Beispiel #1
ck_job_cancel (CkJob *job)
        if (job->priv->child_pid > 0) {
                kill (job->priv->child_pid, SIGTERM);
                wait_on_job (job);
                return TRUE;

        return FALSE;
Beispiel #2
static void
maybe_complete_job (CkJob *job)
        if (job->priv->out_watch_id == 0
            && job->priv->err_watch_id == 0) {
                int status;

                status = wait_on_job (job);

                g_debug ("Emitting completed");
                g_signal_emit (job, signals [COMPLETED], 0, status);
Beispiel #3
Datei: dsh.c Projekt: bsb20/dsh
/* Continue job with specifed pgid in the foreground */
void resume_foreground_job(pid_t pgid) { 
	job_t* j = find_job(pgid);            //obtain job with specified processs group ID
	j->bg = false;                        //if was in background before, it is no longer
	process_t* p;
	for (p = j->first_process; p; p = p->next) { 
		if (p->stopped) {                  //ID stopped processes in specified job and resume them
			p->stopped = false;
			p->status = -1;
	tcsetpgrp(shell_terminal, j->pgid);    //move the job to the terminal foreground
	continue_job(j);                       //send SIGCONT signal
	wait_on_job(j);                        //suspend dsh until job exits or stops
	tcsetpgrp(shell_terminal, shell_pgid); //when foregroung job exits or stops, return control to dsh
Beispiel #4
Datei: dsh.c Projekt: bsb20/dsh
void spawn_job(job_t *j, bool fg) {

	pid_t pid;
	process_t *p;
    int read_fd = -1;

	/* Check for input/output redirection; If present, set the IO descriptors 
	 * to the appropriate files given by the user 

	/* A job can contain a pipeline; Loop through process and set up pipes accordingly */

	/* For each command (process), fork to create a new process context, 
	 * set the process group, and execute the command 

	/* The code below provides an example on how to set the process context for each command */

	for(p = j->first_process; p; p = p->next) {                     //if job has multiple processes it means they are linked by pipes, so assign accordingly
        int fd[2] = {-1,-1};
        if(p->next != NULL){

		switch (pid = fork()) {

		   case -1: /* fork failure */

		   case 0: /* child */

		       /* establish a new process group, and put the child in
			* foreground if requested
            if (j->pgid < 0) {/* init sets -ve to a new process */
				j->pgid = getpid();
                fprintf(stdout, "%d(Launched): %s\n", j->pgid, j->commandinfo);
			p->pid = 0;

			if (!setpgid(0,j->pgid))
				if(fg) // If success and fg is set
				     tcsetpgrp(shell_terminal, j->pgid); // assign the terminal

			/* Set the handling for job control signals back to the default. */
			signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_DFL);

            if (read_fd > 0) {
                dup2(read_fd, STDIN_FILENO);
            else if (j->mystdin == INPUT_FD) {
                dup2(open(j->ifile, O_RDONLY), STDIN_FILENO);

            if (fd[1] > 0) {
                dup2(fd[1], STDOUT_FILENO);
            else if (j->mystdout == OUTPUT_FD) {
                dup2(open(j->ofile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0664),
            dup2(log_fd, STDERR_FILENO);

            execvp(p->argv[0], p->argv);
            perror("now you done f****d up"); //exec only returns on failure, so exit

		   default: /* parent */
			/* establish child process group here to avoid race
			* conditions. */
			p->pid = pid;
			if (j->pgid <= 0)
				j->pgid = pid;
			setpgid(pid, j->pgid);

            if (read_fd > 0)
            if (fd[1] > 0)
            read_fd = fd[0];
    if (fg) {
	tcsetpgrp(shell_terminal, shell_pgid);	