Beispiel #1
EXPORTED void bv_clear(bitvector_t *bv, unsigned int i)
    if (i < bv->length) {
        bv_ensure(bv, i+1);
        bv->bits[vidx(i)] &= ~vmask(i);
Beispiel #2
EXPORTED void bv_set(bitvector_t *bv, unsigned int i)
    bv_ensure(bv, i+1);
    bv->bits[vidx(i)] |= vmask(i);
    if (i >= bv->length)
        bv->length = i+1;
bool QgsGeometryCheckError::isEqual( QgsGeometryCheckError *other ) const
  return other->check() == check() &&
         other->layerId() == layerId() &&
         other->featureId() == featureId() &&
         other->vidx() == vidx();
bool QgsGeometrySelfIntersectionCheckError::isEqual( QgsGeometryCheckError* other ) const
  return QgsGeometryCheckError::isEqual( other ) &&
         other->featureId() == featureId() &&
         other->vidx() == vidx() &&
         static_cast<QgsGeometrySelfIntersectionCheckError*>( other )->intersection().segment1 == intersection().segment1 &&
         static_cast<QgsGeometrySelfIntersectionCheckError*>( other )->intersection().segment2 == intersection().segment2;
Beispiel #5
EXPORTED void bv_setsize(bitvector_t *bv, unsigned int len)
    bv_ensure(bv, len);
    if (len < bv->length) {
        /* shrinking - need to clear old bits */
        memset(bv->bits+vlen(len), 0, vlen(bv->length) - vlen(len));
        bv->bits[vidx(len)] &= ~vtailmask(len);
    bv->length = len;
Beispiel #6
 * Returns the bit position of the previous set bit which is before or
 * equal to position 'start'.  Passing start = bv->vector-1 returns the
 * last set bit.  Returns a bit position or -1 if there are no more set
 * bits.
EXPORTED int bv_prev_set(const bitvector_t *bv, int start)
    int i;

    if (start < 0 || start >= (int)bv->length) return -1;

    for (i = start ; i < (int)bv->length && !visaligned(i) ; i--)
        if (bv->bits[vidx(i)] & vmask(i))
            return i;

    while (i >= 0) {
        if (!bv->bits[vidx(i)]) {
            i -= BITS_PER_UNIT;
        else {
            if (bv->bits[vidx(i)] & vmask(i))
                return i;

    return -1;
Beispiel #7
 * Compute bitmask of all vendors present in an attribute set 'pa'
 * E.g., if 'pa' contains attributes associated with vendors "gnu"
 *       and "foo" and the vendors "gnu", "boo" and "foo" are
 *       registered/known then 'vset(pa)' returns 0x5 since it
 *       contains vendors #0 ("gnu") and #2 ("foo").
static int
vset(Pmelf_attribute_set *pa)
int i,j;

unsigned rval = 0;

	for ( i=0; i<ATTR_MAX_VENDORS; i++ ) {
		if ( pa->attributes[i].file_attributes ) {
			j = vidx(pa->attributes[i].file_attributes->pv);
			if ( j < 0 ) {
				PMELF_PRINTF(pmelf_err, PMELF_PRE"pmelf_match_attribute_set(): invalid vendor index ?? (object %s)\n", pa->obj_name);
				return -1;
			rval |= (1<<j);
	return rval;
    static void save_molecular_type(const MolecularTypeBase* mtb,
            std::vector<std::pair<ParticleID, Voxel> > voxels, H5::Group* group)
        const Species species(mtb->species());
        boost::scoped_ptr<H5::Group> mtgroup(
                new H5::Group(group->createGroup(species.serial().c_str())));

        h5_species_struct property;
        property.radius = mtb->radius();
        property.D = mtb->D();
        const MolecularTypeBase* loc(mtb->location());
        if (loc->is_vacant())
            std::strcpy(property.location, "");
            std::strcpy(property.location, loc->species().serial().c_str());
        property.is_structure = mtb->is_structure() ? 1 : 0;
        property.dimension = mtb->get_dimension();

        H5::CompType property_comp_type(get_property_comp());
        mtgroup->createAttribute("property", property_comp_type,
                H5::DataSpace(H5S_SCALAR)).write(property_comp_type, &property);

        // Save voxels
        const Integer num_voxels(voxels.size());
        std::size_t vidx(0);
        boost::scoped_array<h5_voxel_struct> h5_voxel_array(new h5_voxel_struct[num_voxels]);
        for (std::vector<std::pair<ParticleID, Voxel> >::const_iterator itr(voxels.begin());
                itr != voxels.end(); ++itr)
            h5_voxel_array[vidx].lot = (*itr).first.lot();
            h5_voxel_array[vidx].serial = (*itr).first.serial();
            h5_voxel_array[vidx].coordinate = (*itr).second.coordinate();

        H5::CompType voxel_comp_type(get_voxel_comp());
        hsize_t dims[] = {num_voxels};
        H5::DataSpace dspace(/* RANK= */1, dims);
        boost::scoped_ptr<H5::DataSet> dset(new H5::DataSet(
            mtgroup->createDataSet("voxels", voxel_comp_type, dspace)));
        dset->write(h5_voxel_array.get(), dset->getDataType());
void QgsGeometryDegeneratePolygonCheck::collectErrors( QList<QgsGeometryCheckError *> &errors, QStringList &/*messages*/, QAtomicInt *progressCounter, const QMap<QString, QgsFeatureIds> &ids ) const
  QMap<QString, QgsFeatureIds> featureIds = ids.isEmpty() ? allLayerFeatureIds() : ids;
  QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeatures layerFeatures( mContext->featurePools, featureIds, mCompatibleGeometryTypes, progressCounter );
  for ( const QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::LayerFeature &layerFeature : layerFeatures )
    const QgsAbstractGeometry *geom = layerFeature.geometry();
    for ( int iPart = 0, nParts = geom->partCount(); iPart < nParts; ++iPart )
      for ( int iRing = 0, nRings = geom->ringCount( iPart ); iRing < nRings; ++iRing )
        if ( QgsGeometryCheckerUtils::polyLineSize( geom, iPart, iRing ) < 3 )
          QgsVertexId vidx( iPart, iRing );
          errors.append( new QgsGeometryCheckError( this, layerFeature, geom->vertexAt( vidx ), vidx ) );
Beispiel #10
EXPORTED int bv_isset(const bitvector_t *bv, unsigned int i)
    if (i >= bv->length)
        return 0;
    return !!(bv->bits[vidx(i)] & vmask(i));