Beispiel #1
wbt_status wbt_conf_reload() {
    /* TODO 清理已保存的配置信息 */

    /* 尝试读取配置文件 */
    wbt_file_t wbt_config_file;
	wbt_config_file.fd = wbt_open_file(wbt_config_file_name.str);
    if( wbt_config_file.fd <= 0 ) {
        /* 找不到配置文件 */
        wbt_log_print("Can't find config file: %.*s\n", wbt_config_file_name.len, wbt_config_file_name.str);
        return WBT_ERROR;

#ifndef WIN32
    int len = wbt_get_file_path_by_fd(wbt_config_file.fd, wbt_config_file_path.str, wbt_config_file_path.len);
    if( len <= 0 ) {
        return WBT_ERROR;
    wbt_config_file_path.str[len] = '\0';
    struct stat statbuff;  
    if(stat(wbt_config_file_name.str, &statbuff) < 0){
        return WBT_ERROR;
    wbt_config_file.size = statbuff.st_size;

    wbt_config_file_content.len = wbt_config_file.size;
    wbt_config_file_content.str = wbt_malloc( wbt_config_file_content.len );
    if( wbt_config_file_content.str == NULL ) {
        return WBT_ERROR;
    if( wbt_read_file( wbt_config_file.fd, wbt_config_file_content.str, wbt_config_file_content.len, 0) != wbt_config_file_content.len ) {
        wbt_log_print("Read config file failed\n");
        return WBT_ERROR;
    /* 关闭配置文件 */

    /* 解析配置文件 */
    if( wbt_conf_parse(&wbt_config_file_content) == WBT_OK ) {

#ifndef WIN32
        char tmp[1024];
        snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "bmq: master process (%.*s)", len, wbt_config_file_path.str );

		return WBT_OK;
    } else {
        wbt_log_print("Syntax error on config file: line %d, charactor %d\n", wbt_conf_line, wbt_conf_charactor);
        return WBT_ERROR;
Beispiel #2
wbt_status wbt_module_exit() {
    /* 卸载所有模块 */
    int i, size = sizeof(wbt_modules)/sizeof(wbt_module_t *) - 1;
    for( i = size - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) {
        wbt_log_print( "\nFinalize module %-12.*s [        ]", wbt_modules[i]->name.len, wbt_modules[i]->name.str );
        if( wbt_modules[i]->exit && wbt_modules[i]->exit(/*cycle*/) != WBT_OK ) {
            /* fatal */
            wbt_log_print( "\rFinalize module %-12.*s [ \033[31;49;1mFAILED\033[0m ]", wbt_modules[i]->name.len, wbt_modules[i]->name.str );
        } else {
            wbt_log_print( "\rFinalize module %-12.*s [   \033[32;49;1mOK\033[0m   ]", wbt_modules[i]->name.len, wbt_modules[i]->name.str );
    return WBT_OK;
Beispiel #3
wbt_status wbt_module_init() {
    /* 初始化模块 */
    int i , size = sizeof(wbt_modules)/sizeof(wbt_module_t *) - 1;
    for( i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) {
        wbt_log_print( "\nInitialize module %-10.*s [        ]", wbt_modules[i]->name.len, wbt_modules[i]->name.str );
        if( wbt_modules[i]->init && wbt_modules[i]->init(/*cycle*/) != WBT_OK ) {
            /* fatal */
            wbt_log_print( "\rInitialize module %-10.*s [ \033[31;49;1mFAILED\033[0m ]", wbt_modules[i]->name.len, wbt_modules[i]->name.str );
            return WBT_ERROR;
        } else {
            wbt_log_print( "\rInitialize module %-10.*s [   \033[32;49;1mOK\033[0m   ]", wbt_modules[i]->name.len, wbt_modules[i]->name.str );
    return WBT_OK;
Beispiel #4
void wbt_exit(int exit_code) {
    wbt_wating_to_exit = 1;

    /* 卸载所有模块 */

    wbt_log_add("Webit exit (pid: %d)\n", getpid());
    wbt_log_print("\n\nWebit exit (pid: %d)\n", getpid());
Beispiel #5
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    /* 保存传入参数 */
    if( wbt_save_argv(argc, argv) != WBT_OK ) {
        return 1;

    /* 初始化日至输出缓冲 */
    if( wbt_malloc( &wbt_log_buf, 1024 ) != WBT_OK ) {        
        return 1;
    /* 更新终端尺寸 */
    /* 解析传入参数 */
    int ch;
    opterr = 0;
    while( ( ch = wbt_getopt(argc,argv,"c:hs:tv") ) != -1 ) {
        switch(ch) {
            case 'v':
                wbt_log_print( "webit version: webit/" WBT_VERSION "\n" );
                return 0;
            case 'h':
                      "  -h               : this help\n"
                      "  -v               : show version and exit\n"
                      "  -s [stop|reload] : send signal to a master process\n"
                      "  -t [config-file] : test configuration and exit\n"
                      "  -c [config-file] : use the specified configuration\n\n");
                return 0;
            case 'c':
                if( wbt_conf_set_file(optarg) != WBT_OK ) {
                    return 1;
            case '?':
                if( optopt == 'c' || optopt == 's' || optopt == 't' ) {
                    wbt_log_print("option: -%c required parameters\n",optopt);
                } else {
                    wbt_log_print("invalid option: -%c\n",optopt);
                return 1;
                wbt_log_print("option: -%c not yet implemented\n",ch);
                return 1;

    /* 初始化所有组件 */
    wbt_log_print( "webit version: webit/" WBT_VERSION "\n" );
    if( wbt_module_init() != WBT_OK ) {
        wbt_log_print( "\n\n" );
        return 1;

    /* 设置程序允许打开的最大文件句柄数 */
    struct rlimit rlim;
    rlim.rlim_cur = wbt_conf.max_open_files;
    rlim.rlim_max = 65535;
    setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rlim);
    /* 设置程序允许生成的 core dump 文件大小 */
    if( wbt_conf.max_core_file_size < 0 ) {
        rlim.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY;
    } else {
        rlim.rlim_cur = wbt_conf.max_core_file_size;
    rlim.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY;
    setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &rlim);
    /* 屏蔽 umask */

    /* 接下来的 chroot 会导致程序无法访问 /etc/timezone
     * TODO 读取 /etc/timezone 的内容并保存
    if( setenv("TZ", "Asia/Shanghai", 1) != 0 ) {
        return 1;

    if( !wbt_conf.run_mode ) {
        wbt_log_print( "\n\nwebit is now running in the background.\n\n" );

        /* 转入后台运行 */
        if( daemon(1,0) < 0 ) {
            perror("error daemon");  
            return 1;
    } else {
        wbt_log_print( "\n\nwebit is now running.\n\n" );

    /* 限制可以访问的目录
     * 这个操作会导致 daemon() 不能正常运行
     * 只有 root 用户才能执行该操作,为了使非 root 用户也能运行 webit,必须放弃使用 chroot
    //const char * wwwroot = wbt_stdstr(&wbt_conf.root);
    if( chroot( wwwroot ) != 0 ) {
        wbt_log_add("%s not exists.\n", wwwroot);
    } else {
        wbt_log_add("Root path: %s\n", wwwroot);

    if( !wbt_conf.run_mode ) {
    } else {
    return 0;
Beispiel #6
wbt_status wbt_conf_init() {
    wbt_rb_init(&wbt_config_rbtree, WBT_RB_KEY_STRING);
    wbt_config_file_path.len = 64;
    wbt_config_file_path.str = wbt_malloc( wbt_config_file_path.len );
    if( wbt_config_file_path.str == NULL ) {
        return WBT_ERROR;
    if( wbt_conf_reload() != WBT_OK ) {
        return WBT_ERROR;
    /* 初始化 wbt_conf */
    const char * value;
    wbt_str_t * m_value;
    wbt_conf.listen_port = 80;
    if( ( value = wbt_conf_get("listen") ) != NULL ) {
        wbt_conf.listen_port = atoi(value);
        if( wbt_conf.listen_port < 0 || wbt_conf.listen_port > 65535  ) {
            wbt_log_print("listen port out of range ( expect 0 - 65535 )\n");
            return WBT_ERROR;
    wbt_conf.process = 1;
    if( ( value = wbt_conf_get("process") ) != NULL ) {
        wbt_conf.process = atoi(value);
        if( wbt_conf.process < 1 || wbt_conf.process > 128 ) {
            wbt_log_print("worker process number out of range ( expect 1 - 128 )\n");
            return WBT_ERROR;
    } = 0;
    if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("secure") ) != NULL ) {
        if( wbt_strcmp( m_value, &wbt_conf_option_on ) == 0 ) {
   = 1;
    wbt_conf.secure_port = 443;
    if( ( value = wbt_conf_get("secure_port") ) != NULL ) {
        wbt_conf.secure_port = atoi(value);
        if( wbt_conf.secure_port < 0 || wbt_conf.secure_port > 65535  ) {
            wbt_log_print("secure port out of range ( expect 0 - 65535 )\n");
            return WBT_ERROR;

    if( ) {
        if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("secure_key") ) != NULL ) {
            wbt_conf.secure_key = *m_value;
        } else {
            wbt_log_print("option secure_key is required\n");
            return WBT_ERROR;
        if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("secure_crt") ) != NULL ) {
            wbt_conf.secure_crt = *m_value;
        } else {
            wbt_log_print("option secure_crt is required\n");
            return WBT_ERROR;

    wbt_conf.sendfile = 0;
    if( ! ) {
        if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("sendfile") ) != NULL ) {
            if( wbt_strcmp( (wbt_str_t *)m_value, &wbt_conf_option_on ) == 0 ) {
                wbt_conf.sendfile = 1;

    wbt_conf.gzip = 0;
    if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("gzip") ) != NULL ) {
        if( wbt_strcmp( (wbt_str_t *)m_value, &wbt_conf_option_on ) == 0 ) {
            wbt_conf.gzip = 1;

    wbt_conf.aof = 1;
    if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("aof") ) != NULL ) {
        if( wbt_strcmp( (wbt_str_t *)m_value, &wbt_conf_option_off ) == 0 ) {
            wbt_conf.aof = 0;

    wbt_conf.aof_crc = 0;
    if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("aof_crc") ) != NULL ) {
        if( wbt_strcmp( (wbt_str_t *)m_value, &wbt_conf_option_on ) == 0 ) {
            wbt_conf.aof_crc = 1;

    wbt_conf.aof_fsync = AOF_FSYNC_EVERYSEC;
    if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("aof_fsync") ) != NULL ) {
        if( wbt_strcmp( (wbt_str_t *)m_value, &wbt_conf_option_off ) == 0 ) {
            wbt_conf.aof_fsync = AOF_FSYNC_NO;
        } else if( wbt_strcmp( (wbt_str_t *)m_value, &wbt_conf_option_always ) == 0 ) {
            wbt_conf.aof_fsync = AOF_FSYNC_ALWAYS;
        } else if( wbt_strcmp( (wbt_str_t *)m_value, &wbt_conf_option_everysec ) == 0 ) {
            wbt_conf.aof_fsync = AOF_FSYNC_EVERYSEC;
        } else {
            wbt_log_print("option aof_fsync is illegal ( expect off / always / everysec )\n");
            return WBT_ERROR;

    wbt_conf.aof_fast_boot = 1;
    if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("aof_fast_boot") ) != NULL ) {
        if( wbt_strcmp( (wbt_str_t *)m_value, &wbt_conf_option_off ) == 0 ) {
            wbt_conf.aof_fast_boot = 0;

    wbt_conf.auth = 0;
    if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("auth") ) != NULL ) {
        if( wbt_strcmp( (wbt_str_t *)m_value, &wbt_conf_option_none ) == 0 ) {
            wbt_conf.auth = 0;
        } else if( wbt_strcmp( (wbt_str_t *)m_value, &wbt_conf_option_basic ) == 0 ) {
            wbt_conf.auth = 1;
        } else if( wbt_strcmp( (wbt_str_t *)m_value, &wbt_conf_option_standard ) == 0 ) {
            wbt_conf.auth = 2;
        } else {
            wbt_log_print("option auth is illegal ( expect none / baisc / standard )\n");
            return WBT_ERROR;
    if( wbt_conf.auth == 1 ) {
        if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("auth_password") ) != NULL ) {
            wbt_conf.auth_key = *m_value;
        } else {
            wbt_log_print("option auth_password is required\n");
            return WBT_ERROR;
    } else if( wbt_conf.auth == 2 ) {
        if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("auth_key") ) != NULL ) {
            wbt_conf.auth_key = *m_value;
        } else {
            wbt_log_print("option auth_key is required\n");
            return WBT_ERROR;
    if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("auth_anonymous") ) != NULL ) {
        wbt_conf.auth_anonymous = *m_value;

    wbt_conf.keep_alive_timeout = 600000;
    if( ( value = wbt_conf_get("keep_alive_timeout") ) != NULL ) {
        wbt_conf.keep_alive_timeout = atoi(value);
    wbt_conf.event_timeout = 150000;
    if( ( value = wbt_conf_get("event_timeout") ) != NULL ) {
        wbt_conf.event_timeout = atoi(value);

    wbt_conf.max_open_files = 65535;
    if( ( value = wbt_conf_get("max_open_files") ) != NULL ) {
        wbt_conf.max_open_files = atoi(value);
    wbt_conf.max_core_file_size = 0;
    if( ( value = wbt_conf_get("max_core_file_size") ) != NULL ) {
        wbt_conf.max_core_file_size = atoi(value);
    wbt_conf.max_memory_usage = 0;
    if( ( value = wbt_conf_get("max_memory_usage") ) != NULL ) {
        wbt_conf.max_memory_usage = 1024*1024*atoll(value);

    wbt_conf.master_port = 1039;
    if( ( value = wbt_conf_get("master_port") ) != NULL ) {
        wbt_conf.master_port = atoi(value);
    if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("root") ) != NULL ) {
        wbt_conf.root = *m_value;
        // TODO 检查 root 是否存在
    } else {
        wbt_log_print("option root is required\n");
        return WBT_ERROR;
    if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("default") ) != NULL ) {
        wbt_conf.index = *m_value;

    if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("server_admin") ) != NULL ) {
        wbt_conf.admin = *m_value;

    if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("user") ) != NULL ) {
        wbt_conf.user = *m_value;

    if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("data") ) != NULL ) { = *m_value;
    } else {
        wbt_log_print("option data is required\n");
        return WBT_ERROR;

    if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("logs") ) != NULL ) {
        wbt_conf.logs = *m_value;
    } else {
        wbt_log_print("option logs is required\n");
        return WBT_ERROR;

    if( ( m_value = wbt_conf_get_v("master_host") ) != NULL ) {
        wbt_conf.master_host = *m_value;

    wbt_conf.worker_id = 0;
    if( ( value = wbt_conf_get("worker_id") ) != NULL ) {
        wbt_conf.worker_id = atoi(value);
        if( wbt_conf.worker_id < 0 || wbt_conf.worker_id > SF_MAX_WORKER_ID ) {
            wbt_log_print("worker_id out of range ( expect 0 - %d )\n", SF_MAX_WORKER_ID);
            return WBT_ERROR;
    return WBT_OK;