Beispiel #1
int16_t						// no return value - provided by vt100_getError()
vt100_thread(THREAD_ARGS *args )
// char nextChar;					// input character from Serial port
// int16_t fd = 0;						// file descriptor for Serial Port open, read, write
const char *portName;
VIRTUAL_DISPLAY *pVDisplay;		    // pointer to virtual Display
char *pTextBuffer = NULL;			//  malloc'd text area
char *pAttribsBuffer = NULL; 		//  malloc'd attribs area
char **pTextPtrsBuffer = NULL;      //  malloc'd text pointers (rows) area
char **pAttribsPtrsBuffer = NULL;   //  malloc'd attribs pointers (rows) area 
int16_t rows         = 0;
int16_t cols         = 0;
int16_t bumpUpCols   = 0;
int16_t numBytes     = 0;
int16_t numPtrBytes  = 0;
int16_t rowLength    = 0;
int16_t i            = 0;           // array loop variable 

	//   unpack the two most crucial parameters - rows & cols - from args 
	rows = args[0].thr_DisplayRows;
	cols = args[0].thr_DisplayCols;
	//  have to allocate space on even pointer boundaries for rows 
	bumpUpCols = cols % sizeof( char *);    // see if number of columns is on a pointer boundary
	if( bumpUpCols) 
		cols += ( sizeof(char *) - bumpUpCols);  // if not (non-zero remainder), force to next boundary

	numBytes = rows * cols;
	rowLength = cols * (sizeof(char));

	printf("\n\nvt100_THREAD %d is STARTING", args[0].thr_threadId);
	printf("\n  - on port %s with display rows %d and cols %d, pointer size is %d bytes", 
			  args[0].thr_portName, rows, cols, sizeof( char *) ); 
	printf("\n malloc() %d bytes each for Virtual Display text & data arrays",
			     numBytes );
	//   Concept - since screen size can vary in number of row or columns,
	//      we have dynamic arrays for the text display and the attributes display
	//      The Virtual Display for text is a list of pointers - 1 per line, and 
	//       a similar list of pointers for the attributes - 1 pointer per line 
	 *   First - malloc() all Virtual Display data area and set up pointer arrays   
	pTextBuffer    = (char *) malloc(numBytes); 
	pAttribsBuffer = (char *) malloc(numBytes); 

	numPtrBytes    = numRows * (sizeof (char *));
	pTextPtrsBuffer = (char **) malloc(numPtrBytes );
	pAttribsPtrsBuffer = (char **) malloc(numPtrBytes );
	if( (pTextBuffer == NULL)  || (pAttribsBuffer == NULL) || (pTextPtrsBuffer == NULL) 
			|| (pAttribsPtrsBuffer == NULL) ) 
		printf("\n\nvt100_thread: malloc probs: numBytes %d,  numPtrBytes %d ", numBytes,
				   numPtrBytes );
		printf("\n Ptrs are: %0x, %0x, %0x, %0x", (unsigned int) pTextBuffer, 
				   (unsigned int) pAttribsBuffer, (unsigned int) pTextPtrsBuffer,
				   (unsigned int) pAttribsPtrsBuffer );
		return( vt100_set_errorCode(ERR_09_MEM_ALLOC) );
	printf("\n\nvt100_thread: malloc results: numBytes %d,  numPtrBytes %d ", numBytes,
			   numPtrBytes );
	//  init the Virtual Display with the buffer addresses & row pointer arrays
	//   buffer & array addresses used for later free() calls 
	vDisplay.pText        = pTextPtrsBuffer;
	vDisplay.pAttribs     = pAttribsPtrsBuffer;
	vDisplay.pTextBuf     = pTextBuffer;
	vDisplay.pAttribsBuf  = pAttribsBuffer;
	vDisplay.ptrsBufSize  = numPtrBytes;
	vDisplay.charsBufSize = numBytes;
	//  set up the pointer arrays from malloc'd memory 
	for( i = 0; i < rows ; i++ )   // distribute the memory into pointer arrays 
		pTextPtrsBuffer[i] = pTextBuffer;
		pTextBuffer += rowLength;
		pAttribsPtrsBuffer[i] = pAttribsBuffer;
		pAttribsBuffer += rowLength;
		printf("\n row %d: TextPtr: %0x, Attribs Ptr: %0x,", i+1, (unsigned int) pTextPtrsBuffer[i], 
				(unsigned int)  pAttribsPtrsBuffer[i] );
		printf("\n vDisplay struct: TextPtrBuffer: %0x, AttribsPtrBuffer: %0x,", 
				(unsigned int) pTextPtrsBuffer, (unsigned int) pAttribsPtrsBuffer );
		for( i = 0; i < rows; i++ ) 
			printf("\n %d: text %0x,  attrib %0x ", i, (unsigned int) vDisplay.pText[i], 
					(unsigned int) vDisplay.pAttribs[i]);
	// check if fpui port is present and can be opened 
	portName  = args[0].thr_portName; 
	pVDisplay = args[0].thr_DisplayPtr;
	if( portName == NULL )   // no fpui present - can't read any chars
			printf("T%d, ", ++counter); 
			if( counter % 10) printf("\n");
			sleep(1);    // wait 1secs - allow asynch call to process file input 
		// we are given port to open like "/dev/fpi" 
		// we will open the port and process characters received to the VT 
    //  clear the display and show the results 
	// do compare on the display that was just cleared with the local dump file 
	//  this must be removed for delivery - should not be accessed from the library routines
int16_t result = 0;
		vt100_clearVD();        // start clean & clear before text input 
		result = vt100_compareVD("display.clear");
		printf("\nvt100_thread: compareVD: display.clear = %d \n", result);
		vt100_showVD(stdout, "After call to vt100_clearVD");
		if( (fdSerialPort = openSerialPort(portName) ) <= 0 ){   // Error on open
			printf("\n ERR_05_PORT_OPEN; received %d trying to open %s \n", fdSerialPort, portName);
			threadErrorCode = ERR_05_PORT_OPEN;
			vt100_allDone = TRUE;
		printf("\nTHREAD %d ready to read input from %s ... ", 
					args[0].thr_threadId, portName);
		printf("\n Please start entering input:\n  (terminate with a 'z' on a new line}\n");
		while(!vt100_allDone ) 
			vt100_processInput( fdSerialPort, NULL, pVDisplay );     //  read Serial Port and process forever - no line buffer here
		}  // end forever while loop 
		// all done - close the serial port and exit
		// vt100_dumpVD("dump.thread.after", "thread after key inputs");
	}  // end - good serial port 
	printf("\n\n vt100 - exiting thread # %d", args[0].thr_threadId );
	//  free the malloc'd memory in reverse order
	free( vDisplay.pAttribs );
	free( vDisplay.pText );
	free( vDisplay.pAttribsBuf );	
	free( vDisplay.pTextBuf  );
	pthread_exit(&threadErrorCode);   // return error code to the original start function
	//   return (errorCode);
}  // end vt100_thread()
Beispiel #2
 * \brief       int16_t main() 
 * \param[in]	pFileName - something like "dump_01.txt"
 * \param[out]	Description
 * \return		test framework main() routine 
main (int argc, char *argv[])
	//  arg0 is the actual command line that invoked this program!
char *fileName = argv[1];
static char returnBuffer[BUFFER_LEN] = {'\0','\0','\0','\0','\0','\0','\0' };  
int16_t result;
int16_t fd = 0; 
int16_t autoIncrement = 0;
    // size of Front Panel Display - must be int variables for scanf() function
int frontPanelRows = 0;       
int frontPanelCols = 0;
// char *portName = "/dev/tty";  // use keyboard tty input for serial I/O
char *portName = NULL;

	printf("\n\n  Test Framework for vt100 emulator library ");
	printf("\n        (command syntax:  './vt filename')\n");
	  // get the working port name and fd 
	fd = vt100_getPortFd(portName);
	// portName = "/dev/ttyS3";
	   // Initial setup of arrays in memory 
	if( strcmp(fileName, "") == 0)  
			fileName = "disp_dumpVD.txt";
	printf("\n main: fileName is %s, portName is %s, port fd is %d \n", 
			fileName, portName, fd);
	//  Due to Dynamic Memory Allocation - can not call any routines until vt100_start() is called 
	// result = vt100_dumpVD(fileName, 0, "Initial State");   // show original data array - with no number extenison
	// printf("\n\n Result of vt100_dumpVT = %d \n", result);
	// vt100_showVD(stdout, "Initial State");
	// do compare on intial state 
	// result = vt100_compareVD("display.8.40.start");
	// printf("\n Default compareVD: display.8.40.start = %d \n", result);
	printf("\n\n Number of rows in the Front Panel Display: ");
	scanf("%d", &frontPanelRows );
	printf("\n Number of columns in the Front Panel Display: ");
	scanf("%d", &frontPanelCols );
	  //  vt100_start() 

	printf("\n\n=================  vt100_start() =============\n");
	printf("\n - calling vt100_start() for port %s: with %d rows and %d columns\n", portName,
			     frontPanelRows, frontPanelCols);
    //	result = vt100_start(portName);   // modify array 
	result = vt100_start(NULL , frontPanelRows, frontPanelCols);   // modify array 
	if( result != 0 ) printf("\n  ... returned error code = %d ", result);
	printf("\n Initial states of errorCode: %d and errorText  %s ", 
			     vt100_get_errorCode(), vt100_get_errorText() );
	vt100_dumpVD("dump.vt100_start", ++autoIncrement, "after vt100_start()"); 
	vt100_showVD(stdout, "after vt100_start()");
	vt100_clearVD();     // initialize or clear the display rows & columns from malloc garbage
	printf("\n\n=========  vt100_clear - compare clear with display.clear =============\n");
	vt100_dumpVD("dump.after_1st_clear", ++autoIncrement, "after 1st clear"); 
	vt100_showVD(stdout, "after 1st vt100_clear(0 after the start()");
	result = vt100_compareVD("display.clear");
	printf("\n\n Result of vt100_compareVD = %d, for file: %s \n", result, 
	if( result != 0 )
		printf("\n  errorText = %s", vt100_get_errorText() );

	printf("\n\n=================  vt100_set_auxSwitch() ON ===========================\n");
	result = vt100_set_auxSwitch( 1 );	
	vt100_dumpVD("auxSwitch.out", ++autoIncrement, "set_auxSwitch ON");     
	printf("\n\n Result vt100_set_auxSwitch = %d \n", result);
	vt100_showVD(stdout, "fileToVD");

	printf("\n\n=================  vt100_set_auxSwitch() OFF ==========================\n");
	result = vt100_set_auxSwitch( 0 );	
	vt100_dumpVD("auxSwitch.out", ++autoIncrement, "set_auxSwitch OFF");     
	printf("\n\n Result vt100_set_auxSwitch = %d \n", result);
	vt100_showVD(stdout, "fileToVD");
	printf("\n\n=================  vt100_fileToVD - short file ''  =============\n");
	result = vt100_fileToVD("");
	vt100_dumpVD("1234.out", ++autoIncrement, "fileToVD");     
	printf("\n\n Result vt100_fileToVD = %d \n", result);
	vt100_showVD(stdout, "fileToVD");
	printf("\n ------------- return buffer: ------------");
	vt100_vtInputBuffer(returnBuffer, sizeof (returnBuffer));
	printf("\n returnBuffer starts on next line: \n%s\n-------------------\n", returnBuffer);

	printf("\n\n=================  Command/Response sequences  ========\n");
	result = vt100_fileToVD("");
	vt100_dumpVD("cmdResponses.out", ++autoIncrement, "CMD Responses");     
	printf("\n\n Result of cmdResponses using vt100_fileToVD = %d \n", result);
	vt100_showVD(stdout, "CMD_Repsonses ");
	printf("\n\n=================  vt100_stringToVD  # 1 - very short =============\n");
	result = vt100_dumpVD("displayString.txt", ++autoIncrement, "short stringToVD");     
	printf("\n\n Result of vt100_dumpVD = %d \n", result);
	vt100_showVD(stdout, "short vt100_stringToVD");

	printf("\n\n=================  vt100_stringToVD  # 2 - long multi-line  ========\n");
	vt100_stringToVD("This is a test \n#9999: of the emergency broadcasting system 0123456789ABC\n\n\n\tTAKE 2 \n\n\tThe END\t17abc\t25def\t33ghi\n\t\t\t7777");
	result = vt100_dumpVD("displayString.txt", ++autoIncrement, "long stringToVD");     
	printf("\n\n Result of vt100_dumpVD = %d \n", result);
	vt100_showVD(stdout, "long vt100_stringToVD");

	printf("\n\n============  Special Chars create (vt100_fileToVD) =============\n");
	vt100_clearVD();     // initialize or clear the display rows & columns 
	vt100_resetParms();  // restore all PARMs etc before doing Special Chars testing
	result = vt100_fileToVD("");
	vt100_dumpVD("specialChars.out", ++autoIncrement, "Special Chars");     
	printf("\n\n Result of Special Chars vt100_fileToVD = %d \n", result);
	vt100_showVD(stdout, "Special Chars Compose ");
	printf("\n\n=========== Special Chars compare  - display.special OK ============\n");

	result = vt100_compareVD("display.special");
	printf("\n\n Result of vt100_compareVD = %d, for file: %s \n", result, 

	if( result != 0 )
		printf("\n  errorText = %s ", vt100_get_errorText() );

	printf("\n\n======= Special Chars compare  - display.special.bad - FAIL ========\n");

	result = vt100_compareVD("display.special.bad");
	printf("\n\n Result of vt100_compareVD = %d, for file: %s \n", result, 

	if( result != 0 )
		printf("\n  errorText = %s ", vt100_get_errorText() );

	printf("\n\n=============  vt100_fileToVD - junk screen =============\n");
	result = vt100_fileToVD("");
	vt100_dumpVD("testFileToVD.out", ++autoIncrement, "fileToVD");     
	printf("\n\n Result vt100_fileToVD = %d \n", result);
	vt100_showVD(stdout, "fileToVD");
	printf("\n - compare the with the display.testIput ");
	result = vt100_compareVD("display.testInput");
	printf("\n\n Result  = %d, for file: %s \n", result, "display.testIput");
	printf("\n ------------- return buffer: ------------");
	vt100_vtInputBuffer(returnBuffer, sizeof (returnBuffer));
	printf("\n returnBuffer starts on next line: \n%s\n-------------------\n", returnBuffer);

	printf("\n\n=============  Command/Response sequences  # 2    =======\n");
	result = vt100_fileToVD("");
	vt100_dumpVD("cmdResponses.out", ++autoIncrement, "CMD Responses");     
	printf("\n\n Result of cmdResponses using vt100_fileToVD = %d \n", result);
	vt100_showVD(stdout, "CMD_Repsonses ");

	printf("\n\n=================  vt100_fromDumptoVD - display.fpm =============\n");
	vt100_resetParms();      // restore to power up condition
	result = vt100_fromDumpToVD("display.fpm");
	vt100_dumpVD("test_fromDumpToVD.out", ++autoIncrement, "fromDumpToVD");     
	printf("\n\n Result vt100_fromDumpToVD = %d \n", result);
	vt100_showVD(stdout, "fromDumpToVD");
	printf("\n\n=================  vt100_compareVD - display.fpm =============\n");

	result = vt100_compareVD("display.fpm");
	printf("\n\n Result of vt100_compareVD = %d, for file: %s \n", result, 

	if( result != 0 )
		printf("\n  errorText = %s ", vt100_get_errorText() );

/*************************	don't need to test this any more .....	
	printf("\n\n=================  vt100_fromDumptoVD - bad file =======\n");
	result = vt100_fromDumpToVD("");
	vt100_dumpVD("test_fromDumpToVD.out", ++autoIncrement, "fromDumpToVD_FAIL");     
	printf("\n\n Result vt100_fromDumpToVD = %d \n", result);
	vt100_showVD(stdout, "fromDumpToVD_FAIL");

	printf("\n\n=================  vt100_fromDumptoVD - display.config =============\n");
	// vt100_resetParms();      // restore to power up condition
	result = vt100_fromDumpToVD("display.config");

	vt100_dumpVD("disp_dumpVD.tst", ++autoIncrement, "fromDumpToVD - config");     
	printf("\n\n Result vt100_fromDumpToVD = %d \n", result);
	// printf("\n errorCode: %d, errorText: %s ", vt100_get_errorCode(),vt100_get_errorText() );
	vt100_showVD(stdout, "fromDumpToVD - config");

	printf("\n\n=================  vt100_compareVD - display.config =============\n");

	result = vt100_compareVD("display.config");
	printf("\n\n Result of vt100_compareVD = %d, for file: %s \n", result, 

	if( result != 0 )
		printf("\n  errorText = %s ", vt100_get_errorText() );

	printf("\n\n=================  vt100_scrollVD - UP  =======\n");
	vt100_dumpVD("test_scrollVD_UP.out", ++autoIncrement, "scrollVD-UP!");     
	vt100_showVD(stdout, "scrollVD-UP!");

	printf("\n\n=================  vt100_scrollVD - DOWN  =======\n");
	vt100_dumpVD("test_scrollVD_DOWN.out", ++autoIncrement, "scrollVD-DOWN!");     
	vt100_showVD(stdout, "scrollVD-DOWN!");
	/* ****************** don't need this test anymore ************
	printf("\n\n=================  vt100_scrollVD - Bad arg =======\n");
	vt100_dumpVD("test_scrollVD_badArg.out", ++autoIncrement, "scrollVD-badArg!");     
	vt100_showVD(stdout, "scrollVD-badArg!");
	 usleep(3);  // 300 msecs ?

	printf("\n\n\n\n  SYSTEM CALL to show process ID:");
	system( "ps -e | grep vt");
	sleep (1);      // give time for last calls to output to screen?

}  // end - main ()