Beispiel #1
static void georef_layer_draw ( VikGeorefLayer *vgl, VikViewport *vp )
  if ( vik_viewport_get_drawmode(vp) != VIK_VIEWPORT_DRAWMODE_UTM )

  if ( vgl->pixbuf )
    struct UTM utm_middle;
    gdouble xmpp = vik_viewport_get_xmpp(vp), ympp = vik_viewport_get_ympp(vp);
    GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = vgl->pixbuf;
    guint layer_width = vgl->width;
    guint layer_height = vgl->height;

    vik_coord_to_utm ( vik_viewport_get_center ( vp ), &utm_middle );

    /* scale the pixbuf if it doesn't match our dimensions */
    if ( xmpp != vgl->mpp_easting || ympp != vgl->mpp_northing )
      layer_width = round(vgl->width * vgl->mpp_easting / xmpp);
      layer_height = round(vgl->height * vgl->mpp_northing / ympp);

      /* rescale if necessary */
      if (layer_width == vgl->scaled_width && layer_height == vgl->scaled_height && vgl->scaled != NULL)
        pixbuf = vgl->scaled;
        pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple(

        if (vgl->scaled != NULL)

        vgl->scaled = pixbuf;
        vgl->scaled_width = layer_width;
        vgl->scaled_height = layer_height;

    guint width = vik_viewport_get_width(vp), height = vik_viewport_get_height(vp);
    gint32 x, y;
    vgl-> =;
    vgl->corner.letter = utm_middle.letter;
    VikCoord corner_coord;
    vik_coord_load_from_utm ( &corner_coord, vik_viewport_get_coord_mode(vp), &(vgl->corner) );
    vik_viewport_coord_to_screen ( vp, &corner_coord, &x, &y );
    if ( (x < 0 || x < width) && (y < 0 || y < height) && x+layer_width > 0 && y+layer_height > 0 )
      vik_viewport_draw_pixbuf ( vp, pixbuf, 0, 0, x, y, layer_width, layer_height ); /* todo: draw only what we need to. */
Beispiel #2
static void georef_layer_draw ( VikGeorefLayer *vgl, VikViewport *vp )
  if ( vgl->pixbuf )
    gdouble xmpp = vik_viewport_get_xmpp(vp), ympp = vik_viewport_get_ympp(vp);
    GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = vgl->pixbuf;
    guint layer_width = vgl->width;
    guint layer_height = vgl->height;

    guint width = vik_viewport_get_width(vp), height = vik_viewport_get_height(vp);
    gint32 x, y;
    VikCoord corner_coord;
    vik_coord_load_from_utm ( &corner_coord, vik_viewport_get_coord_mode(vp), &(vgl->corner) );
    vik_viewport_coord_to_screen ( vp, &corner_coord, &x, &y );

    /* mark to scale the pixbuf if it doesn't match our dimensions */
    gboolean scale = FALSE;
    if ( xmpp != vgl->mpp_easting || ympp != vgl->mpp_northing )
      scale = TRUE;
      layer_width = round(vgl->width * vgl->mpp_easting / xmpp);
      layer_height = round(vgl->height * vgl->mpp_northing / ympp);

    // If image not in viewport bounds - no need to draw it (or bother with any scaling)
    if ( (x < 0 || x < width) && (y < 0 || y < height) && x+layer_width > 0 && y+layer_height > 0 ) {

      if ( scale )
        /* rescale if necessary */
        if (layer_width == vgl->scaled_width && layer_height == vgl->scaled_height && vgl->scaled != NULL)
          pixbuf = vgl->scaled;
          pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_scale_simple(

          if (vgl->scaled != NULL)

          vgl->scaled = pixbuf;
          vgl->scaled_width = layer_width;
          vgl->scaled_height = layer_height;
      vik_viewport_draw_pixbuf ( vp, pixbuf, 0, 0, x, y, layer_width, layer_height ); /* todo: draw only what we need to. */
Beispiel #3
void vik_viewport_draw_logo ( VikViewport *vvp )
  g_return_if_fail ( vvp != NULL );

  guint len = g_slist_length ( vvp->logos );
  gint x = vvp->width - PAD;
  gint y = PAD;
  int i;
  for (i = 0 ; i < len ; i++)
    GdkPixbuf *logo = g_slist_nth_data ( vvp->logos, i );
    gint width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width ( logo );
    gint height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height ( logo );
    vik_viewport_draw_pixbuf ( vvp, logo, 0, 0, x - width, y, width, height );
    x = x - width - PAD;
Beispiel #4
/* shouldn't use this -- slow -- change the alpha channel instead. */
void vik_viewport_draw_pixbuf_with_alpha ( VikViewport *vvp, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf, gint alpha,
                                           gint src_x, gint src_y, gint dest_x, gint dest_y, gint w, gint h )
  gint real_dest_x = MAX(dest_x,0);
  gint real_dest_y = MAX(dest_y,0);

  if ( alpha == 0 )
    return; /* don't waste your time */

  if ( w > vvp->alpha_pixbuf_width || h > vvp->alpha_pixbuf_height )
    if ( vvp->alpha_pixbuf )
      g_object_unref ( G_OBJECT ( vvp->alpha_pixbuf ) );
    vvp->alpha_pixbuf_width = MAX(w,vvp->alpha_pixbuf_width);
    vvp->alpha_pixbuf_height = MAX(h,vvp->alpha_pixbuf_height);
    vvp->alpha_pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new ( GDK_COLORSPACE_RGB, FALSE, 8, vvp->alpha_pixbuf_width, vvp->alpha_pixbuf_height );

  w = MIN(w,vvp->width - dest_x);
  h = MIN(h,vvp->height - dest_y);

  /* check that we are drawing within boundaries. */
  src_x += (real_dest_x - dest_x);
  src_y += (real_dest_y - dest_y);
  w -= (real_dest_x - dest_x);
  h -= (real_dest_y - dest_y);

  gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable ( vvp->alpha_pixbuf, vvp->scr_buffer, NULL,
                                 real_dest_x, real_dest_y, 0, 0, w, h );

  /* do a composite */
  gdk_pixbuf_composite ( pixbuf, vvp->alpha_pixbuf, 0, 0, w, h, -src_x, -src_y, 1, 1, 0, alpha );

  /* draw pixbuf_tmp */
  vik_viewport_draw_pixbuf ( vvp, vvp->alpha_pixbuf, 0, 0, real_dest_x, real_dest_y, w, h );