 * Ok, simulate a track-ball.  Project the points onto the virtual
 * trackball, then figure out the axis of rotation, which is the cross
 * product of P1 P2 and O P1 (O is the center of the ball, 0,0,0)
 * Note:  This is a deformed trackball-- is a trackball in the center,
 * but is deformed into a hyperbolic sheet of rotation away from the
 * center.  This particular function was chosen after trying out
 * several variations.
 * It is assumed that the arguments to this routine are in the range
 * (-1.0 ... 1.0)
static void
trackball ( float q[4], float p1x, float p1y, float p2x, float p2y )
    float a[3]; /* Axis of rotation */
    float phi;  /* how much to rotate about axis */
    float p1[3], p2[3], d[3];
    float t;

    if (p1x == p2x && p1y == p2y)
        // Zero rotation
        q[3] = 1.0;

    // First, figure out z-coordinates for projection of P1 and P2 to
    // deformed sphere

    // Now, we want the cross product of P1 and P2

    // Figure out how much to rotate around that axis.
    t = vlength(d) / (2.0*TRACKBALLSIZE);

    // Avoid problems with out-of-control values...
    if (t > 1.0) t = 1.0;
    if (t < -1.0) t = -1.0;
    phi = 2.0 * asin(t);

Beispiel #2
int DPMHC_K(struct str_DPMHC *ptr_DPMHC_data)
    int i_K = ptr_DPMHC_data->i_K;
    gsl_vector *v_u = ptr_DPMHC_data->v_u;
    gsl_vector *v_v = ptr_DPMHC_data->v_v;
    gsl_vector *v_w  = ptr_DPMHC_data->v_w;
    gsl_matrix *m_DPtheta = ptr_DPMHC_data->m_DPtheta;
    double d_DPalpha = ptr_DPMHC_data->d_DPalpha;

    int K_tmp, K_new,j;
    double a,v_j,w_j,csum,min_u;
    //gsl_vector_view theta_j;

  //int k_asset_number = P -> size1; /* number of assets in model */

    K_tmp = i_K;
    min_u = gsl_vector_min ( v_u );
    a = 1.0 - min_u;

    if( a == 1.0 )
        printf("**********min_u = %g *************\n",min_u);

    csum = 0.0;

    while ( csum <= a ){

        /* check if new v_j,w_j and theta_j should be generated */
        if( j >= K_tmp ){

            v_j = gsl_ran_beta ( rng , 1.0, d_DPalpha );
            vset( v_v, j, v_j);

            w_j = v_j * (vget( v_w, j-1 )/vget(v_v,j-1))*(1.0-vget(v_v,j-1));
            vset( v_w, j, w_j);

        /* generate new mu, xi, tau from prior G_0 */
            mset(m_DPtheta, j, 0,
                ptr_DPMHC_data->d_m0 + gsl_ran_gaussian_ziggurat(rng, sqrt(ptr_DPMHC_data->d_s2m)));

            mset(m_DPtheta, j, 1,
                gsl_ran_gaussian_ziggurat(rng, ptr_DPMHC_data->d_A));

            mset(m_DPtheta, j, 2,
                gsl_ran_gamma(rng, 0.5, 0.5) );

        csum += vget(v_w,j);
        K_new = j + 1;

    ptr_DPMHC_data->i_K = K_new;

    return 0;
Beispiel #3
object_t *vector_concat (object_t * a, object_t * b)
  size_t al = VLENGTH (a), bl = VLENGTH (b);
  object_t *c = c_vec (al + bl, NIL);
  size_t i;
  for (i = 0; i < al; i++)
    vset (c, i, UPREF (vget (a, i)));
  for (i = 0; i < bl; i++)
    vset (c, i + al, UPREF (vget (b, i)));
  return c;
Beispiel #4
void init()                                         // --- Initialization routine
    double tension = c_Mpay;
    double fcoef = 0;
    double mt = 0;

    curtime = 0;                                    // Set current time to 0
    numpoints = NUMPOINTS;                          // Set variable to macro
    points = smalloc((numpoints + 1) * sizeof(point_t)); // Allocate points (FIXME)

    for(int i = 0; i < numpoints; i++) {            // Loop over points
        vset(&points[i].pos, c_Clen * i / NUMPOINTS + c_Re, 0, 0);
        vset(&points[i].v, 0, 0, 0);

        points[i].crosssect = c_Fs * tension / c_Slim;
        points[i].k = c_Ecnt / (c_Clen / NUMPOINTS) * points[i].crosssect;
        points[i].initlen = (c_Clen / NUMPOINTS - tension / points[i].k);
        points[i].frict = c_Fr_cnt;
        mt += points[i].m = points[i].initlen * points[i].crosssect * c_Dcnt;

        fcoef = c_Ge / (points[i].pos.x * points[i].pos.x) - points[i].pos.x * c_Vang * c_Vang;
        tension += fcoef * points[i].m;

    points[numpoints - 1].m = -tension / fcoef * 1; // FIXME

    if(0) {
        for(int i = 0; i < numpoints; i++) {
           printf("Item number: %d\n", i + 1);
           printf("Position: %f, %f, %f\n", points[i].pos.x, points[i].pos.y, points[i].pos.z);
           printf("Velocity: %f, %f, %f\n", points[i].v.x, points[i].v.y, points[i].v.z);
           printf("Force: %f, %f, %f\n", points[i].f.x, points[i].f.y, points[i].f.z);
           printf("Mass: %f\n", points[i].m);
           printf("Spring Constant: %f\n", points[i].k);
           printf("Friction Coefficient: %f\n", points[i].frict);
           printf("Initial Length: %f\n", points[i].initlen);
           printf("Cross Sectional Area: %f\n", points[i].crosssect);
    } else if(1) {
        for(int i = 0; i < numpoints; i++) {
           //printf("[%d, ", i + 1);
           printf("[(%e, %e, %e), ", points[i].pos.x, points[i].pos.y, points[i].pos.z);
           printf("(%e, %e, %e), ", points[i].v.x, points[i].v.y, points[i].v.z);
           printf("(%e, %e, %e), ", points[i].f.x, points[i].f.y, points[i].f.z);
           printf("%e, ", points[i].m);
           printf("%e, ", points[i].k);
           printf("%e, ", points[i].frict);
           printf("%e, ", points[i].initlen);
           printf("%e]\n", points[i].crosssect);
Beispiel #5
bool SlideNavmesh::mouseDown(const float x, const float y)
	if (!m_expanded)
		if (hitCorner(x,y))
			startDrag(1, x,y, m_pos);
			return true;
		int bidx = hitButtons(x-m_pos[0],y-m_pos[1]);
		if (bidx != -1)
			return true;
		else if (hitCorner(x,y))
			startDrag(1, x,y, m_pos);
			return true;
		else if (hitArea(x,y))
			const float lx = x - (m_pos[0]+PADDING_SIZE);
			const float ly = y - (m_pos[1]+PADDING_SIZE);

			float pos[2] = {lx,ly};
			float nearest[2] = {lx,ly};
			if (m_scene.nav)
				navmeshFindNearestTri(m_scene.nav, pos, nearest);
			if (SDL_GetModState() & KMOD_SHIFT)
				agentMoveAndAdjustCorridor(&m_scene.agents[0], nearest, m_scene.nav);
				vcpy(m_scene.agents[0].oldpos, m_scene.agents[0].pos);
				vset(m_scene.agents[0].corner, FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX);
				vcpy(m_scene.agents[0].target, nearest);
				vcpy(m_scene.agents[0].oldpos, m_scene.agents[0].pos);
				agentFindPath(&m_scene.agents[0], m_scene.nav);
				vset(m_scene.agents[0].corner, FLT_MAX,FLT_MAX);

			return true;
	return false;
Beispiel #6
int pod_experiment(char* observed_data, char* heldout_data,
                   char* model_root, char* out)
    corpus *obs, *heldout;
    llna_model *model;
    llna_var_param *var;
    int i;
    gsl_vector *log_lhood, *e_theta;
    doc obs_doc, heldout_doc;
    char string[100];
    double total_lhood = 0, total_words = 0, l;
    FILE* e_theta_file = fopen("/Users/blei/llna050_e_theta.txt", "w");

    // load model and data
    obs = read_data(observed_data);
    heldout = read_data(heldout_data);
    assert(obs->ndocs == heldout->ndocs);
    model = read_llna_model(model_root);

    // run experiment
    init_temp_vectors(model->k-1); // !!! hacky
    log_lhood = gsl_vector_alloc(obs->ndocs + 1);
    e_theta = gsl_vector_alloc(model->k);
    for (i = 0; i < obs->ndocs; i++)
        // get observed and heldout documents
        obs_doc = obs->docs[i];
        heldout_doc = heldout->docs[i];
        // compute variational distribution
        var = new_llna_var_param(obs_doc.nterms, model->k);
        init_var_unif(var, &obs_doc, model);
        var_inference(var, &obs_doc, model);
        expected_theta(var, &obs_doc, model, e_theta);

        vfprint(e_theta, e_theta_file);

        // approximate inference of held out data
        l = log_mult_prob(&heldout_doc, e_theta, model->log_beta);
        vset(log_lhood, i, l);
        total_words += heldout_doc.total;
        total_lhood += l;
        printf("hid doc %d    log_lhood %5.5f\n", i, vget(log_lhood, i));
        // save results?
    vset(log_lhood, obs->ndocs, exp(-total_lhood/total_words));
    printf("perplexity : %5.10f", exp(-total_lhood/total_words));
    sprintf(string, "%s-pod-llna.dat", out);
    printf_vector(string, log_lhood);
Beispiel #7
int DPMHC_v_smplr(struct str_DPMHC *ptr_DPMHC_data)
    gsl_vector *v_v = ptr_DPMHC_data->v_v;
    gsl_vector *v_w = ptr_DPMHC_data->v_w;
    gsl_vector_int *vi_S = ptr_DPMHC_data->vi_S;
    int i_K = ptr_DPMHC_data->i_K;
    double d_DPalpha = ptr_DPMHC_data->d_DPalpha;

    size_t i_T = vi_S->size;
    int i,j,i_si;
    double d_vj,d_prod;
    //   printf("inside sample_v K=%d\n",K);
    gsl_vector *v_a = gsl_vector_alloc ( (size_t) i_K );
    gsl_vector *v_b = gsl_vector_alloc ( (size_t) i_K );

    gsl_vector_set_all ( v_a, 1.0 );
    gsl_vector_set_all ( v_b, d_DPalpha);

        i_si = vget_int(vi_S,i);
        (v_a->data[ i_si ]) += 1.0;
        for(j = 0; j < i_si;j++){
            (v_b->data[ j ]) += 1.0;

   /* pvec(a); */
   /* pvec(b); */

    /* take draws and form w */
        d_vj = gsl_ran_beta ( rng , vget(v_a,j) , vget(v_b,j) );
        vset( v_v, j, d_vj );
        /* w_j */
        if( j == 0 ){
            vset(v_w,j, d_vj );
            d_prod = (1.0-d_vj);
            vset(v_w,j, d_vj*d_prod );
            d_prod *= (1.0-d_vj);

    gsl_vector_free (v_a);
    gsl_vector_free (v_b);

    return 0;
Beispiel #8
struct summary * summarise_vec( VEC v){
	VEC quant = create_vec(5);
	vset(quant,0,0.); vset(quant,1,0.25); vset(quant,2,0.5); vset(quant,3,0.75); vset(quant,4,1.);

	struct summary * s = malloc(sizeof(struct summary));
	s->mean = mean(v);
	s->var = variance(v);
	s->quantiles = quantiles(v,quant);
	s->mad = mad(v);
	s->data = v;

	return s;
double compute_lda_lhood(lda_post* p) {
  int k, n;
  int K = p->model->ntopics, N = p->doc->nterms;

  double gamma_sum = sum(p->gamma);
  double lhood =
    gsl_sf_lngamma(sum(p->model->alpha)) -
  vset(p->lhood, K, lhood);
  double influence_term = 0.0;
  double digsum = gsl_sf_psi(gamma_sum);
  for (k = 0; k < K; k++) {
    if (p->doc_weight != NULL) {
      //	  outlog("doc weight size: %d", p->doc_weight->size);
      assert (K == p->doc_weight->size);
      double influence_topic = gsl_vector_get(p->doc_weight, k);
      if (FLAGS_model == "dim"
	  || FLAGS_model == "fixed") {
	influence_term = - ((influence_topic * influence_topic
			     + FLAGS_sigma_l * FLAGS_sigma_l)
			    / 2.0 / (FLAGS_sigma_d * FLAGS_sigma_d));
	// Note that these cancel with the entropy.
	//     - (log(2 * PI) + log(FLAGS_sigma_d)) / 2.0);
    double e_log_theta_k = gsl_sf_psi(vget(p->gamma, k)) - digsum;
    double lhood_term =
      (vget(p->model->alpha, k)-vget(p->gamma, k)) * e_log_theta_k +
      gsl_sf_lngamma(vget(p->gamma, k)) -
      gsl_sf_lngamma(vget(p->model->alpha, k));
    for (n = 0; n < N; n++) {
      if (mget(p->phi, n, k) > 0) {
	lhood_term +=
	  mget(p->phi, n, k) *
	   + mget(p->model->topics, p->doc->word[n], k)
	   - mget(p->log_phi, n, k));
    vset(p->lhood, k, lhood_term);
    lhood += lhood_term;
    lhood += influence_term;
Beispiel #10
void simul()
    for(int i = 0; i < numpoints; i++) { vset(&points[i].f, 0, 0, 0); }

    for(int i = 0; i < numpoints - 1; i++) {
        vector_t vdiff;
        GLdouble axialv, frict, elast;

        vector_t diff = vsub(&points[i+1].pos, &points[i].pos);
        GLdouble l = vnorm(&diff);
        vector_t f;

        elast = points[i].k * (1 - points[i].initlen / l);
        if(elast < 0) { elast = 0; }
        points[i].tension = elast * l;

        vdiff = vsub(&points[i+1].v, &points[i].v);
        axialv = vdot(&vdiff, &diff) / l;
        frict = axialv / l * points[i].frict;

        f = vscale(elast + frict, &diff);
        vaddto(&points[i].f, &f);
        vsubfrom(&points[i+1].f, &f);

    for(int i = 0; i < numpoints; i++) {
        double loading = points[i].tension / points[i].crosssect / c_Slim;
        if(loading > 1 && curtime > 0) {
            points[i].k = 0;
            points[i].frict = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < numpoints; i++) { pointdynamics(&points[i]); }

        points[0].pos.x = c_Re * cos(0 / 180.0 * M_PI);
        points[0].pos.y = 0;
        points[0].pos.z = c_Re * sin(0 / 180.0 * M_PI);
        vset(&points[0].v, 0, 0, 0);
        if(curtime > 1) {
            points[BREAKPOINT].k = 0;
            points[BREAKPOINT].frict = 0;

    curtime += TIMESTEP;
Beispiel #11
int DPMHC_u_smplr(struct str_DPMHC *ptr_DPMHC_data)
    gsl_vector_int *vi_S = ptr_DPMHC_data->vi_S;
    gsl_vector *v_w = ptr_DPMHC_data->v_w;
    gsl_vector *v_u = ptr_DPMHC_data->v_u;

    size_t i_T = vi_S->size;
    int i,i_si;
    double d_ui,d_w_si;

        i_si = vget_int( vi_S, i);
        d_w_si = vget( v_w, i_si);
            d_ui = d_w_si * gsl_rng_uniform (rng);

            if( d_ui == 0.0 ){
            printf("\n\n ******** u_i = 0.0 \n");
            goto dw;

        vset( v_u, i, d_ui);

    return 0;
Beispiel #12
float *calc_arc(float center[3],double radius,int divisions, int start, int end)
	float *points = (float *)mem_malloc(sizeof(float)*(divisions*3));
	int i;
	int j=0;

	int angle = end - start;
	float phi = deg_to_rad(angle);

	double delta = (double)((double)(phi ) / (divisions -1 ));
	double a = 0;

	for (i=0;i<divisions;i++)
		float r[3];
		float result[3];
		a += delta;


	return points;
Beispiel #13
void vcross( triple* x, const triple* y ){
  triple t;
  vset( &t, x );
  x->x = ( t.y * y->z - t.z * y->y );
  x->y = ( t.z * y->x - t.x * y->z );
  x->z = ( t.x * y->y - t.y * y->x );
Beispiel #14
inline void pointdynamics(point_t *curpt)           // Calculate point movement
    GLdouble r = vnorm(&curpt->pos);
    vector_t grav;
    vector_t rotf;
    vector_t coriolis;

    if(r > c_Re) {                                  // Points outside Earth
        grav = vscale(-c_Ge * curpt->m / pow(r,3), &curpt->pos);
        vaddto(&curpt->f, &grav);
    } else {                                        // Take care of points that
        vector_t scaled;                            // are inside Earth
        curpt->pos = vscale(c_Re / vnorm(&curpt->pos), &curpt->pos);
        scaled = vscale(-vdot(&curpt->pos, &curpt->v) / c_Re / c_Re, &curpt->pos);
        vaddto(&curpt->v, &scaled);
        curpt->v = vscale(0, &curpt->v);

    rotf = vscale(c_Vang * c_Vang * curpt->m, &curpt->pos);
    rotf.z = 0;
    vset(&coriolis, 2 * curpt->v.y * curpt->m * c_Vang, -2 * curpt->v.x * curpt->m * c_Vang, 0);
    vaddto(&curpt->f, &rotf);
    vaddto(&curpt->f, &coriolis);
    vaddscaled(&curpt->v, TIMESTEP / curpt->m, &curpt->f);
    vaddscaled(&curpt->pos, TIMESTEP, &curpt->v);
    if(curtime <= 0) { curpt->v = vscale(.99, &curpt->v); }
double lda_m_step(lda* model, lda_suff_stats* ss) {
    int k, w;
    double lhood = 0;
    for (k = 0; k < model->ntopics; k++)
        gsl_vector ss_k = gsl_matrix_column(ss->topics_ss, k).vector;
        gsl_vector log_p = gsl_matrix_column(model->topics, k).vector;
        if (LDA_USE_VAR_BAYES == 0)
            gsl_blas_dcopy(&ss_k, &log_p);
            double digsum = sum(&ss_k)+model->nterms*LDA_TOPIC_DIR_PARAM;
            digsum = gsl_sf_psi(digsum);
            double param_sum = 0;
            for (w = 0; w < model->nterms; w++)
                double param = vget(&ss_k, w) + LDA_TOPIC_DIR_PARAM;
                param_sum += param;
                double elogprob = gsl_sf_psi(param) - digsum;
                vset(&log_p, w, elogprob);
                lhood += (LDA_TOPIC_DIR_PARAM - param) * elogprob + gsl_sf_lngamma(param);
            lhood -= gsl_sf_lngamma(param_sum);
void update_phi(int doc_number, int time,
		lda_post* p, lda_seq* var,
		gsl_matrix* g) {
    int i, k, n, K = p->model->ntopics, N = p->doc->nterms;
    double dig[p->model->ntopics];

    for (k = 0; k < K; k++) {
      dig[k] = gsl_sf_psi(vget(p->gamma, k));

    for (n = 0; n < N; n++) {
      // compute log phi up to a constant

      int w = p->doc->word[n];
      for (k = 0; k < K; k++) {
	mset(p->log_phi, n, k,
	     dig[k] + mget(p->model->topics, w, k));

      // normalize in log space

      gsl_vector log_phi_row = gsl_matrix_row(p->log_phi, n).vector;
      gsl_vector phi_row = gsl_matrix_row(p->phi, n).vector;
      for (i = 0; i < K; i++) {
	vset(&phi_row, i, exp(vget(&log_phi_row, i)));
Beispiel #17
void KX_ObstacleSimulationTOI::AdjustObstacleVelocity(KX_Obstacle* activeObst, KX_NavMeshObject* activeNavMeshObj, 
														   MT_Vector3& velocity, MT_Scalar maxDeltaSpeed, MT_Scalar maxDeltaAngle)
	int nobs = m_obstacles.size();
	int obstidx = std::find(m_obstacles.begin(), m_obstacles.end(), activeObst) - m_obstacles.begin();
	if (obstidx == nobs)

	vset(activeObst->dvel, velocity.x(), velocity.y());

	//apply RVO
	sampleRVO(activeObst, activeNavMeshObj, maxDeltaAngle);

	// Fake dynamic constraint.
	float dv[2];
	float vel[2];
	vsub(dv, activeObst->nvel, activeObst->vel);
	float ds = vlen(dv);
	if (ds > maxDeltaSpeed || ds<-maxDeltaSpeed)
		vscale(dv, dv, fabs(maxDeltaSpeed/ds));
	vadd(vel, activeObst->vel, dv);

	velocity.x() = vel[0];
	velocity.y() = vel[1];	
Beispiel #18
void SlideNavmesh::update(const float dt)
	if (!m_update && !m_step)
	m_step = false;

	const float maxSpeed = 1.0f;
	NavmeshAgent* agent = &m_scene.agents[0];
	// Find next corner to steer to.
	// Smooth corner finding does a little bit of magic to calculate spline
	// like curve (or first tangent) based on current position and movement direction
	// next couple of corners.
	float corner[2],dir[2];
	int last = 1;
	vsub(dir, agent->pos, agent->oldpos); // This delta handles wall-hugging better than using current velocity.
	vcpy(corner, agent->pos);
	if (m_moveMode == AGENTMOVE_SMOOTH || m_moveMode == AGENTMOVE_DRUNK)
		last = agentFindNextCornerSmooth(agent, dir, m_scene.nav, corner);
		last = agentFindNextCorner(agent, m_scene.nav, corner);
	if (last && vdist(agent->pos, corner) < 0.02f)
		// Reached goal
		vcpy(agent->oldpos, agent->pos);
		vset(agent->dvel, 0,0);
		vcpy(agent->vel, agent->dvel);

	vsub(agent->dvel, corner, agent->pos);

	// Apply style
	if (m_moveMode == AGENTMOVE_DRUNK)
		agent->t += dt*4;
		float amp = cosf(agent->t)*0.25f;
		float nx = -agent->dvel[1];
		float ny = agent->dvel[0];
		agent->dvel[0] += nx * amp;
		agent->dvel[1] += ny * amp;
	// Limit desired velocity to max speed.
	const float distToTarget = vdist(agent->pos,agent->target);
	const float clampedSpeed = maxSpeed * min(1.0f, distToTarget/agent->rad);
	vsetlen(agent->dvel, clampedSpeed);

	vcpy(agent->vel, agent->dvel);

	// Move agent
	vscale(agent->delta, agent->vel, dt);
	float npos[2];
	vadd(npos, agent->pos, agent->delta);
	agentMoveAndAdjustCorridor(&m_scene.agents[0], npos, m_scene.nav);

Beispiel #19
void center(gsl_vector* v)
    int size = v->size;
    double mean = sum(v)/size;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        vset(v, i, vget(v,i)-mean);
Beispiel #20
KX_Obstacle* KX_ObstacleSimulation::CreateObstacle(KX_GameObject* gameobj)
	KX_Obstacle* obstacle = new KX_Obstacle();
	obstacle->m_gameObj = gameobj;

	vset(obstacle->vel, 0,0);
	vset(obstacle->pvel, 0,0);
	vset(obstacle->dvel, 0,0);
	vset(obstacle->nvel, 0,0);
	for (int i = 0; i < VEL_HIST_SIZE; ++i)
		vset(&obstacle->hvel[i*2], 0,0);
	obstacle->hhead = 0;

	return obstacle;
Beispiel #21
void normalize(gsl_vector* v)
    int size = v->size;
    double sum_v = sum(v);
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
        vset(v, i, vget(v,i)/sum_v);
Beispiel #22
 * Ok, simulate a track-ball.  Project the points onto the virtual
 * trackball, then figure out the axis of rotation, which is the cross
 * product of P1 P2 and O P1 (O is the center of the ball, 0,0,0)
 * Note:  This is a deformed trackball-- is a trackball in the center,
 * but is deformed into a hyperbolic sheet of rotation away from the
 * center.  This particular function was chosen after trying out
 * several variations.
 * It is assumed that the arguments to this routine are in the range
 * (-1.0 ... 1.0)
void trackball( double q[4], double p1x, double p1y, double p2x, double p2y )
    double a[3]; /* Axis of rotation */
    double phi;  /* how much to rotate about axis */
    double p1[3], p2[3], d[3];
    double t;

    if( p1x == p2x && p1y == p2y )
        /* Zero rotation */
        vzero( q );
        q[3] = 1.0;

     * First, figure out z-coordinates for projection of P1 and P2 to
     * deformed sphere
    vset( p1, p1x, p1y, tb_project_to_sphere( TRACKBALLSIZE, p1x, p1y ) );
    vset( p2, p2x, p2y, tb_project_to_sphere( TRACKBALLSIZE, p2x, p2y ) );

     *  Now, we want the cross product of P1 and P2

     *  Figure out how much to rotate around that axis.
    vsub( p1, p2, d );
    t = vlength( d ) / (2.0f * TRACKBALLSIZE);

     * Avoid problems with out-of-control values...
    if( t > 1.0 )
        t = 1.0;

    if( t < -1.0 )
        t = -1.0;

    phi = 2.0f * (double) asin( t );

    axis_to_quat( a, phi, q );
Beispiel #23
object_t *vset_check (object_t * vo, object_t * io, object_t * val)
  int i = into2int (io);
  vector_t *v = OVAL (vo);
  if (i < 0 || i >= (int) v->len)
    THROW (out_of_bounds, UPREF (io));
  vset (vo, i, UPREF (val));
  return UPREF (val);
Beispiel #24
 * Scan attribute sets 'pa' and 'pb' for common vendors and
 * call their file_attributes_match() methods to find incompatibilities.
 * If the vendor sets in 'pa' and 'pb' do not match or if only one set
 * exists (the other being NULL) this is treated as a mismatch.
 * RETURNS: zero if no incompatibility is found, a value < 0 otherwise.
 * NOTE:    it is legal to pass 'pa==NULL', 'pb==NULL' in which case
 *          the routine returns 0 (SUCCESS).
pmelf_match_attribute_set(Pmelf_attribute_set *pa, Pmelf_attribute_set *pb)
int                    i,j;
Pmelf_attribute_vendor *pv;
int                    vendor_set_a, vendor_set_b;
int                    rval = 0;

	if ( !pa && !pb )
		return 0;

	if ( ! (pa && pb) )
		return -1;

	if ( (vendor_set_a = vset(pa)) < 0 ) {
		return -1;
	if ( (vendor_set_b = vset(pb)) < 0 ) {
		return -1;

	if ( vendor_set_a != vendor_set_b ) {
		PMELF_PRINTF(pmelf_err, PMELF_PRE"pmelf_match_attribute_set(): vendor set mismatch (objects %s, %s)\n", pa->obj_name, pb->obj_name);
		return -2;

	for ( i=0; i<ATTR_MAX_VENDORS; i++ ) {
		if ( pa->attributes[i].file_attributes ) {
			pv = pa->attributes[i].file_attributes->pv;
			for ( j=0; j<ATTR_MAX_VENDORS; j++ ) {
				if ( pb->attributes[j].file_attributes ) {
					if ( pv == pb->attributes[j].file_attributes->pv ) {
						if ( ! pv->file_attributes_match ) {
							PMELF_PRINTF(pmelf_err, PMELF_PRE"pmelf_match_attribute_set(): vendor %s has no 'match' handler\n", pv->name);
							return -1;
						rval |= pv->file_attributes_match( pa->attributes[i].file_attributes, pb->attributes[j].file_attributes );
	return rval;
 * normalize a vector in log space
 * x_i = log(a_i)
 * v = log(a_1 + ... + a_k)
 * x_i = x_i - v
void log_normalize(gsl_vector* x) {
	double v = vget(x, 0);
	for (unsigned int i = 1; i < x->size; i++) {
		v = log_sum(v, vget(x, i));
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x->size; i++) {
		vset(x, i, vget(x,i)-v);
Beispiel #26
VEC branchlengths_from_tree ( const TREE * tree){
	VEC branlength = create_vec(tree->n_br);
	for (unsigned int bran=0 ; bran<tree->n_br ; bran++){
	return branlength;
void normalize(gsl_vector* x) {
	double v = 0;
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x->size; i++) {
		v += vget(x, i);
	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < x->size; i++) {
		vset(x, i, vget(x, i) / v);
Beispiel #28
object_t *vector_sub (object_t * vo, int start, int end)
  vector_t *v = OVAL (vo);
  if (end == -1)
    end = v->len - 1;
  object_t *newv = c_vec (1 + end - start, NIL);
  int i;
  for (i = start; i <= end; i++)
    vset (newv, i - start, UPREF (vget (vo, i)));
  return newv;
void init_lda_post(lda_post* p) {
    int k, n, K = p->model->ntopics, N = p->doc->nterms;

    for (k = 0; k < K; k++)
        vset(p->gamma, k,
             vget(p->model->alpha,k) + ((double) p->doc->total)/K);
        for (n = 0; n < N; n++)
            mset(p->phi, n, k, 1.0/K);
    p->doc_weight = NULL;
void initialize_lda_ss_from_random(corpus_t* data, lda_suff_stats* ss) {
    int k, n;
    gsl_rng * r = new_random_number_generator();
    for (k = 0; k < ss->topics_ss->size2; k++)
        gsl_vector topic = gsl_matrix_column(ss->topics_ss, k).vector;
        gsl_vector_set_all(&topic, 0);
        for (n = 0; n < topic.size; n++)
	  vset(&topic, n, gsl_rng_uniform(r) + 0.5 / data->ndocs + 4.0);