void clockExtension(int argc, char* argv[]) { int i,n; ProtocolDesc pd; protocolUseStdio(&pd); if(argc<3) { fprintf(stderr,"Too few parameters\n"); return; } if(argv[1][0]=='R') { struct HonestOTExtRecver* r; char *buf; bool *sel; int i,n; clock_t lap; double wlap; setCurrentParty(&pd,2); sscanf(argv[2],"%d",&n); buf = malloc(11*n); sel = malloc(n); for(i=0;i<n;++i) sel[i]=i%2; lap = clock(); wlap = wallClock(); r = honestOTExtRecverNew(&pd,1); honestOTExtRecv1Of2(r,buf,sel,n,11); honestOTExtRecverRelease(r); fprintf(stderr,"R CPU time is %lf, wall time is %lf\n", (clock()-lap)/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC),wallClock()-wlap); char ref[11]; for(i=0;i<n;++i) { snprintf(ref,11,"%d %d",sel[i],i); if(strncmp(ref,buf+i*11,11)) fprintf(stderr,"Didn't work. Got '%s'\n",buf+i*11); } free(buf); free(sel); }else { struct HonestOTExtSender* s; char *buf0,*buf1; int i,n=10,bs; clock_t lap; double wlap; setCurrentParty(&pd,1); sscanf(argv[2],"%d",&n); buf0 = malloc(11*n); buf1 = malloc(11*n); for(i=0;i<n;++i) { sprintf(buf0+i*11,"0 %d",i); sprintf(buf1+i*11,"1 %d",i); } lap = clock(); wlap = wallClock(); s = honestOTExtSenderNew(&pd,2); honestOTExtSend1Of2(s,buf0,buf1,n,11); honestOTExtSenderRelease(s); fprintf(stderr,"S CPU time is %lf, wall time is %lf\n", (clock()-lap)/(double)(CLOCKS_PER_SEC),wallClock()-wlap); free(buf0); free(buf1); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ProtocolDesc pd; protocolIO io; int i, index = 0; if(argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough args\n"); return 1; } int party = (argv[1][0] == '1' ? 1 : 2); protocolUseStdio(&pd); if (party == 1) { loadList(&io); } else { io.n = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10); } setCurrentParty(&pd, party); double lap = wallClock(); execYaoProtocol(&pd, linSearch, &io); fprintf(stderr,"Party: %d\n", party); fprintf(stderr,"Total time: %lf s\n", wallClock() - lap); if (io.res) { fprintf(stderr,"Item found.\n\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr,"Item not found.\n\n"); } cleanupProtocol(&pd); if (party == 1) { free(io.nList); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char input_file[ONE_LINE], *func = {" main(int argc, char *argv[]) : "}; FILE *file_ptr; SHELL model; TID wallTime, cpuTime; MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&NumProcs); MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &Rank); time_step(10,1); // time controll for total shell model calc // Read file names and open file containing basic input data if(argc >= 2) { // as program parameters strcpy(input_file, argv[1]); // save in_data input_file } else { // or as separate typed in filename printf("\n Type in file name for basic shell model data = "); scanf("%s",input_file); } // end of data-file-name input // Time control for the total shell model calculation wallClock(1,0); // initialization cpuClock(1,0); wallClock(1,1); // start time cpuClock(1,0); input_process(input_file, &model); // module shell-model-input.c /******************** test output ********/ if(Rank == MASTER) { FILE *file_ptr; if((file_ptr = fopen(model.title,"a"))== NULL) { printf("\n\nRank(%d): Error in function main()():",Rank); printf("\nWrong file = %s for the output data\n", model.title); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,Rank); } fprintf(file_ptr,"\n\n NumProcs = %d\n\n\n",NumProcs); fflush(file_ptr); fclose(file_ptr); } // end MASTER /**************** end test outpt ********/ strcpy(TEST_FILE_NAME, model.title); // parameter for test output // all files identifies with rank number if( (!strcmp(model.type_calc,"random-start")) ||(!strcmp(model.type_calc,"dimension"))) { /* ** A Lanczos iteration shell model calculation ** based on random initial state. */ id_LancIterateCalc(&model); } else { printf("\n\n The calculation process: %s not implemented\n\n", model.type_calc); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,Rank); } // Stop and read total process time wallClock(1,2); // stop tile cpuClock(1,2); wallTime = wallClock(1,3); // read time cpuTime = cpuClock(1,3); if(Rank == MASTER) { if((file_ptr = fopen(model.title,"a"))== NULL) { printf("\n\nError in function lanc-main.c():"); printf("\nWrong file = %s for the output data\n", model.title); MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD,Rank); } fprintf(file_ptr, "\n\nTotal shell model process wall time used"); fprintf(file_ptr, " %llu hour %llu min %llu sec", wallTime.hour, wallTime.min, wallTime.sec); fprintf(file_ptr, "\nTotal shell model process cpu time used"); fprintf(file_ptr, " %llu hour %llu min %llu sec\n", cpuTime.hour, cpuTime.min, cpuTime.sec); fclose(file_ptr); } // end MASTER // MPI_Finalize(); MPI_Finalize(); return 0; // sucsessfull termination } // End: function main()
void DSPDFViewer::sendAllClockSignals() const { emit wallClockUpdate(wallClock()); emit slideClockUpdate(slideClock()); emit presentationClockUpdate(presentationClock()); }