Beispiel #1
static int wcnss_wlan_suspend(struct device *dev)
	int ret = 0;

	if (penv && dev && (dev == &penv->pdev->dev) &&
	    penv->smd_channel_ready &&
	    penv->pm_ops && penv->pm_ops->suspend) {
		ret = penv->pm_ops->suspend(dev);
		if (ret == 0 && enable_wcnss_suspend_notify)
		return ret;
	return 0;

   @brief Function to suspend the wlan driver.
   This function will get called by platform driver Suspend on System Suspend

   @param dev    platform_func_device

   @return None

int hddDevSuspendHdlr(struct device *dev)
   int ret = 0;
   hdd_context_t* pHddCtx = NULL;

   pHddCtx =  (hdd_context_t*)wcnss_wlan_get_drvdata(dev);

   VOS_TRACE(VOS_MODULE_ID_HDD, VOS_TRACE_LEVEL_INFO, "%s: WLAN suspended by platform driver",__func__);

   /* Get the HDD context */
   if(!pHddCtx) {
      VOS_TRACE(VOS_MODULE_ID_HDD,VOS_TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL,"%s: HDD context is Null",__func__);
      return 0;

   if(pHddCtx->isWlanSuspended == TRUE)
      VOS_TRACE(VOS_MODULE_ID_HDD,VOS_TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL,"%s: WLAN is already in suspended state",__func__);
      return 0;

   /* Suspend the wlan driver */
   ret = wlan_suspend(pHddCtx);
   if(ret != 0)
      VOS_TRACE(VOS_MODULE_ID_HDD,VOS_TRACE_LEVEL_FATAL,"%s: Not able to suspend wlan",__func__);
      return ret;

      suspend_notify_sent = true;
   return 0;