Beispiel #1
Datei: virt.cpp Projekt: kohn/rsi
std::string VM_Controller::get_vm_detail(virDomainPtr dom){
    Json::Value j;
    j["status"] = "ok";
    virDomainInfo info;
    if(virDomainGetInfo(dom, &info) < 0){
        LOG_ERROR("could not get domain info");
        j["status"] = "no such domain";
        return j.toStyledString();
    // basic info
    int state;
    virDomainGetState(dom, &state, NULL, 0);
    j["vm_status"] = state_code2string(state);
        j["id"] = virDomainGetID(dom);
    j["name"] = virDomainGetName(dom);
    j["vcpu"] = virDomainGetMaxVcpus(dom);
    j["mem_total"] = (unsigned long long)virDomainGetMaxMemory(dom);

    // more detailed info
    char *domain_xml = virDomainGetXMLDesc(dom, VIR_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE);
    tinyxml2::XMLDocument doc;
    j["img_path"] = doc.RootElement()
    tinyxml2::XMLElement *graphics = doc.RootElement()
    j["vnc_port"] = graphics->Attribute("port");

    return j.toStyledString();
Beispiel #2
static PromiseResult CreateVirtDom(EvalContext *ctx, virConnectPtr vc, Attributes a, const Promise *pp)
    int alloc_file = false;
    char *xml_file;
    const char *name;
    char defaultxml[CF_MAXVARSIZE];
    virDomainPtr dom;
    int i;

    snprintf(defaultxml, CF_MAXVARSIZE - 1,
             "<domain type='test'>"
             "  <name>%s</name>"
             "  <memory>8388608</memory>"
             "  <currentMemory>2097152</currentMemory>"
             "  <vcpu>2</vcpu>" "  <os>" "    <type>hvm</type>" "  </os>" "</domain>", pp->promiser);

    for (i = 0; i < CF_MAX_CONCURRENT_ENVIRONMENTS; i++)
        if (CF_RUNNING[i] > 0)
            dom = virDomainLookupByID(vc, CF_RUNNING[i]);
            name = virDomainGetName(dom);

            if (name && strcmp(name, pp->promiser) == 0)
                cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, PROMISE_RESULT_NOOP, pp, a, "Found a running environment called '%s' - promise kept",
                return PROMISE_RESULT_NOOP;


    for (i = 0; CF_SUSPENDED[i] != NULL; i++)
        if (strcmp(CF_SUSPENDED[i], pp->promiser) == 0)
            Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Found an existing, but suspended, environment id = %s, called '%s'",
                  CF_SUSPENDED[i], CF_SUSPENDED[i]);

        xml_file = xstrdup(a.env.spec);
        alloc_file = true;
        Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "No spec file is promised, so reverting to default settings");
        xml_file = defaultxml;

    PromiseResult result = PROMISE_RESULT_NOOP;
    if ((dom = virDomainCreateXML(vc, xml_file, 0)))
        cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, PROMISE_RESULT_CHANGE, pp, a, "Created a virtual domain '%s'", pp->promiser);
        result = PromiseResultUpdate(result, PROMISE_RESULT_CHANGE);

        if (a.env.cpus != CF_NOINT)
            int maxcpus;

            if ((maxcpus = virConnectGetMaxVcpus(vc, virConnectGetType(vc))) == -1)
                Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Can't determine the available CPU resources");
                if (a.env.cpus > maxcpus)
                          "The promise to allocate %d CPUs in domain '%s' cannot be kept - only %d exist on the host",
                          a.env.cpus, pp->promiser, maxcpus);
                else if (virDomainSetVcpus(dom, (unsigned int) a.env.cpus) == -1)
                    Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Unable to adjust CPU count to %d", a.env.cpus);
                    Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Verified that environment CPU count is now %d", a.env.cpus);

        if (a.env.memory != CF_NOINT)
            unsigned long maxmem;

            if ((maxmem = virDomainGetMaxMemory(dom)) == -1)
                Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Can't determine the available CPU resources");
                if (virDomainSetMaxMemory(dom, (unsigned long) a.env.memory) == -1)
                    Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, " Unable to set the memory limit to %d", a.env.memory);
                    Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Setting the memory limit to %d", a.env.memory);

                if (virDomainSetMemory(dom, (unsigned long) a.env.memory) == -1)
                    Log(LOG_LEVEL_INFO, " Unable to set the current memory to %d", a.env.memory);

        if (a.env.disk != CF_NOINT)
            Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Info: env_disk parameter is not currently supported on this platform");

        virErrorPtr vp;

        vp = virGetLastError();

        cfPS(ctx, LOG_LEVEL_ERR, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL, pp, a,
             "Failed to create a virtual domain '%s' - check spec for errors: '%s'", pp->promiser, vp->message);
        result = PromiseResultUpdate(result, PROMISE_RESULT_FAIL);

        Log(LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE, "Quoted spec file: %s", xml_file);

    if (alloc_file)

    return result;
static int CreateVirtDom(virConnectPtr vc, char *uri, Attributes a, Promise *pp)
    int alloc_file = false;
    char *xml_file;
    const char *name;
    char defaultxml[CF_MAXVARSIZE];
    virDomainPtr dom;
    int i;

    snprintf(defaultxml, CF_MAXVARSIZE - 1,
             "<domain type='test'>"
             "  <name>%s</name>"
             "  <memory>8388608</memory>"
             "  <currentMemory>2097152</currentMemory>"
             "  <vcpu>2</vcpu>" "  <os>" "    <type>hvm</type>" "  </os>" "</domain>", pp->promiser);

    for (i = 0; i < CF_MAX_CONCURRENT_ENVIRONMENTS; i++)
        if (CF_RUNNING[i] > 0)
            dom = virDomainLookupByID(vc, CF_RUNNING[i]);
            name = virDomainGetName(dom);

            if (name && strcmp(name, pp->promiser) == 0)
                cfPS(cf_verbose, CF_NOP, "", pp, a, " -> Found a running environment called \"%s\" - promise kept\n",
                return true;


    for (i = 0; CF_SUSPENDED[i] != NULL; i++)
        if (strcmp(CF_SUSPENDED[i], pp->promiser) == 0)
            CfOut(cf_inform, "", " -> Found an existing, but suspended, environment id = %s, called \"%s\"\n",
                  CF_SUSPENDED[i], CF_SUSPENDED[i]);

        xml_file = xstrdup(a.env.spec);
        alloc_file = true;
        CfOut(cf_verbose, "", "No spec file is promised, so reverting to default settings");
        xml_file = defaultxml;

    if ((dom = virDomainCreateXML(vc, xml_file, 0)))
        cfPS(cf_verbose, CF_CHG, "", pp, a, " -> Created a virtual domain \"%s\"\n", pp->promiser);

        if (a.env.cpus != CF_NOINT)
            int maxcpus;

            if ((maxcpus = virConnectGetMaxVcpus(vc, virConnectGetType(vc))) == -1)
                CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " !! Can't determine the available CPU resources");
                if (a.env.cpus > maxcpus)
                    CfOut(cf_inform, "",
                          " !! The promise to allocate %d CPUs in domain \"%s\" cannot be kept - only %d exist on the host",
                          a.env.cpus, pp->promiser, maxcpus);
                else if (virDomainSetVcpus(dom, (unsigned int) a.env.cpus) == -1)
                    CfOut(cf_inform, "", " -> Unable to adjust CPU count to %d", a.env.cpus);
                    CfOut(cf_inform, "", " -> Verified that environment CPU count is now %d", a.env.cpus);

        if (a.env.memory != CF_NOINT)
            unsigned long maxmem;

            if ((maxmem = virDomainGetMaxMemory(dom)) == -1)
                CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " !! Can't determine the available CPU resources");
                if (virDomainSetMaxMemory(dom, (unsigned long) a.env.memory) == -1)
                    CfOut(cf_inform, "", " !!! Unable to set the memory limit to %d", a.env.memory);
                    CfOut(cf_inform, "", " -> Setting the memory limit to %d", a.env.memory);

                if (virDomainSetMemory(dom, (unsigned long) a.env.memory) == -1)
                    CfOut(cf_inform, "", " !!! Unable to set the current memory to %d", a.env.memory);

        if (a.env.disk != CF_NOINT)
            CfOut(cf_verbose, "", " -> Info: env_disk parameter is not currently supported on this platform");

        virErrorPtr vp;

        vp = virGetLastError();

        cfPS(cf_verbose, CF_FAIL, "", pp, a,
             " !! Failed to create a virtual domain \"%s\" - check spec for errors: %s", pp->promiser, vp->message);

        CfOut(cf_verbose, "", "Quoted spec file: %s", xml_file);

    if (alloc_file)

    return true;