
    // ------------
    // viStatusDesc
    // ------------
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "viStatusDesc()"))
        ViSession Session;
        char *Description;

        Session = (ViSession)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[1]);
        Status  = (ViStatus) ViMexUtil_GetIntValue(prhs[2]);
        Description = (char *)mxCalloc(256,sizeof(char));
        Status = viStatusDesc(Session, Status, Description);
        ViMexUtil_PutIntValue((int)Status, &plhs[0]);
        ViMexUtil_PutString(Description, &plhs[1]);
        return 0;
    // --------------
    // viGetAttribute
    // --------------
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "viGetAttribute()"))
        ViSession Session;
        ViAttr Attribute; char *AttrString;
        int Type; double dVal; char buffer[256];

        Session = (ViSession)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[1]);
        AttrString = ViMexUtil_GetStringValue(prhs[2], 0);

        if(mexVISA_Get_VI_ATTR(AttrString, &Attribute, &Type)) {
            mexErrMsgTxt("Unrecognized/unsupported VISA Attribute type.");
        Status = viGetAttribute(Session, Attribute, ((void *)buffer));
        ViMexUtil_PutIntValue((int)Status, &plhs[0]);

        if(Status >= 0)
                case TYPE_ViString    : break; // handle below
                case TYPE_ViStatus    : dVal = (double)(*((ViStatus    *)buffer)); break;
                case TYPE_ViBoolean   : dVal = (double)(*((ViBoolean   *)buffer)); break;
                case TYPE_ViInt8      : dVal = (double)(*((ViInt8      *)buffer)); break;
                case TYPE_ViInt16     : dVal = (double)(*((ViInt16     *)buffer)); break;
                case TYPE_ViInt32     : dVal = (double)(*((ViInt32     *)buffer)); break;
                case TYPE_ViUInt8     : dVal = (double)(*((ViUInt8     *)buffer)); break;
                case TYPE_ViUInt16    : dVal = (double)(*((ViUInt16    *)buffer)); break;
                case TYPE_ViUInt32    : dVal = (double)(*((ViUInt32    *)buffer)); break;
                case TYPE_ViSession   : dVal = (double)(*((ViSession   *)buffer)); break;
                case TYPE_ViBusAddress: dVal = (double)(*((ViBusAddress*)buffer)); break;
                case TYPE_ViBusSize   : dVal = (double)(*((ViBusSize   *)buffer)); break;
                case TYPE_ViVersion   : dVal = (double)(*((ViVersion   *)buffer)); break;
                case TYPE_ViAccessMode: dVal = (double)(*((ViAccessMode*)buffer)); break;
                case TYPE_ViEventType : dVal = (double)(*((ViEventType *)buffer)); break;
                case TYPE_ViJobId     : dVal = (double)(*((ViJobId     *)buffer)); break;
                    mexErrMsgTxt("Unhandled case in mexVISA.c under viGetAttribute.");
            if(Type == TYPE_ViString) {
                ViMexUtil_PutString(buffer, &plhs[1]);
                ViMexUtil_PutRealValue(dVal, &plhs[1]);
        else ViMexUtil_PutRealValue(-1.0, &plhs[1]);
        return 0;
    // --------------
    // viSetAttribute
    // --------------
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "viSetAttribute()"))
        ViSession Session;
        ViAttr Attribute; char *AttrString; 
        double dVal; int Type;

        Session = (ViSession)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[1]);
        AttrString = ViMexUtil_GetStringValue(prhs[2], 0);

        if(mexVISA_Get_VI_ATTR(AttrString, &Attribute, &Type)) {
            mexErrMsgTxt("Unrecognized/unsupported VISA Attribute type.");
        if(Type != TYPE_ViString) {
            dVal = ViMexUtil_GetRealValue(prhs[3]);
            case TYPE_ViInt8:
            case TYPE_ViInt16:
            case TYPE_ViInt32:
                ViAttrState attrState = (ViAttrState)((ViInt32)dVal);
                Status = viSetAttribute(Session, Attribute, attrState);
            }  break;
            case TYPE_ViStatus:
            case TYPE_ViBoolean:
            case TYPE_ViUInt8:
            case TYPE_ViUInt16:
            case TYPE_ViUInt32:
            case TYPE_ViSession:
            case TYPE_ViBusAddress:
            case TYPE_ViBusSize:
            case TYPE_ViVersion:
            case TYPE_ViAccessMode:
            case TYPE_ViEventType:
            case TYPE_ViJobId:
                ViAttrState attrState = (ViAttrState)((ViUInt32)dVal);
                Status = viSetAttribute(Session, Attribute, attrState);
            }  break;

            case TYPE_ViString:
                mexErrMsgTxt("Setting string attributes is not allowed.");
            }  break;

                mexErrMsgTxt("Unhandled case in mexVISA.c under viGetAttribute.");
        ViMexUtil_PutIntValue((int)Status, &plhs[0]);
        return 0;
    // -------------
    // viEnableEvent
    // -------------
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "viEnableEvent()"))
        ViSession Session;
        ViEventType Event; char *EventString;
        ViUInt16 Mechanism;

        Session     = (ViSession)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[1]);
        EventString = ViMexUtil_GetStringValue(prhs[2], 0);
        Mechanism   = (ViUInt16)ViMexUtil_GetIntValue(prhs[3]);

        if(Mechanism != 1) {
            mexErrMsgTxt("EventMechanism must be VI_QUEUE = 1");
        if(mexVISA_Get_VI_EVENT(EventString, &Event)) {
            mexErrMsgTxt("Unrecognized/unsupported VISA Event type.");
        Status = viEnableEvent(Session, Event, Mechanism, VI_NULL);
        ViMexUtil_PutIntValue((int)Status, &plhs[0]);
        return 0;
    // ---------------------
    // viDisableEvent
    // ---------------------
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "viDisableEvent()"))
        ViSession Session;
        ViEventType Event; char *EventString;
        ViUInt16 Mechanism;

        Session     = (ViSession)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[1]);
        EventString = ViMexUtil_GetStringValue(prhs[2], 0);
        Mechanism   = (ViUInt16)ViMexUtil_GetIntValue(prhs[3]);

        if(Mechanism != 1) 
            mexErrMsgTxt("EventMechanism must be VI_QUEUE = 1");
        if(mexVISA_Get_VI_EVENT(EventString, &Event)) 
            mexErrMsgTxt("Unrecognized/unsupported VISA Event type.");
        Status = viDisableEvent(Session, Event, Mechanism);
        ViMexUtil_PutIntValue((int)Status, &plhs[0]);
        return 0;
    // ---------------
    // viDiscardEvents
    // ---------------
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "viDiscardEvents()"))
        ViSession Session;
        ViEventType Event; char *EventString;
        ViUInt16 Mechanism;

        Session     = (ViSession)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[1]);
        EventString = ViMexUtil_GetStringValue(prhs[2], 0);
        Mechanism   = (ViUInt16)ViMexUtil_GetIntValue(prhs[3]);

        if(Mechanism != 1) 
            mexErrMsgTxt("EventMechanism must be VI_QUEUE = 1");
        if(mexVISA_Get_VI_EVENT(EventString, &Event)) 
            mexErrMsgTxt("Unrecognized/unsupported VISA Event type.");
        Status = viDiscardEvents(Session, Event, Mechanism);
        ViMexUtil_PutIntValue((int)Status, &plhs[0]);
        return 0;
    // -------------
    // viWaitOnEvent
    // -------------
    if(!strcmp(cmd, "viWaitOnEvent()"))
        ViSession Session;
        ViEventType Event, OutEventType; char *EventString;
        ViEvent EventHandle;
        ViUInt32 Timeout;

        Session     = (ViSession)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[1]);
        EventString = ViMexUtil_GetStringValue(prhs[2], 0);
        Timeout     = (ViUInt32)ViMexUtil_GetUIntValue(prhs[3]);

        if(mexVISA_Get_VI_EVENT(EventString, &Event)) 
            mexErrMsgTxt("Unrecognized/unsupported VISA Event type.");
        Status = viWaitOnEvent(Session, Event, Timeout, &OutEventType, &EventHandle);
        ViMexUtil_PutIntValue((int)Status, &plhs[0]);
        ViMexUtil_PutUIntValue((unsigned)OutEventType, &plhs[1]);
        ViMexUtil_PutUIntValue((unsigned)EventHandle, &plhs[2]);
        return 0;
    // ******************************************************************
    // -------------------
    // No Command Found...
    // -------------------
    return -1;
Beispiel #4
int main (void)
    *  First we open a session to the VISA resource manager.  We are
    *  returned a handle to the resource manager session that we must
    *  use to open sessions to specific instruments.
   status = viOpenDefaultRM (&defaultRM);
   if (status < VI_SUCCESS)
      printf("Could not open a session to the VISA Resource Manager!\n");
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
    *  Next we use the resource manager handle to open a session to a
    *  GPIB instrument at device 2.  A handle to this session is
    *  returned in the handle inst.  Please consult the NI-VISA User Manual 
    *  for the syntax for using other instruments.
   status = viOpen (defaultRM, "GPIB::2::INSTR", VI_NULL, VI_NULL, &inst);
    *  Now we install the handler for asynchronous i/o completion events.
    *  To install the handler, we must pass our instrument session, the type of
    *  event to handle, the handler function name and a user handle
    *  which acts as a handle to the handler function.
   status = viInstallHandler (inst, VI_EVENT_IO_COMPLETION, AsyncHandler, uhandle);
   /*  Now we must actually enable the I/O completion event so that our
    *  handler will see the events.  Note, one of the parameters is 
    *  VI_HNDLR indicating that we want the events to be handled by
    *  an asynchronous event handler.  The alternate mechanism for handling
    *  events is to queue them and read events off of the queue when
    *  you want to check them in your program.
   status = viEnableEvent (inst, VI_EVENT_IO_COMPLETION, VI_HNDLR, VI_NULL);

    *  Now the VISA write command is used to send a request to the
    *  instrument to generate a sine wave.  This demonstrates the 
    *   synchronous read operation that blocks the application until viRead()
    *   returns.  Note that the command syntax is instrument specific.

    * Here you specify which string you wish to send to your instrument.
    * The command listed below is device specific. You may have to change
    * command to accommodate your instrument.
   strcpy(stringinput,"SOUR:FUNC SIN; SENS: DATA?\n");
   BytesToWrite = strlen(stringinput);
   status = viWrite (inst, (ViBuf)stringinput,BytesToWrite, &rcount);

    *  Next the asynchronous read command is called to read back the 
    *  date from the instrument.  Immediately after this is called
    *  the program goes into a loop which will terminate
    *  on an i/o completion event triggering the asynchronous callback.
    *  Note that the asynchronous read command returns a job id that is
    *  a handle to the asynchronous command.  We can use this handle
    *  to terminate the read if too much time has passed.
   status = viReadAsync (inst, data, 1024, &job);
   printf("\n\nHit enter to continue.");
   letter = getchar();

    *  If the asynchronous callback was called and the flag was set
    *  we print out the returned data otherwise we terminate the
    *  asynchronous job.
   if (stopflag == VI_TRUE)
      /* RtCount was set in the callback */
       printf ("Here is the data:  %*s", RtCount, data);
      status = viTerminate (inst, VI_NULL, job);  
      printf("The asynchronous read did not complete.\n");

    printf ("\nHit enter to continue.");

    *  Now we close the instrument session and the resource manager
    *  session to free up resources.
   status = viClose(inst);
   status = viClose(defaultRM);
   return 0;